11th Annual COTA Conference

18th Annual

COTA Conference

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Held on the Main Campus in the

Community Services Center

This conference is geared towards Occupational and/or Physical Therapy Professionals. All day conference registration is $10000, lunch is included.

Conference Session Sponsors:

Cheryl Hall, Author of the “Occupational Therapy TOOLKIT”

Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network

HCR ManorCare

LCCC OTA Advisory Committee

St. Luke’s University Hospital – Bethlehem

Registration Table Sponsored by:

HCR ManorCare

Luncheon Presenter Sponsored by:

POTA District VI

Registration is limited and sessions fill early. Registration will be accepted until May 29, 2015, pending space availability. If your 1st choice PM session is full, you will be placed in your 2nd choice session, then 3rd choice.

If no space is available in any session, you will be notified. Certificates of attendance will be provided at the end of each session following completion of the course evaluation and learning survey.

For directions go to lccc.edu . For questions on registration call #610-799-1500.

Saturday June 6, 2015

18th Annual COTA Conference

Held at the Lehigh Carbon Community College Main Campus – Community Services Center

Welcome/Registration -8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Coffee/Continental Breakfast in the Community Services Center

Sponsored by: HCR ManorCare

Morning Sessions – 9 AM-12 Noon

AM sessions are 1.5 hours and all attendees will be registered for both AM sessions at alternating times

| “Those Medications are for What?” |“Bringing out the Fun in Functional” |

|(1.5 PDUs) Course #CAR 598-50 |(1.5 PDUs) Course # CAR 599-50 |

|Sponsored by: St. Luke’s University Hospital – Bethlehem |Sponsored by: Cheryl Hall, Author of the “Occupational Therapy TOOLKIT” |

|Medications and variations in lab values impact clients in many ways. |Attendees will learn how to keep client treatment sessions exciting and engaging |

|Participants will learn about current medications used for children and adults, |by putting the Fun back into functional in this introductory level session. |

|the positive effects of the medications on functional tasks, as well as the |Participants will have the opportunity to try many creative treatment activities |

|often undesirable side effects. Lab values will also be reviewed to increase |that build on hand skills, perceptual skills, and ADLS. Building on a client’s |

|the clinician’s ability to interpret lab findings in preparation for the |interest and relating that to simple games and activities will be covered through|

|possible impact on a client’s daily activities. |case examples. Plus participants will be able to make some simple fun treatment |

|Participants will be able to: |activities that can be taken back to the clinic for future use with clients. |

|• Identify common medications used with adult and pediatric clients with |Participants will be able to: |

|circulatory/cardiac conditions, dementia, CVA, seizure disorders, pain, cancer, |• Identify the therapeutic value of meaningful/creative treatment interventions |

|and mental health issues. |used with a variety of clients. |

|• Discuss the side effects of select prescribed and over-the-counter medications|• Develop a resource list of treatment items that are easy and cost effective to |

|that may impact a client’s therapy. |make. |

|• Understand basic laboratory reports. |• Discuss the literature on the importance of games and fun activities on client |

|• Describe the impact of laboratory values on a client’s status and their |participation in therapy. |

|participation in therapy. |• Create treatment activities to utilize with future clients in therapy. |

|Instructors: Mary Karen Shoff, BSN, MSN, RN, CNE, has been a practicing nurse |• Understand how to tie a client’s interest into fun therapy activities. |

|for over 35 yrs in adult and geriatric settings. She is a full-time faculty |Instructors: Celine DeRienzo, COTA/L, and Marissa Kuhns, COTA/L, each have 1 year|

|member in the Practical Nursing program at LCCC and is responsible for teaching |of experience, and have focused on practice in adult and geriatric |

|adult health, pediatrics, medication dosage calculations and pharmacology. |rehabilitation. They both have a passion for implementing treatment sessions |

|Karen Clark, MSN, RN, has been a practicing nurse for over 30 yrs working in |that are creative, engaging, and fun for their clients. They have developed a |

|multiple clinical settings including: Neurology, Cardiology, Short Procedure, |variety of simple treatment activities that can be used with a range of clients. |

|Emergency Medicine, and Patient Education. She has been a full time faculty | |

|member in the Practical Nursing program at LCCC for 5 years. | |

|Luncheon Showcase 12 Noon – 1:30 PM (1 PDU) Course # CAR 597-50 |

|“ Understanding and Supporting Clients who are LGBT in the Therapy Setting " |

|Presenters: Anthony Schaeffer, a junior studying psychology at Muhlenberg College. He is a board member of PFLAG, Certified Safe Zone Trainer at LCCC, |

|Co-president of LCCC LGBT club, advocate for Trans* services & health care. He has presented at colleges and local organizations on Trans* topics and |

|inclusiveness. Melissa Weidner, is majoring in psychology at Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC), transferring to Cedar Crest College - fall 2015 to continue |

