Anthony Peter Spanakos - Montclair State University
Tony Spanakos6636 Ridge Blvd ? Brooklyn NY 11220 Phone: (718) 290-0290E-mail: spanakos@EducationUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstPh. D. Political Science, 2000Committee: Howard Wiarda (Chair), James Der Derian, and José OrnelasComprehensive Exams: Comparative Politics (Distinction), International Relations, Political TheoryCertificate in Latin American StudiesUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstM.A. Political Science, 1998Princeton UniversityA.B. Political Science, 1995Certificate in Latin American Studies and Hellenic studiesAppointments and Professional ExperienceCurrentDepartment Chair, Fall 2017-Full Professor, Fall 2017-Associate Professor, Fall 2011-Assistant Professor, Fall 2006- Spring 2011Montclair State University, Department of Political Science and LawAdjunct Assistant Professor, Spring 2007-New York University, Department of Politics PreviousVisiting Fellow, May-Aug 2017Visiting Fellow May-Aug 2009East Asia Institute, National University of SingaporeFulbright Visiting Professor Jan- Aug 2008Institute for Advance Management Studies, Caracas, Venezuela Visiting Researcher, May-June 2007Singapore Management UniversityAssistant Professor, Fall 2003-2006Touro College, Department of Political Science Adjunct Assistant Professor, Spring 2004Brooklyn College, CUNY, Department of Political ScienceAdjunct Assistant Professor, Fall 2003Long Island University, Department of History and Political Science Fulbright Visiting Professor July- Dec 2002University of Brasília, Department of Political Science Visiting Assistant Professor, 2000-2002Manhattanville College, Department of Political ScienceSpecial Projects Coordinator, 2000-2001Graduate Center- CUNY Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere StudiesVisiting Lecturer, Latin American Politics, 1999-2000Tufts University, Department of Political Science Research Assistant 1999Amherst College, Department of Political ScienceTeaching Assistant 1995-1998University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Political Science Teaching ExperienceFull Professor, Montclair State University 2017-Associate Professor, Montclair State University 2011-Assistant Professor, Montclair State University 2006-Political EthicsIntroduction to PoliticsInternational Security and DiplomacyComparative PoliticsEssentials of Political ThoughtGovernment and Politics of Latin AmericaGlobal Political EconomyInternational RelationsPolitical Economy of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)-taught in conjunction with the London School of Economics Honors Seminar: 20th Century and the Search for OrderHonors Seminar: Graphic Novels and a World of PoliticsConstitutional Law- Civil LibertiesMontclair in China- Writing for the Social SciencesIntroduction to International StudiesAdjunct Professor, New York University 2007-MA Thesis Writing SeminarComparative Politics Pro-SeminarPolitical Economy of Developing CountriesReforming and Transforming Latin American PoliticsPolitical Economy of the BRICSStates and Markets in the Developing World Assistant Professor, Touro College 2003- 2007Comparative PoliticsDemocracy and DeathLatin American PoliticsWriting for the Social SciencesAmerican PoliticsAncient Political TheoryModern Political Theory Ethnic Politics in the United StatesAmerican Cultural HistoryPolitical CommunicationAdjunct Assistant Professor, Brooklyn College Spring 2004 Introduction to Politics- Global PoliticsPolitics of the Developing WorldAdjunct Assistant Professor, Long Island University Fall 2003 History of the World Since 1500Slavery in the AmericasFulbright Visiting Professor, University of Brasília July- Dec 2002 International Economic Relations (taught in Portuguese)Visiting Assistant Professor, Manhattanville College 2000-2002 Introduction to Comparative PoliticsIntroduction to Latin American PoliticsCitizenship and Identity Politics Latin American Political Economy Democratization and Crisis in Latin AmericaIssues in Latin American Development Introduction to Political EconomyThe Political Economy of GlobalizationLecturer in Latin American Politics, Tufts University 1999- 2000 Introduction to Latin American Politics(rated by Boston Globe: one of the two best courses to take at Tufts University) Citizenship and Identity Politics in Latin America Democratization and Crisis in Latin AmericaTeaching Assistant, UMass Amherst 1995-1998 Introduction to International RelationsInternational RelationsWriting for Political ScienceDepartmental Undergraduate Advisor PublicationsBooksAnthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza Ed. Conceptualizing Comparative Politics, Routledge, 2015.Mauricio Font and Anthony Peter Spanakos Eds. Reforming Brazil. Lexington Books 2004.Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesAnthony Petros Spanakos and Esther Skelley Jordan, Editors, “Symposium on the Legacy of Howard J. Wiarda,” Polity, 50, October 2018, Anthony Petros Spanakos and Esther Skelley Jordan, “Introduction: Still Provoking and Spurring the Understanding of World Politics,” Polity, 50, October 2018, 575-589.Anthony Petros Spanakos, “Wiarda’s Latinamericanization Insight and U.S. Politics,” Polity, 50, October 2018, 648-663.Esther Skelley Jordan and Anthony Petros Spanakos, “Howard J. Wiarda: Post Script,” Polity, 50, October 2018, 697-704.Daniel Hellinger and Anthony P. Spanakos, “The Legacies of Hugo Chávez: Works in Progess” Latin American Perspectives Special Issue: The Legacy of Hugo Chávez 44 (1) 2017, p. 4-16.Anthony P. Spanakos and Dimtri Pantoulas, “The Contribution of Hugo Chávez to Understanding Post-neoliberalism,” Latin American Perspectives 44 (1), 2017, P. 37-53.(translated and included in Jungwon Park, ed., Hugo Chávez and Post-neoliberal Venezuela [English title], Seoul, Hanwol Publisher, “Issues in Latin America Volume 9,”)Anthony P. Spanakos and Joseph Marques, "South-South Relations and the English School of International Relations: Chinese and Brazilian Ideas and Involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa," Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 2014, p. 138-155.Anthony P. Spanakos “Hell’s Kitchen’s Prolonged Crisis and Would-be Sovereigns: Daredevil, Hobbes, and Schmitt,” PS: Political Science & Politics 2014 p. 94-97.Anthony P. Spanakos “Citizen Chávez: The State, Social Movements, and the Publics in Forming a New Citizenship- Nation-State Project,” Latin American Perspectives 38 (1), Jan 2011. Pp. 14-27.?Anthony P. Spanakos. “China and Brazil: Potential Allies or Just BRICs in the Wall?” East Asian Policy. 2 (2) June 2010. Pp.81-89.Fernando Ferrari and Anthony P. Spanakos, “Why Has Economic Performance Differed between Brazil and China? A Comparative Analysis of Brazilian and Chinese Macro-Economic policy.” Revista Venezolana de Análisis de Coyuntura/IIES-UCV Enero 2009, XV (1), pp. 1-24.Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio R. Renno “Speak Clearly and Carry a Big Stock of Dollar Reserves: Sovereign Risk, Ideology and the Presidential Elections in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela” Comparative Political Studies, Oct 2009, 42 (10).Anthony P. Spanakos “New Wine, Old Bottles, Flamboyant Sommelier: Chávez, Citizenship, and Populism, New Political Science Dec 2008. 30 (4) pp. 521-544.Anthony P. Spanakos “Que regime é este? The Left in Brazil, Chile, and Venezuela.” Revista Análise Econ?mica-UFRGS, 26 (50), September 2008, pp. 245-273.Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio R. Renno “Elections and Economic Turbulence in Brazil: Candidates, Voters and Investors.” Latin American Politics and Society 48, 4, Winter 2006, pp. 1-26.Lucio R. Renno and Anthony P. Spanakos “O Impacto de Indiciadores Econ?micos na intenc?o de Voto para Presidente: As Eleci?es Brasileiras de 1994, 1998 e 2002.” Dados 49, 1, 2006, pp. 11-39.Anthony P. Spanakos “The Canvas of the Other: Fanon and Recognition” disClosure special issue on Race and Coloring, No. 7, 1998. Chapters in BooksAnthony P. Spanakos and Mishella Salome Romo, “Ideologies and Social Movements,” Federico Rossi, Ed, The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements, Oxford University Press, in progressAnthony P. Spanakos, “The Dark Prince of the Republic: Machiavelli, Batman, and Gotham City,” Damien Picariello Ed., Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought, Palgrave MacMillan, 2019, p. 91-105.Francisco Ferrari Filho and Anthony P. Spanakos, “A Comparative Analysis of Brazilian and Chinese Economic Performances from 1995 to 2016,” Elias C. Grivoyannis Ed., International Integration of the Brazilian Economy, New York, Palgrave MacMillan. 2019. P. 211-246.Anthony P. Spanakos, “Violent Births: Fanon, Westworld, and Humanity,” James B. South and Kimberly S. Engels Ed. Westworld and Philosophy, New York: Wiley Blackwell. 2018, p. 229-238.Anthony P. Spanakos, “Governance in Post-Neoliberal Latin America: Lessons from Brazil, Peru, and Brazil,” Lijun Yang and Shan Wei eds, New Humanism and Global Governance Vol. 2, World Scientific Press, 2018.Anthony P. Spanakos, “A Structural Explanation for Sino-US-Venezuelan Relations,” David B. Denoon Ed. China, the United States and the Future of Latin America: US-China Relations Volume III. New York: New York University Press, 2017.Anthony P. Spanakos, “Would Niccolò Machiavelli Endorse House of Cards’ Frank Underwood?” in Betty Kaklamanidou and Peggy Sharpe Ed., Politics and Politicians in Contemporary U.S. Television: Washington as Fiction. Ashgate, 2017.Anthony P. Spanakos, “The In/visible in Civil War,” Kevin Michael Scott Ed., Marvel Comics’ Civil War and the Age of Terror: Critical Essays on the Comic Saga, McFarland, 2015.Anthony P. Spanakos, “Conceptualising Comparative Politics: A Framework,” Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza Ed. Conceptualizing Comparative Politics, Routledge, 2015, p. 1-14.Anthony P. Spanakos, “Institutionalities and Political Change in Bolivarian Venezuela,” Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza Ed. Conceptualizing Comparative Politics, Routledge, 2015, p. 215-241.Anthony P. Spanakos and Joseph Marques, “The Chinese Contribution to Brazil’s Rise as Middle Power,” Bruce Gilley and Andrew O’Neil Ed., Reshaping China: Why Middle Powers Matter, Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2014, p. 212-236.Anthony P. Spanakos and Yu Xiao, “It Takes Three to Samba: Sino-US-Latin American Relations.” Creutzfeldt, Benjamin (ed.)?Treinta A?os de Relaciones Colombo-Chinas: La Presencia China en Colombia y América Latina – Reflexiones y Perspectivas.?Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia (2014)Anthony P. Spanakos, “China and the Rise of the BRICS,” Gungwu Wang and Yongnian Zheng Ed., China: Development and Governance, Singapore: World Scientific, 2012.Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio R. Renno, “Is It the (Global) Economy Stupid Why did the Left Rise in Brazil (1994-2010),” Sonia Ranincheski, Camilo Negri, and Charles Mueller Ed., The Brazilian Economy in Historical Perspective, Brasília: Verbena, 2011, p. 103-117.Anthony P. Spanakos “The Avengers as Polis: Philia, Arête, and Eudaimonia,” in Mark D. White Ed., The Avengers and Philosophy: Earth’s Mightiest Thinkers, Malden: Wiley Press, 2012.Anthony P. Spanakos “Love, Friendship, and Being Spiderman.” JJ Sanford Ed, Spiderman and Philosophy: The Web of Inquirty, Malden: Wiley Press, 2012.Anthony P. Spanakos. "Exceptional Recognition: The US Global Dilemma in The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Avatar," in Betty Kaklamanidou and Richard Gray Ed. Film and Television Superheroes in the New Millennium, McFarland, 2011Anthony P. Spanakos. “Citizenship and the Politics of Citizenship.” Parashar, S.?and?Y.?Wang (ed)?Inequality in a Globalizing World: Perspectives, Processes, and Experiences.Kendall Hunt Publishing (2011)Anthony P. Spanakos and Yu Xiao “Has the Rise of China Made Latin America More Unsafe” Zheng Yongnian Ed. China and International Relations: The Chinese view and the Contribution of Wang Gungwu. London: Routledge, 2010. pp. 221-241.Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio R. Renno “Elections and Economic Turbulence in Brazil: Candidates, Voters, and Investors.” William C. Smith and Laura Gómez-Mera, Markets, States, and Society in Contemporary Latin America. Malden: Blackwell. 2010. Updated and revised version of Spanakos and Renno 2006. pp, 257-277.Anthony P. Spanakos “Tony Stark, Philosopher King of the Future?” Mark D. White Ed. Iron Man and Philosophy: Facing the Stark Reality. Hoboken: Wiley Press. 2010. pp. 129-143.Anthony P. Spanakos “Super-Vigilantes and the Keene Act” Mark D. White Ed., The Watchmen and Philosophy:A Rorschach Test. Hoboken: Wiley. 2009. pp. 33-46.Anthony P. Spanakos “The Silenced Majority.”Americas Quarterly, 3 (3), Summer 2009, pp. 40-42.Anthony P. Spanakos “Governing Gotham.” Mark D. White and Robert Arp Ed., Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul, Wiley 2008, pp. 55-69. Anthony P. Spanakos “In/securing Citizens in Democratic Brazil.” Satya Pattnayak and Lowell Gustafson Ed. Security in the Americas. Mellen Publishers. 2006, pp. 47-67.Anthony P. Spanakos “Reforming Brazil: A preliminary assessment.” Mauricio Font and Anthony Peter Spanakos Ed., Reforming Brazil. Lexington Books 2004, pp. 11-25.Anthony P. Spanakos and Howard Wiarda, “Dominican Foreign Policy: From Nationalism to Globalism” Frank Mora and Jeanne Hey Ed. Latin American and Caribbean Foreign Policy, Rowman and Littlefield, 2003, pp. 104-119.Anthony P. Spanakos “Democracia, ciudadania e identidad en la República Dominicana: con cual Demos y cual Kratos.” Ramonina Brea, Rosario Espinal, and Fernando Valerio Holguín, eds., La República Dominicana en el Umbral del Siglo XXI: Cultura, Política y Cambio Social Santo Domingo: Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, 1999, pp. 259-279.Book Series Editor, Conceptualising Comparative Politics, RoutledgeAnthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza, “Series Editors’ Foreword,” Louvise Aalen and Regnhild L. Muriaas, Manipulating Political Decentralization in Africa: Africa’s Inclusive Autocrats, Routledge, 2017.Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza, “Series Editors’ Foreword,” Ammar Shamaileh, Trust and Terror: Social Capital and the Use of Terrorism as a Tool of Resistance, Routledge, 2017.Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza, “Series Editors’ Foreword,” Claudia Wiesner, Anna Bjork, Hanna-Mari Kivisto, and Katja Makinen, eds, Shaping Citizenship: A Political Concept in Theory, Debate, and Practice, Routledge, 2017.Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza, “Series Editors’ Foreword,” Katerina Vrablikova, What Kind of Democracy: Participation, inclusiveness and Contestation, Routledge, 2016, p. ix-xi.Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza, “Series Editors’ Foreword,” Ana Margheritis, Migration Governance Across Regions: State-Diaspora Relations in the Latin America-Southern Europe Corridor, New York: Routledge, 2016, p. vi-vii.Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza Ed, Conceptualising Comparative Politics. New York: Routledge, 2015.Anthony P. Spanakos and Francisco Panizza, “Series Editors’ Foreword,” Lucy Koechlin and Till F?rster, The Politics of Governance; Actors and Articulations in Africa and Beyond, New York: Routledge, 2014, vii-ix.Francisco Panizza and Anthony P. Spanakos, “Series Editors' Foreword,” Birol Baskan, From Religious Empires to Secular States: State Secularization in Turkey, Iran, and Russia, New York: Routledge, 2014, p. xiii-xvi. Anthony P. Spanakos, “Series Editor’s Foreword,” Francisco Panizza and George Philip, Moments of Truth: The Politics of Financial Crises in Comparative Perspective, Routledge, New York, 2013. p. xiii-xvii.Review Essays:Mishella Salomé Romo and Anthony P. Spanakos, “Deep Legality: When Politics Meets the Rule of Law,” Latin American Perspectives, 45 (6), November 2018, p. 188-193. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Anthony P. Spanakos and Mishella Salomé Romo, “Popular Politics in Bolivarian Venezuela,” Latin American Perspectives, 44 (1), 2017, pp. 267-273Anthony P. Spanakos, “Venezuela’s Supermajority Reconsidered,” Latin America Goes Global, 8 January 2016, Anthony P. Spanakos and Mishella Salomé Romo “Review of Jeffry W. Rubin and Vivienne Bennett, eds., Enduring Reform: Progressive Activism and Private Sector Responses in Latin America’s Democracies,” NACLA Report on the Americas, 2016, 48 (2), p. 203-204. Anthony P. Spanakos, “Latin America's Left: Between Demos and Kratos,” October 2013 P. Spanakos “Liberalism and Post-Liberalism in Bolivarian Venezuela,” Latin American Politics & Society 54 (3) Fall 2012, pp.197-206.Anthony P. Spanakos “Adjectives, Asterisks and Qualifications, or How to Address Democracy in Contemporary Latin America” Latin American Research Review 42, 2, June 2007, pp. 225-237.Anthony P. Spanakos and Elizabeth McQuerry “Crisis of Capital Flows in Latin America,” Latin American Research Review 2004, pp. 258-274.Textbooks, Reviews, and Other Learning Materials Anthony P. Spanakos and Mishella Salomè Romo, “Dussel Peters, Enrique, Ariel C. Armony, and Shoujun Cui, Ed Building Development for a New Era: China’s Infrastructure Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean,” Revista Asia Amèrica Latina, 4 (6), April 2019, p. 163-168.Spanakos, Anthony P. “Sino-Latin American Relations 2.0 (I): Evolution of Relations,” East Asia Institute Background Brief No. 1334, 8 March 2018,Spanakos, Anthony P. “Sino-Latin American Relations 2.0 (II): New Relations, Opportunities and Challenges,” East Asia Institute Background Brief No. 1333, 8 March 2018,Spanakos, Anthony P. and Iris Xuechen Chen, “BRICS: Post-Xiamen Summit,” East Asia Institute Background Brief 1303, 30 November 2017Spanakos, Anthony Peter and Clarity Burke, "The BRICS development Bank: China and the Evolving World Order," East Asia Institute Background Brief No. 835, 18 July 2013.Anthony P. Spanakos. “China And Brazil: Potential Allies Or Just BRICs In The Wall?” East Asia Institute Background Brief. no.511, 11 March?2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “Introduction and reviews for Section of Political Economy (Brazil), Handbook of Latin American Studies, 2006- (2010)Anthony P. Spanakos. "Bye Bye Brazil or US?" Shanghai Oriental Morning Post. 2 November 2009 and 9 November 2009. (published in Chinese)Anthony P. Spanakos “The Silenced Majority.” Americas Quarterly, 3 (3), Summer 2009, pp. 40-42.Anthony P. Spanakos. Entries for Mexico. Political Handbook of the World (2009).Anthony P. Spanakos, Entries for Argentina, Chile and Brazil. Political Handbook of the World (2008).Anthony P. Spanakos “Introduction and reviews for Section of Political Economy (Brazil), Handbook of Latin American Studies, 2004- (2008) Anthony P. Spanakos. “Introduction and reviews for Section of Political Economy (Brazil), Handbook of Latin American Studies, 2002- (2006) Jacob Neusner’s edited volume God’s Rule: the politics of world religions, in American Political Science Association Section on Religion and Politics Newsletter 2004.Anthony P. Spanakos. “Nonsense in the Midst of Stagnation.” Carta Internacional n. 116. University of S?o Paulo. October, 2002.Anthony P. Spanakos. “Procura-se: Confianca e Credibilidade” Carta Internacional no.114. University of S?o Paulo. August, 2002.Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Blame Game” August 24-30, 2002. Anthony P. Spanakos. “Realigned Left-Wing: Ready to Share Power?” May 4-10, 2002. Anthony P. Spanakos review of “Mark Ensalaco’s Chile Under Pinochet: Recovering the Truth, in Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 116 No. 3. Fall 2001.Anthony P. Spanakos. “Concern, yes, Panic… not quite.” June 23-29, 2001. Anthony P. Spanakos review of Bertrand Badie’s The Imported State: The Westernization of the political Order, in The Review of Politics, Vol. 63, No. 3,Summer 2001.Anthony P. Spanakos "The Dominican Republic: 'A New Way'?," Howard Wiarda and Harvey Kline Ed, Latin American Politics and Development Fifth edition. Boulder: Westview Press, 2000, pp. 527-541.Anthony P. Spanakos review of Stathis Gourgouris’s Dream Nation: Enlightenment, Colonization and the Institution of Modern Greece and Montseratt Guibernau and John Rex’s edited volume, The Ethnicity Reader: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration in Ethnos/Nation, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, 1999.Anthony P. Spanakos and Howard Wiarda. “Comparative Perspectives on Southern European Democratization: Novel Data, Ancién Methods” Portuguese Studies Review Vol. V, No. 2, Winter 1996/7.Conference presentationsPeer-reviewed “Carl Schmitt and the Administration of Crisis,” Chair/Discussant, Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 7-9 November 2019“Judgment, Friendship, Trust, and Justice: Arendt, Rawls, and Shklar,” Chair/Discussant, Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 7-9 November 2019“‘Illiberal Democracy’ as an Analytical and Normative Concept,” Discussant, Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 