The University of Texas at El Paso


Critical Pedagogy/Multiculturalism and Social Justice

Honorary Council to Brazil

Medal of Honor Recipient for Research/Diplomatic Services

El Paso, TX 79912

Phone # (915) 747-5253

Cell Phone: (915) 603-6294


ORCID: 0000-0001-9063-1575


Graduate and Undergraduate Courses Taught (Includes Courses taught to University Professor --US and Abroad)

• Social Context of Education

• Paulo Freire and Social Justice

• Reinventing Critical Pedagogies

• Diversity in Classroom Settings

• Critical Multiculturalism

• Scholarly Portfolio Development

• Current Topics in Multiculturalism

• Issues in Critical Pedagogy: Schools and Communities in Partnership

• Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations

• Teaching Elementary Social Studies

• Research for Classroom Teachers

• Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology

• Research in Education and Decolonizing Methodologies

• Ethics in Education

• Gender Equity in Education

• Indigenous Education/ Epistemology

• Economic of Schooling

• New Courses I developed: History of Education, Indigenous Education and Epistemology, Ethics in Education, Gender Equity in Education, Scholarly Portfolio Development, Paulo Freire and Social Justice, Reinventing Critical Pedagogies, Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations, Research in Education and Decolonizing Methodologies, Advanced Curriculum, Economic of U.S. Schooling, For the Life of Me: How to Be Agent of Your Own History,--Syllabus for Graduate and Undergraduate Course.


• Expertise on Critical Pedagogy, Critical Multiculturalism, Social Justice, Sociology of Education, and Educational Foundations with over twenty years of teaching experience relative to university professors, graduate students, undergraduate students, principals, and educators in general.

• Duties and responsibilities in leading and directing the Socio-cultural Foundations Education (SCFE) Program within the Department of Teacher Education (TED) in collaboration with a staff comprised of several junior and senior professors. Duties include the mentoring of junior faculty members, as well as the continued creation, enhancement, and focus on program quality.

• International lecturer on critical social analysis of race and the sociology of education and associated topics.

• Author and editing responsibilities for national and international “Tier One” academic books and journals.

• Experience with fund raising, organizing, and directing conferences.

• Successful conference organizer, spearheading the International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation for four years.

• Commitment and advocacy specific to social justice, activism, dialectic, and dialogical education and praxis.

• Hands-on experience teaching disenfranchised groups in non-traditional settings.

• Extensive work in participatory, quantitative, and qualitative academic research.

• Expertise specific to critical educational theories; critical pedagogy; Paulo Freire's work; critical temporal theory; social context of education; organizational politics; multiculturalism; and urban education.

• Specialization in education theory explicit to U.S. and Latin American cross-cultural studies, with emphasis on Brazilian culture and education. Personnel and project management skills.

• Developed and implemented project operational budgets and strategic goals.

• Experience and success in establishing and performing collaborative and community outreach efforts.

• Fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian (Experience with course work taught in the first three languages).

• Led teamwork conceptualization for a new master’s degree program on “Critical Teaching and Learning” at Florida International University and have done similar work at the University of Texas at El Paso, including the introduction and implementation of a Ph.D. program at the college of Education.

• Continued work with the hiring and mentoring of professors.

• Recruiting, mentoring doctoral, and master’s degree students, with chairing responsibilities in both programs.


Ph.D. -- 1999 Awarding Institution: UCLA - Graduate School of Education and

Information Studies

Major: Curriculum and Instruction/Educational Policy and


Specialization: Critical Pedagogy

M.A. -- 1993 Awarding Institution: CSULA California State University, Los Angeles –

School of Education

Major: Educational Policy and Educational Administration

Specialization: Elementary School Administration

B.A. -- 1983 Awarding Institution: College of Philosophy, Science, and Liberal Arts

São Paulo, Brazil;

Major: Educational Administration

Specialization: Critical Pedagogy

Philosophy Certificate -- 1981 Awarding Institution: College of Philosophy, Science, and

Liberal Arts São Paulo, Brazil

Major: Philosophy of Education

Specialization: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics, and Semiotics


Theology Diploma -- 1984 Awarding Institution: College of Philosophy, Science, and

Liberal Arts São Paulo, Brazil

Major: Theological Studies

Specialization: Liberation Theology


2019 to Present Honorary Council to Brazil

Serving El Paso Region

2007 Granted Sabbatical Year

Academic Development Leave

Research and Dissemination of academic work in Australia, Brazil, S. Africa, and Costa Rica

2005 to Present The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.

Tenured Associate Professor

Director of Sociocultural Foundations from 2007 to 2008; 2013 to 2014.

2001 to 2005 The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.

Assistant Professor of Critical Pedagogy & Multiculturalism and Social Justice

2009 Fourth International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation.

Manifesto for new Social Movements: Equity, Access, and Empowerment; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: ; Chair

2006 Third International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation.

Teaching Global Community: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategies of the Oppressor; El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico:

; Chair

2004 Second International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation.

Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti Oppression Education at The University of Texas at El Paso and Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico:


2000 First International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation. The Freirean Legacy: Educating for Social justice at Florida International University, Miami, FL: Chair

1999 Florida International University, Miami, FL

Assistant Professor of Social Studies in Education

1999 Chapman University, Los Angeles, CA

Visiting Professor

Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology - Graduate School

1999 Dr. Ana Maria (Nita) Freire

Translation of: “Privilege, Poverty, and Power” (Portuguese to English)

Publication: Democracy and Education- The magazine for classroom teachers-Spring 1999

1996 – 1997 Los Angeles Unified School District


Taught in the greater Los Angeles area with ethnically and culturally diverse elementary school students.

1996 UCLA/Mac Arthur Foundation

Comprehensive Child Development Project (CCDP) Associate Researcher

Conducted data collection and analysis of elementary public schools in Los Angeles and other Southern California cities. The objective of this project was to gather information to support theories related to psychological aspects of the learning process within diverse ethnic and cultural groups.

1994 – 1998 Dr. Peter McLaren and Dr. Tom Wilson

Translation of academic texts from Portuguese into English

Translated Paulo Freire, Nita Freire, and Leonardo Boff's work.

1993 - 1994 Buena Vida Health Systems Inc. - Montebello, CA


Responsible for the management, supervision, budgeting, hiring of staff and coordinated therapeutic and educational objectives for program participants including elderly, and persons with disabilities. Reported directly to the Board of Directors.

1990 – 1993 Catholic Charities - Los Angeles, CA

Teacher and Director of Professional Training Program

Began a new JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) program. Developed role-playing teaching and interviewing skills training. Job Duties consisted of the hiring and supervising of staff and program participants; fiscal management and accurate record keeping responsibilities as required by government regulations; established contact initiatives with community and business leaders; job development and placement of students.

1985 - 1989 Catholic Charities - Vernon, CA

Director of Social Services Program

The service aimed to empower disadvantaged population. Services included referrals, crisis counseling, and networking with other community organizations. Prepared reports and records for administrative purposes; further responsibilities included the supervision of volunteers; organized and implemented activities for volunteers, such as social events, recreational activities, and retreats.

1988 – 1989 La Hermandad Mexicana Nacional - Los Angeles, CA

English as a Second Language Teacher with Bert Corona leadership.

Taught adult students and prepared and implemented lesson plans; implemented two different teaching methods: a traditional one and a Freirean cooperative method; evaluation and grading on a weekly basis while centering on the needs of students in need; oversaw the scheduling of individual conferences with students.

1984 – 1985 Soledad Enrichment Action School - East Los Angeles, CA

Teacher's Assistant and Peer Counselor

All basic functions of a teacher's assistant, including supervision of class work; individual counseling of students in academic and disciplinary matters. Other responsibilities included interaction and conferences with parents, often within a bilingual and bi-cultural environment. Worked with troubled youth towards increasing their

Self-esteem and developing social skills. Intervened in crises. Assisted with public presentations as part of community awareness and juvenile delinquency prevention.

1983 – 1984 Mater Salvatoris High School - Santa Catarina, Brazil


In addition to teaching high school students, I also taught private classes, with emphasis in developing individualized study plans for children and adults. Discussed student’s progress with teacher and parents.

1981 - 1983 Self Employed, São Paulo, Brazil.

While attending college I owned and operated a bookstore and gift shop inside the largest hospital in Latin America (Hospital das Clínicas). Because of the public nature of this hospital, the largest in Latin America, serving all segments of the population including the very poor from remote areas of the country, I was often involved in situations, which required sensitivity and understanding of very diverse backgrounds at times of extreme crisis.


Title: Schooling optimism: A critical analysis of “low and high” achieving students' temporal consciousness in American and Brazilian school settings. UCLA and Library of Congress, 1999.

Optimism is an interpretive feature of human temporal experiences inclined to actions that anticipate the best possible outcome. Schools are sites where notions of optimism are hegemonically constructed through learning experiences. In this study, “high and low achieving” students in both the United States and Brazil exhibit four constructs of optimism: Blind, fatalistic, resilient, and transformative. Blind optimism indicates oblivion conditions that prevent consciousness of self-determination. Fatalistic optimism shows beliefs and attitudes where events are fixed in time advancing feelings of powerlessness to change them. Resilient optimism reveals conformation to normative order as means to achieve a desired future goal. Transformative optimism sees the formation of a collective resistance against social processes that produces alienating realities, with the hope of achieving a liberated future. Dissertation work focuses on these constructs and its application in education.


• The “Overall Rating of Course” Student Evaluations in the “EXCELLENT” category up-to-date is 69.25%.

• Combining all positive categories (“Excellent”, “Good”, and “Above Satisfactory”) in the “Overall rating of Course” Student Evaluation is 97%.



Rossatto, C.A. (Ed.) (2019). Manifesto for New Social Movements: Equity, Access, and Empowerment. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Rossatto, C.A., Editor (2011). Teaching Global Community: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategies of the Oppressor. NC: Information Age Publishing.

Rossatto, C.A., (2010). For those who dare to hope: A breakthrough constraints of time and hopelessness. Dissertation archived at UCLA and Library of Congress, Published in Berlin, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG.

Rossatto, C. A., Allen, R.L., and Pruyn, M. Eds., (2006). Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education. Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, Inc.

Rossatto, C. A. (2005). Engaging Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Possibility: From Blind to Transformative Optimism. Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, Inc.

Paraskeva, J., Rossatto, C. A. and Allen, R. L. Eds. (2005). Reinventar a Pedagogia Crítica (Reinventing Critical Pedagogy). Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Pedago, LDA

Slater, J., Fain, S. and Rossatto, C. A. Eds. (2002). The Freirean Legacy: Educating for Social Justice. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Peer Review Book Chapters:

Alvarado, L. & Rossatto, C. (2022). Allies in Solidarity Transcend Guilt and Unlearn Patriarchal Privileges: Diversity in Unity and the Advancement of a Critical Feminist Movement. Chapter 10 in the book: Handbook of Research on Social Justice and Equity in Education. Editor: Keengwe, J. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, IGI Global.

Rodriguez, R. R. & Rossatto, C. A. (2022). Sustainable happiness as a byproduct of transformative curriculum and innovative pedagogies. Chapter 15 in the book: Handbook of Research on Transformative and Innovative Pedagogies in Education. Editor: Keengwe, J. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, IGI Global.

