FOREWORD by IBBY President, Peter Schneck


Summary of Biennial Reports

IBBY Secretariat

Nonnenweg 12


CH-4003 Basel Switzerland

Tel. +4161-272 29 17

Fax +4161-272 27 57

E-mail: ibby@



|Foreword |3 |

| | |

|IBBY Executive Committee 2008-2010 |4 |

| | |

|List of Countries with National Sections of IBBY in June 2010 |5 |

| | |

|Information requested for the Biennial Reports 2008-2010 | 6-8 |

| | |

|Representatives and Organization |9-19 |

|Representatives | |

|Office arrangements | |

|Membership | |

|Table 1: Representatives and Organization | |

| | |

|Funding |20-30 |

|Budgets |

|Support for IBBY dues specifically |

|Membership fees |

|Government grants |

|Grants by other organizations and institutions |

|Individual sponsors and donors |

|Publications |

|Other sources of income |

|Table 2: Funding |

| | |

|National Sections' activities |31-51 |

|Communication |

|Different sections’ highlights |

|Table 3: National Sections’ activities |

| | |

|Cooperation with IBBY: International activities |53-56 |

|Congresses and General Assemblies | |

|International Children's Book Day | |

|Table 4: Cooperation with IBBY: International activities | |

| | |

|Cooperation with IBBY: Award Nominations |57-64 |

|Hans Christian Andersen Awards |

|IBBY Honour List | |

|IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award | |

|Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities | |

|Table 5: Cooperation with IBBY: Nominations | |

| | |

|Cooperation with other National Sections |65-68 |


This summary of the national Sections report from June 2008 to June 2010 reflects the activities, organization, needs and problems of the IBBY membership worldwide. Each Section was asked to write a report following basic requirements to show the breadth and depth of their work.

Therefore this summary gives a broad picture of the National Sections and through it the very intensive and extended activities that are run around the world by our members. This is the strength, or backbone of IBBY and through the members' biennial reports we can assess the growth and effectiveness of IBBY.

Although autonomous in the way they organize themselves, the National Sections share the IBBY mission and objectives of bringing children and books together. This common goal brings friends from every part of the world together, thus, achieving Jella Lepman’s dream of forging international understanding through children’s books.

As always, financial difficulties, lack of recognition and poor resources can be stumbling blocks, but in general all our members fulfil their aims and successfully organize their activities. Often the IBBY section is the leading organization for children’s literature in its country.

This summary is based on data submitted every two years to the Secretariat and includes information about the structure, the sources of funding and the national and international activities of each National Section. All information, including the contact details, reflects the membership as at June 2010. For current contact information go to IBBY Worldwide on the IBBY website: .

We would like to thank all those National Sections who submitted their biennial reports. The submission of a biennial report is one of the basic conditions of IBBY membership and we would like to encourage full participation by all members in this essential reporting.

Liz Page

IBBY Secretariat

July 2011



Ms Patricia Aldana

Groundwood Books

110 Spadina Avenue, Suite 801

Toronto, ON M5V 2K4 – Canada

E-mail: paldana@


Ms Reina Duarte

Editorial Edebe, P. San Juan Bosco 62

ES-08017 Barcelona – Spain

E-mail: rduarte@

Mr Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin

Rhythm Consolidated Berhad

Unit P-3-4, Level 3, Block P, Plaza Damas

60 Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas

50480 Kuala Lumpur– Malaysia

E-mail: aredza@


Ms Anastasia Arkhipova

Ul. Bergovaya 7-9, 91

RU-125284 Moscow , Russia

E-mail: arkhipova.a@

Ms Elisa Bonilla

Magdalena 211, Colonia Del Valle

03100 México, D.F. – Mexico



Ms Hannelore Daubert

Bischofsweg 15A

DE-60598 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Mr Wally de Doncker

Heirbaan 288

BE-9220 Hamme-Zogge, Belgium


Ms Nikki Gamble

9 Notley Green, Great Notley

Braintree, Essex CM77 7US

United Kingdom

E-mail: nhgamble@ or

Ms Jehan Helou

Palestinian Section of IBBY

c/o MA'AN Development Centre

Chamber of Commerce Building

Opposite the Post Office

4th floor, Ramallah – Palestine

E-mail: jehanna@

Mr James Tumusiime

P.O. Box 488

Kampala – Uganda


Mr Mingzhou Zhang

Room 305, 6th Building

Yonghejiayuan, Dongcheng District

Beijing – China

E-mail: mingzhouzhang68@

H.C. Andersen Jury President

Ms Zohreh Ghaeni

c/o Children’s Book Council of Iran

(IBBY Iran)