7-9 November 2,019“Civilization, Globalization, and International Law,” the Institute of Public Policy International Conference: “Civilization and National Governance: The Western and non-Western Worlds,” Guangzhou, China, 17-18 August 2019“The Governance Models of Newly Emerging Countries,” Chair, the Institute of Public Policy International Conference: “Civilization and National Governance: The Western and non-Western Worlds,” Guangzhou, China, 17-18 August 2019“Lights and Shadows of Latin American Populism.” Discussant, Latin American Studies Association, Boston 24 May 2019Anthony P. Spanakos “Democracy or its Purported Enabling Conditions: An Investigation into the Crisis of Democracy,” New York, New York State Political Science Association, 13 April 2019“Populism and Nationalism in European Politics,” Chair and Discussant, New York, New York State Political Science Association, 12 April 2019“Development and Policy Evaluation,” Discussant, New York, New York State Political Science Association, 13 April 2019With Eunseong Oh, “Two Paths to Globalizing an Introduction to Political Theory Undergraduate Course,” American Philosophical Eastern Division, New York, 8 January 2019Chair and Discussant, “Globalizing Pedagogies,” American Philosophical Eastern Division, New York, 8 January 2019“Is Democracy in Decline? Lessons for Mature Democracies from New Democracies?”, Northeastern Political Science Association, Montreal, 8 November, 2018“Strategies, Ideas, and Politics in World Politics,” Chair and Discussant, Northeastern Political Science Association, Montreal, 8 November, 2018“Democratization and Reform,” Chair and Discussant, Wagner College, 14 April 2018 “Populism and Economic Voting,” Chair and Discussant, Wagner College, 14 April 2018Anthony P Spanakos, Panelist, “Polity Roundtable on Howard J. Wiarda,” Northeast Political Science Association, 11 November 2017Anthony P. Spanakos, “Constitutional and Democratic Politics Revisited: Understanding Political Change in Brazil and Venezuela,” Northeast Political Science Association, 10-12 November 2016“Issues in Latin American Politics”, Chair, Northeast Political Science Association, 10-12 November 2016“Rights and Diversity in American Political Institutions: Courts and Congress,” Discussant, Northeast Political Science Association, 10-12 November 2016Anthony P. Spanakos, Chair, The Commodity Collapse and the Next Cycle of Political Economy, Latin American Studies Association, New York, 27-30 May 2016Anthony P. Spanakos, “How Does Institutionality Help Explain Similarities and Differences of Current Brazilian and Venezuelan Political Crises?,” Latin American Studies Association, New York, 27-30 May 2016Anthony P. Spanakos, Chair/Discussant, Social Movements and Neural Networks, New York State Political Science Association, 22 April 2016Anthony P. Spanakos, “Varieties of Democracy: Political Change in Brazil and Venezuela,” Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 13-15 November 2015Anthony P. Spanakos, “Layers of (non)Significance: Venezuela’s Foreign Policy Orientation Toward the United States and China,” China, the U.S. and the Future of Latin America, New York University, 11-12 June 2015Anthony P. Spanakos, “What Does the BRICS New Development Bank Tell Us about Changes in Global Finance?”, Latin American Studies Association, Puerto Rico, 28 May 2015Anthony P. Spanakos, “Institutionality, Political Friendship, and Polity in Recent Brazilian and Venezuelan Politics,” Telos Institute Conference, New York City, 15-16 February 2014Anthony P. Spanakos, Chair/Discussant, “Conceptualizing Political Change in Light of New Ideas of Space and Place,” International Studies Association, Toronto, 27-29 March 2014.Anthony P. Spanakos and Clarity D. Burke, “Realigning development on BRICS (development bank) at a time,” International Studies Association, Toronto, 27-29 March 2014Anthony P. Spanakos, “Après moi, le déluge?: Venezuela After Hugo Chávez, Northeastern Political Science Assocation, Philadelphia, 14-16 November 2013Anthony P. Spanakos, “The institutionality of Re-Founding Republics: the Case of Bolivarian Venezuela,” Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 29 May- 1 June 2013Anthony P. Spanakos, “Crisis, Populist Responses and Social Contracts: Assessing New and Old Popular Action in Latin America,” Chair and Discussant, Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 29 May- 1 June 2013Anthony P. Spanakos “In quest of Diffusion Patterns: Emerging Market Democracies and Social Democracies,” Discussant, International Studies Association, San Francisco, 2-6 April 2013Anthony P. Spanakos “Crafting Credibility in Venezuela and Brazil,” Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, 15-17 November 2012Anthony P. Spanakos “Comparative Perspectives on the Arab Spring & Democratization,” Chair and Discussant, Northeastern Political Science Association, 17-19 November 2011Anthony P. Spanakos “Boliv-are-you-Kidding?: Credibility and Economic Policy-Making in Venezuela,” Northeastern Political Science Association, 17-19 November 2011Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio Renno. “Partial Derivatives?: Global Capital Availability and Presidential Popularity in Brazil and Argentina,” Workshop on Elections, Electoral Behavior, and the Economy, Quebec City, 21-22 October 2011Anthony P. Spanakos “In the Shadow of the United States: De-unipoling the Interpretation of Chinese and Latin American Foreign Policies,” Workshop on China in the Western Hemisphere , Muck School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto, 4-5 March 2011Anthony P. Spanakos. “Homo Samba: The Philosophical Roots of Populism in Latin America?” Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, 11-13, November 2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “24, Security, and the Exceptional State Apparatus,” Popular Culture and World Politics Conference, Toronto, 4-6 November 2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “Co-Producing Crisis: Mobilization of Metaphors in Venezuela,” Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, 6-9 October 2010Anthony P. Spanakos with Lucio Renno. “It’s the Global Economy Stupid,” Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, 6-9 October 2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “Brazil's Foreign Policy, the U.S., and China” Brazilian Studies Association, Brasília, 22-24 July 2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “Brazilian Foreign Policy,” Chair and Discussant, Brazilian Studies Association, Brasília, 22-24 July 2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “Remembering Tiananmen Square and Dismembering Deng Yu Jiao” China’s Policies on Borderlands and Their International Implications, University of Macao, China, 11-12 March 2010Anthony P. Spanakos. “Remembering Tiananmen Square and Dismembering Deng Yu Jiao” China’s Policies on Borderlands and Their International Implications, University of Macao, China, 11-12 March Anthony P. Spanakos and Yu Xiao. “Has the Rise of China Made Latin America More Unsafe,” International Studies Association, New Orleans 17-20, February 2010Anthony P. Spanakos “Teaching Global Issues through Graphic Novels,” International Studies Association, New Orleans 17-20, February 2010Anthony P. Spanakos and Yu Xiao. “Has the Rise of China Made Latin America More Unsafe,” Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 19-21 November 2009Anthony P. Spanakos “Chinese International Relations: Regional and Global Unit”, Chair and Discussant Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 19-21 November 2009Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio Renno.