1. Executive summary

34646272861377Aoife WardSarah O’LoughlinSubject: Marketing Management Lecturer: Deirdre FlemingSubmission Date: 16/03/201600Aoife WardSarah O’LoughlinSubject: Marketing Management Lecturer: Deirdre FlemingSubmission Date: 16/03/20161104900866140Brand Audit AssignmentBrand Twix020000Brand Audit AssignmentBrand TwixContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Executive summary PAGEREF _Toc445903025 \h 31.1 Brief description of brand PAGEREF _Toc445903026 \h 31.1.1 Define target market PAGEREF _Toc445903027 \h 31.1.2 Competitive advantage your brands enjoys in the marketplace PAGEREF _Toc445903028 \h 31.1.3Positioning statement PAGEREF _Toc445903029 \h 31.1.4 Key recommendations: PAGEREF _Toc445903030 \h 42. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc445903031 \h 52.1 Industry PAGEREF _Toc445903032 \h 52.2 Issues affecting demand PAGEREF _Toc445903033 \h 52.3 Twix PAGEREF _Toc445903034 \h 62.4 Pricing PAGEREF _Toc445903035 \h 72.5 Distribution PAGEREF _Toc445903036 \h 72.1 Market situation and analysis of the brand PAGEREF _Toc445903037 \h 82.1.1 Economic PAGEREF _Toc445903038 \h 82.1.2 Social PAGEREF _Toc445903039 \h 92.1.3 Technology PAGEREF _Toc445903040 \h 102.3 Industry environment PAGEREF _Toc445903041 \h 102.3.1 New Entrants PAGEREF _Toc445903042 \h 112.3.2 Substitutes PAGEREF _Toc445903043 \h 112.3.3 Competitive environment PAGEREF _Toc445903044 \h 113. Market segmentation and customer analysis PAGEREF _Toc445903045 \h 153.1 Market segmentation PAGEREF _Toc445903046 \h 153.2 Target market/segmentation characteristics PAGEREF _Toc445903047 \h 163.3 Market research findings PAGEREF _Toc445903048 \h 173.3.1 Personas PAGEREF _Toc445903049 \h 174. Brand vision PAGEREF _Toc445903050 \h 185. Brand equity application PAGEREF _Toc445903051 \h 206. Brand positioning PAGEREF _Toc445903052 \h 217. Brand identity PAGEREF _Toc445903053 \h 237.1 Old PAGEREF _Toc445903054 \h 237.2 New PAGEREF _Toc445903055 \h 248. Strategic brand management tool choice of your own PAGEREF _Toc445903056 \h 269. Brand objectives and goals. PAGEREF _Toc445903057 \h 279.1 Mission statement PAGEREF _Toc445903058 \h 279.2 Objectives for volumes, sales, market shares, gross margins, net profit, ROI PAGEREF _Toc445903059 \h 279.3 Convert objectives to goals by assigning magnitudes and dates PAGEREF _Toc445903060 \h 2810. Key Findings PAGEREF _Toc445903061 \h 2911. Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc445903062 \h 2911.1 Promotional strategy PAGEREF _Toc445903063 \h 2911.1.1 Sales Promotion PAGEREF _Toc445903064 \h 2911.1.2 Social PAGEREF _Toc445903065 \h 3111.2 Product/packaging/design/labelling/service strategy PAGEREF _Toc445903066 \h 3311.3 Place and distribution strategy PAGEREF _Toc445903067 \h 3311.4 People strategy PAGEREF _Toc445903068 \h 3311.5 Pricing PAGEREF _Toc445903069 \h 34Appendix PAGEREF _Toc445903070 \h 35Focus Group PAGEREF _Toc445903071 \h 351. Executive summary 1.1 Brief description of brand The Twix bar is a finger shaped bar made with crunchy biscuit topped with a thick layer of chewy caramel covered in creamy dairy milk chocolate. This 3 layer combination of chocolate, caramel and biscuit provides a unique and very specific type of chocolate bar. Twix fingers are notoriously packaged in pairs which has somewhat defined their character over the years. Twix is packaged within a distinctive wrapping using bold gold’s, reds and black which encompass the identity of the brand. A notable feature on the wrapping is the use of a pause symbol instead of a regular dot on the 'I' in Twix. This feature was rolled out on Twix packaging in 2011 with the intention to emphasis the idea of 'pausing' and 'taking a moment for oneself' while enjoying a Twix. This push was a response to their competitor Nestlé Kit-Kat’s take a break slogan.Their style of advertising more than often comprised of one of the two bars snapped in half to show the soft caramel against the biscuit base. The first ever US communication strategy for the bar adopted the slogan “Chocolate, Caramel and a Surprising Cookie Crunch!”Throughout the 1990s Mars ventured into a period of extensive experimentation with the Twix bar. A wide range of new flavours were made available for instance; fudge, dark chocolate, white chocolate, mint, coffee, orange, triple chocolate, and most recently Twix Java and Twix Cappuccino. Additionally Twix ventured into the ice-cream world in the early 1990s. This seen Twix’s sales boost rapidly outside of their traditional markets. 1.1.1 Define target marketCurrently the target market for Twix is predominantly males between the ages of 25 to 45. 1.1.2 Competitive advantage your brands enjoys in the marketplaceThis 3 layer combination of chocolate, caramel and biscuit provides a unique and very specific type of chocolate bar. No other branded two fingered biscuit bar currently exists on the market.1.1.3Positioning statement Twix wants to offer more than just a product but an experience too. Twix wants to give back to their customers and inspire then to reconnect and gather together with those who matter to them.1.1.4 Key recommendations:It is evident the Twix has a great taste and is loved by many, however this is not reflected in sales figures. The ultimate goal for Twix is to become a salient brand. To do this the recommendations below should be followed, further discussion of implementation can be found in section The initial objective of this research is to increase brand associations and create a defined brand personality. Build a well-rounded, and identifiable brand personality by developing positive cognitive connections with “togetherness” and “socialising”.Actively managing a balance between the gender fluidity of Twix’s target market with tactical promotions and product additions.Drive customer engagement and consumer generated content in an effort to create long lasting relationships Drive sales incrementally from a combination of the above objectives and ultimately increase market share. 