Kazanjian, C.J., & Rossatto, C. A. (2020). Culturally relevant long-term potentiation in higher education: Neuroscientific curricular models to foster equitable educational experiences. In L. Parson, & C. Ozaki (Eds.), Teaching & Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Higher Education: Theory and Foundations, Volume I (pp. 199-218). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave. Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-44939-1.

Rossatto, C. A & Bezerra, C. (2020). Interseccionalidades hegemônicas e descolonização da

consciencia coxinha e trumpista via movimentos sociais no Brasil e Estados Unidos dentro

de espaços da transposmodernidade (Hegemonic intersectionality and decolonization of

coxinha and trumpist consciousness via social movements in Brazil and the United States within

of transposmodernity spaces). In: Interseccionalidades em debate: Gênero, Raça, Sexualidade e

classe Social. Gomes da Silva, A. L.; Cavalcante Silva, J. J. & Amar Rodriguez, V. M. (Eds.).

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia – Edufba. ISBN: 978-65-


Rossatto, C.A. & Dickerson E. R. G. (2019). Reinventing Critical Digital Literacy to Empower Student Teachers in Cross-Cultural, Web-Based Learning Environments. In: Keengwe, S. (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Assessment Practices and Pedagogical Models for Immigrant Students. Chapter 8. PA, Hershey: IGI Global.

Rossatto, C.A.; Soria, B. G.; Aguirre, J. (2019). The transborderization of neoliberalism: In the trenches of cultural and linguistic equity for social and educational transformation. In: Keengwe, S. (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Assessment Practices and Pedagogical Models for Immigrant Students. Chapter 20. PA, Hershey: IGI Global.

Rossatto, C. A. (2019). Lula lá--“the poor is the solution not the problem:"Correcting the racial divide, where the invisibles can become visible in the Brazilian struggle for racial democracy. In: Rossatto, C.A. (Ed.). Manifesto for New Social Movements: Equity, Access, and Empowerment. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Vallès, E. L. G. and Rossatto, C.A. (2019). Unlearning patriarchy as a social movement: The “online” tri-sectionalism of global cultural feminism, critical race studies, and progressive educational platforms. In: Rossatto, C.A. (Ed.). Manifesto for New Social Movements: Equity, Access, and Empowerment. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Rossatto, C. A.; Aguon, R.; Vallès, E. L. G.; Dickerson, M. E. R.; Erickson, L.A. (2019). Reclaiming Indigeneity on the US--Mexico Borderlands: Critical epistemological praxis for decolonizing Westernized teacher education programs. In: Rossatto, C.A. (Ed.). Manifesto for New Social Movements: Equity, Access, and Empowerment. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Rossatto, C.A. (2017). A Kakistocracia e a "Política Pós-Verdade" no Regime Racista, Patriarcal e Capitalista Predatório: Regressão da Justiça Brasileira e Estadunidense com o Medo, Odio e Crise da Identidade Branca. (Kakistocracy and the "Post-Truth Politics" in a Racist, Patriarchal, and Predatory Capitalist Regime: Regression of Brazilian and US Justice with the Fear, Hate, and Crisis of White Identity). In Cardoso, L., and Muller, T. (Eds.) (2017). Branquitude: Estudos sobre a identidade branca no Brasil (Whiteness: Studies on white identity in Brazil). Curitiba, Brazil: Editora Appris.

Müller, A. J. and Rossatto, C. A. (2015). A Excelência Acadêmica Entre O Globo Norte E O Globo Sul: Brasil E Estados Unidos Na Corrida Pela Ampliação Do Ensino Superior.(Academic excellence between Global North and Global South: Brazil and United States into the amplification of higher education). Internacionalização Na Educação Superior: Políticas, Integração E Mobilidade Acadêmica. (The internationalization of higher education: Policy, integration, and academic mobility). Aguiar, E.P.M. and Heinzle, M.R.S. (Eds). Blumenau, SC: Edifurb.

Rossatto, C.A. (2011). Schooling Future Oppressors: Teaching Global Communities about White Privilege. Teaching for Global Community: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategies of the Oppressor (Rossatto, C.A. Ed). Information Age Publishing.

Rossatto, C.A. (2010). Freire’s Peaceful Revolution and a Word for those that “Sell Out.” In: Remembering Paulo; (Wilson. T.; Colon-Muniz A.; Park, P. Eds). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Rossatto, C. A., (2006). Is Religion Still the Opiate of the People? Critical Pedagogy, Liberation Theology, and the Commitment to Social Transformation. In Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education. (Rossatto, C. A., Allen, R.L., and Pruyn, M. Eds). Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, Inc.

Rossatto, C. A. and Hampton, E. (2006). “Religious Right and “The right religion”: Multicultural and educational impacts.” In: Religion in Multicultural Education. (Salili, F. Ed.). Greenish, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Rossatto, C.A. (2004). Social Justice in Times of McCarthyism Renaissance: Surveillance, Ethics, and Neoliberalism. In Social Justice in These Times. (O’Donnell, J., Pruyn, M., and Chavez Chavez, R. Eds.). Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Rossatto, C. A. (2002). Critical Pedagogy Applied Praxis: A Freirean Interdisciplinary Project and Grassroots Social Movement. In: The Freirean Legacy: Educating for Social Justice. (Slater, J., Fain, S. and Rossatto, C. A. Eds.). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Rossatto, C.A. and Gesser, V. (2000). A Experiencia da Branquidão Diante de Conflitos Raciais: Estudos de Realidades Brasileiras e Estadunidenses. (The Whiteness Experience in Contrast with Racial Conflicts: Studies of Brazilian and U.S. Citizens Realities). In: Racismo e anti-racismo na educação: repensando nossa escola. (Cavaleiro, E. Ed.). São Paulo, Brazil: Summus (Selo Negro Edições).

Peer Review Journal Articles:

Santoyo, M. & Rossatto, C. A. (accepted for publication in 2021 to be published in 2022). Thoughts on pedagogical possibilities: Latin@ students' unlearning of hegemonic notions of citizenship in the borderlands. Journal of Latinos and Education. (Under final editing).

Rossatto, C. & Dickerson M. E. R. G. (to be submitted in 2022). Social Justice and Equity in a Diasporic Digital Global Society: Learning Principles and Student Well-being since Paulo Freire. (Under final review).

Parise Brandalise Dalsotto, M. & Rossatto, C. A. (2021). A voz e vez dos barqueiros: Um diálogo critico de reinvenção freireana frente aos desafios da atualidade. (The voice and turn of the boatmen: A critical dialogue on Freirean reinvention in the face of current challenges). Revista Olhar de Professor (Academic Journal). v. 24, p. 1-22, 2021. ISSN 1964-0187.

Bezerra, C.; Baltar, M. & Rossatto, C. A. (2021). Literacy from the trenches of social

mobilization: Landless rural learning and the institutionalization of academic identities.

Viviane Cristina Vieira (Ed.). Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade, Brazil. eISSN 2179-4790

ISSN 0104-9712. Cadernos De Linguagem E Sociedade, 22(1), 166–183.


Rossatto, C. A.; Bezerra, C.; (2021). Praticas etnográficas críticas: Experiencias

educativas nos movimentos sociais como cenários de resistência ao Brasil autoritario.

(Critical ethnographic practices: Educational experiences in social movements as scenarios of

resistance to authoritarian Brazil). Revista FORPROLL--Formação de Professores de Linguas e

Literatura Academic Journal. 5, Ed. Esp. 2021. ISSN


Rossatto, C.; Muller, A; Bezerra, C.; Porto, J.. (2021). À sombra de outras mangueiras: Ontologia e epistemologia freireana e os desafios do patriarcalismo e branquitude. (In the shadow of other mango trees: Freirean ontology and epistemology and the challenges of patriarchy and whiteness). Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporanea, Vol. 18, No 55.

Rossatto, C. A.; Muller, A.; Souza, K. K. (to be resubmitted in 2022).

Reinventando a filosofia da educação: Epistemologias advindas do COVID-19 e as

interseccionalidades hegemônicas. (Reinventing philosophy of education: Epistemologies

arising from COVID-19 and the hegemonic intersectionalities).

aguon, r. a. jr. & Rossatto, C. A. (to be-submitted, 2022). Pedagogy of Decolonizing Media

Literacy (DML): Civic Education & Self-Determination of Marginalized Peoples on U.S.-

Mexico Borderlands. Journal of Media, Culture & Society MCS-2017-616.

Avalos, M. & Rossatto, C. (work in progress, 2022). “Making it” in the land of uncle Sam: A

Longitudinal study of college readiness among low-income latinxs students. (Grant funded


Rossatto, C. A.; Varela, R. (to be re-submitted 2022). “Democracy” defined as Corporatocracy and polyarchy. Social inequality reproduced by historical ineffective and injudicious policymaking.

Rossatto, C. A. & Gregory, B. (work in progress, 2022). A way out of the school to prison

pipeline: Defying the disproportionate representation of differently abled students of color.

Rossatto, C. A.; Rodriguez, R. & Rodriguez, G. (2020). The pursuit of [un]happiness: A study of critical perspectives of living and constraints of social stratification. Critical Education Journal, 11(7), 1-21. UBC—University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. ISSN 1920-4175. Retrieved from:

Rossatto, C. (2019). Re-thinking pedagogy of the oppressed:  Positioning the “oppressor’s” experience at the center of academic analysis. In: Dossiê Epistemologias Críticas e Decoloniais. CAPOEIRA – Revista de Humanidades e Letras, v. n. 2, 2019 –(ISSN 2359-2354). Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira.  Brazil. Lourau J. & Malomalo, B. (Eds.).

Muller, A. J. & Rossatto, C. A. (2016). Quality of Education Distinctive Multi-Dimensional Trends: The Real and Viable Transnational Prospects for Brazil and United States’ Higher Education. American Journal of Educational Research (), Vol. 4, No. 17, November; PP. 1231-1237.

Muller, A. & Rossatto, C. A. (2016). The Politics of Body Capital within Neoliberal Social Reproduction Systems: Freirean Critical Pedagogy Principles in Brazilian Schools. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. England. (JCEPS), 14(1).

Rossatto, C. A.; Rivas, C.; Heiman, D.; Esparza, J. (2015). “Troublemaking,” “Making Trouble,” and “Making It” Through Institutionalized Schooling: Critical Pedagogy as a Transformational Exodus. Journal of Critical Education: . Canada. Vol. 6, Number 5.

Rossatto, C. A. (2015). Global Activism and Social Transformation vis-à-vis Dominant Forms of Economic Organization: Critical Education within Afro-Brazilian and Transnational Pedagogical Praxis. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. England. Vol. 12, Number 3.

Rossatto, C. A. (2014). The Transgression of Racism across Borders: Critical Whiteness Studies, Brazil and United States in the Struggle for Racial Justice. Academic Journal: Revista da ABPN • v. 6, n. 13 • mar. – jun. 2014 • p. 120-133. Brazil.

