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| |P.le M. Champagnat, 2 - C.P. 10250 - 00144 Rome |May 16th |

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Brother Eugène KABANGUKA – Afrique Centre-Est/East Central Africa

Brother Eugène Kabanguka was born in 1953 at Kagano, Rwanda. He finished his initial formation at Kinshasa where he did three years of study of theology. Then he was a teacher in various places and worked in the Novitiate at Save. He then studied religious psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Gregorian University, Rome. That prepared him to be the rector of MIC at Nairobi for six years. In 2000 he became Superior of the District of Rwanda and in 2003, he was appointed as Provincial of the new Province of Afrique Centre-Est/East Central Africa which grouped the communities of Rwanda, Congo, Central African Republic, Kenya and Tanzania. He started his second mandate on the 9th April 2006.

Brother Demetrio ESPINOSA – Cruz del Sur

Brother Demetrio ESPINOSA has been appointed Provincial of Cruz del Sur for a second mandate which will start in July 2006. This Province groups the communities and works of Argentina and of Uruguay, as well as those of the District of Paraguay. Brother Demetrio was born in 1947 at Quintanadueñas, Burgos, Spain. He did his initial formation in the work of Saint Francis Xavier in Bairo and Grugliasco, Italy and he has lived all of his Marist life in the ex-Province of Córdoba, Argentina. He was a teacher and school director, responsible for the Provincial magazine, Provincial Councillor for many years and Provincial of Córdoba from 1998 to 2003. He was a delegate to the General Chapters of 1985, 1993 and 2001.


Throughout the last few sessions of the regular Council meeting, the General Council has made several appointments.

Brothers for the Project

Mission Ad Gentes

Brother Michael FLANIGAN has been appointed Delegate of the Brother Superior General for the Project “Mission Ad Gentes” until September 2007. Brother Michael belongs to the Province of the United States of America and has resided in Rome since September 2004. Previously, he was the secretary of the Laity Commission.

Brother Timothy LEEN, from the Province of New Zealand, has been appointed Director of the formation sessions for the mission ad gentes which will take place from August 2006 in Davao in the Philippines.

Brother Alfredo HERRERA MEZA, from the Province of México Central, has been appointed member of the same formation sessions for the mission ad gentes.

Brother Roy DEITA, from the Province of the Philippines, has been appointed member of the formation team for these sessions of preparation.

Brothers working at the

General House

Brother Guy PALANDRE, from the Province of L’Hermitage, has been appointed Assistant to the Econome General for a second mandate which will start on the 1st September 2006.

Brother Onorino ROTA, from the Province of Mediterránea, has been appointed Superior of the community of the General Administration for a second mandate of three years which will start on the 1st September 2006.

Brother Don NEARY, from the Province of the United States of America, has been appointed Personal Secretary to the Superior General for a second mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st September 2006.

Brother Jean RONZON, from the Province of L’Hermitage, has been appointed Secretary General for a second mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st September 2006.

Brother Ernesto SÁNCHEZ BARBA, from the Province of México Occidental, has been appointed Director of the Bureau for Vocations for a mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st July 2006.

Brother Juan Jesús MORAL BARRIO, from the Province of L’Hermitage, has been appointed Director of the Archives for a first mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st September 2006.

Brother Pau FORNELLS SALA, from the Province of Norandina, has been appointed Director of the Bureau for the Laity for a first mandate of three years, which will commence on the 1st April 2006.

Brothers for other responsibilities

Brother Eulogio Inocencio MartÍnez CALVO, from the Province of L’Hermitage, has been appointed Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Third Age Course for three years starting from 1st September 2006.

Brother Carlos WIELGANSCZUK, from the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul, has been appointed as Sub-Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Third Age Course for three years starting from 1st September 2006.

Brother José Javier ESPINOSA MARTICORENA, from the Province of América Central, has been appointed Director of spiritual renewal sessions at L’Escorial for a second mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st September 2006.

Brother Afonso LEVIS, from the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul, has been appointed Sub-Director of spiritual renewal sessions at L’Escorial for a first mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st September 2006.