2. Introduction 2.1 Industry The European confectionery market seen a growth of 3% in 2014 reaching over €70594 million. This figure is forecasted to grow by a further 15% in 2019, meaning that the market would be worth nearly €82 million. Chocolate dominates the market as the segment accounts for nearly 60% of the confectionary markets total value. Mondelez International Inc. leads the European confectionery market, holding 16% share of the confectionary markets value. Rivalry is high in this industry. Despite competitor’s diversity, they remain to depend heavily on the food and beverage markets in general and so, combined with low consumer switching costs drives up rivalryCITATION Mar \l 6153 (MarketLine, 2015). In addition to this, emerging markets are also a force to be reckoned with! For instance, Nigeria has seen a 286% rise in growth of their chocolate industry between 2007-2012 CITATION KPM14 \l 6153 (KPMG, 2014).In more recent figures, it is expected that Saudi Arabia chocolate revenues will grow by 43.5%. In 2013 Mars, who currently have 45% of the market, recognised the country's potential and opened their first production facility there CITATION KPM14 \l 6153 (KPMG, 2014).Here we can see that the external environment is prospering, paving out huge potential for those in the industry to step up and reap the rewards, however Twix currently do not seem to be adequately prepared for this. The lack of brand identity and strength will cause big issues long term in such a competitive environment.2.2 Issues affecting demandIn terms of poorer consumers, chocolate has a greater income elasticity. Income elasticity of chocolate strongly correlates with income per capita. Value-led growth strategies have led the way as a result in emerging markets (e.g. Bolivia). Income shocks in countries have a much bigger impact on chocolate consumption than in richer countries (e.g. Denmark).Premiumising chocolate provides an opportunity for survival when faced with rising input costs and decreases in market volume demands. Premiumisation could possibly absorb some of the shock and help protect margins. Demand drivers moving forward vary substantially from country to country and so one size does not fit all in terms of strategy. In terms of price, analysis reveals that premium brands outperformed in the US and UK markets. In the confectionary market, success is heavily reliant on the strength of the marketing mix. It is all about having a global brand when it comes to “soft demand drivers”. Soft demand drivers, for instance marketing, innovation and changing tastes are dominant features found in developed markets. US, Japan and the UK fit this accordingly. The creation of brand loyalty is key here as they are markets that react positively to marketing efforts CITATION Eur15 \l 6153 (Euromonitor International , 2015)2.3 Twix Twix as a chocolate bar needs to remind consumers of its existence because as we know in the competitive world of chocolate, sales are most definitely reliant on being salient or at the top of the consumers mind. Studies carried out on stores stock keeping units have shown that Twix has seen a 9.5% fall in unit sales in 2012 from the previous year. Twix's positioning has been inconsistent over the years. Every 3-5 years they launched an entirely new campaign with the excessive use of 15 different end lines in 20 of them. Twix realised this lack of transparency and clear image and took inspiration from Snickers. They saw the opportunity to develop a personality along with a compelling brand proposition. Their big idea was a campaign that emphasised the two-bar format of the Twix bar, creating a fictitious rivalry between each side/bar. The campaign could have been hailed as a success at the time as it got consumers to engage with the brand digitally. It also generated a ROMI of 3.35 in the first 12 months in the USA CITATION WAR14 \l 6153 (WARC, 2014).Despite its success initially, there has been a severe failure in the upkeep of branding, positioning and advertising. People like the taste of Twix yet sales do not communicate this, why? When asked whether or not they were familiar with Twix’s current marketing efforts; the left/right campaign, 65% of consumers said they were either unfamiliar or confused by it. Clearly Twix has lost sight of future marketing plans it has become what Miles and Snow (1992) would call a reactor in the industry. Rather than being innovative they seem to have lost sight of the brands future. Visible and up-to-date advertising of the brand seems to be scarce if not non-existent.It does not matter whether your chocolate bar is tasty or not, if it’s not on the top of the consumers mind at point of sale it simply won’t be chosen. Unfortunately Twix is seen to be a non-key player within the Mars portfolio, a small brand with 2.5 times less the sales than its competitors Snickers and its direct competitor kit-Kat by Nestle according to Warc. However this can be adequately addressed with fresh, innovative and tactical marketing efforts in order to revive Twix’s sales. 352425010160002.4 PricingPricing in the confectionary market is quite stable. Brands tend to sit within the €1 - €2 price range, particularly those in direct competition with Twix. It is generally not very common to differentiate based solely on price in this particular industry.2.5 DistributionTwix is available in convenience stores, supermarkets, and most public places with vending machines. The Twix bar itself has had many versions and limited editions in the past in an attempt to boost sales for the brand. The following is a list of the previous and some current brand extensions and their corresponding geographical locations. Ireland/UkEurope US Australia Asia Triple Chocolate?Chocolate Ice Cream Twix (Bars)?Twix Tea Breaks?Twix Top?Ice Cream Twix (Bars)?Bisc& Twix?Twix Xtra?Choc 'N' Orange TwixWhite Chocolate Twix?Twix Super Thick Shake?Cookies-n-Creme Twix?Chocolate Fudge Twix?Gingerbread Twix?Twix Miniatures?New Twix?Ice Cream Twix (Pot)?White Chocolate Twix?Twix Topix?Twix?Cappuccino?Twix Fino?Dark Chocolate Twix? bisc & Twix Top Choco?Peanut Butter Twix?Twix PB?Twix 100 Calorie Bars?Dark Chocolate Twix?White Chocolate Twix?Twix Coconut?Twix Java?Twix Pods?Mint Slice billu?Coffee?Twix?2.1 Market situation and analysis of the brand 2.1.1 EconomicTwix are operating in a growing economy. Confectionary sales are expected to increase by 16% this highlights the opportunities for growth in the future CITATION Mar \l 6153 (MarketLine, 2015). These products are seen as inelastic goods to an extent. In Irish term, consumer spending has increased .08% since 