Rossato, C. A. (2013). The Trans-nationalization of Racism: Critical Multiculturalism as a Venue to Implement Anti-Racist Education (Russian: ТРАНСНАЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИЯ РАСИЗМА: КРИТИЧЕСКИЙ МУЛЬТИКУЛЬТУРАЛИЗМ КАК ПЛОЩАДКА ДЛЯ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ АНТИРАСИСТСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ). (Portuguese: A Transnacionalização do Racismo: O Multiculturalismo Critico Como Forma the Implementação de uma Educação Anti-Racista). Education and Self-development. Kazan Federal University ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И САМОРАЗВИТИЕ. Vol. No. 4 (38) 2013. 20.12.2013. (pp. 231-237).

Rossatto, C. A. (2010). Freire’s understanding of history, current reality, and future aspirations: His dream, take on ethics, and pedagogy of solidarity. Journal of Thought. Spring-Summer 2008, pp. 147-161.

Allen, R. L. and Rossatto, C. A. (2008). Does Critical Pedagogy Work With Privileged Students? Teacher Education Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 1, Social Studies Teacher Education: Dare We Teach for Democracy? (Winter 2009), pp. 163-180

Rossatto, C.A. (2004). Blind Optimism: A Cross-Cultural Study of Students’ Temporal Constructs and Their Schooling Engagement. Taboo Journal,Vol. 8, number 2, Fall-Winter.

Rossatto, C.A. (2004). A Cultura do Controle Vigilante e sua “Ética” Enganosa: Globalização e  Neoliberalismo na Fronteira México/Estados Unidos. (The Culture of Surveillance Control and Its Misleading Ethics: Globalization and Neoliberalism on the Border of Mexico/U.S.). Sem Fronteiras International Journal.

Rossatto, C.A. (2002). Educação e Crise do Trabalho: Perspectives de Final de Século. (Education and Work Crises: Perspectives at the End of the Century. Educational Review Journal. Book Review in Portuguese. Frigotto, G., (org. et. all, 1998). Petropolis: RJ: Vozes.

Rossatto, C.A. (2001). Social transformation and “popular schooling” in Brazil. Childhood Education, 77(6), 367-374.

Invited Book Chapter and Preface

Rossatto, C. A. (2021). Preface of: 1921 -- Paulo Freire – 2021: 100 Anos de Ėtica, Liberdade e Educação. (1921 – Paulo Freire – 2021: 100 Years of Ethics, Freedom, and Education). Borges, V. and Mesquida, P. (Eds), (pp 190). Curitiba, Brazil: Editora CRV Ltda. (ISBN 978-65-5868-352-0. DOI 10.24824/978655868352.0)

Rossatto, C. A. (2020). Reawakening Indigenous Critical Consciousness, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Sacred Mountain, Sacred Home: Taking the Mountain Home with Gratitude, Forgiveness and Love. Editors: Bob and Wanda Wade. Dallas, Texas: GOC (Gathering of Circles), Jayroe Printing, Inc.

Rossatto, C. A. (2019). Preface of: Os Refugiados da Terra: Uma problemática ético-política inspirada nas abordagens freireanas. (Refugees on Earth: An ethical-political problem inspired by Freire's approaches). Almeida Orlando, E., Mesquida, P. & Borges, V. (Eds). Curitiba, Brazil: Editora CRV (ISBN:978-85-444-3560-1; DOI: 10.24824/978854443560.1)


Soria, B. G.; Aguirre, J.; Rossatto, C.A. (2018). La Transfronterización del neoliberalismo:

Un estudio por transformaciones educacionales en las trincheras de equidad cultural y

lingüística. (The Transfrontierization of Neoliberalism: A study of educational transformations

in the trenches of cultural and linguistic equity.) (CD/Multi-Media. Conference Proceedings

publication at Estudos Linguisticos, X Conferencia Internacional. Havana, Cuba)

(2006) Conference Proceedings, Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education. (CD compilation of all conference presentations distributed to all participants).

Newspaper Article Publication

Rossatto, C. A. and Sigiliano, R. (2014). Theocracy and [Media]ocracy on 2014 Presidential Brazilian Election. El Paso, TX: Sunday, 28th of September, 2014, El Diario Newspaper.

Future Publications:

Rossatto, C.A. & Dickerson E. R. G. (book proposal in progress). Reinventing Critical Digital Literacy to Empower Student Teachers in Cross-Cultural Settings. PA, Hershey: IGI Global.

Rossatto, C. A. (book work in progress). From Pedagogy of the Oppressed to Pedagogy of the Oppressor and Beyond

Rossatto, C. A. and Rodriguez, R. (book work/proposal in progress, 2022). Reproduction of [Un]happiness in schools: The Challenges of pedagogy of happiness within Global Inequalities.

Rossatto, C.A. & Chairez, R. (work in progress). Critical crystals of symmetry: Critical thinking paradigms of knowledge constructs and the adverse epigenetic effects on humans


(2020) Panel: “Hegemonic Intersectionalities vis-à-vis empowerment quality educational programs.” Chair: Rossatto, C.

‘Making it’ when the system is design to fail you: College readiness educational programs, a quantitative and qualitative longitudinal study. By Avalos, M. & Rossatto, C.

The displacement of Indigenous communities: Bio-diversity and epistemologies of the global South. By Argumedo, S. & Rossatto, C.A.

Critical multiculturalism/pedagogy and transformative quality education for the empowerment of borderland communities. By Rossatto, C. A.

Sponsor: Minority Seminar: “Curriculums for Social Justice” Åbo Akademi University’s Vaasa Campus, Finland. (Conference was cancelled due to Corona Virus COVID 19 Pandemic).

Poor intelligence, paranoia, geopolitical strategies, manufactured consent, neoliberalism, and their effects on democracy, immigration, and the environment

Sponsor: LASA, 38th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Guadalajara, Mexico, May 13-16th. Co-author: Santos, H. & Sigiliano, R. (Presented online due to Covid 19 Pandemic).

Panel: Epistemologias Criticas e Decolonais (Critical Epistemologies and

Decolonizing). Chair: Laurau, J. (UCSAL).

Re-thinking pedagogy of the oppressed: Positioning the “oppressor’s” experience at the center of academic analysis. By Rossatto, C.A.

Sponsor: Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira.

(UNILAB) Brazil. IV Semana de África na Bahia - V Seminario Internacional de

Novos Estudos Africanos. O Paradigma Ancestral de uma Africa Global no Seculo XXI. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

(2019) Awakening the Sleeping Giant: U.S. Latin@ Voting Power to counter the “Browning of America”—White Fear with Ethnic Studies antivenin medicine.

Sponsor: LASA, 37th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Boston, MA, May 24-27. Co-author: Varela, R.

(2018) Politics of language within Global Imperialism: Resistance to neocolonization and the need to re-position our intellectual localities

Author: Rossatto, C.; Soria, B.; Aguire, J.

Sponsor: World Education Research Association (WERA) World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa (August). Accepted not presented.

De-colonizing Media Literacy: Communicating Civic Participation Pedagogy on the U.S.-Pacific & Mexico Borderlands. (Authors: aguon, r. a. jr., & Rossatto, C. A.) Sponsor: CIES-Comparative International Education Society, Mexico City

“More is never enough…”: Colonizers and colonized [un]happiness. (Rossatto, C. A. Rodriguez, R.)

Sponsor: CIES-Comparative International Education Society, Mexico City

Reclaiming Indigeneity on the US--Mexico Borderlands: Critical epistemological praxis for decolonizing Westernized teacher education programs (Authors: Rossatto, C. A.; aguon, r. a. jr.; Vallès, E. L.G.; Dickerson, M. E.; Erickson-Alvarado, L.;

Sponsor: CIES-Comparative International Education Society, Mexico City

Greasing the wheels of Whiteness, Patriarchy, and Neoliberalism’s matrix: The impact of Trumpers and Brazilian Coxinha’s consciousness on Latin America geopolitics (Author: Rossatto, C. A.)

Sponsor: CIES-Comparative International Education Society, Mexico City

(2017) World Happiness and the Equalization of Socio-Economic Systems: Infrastructures to Create and Sustain Hope and Justice within Eastern and Western Paradigms. (Authors: Rossatto, C. A.; Rodriguez, R.)

Sponsor: World Education Research Association (AERA-WERA). Hong Kong.

Literacy from the trenches of social mobilization: Landless rural learning and the institutionalization of academic identities (Authors: Bezerra, C.; Rossatto, C. A. & Baltar, M.)

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association, S. Antonio, TX.

Unshackling youth from the controls and reproduction of oppression: Deconstructing discriminatory socialization practices in education. (Authors: Eckert, M. & Rossatto, C. A.)

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association, S. Antonio, TX.

Decolonization of coxinha’s consciousness: The transposmodernity of working class and social movements in Brazil. (Authors: Rossatto, C. A; Bezerra, C.).

Sponsor: Congreso International de La Asociación de Filosofia y Liberación, Theme: "Posglobalization, Decolonization, and Transmodernity." Ciudad Juarez, México.

Brazilian and Mexican activists battling imperialism’s geopolitics: Developing authentic consciousness within decolonial critical transpostmodern intellectual localities (Authors: Chew S. A. & Rossatto, C. A.)

Sponsor: Congreso International de La Asociación de Filosofia y Liberación, Theme: "Posglobalization, Decolonization, and Transmodernity." Ciudad Juarez, México.

Os Movimentos Sociais e a Educação Etnográfica e Autoetnográfica no Brasil. (Social Movements and Ethnographic and Auto-ethnographic Education in Brazil). (Authors: Bezerra, C.; Rossatto, C. A.).

Sponsor: 14th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography of Education, El Paso. TX.

How Technology Can Empower Students Linguistically Excluded: An Ethnographic Study of the Literacy Process of the Deaf in Brazil. (Authors: Corrêa Y.; Ribeiro, V. G.; Rossatto, C.A.)

Sponsor: 14th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography of Education, El Paso, TX.

Teachers as Transformative Organic Intellectual Leaders: Learning and Practicing Activism at Schools and at Transnational Communities (Authors: Rossatto, C. A. & Varela, R.).

Sponsor: 14th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography of Education, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Organic Writing and Collective Autobiography: Auto-ethnography as Pedagogical Tool to Deconstruct Oppression – A Feminist Empowerment to Dismantle Violence. (Authors: Sotelo, H. & Rossatto, C. A.)

Sponsor: 14th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography of Education, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

La Transfronterización del Neoliberalismo: Un estudio por transformaciones educacionales en las trincheras de equidad cultural y lingüística. (The Transfrontierization of Neoliberalism: A study of educational transformations in the trenches of cultural and linguistic equity. (Authors: Soria, B. G.; Aguire, J.; Rossatto, C.A.)

Sponsor: Estudos Linguisticos, X Conferencia Internacional. Havana, Cuba

(2016) Social inequality reproduced by historical ineffective policy making: Democratization, commitment, sustainability, and educational social transformation

Sponsor: LASA: Latin American Studies Association. New York. Co-author: Richard Varela

Indigenous Knowledge and Story Telling

Sponsor: Gathering of Circles, Cloudcroft, New Mexico.

(2015) Pedagogies of Hate v. Critical Pedagogies: Brazil and Mexico

Sponsor: AESA: American Educational Studies Association. S. Antonio, Co-authors: Selfa Chew and Gerardo Rodriguez.

