Prenatal Hydrocephalus

Prenatal Hydrocephalus

A Book for Parents

P renatal Hydrocephalus--A Book for Parents was written by the Hydrocephalus Association, a national nonprofit organization founded in San Francisco, Califor nia, in 1983. Our mission is to provide support, education and advocacy for families and individuals dealing with the complex issues of hydrocephalus. Our goal is to insure that families and individuals receive personal support, compre hensive educational materials and access to ongoing quality medical care.

This booklet is written for expectant parents with the in tent of providing information about the diagnosis of prenatal onset hydrocephalus. It is a companion piece to About Hydrocephalus--A Book for Parents, which we also distrib ute.

It is our firm belief that expectant parents dealing with the often frightening and complex diagnosis of hydroceph alus in utero (prenatal onset hydrocephalus) must become educated about the condition in order to make informed decisions regarding treatment and care. Unfortunately, while improved imaging techniques have made in utero diagno sis of hydrocephalus possible, accurate identification and longterm prognosis are not yet perfected. With the under standing that each case differs, the information presented in this booklet is intended to give a general overview of the condition without making judgments or recommendations for individual care.




The Hydrocephalus Association gratefully acknowledges and thanks the following individuals for their assistance in producing this booklet:

Editorial Review

Alexa Canady MD, Children's Hospital, Detroit, MI Philip H. Cogen MD, PhD, Children's National Medical Center, Washing-

ton, DC Michael Edwards MD, Sutter/CHS Medical Systems, Sacramento, CA Roger H. Hudgins MD, Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center, Atlanta, GA J. Gordon McComb MD, Children's Hospital, Los Angeles, CA David G. McLone MD, PhD, Children's Hospital, Chicago, IL Donald H. Reigel MD, The Woodlands Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA Harold L. Rekate MD, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ R. Michael Scott MD, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA Marion L. Walker MD, Primary Children's Medical Center, Salt Lake

City, UT

Research, Editing and Design: Rachel Fudge

Funding for this publication has been provided by The Morris Stulsaft Foundation San Francisco, California

H y d ro c e p H a l u s a s s o c i at i o n serving families, individuals and professionals since 1983

870 Market Street ? Suite 705 San Francisco, CA 94102

415-732-7040 Telephone ? 415-732-7044 Fax 888-598-3789 (Toll-free)

? info@


Copyright ? 2002 by the Hydrocephalus Association. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission of the Hydrocephalus Association. Making copies of this book is against the law. Additional copies of this booklet may be obtained for a small fee from the Hydrocephalus Association.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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