2013CITATION Tra16 \l 6153 (Trading Economics, 2016 (a.)). The increased consumer spending is due to increased consumer confidence, according to Nielson, consumer confidence is at 97. This is good news in terms of inelastic products. Decreasing unemployment rates have also contributed to the increase in consumer spending with unemployment rates dropping consecutively by .01% each month since April 2015 CITATION Tra6b \l 6153 (Trading Economics , 2016 (b.)) center459105000Emerging economies are dominated by independent retailers and don’t favour private labels surprisingly CITATION KPM14 \l 6153 (KPMG, 2014). Below we can see the spending tendency of those in Ireland and the UK. Over all the segments, half came in at €2.13 CITATION Bor14 \l 6153 (Bord Bia , 2014).Driven by low inflation, record breaking low interest rates have been seen and there is speculation that they may continue through until 2020. Currently the figure stands at 0.05% in Europe CITATION The15 \l 6153 (The Independent , 2015). In terms of the economic sentiment indicator, Europe has seen its second consecutive decline in 2016. There was a decrease in both the euro area (by 1.3 points to 103.8) and the EU (by 1.5 points to 105.2)CITATION Eur16 \l 6153 (Europa, 2016 (a.)). 2.1.2 Social The world's population is increasing and aging. Decreasing fertility rates in emerging markets along with lengthening life expectancy in developed regions has reshaped the age structure in most regions of the world CITATION NIH16 \l 6153 (, 2016). Along with the aging population there is a growing trend towards the smaller family unit. There is a forecasted decline in the average number of children per family to 1 per household by 2020, in contrast to this there was 1.9 per household in 1980. With the exception of the Middle East and Africa, by 2020 all regions globally will have an average number of children lower than 2 per house. Overall, the change in the structure of families will have an intense impact on household spending patterns in addition to housing types. The family model of the future will become a significant part of the consumer market segment, causing a knock on effect on marketing in terms of product range, size and type. There will also be room for discretionary spending as the number of children per family declineCITATION Eur01 \l 6153 (Euromonitor International, 2013). The number of schoolchildren speaking English as a second language has soared in recent years. Although learning English is compulsory in some EU countries a clear majority of pupils chose to learn English. Across the EU there is an average of 85% of pupils studying English as a second languageCITATION Eur161 \l 6153 (Europa, 2016 (b.)). It is predicted that by 2050 the proportion of people receiving no education at all will converge to zero. By 2050, only five countries are predicted to have a rate of no education above 20%: these are Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali and Niger CITATION Our15 \l 6153 (Our World Data , 2015)The global chocolate consumption levels are indicated below.left6929755According to the United Nations department of economic and social affairs, the world population reached 7.3 billion as of mid- 2015. This means that there has been an increase of approximately one billion people over the last twelve years. There remains a near equal divide between the males and females worldwide. 12% of the global population is aged over 60 while 26% are younger than 15. Projected growth is supposed to be slower than past figures. Growth resides around 1.2% per year. Expectations for 2030 are a population reaching 8.5 billion CITATION ESA16 \l 6153 (, 2016). 2.1.3 Technology A major development is the increasing availability of 3D Printing. Possibly one of the biggest buzzwords in the manufacturing technology sector in the last few years. There is little doubt that 3D Printing will change the face of manufacturing removing lengthy times from innovation to production to market CITATION Cer15 \l 6153 (, 2015).2.3 Industry environment The following are the key trends within the confectionary industry: Demand rises driven by emerging markets e.g. Nigeria, Saudi ArabiaAbout 70% of the world's confectionary growth is gained from eight markets: Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and VietnamConsumer tastes changing. The most dramatic shift has been to dark chocolate. This shift has been driven by the perceived health benefits. There has been a 93% increase in the growth of dark chocolate product launches and as a result dark chocolate now accounts for 20% of the American market. China is the highest dark chocolate market with 34% share in 2013The rise of premiumisation, convenience, flavour variety and also added valueCraft, innovation and branding are pushing sales of smaller players and thus driving larger competitors to become more creative and personableThe onset risk of cocoa demand exceeding supply. Mars currently fears this could happen as soon as 2020 if the industry does not reactSustainability is pivotal. Those in the confectionary industry must go further than single, isolated initiatives, moving towards a strategic approach will improve yields and build consumer trust furtherObesity is becoming the detriment to both society and the industry itself. Companies need to consider healthier products in order to create a shield against this factor Digital technology could revolutionise supply chain and timing. 3D printing can significantly decrease the time to market and thus innovation and competition is set to intensify CITATION KPM14 \l 6153 (KPMG, 2014)2.3.1 New Entrants 410527585725Regarding new market entrants, Cadbury Ireland have recently announced and gave confirmation that the original Time out bar has been officially removed from the Irish market. However, this is in order to make way for the new “Time Out Wafer Bar” CITATION The16 \l 6153 (The Journal.ie, 2016). The new format of the Time Out Wafer now means that there is only one bar instead of the original two this means that they have shifted into a different sub category and aren’t directly competing with Twix. Although the new Time Out might not be considered a direct competitor, it is still a competitor none the less and Twix risk losing sales once the new bar is released. 