P.O. Box 13145-133

Teheran – Iran

E-mail: z_ghaeni@


Mr Ellis Vance

5503 N. El Adobe Drive

Fresno, California 93711-2363, USA

E-mail: vev40@


Ms Sylvia Vardell

9440 Viewside Drive

Dallas, TX 75231 – USA


Ms Catherine Kurkjian

62 Flagg Road

West Hartford, CT 06117 – USA

E-mail: kurkjianc@

IBBY Secretariat

Nonnenweg 12, Postfach

CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland

Tel +4161-272 29 17

Fax +4161-272 27 57

E-mail: ibby@


Executive Director

Ms Elizabeth Page


Deputy Director of Administration

Mr Forest Zhang

E-mail: forest.zhang@


Total of 71 countries

Not all NS answered the questionnaire 2008-2010. In the list below, the 55 NS that returned their completed questionnaires have been marked with an *















Czech Republic*





















Korea, Republic of*










New Zealand*











South Africa








United Arab Emirates*

United Kingdom

United States of America*






Reporting period: 2008 - 2010


1.1 Country

1.2 Name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail and website of the National Section (NS)

3. Representatives

1. President of the National Section (NS)

2. Secretary or main executive officer of the NS

3. IBBY main Liaison Officer or contact person

4. Organization


1. How is your NS organized? Describe the structure of the NS in general.

2. Is your NS affiliated to, or a branch of another organization or institution? If so, which one?

3. Do you have an office and paid staff?

4. How often do you have business meetings?


5. Does your NS have organizations as members? How many? What kind of organizations?

6. Does your NS have individual members? How many? How do they contribute to the NS activities?

7. Describe the make up of your membership? More specifically: who are your members? What percentage are: Teachers? Authors? Illustrators? Publishers? Students? etc.

8. What categories of membership, if any, does your NS have?

9. How inclusive is your membership of persons connected to the children’s book world in your country?

10. If not inclusive, describe your plans to make it more inclusive?

11. Do you make any special effort to attract young people?

12. How often do you keep in touch with your members? How?


2.1 Annual Budget

2.1.1 What is your average annual budget in US$? Is it increasing or decreasing?

2. Sources of income

1. Is there a membership fee? How much is it? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

2. Do you receive financial support from individual sponsors and/or donors? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

3. Do you receive grants from your government? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

4. Do you receive grants from national institutions or other organizations? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

5. Have other NS contributed any financial support? If so, how much?

6. Do you generate income through publications? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

7. Do you have other sources of income not mentioned above? What are they and what percentage of your budget do they account for?

8. Are the sources of income listed in annexes 2.2.1 to 2.2.7 regular contributions?

9. Do you receive support specifically for your IBBY dues? If so, from whom?

10. Describe successful fundraising strategies your NS has developed.


3.1 Main activities

1. Has your NS organized national, regional or international meetings and conferences? Which ones?

2. Have members of your NS represented IBBY at other national, regional or international meetings and/or conferences?

3. Does your NS organize courses or seminars at a local level? Who are these aimed at?

4. Does your NS organize or host exhibitions and/or fairs?

5. Does your NS administer awards or prizes? Does it organize contests?

6. Does your NS run a library or bookstore?

7. Has your NS organized other activities? Which ones have been especially successful in your country? Please specify.

3.2 Communication

1. Does your NS have a website? What is its URL?

2. Does your NS publish a regular newsletter? Who receives this? Is it available online?

3. Does your NS develop lists of book selections? Which ones?

4. What, if any, are your other regular publications? Please give names (original and translation into English) and a description of their content and purpose.

5. Does your NS work with national media to promote your own activities or the work of IBBY?

3.3 Cooperation at a national level

1. Is your NS consulted about children’s books in your country? By whom?

2. Are there NGOs or established institutions in your country for which the development of a children’s reading and publishing culture is an objective? Which ones? Are you informed of their projects and needs?

3. Does your NS collaborate with these agencies?


4.1 International activities in cooperation with IBBY

Congresses and General Assemblies

1. How many of your members participated in the last two IBBY Congresses and General Assemblies?

2. Does your NS participate in IBBY regional conferences? If so, which ones? If not, what are the barriers to your participation?

