Henry County School District

Existentialism ResearchThe PhilosophersIn order to understand the existentialist literature of this unit, we will explore the various branches in the philosophy.? You will be?working in groups to research individual philosophers and their ideas.? Each team will be assigned a different philosopher and given different aspects of existentialism to research.? Then, each team will?present their findings to the class.? Use your time wisely, as this is the only opportunity you will have during class to find information.? Your presentation may be done in any format that makes sense and can be easily understood by an audience. Look at the "Your Task," "Research Questions" and "Evaluation"?before you move on to your assigned existentialist. Your TaskIn groups of 4 or 5, we will research Existentialism and five of its most important philosophers. If you do not have enough group members, split the work as fairly and evenly as possible amongst yourself.Each member of the group will address a different topic.? (See Research Questions below.)After the research is complete, each group member will prepare his or her part of the presentation.The group is responsible for assembling the individual?information into a?cohesive presentation.?Class time for group work will be provided on 9/28, 9/29, 9/30, 10/03. Use your time wisely.Presentations will begin on October 4.? ?Each group member will be expected to speak.? This oral presentation cannot be made up if you are absent.Research Questions/DirectionsEach member of your group will find information and report on one of the following.? Divide the tasks evenly.? (Note, if your group is assigned "Existentialism," your directions are slightly different and can be?found on the last page.)Team Member #1:? Research the philosopher's biographical information from birth through higher education.Team Member #2:? Focus on the philosopher's spiritual history and point-of-view.Team Member #3:? Focus on the philosopher's "existential" or aesthetic (all about me) point-of-view.Team Member #4:? Focus on the philosopher's ethical (responsibility toward society and the family of man) point-of-view.Team Member #5:? Research the influence other philosophers of the time had on your philosopher.? Be specific.Group:? Find a photo of the philosopher.? Assemble the final presentation.?THE PHILOSOPHERSS?ren Kierkegaard (SIR-uhn KEER-kuh-gard)Existentialism Primer Encyclopedia of Philosophy Encyclopedia of Philosophy pages Nietzsche (FREED-rik NEE-chuh)Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy perspective of Nietzsche Primer Sartre (zhahn-pall SAR-truh)Nobel Prize Laureates Encyclopedia of Philosophy Encyclopedia of Philosophy Primer ThinkQuest Camus (al-BAIR ?ka-MOO)Nobel Prize Laureates Graduate School Encyclopedia of Philosophy May Article Essay EVALUATION107/853Content – Accuracy(Reading)The content is complete, with each of the required topics represented. The material is accurate and thorough.The content is mostly complete, with all but one of the topics represented. (7)The material is generally accurate and thorough. (7 to 8)The content is largely incomplete, with two or three required topics missing. The material has several errors and lacks details.The content is significantly incomplete. There are only one or two topics represented. The material has significant errors and lacks details. Attractiveness(Writing) The presentation is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. All components can be seen clearly from the back of the room.The presentation is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. (8)All components can be seen clearly from the back of the room. (8)The presentation is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Some components can be seen clearly from the back of the room.The presentation is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Few components can be seen clearly from the back of the room.Mechanics(Language) Capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct throughout.There are a few errors in capitalization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation. (7 to 8)There are several errors in capitalization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.There are significant errors in capitalization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.Oral Presentation(Presentation)This member of the group participated in the presentation, going above and beyond expectationThe presentation is exceptionally clear and complete. The class was able to understand and follow the presentation. Questions were answered with clarity. It is clear that every presenter understood the material.This member of the group participated equally in the presentation. (8)The presentation is clear and complete, though not exceptionally thorough. (7 to 8)The class was able to understand and follow the presentation, but had to ask for several clarifications. (7 to 8)Questions were answered. (8)This member of the group did not participate equally in the presentation. The presentation is somewhat clear and complete. The class had some difficulty understanding and following the presentation. Questions were answered, but not thoroughly. The audience was left with some confusion.This member of the group did not participate in the presentation. The presentation is unclear and/or incomplete. The class had difficulty understanding and following the presentation. It is clear not every presenter understood the material. The audience is thoroughly