2.3.2 Substitutes 42278301422404917989635137300On the topic of substitutes, there are dozens of Twix replicas on the market in terms of own brand products. Lidl and Aldi are renowned for their takes on branded products and when it comes to Twix it’s no different. Aldi offer a cheaper Twix alternative, which goes by the name “Jive” costing 85 cent CITATION Str15 \l 6153 (Stretching , 2015 ). Lidl have basically the same replica Twix product called ‘Caramel & Biscuit’ costing 25 cent signally. 2.3.3 Competitive environmentThe key players in the confectionary industry include: Nestlé SA, Kraft Foods Inc., The Hershey Company, Lotte Group, Ferrero Group, Barry Callebaut AG, Perfetti Van Melle SpA, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd., Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd., Morinaga & Co. Ltd., Lamy Lutti S.A.S., Leaf International B.V., Want Want China Holdings Limited, and Vidal Golosinas SA CITATION Bus13 \l 6153 (Business Wire, 2013). Although all of these are significant players in the confectionary industry the following direct competitors were established. The competitors were chosen due their similar format to the Twix bar. Direct Competitors51409601149352. Kinder BuenoProduct: Kinder Bueno, part of the Kinder Chocolate brand line, is a hazelnut cream filled wafer with a chocolate covering CITATION Kin16 \l 6153 (Kinder Bueno, 2016).Place: Kinder Bueno can be bought in supermarkets, convenience stores and vending machinesPrice: The average Price for a Kinder Bueno is €0.90 CITATION Tes16 \l 6153 (, 2016).Advertising Promotion: Recently Kinder concentrated on a new ‘enjoy the great taste for free’ promotion, with a fashion focus. This was through an on pack offer giving consumers the chance to win one of three trips to a fashion capital New York, Paris or Milan, with €500 spending money. It was seen to be a perfect offering for Bueno’s core female audience. Kinder also focused on TV support to heighten consumer awareness CITATION Tal13 \l 6153 (Talking Retail , 2013). left53239604076700504825center552450Sales Promotion: Kinder Beuno bars are sold signally in packs of 3 and in packs of 5 CITATION Kin16 \l 6153 (Kinder Bueno, 2016) Kit Kat Product: Kit Kat is a chocolate-covered wafer biscuit bar confection created by Rowntree's of York, England, and is now produced globally by Nestlé, Place: Kit Kat can be bought in supermarkets, convenience stores and vending machines.Price The average price for a Kit Kat bar is €0.77 CITATION Tes16 \l 6153 (, 2016)48234605080Sales Promotion: The Kit Kat bar comes in many varieties and pack sizes Advertising Promotion: Nestlé and Google launch KitKat?'YouTube my break' campaign Using Google’s voice search function, consumers worldwide can say, "OK Google, YouTube my break" to any Android mobile, or any mobile device with the Google app installed. After watching a short?KitKat?video on YouTube, they then see a playlist of the top trending videos on the platform and can share this content via social media CITATION Nes15 \l 6153 (, 2015). USP A 3 layer combination of chocolate, caramel and biscuit provides a unique and very specific type of chocolate bar, this compiled with the quality of Mars chocolate provides Twix with their USP. No other branded two fingered ‘biscuit’ bar currently exists on the market. A competitor table was devised using key elements that customers found important when choosing a chocolate bar CITATION War16 \l 6153 (Ward & O'Loughlin , 2016). TasteLight Vs HeavySizeNutritional Information Score Twix452bars148 calories 12g of fat and 24g of sugarKinder Bueno 542bars244 calories 16g of fat 17g of sugar Kit Kat344bars232 calories 11.3g 23g of sugar Time Out 232bars170 calories 9.6g 14.6g of sugar Twirl 342bars230 calories 13.2g of fat 24g of sugar2.3.3.3 SWOTStrength’sWeaknessesLower calorie count than competitorsGreat taste Strong Partnership with retailersStrong brand recognitionFinancially stable Strong manufacturing competenceDiversified geographic presenceFocus on developing and offering nutritious productsSustainability initiativesWeak customer engagementOutdated strategyPoor marketing effortsProduct isn’t salient in customers mind OpportunitiesThreats80% of consumers said they loved the taste of TwixHuge potential around customer engagementTwix is easily recognised and knownGreat span of scope budget wiseAmericas 12th favourite chocolate barCustomisable chocolate confectionery for special occasionsExpanding the Fair Trade rangeExpansion of emerging marketsEthical, Healthy, Organic and Natural productsNovel Flavour combinationsHealth movements Obesity IssuesTough competition particularly againstTime OutKinder Bueno TwirlKit Kat Market is saturated with competitionThreat of Healthier substitutesPrivate Label ChocolateRising prices of raw materialsHigher End Brands3. Market segmentation and customer analysis 3.1 Market segmentationSugar rush: These are the consumers who use Twix as a quick and easy snacking bar when they are on the go. These consumers need a fast fix, something that will satisfy them and keep them going during the day. This consumer is looking for a bar that is more substantial and “heavier” in terms of a fuller feeling after consumption.3724275925195Family treat: These consumers are looking for a snack that is family friendly, one that all ages will enjoy. These consumers tend to purchase larger pack sizes or “share bags”. These consumers seek out more than just a product they want an experience that their kids will enjoy too. Enjoyment: These are the consumers who snack with the purpose of “treating” themselves. These consumers understand that everyone needs to indulge once in a while if not more. There can be two reasons behind this, either strict dieting with a “cheat day” or a consumer who has a constant sweet tooth. Either way, they both recognise that it is important to relax and enjoy food. 3.2 Target market/segmentation characteristicsPreviously Twix have been known to mainly target middle aged working men, this is evident through most of their advertisements as they fail to include woman. The new campaigns goal is to make Twix a slightly more female friendly bar while still also capturing the male segment. The new campaign Twix Together is aiming at an overall equal balance of gender and a wide age span of 15-45 year olds. Geographic Twix is