Structural and Circumstantial [Un]Happiness: From culturally and historically situated notions to critical postmodern Perspectives

Sponsor: AESA: American Educational Studies Association. S. Antonio, Co-authors: Roxanne Rodriguez and Gerardo Rodriguez.

(2014) Critical Pedagogy and Paulo Freire for Contemporary Schooling.

Sponsor: FURB: Regional University of Blumenau, SC, Brazil.

Pedagogy in the 21st Century.

Sponsor: UACJ: Universito de Ciudad Juarez, México.

(2013) Global Activism and Social Transformation vis-à-vis Dominant Forms of Economic Organization: Critical Education within Afro-Brazilian and Transnational Pedagogical Praxis. Surviving the Future: Owning the World or Sharing the Commons.

Sponsor: Global Studies Association. Los Angeles, CA.

The Trans-nationalization of Ethics: The Influence Entertainment Industry has on Education and Identity Formation.

Sponsor: Ética y Cine Congreso Online, Argentina.

Impacto del Aprendizaje Crítico en Las Comunidades Educativas:

Un análisis de distintos niveles de concientización. (The impact of critical learning in educational communities: An analysis of distinct levels of conscientization). (Co-authored with Pineda, D.) Advancing our Language and Culture-the Common Core of our Identity.

Sponsor: La Cosecha, Albuquerque, NM.

Critical Thinking for Collective Consciousness: Social Justice Activism. “Faculty, Students and the Common Good”

Sponsor: NEA 2013 Higher Education Conference. Portland, Oregon.

Globalization and Human Ethics: Transformative Intellectual Leadership and Democratic Praxis

Sponsor: 5th Annual Systems Engineering Symposium

"Innovative Green Systems of Systems;" El Paso, TX

Critical Consciousness and Optimism

Sponsor: Gathering of Circles, Cloudcroft, New Mexico.

(2012) Popular Culture as Teaching Resource: Deconstructing Racially Oppressive

Discourses for Students Empowerment. Co-authored with Wandermurem, L. S.

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The Cross-Roads of Diasporic Experiences and Temporal Narratives within Schooling Border Communities

Sponsor: CIRCLE Conference for International Research on Cross-Cultural Learning in Education, El Paso, TX

O Enriquecimento Branco com o Trabalho Negro: Um Estudo Comparado entre Estados Unidos e Brasil (The White Prosperity with Black Labor: A Comparative Study between United States and Brazil).

Sponsor: III Seminario Nacional sobre Educaҫão Sociocomunitaria: Educaҫão, Conhecimento e Cultura, Americana, São Paulo, Brasil

(2011) Objectification of Human Existence: Science and Information as tools of power and control among social groups. Co-authored with Barbosa, A. C.

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.

Transformative Optimism for Natural Hazard Preparedness Based on Pedagogy of Paulo Freire. Co-authored with Rios, C.

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.

Popular Culture as Teaching Resource: Student Empowerment or Perpetuation of Oppression? Co-authored with Soares Wandermurem, L.

Sponsor: CIRCLE Conference for International Research on Cross-Cultural Learning in Education, El Paso, TX

(2010) “Authors Meet Critic”: Reinventing Critical Pedagogy, Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education.

AERA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO

Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

Being Latino/a in the Era of Obama: Immigrant-Rights Movements and the White Anxiety Crises. Paulo Freire Lecture Series

Discussant/Chair of panel session: Peter McLaren, Sonia Nieto, Angela Valenzuela, Lilia Bartolome, Pedro Pedraza, Emmanuel Garcia, and Patricia Lopez, (Distinguished Scholar Award, session).

AERA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO

Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

(2009) Freirean Public-School Teachers Speak Out: An Auto-ethnographic Account from the Trenches, Chair and Discussant. Panel with outstanding qualified teachers

AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

Disciplined Inquiry: Education Research in the Circle of Knowledge

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

Critical Postcolonial Studies, Whiteness, and Freirean Perspectives: A Study of the Present Conditions of Latin America and the Caribbean in Critical complexities. On the panel: colonialism, Gender segregation, and Ecological rights in Academia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. 

AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

Disciplined Inquiry: Education Research in the Circle of Knowledge

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

Marxian analysis of Schools and society in Age of Neoliberal Farce.  SIG-Marxian Analysis of Society, Schools, and Education. Discussant,

AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

Disciplined Inquiry: Education Research in the Circle of Knowledge

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

(2008) Perceptions and usage of time: Hope in transnational educational settings.

Sponsor:  International Perspectives in Education. UTEP, College of Education Colloquia.

(2006) Schooling Future Oppressors: Border and U.S. Students’ Sense of Privilege

Sponsor: Third International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation

Teaching for Global Community: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategies of the Oppressor, El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, México

Borders, Emigration, and Immigration—Symptoms of a Greater Problem: A study of Classed, Raced, and Gendered Constructs

César Augusto Rossatto, Simon Chandler, and John Boucher

Sponsor: Lineae Terrarum Conference, Ciudad Juárez, México and Las Cruces/El Paso, United States.

“Troublemakers” in Poverty Endure Violence: Critical Pedagogy as a Transformational Exodus. Book presentation.

César Rossatto, Juanita Esparza, Daniel Heiman, Cecilia Enriquez

Sponsor: Lineae Terrarum Conference, Ciudad Juárez, México and Las Cruces/El Paso, United States.

At-Riskness and Freirean Critical Pedagogy as a Transformational Alternative.

Current Issues in Freirean Pedagogy.

Sponsor: AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.

(2005) Challenges of a Border Community: Empowering Teachers and Poor Middle

School Students via Critical Pedagogy.

Demography and Democracy in the Era of Accountability. Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association Montréal, Canada.

Children in Poverty Endure the Violence Perpetrated by the Empire’s Unleashed Expansion: Critical Pedagogy as a transformational Exodus Co-presenters: Cesar Rossatto, Cecilia Enriquez, Daniel Heiman, and Juanita Esparza

Dialogues on the Mexico-U.S. Border Violence: An Interdisciplinary and Bi-national Symposium

Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin

(2004) Is religion still the “opium” of the people? Critical pedagogy, liberation theology and the commitment to social transformation.

Second International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation, UTEP and UACJ, El Paso, TX and Ciudad Juarez, CH, Mexico.

Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education.

Sponsors: UTEP, UACJ, NMSU, UNM and several academic journals and publishers.

Social Justice in These Times: A Panel discussion

Sponsor: Second International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation, UTEP and UACJ, El Paso, TX and Ciudad Juarez, CH, Mexico.

Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: Widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education.

Whiteness and Affirmative Action: A Comparative Study of Brazil and the

U.S. (Co-authored with Ricky Lee Allen).

AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, C.A.

Enhancing the Visibility and Credibility of Educational Research. Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

Lula lá, the Invisibles are becoming visible: Uncovering Brazil Racial Utopia in the Struggle for Racial Democracy. (Co-authored with Henrique Cunha).

AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, C.A.

Enhancing the Visibility and Credibility of Educational Research. Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

An Education that Ignores a Critical Literacy Analysis Sustains a Miss Reading of the World:  Paulo Freire, Critical Multiculturalism and Transformative Practices.

Sponsor: Border Literacy Conference. In El Paso

(2003) La Vigencia del Pensamiento Freireano en América Latina en El Contexto de La Globalización. (The Feasibility of Freirean Thought in Latin America in the Context of Globalization).

Sponsor: UACJ – La Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Juárez, México.

Internacionalización de la Educación del Opresor y del Oprimido: Denunciando, Anunciando, Transformando y Humanizando Nuestra Sociedad. (The Internalization of Oppressors and Oppressed Education: Denouncing, Announcing, Transforming, and Humanizing our Society). Semana de Humanidades—Panel Internacionalización de la Educación.

Sponsor: UACJ – La Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Juárez, Mexico

La Hegemonía Patriarcal Blanca del Mundo Occidental y Sus Consecuencias Horripilantes. (The White Patriarchal Hegemony in the Occidental World and its Horrifying Consequences). Sponsor: Pedagogia 2003: Encuentro Por La Unidad de los Educadores. Habana, Cuba

Student Empowerment through Identity Affirmation: A Theoretical and a Practical Approach to Multiculturalism. BEEMS: The Power of Two Language, El Paso, TX.

Sponsor: College of Education/UTEP, Canutillo Independent School District and Consulado General de México.

From Ambassadors of Oppression to Ambassadors of Liberation: Questioning Oppressors’ Legitimization of History and How It Frames the Future of New Generations. AESA, Mexico City. Sponsor: AESA – American Educational Studies Association,

Counter Acting Oppression with a Pedagogy of Curiosity: Applying Critical Theory into Action Research Practices. AERA Annual Meeting Chicago, IL Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association,

The Myth of “Mestiçagem Racial Models:” Uncovering Whiteness Silent Consciousness. AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Sponsor: AERA - American Educational Research Association

(2002) Surveillance and Ethics along the Mexico/U.S. Border: Globalization and Popular Education; Albuquerque, New Mexico

The 23rd Annual conference of the Southwest/Texas

Sponsor: Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association

Imaginando e experienciando a branquidão: Preconceitos raciais brasileiros e estadunidenses, (Imagining and Experiencing Whiteness: Brazilian and U.S. American’s Racial Prejudices). Atlanta, Georgia

BRASA VI International Congress; Brazil: New Visions

Sponsor: BRASA Brazilian Studies Association

Planting Axé and Harvesting Social Justice

AERA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana

Validity and Value in Education Research

Sponsor: AERA-American Educational Research Association

Surveillance and Ethics’ Issues Related to Globalization and Neo-liberalism: A border study; Las Cruces, New Mexico

Fifth Annual Border Walking Conference

Sponsor: New Mexico State University College of Education Borderlands Center for Education (BoCES)

Applying Liberating Educational Practices to generate social justice

9th Annual BEEMS Conference; The Power of Two Languages

Sponsor: College of Education and Canutillo Independent School District

(2001) Social Justice Intertwined with Grassroots Education in Brazil

AERA, Social Studies (CUFA) session, Seattle, Washington.

Sponsor: American Educational Research Association

Neoliberal Reform, Globalization and Schooling, Critical Perspectives AERA Discussant Panel, Seattle, Washington

Sponsor: American Educational Research Association

Whiteness Experience and its Impact on New Immigrants: A Study of Brazilianess Identity Construction in Miami

Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Sponsor: National Association for Multicultural Education

(2000) Does Critical Pedagogy Work with Privileged Students? (Co-authored with Ricky Lee Allen). Orlando, FL

Conference; Real Magic: The Realization of Multicultural Education in the Everyday Life.

Sponsor: National Association for Multicultural Education

Critical Pedagogy into Praxis: A Freirean interdisciplinary project and grassroots social movement. Miami, FL

First annual International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation. The Freirean Legacy: Educating for Social Justice.