confused.Existentialism Research THE PHILOSOPHY: Existentialism and The MetamorphosisIn order to understand the existentialist literature of this unit, we will explore the various branches in the philosophy.? You will be?working in your group to research the concept of existentialism and Franz Kafka.? Each team will be assigned a different philosopher and given different aspects of existentialism to research.? Then, each team will?present their findings to the class.? Use your time wisely, as this is the only opportunity you will have during class to find information.? Your presentation may be done in any format that makes sense and can be easily understood by an audience. Look at the "Your Task," "Research Questions" and "Evaluation"?before you move on to your assigned existentialist. Your TaskIn your group, you will research Existentialism and Franz Kafka, author of The Metamorphosis. If you do not have enough group members, split the work as fairly and evenly as possible amongst yourself.Each member of the group will address a different topic.? (See Research Questions below.)After the research is complete, each group member will prepare his or her part of the presentation.The group is responsible for assembling the individual?information into a?cohesive presentation.?Class time for group work will be provided on 9/28, 9/29, 9/30, 10/03. Use your time wisely.Presentations will begin on October 4.? ?Each group member will be expected to speak.? This oral presentation cannot be made up if you are absent.Research questions/directionsTeam Member #1: Clearly define the term “existentialism” and give an overview of its basic principles, some of which may seem contradictory. “Existence precedes essence,” “existential angst,” & “the absurd,” are some of the principles to consider.)Team Member #2: Provide a very brief summary of the major authors who are considered “Existentialists.” Explain briefly how/why their work is a good example of the existential movement (leave Kafka to Team Member #3).Team Member #3: Research Franz Kafka. Give a brief biographical sketch. Include a picture.Team Member #4: “Absurdism” especially as it relates to Franz Kafka. What is it? How does it affect mankind? This is an extension of Team Member #1's duty and should be more thorough.Team Member #5 - Research the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. How is it a good/poor literary example of existentialist thought?Group: Find a piece of art that perfectly represents Existentialism or Absurdism. Be ready to explain how/why it is a quality representation. Assemble the final presentation. Internet LinksExistentialism Definition General Information Absurdism Information about Kafka & The Metamorphosis here for a good PowerPointTHE EVALUATION107/853Content – Accuracy(Reading)The content is complete, with each of the required topics represented. The material is accurate and thorough.The content is mostly complete, with all but one of the topics represented. (7)The material is generally accurate and thorough. (7 to 8)The content is largely incomplete, with two or three required topics missing. The material has several errors and lacks details.The content is significantly incomplete. There are only one or two topics represented. The material has significant errors and lacks details. Attractiveness(Writing) The presentation is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. All components can be seen clearly from the back of the room.The presentation is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. (8)All components can be seen clearly from the back of the room. (8)The presentation is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Some components can be seen clearly from the back of the room.The presentation is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Few components can be seen clearly from the back of the room.Mechanics(Language) Capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct throughout.There are a few errors in capitalization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation. (7 to 8)There are several errors in capitalization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.There are significant errors in capitalization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.Oral Presentation(Presentation)This member of the group participated in the presentation, going above and beyond expectationThe presentation is exceptionally clear and complete. The class was able to understand and follow the presentation. Questions were answered with clarity. It is clear that every presenter understood the material.This member of the group participated equally in the presentation. (8)The presentation is clear and complete, though not exceptionally thorough. (7 to 8)The class was able to understand and follow the presentation, but had to ask for several clarifications. (7 to 8)Questions were answered. (8)This member of the group did not participate equally in the presentation. The presentation is somewhat clear and complete. The class had some difficulty understanding and following the presentation. Questions were answered, but not thoroughly. The audience was left with some confusion.This member of the group did not participate in the presentation. The presentation is unclear and/or incomplete. The class had difficulty understanding and following the presentation. It is clear not every presenter understood the material. The audience is thoroughly confused. ................

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