|majoring in psychology with a minor in English. She is co-president of LCCC’s Pride Club and was Safe Zone trained at LCCC. Her goal is to one day have a career |

|as a professional couples counselor primarily for LGBT* couples |

|Objectives: 1. Define LGBT* (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered) vocabulary, and basic terminology. |

|2. Discuss appropriate interaction with LGBT clients, and providing a safe environment for these individuals. |

|3. Increase understanding of possible accommodations for LGBT individuals. |

|4. Increase awareness of resources available for LGBT individuals. |

|Sponsored by: POTA District VI. |

|The luncheon is included in the conference price for all participants attending the conference. A Basket Raffle follows the luncheon. Proceeds of the luncheon |

|and basket raffle will support the COTA scholarship fund, POTA, and club activities. |

Afternoon Session – 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Choose one:

|“Exploring Pediatric Treatment Techniques: Constraint |“Hand Therapy Skills Across the Ages” |“ Integrating Various Advanced Techniques in Stroke|

|Induced Movement Therapy, Sensory Integration, & the |(3 PDUs) Course # CAR 601-50 |Rehabilitation” |

|Metronome” |Sponsored by: LCCC OTA Advisory Committee |(3 PDUs) |

|(3 PDUs) Course # CAR 600-50 |Participants will learn entry-level hand therapy |Course # CAR 602 -50 |

|Sponsored by: Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network |skills, therapy tips, techniques, and clinical pearls|Sponsored by: HCR ManorCare |

|Attendees will be engaged in this exciting intermediate |for working in acute, rehab, home care, school based | |

|level presentation and demonstration of innovative |and skilled nursing practice areas. Specific |Attendees will explore various advanced |

|treatment techniques that are being used in Pediatric |treatment techniques in the Pediatric, Adult, and |neurological rehabilitation approaches currently |

|Rehabilitation. All presenters are employed at Good |Geriatric Population will be covered. |used with adult and geriatric clients diagnosed |

|Shepherd Pediatrics. |Participants will be able to: |with stroke or brain injury. All treatments are |

|Participants will be able to: |• Identify hand injuries, deficits, and symptoms that|designed to optimize a patient’s function based on |

|• Identify creative interventions used with various |may be seen in your practice area. |his/her personal goals. Different therapy |

|pediatric populations through case studies and evidence |• Demonstrate skilled treatment for fine motor |equipment, including electrical stimulation, will |

|based practice. |deficits. |be demonstrated and reviewed for clinical use. |

|• Understand the justification process for using a |• Identify a variety of options for treatment of | |

|particular treatment modality with varied patient |persistent edema. | |

|populations. |• Practice hands on manual techniques for hand |Participants will be able to: |

|• Recognize the importance of using the above modalities as|therapy treatment. | |

|preparatory methods or purposeful activities to promote |• Create tools, toys, and treatments with basic |Review and utilize hands-on practice of various |

|occupational – based interventions. |up-cycling tricks of the trade. |rehabilitation approaches |

|• Experience the use of the Metronome, participate in |• Identify current tools and techniques in practice |Discuss the current research available in stroke |

|Constraint Induced Movement Therapy, and engage in Sensory |in hand therapy settings. |rehabilitation |

|Integrated activities. |• Explore/discuss clinical pearls in turning |Review electrical stimulation devices and have |

|Instructors: Kendall Butler MS, OTR/L, is a 2014 OT |therapeutic exercises into therapeutic activities. |hands on experience with the devices. |

|graduate working in out-pt Pediatrics. | |Discuss and explain the decision making process for|

|Amanda Deily, MS-OTR/L, has 7 yrs of experience in out-pt |Instructors: Carina Epting OTR/L, CLT, has 14 yrs |selecting specific approaches for individual |

|and early intervention. She is a certified Interactive |experience in OT including: community hospital based |clients |

|Metronome provider. |outpatient pediatrics, acute, rehab, hands and the | |

|Lacy Funk, MS, OTR/L, has 4 yrs experience in Pediatric OT.|mental health population. She has worked as a travel| |

|She is SIPT certified. |therapist in skilled nursing, acute, rehab, pediatric| |

|Julia Gerancher, COTA/L, has 27+ yrs of experience working |school based care, and hand therapy. She has worked |Instructors: Alex Palanzo, MOTR/L, has 4 years of |

|in Rehab and Pediatrics. |in hand therapy at Hanford Therapy Clinic, Northwood |experience in OT specializing in stroke and brain |

|Wanda Kolipinski, COTA/L, ATP, IMC |Hand Therapy, Lehigh Valley Hospital, and presently |injury rehabilitation. He is certified in the |

|has 28+ yrs of experience in OT and Assistive Technology. |at Coordinated Health for the past 9 years. She has |Neuro- IFRAH treatment approach. He currently |