“Bonds, Stocks or Dollars? Do Capital Markets influence Electoral Results in Brazil and Mexico,” American Political Science Association, Toronto, 3-6 Sept 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Elections, Political Participation, Leadership and Party-Union Relations,” Chair, New York State Political Science Association, John Jay College, 24-25 April 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Who Would Have Thunk It? Investing in China and Socialism in Venezuela: Understanding Regime Change”, International Studies Association, New York, 16 February 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Song of Angry Men: Building the New Man, Citizenship, and Violence in Bolivarian Venezuela,” Latin American Studies Association Rio de Janeiro, 11-14 June 2009 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Friends, Venezuelans, Countrymen: The Burial of Democracy Without Civic Friendship” Northeast Political Science Association, Boston, 13-15 November 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Political Imaginaries and the Rashomon Problem: Doing Field Research in Venezuela and Other Polarized Societies,” American Political Science Association, Boston, 28-30 August, 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Stumblingblocks to Belief: Credibility, Legitimacy, and Trust in the Bolivarian Government of Hugo Chávez,” II Jornadas de la Sección de Estudios Venezolanos, Asociación de Estudios Latino Americanos LASA. Caracas, Venezuela, 26-27 de Mayo 2008Fernando Ferrari and Anthony P. Spanakos. “What Left is This? Brazilian Economic Policies Under Lula and Beyond,” Brazilian Studies Association, New Orleans 27-30 March 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Rice and Beans or Raw Fish?: How Different Are Latin American and Asian Regimes and How Good Are Our Typologies?” Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 15-17 November 2007Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio Renno. “Utopia One-armed: The New Left, Elections And Financial Risk in Latin America” American Political Science Association, Chicago 30 August-2 September 2007 and at the Latin American Studies Association, 5-8 September 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Investor Perception of Economic Policy in Malaysia and Brazil,” New York State Political Science Association, Poughkeepsie, 20-21 April, 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Politics of Ethnicity, Nationalism and Religion in the Middle East and Africa” Chair and Discussant, New York State Political Science Association, Poughkeepsie, 20-21 April, 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Development Theory,” Chair, Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, 9-11 November, 2006 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Neither Secular Nor Wholly Sacred: Cosmology and Sacredness of Space in Orthodox Christian Thought,” Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, 9-11 November 2006 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Lula, Fear and Macroeconomic Policies,” Chair and organizer, Brazilian Studies Association, Nashville, 13-16 October, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “How Investor Fear Was Allayed by Lula's Economic Policies,” Brazilian Studies Association, Nashville, 13-16 October, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “Straightening and Bailing ‘Them’ Out: Inter-American Relations in a Time of Capital Flows,” Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, March 17, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “Authority, Community and Citizenship in Eastern Christian Thought,” Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 17-20, 2005Anthony P. Spanakos. “Economic Turbulence and Elections: The Case of Brazil,” New York State Political Science Association, Niagara University, Niagara, 15 April 2005Anthony P. Spanakos. “Democracy, Civil Society, and Feminism,” Chair and discussant, New York State Political Science Association, Niagara University, Niagara,15 April 2005Anthony P. Spanakos. “Elections in Emerging Markets,” Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, October 6-8, 2004 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Dynamism and Competitiveness: Brazilian Sectoral Policy,” Chair and Discussant, Brazilian Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, 13 June 2004Anthony P. Spanakos. “As eleci?es da perspectiva do Wall Street,” VII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, 2-6 September 2002 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Political Business Cycles in Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina,” Brazilian Studies Association Atlanta, April 6, 2002 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Political Business Cycles in Emerging Markets: The Case of Brazil,” Latin America Studies Association, Washington, D.C., September 7, 2001Anthony P. Spanakos. “Economic Reform in Brazil and South America,” Chair, Latin America Studies Association, Washington, D.C., September 7, 2001Anthony P. Spanakos. Chair of panel on: “Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Latin American Democratization,” Latin American Studies Association, Miami, March 16-18th, 2000 Anthony P. Spanakos. "The Privatization of Citizenship in the Dominican Republic and Brazil" Latin American Studies Association, Miami, March 16-18th, 2000 Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Privatization of Citizenship in Latin America” Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 10-13, 1999Anthony P. Spanakos. “Governments and Societies in Transition I: The Developing World,” Chair and Discussant, Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 10-13, 1999Anthony P. Spanakos. "The Wretched of Brazil: State Sponsored Violence, Strategies of Resistance and Political Subjectivity in a Liberal Democracy," Nationalism, Identity and Minority Rights Conference, September 16-19, 1999, Bristol. A slightly different version was presented at the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, September 1-5, 1999 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Violence and Racial Consciousness in Brazil,” Latin American Studies Consortium of New England conference "Crossing the Urban Frontier: New Directions in Latin American Studies," New Haven, February 27, 1999 Anthony P. Spanakos. "Mixed Race, Partial Citizenship, and Fragmentary Notes on the Dominican Republic and Brazil," New York State