Sponsor: Florida International University

Global Justice in the Social Studies Curriculum. (Symposium)

San Antonio, TX

The 80th Annual NCSS-CUFA Conference: Honoring the Past, Building the Future

Sponsor: College and University Faculty Assembly

Optimistic Transformative Curriculum: A cross-cultural study of temporal consciousness. Alexandria, VA

AATC Seventh Annual Conference

Sponsor: (AERA SIG), American Association for Teaching and Curriculum

Social Fatalism: A last interview with Paulo Freire. New Orleans, Louisiana:

AERA Conference: Creating Knowledge in the 21st Century: Insights from multiple perspectives

Sponsor: American Educational Research Association

(1999) Social Relations of Power and Centeredness Tensions Call for a Pedagogy of Transformative Optimism. Orlando, FL: HEC

Conference: Living and Working in a High-Tech World: Implications for College Mathematics and Science

Sponsor: Florida Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation and University of Central Florida College of Education

(1998) The Classroom Construction of Time in a US-Brazilian Context.

Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia

Conference: Dance on the Edge

Sponsor: CIES-Comparative & International Educational Society

Fatalism, Critical Temporal Consciousness, and Paulo Freire. San Francisco, CA: ASA; Conference: Inequality and Social Policy: A Challenge for Sociology

Sponsor: American Sociological Association

(1996) Student agency through conscientização: Linking Freirean pedagogy

and co-operative learning. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA

Conference: Urban Education: Challenges for the Sociology of Education.

Sponsor: The Midterm Conference of the Research Committee on Sociology of Education and International Sociological Association


(2022) Radio interview about Brazilian Immigration as a consequence of geopolitics.

Rádio Espinharas FM, Paraiba, Brazil.

Invited Guest of Honor

Indigenous Knowledge and Epistemology. TV Interview CW Station: Elevate El Paso Program.

Invited Guest of Honor

(2021) Otimismo Transformador em Face dos Desafios da Atualidade: Direitos

Humanos e a Educação Crítica na Práxis Pedagógica Transnacional. (Transformative Optimism in Face of Current Challenges: Human Rights and Critical Education in Transnational Pedagogical Praxis).

Sponsor: IV Jornada de Pesquisa do PPGE e II Encontro Internacional de Educação da Universidade Estácio de Sá

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Online conference. Keynote Address

Saberes Freireanos Cross-Temporais-Culturais: Desafios nas Politicas Educacionais do Brasil e Estados Unidos. (Cross-Temporal-Cultural Freirean Knowledge: Challenges in Educational Policies in Brazil and the United States).

Sponsor: COPED: XII Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação Paulo Freire: Trabalho e Práxis Emancipadoras. Organized by Graduate Program in Education and the Department of Educational Research Methods and Techniques, at the State University of Montes Claros -Unimontes- Brazil.

Location: Minas Gerais e Espirito Santo, with national participation

Online conference. Keynote Address

Freirean Pedagogy, Transformative Optimism, and the Science of Well

Being. 100 Years of Paulo Freire

Sponsor: Universidade do Espirito Santo

Location: Espirito Santo, Brazil. Invited Guest Lecture

Engaging Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Possibility.

Sponsor: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC)

Location: Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. Escola de Educação e Humanidades. Curso de Filosofia. Invited Guest Lecture.

LIVE: Retrospectiva/Expectativa nesta virada de ano e novos propositos nos

Estados Unidos e Brasil (Retrospective/Expectation at this turn of year and new

proposals in the United States and Brazil). Boston and international Brazilian Community— Brazilian Women Group. Invited Guest Lecture

New York Radio Interview: Paulo Freire, Education, Love, and Resistance. The Pedagogy of the Oppressed: A Back to School Special, Commemorating the Centennial of the Revolutionary Educator. Streaming Live WBAI 99 Voices of Resistance Radio Station. .

Invited as Guest of Honor.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed in a contemporary world.

University of North Texas.

Invited as Guest Lecture.

Critical Pedagogy and Paulo Freire’s Legacy Worldwide.

FURB-Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (University of Blumenau). Santa Catarina, Brazil

Invited Guest Lecture

(2020) Paulo Freire and International Social Work Development within Human Rights and Social Inclusion Perspectives. Presentation done at a UTEP graduate class: Social Work focus on International Development, imparted by Dr. Mark Lusk, at Health Sciences College. Invited guest lecture.

Bio-Civilization, Indigenous Knowledge, and Science of Well Being.

Sponsor: GOC, Gathering of Circles. Cloudcroft, NM. Invited guest lecture

LIVE: Geopoliticas de Precarização da Vida e Direitos Humanos: Imigração,

Saúde, Eleições e Educação (Geopolitics of Precarious Life and Human

Rights: Immigration, Health, Elections and Education). Boston and international

Community—Brazilian Women Group. Invited guest lecture

LIVE: COVID -19: Geo-politicas predatorias. (COVID-19: Predatory Geo-politics). Boston and international Brazilian Community—Brazilian Women Group. Invited guest lecture

LIVE: Eleições norte americanas: Significado e Implicações. (Norte America elections meaning and implications). Boston and international Brazilian Community—Brazilian Women Group. Invited guest lecture

LIVE: Supremacia branca: Racismo e tensões sociais no contexto atual da pandemia de Coronavirus. (White supremacy: Racism and social tensions in the current context of the COVID pandemic). Boston and international Brazilian Community—Brazilian Women Group. Invited guest lecture

(2019) Democracy and Social Movements. XXI Forum of Study: Paulo Freire Readings – Democracy and Social Movements: Denouncing and Announcing. May 03rd, 2019. University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil. Keynote address

Curricular Conceptualization in the US Schooling.

Federal University of Santa Maria. Brazil. Invited guest lecture

Amazon and you under Fire: Neo-fascism, neoliberalism, and genocide of Indigenous people. Co-presenter: Dr. Heitor Santos. UTEP—The University of Texas at El Paso. Sponsor: Chicano Studies and Political Science. Lecture

Lawfare, Media, Geopolitics, and Brazil’s Coup d’état. Co-presenter: Dr. Heitor Santos. UTEP—The University of Texas at El Paso, library. Lecture

Issues Surrounding White Supremacy and Related Ideologies. News Radio 690 KTSM. Special radio broadcast talk, days after mass shootings of El Paso, 23 persons killed.

(2018) Healthier societies are a natural consequence of social justice and quality education: Happiness and social class and racial/gender politics. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina-UFSC, Florianopolis. Brazil. Keynote address with Honorariums

Kakistocracy, happiness, and pedagogy of the oppressor. EPCC, El Paso, TX. Invited Guest Speaker

(2017) Democracies at risk: A critical scientific analysis of historical facts for authentic revision of reality. Boston, Massachusetts. Invited Guest Speaker on a panel with President Dilma Rousseff from Brazil and Dr. Heitor Santos. Presented for professors from Harvard, Brown, and MIT universities and the local Brazilian community.

Trumpers and coxinhas controlling USA and Brazil: A threat to civil rights, freedom, global social order, environment, and democracy. Invited Guest Speaker, co-presenter Dr. Heitor Santos, presented on November 15th, at International Cultural Festival, UTEP Centennial Museum.

Democracy on life support: Educational social engineering and the importance of knowing social class, racial, and gender politics; where citizens become contributors to society rather than a deficit.

EPCC, El Paso, TX. Invited Guest Speaker co-presenter Dr. Heitor Santos

Civic engagement fuel by Critical Pedagogy and critical thinking.

EPCC, El Paso, TX. Invited Guest Speaker

(2016) Contemporary Brazilian Culture. Invited Guest Speaker, co-presenter Dr. Heitor Santos, presented on November 15th, at International Cultural Festival, UTEP.

Civic engagement and critical education in the 21st century. EPCC, El Paso, TX. Invited Guest Speaker

Latin America’s Ethnic Conflict Resolution Advancements and Drawbacks. USP-University of São Paulo, Brazil. Invited Guest Speaker

Transnationals experiences in a globalizing world and higher education teaching. El Paso, TX private school. Invited Guest Speaker

(2014) Social Reproduction, Freire, and Teachers’ Critical Consciousness in the

Global South

FURB-Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil

(2011) “La Escolarización de Esperanzas Realísticas: Cambios Comunitarios a través

de una Pedagogía de la Praxis,” (Schooling Realistic Hope: Community Change through a Pedagogy of Praxis). Location: Medellín, Colombia.

“A relevancia de Paulo Freire hoje no mundo: Esperanҫas reais e ireais” (The relevance of Paulo Freire today in the world: Real and unreal hopes).

Location: PUC (Ponficia Universidade Catolica), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

(2010) The Semiotics of Re-humanization: Integrating New Pedagogical Praxis to Re-Envision the World

“New Directions in US and Russian Pedagogy: Ways of Integration;”

Location: Conference Institute of Applied Semiotics, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; Kazan, Russia

(2009) From Dewey, Gandhi to Freire - Awakening Sleeping Giants: The Epistemology of Critical Consciousness; Indian Institute of Technology, Location: Delhi, India; International Conference: “Excellence in School Education” Keynote address with Honorariums.

“O racismo e' diferente pra nos aqui!”: A hegemonia da supremacia branca, sua cumplicidade e resistencia; ha uma necessidade de uma pedagogia diferenciada (“Racism is different for us here!” The Hegemony of white supremacy, its complicity and resistance; calls for a differentiated pedagogy.

Location: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. CONFELE-Forth International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation. Keynote address with Honorariums.

(2007) Yendo Más Allá de Analices de Género y Clase Social: Los Retos de la

Diversidad y Pedagogía Crítica. (Going Beyond Gender and Social Class Analysis: The Challenges of Diversity and Critical Pedagogy). 7º Congreso Internacional, Retos y Expectativas de la Universidad: El papel de la educación en la construcción de las sociedades del conocimiento;

Location: Monterrey, México.

Keynote address with Honorariums.

Two weeks of lecturing and seminars for university professors and graduate


Location: Victoria University and Deaken University, Melbourne, Australia with Honorariums.

Gestão Educacional em Contextos de Democratização (Educational Policies in Democratization Contexts). I Internacional Seminar in Educational Reform and II Academic Week on Specialization Conference

Location: UFSM-Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Keynote presentation with Honorariums.

The unbearable lightness of whiteness: A deconstruction of “Whiteness” in a multicultural education context

Faculty Seminar

Location: University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa.

School for Graduate Studies College of Human Sciences-UNISA; with Honorariums.

Racism, reconciliation and Paulo Freire: The role of critical pedagogies

Seminar to university professors.

Location: University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa.

School for Graduate Studies College of Human Sciences-UNISA; with Honorariums.

Informal academic exchange with university professors; School of Social and Policy Studies; Faculty of Education; University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Two dialogical lecturing as Special Invited Guest Speaker at UDESC University.

Location: Santa Catarina, Brazil. Additional work with university professors and under/graduate students.

Research in Education and Decolonizing Methodologies: Critical Pedagogy as a Social Transformation Tool.

Location: University of Costa Rica. San Jose, Costa Rica. A week-long course and Keynote Address with Honorariums

O Des-aprender e o Re-aprender na Relação Professor Aluno. (Unlearning and Re-learning in the Teacher-Student Relationship).

I Colóquio Internacional em Educação e VII Seminário Regional em Educação, que a Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – UNOESC.

Location: Joaçaba, Brazil. Keynote Address with Honorariums

Pedagogy and Didactics in the Classroom.

Location: Universidade Santa Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Keynote Address with Honorariums.