|She is a Certified Assistive Technology Professional & |completed her Certification as a Lymphedema Therapist|works for Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital. |

|Assistive Technology Specialist. She is a Certified |from the Norton School. |Maggie Hayward, MS, OTR/L, has 6 years of |

|Interactive Metronome provider. |Dave Bower COTA, has 10 yrs experience in OT. He |experience in OT in adult and geriatric stroke and |

|Diane Randall, COTA/L, has 5 yrs of experience in |started his career at Coordinated Health in 2004 |brain injury rehabilitation. She is certified in |

|Pediatrics. She is trained in “Handwriting Without Tears” |outpatient hand therapy and has worked there ever |Neuro-IFRAH treatment approach and currently works |

|and Feeding Techniques. |since. Dave has a particular interest in elbow |at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital. |

|Jennifer Schueck, MS, OTR/L, CBIS, has 10 yrs of experience|injuries but has worked with injuries of the elbow, | |

|in pediatrics. She is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist |forearm, wrist and digits. | |

|(CBIS). She also services on Intermediate Unit 21's Brain | | |

|Steps Teams to help facilitate a smooth transition back to | | |

|school after brain injury. | | |

2015 COTA Conference Planning Committee:

Susan Abazly, COTA/L Jeanette Binder, COTA/L Ann Freyman, COTA/L Tami Turner, COTA/L Terry Trittenbach, COTA/L

Leeza Ohl, COTA/L Cindy Rifenburg, MS, OTR/L Cynthia Dexheimer, COTA/L Carina Epting, OTR/L Jerry Werner, COTA/L

The college will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, disabilities, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, activities, admissions, or employment practices as required by applicable laws and regulations. For more information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures or for information regarding services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and useable by persons with disabilities, contact the Office of Human Resources. Students may contact the Office of Disability support Services, LCCC, 4524 Education Park, Schnecksville, PA 18078, 610-700-2121.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

18th Annual COTA Conference Registration

Please print information clearly with black or blue ink for your certificate of attendance.

Legal Name: Last: _____________________________, First:______________________ MI:________ Male___ Female___

Address: ___________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________

Telephone #: __________________________ e-mail: ___________________________

College L#: ___________________________ or Social Security Number: __________ - ______ - __________

Birth Date: (MM/DD/YYYY) _________ / _________ / _________

All students are required to provide their Social Security or College L# identification for recordkeeping purposes and for state and federal reporting. Your Social Security Number is confidential and protected by both federal and state laws.

Your responses to the following questions regarding race and ethnicity are voluntary and will be treated as confidential

Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin Not Hispanic or Latino

If you wish to be identified by race, please circle one or more:

American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White/Caucasian Other

AM Course Numbers: CAR 598-50 and CAR 599-50 Attendees will automatically be registered for the AM sessions at alternating times: All attendees will be registered for the luncheon CAR 597-50.

1st choice PM Course number _____________ Course Title ________________________________

2nd choice PM Course number _____________ Course Title ________________________________

3rd choice PM Course number _____________ Course Title ________________________________

Have you attended the COTA conference before? Yes__ No__ Do you need accommodations to participate in this event? Yes__ No__

Total = $100 for conference, ½ day registration is not available for this conference.

*Are you using the Credit Bank? No ___ Yes ___ If yes, submit $25.00 registration fee and completed *credit bank form.

Amount Enclosed $_____________

Make checks payable to: Lehigh Carbon Community College - COTA Conf.

VISA/MasterCard/Discover # ________________________________ Exp. Date __________

Signature _______________________________________________ Date __________

Registration is limited and sessions fill early. Registration will be accepted until May 29, 2015 pending space availability. If the 1st choice session is full the registrant will be placed in their 2nd, then 3rd choice sessions. Afternoon sessions close at 30 registrants to allow for hands-on activities. All courses are subject to cancelation due to low enrollment. Registrants will be notified 7 days in advance if conference sessions are canceled.


The information given above is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I will be responsible to pay all fees. By signing this registration form, I agree to abide by all policies, regulations, and procedures of the College. I understand this registration form is for the COTA conference only.

_________________________________ ___________________________ _____________

Please Print Registrant’s Name Signature Date

Send completed registration and payment to: Enrollment Services Office – Non Credit Registration (COTA Conf)

Lehigh Carbon Community College

4525 Education Park Drive

Schnecksville, PA 18078-2598


*The Credit Bank may be used by an individual (employed by a credit bank participating agency) who is attending the conference, with a $25.00 registration fee. The rest of the cost of the conference will be covered by the credit bank. Please contact Brenda Frana, Healthcare Sciences Secretary at 610-799-1525 regarding the credit bank, and submission of the credit bank form. Other discounts do not apply. Cancelation/Refund Policy: Cancelation/Refund will only be honored if you notify Noncredit Registration in writing by 5pm Tuesday June 2, 2015, thereafter no refunds will be given.


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