International Children’s Book Day (ICBD)

3. What activities, if any, does your NS organize to celebrate the ICBD?

4. Did you design your own poster? If not, did you use the message and poster of the sponsoring NS?

5. How do you disseminate information about the ICBD?

IBBY Awards and projects

6. Did your NS present any nominations for the Hans Christian Andersen Awards? If so, who were the nominees? If not, why not?

7. Did your NS present any nominations for the IBBY Honour List? If so, who were the nominees? If not, why not?

8. Did your NS nominate a project for the IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award? If so, which one?

9. Did your section submit an application for funds from the IBBY-Yamada programme? If not, why not? If yes, what was it and was the application successful?

10. Did you submit any titles for the Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities selection?

11. Did you donate or recommend any books for the IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for Disabled Young People? If so, how many?

12. Did you host any IBBY travelling exhibitions (Honour List, HCA, Books for Disabled, etc.)? If so, where and when were they exhibited?

Bookbird and other projects

13. How many members of your NS have individual subscriptions to Bookbird?

14. Does your NS have a Bookbird associate editor? Have you contributed any articles to, or cooperated with Bookbird?

15. Have you participated in any other IBBY international activities not listed above? If so, which ones?

4.2 Cooperation with other National Sections

1. Are you involved in regional cooperation with other NS? What is the nature of this cooperation?

2. Do you cooperate bilaterally with other NS? What is the nature of this cooperation?

3. Do you exchange newsletters or information with other NS? If so, how often?

4. What, in your opinion, have been the major obstacles to greater cooperation between NS?



To a large degree, the NS are directed and represented by a President, a General Secretary or Executive Officer and up to two Liaison Officers. Their names, as of June 2010, are listed in the following table. The current contact information can be found on the IBBY website:

Other staff members, often employed by supporting organizations, occasionally assist these main representatives. It is worth pointing out that many of the NS rely on volunteers and usually accomplish a great number of broad activities.

Of the 55 NS that completed and returned their BR, 15 stated that they were affiliated or were a branch of another institution: 40 declared themselves totally independent. Thus, there is not a prevalence of a single structure, though independent NS are in the majority.

• Affiliated NS to another organization or branch of an institution: Belgium (Flemish branch), Bolivia, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Rwanda, Slovakia, Switzerland, Uganda.

• Independent NS: Albania, Argentina, Australia (since 15th March 2010), Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Haiti, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay. Zimbabwe.

There are NS with their own office and some without: 36 of the NS have an office and 19 do not.

• NS with an office: Argentina, Austria, Belgium (Flemish branch), Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States.

• NS without own office: Albania, Australia, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, Finland, Haiti, Iceland, Ireland, Lebanon, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Rwanda, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Zimbabwe.

Different NS have different membership regulations. In some cases, membership is restricted to organizations, usually because the IBBY NS is an umbrella organization (e.g. Austria and Croatia). In other cases, members are exclusively individual, although these will sometimes represent a publishing house or an organization that they direct. The most usual form of NS memberships is a combination of organizations and individuals.

In almost all cases, the NS charge membership fees. Many NS have different categories of membership fees such as: Student, Individual, Organization, Donor, or Founding Member. Most of the NS stated that membership fees make up a small fraction of their budget.

Since 2008, it has become a requirement for IBBY’s NS to be representative of the entire country’s children’s and youth book community. Inclusiveness of membership is an important goal for some existing NS and is a priority for new members of IBBY.

Some NS are very inclusive, such as Australia, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Haiti, Iceland, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and USBBY.

Others are making efforts become inclusive. For a limited time, IBBY Canada had offered discounted memberships to members of the Canadian Society of Authors, Illustrators and Performers (CANSCAIP) and the Children’s Writers and Illustrators of British Columbia Society (CWILL BC). They also increased their participation in book-focused events such as Word on the Street – an annual celebration of reading and literacy that takes place in five major Canadian cities and attracts a broad range of readers, designers, publishers, and others related to the written word.

IBBY Colombia regularly invites authors, illustrators, and young designers who are interested or work with children’s literature to participate in workshops, round tables, conferences, awards and other events.

IBBY UAE, a newly established section (2010) is planning to organize workshops in colleges and universities for writers and illustrators. By participating in all local book fairs they are able to target librarians and people who are interested in children’s books.