Brother André LANFREY, from the Province of L’Hermitage, has been appointed researcher in Marist Patrimony for a fourth mandate of three years which will commence on the 1st September 2006.


Central Commission for Marist Places

This Commission is composed of ten brothers, five of whom have been appointed by the Province of L’Hermitage and five others by the General Council. The Province appointed Brothers André DECULTY (Vicar Provincial), Josep María SOTERAS, Jean Pierre DESTOMBES, Michel MOREL and Heribert PUJOLAS. The General Council appointed Brothers Luís GARCÍA SOBRADO (Vicar General), Albert ANDRÉ, Michael FLANIGAN, Antonio MARTÍNEZ FERNANDEZ and Onorino ROTA.

Writing Commission for the document on The Vocation of the Lay Marist.

The General Council has appointed the following people: Pau FORNELLS fms (Director of the Bureau for the Laity), Rémi MBOLIPASIKO fms (Province of Afrique Centre-Est/East Central Africa), Afonso MURAD fms (Province of Brasil Centro-Norte), Noel DABRERA (Sri Lanka), Anne DOOLEY (Australia), Annie GIRKA (France), Carlos NAVAJAS (Guatemala), José María PÉREZ SOBA (Spain), Bernadette ROPA (Papua New Guinea) and Sérgio Luiz SCHONS (Brazil). Their first meeting took place from the 17th to the 23rd April in Rome.

International Council of Economic Affairs

The General Council has appointed Brothers Alberto ORIBE (Province of Ibérica), Dario BORTOLINI (Province of Brasil Centro-Sul), Joël CAPON THIEBAULT (Province of L’Hermitage) and Victor Manuel PRECIADO RAMIREZ (Province of México Occidental) for a first mandate of three years from the 1st January 2006 to the 31st December 2008.


Appointment of Sylvain YAO – África del Oeste/Afrique de l’Ouest/West Africa

Brother Sylvain has been appointed District Superior of the District of África del Oeste/Afrique de l’Ouest/West Africa by Brother Manuel Jorques, Provincial of the Province of Mediterránea. Sylvain was born in 1959 in Ivory Coast and discovered the brothers as a catechumen. Brother Miguel Angel Isla, one of the four martyrs of Bugobe, was his sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation. Sylvain belonged to the group of pioneers who inaugurated the Nairobi Scholasticate. He then had the opportunity to do Youth Ministry studies in Rome. After having been the Sub-Master of novices at Kumasi, Ghana, he returned to his country in 2004 to take on the responsibility of the community at Bouaké.

New Provincial Council in Afrique Centre-Est/East Central Africa

The Provincial Chapter took place from the 9th to the 12th April 2006 in Nairobi. It marked the start of the second mandate of Brother Eugène KABANGUKA and elected as Councillors the Brothers Kiko BAEZA, Alphonse GAHIMA, Rémy MBOLIPASIKO, Masumbuko MUNUNGURI and John ONYONA.

New Provincial Council in the Province of Europe Centre-Ouest/West Central Europe

The Provincial Chapter took place at Groot Bijgarden from the 17th to the 23rd April 2006. It marked the start of the first mandate of Brother Joseph McKEE, the newly appointed Provincial. The Provincial Council elected on this occasion consists of Brothers Brendan GEARY, Patrick John McGOWAN, Maurice TAILDEMAN and Robert THUNUS.

New Provincial Council in the Province of Norandina

The Provincial Chapter took place at Chinauta, Colombia, to inaugurate the start of the second mandate of Brother Laurentino ALBALÁ. On the 1st January 2006 it elected the following brothers as members of the Provincial Council: Brothers César ROJAS and Libardo GARZÓN (for Colombia), Pau FORNELLS and Crescenciano GONZÁLEZ (for Ecuador), Antonio EGUÍA and José Luís SEBASTIÁN (for Venezuela). During the Provincial Council meeting of April, Brother Mariano MORANTE was elected to replace Brother Pau FORNELLS.


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