Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity

MKT-427: CH-06

Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity


Challenges in Designing Brand-Building Communications

The following six steps must occur:

|Exposure | |

|Attention | |

|Comprehension |Understand the intended message |

|Yielding |Respond favorably |

|Intentions |Plan to act |

|Behavior |Actually act |

The ideal ad campaign would ensure that:

1. The right consumer is exposed to the right message at the right place and at the right time.

2. The creative strategy for the advertising causes the consumer to notice and attend to the ad but does not distract from the intended message.

3. The ad properly reflects the consumer’s level of understanding about the product and the brand.

4. The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of desirable and deliverable points-of difference and points-of-parity.

5. The ad motivates consumers to consider purchase of the brand.

6. The ad creates strong brand associations to all these stored communication effects so that they can have an effect when consumers are considering making a purchase.

Role of Multiple Communications


▪ Advertising

- Television

- Radio

- Print

- Direct response

- Place:

▪ Billboards and Posters

▪ Movies, Airlines, Lounges and Other places

▪ Product Placement

▪ Point of Purchase

▪ Promotion

• Change the behavior of the trade so that they carry the brand and actively support it

• Change the behavior of consumers so that they buy a brand for the first time, buy more of the brand, or buy the brand earlier or more often

✓ Consumer promotion

✓ Trade promotions

Online Marketing Communications

▪ Web Sites

▪ Online Ads and Videos

▪ Social Media

Putting It All Together

▪ Paid media is all the various forms of more traditional advertising media described above, including TV and print.

▪ Owned media are those media channels the brand controls to some extent—Web sites, e-mails, social media, etc.

▪ Earned media are when consumers themselves communicate about the brand via social media, word-of-mouth, etc.

Events and Experiences

▪ Event Marketing and Sponsorship

✓ Rationale

|To identify with a particular target market or lifestyle |

|To increase awareness of the company or product name |

|To create or reinforce consumer perceptions of key brand image associations |

|To enhance corporate image dimensions |

|To create experiences and evoke feelings |

|To express commitment to the communities or social issues |

|To entertain key clients or reward key employees |

|To permit merchandising or promotional opportunities |

▪ Choosing Sponsorship Opportunities

▪ Designing Sponsorship Program

▪ Measuring Sponsorship Activities

Mobile Marketing


Public Relations and Publicity



Criteria for IMC Programs

|Coverage |Proportion of the audience |

|Contribution |Relates to the inherent ability of a marketing communication to create the desired response and communication effects from |

| |consumers in the absence of exposure to any other communication option |

|Commonality |Coordinate to create a consistent and cohesive brand image in which brand associations share content and meaning. |

| |Commonality relates to the extent to which common associations are reinforced across communication options, that is, the |

| |extent to which information conveyed by different communication options shares meaning. |

|Complementarity |Relates to the extent to which different associations and linkages are emphasized across communication options |

|Conformability |To the extent that a marketing communication option is robust and effective for difference group of consumers. |

| |There would seem to be two possible means of achieving this dual communication ability: |

| |Multiple information provision strategy: providing different information within a communication option to appeal to the |

| |different types of consumers |

| |Broad information provision strategy: information that is rich or ambiguous enough to work regardless of prior consumer |

| |knowledge |

|Cost |Depends |

▪ Using IMC Choice Criteria

Evaluating Communication Options

Establishing priorities and tradeoffs

• Commonality and complementarity will often be inversely related. The more various marketing communication options emphasize the same brand attribute or benefit, all else being equal, the less they can effectively emphasize other attributes and benefits.

• Conformability and complementarity will also often be inversely related. The more a communication program accounts for differences in consumers across communication options, the less necessary it is that any one communication be designed to appeal to many different groups.

• Commonality and conformability do not share an obvious relationship. It may be possible, for example, to develop a sufficiently abstract message, like “Brand X is contemporary,” to effectively reinforce the brand across multiple communication types including advertising, interactive, sponsorship, and promotions.


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