IBBY Japan plans to expand its membership by presenting the aims of IBBY clearly and widely by sharing regular news and reports of their activities through the media and their website thus expanding the scope of their activities beyond the Tokyo region.

IBBY Zimbabwe is planning to hold a stakeholders meeting where everyone involved in children’s literature will be invited. This includes writers, publishers, authors, government education officials, storytellers and representatives of local NGOs.

Attracting young people is very important to ensure the continuity and vitality of all NS and the sections do this in a variety of ways:

IBBY Belgium (Flemish Branch) has a reduced membership fee for students.

IBBY Bolivia attracts young people with different programmes of the Thururchapitas library, the biblio-bus and Trenecito de la lectura. They try to involve young people constantly in different activities.

IBBY Canada offered a free annual membership to selected classes of university students studying children’s literature, and has organized speakers to promote the organization to such classes.

IBBY Colombia involves and trains young people in library teams, which then participate in literacy programmes.

IBBY Greece makes efforts to attract young people through their presence in national exhibitions.

IBBY India invites teachers and college students to attend workshops, seminars and conferences.

IBBY Iran offers many activities for young people, who eventually may become members.

IBBY Ireland started a Facebook profile and Twitter account in 2010 to appeal to the younger generation and attract new members.

IBBY Italy launched a small campaign offering special fees for young people, students and illustrators, as well as a campaign based on promotional pins designed by illustrators to increase their membership.

IBBY Moldova organizes a writing and drawing contest for children and young people at the International Children and Youth Book Fair.

IBBY Pakistan involves young people in stimulating sessions for children in the library and public schools. It engages young people through internship programmes, seminars and discussions. The regular internship programme also focuses on involvement of young students and allows them to conduct reading campaigns, story-telling sessions and reading programmes in communities, schools, and other places such as hospitals.

IBBY Palestine Invites young people to report on their research related to children's literature.

IBBY Slovakia is working on a new website that would help to communication with a broader public. They plan to start a Facebook profile that would help them appeal to younger people and motivate them to become members. They will air the programme The Pathway to Library through regular radio broadcasts that are targeted to young listeners.

IBBY Slovenia sends circulars to teachers and college students inviting them to professional meetings and become members.

USBBY: Many members teach undergraduate and graduate courses in reading, literacy, and literature at the university level and encourage their student's to join USBBY. The section offers a reduced student membership of $15 per year.


|National Section |Representatives |Contact details |Paid staff |Frequency of board & business |Individual members |Organizations as members |

| | | | |meetings | | |

|Albania |Ms Shpresa Vreto |Home of Books for Children “Hermann Gmeiner” |No |2 or more/yr |18 |None |

| |Mr Viktor Canosinaj |Rr. “Jordan Misja” | | | | |

| | |Unazë, te Konvikti i Shkollës elektrike | | | | |

| | |Tirana | | | | |

|Argentina |Ms Carlos Silveyra |ALIJA (Asociación de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil de |Yes |Monthly for the full committee; |200 |15 |

| |Ms Alicia Salvi |Argentina) | |frequent meetings of executive | | |

| |Ms Nora Lía Sormani |Talcahuano 1261. Primer Piso | |committee subject to actual need | | |

| | |(C1014ADA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |.ar | | | | |

|Australia |Ms Robin Morrow |Robin Morrow |No |3/yr (planned) |80+ |5 |

| |Ms Jenni Woodroffe |PO Box 329 | | | | |

| | |Beecroft NSW 2119 | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Austria |Ms Renate Welsh |International Institute for Children’s Literature and Reading |Yes |1/yr |2 |6 |

| |Ms Karin Haller |Research | | | | |

| |Ms Sabine Fuchs |Mayerhofgasse 6 | | | | |

| | |AT-1040 Vienna | | | | |

| | |office@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Belgium (Flemish |Ms Majo de Saedeleer |Stichting Lezen |Yes |3/yr |80 |18 |

|branch) |Ms Eva Devos |Frankrijklei 130/4 | | | |publishers public |

| | |BE-2000 Antwerp | | | |libraries and book shops |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Bolivia |Ms Gaby Vallejo Canedo |Casilla 5240 |No |Weekly with volunteers; |63 |None |

| |Ms Lidia Coca Mercado |Cochabamba | |Monthly with teachers; | | |

| | | | |2/yr with other members | | |

|Brazil |Ms Gisela Zincone |Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e Juvenil |Yes |Board of Directors: every 2 weeks |160 |86 publishing houses and |