Political Science Association, New York, May 7-8, 1999 Anthony P. Spanakos. "Citizenship and Marginalized Communities in Latin America," New School Graduate Conference "Political Science at the End of the Millennium," New York, April 23, 1999Anthony P. Spanakos. "Constructing a Democracy: with which Demos and which Kratos?," New York State Political Science Association, May 8-9, 1998, AlbanyAnthony P. Spanakos. Chair and Discussant on a panel on "Political Theory and International Relations," New York State Political Science Association, Albany, May 8-9, 1998Anthony P. Spanakos. "Concepts of Identity and Liberation in the Writings of Frantz Fanon and Gustavo Gutierrez," Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 10-13, 1997 Anthony P. Spanakos. "Democra(cy)tization and Dialogia: Identity, Recognition and Citizenship," American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., August 28-31, 1997Anthony P. Spanakos. "Ciudadania, diaspora y democracia: el caso de la doble diaspora dominicana," La República Dominicana al Umbral del Século XXI, Santo Domingo, July, 24-26, 1997Anthony P. Spanakos. "The Comparative Method: Subject, Object, and Value-Freedom," conference on "Knowledge and its Discontents: Science, Expertise, Modernity," Ithaca, Cornell University, May 2-4, 1997Anthony P. Spanakos. "Sovereignty, Territory and Identity, Diaspora Nations and Hegemonic States," conference on "Strategies of Critique XI," Toronto, York University, April 18-19, 1997Anthony P. Spanakos. "Democracy, Citizenship, and Diasporas: The Double Dominican Diaspora," National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, Houston, February 11-15, 1997Anthony P. Spanakos. "Bernie Goetz, the Batman, and the Unabomber, Vigilantism and (re)Valuation of American Security," Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, November 14-16, 1996 Anthony P. Spanakos. "Strategies of Military Depoliticization in the Transitional and Consolidation Governments of Modern Greece and Argentina," Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, November 6-9, 1996Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Military and Democratic Transitions: the Greece and Argentine Cases.” European Studies Conference, Omaha, October 3-5, 1996. Earlier versions presented at the New England Political Science Association, Springfield, May 3-4, 1996, and the New York State Political Science Association, Ithaca, March 29-30, 1996Other PresentationsAnthony P. Spanakos and Josh Galster, “Teaching Strategies for Large Classes: from Political Science to Earth and Environmental Science” 4 March 2020Anthony P Spanakos, “Art and Democracy in Ellison’s Invisible Man” Black History month lecture series, 12 Feb 2020Anthony P Spanakos and Anam Salem, “Using Technology to Engage Students in Large Class Settings,” Montclair State University Teaching, Learning, and Technology Summer Institute, 6 June 2019Anthony P. Spanakos and Julie Dalley, “‘Getting it Done’ faculty writing and balance,” Research Academy for University Learning, Montclair, 26 October 2016 Conference Organizer, Pollack CHSS Pollack Conference, Montclair 7 October 2016Anthony P. Spanakos, Varieties of Democratization: Brazil and Venezuela, CHSS Pollack Conference, Montclair 7 October 2016Discussant on “Democracia a la venezolana: ?Un sue?o de dos siglos?” Conference: Venezuela in Crisis & Context, New York University, 20 February 2015Anthony P. Spanakos, “What’s Left: The Problem of Liberal Democracy and Its Institutions,” Columbia University Seminar on Latin America, 2 October 2014Anthony P. Spanakos, “The BRICS and Development,” International Congress of Social Commitment, Universidad Anáhuac, Huixquilucán, Mexico, 24-26 September, 2014Anthony P. Spanakos, Conference Organizer, “Politics of the Popular in Latin America,” New York University, 7 March, 2014Anthony P. Spanakos, "Popular Rebellion in Brazil and Venezuela?" “Politics of the Popular in Latin America,” New York University, 7 March, 2014Anthony P. Spanakos, “Rebellion, Democracy, and Dancing Stars: The Question of Institutionality in Latin America,” Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York University, 25 September 2013 Anthony P. Spanakos “Political Economy of Financial Institutions,” “Ethnicity and Political Economy,” and “Public Goods Provisions in Developing Countries,” Chair and Discussant, Alexander Hamilton Center Graduate Student Conference on Political Economy, New York University, New York, 15-16 May 2013Anthony P. Spanakos “International Politics,” “U.S. Foreign Policy,” Chair and Discussant, Alexander Hamilton Center Undergraduate Conference, New York University, New York, 14 May 2013Anthony P. Spanakos and Lucio Renno. “Partial Derivatives?: Global Capital Availability and Presidential Popularity in Brazil and Argentina,” Workshop on Elections, Electoral Behavior, and the Economy, Quebec City, 21-22 October 2011Anthony P. Spanakos “In the Shadow of the United States: De-unipoling the Interpretation of Chinese and Latin American Foreign Policies,” Workshop on China in the Western Hemisphere , Muck School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto, 4-5 March 2011Anthony P. Spanakos, “Downgrading America: Credibility and Credit-Worthiness,” Montclair State University, Montclair, 29 Sept 2011Anthony P. Spanakos, Discussant, National Identity in Venezuela, Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University, New York, 2 Dec 2010Anthony P. Spanakos, “To Boldly Go Where No American Has Boldly Gone Before: US Foreign Policy in Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk and Avatar,” Montclair State University, Montclair, 1 Dec 2010 Anthony P. Spanakos, “Introduction,” Panel on Brazilian History, Villanova University, Villanova, 18 Oct 2010Anthony P. Spanakos “Political Economy,” for the “Teaching Brazil Workshop for K-12 Teachers,” Villanova University, Villanova, 2 Oct 2010Anthony P. Spanakos “Still Reforming Brazil: Police not Politics,” Presentation given for the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, 16 Sept 2010Anthony P. Spanakos.? “Understanding US Politics,” presentation for University of Graz, Austria, visiting students, Montclair State University, Montclair, 13 July 2010Anthony P. Spanakos.?"The Samba of Brazilian Democracy: Contemporary Rhythms," Villanova University, 7 April 2010Anthony P. Spanakos.?"Teaching Through Graphic Novels," University Learning and Teaching Showcase, Montclair State University, 26 March 2010Anthony P. Spanakos.?