Social Psychology - Geary Schools

Bureaucracy Basics: Crash Course U.S. Government #15

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1. A bureaucracy is a complex _____________ of offices,

tasks, rules, and principles of _____________________

that are employed by all large scale institutions to

__________________ the work of their personnel.

a. In what ways are bureaucracies efficient?

i. What are some specific functions

bureaucracies fulfill?

b. The big concern with bureaucracies is the


which is the idea that power is divided between three

branches of government.

i. Bureaucracies don’t just enforce the rules; they make new ones called ______________________.

c. Many low level bureaucratic positions are filled through competitive exam-based __________________________________________________________ which are supposed to ensure a level of expertise and take politics out of the staffing process.

d. The first reason we keep bureaucracies is

because bureaucracies are ___________.

e. What is one of the reasons we have so many


f. Why is it difficult to change a bureaucracy?

g. What are some examples of bureaucrats you

meet in your daily life?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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