a global grand covering many corners of the globe within a wide range of climates including: Ireland/UK, Europe, US, Australia and AsiaDemographicBoth men and woman of all ages but predominantly 18-45 years old who reside in all areas aforementioned. The Twix Together campaign wants to incorporate all family by incorporating multipacks and share bags. As confectionary items are inelastic Twix will chose to target middle income families and upward. PsychographicTwix will target ABC1C2D - Upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, skilled working class and working class CITATION Web16 \l 6153 (WebWindows , 2016).Lead busy lives and deserve a moment to themselves with their loved onesWant to feel as though they are indulgingEnjoy chocolate but wants more than just a productTwix will target those who are fun, outgoing, bubbly and love to socialise and be part of a group BehaviourTwix product benefits will be pushing consumers towards a communal experience, one filled with friends and family – those who matter Moderate – 1 – 3 times a weekHeavy – Daily use3.3 Market research findings3.3.1 Personas -120656286500-787401595755The following personas were created using primary and secondary information. John represents the current consumer of Twix. The idea of the ‘Twix together’ campaign is to target current customers while including other market segments. The other two personas represent the market that Twix currently don’t target their products to. 4. Brand vision center498157500In order to see what Twix as a brand need to address moving forward, the following empathy map has been devised. This will help identify what the ideal consumer perspectives will be in terms of the current and proposed target market at the end of the Twix together campaign -742950000center505333000left1362075005. Brand equity application Research has shown that consumers at the top level of the pyramid, have stronger relationships with the brand and spend more on the brand than those at lower levels of the pyramid. However, more customers will be found at the lower levels. Marketers must develop activities and programs that help consumers move up the pyramid CITATION Mar15 \l 6153 (Marketing Lessons , 2015). After focus groups it was decided that Twix customers are generally on the performance level of the pyramid as they are satisfied that Twix performs as a chocolate bar. Some customers may reach the advantage level of the pyramid but this is generally a weak level for Twix and needs a strong push. Although some may sit at the top of the pyramid, such strong brand loyalty is rare in the FMCG categories. 6. Brand positioningThe consumer target is comprised with confectionary eaters and those who want to treat themselves. A notable consumer insight is that there is a strong desire to be part of the bigger picture in 2016. Consumers are seeking a communal product experience, one that they can enjoy together rather than by themselves CITATION Bor15 \l 6153 (Bord Bia , 2015). Their need state is one based around seeking a tasty product CITATION War16 \l 6153 (Ward & O'Loughlin , 2016) but with added service and experience elements. It is no longer just enough to provide a product. Brands must create a story and connection with their consumers in order to satisfy them on a deeper and stronger level. The competitive products set can be seen in many ways. Firstly, in comparison to two fingered bars only, or secondly against all chocolate bars. Finally, the competitive set could comprise of all confectionary items or even all snack items in total.The consumer takeaway from Twix is a behavioural push towards connect together with family and friends, one that cannot be matched by any other chocolate brand on the market at present.In terms of points of parity, there are many aspects that compare for instance the playful and fun elements of confectionary brands. It can also be seen in the pricing strategies. However, in terms of contrasting aspects Twix take pride of a few. Their sharing and togetherness aspect 293370071183500-95251664970cannot be rivalled nor can their strong branding imagery or their length on the market.To identify where Twix is positioned in comparison to their competitors a perceptual map was drawn CITATION War16 \l 6153 (Ward & O'Loughlin , 2016). The vertical axis represents taste and the horizontal axis represents propensity to purchase. During a focus group participants were asked to place the bars (Twix,Kit Kat, Kinder Bueno Twirl and Time Out) on the axis that they felt best described their feelings towards each bar CITATION War16 \l 6153 (Ward & O'Loughlin , 2016). -171450-254317500-2190754762500A word cloud was also drawn in order to establish what consumers felt the brand stood for. The main aspect described was the product attributes with a lack of real brand personalities. This promotes the need for Twix to streamline their communications, targeting and overall positioning. The fact brand meaning is absent cause’s danger in a category where brand involvement is typically high and quite frankly pivotal CITATION WAR14 \l 6153 (WARC, 2014) CITATION War16 \l 6153 (Ward & O'Loughlin , 2016). 7. Brand identity 7.1 Old In terms of brand identity the kapferers model identifies all brand associations segmented into 6 key areas. The current Twix campaign has failed to make strong brand connections predominantly due to a lack of communications. At present, the only strong connection Twix maintain is their physical brand identity through the packaging. This is also reinforced through their iconic combination of cookie, caramel and chocolate. Other than this is was quite a difficult task to identity other associations. For instance, the relationship Twix have with their customers does not symbolise anything in particular. The company tried to create a fun imaginary rivalry between two brothers. This is humorous however it doesn’t connect with the customer on a deeper level. In terms of reflection, there was one main “top buyer” for Twix, this was based on the older working man who didn’t care too much for “fancy” upmarket chocolate bars and wanted something that was tasty and reliable. The self –image is one based around humour, however Twix do not actively engage and maintain this on an ongoing basis. The culture in Twix at the moment seems to