“The Last Maoist?: Venezuela’s Foreign Policy, the US, and the World,” Singapore Management University, Singapore, 17 Aug 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Chinese and Latin American Foreign Policy Under Unipolarity”??EAI Seminar, East Asia Institute,?Singapore, 4 August 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. Chair, Informal Politics Discussion, East Asia Institute, Singapore, 28 July 2009 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Has the Rise of China Made Latin America more Unsafe,” Bridging China Studies and International Relations Theory Conference, East Asia Institute, Singapore, 26-27 June 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Once and Future President? Hugo Chávez and the Future of Venezuela” 27 April, 2009, Montclair State UniversityAnthony P. Spanakos. “Politics and Comics,” Honor’s Students Organization Lecture, Montclair State University, 4 March 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Latin America: A Region in Transition” Cafe Diem, Montclair State University, 6 February 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Politics and Comics: Why We Will Watch the Watchmen,” Honor’s Student Organization, 4 March 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Using Graphic Novels in the Class: Preliminary Feedback,” Presentation to the MSU CHSS Teaching Research Group, February 11, 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Foreign Policy of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and China’s Peaceful Rise,” East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 9 January 2009Anthony P. Spanakos. “Using Graphic Novels and Artwork in the Classroom,” Presentation to the MSU CHSS Teaching Research Group, October 15, 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Did Hugo Chávez Change History? An Inside Look at Venezuela and its Impact on the Outside” St John’s University, 1 October 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Públicos, movimientos sociales, y Chavismo” Insituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Caracas, 19 August 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Revolucionarios, reacionarios ciudadanos imaginarios,” Fulbright Alumni Association, Caracas, Venezuela, 2 June 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “Is Chávez Leading Latin America Towards Twenty-First Century Socialism?” Montclair State University, Montclair 30 April 2008Anthony P. Spanakos. “A Critical Juncture in the Chavez Revolutions? Analyzing Venezuelan Politics after the December 2007 Electoral Defeat,” Discussants, Columbia University, New York 28 April 2008 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Modest Proposals: From Jonathan Swift to the Onion” for The Power of Laughter: The Satirical Spirit Humanities in the School Day, Montclair State University, 6 December, 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Are the Economic Policies of Latin America’s Left Credible?” Princeton University, 4 December, 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Lula’s 5th Year: Prospects for 2008” David Fleischer, Discussant, Columbia University, 28 November 2007“Are Investors Afraid of Latin America’s Left?” Columbia University, 19 September 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Putting China In Its Place: Classifying Contemporary Political Regimes,” East Asia Institute National University of Singapore, 22 June 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Making, Sacking or Seeking the Kingdom: Political Theory or Theoria,” St John’s University, 27 April, 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “A Credulous People, A Credible Government or Invest Grade Policies?” Columbia University, April 11, 2007Anthony P. Spanakos. “Broken Promises in Brazil: The Workers’ Party in Power,” UMass Amherst, 8 December, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “Porque o Lula n?o faz campanha e porque deve fazer.” Universidade de S?o Marcos, S?o Paulo, August 21, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “‘Bom Governo’ ou ‘Bom Timing’: O governo Lula e risco eleitoral.” Universidade de S?o Paulo, S?o Paulo, August 17, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “Risco Brasil: Nunca Mais”, University of Arizona, Tucson, April 14, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Name Game: Democracy in Latin America,” Touro College, New York, March 23, 2006Anthony P. Spanakos. “Banking on the Elections: the Case of Brazil,” Villanova University, Philadelphia, November 16, 2005Anthony P. Spanakos. “Voters vrs Investors in Brazil’s Presidential Elections,” presentation at UMass Amherst, 16 September 2004Anthony P. Spanakos. “Wall Street Observes the Brazilian Presidential Elections,” presentation of Princeton University, Princeton, 4 November 2002.Anthony P. Spanakos. “Ambiguous Games: Policy Uncertainty and Country Risk during the Brazilian Presidential Electoral Campaign of 2002,” presentation at Columbia University, New York, 31 October 2002.Anthony P. Spanakos. “As Eleic?es Presidencias da Vista do Wall Street,” presentation at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 25 October 2002.Anthony P. Spanakos. “Jogos de Dois Níveis: Risco e Ambiguidade,” presentation at the University of S?o Paulo, S?o Paulo, 19 September 2002Anthony P. Spanakos. “Dívida securitizada,” presentation at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Niteroi, 4 September, 2002 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Porqué é t?o alto: Risco Brasil e Risco Político,” Seminar at the Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, 23 August, 2002Anthony P. Spanakos. “Como o Wall Street Observa as Eleic?es Presidencias,” S?o Paulo, CEDEC, 26 June 2002 Anthony P. Spanakos. “As Reformas do Estado na América Latina e no Brasil,” Seminar on State Reform in Latin America and Brazil, 1990-2002, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center and the University of Brasília, Brasília, 24 June, 2002, Anthony P. Spanakos. “Política Econ?mica, Ciclos Políticos e Ciclos Econ?micos no Brasil,” Panel on Political Economy in Brazil, Brasília, August 21, 2001 Anthony P. Spanakos. “Understanding US-Brazilian Relations,” The Wall Street Institute, Brasília, August 15, 2001, Anthony P. Spanakos. “Actors and Interest Mediation,” Discussant, City University of New York, “Reforming Brazil” Conference, New York, May 18, 2001, Anthony P. Spanakos. “The Impact of Municipal Elections on the Reform Process in Brazil,” Discussant, City University of New York, New York, November 16, 2000, Anthony P. Spanakos. “Property Rights and Political Transitions,” Discussant, New England Council on Latin American Studies, Amherst, October 14, 2000, Anthony P. Spanakos. “Divergence and Convergence over Race: Brazil and the Dominican Republic in Comparative Perspectives,” at a Sawyer Seminar hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on “The Concept and Consequences of Race: Cross-National and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives,” Chapel Hill, March 29, 2000, Anthony P. Spanakos. "Mythinterpreting" Democracia Racial: Raca e Consciência no Brasil,” Centro de Estudos Afro-Asiàticos, Rio de Janeiro, January 6, 1999Fellowships, Research, and AwardsEast Asia Institute, Visiting Fellow May-Aug 2017Research on rising and declining powers in an academic think tank in SingaporeOutstanding Advisor, nominee, Center for Advising and Student TransitionsNominated as outstanding advisor by undergraduate studentsExcellence through Mentoring, Center for Leadership Development and Campus Connections, MSU, May 2015Selected as one of four faculty members for excellence in