Visa Department

1233 West Loop South, Park Tower North suite #1150

Houston, Texas, 77027

VITEM IV – RN 101/2013 (Art. 7º) - Requirements check-list:

(standard student visa – full time students enrolled in a Brazilian school for a full term. Example: 1 or 2 semesters undergraduate studies that do not involve research or internships)


□ A) Applicant's Passport: original, undamaged; valid for at least another 6 months, with at least two blank visa pages.

□ B) Visa Application Form: printed receipt of the visa application form filled out and successfully submitted online duly signed by the passport holder (or parents/legal guardian of a minor) and with the photo glued on the appropriate boxes.

□ C) Photograph: one recent, clear, front view, in color, professional 2"x2" passport photo of the applicant with a plain white or off-white background.

□ D) Itinerary: copy of your outbound ticket, reservation, or letter from a travel agency under applicant’s name, listing flight number and arrival/departure dates and reservation code provided by the airline/cruise company;

□ E) Proof of financial capability: notarized bank statements reflecting the past 3 months; and/or notarized letter from the sponsoring institution assuring grant, or scholarship or allowance; and/or paychecks. Applicant must have at least R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais) per month to be spent in Brazil. Please verify current currency exchange rates.

□ E1) Family members such as parents may assume financial responsibility for the applicant. In this case, please add a notarized affidavit stating it. In this case, please add documents proving the financial capability of the parent.

□ F) Proof of Private Medical Insurance Coverage in Brazil:

□ F1) Original or notarized copy of the insurance card;

□ F2) Letter from the insurance company listing coverage details such as:

□ Applicant's full name (policy holder);

□ Policy number;

□ Coverage end and start date;

□ That the applicant's medical insurance has coverage in Brazil.

□ FEES: Individual money order from the United States Postal Service in the exact amount for each visa requested listing applicant’s name on the section “From”.

Example: John will come in person to submit 1 visa applications: 1 for himself (American-main visa holder) and 1 for his wife (Canadian-visa dependent). During his appointment he must have 2 USPS money orders: one from him in the amount of US$ 160.00; one from his wife in the amount of US$ 40.00.


□ M) Proof of enrollment: acceptance letter from the Brazilian host institution which must:

□ Be done in the institution's official letterhead. If the letterhead does not indicate its address, phone number, email and CNPJ, this information must be listed on the body of the letter;

□ Be signed by person legally competent to act on behalf of sponsoring institution;

□ Indicate the type of studies/classes and activities to be pursued by the student;

□ Inform the expected start and end dates of the study program and the amount of class hours to be taken per week;

□ Have contact information for responsible party in the Brazilian host institution in case further information is deemed necessary by the Consulate General of Brazil in Houston in order to analyze the visa request.

Note: The Brazilian educational institution must be registered with the Ministry of Education in Brazil.


If the visa application will not be submitted in person:

□ G) Proof of jurisdiction: notarized copy of driver’s license, utility bill, lease, bank statements or school transcript.

If the not applying with a US passport:

□ H) Proof of Legal Residency: notarized copy of visa, permanent resident card or US passport or US birth certificate.

If the applicant is under 18 years of age:

□ I) Original "Authorization For Issuance Of Brazilian Visa For Minor" form signed by both parents acknowledged by a notary public.

Minors’ visas will not be issued without consent from both parents, except if:

*One of the parents is deceased: in which case the death certificate (original, certified or notarized copy) must be submitted; or

*One of the parent’s is not listed on the birth certificate; or

*Court Order or Divorce Decree granting not only full custody but exclusive parental rights to one of the parents or legal guardian(s). The original or notarized copy of the complete document must be presented along with the other requirements.

NOTE: IF GOING TO Brazil for a high school exchange program, please apply for a VITEM I based on RN 49.

If the applicant is over 18 years of age:

□ J) Police Clearance*: which must:

□ Be an original document issued within the past 60 days on a standard letterhead with contact information of the issuing authority;

□ Have sufficient information about the applicant to determine it is not a homonym. Examples: full name, residential address, date of birth, identification document (passport, driver’s license or state ID), social security number;

□ Reflect where the applicant has lived on the past 12 months and match the applicant’s proof of address.

Note 1: Those that have lived in the United States within the last 12 months must present a standard police clearance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation – FBI listing applicant's full name, address and last 4 digits of social security number.

If the applicant is a dependent of a VITEM IV visa holder:

□ K) Please verify additional requirements for dependents on our website.


• Documents not issued by American or Brazilian authorities must be legalized by the Brazilian consular office with jurisdiction over its place of issuance;

• Documents not issued in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French must also be accompanied by a translation done by a sworn translator in Brazil, by competent translator acknowledged in the country the document was issued and legalized by the Brazilian consular office with jurisdiction over its place of issuance or by Diplomatic Representation of the country that issued the document in the US.


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