be one solely based around having a laugh while you pause. Once again, this is not an aspect that is intensely promoted. Finally, the personality of Twix is extremely bare. Twix have exhausted their “left vs. right” campaign yet they are completely unaware. Oblivious to the lack of brand personality/associations it has brought with it Twix have failed to go back to the drawing board.Overall, Twix is a brand with great potential however it is being crushed by a lack of enthusiasm and creativity. Twix needs to create strong brand associations and perceptions as a pivotal part in becoming a salient brand.?7.2 NewIt is clear to see that this version is far stronger in terms of associations. The physique will remain relatively similar however additional products and packaging will soon become recognised under the Twix brand i.e Twixies and a gold shimmer packaging. Regarding the relationship that Twix will symbolise, it will be one based upon having a great time together with people who matter; be it loved ones, friends, parents, family members etc. This will be reflected in their sponsorship with Odeon cinemas, a place where friends go to enjoy time together. Twix Tours will also emphasise this symbolisation as they will appear at events, concerts and festivals where people go to create memories with friends/family. The consumer reflection will be seen in both sexes ranging mainly between 18-45 years old. At Twix, it will be understood that enjoying time together has no gender role or age barrier! Those who fit the reflection will be full of fun, people who enjoy a treat and like to be social while doing so. Ultimately the ideal consumer will enjoy the simple things that matter in life with the people who matter to them. The self- image, or “mirror” will be of someone who regards themselves as a happy, interactive, social, and entertaining human with a desire to be part of the bigger picture. The culture at Twix will be adjusted to become much more customer orientated. A happy brand environment that has sharing values at the core along with a desire to enjoy life will not only create a transparent and omnichannel experience but also resonate with the proposed target market. Finally, Twix’s personality will be built upon a fun, friendly, helpful, bubbly, humorous and light hearted foundation. As a chocolate brand there is so much room to create a strong, fun and playful image that not only is exciting to manage but will also intrinsically lead to success.?right1228725008. Strategic brand management tool choice of your own The brand value chain assesses the sources and outcomes of brand equity and the way in which marketing activities create brand value. Any marketing activity can attribute to brand value development for example product research, marketing communications or development and design. The model assumes that a number of factors attribute to the extent of which value created at one stage transfers to the next. The multipliers determine the marketing activities ability to affect a customer's perception. This result depends on factors external to the customer Competitive superiority: How effective the quality and quantity of the competitors marketing efforts areChannel and other intermediary support: How much reinforcement and effort other partners are contributing Customer size and profile: The number of and what types of customers suitable or not are attracted to the brand The multipliers determines how brand value manifests in shareholder value. This depends on the actions of financial investors and financial analysts. 9. Brand objectives and goals. 9.1 Mission statement At present the Twix don’t have a mission statement. Using the objectives of the Twix together campaign and future objectives of the Twix brand the following mission statement was devised.‘’At Twix our goal is to not only to create a chocolate bar that is delicious, but one that will bring people together. We like the little things in life, and we want you to too!’’ right32861259.2 Objectives for volumes, sales, market shares, gross margins, net profit, ROI Twix is a relatively small brand, looking from a global perspective. They ranked 12th behind Snickers (1st) and their direct competitor Kit Kat (3rd). Both generating 2.5 times Twix sales. The truly reiterates the need for Twix to push their brand further CITATION WAR14 \l 6153 (WARC, 2014). The initial objective of this research is to increase brand associations and create a defined brand personality. Build a well-rounded, and identifiable brand personality by developing positive cognitive connections with “togetherness” and “socialising”.Measured through extensive pre and post campaign research into the target markets perceptions and associations with the Twix brand. Actively managing a balance between the gender fluidity of Twix’s target market with tactical promotions and product additions.Measured through sales of Twix’s promotional gold shimmer package vs original version. Drive customer engagement and consumer generated content in an effort to create long lasting relationships Measured through monitoring social mentions/impressions, branded hash tag mentions, an increase in the traffic to the Twix website and sales of Twix’s sold online. Drive sales incrementally from a combination of the above objectives and ultimately increase market share in order to be on the same level as Twix’s main competitor Kit Kat This will be measured through monthly sales figures 9.3 Convert objectives to goals by assigning magnitudes and dates To reach the overall objective MAY JUNEJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBEROCTOBERSales Figures €10m ( ↑€5m) €18.3m (↑€8.3m)€21.3m (↑€3m)€23.3 m (↑€2m) €18.6 m(↓4.7m)€18.3(↓.3m)Market Share Increase from 2% to 4% to reach if not surpass their competitor Kit Kat The sales figures were calculated using current sales figures as a guideline. In addition, Kit Kat one of Twix’s main competitors was used for benchmarking purposes in sales terms. The Twix Together campaign will initially run for 6 months. Success will be monitored on a KPI basis from the objectives aforementioned. From here, it will be determined whether or not to extend “Twix Together” further for another year. 10. Key FindingsNo salience in consumers mindLack of strong marketing strategy Poor brand to