(2006) I See Dead People: Legacy thinkers examine contemporary curriculum discourse. The Status of the Curriculum Field: What would Mann, Dewey, Schwab, and Freire Do? Education Research in the Public Interest. Invited Guest Speaker.

Location: AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.

(2005) Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy

Location: SWABE-Southwest Association for Bilingual Educators, El Paso, Texas

Invited Guest Speaker.

Whiteness in Educational Settings

Location; SWABE-Southwest Association for Bilingual Educators, El Paso, Texas

Invited Guest Speaker.

Doctoral Thesis Research: Cross Cultural Studies and Critical Hermeneutics

Dissertation Seminar in Qualitative Research Class.

Location: NMSU, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Doctoral Students.

Invited Guest Speaker.

Multiculturalism and Hidden Curriculum: Social Inclusion and Students’ Classroom Engagement

Location: School District of Guarapuava, Pr. Brazil. Keynote Address.

White Supremacy in Latin America

Afro Brazilian Social Forum.

Location: Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. Keynote Address.

Harmful Effects of Standardized Testing

U.S. Congress of Texas, testimony presented at Texas Public Education Committee.

Location: Austin, TX.

Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work: How We Educate

Working Class and Elite Students Are Very different.

Burges High School Civil Rights Project

Location: El Paso, TX. Invited Guest Speaker.

(2004) Paulo Freire in the 21st Century. UNM (University of New Mexico in Albuquerque) College of Education, Social Cultural Dept. Doctoral students. Invited Guest Speaker.

We need to test our educational system on how to make our children successful not failures: The Standardization Movement.

Location: UACJ, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México. Presented to campus wide professors. Invited Guest Speaker.

(2003) El Educador que no Piensa Críticamente y no Cuestiona la Realidad Contribuye para la Opresión: Paulo Freire, el Multiculturalismo Crítico y el Optimismo Transformador. (The Educator that Doesn’t Think Critically and Doesn’t Question Reality Contributes to Oppression: Paulo Freire, Critical Multiculturalism, and Transformative Optimism).

Congreso Internacional de Educación para la Vida.

Location: Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Keynote Address.

Pedagogía Crítica en Educación Superior. (Critical Pedagogy and Higher Education). Saberes Verano 2003: Ser y Saber/Saberes Docentes – Saberes Disciplinarios. Programa de Formación Académica Integral.

Location: Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez, México. Keynote Address with Honorariums.

(2002) Deconstructing Whiteness within a Neoliberal Context to then Advocate for an

Education as a Multicultural Possibility. University Professors and graduate students.

Location: Baltimore University, Washington D.C. Invited Guest Speaker with Honorariums.

(2001) Freirean Education, Critical Pedagogy, and a Cross-Cultural Study on Time. Location: Tampa, FL, University of South Florida, Doctoral Program Invited Guest Speaker

Forthcoming Keynotes and Lecture Invitations

Invitations to speak and impart an academic dialogue/debate at Universities in Brazil


• Researching pedagogy of happiness, kakistocracy, and pedagogy of the oppressor.

• Research the U.S. and Mexican borderland within the context of Globalization and Neo Liberalism.

• Researching critical analysis of race, social relations and Latinos’ identity formation and struggles in the U.S. and its implications to schooling.

• Studying the phenomenon of fatalism and optimism in contrast with social classes’ differences and the application of critical pedagogy in the classroom (schools in Los Angeles, Miami, and El Paso).

• Researching the effects of whiteness and other systems of privilege in Brazil, United States, South Africa, India, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, and China.

• Pop-culture, religion, labor studies and education.


International Level


• I provided for local/state wide and national/international news for several media sources (Radio, TV, Newspaper…) disseminating my research work on geopolitics and the Brazilian immigration at the border of Mexico and U.S. and a variety of other topics.

(2019 - Present)

• Honorary Brazilian Consul—Serving the Large El Paso region. The honorary consulate at El Paso will cover the city and county of El Paso, Texas, as well as some adjacent counties, as follows: Hudspeth and Culberston counties in Texas; Luna, Dona Ana and Otero counties in New Mexico.

Primary Responsibilities: Protect the interests of Brazilian nationals residing or traveling within the consular district, help and assist them, whether or not in emergencies.

This opportunity provided a space for research on experiences of transnationals immigrants in schooling and at the borderland.


• Decolonizing the North and the South: [Un]Happiness, Geopolitics of Deracination, and Media Literacy. Chair of Panel: Cesar Rossatto

Comparative & International Education Society (CIES). Re-Mapping Global Education, Conference, Mexico City


• Panel 23: Self-Ethnographies as Transformative Activism in Schools and Communities. Moderator: César A. Rossatto

Sponsor: 14th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography of Education, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.


• Created and organized an online publishing web page: together with outstanding and recognized educators, graduated and current students to host practical applications of critical pedagogy and action research. It serves as an academic network, community organizing and social justice means.


• Fourth International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation (CONFELE). Salvador, Bahia; Brazil; Main organizer, fund raising, planning, and directing. The conference brought together scholars from all continents, with one hundred and forty two presentations: academics.utep.edu/confele

(2008 - Present)

• Editorial advisory board member of The International Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies JCEPS.

(2006 - Present)

• Editorial board member of the international Journal: Curriculum without Borders


• Awarded Sabbatical year, conducted research, wrote and gave talks in Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Costa Rica and other countries.

• Consulting Work to support the formation of a doctoral program at Universidad de Costa Rica and imparted an intensive course of a week on Decolonizing Qualitative Methodology Research for university professors.

• São Jose School District, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Presented lecture to schoolteachers on critical race theories and anti-racism pedagogies.

• Ibiam School District and City Hall, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Presented to students, schoolteachers and community in general on new generations’ struggles and educational alternatives.

• UNIPLAC – University of Planalto Catarinense, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Imparted two talks to university professors/administrators and community leaders on Latin America racial challenges and educational programs and policies.


• Chaired the Third International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation (CONFELE). Teaching for Global Community: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategies of the Oppressor

Location; Camino Real Hotel, UT El Paso, TX and UACJ, Mexico. It brought together scholars from all continents.

• Reviewer: Proposals for CONFELE Conference.

• Ongoing editor of Sem Fronteiras (without Borders) International Academic Journal.

• Provided Testimony at Brazilian National Congress in Brasilia on a Special “CPI do Imigrante” (Congress Procedural Scrutiny on Immigration issues) Legislative Committee. I provided for local/state wide and national news for several media sources on the topic of Brazilian immigration at the border of Mexico and U.S.

• Provided volunteer work for local non- profit organizations in El Paso and conducted research on Brazilian immigration issue. I visited and delivered information for Itamarati Brazilian diplomatic center for new international and local policies, approved by the Brazilian government. For a weeklong, I was compensated consultant for the Brazilian Congress and Itamarati (Brazilian International Diplomacy/Embassy Services).


• Made national news in Brazil, on TV, Radio, national magazines and Newspapers concerning studies about Brazilian immigrants to U.S.; worked with Brazilian Congress and Head of Itamaraty Diplomatic Services, producing culminating on the formation of new international laws. Received judges from Brazil and provided them with similar academic data.

• Chaired the Second International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation. Reinventing Critical Pedagogy: widening the Circle of Anti-Oppression Education, held at UTEP, El Paso, TX and UACJ, Juarez, Mexico. This event brought together several scholars from around the world, national level and surrounding universities.

• Taught a course on Critical Pedagogy at Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) for university professors. Juárez, México. (Two weeks intensive course).


• Provided for national and international news in Cuba on Radio; Covering issues of Education, Immigration, Globalization of Economy, among other topics

• Taught a course on Critical Pedagogy at Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) for university professors. Juárez, México. (Two weeks intensive course)

• Networking and team working with scholars across U.S. to create a new SIG (Special Interest Group) at AERA on Paulo Freire; to subsequently create a new academic journal also on Paulo Freire.

• Invited guest speaker to the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico; several occasions to speak on a variety of academic topics, among professors and graduate students.


• Presented a seminar on Critical Pedagogy at Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. Mexico, for graduate students.

• Chaired a session at BRASA conference on Brazil. Also, review proposals for the conference.


• Founder and main organizer of the first International Conference on Education, Labor, and Emancipation. The Freirean Legacy: Educating for Social Justice; held in Miami, Florida.

National Level


• Reviewer: Proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Chair of the Paulo Freire SIG (Special Interest Group) at AERA.

Reviewer: Proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Co-chair for the Paulo Freire SIG (Special Interest Group) at AERA.

• Reviewer: Proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Served as chair of the first Paulo Freire SIG (Special Interest Group) business meeting at AERA.

• Elected Co-chair of Paulo Freire SIG at AERA for 2006-2007.

• Reviewer: Proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Founded and actively organized the Paulo Freire SIG at AERA.

• Reviewer: proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Elected Co-Chair for AERA Social Justice SIG for 2003-2004.


• Reviewer: Proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Co-founder of Critical Educators for Social Justice SIG at AERA.

• Worked with several scholars and citizens to organize a Brazilian

Studies network in US. Now I am an active member.

• Reviewer: Proposals for AERA Annual Conference.


• Reviewer: Proposals for AERA and CUFA (Social Studies) Annual Conference.

• Served on the advisory board of CUFA associated group of NCSS-National Council for Social Studies official journal TRSE–Theory and Research in Social Education as a manuscript publications reviewer.

• Advisory Board Member of Paulo Freire Democratic Project at Chapman University, Anaheim, CA; from 2000 to present.

State Level


• Advisory Board member of Massa-Multicultural Alliance for Social Studies Advocacy, Co-organized an ongoing activist work,

together with UTEP and other statewide faculty members, to address policy making at the state of Texas’ Congress in Austin.

• Granted Interview: Statewide news in Texas at local newspapers; Covering several topics.


• Co-organized an ongoing activist work, together with UTEP and other statewide faculty members, elected officials, teachers, parents, and students to improve the conditions of Texas testing system. Two new bills HB 336 and HB 337 were considered at the state of Texas’ Congress in Austin. I testified in Texas Congress twice. It was approved at the first instance and held for re-evaluation.

• Granted Interview: Statewide news in Texas on TV and newspapers; covering several topics of public school testing.


• Invited guest speaker to the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; and at schools and churches, to give talks on Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy topics.


• Participated on the initiation of a new Florida Statewide Coalition of a social studies committee on Social Justice and Critical Awareness.

School Districts and other El Paso Local Community Services


• Advisory board member of Peace and Justice, Archdiocese of El Paso.


• To support our students and community I participated on activism against immigrant criminalizing new laws to transform injustices.


• Provided volunteer and research work for El Paso Diocese Immigration and Refugee Center, to inform INS detainees: “Know Your Rights;”

• Participate on activism in favor of women’s rights and against violence and the killing of women in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico; to transform social inequalities and injustices.


• Invited guest speaker at schools and churches to address critical pedagogy topics.


• Presented an In-Service Seminar for teachers and principals at Canutillo School District on a variety of topics within sociology of education realm.

• Interview: TV and newspapers, in El Paso, TX; covering new developments on political and educational matters.

The University of Texas at El Paso

(2010 to 2022)

• Served as advisor of student organization (Texas State Teacher Association) TSTA/NEA.


