Additional Form to be filled in for Business Visa

1. Name: _____________________________________________________

2. Company: __________________________________________________

3. Address: ___________________________________________________

4. Tel nº: _______________________ Fax: _________________________

E-mail: ______________________ Website: ______________________

5. CNPJ nº: _____________________ IE: __________________________

6. Manufacturer/ Importer/ Exporter/ Agent: ________________________

7. Annual turnover in US$ millions: _______________________________

8. Executive/ Responsible manager for actual negotiations:

Name: ____________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________Fax: ________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________

9. Reason for the visit:__________________________________________









10.Historical and frequency of business with India: ____________________







11.Indian company that is keeping business and its turnover: ____________





12. Comments: ________________________________________________






13. I, _________________________________________hereby undertake

that I shall utilize my visit to India for the purpose for which visa has been applied for and shall not, on arrival in India, try to obtain employment or set up business or to extend my stay for any other purpose.

Declarations to be done for requesters that intend to stay in India for more than one year.

I declare that I can make medical examination including for AIDS, in one-month arrival in India. In case of positive for AIDS, I’ll leave India.

I also declare that I have a vaccination certificate against yellow fever for the purpose for my India visit.

Date ___/___/___

Signature: ______________________________


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