student mentoring Mentor, Research Academy for University Learning, MSU, 2015-2017Selected to mentor a junior faculty member working on developing new courses during a one year-long interactive programNew Jersey Council of the Humanities Grant Fall 2011-Spring 2012Director of “How Does Politics Affect Inequality and Injustice in Latin America” discussion Series for the Latin American and Latino Studies program at Montclair State UniversityTeaching Fellow, Research Academy for University Learning, MSU, Fall 2009-Spring 2010Selected to participate in one year program on developing promising syllabi and engaging student learning at Montclair State UniversityEast Asia Institute, Visiting Fellow May-Aug 2009Studied Sino-Relations while inside an academic think tank in Singapore focusing on China and its relations with the rest of the world Fulbright Visiting Professor Jan-Aug 2008Selected by the CIES and the US and Venezuelan Fulbright Commissions to do research at the Institute of Superior Study of Administration and on the credibility of economic policiesInstructor, MSU teacher training program, Shanghai 2007One of eight professors chosen to train Chinese professors from East China Normal University and Shanghai Normal University. Taught “writing for the natural sciences.”Visiting Researcher, Singapore Management University 2007Conducted research on political and economic cycles in developing countries.Fulbright Visiting Professor Selected by the CIES and the US and Brazilian Fulbright Commissions to teach at the University of Brasília and to do research on the 2002 elections (July- Dec 2002)Opinion MakerSelected by the Brazilian Embassy in Washington to observe development projects in the Northeast of Brazil as part of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry’s “Opinion Makers” program (Dec 2001)Research AssistantshipJavier Corrales (Amherst College)- Research assistant for a project which examined the politics behind successful implementation of structural adjustment programs in Latin America (Spring 1999)Foreign Language and Area Studies Grant One year grant to study Portuguese language and to do field research in Brazil (Fall 1998/Spring 1999)Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Grant Grant for study of Spanish and field research in the Dominican Republic (Summer 1997)Library Research Grant University of Florida-GainesvilleGrant to use resources of University of Florida Gainesville’s collection on Latin America (Summer 1997)Teaching Assistantship- UMass Amherst (Fall 1995-Spring 1998)See “teaching experience”Stanley J. Seegar Scholarship for Study in Greece, Princeton UniversityGrant to do field research on political behavior in Greece (Summer 1994)Columbus Scholars ProgramOne of fifty US high school students chosen to go to the Dominican Republic to be part of a cultural and scholastic program in the Dominican Republic (Summer 1990)LanguagesPortuguese, Spanish, Greek, some MandarinAcademic Service, Membership and Other NotesMember, Executive Committee New York State Political Science Association 2019-Member, Executive Committee Northeast Political Science Association 2019-Section Chair, Comparative Politics, New York State Political Science Association 2019-Section Chair, Democratic Theory, Northeast Political Science Association, 2019-Chair, Latin American Studies Association, Political Economy Section 2015-2017External Reviewer, Iona College Department of Political Science 2017Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, report author2016MSU Sabbatical Review Committee 2015-CHSS Separately Budgeted Research Committee, Chair 2015-6, member 2016-MSU Fulbright Committee 2013- 2016MSU Faculty Advisor, Political Science Club 2014-Mentor, Research Academy for University Learning 2014-2017Co-editor, Conceptualising Comparative Politics book series, Routledge, 2012-Co-editor, Special Issue, Latin American Politics and Society 2013-2016Treasurer, Latin American Studies Association, Political Economy Section 2014-2015Co-ordinator, Latin American Politics Working Group, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (NYU), 2013-2014External Review, Touro College, Department of Political Science2014Reviewer, Lynne Rienner Publisher, Bloomsbury, University of Toronto Press, Congressional Quarterly Press, RoutledgeReviewer, Latin American Politics & Society, Latin American Perspectives, International Journal of Peace and Development Studies, \ Peace & Change, New Political Science, European Journal of Development ResearchRevista de Economia Política, The Latin Americanist, Mid-Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, Revista Análise Económica, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Journal of Latin American Urban Studies, European Journal of Development ResearchDirector, Latin American and Latino Studies, MSU, 2011-2012Deputy Chair, Political Science and Law, MSU, 2011-2012Member, MSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum Committee 2011-Member, Career Development Committee, 2011-2Member, MSU Strategic Planning Committee 2008-2010Member, MSU Global Education Grants Committee 2008-2009Member, Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, 2008-Discussion Group, ‘Our Underachieving Colleges’ at MSU Teaching Academy 2007Member, Secretary, MSU Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2007-2011Program Committee Member, BRASA IX, 2007-2008Contributor, Political Handbook of the World, 2007-2010Member, Advisory Board and Curriculum Committee, Latin American and Latino Studies Program, Montclair State University 2006-Alumnus Interviewer (Brooklyn) Princeton University, 2005-Faculty Advisor, Political Science Society Club, Touro College 2005-2006Departmental Liaison, Information Technology Committee, Touro College 2004-2006Editor, Section of Political Economy-Brazil, Handbook of Latin American Studies, 2002-Co-Section Chair, Economy, Development, Finance Section, BRASA 2002- Member of the Asian Studies Association 2006-presentMember of the American Political Science Association 1995-presentMember of the Modern Greek Studies Association 1997-2001Member of the Latin American Studies Association 1997-presentMember of the Brazilian Studies Association 1999-presentMember of the New England Council of Latin American Studies 2000-presentMember of UMass Political Science Graduate Studies Committee, 1997-8Member of UMass Political Science Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1998Inducted in Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society in 1997Regional coordinator for the National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, 1997Alumnus Interviewer (Western Massachusetts) for Princeton University 1999- 2000Fraternity coordinator at Lambda Chi Alpha (UMass), 1996-8Fraternity Resident Scholar at Sigma Epsilon Fraternity (MIT), 1999-2000Faculty advisor for the Hellenic Society of Tufts University 1999-2000Wrote opinion pieces in the Athens Weekly Greek News on Modern Greek politics, economics and history, 1994 ................
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