• Science without Borders SWB, Chairperson; including organizing the visit of the Brazilian Consulate to El Paso. I initiated a committee of professors at UTEP that brought more than 200 Brazilian students, fully paid with Brazilian government scholarship to study at UTEP.


• Elected Senator representing TED/COEd at the UTEP Senate

• Elected Member of UTEP Senate Executive Committee

• Elected President of Texas Faculty Association TFA at El Paso/UTEP.

• Member of International Initiative Committee, which assist to organize CIRCLE Conference for International Research on Cross-Cultural Learning in Education, El Paso, TX


• Member of COE Awards Committee and International Initiative Committee.

• Served as advisor of student organization TSTA/NEA.

• Served as co-organizer of a Faculty Association for El Paso Council of Higher Education (EPCHE) within TFA/NEA.


• Member of “UTEP Presidential Advising Committee on Diversity.”

• Contributed to the development of a doctoral program on Teaching, Learning, and Culture

• Ongoing member of UTEP Graduate School Committee.

• Elected Director of Socio-Cultural Foundations

• Member of new hires committees.

College of Education (at UTEP and at other universities)

• Doctoral dissertation committee: chair and member for Teaching Learning and Culture Doctoral Program and committee member of doctoral students at UTEP Ed. Leadership Program and doctoral students from other university, such as FIU, UNM, NMSU, Oregon State, St. Thomas University, also in universities in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Guam.

• Active member of the US/Mexico and International committee

• Elected Senator at FIU University Faculty Senate

• UFF United Faculty of Florida representative

Department of Teacher Education

• TLC-Teaching Learning and Culture Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Committee member

• TLC-Teaching Learning and Culture Ph.D. Program

Ad Hoc Committee for Curriculum Revision chair

• Director of Sociocultural Foundations of Education Program Area

• Chaired Five Faculty Hiring Search Committees for positions on Curriculum, Social Studies, and Critical Pedagogy (including hiring of 3 clinical faculty and training)

• Committee member of several other faculty hiring committees

• Committee Chair to coordinate the Election of new Director of TLC Doctoral Program

• Mentored several junior professors on their teachings and tenure and promotion applications

• Doctoral dissertation committee chair and committee member; successful recruiter of doctoral students, both locally and at abroad.

• Served as member: Ph.D. Doctoral Committee--Teaching, Learning, and Culture (TLC) at Teacher Education Department

• Student Recruitment, Masters and PhD program

• Member, Departmental Reorganization Committee

• Co-Chair, election of new Director of TLC Doctoral Program

Mentoring Doctoral/MA Students

I have successfully mentored several doctoral students and sat in their dissertation committees as a member or chair, at local, national, and international universities.

Dissertation titles of Doctoral Students I had been Committee chair:

Diachronic Research Methodology (DRM): A Quantitative Indigenous Research Paradigm in Contemporary Globalized Education Systems, By Estella L. G. Valles (defended proposal successfully)

Deconstructing Socially Engineered Hegemonic Paradigms: Restraining Temporal Ideologies and its Impact on Schooling by Isaac Tapia Martinez (defended proposal successfully)

Generalizing the ungeneralizable: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research in early childhood Education transformative paradigms, by Melissa Eckert (Dissertation proposal writing stage)

Decolonizing Media Literacy: Communicating Civic Participation Pedagogy on U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, by roque a. aguon (defended dissertation proposal successfully)

“Praying the Autism Away: Latinx Families on the Border and Advocacy through Community Education”, by Becca Gregory (Dissertation proposal writing stage)

Pedagogy of Happiness: Neuroscience of learning, student academic achievement, social effects, and transnational learning settings, by Roxanne Rodriguez (Dissertation proposal writing stage)

As Ph.D. Committee Member or (International Chair)/Mentor:

"Eles não se Incomoda de Só Ter Branco na Sala": Vivências de Estudantes de Ações Afirmativas em Práticas de Letramento Acadêmico. (“They don’t mind having white students in the classroom”: Students’ Experiences and Affirmative Action in Academic Literacy Practices). By Charlene Bezerra dos Santos, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, (Defended successfully 2018)

Racism until the End of Life: A Phenomenological Study of African Americans Aging in Minnesota’s Urban Facility by Antonia Wilcoxon, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, (Defended successfully)

Waiting for superman: The diaspora concept that produce differences and resistances in schools at global north and south, By João Luiz Simplício Porto, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil, (Defended successfully)

Body capital in Brazilian football and American basketball, By Antonio Jose Müller, The University of Texas El Paso, (Defended successfully)

Warriors of the classroom: Liberatory teaching practices in low-income settings in Brazil. By Andréia Lisboa de Sousa, UT Austin, (Defended successfully)

A Study of the Influences on Middle Years Teachers Pedagogic Decision Making, By Peter Burridge, University of Victoria Australia, (Defended successfully)

Borderlands entre dos culturas teaching in the wake of no child left behind: Literacy, pedagogy and transformation, By Arturo Rodriguez, New Mexico State University, (Defended Successfully)

Validation of the Transformative Optimism for Tsunami Preparedness Instrument: A Structural Equation Model for Visitors of the Pacific Northwest Coast, By Carlos Andrés Ríos-Uribe, Oregon State University, (Defended Successfully)

Waking the sleeping giant: Beliefs of Brazilian and *American teachers concerning liberation curriculum, By Veronica Gesser, Florida International University, (Defended Successfully)

Master Thesis

I have mentored several master degree students and chaired their thesis defenses:

So much to teach so little time: Arts across curriculum among disadvantage students, Arroyo, J., (UTEP, 2020), (Defended successfully). Committee chair.

Diálogos entre Bourdieu e Freire sobre educação escolar, (Dialogues between Bourdieu and Freire on school education), Kelly Kristtine de Souza (Brazil, FURB, 2020), (Defended successfully). Committee member.

A concepção de alteridade em Emmanuel Levinas relacionada com o conceito de diálogo em Paulo Freire: Uma reflexão sobre a educação evangilizadora, (The conception of otherness in Emmanuel Levinas related to the concept of dialogue in Paulo Freire: A reflection on evangelizing education), Walmir Marcolino Gomes, (Brazil, FURB, 2020), (Defended Successfully). Committee member.

Dominant Discourses in Popular Culture: An Analysis of Brazilian Teachers’ Consciousness. Soares Wandermuren, L. (2010). Committee chair.

Education and Religious Studies: Cultural Racism in Public Schools. Melissa Marie Brock. Committee chair.


Medal of Honor Award

The award Order of Rio Branco (Ordem de Rio Branco) is an honorific condecoration of the Federative Republic of Brazil, instituted by national decree 51.697 of February 5, 1963. It is named in honor of the Brazilian diplomat José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco. The President of Brazil serves as the Grand Master of the Order while the Minister of Foreign Affairs is the order's Chancellor.

Order awards and decorations are bestowed upon individuals or corporations who have distinguished themselves by the practice of sustained meritorious services, or relevant acts or deeds for Brazil. In Rossatto’s case, the award was an acknowledgement of his academic research and pro-bono diplomatic service as Honorary Consul at El Paso in support of the Brazilian immigrant community. He contributed to formulation of international laws and played an outstanding key role in complex diplomatic situations. Published in the Official Gazette (also available at .br/web/dou/-/decretos-de-25-de-novembro-de 2021-362612613). (Awarded in November 2021, ceremony of condecoration in 2022).

• Awarded a second Certificate of Appreciation for my service as member of the TLC Doctoral program. Service rendered from 2017 to 2020

• Awarded an Honorarium Certificate of Appreciation with a Metal Award Plaque of Brazilian Government Symbols from the Brazilian General Consulate in Houston Texas for my “Extraordinary and Invaluable” service as an Honorary Consul to the region of El Paso Texas (2020).

• Awarded an honorarium plaque from the Indian Institute of Technology for keynote presentation at the International Conference on Excellence in School Education, Delhi, India

• Awarded Sabbatical Year from 2007 – 2008.

• Guest of Honor at the Brazilian Presidency (Palacio do Planalto) Social Justice Awards Ceremony (2005).

• Reconocimiento Award, granted by Segundo Congreso Internacional de Educación para la Vida. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, (2003).

• Receiver of four Constancias (Certifícate of Participation Award) granted by Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez, (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004) for several presentations at special events, such as: Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración, Programa de Trabajo Social; II Diplomado en Trabajo Social; Las Ciencias Sociales Hoy en América Latina-spoke on a panel with respected scholars from several countries; Inauguration ceremony for the new Humanities building.

• Certificate of Appreciation granted by El Paso Desert View Middle School 2002-2003.

• Recognition Certificate, granted by The UTEP Office of Technology Planning & Distance Learning, 2003.

• Awarded Honor Certificate, from Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez and

The University of Texas at El Paso for the successful organizing of the Second

International Conference of Education Labor and Emancipation.


• Rossatto, C.A. (2021). Self-determination in the Digital Age.” Applied for a grant of $10,000 at Instituto Lula. (Not funded).

• Rossatto, C. A. (2020). (Together with several doctoral students: aguon, r.; Dickerson, M.; Gregory, B., Valdez, S. and others) created: BSCFERI: Borderland Socio Cultural Foundations Education Research Initiative. This is a solicited Partnership Proposal between EPISD (The El Paso Independent School District) & UTEP-BSCFERI, with emphasis on Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy for $200,000 (pending resolution).

• Rossatto, C. A. (P.I.) & aguon, r. (2019) (Co P.I.). Borderland and Sociocultural Foundations of Educational Research Initiative (BSCFERI): The Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation. Big Bend West, TX Rural 2020 Census Outreach Project. $234,000—(Not funded).

• Rossatto, C. A. (P.I.) & Gregory, B. (2018) (Co P.I.). A Way Out of the School to Prison Pipeline: Defying the Disproportionate Representation of Differently Abled Students of Color. Research Assistantship UT System GSA program. $3,650.00—Funded.

• Severo Marachin, M. (P.I.) & Rossatto, C. A. (Co P.I.-Foreign Coordinator). (2018-2019). Educação Profissional no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos: Experiências, semelhanças, diferenças e transformações na vida dos estudantes. (Professional Education in Brazil and the United States: Experiences, similarities, differences and transformations in students' lives). Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e à Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES. R$100,000.00 (Not Funded).

• Rossatto, C. A. (Principal Investigator – P.I.), (2016): Foundations for Reinvention, Empowerment, and Innovative Research in Education (F.R.E.I.R.E.). Funder: HFF—Hunt Family Foundation, (Not Funded).

• Rossatto, C. A. (Principal Investigator – P.I.), (2015): Above and Beyond the “Yellow Ribbon” (ABYR): Borderlands Military Family Reintegration through Film, Narratives, and Storytelling. Funder: National Endowment of Humanities. (Not Funded).

• Smith, E. (P.I.), Co-PIs: Raheem, A., Rossatto, C. A. (2015). Development and Enhancement of Green Energy Learning for Effective Engineering Education to Foster 21st Century Hispanic Sustainability Leaders. Funder: Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP), Department of Education, (Not Funded).