consumer communications No clear brand association No relatability to human emotions emphasised in current campaign11. Recommendations There will be no drastic rebranding measures taken within the campaign as we found customers of Twix are generally happy with the product they just ‘forget’ about it as a chocolate bar. We have decided to run with the tagline “Twix Together” this will run throughout the entire campaign in the following ways:11.1 Promotional strategyIn an effort to drive engagement, increase product salience and create an overall excitement around the Twix Together brand again the following promotional strategies have been proposed:11.1.1 Sales Promotion WomenIn terms of Twix’s target market it is predominantly male. In order to shift this towards a more equal divide a promotional strategy has been devised to increase the number of female Twix consumers. The idea is to alter the packaging for a month to kick-start both the Twix Together campaign while also creating a buzz around what Twix are doing. The packaging will be changed ever so slightly, the well-recognised gold and red packaging will shift to a gold shimmer and red. This has been chosen so that males won’t be singled out completely and the brand identity will remain intact. This will act as the launcher to the entire Twix Together Campaign. This will also hopefully turn into some positive PR for the Twix brand. Cinema sponsorship The cinema sponsorship will be rolled out in June, a month after the woman's packaging PR stunt. In order to encourage the social aspect of the new “Twix together” campaign we concluded that combining with a cinema is the most advantageous option for the brand and its values. Both Twix and cinema have the intent to promote sharing something with friends whether it be food or time and memories. They also have a similar target market. We feel as though the addition of our Twix share bag “Twixie’s” was created in perfect timing as it perfectly conforms to the type of snack the cinemas offer. The idea is to Sponsor IMC cinema as it is the most nationwide cinema in Ireland. IMC will stock our new Twixie’s product. A free packet of Twixie’s and a medium popcorn will be given free of charge to anyone who ‘checks in’ at the cinema using the Twix app with the expense subsidised by Twix’s budget. Before each film starts Twix’s new advert will be aired. There will be free cinema tickets up for grabs regularly which will be advertised through Twix’s social media outlets. The sponsorship relationship will be beneficial for each party. Twix will avail of air time before movies, it provides the opportunity to get Twixie’s sales up and running as they shall be stocked as a snack available to enjoy during a film, the brand values of both parties will combine to reiterate the message of pausing together, customer interest will be increased if not completely regained as they will now be pushed towards engaging with the brand in order to win free cinema tickets to socialize “together”, it will also add value to the social media aspect of the Twix together campaign, and reinforce the message behind the Twix together campaign. TwixiesThis will be rolled out alongside the cinema sponsorship. Roy Benin, chief consumer officer of Mars Chocolate North America said that "Consumers are looking for new ways to enjoy and share our products, which makes offerings like this a delicious and convenient option for social occasions or on the go." As an incentive to boost sales and create a new exciting buzz around the Twix brand, we are introducing a delicious limited edition Twixie’s which are made for sharing. The concept is to have finger sized bars within a bag of approx. 200g. Adding a share bag as a limited edition will emphasize and encourage Twix users to ‘Twix Together’. This form of promotion will directly link with our sponsorship deal with IMC cinema, the sharer packs of Twixie’s along with a medium popcorn will be given free of charge to anyone who downloads the new Twix app and ‘checks in’ in any of their cinemas. The Twix tourThe Twix tour will be where a pop up Twix van will make appearances around upcoming events, festivals, and other social gatherings. The Twix tour will start at the start of the summer, in time for festival season. This is in order to create brand associations. Twix will soon become synonymous with socialising and togetherness with friends and loved ones. The Twix van will offer an array of Twix inspired treats for all to enjoy together.11.1.2 SocialThe campaign name is Twix together, and as aforementioned it is about enforcing the social aspect of pausing and enjoying time with family and friends. We want to incorporate a social media outlet for the brand to interact with their followers to encourage them to Twix together. For this we have chosen three social platforms Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Additionally an App will be created in order to link with our sponsorship deal.11.2.1 Facebook#TwixTogether – Together with “Facebook Friends”31710535105657left5148391Facebook was considered to be a big player for Twix when it comes to engaging with their target audience due to their age. Facebook will become a hub of consumer interaction with live check in’s, cinema reviews and feedback, customer queries answered promptly and a place where people can tell us who they Twix together with and why. There will also be a photo reel of customers ‘Tweaked’ Twixies for all to see. By connecting Facebook to the platform to customise their Twix’s, this will create a seamless omnichannel experience hopefully driving similar orders. left656143811.2.2 Instagram3019425290512500-8001002657475#Twelfie – Instagram is the home of the selfie so it seems fitting to ask consumers to snap an adventurous selfie with their bar and not only tag the Twix page but build on the hashtag within that app too. Instagram was chosen to become Twix’s hub of chocolaty foodporn for all of its fans to drool over. Here is where we will post dessert inspiration using none other than our Twix bars as a main chocolate ingredient. -819150367665011.2.3 Twitter #Tweetyourtwix – Encouraging consumers to tweet their Twix experience.This is where we ask our followers to tell us about their Twix experience both with the bar and our sponsored cinema, where we will actively ask them about their satisfaction and where they can show us how they enjoy their Twix. The possibility of #Tweetyourtwix trending on twitter would be a fantastic way to measure the campaign's success to recognise if our social platforms are truly engaging consumers or not. Twitter is also a fantastic way to follow what those are saying about you with social media monitoring tools such as Social Mention. 42820812413000-42709798898700-50662772532100011.2 Product/packaging/design/labelling/service strategyThe product itself, the bar with cookie, caramel and chocolate will also remain the same. This is due to a combination of both primary and secondary research. It was clear to see that Twix is a loved brand based on taste. Twix has existed on the market for decades. As a result, the branding of the packaging is integral to the bars image. Thus, there is no changes to be made to the packaging at present. However, promotional strategies will be implemented throughout the duration of the Twix Together campaign this will be addressed in section 10.4.Labelling will be adjusted slightly in order to allow for the first piece in the Twix Together campaign. The “who will I Twix together with” idea. This is where who to Twix together with suggestions will be placed behind the packaging seal fold. This aspect of the campaign is taking inspiration from the jokes that became synonymous with Penguin bars. The idea is to get people excited to see who they’ll be ‘told’ to enjoy their Twix with similarly to Coca Cola’s immensely successful “Share a coke” campaign. This ties in the more than a product aspect that is sought out by consumers. 11.3 Place and distribution strategyIntensive distribution is required in order to ensure it is available where and when the consumer wishes to purchase it. Due to the glohal appeal of the Twix brand, Twix roducts must have distribution channels across the US, UK, Europe, Asia and Australia. Further to this, as part of the brand new campaign Twix will become available to purchase online! Not only will consumers be able to order Twix bars from the Twix online store but they will be able to “Tweak their Twix” too. This is where customers can create their own Twix from an array of choices based on flavours and shapes. They can also customise their own packaging too. The website will deliver to the countries mentioned above. 11.4 People strategyIn an attempt to make the Twix together strategy one that is understood by all it will be ensured that all those involved at every level within the Twix brand will hold the same values and understanding. Marketing objectives and brand personality cannot stop at the product alone. Those involved in customer touch points such as the customer service operators, the sales promotion people included in such events as the Twix tour and not forgetting those who run all social media accounts held by Twix need to have an understanding of the personality and the identity that Twix holds. The people must be the living embodiment of the brand conveying this personality back to the consumer in order to maintain brand equity and strengthen the brand personality creating an omnichannel and seamless brand identity. 11.5 PricingPrice will not be affected by the new Twix Together campaign. The industry itself does not lend itself to low pricing nor extremely high pricing. Brands tend to stick around the €1 mark. The campaign does not exist to alter quality perceptions or enter into a new position based on price. This will be addressed in other areas of the marketing strategy. Twix new strategy will aim to target middle income families these will include the following: ABC1C2D - Upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, skilled working class and working class.Appendix Focus Group Reference CITATION War16 \l 6153 (Ward & O'Loughlin , 2016)Date: 10/03/2016Time: 7pm Moderators Aoife WardSarah O’Loughlin Brand: Twix Number in focus group: 6Duration: 30minsLocation: It Carlow Moderators Draft Visual Aid Who are your favourite brands and why?This caused huge discussion, the group tended to lean towards bigger brand names like Coca Cola. “it is everywhere, you cannot forget coke!” The group reminisced on experiences they received from brands and a big element that cropped up was how “fun” the discussed brands had been.115570248920Why do you buy chocolate?The group mentioned these key factors: Sugar rush, treat themselves, share with friends/family on occasions, “chill out” movie nights where mentioned. 127014605000What do you feel are the most important qualities in a chocolate bar?The groups general response when asked this question was the taste, the filling feeling, the pack size/ format and the calorie, fat and sugar content. What are you opinions on chocolate:The group’s general reaction was positive, all admitting to indulging at least once a day in some sort of chocolate related product. The more heath conscious the participant the less likely they were to binge more than once a day, more so once a week.127045085000What are your thoughts on the selection available:The group’s general reaction was positive to the products laid out in front of them. There was some mention of “old fashioned brands” particularly towards Timeout. 26289015621000I would like you to consider these 4 bars ;The Twix, Kinder Bueno, Kit Kat, Twirl, Time Out Please place them into appropriate groups based on propensity to purchase and on taste. 57154762500153352598869500Imagine that these products have personalities. Please describe the personality Time out was regarded as an old person, “well gone” with no personality what so ever. Twix was regarded as male, in his mid-40s not very exciting but sturdy and reliable Twirl was described as a young girl with a bubbly personality Kit Kat was controversial, some felt it was an old bar that they’d find in their “grannies house” while others felt it was a good reliable barKinder Bueno was described as the younger persons bar.-2476517995900082296017399000029908512382500How would you improve the bar?“Make it younger and fun!”39687512192000When you look/ think of Twix, what words come to mind??The key words that were used were chocolate, crunchy, biscuit, fingers, gold, caramel, filling, snack 44132547625 ................

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