• Rossatto, C. A. (Principal Investigator – P.I.), (2014): Artistic Transformation for Creative & Sustainable Economies: Holistic and Interdisciplinary Education and Community Partnership using Recyclable Materials. Funder: SURDNA, $75,000.00. Not funded.

• Rossatto, C. A. (Principal Investigator – P.I.), (2013): Implications of Critical Data Analysis in Teacher Assessment to Improve Learning. Funder: Spencer Foundation. Not funded.

• Rossatto, C. A. (Principal Investigator – P.I.), Grant proposal, "(2013). Debating Critical Pedagogy: Discussing Socio-Cultural Educational Issues along Transnational Border Spaces", Funder: Open Society Foundation, $67,000.00. (Funded, after careful consideration I declined funding).

• Member of a broad campus-wide partnership of UTEP faculty colleagues are actively proposing a grant on STEM: in science, systems/creative/innovation engineering, and ethics. Participated in a session with professors from Penn State University and received their invitation to participate in the STEM grant border study, an ongoing development for further possibilities of grant writing and funding. (2012-2013).

• Eric D. Smith, (P.I.), Co-PIs: Jules Simon, Cesar Rossatto and Noe Vargas-Hernandez, RELATIONAL ETHICS: Using Holon Modeling, Relational Complexity Theory, and Phenomenological Ethics to Innovatively Impact the Pedagogy of Engineering and Science Co-Education, Ethics Education for Science and Engineering (EESE), National Science Foundation (NSF), 2012, $300,000. Not funded.

• Eric D. Smith, PI, Cesar Rossatto, Jianmai Zhang, Noe Vargas-Hernandez, (2011). Self-Organizing Inter-Generational Mentoring Program: Foundation for Sustainable Education, Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP), Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, $660,000. Not funded.

• Rossatto, C.A. (PI), William J. Medina, Eric D. Smith, Noe Vargas-Hernandez, (2011). B@2DGE2S: Biology Alternative Assessment Development Geared via Ethnoscience, Engineering, and Sustainability, MacArthur Foundation, $200,000, not funded.

• Rossatto C.A. (PI), Medina, W.J., Smith, E., Izquierdo, E. (2011). Critical Pedagogy Best Practice (CPBP): Critical Pedagogy in STEM Education, Investing in Innovation Fund of the Department of Education, $3,000,000, not funded.

• Eric D. Smith PI, Co PIs: Cesar Rossatto, William Medina-Jerez, (2011). Ethics, Ethno Science, and Decision-Making Education for Personal and Collective Transformation: A Cross-Cultural Border Teaching Initiative in Engineering and Science, and a Study of Time and Optimism to Foster Sustainability, Ethics Education in Science and Engineering (EESE), National Science Foundation (NSF), 2011, $300,000, not funded.

• Wrote a grant for UTEP COEd support on Full Professor Application $5,000.00. 2013. Grant award funding was canceled.

• Successful worldwide conference fund raising in 2009 total $69,000.00, including conference registration to organize the Forth International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation, in Brazil, co-sponsored by UTEP.

• Successful worldwide conference fund raising in 2006 total $68,000.00, including conference registration to organize the Third International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez. This amount was matched by co-organizers in Mexico.

• Successful worldwide fund raising in 2004 total of $22,000.00 including conference registration to organize the Second International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation. This amount was matched by co-organizers in Mexico.

• Wrote a FIPSE grant proposal for scholars and students exchange program between Brazil and U.S submitted in 2005, not funded.

• Granted in 2004 a total of $22,000.00 from fundraising and conference registration to organize the Second International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation. This amount was matched by co-organizers in Mexico.

• Received in 2004 a co-authored grant of $10,000.00 from UTEP College of Education for a research project on the application of critical pedagogy with disenfranchised students.

• Seeking grant proposal for an educational video documentary about border social issues in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez.

• Granted in 2001 a total of $18,000.00 from fundraising and conference registration to organize the First International Conference on Education, Labor and Emancipation in Miami, FL.

Creative Academic Work

The Bus That Does Not Ride but Takes You Somewhere, Educational Video Documentary, By Rossatto, C. A. (work in progress).

This is an ongoing video documentary project based on a true story, representing a cross-cultural study to examine how different cultures deal with social phenomenon and create programs to cope with their reality as means to shift paradigms within their social constructs. This documentary will assist educators at all levels to develop pedagogies that foster best practices. It will illustrate differential classroom practices for the web page. It exemplifies patterns from the book: “Engaging Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Possibility: From Blind to Transformative Optimism.” By Cesar A. Rossatto

Research Agenda

My current and ongoing research agenda expands upon exploring how hegemonic Intersectionalities of sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other forms of oppression affect people’s perception, usage of time, and sense of optimism. The breadth and depth of my academic and personal experiences provides a wealth of ideas embedded in current social realities that demand attention, and intervention, on a global level. It includes topics such as chronological and historical school reform in the U.S., curriculum studies, surveillance and borderland context studies/Latin@s in the U.S.; quality education and multiple forms of assessment; and the schooling experiences of children to understand interwoven scenarios within broader transnational geopolitics in the global north and global south. Additionally, I have interest in investigating gender studies further; effects of [un]happiness within society and critical cosmopolitanism; urban vis-à-vis rural experiences; kakistocracy, pedagogy of the oppressor, neocolonialism; neo-liberalism; and postcolonial studies; including Indigenous knowledge and epistemologies, environmental justice, ethnic studies, Covid 19 politics and philosophy of education, effects and implications of fake news in a post truth era, and de-anti-colonization education. Much of my recent research agenda examines social movements and the understanding of dominant forces and structures in society in order to deconstruct real, imaginary, and theoretical underpinnings of oppression, as well as, dominant and subordinate notions, which affect humanity and the environment.


• NEA/TFA—National Education Association and Texas Faculty Association

• AERA -- American Educational Research Association

SIGs at AERA: Paulo Freire and Critical Educators for Social Justice

• CCCE -- California Consortium of Critical Educators

• NCSS-- National Council for Social Studies

• CUFA-- College and University Faculty Assembly

• AATC-- American Association for Teaching and Curriculum

• NAME--National Association for Multicultural Education

CONFERENCES ATTENDED (no presentations)

• National Education Association, Higher Education Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. and Tampa Florida (2012).

• Harmony for a Changing World. 1er Encuentro Internacional de Psicoterapia. Chihuahua, Mexico, 2009 (Attended workshop presented by: Humberto Maturana, author of: Tree of Knowledge)

• NCSS (National Council for Social Studies) Conference, 1999. Orlando, FL

• CUFA (College and University Faculty Assembly) Conference, 1999. Orlando, FL

• AATC (American Association for Teaching and Curriculum) Conference, 1999

Orlando, FL

• LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Conference, 2000. Miami, FL

• AERA Conferences, 1995-1998. New York; San Francisco; and San Diego

• CIES-Comparative & International Educational Society, 1998. Vancouver – Canada

• American Sociological Association, 1998. San Francisco

• ANPOCS - International Conference of Sociology and Anthropology, 1997 Belo Horizonte - Brazil

• ANPED - International Conference of Education and Research, 1996

Belo Horizonte - Brazil

• The Midterm Conference of the Research Committee on Sociology of Education and International Sociological Association, 1996, Los Angeles

• Several statewide and national conferences in education, 1981-1983

Sao Paulo - Brazil


Besides on-going social justice grassroots activism, locally and globally I have traveled extensively in Europe, North, Central and South America, India, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Hong Kong, China, and several places within the United States to promote social justice and education. The impact of traveling has contributed to the development of international, cross cultural and comparative studies; In addition, it contributed to autobiographical recovering research activities.

I have participated as board council member in peer counseling and camping activities with youth and adults contributing to teaching and learning in non-formal educational settings. In addition, I have supported indigenous rights, contributed to identity formation, participated on, and learned from indigenous and multicultural ceremonies. This inspires and promotes educational inner-work and development to break new grounds at different levels, including new graduate courses on Indigenous Epistemologies, Ethics in Education, Critical Pedagogy, Paulo Freire and Social Justice, and gender studies courses never taught at UTEP before, but much needed.

My Teaching Philosophy

An educators’ “performance” is relative to their knowledge of and position within political struggles and subsequent inherited ideological tendencies. An educator who desires to work with students in overcoming the constructed borders of social life must become engaged in the multiple debates, or “discourses,” that shape the everyday life of teachers and students, both inside and outside of schools. Based on such an understanding, my goals and philosophy of teaching, researching, and practicing other educational activities are centered on identifying some of the major discourses that give life to, yet also limit, the possibilities to combat oppression vis-à-vis public schooling.

My work looks at the represented spheres of “context” in which schooling is reformed, re-visioned, and re-practiced. In this context, my participation as an educator assists others into new, and at times, unfamiliar territories where they are sometimes unprepared for the political struggles that ensue. Therefore, my contribution to teaching and learning emphasizes a view of schooling that seeks out the perspective of historically and geographically marginalized groups that are hidden by “common-sense” interpretations of education. Critical, self-reflective theories of schooling shape the bulk of my philosophy. For instance, common-sense notions of “race” and “racism” as expressed in terms of education and schooling are crucial, as they are re-occurring sites of critical interrogation. The intellectual exercise promoted by my practice confronts conventional or “factory dehumanizing educational models” of thinking about education. It deconstructs reproductive notions of production and consumption of knowledge and generates breaking edge humanizing concepts focused on dialectical and dialogical new alternatives.

Ultimately, the major goals of my work are to assist educators to formulate a foundation for critical thinking about both theoretical and practical issues and problems in American education, schooling, and the teaching profession. High priority is given to student development of logical reasoning and clear analytical skills to facilitate their study of any educational issues with an open, well informed, and critical “eye.” Learners are motivated to engage in critical inquiry and thought-provoking learning experiences as ways of clarifying and addressing the pressing challenges faced by schools in the United States. Students learn that democratic educational and social possibilities are based first on a strong commitment to social justice, as one is a consequence of the other. In this process, they dialectically construct knowledge related to social justice, critical multiculturalism, and emancipatory critical pedagogies through “participatory, reflective, inquiry, and action research” to become transformative intellectual leaders rather than mere transmitters of knowledge. They become mentors and agents of social change by rethinking educational praxis.

Engaging in learning experiences based on principles of critical pedagogy enables learners to question reality and develop understandings about the experience’s pupils bring with them to school, to deconstruct their problematic represented narratives. These realities can be uncovered by scientific efforts that emphasize the ways students construct their beliefs and practices in the process of schooling. It motivates educators to bring into light their own academic interests, and to work within a diversity of perspectives and philosophies in an interdisciplinary and global awareness modality. Embedded in such significant learning experience, our effort and approximation to scientific “truths” assist disempowered students to integrate activities realistic to their social, historical, philosophical, cultural, political, religious, and economic backgrounds into liberating alternatives for upper mobility. Finally, through transformative optimistic pedagogies and dialogue my academic work models and fosters discussion about social issues. These include personalized and moral/ethical values, citizenship, and problem posing approaches to build character, meaning, and social identities concentrating on promoting conflict resolution.


Professor Angela Valenzuela

Professor Peter McLaren

Professor Luis Urieta

Professor Dennis Bixler Marquez

Professor Wayne Ross

Professor Eduardo Bonilla


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