| |Ms Elizabeth D’Angelo Serra |Rua da Imprensa, 16 sala 1212 a 1215 | |Curator Board 4/yr | |enterprises |

| | |20030-120 Rio de Janeiro RJ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |.br | | | | |

|Canada |Ms. Patricia Ocampo |The Canadian Children’s Book Centre |No |5/yr |99 |16 |

| |Ms Michelle Superle |40 Orchard View Blvd, Suite 101 | | | | |

| |Ms Brenda Halliday |Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1B9 | | | | |

| | |info@ibby- | | | | |

| | |ibby- | | | | |

|Chile |Ms María Eugenia Coeymans |El Tordillo 10610 |No |12/yr |32 |None |

| |Ms Carolina Valdivieso |Lo Barnechea | | | | |

| |Ms Valerie Moir |Santiago | | | | |

| | |ibbychile@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Colombia |Mr Alfonso Ocampo Gaviria |Fundalectura |Yes |Staff everyday |None |None |

| |Ms Carmen Barvo |Av. (calle) 40 # 16-46, apto 048902 | |Board once a week | | |

| |Ms María Cristina Rincón |Bogotá | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Croatia |Ms Davorka Bastić |Croatian Centre for Children’s Book |1 |4/yr |0 |Unspecified number |

| |Ms Ranka Javor |Starčevićev trg 4 | | | | |

| | |HR-10 000 Zagreb | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Cuba |Ms Emilia Gallego Alfonso |Calle L No. 256, apto. 405 |No |4/yr |9 |0 |

| |Ms Aimée Vega Belmonte |Entre calles 17 y 19. | | | | |

| |Mr Enrique Pérez Díaz |El Vedado | | | | |

| | |Ciudad de La Habana | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Cyprus |Mr Costas Katsonis |Cyprus Association on Books for Young People |No |12/yr |450 |0 |

| |Ms Eleni Artemiou Fotiadou |53, Xanthis Xenierou street | | | | |

| |Ms Petros Panaou |CY-1015 Nicosia | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Czech Republic |Ms Jana Čeňková |c/o Obec spisovatelů |No |4-5/yr |96 |40 |

| |Ms Karolina Hejdukova |Železná 18 | | | | |

| | |CZ-110 01 Prague 1 | | | | |

| | | , | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Denmark |Ms Lotte Lykke Simonsen |Myggenæsgade 3 |No |9-10/yr |253 |61 |

| |Mr C.C. Rasmussen |DK-2300 Copenhagen S | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Ecuador |Ms Leonor Bravo |GIRANDULA, Asociación ecuatoriana del libro infantil y juvenil|Yes |4/yr |32 |4 Publishing Houses |

| |Ms Catalina Valencia | | | | |5 Bookstores |

| | |Muros N27-175 | | | |1 Foundation |

| | |Quito | | | | |

| | |girandulaecuador@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Egypt |Ms Suzanne Mubarak |EBBY |1 |12/yr |150 |0 |

| |Ms Farida El Wakil Elreedy |42 Abdulla Diraz st. | | | | |

| |Ms Nadia El-Kohly |El Golf Area Heliopolis, Cairo | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |.eg | | | | |

|Estonia |Ms Anu Kehman |Estonian Children's Literature Centre |No |8/yr |36 |5 |

| |Ms Viive Noor |Pikk 73 | | | | |

| | |EE-10133 Tallinn | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Finland |Ms Maija Karjalainen |c/o Maija Karjalainen |No |8-9/yr |162 |14 |

| |Ms Maija Korhonen |Urheilukatu 16 B 31 | | | | |

| |Ms Teresia Volotinen |FI-00250 Helsinki | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|France |Mr Bruno Racine |Bibliothèque nationale de France. |Yes |3 or 4/yr |30 |0 |

| |Mr Vidal-Naquet |Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse - La Joie | | | | |

| |Ms Nathalie Beau |par les livres | | | | |

| |Ms Jacqueline Sanson |Quai François - Mauriac | | | | |

| | |75706 Paris cédex 13. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Germany |Ms Regina Pantos |Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur e.V. (AKJ) |Yes |5/yr |170 |40 |

| |Ms Doris Breitmoser |Metzstrasse. 14 c | | | | |

| |Ms Kristina Bernd |DE-81667 Munich | | | | |

| | |info@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Greece |Mr Vangelis Iliopoulos |Circle of the Greek Children’s Book |No |12/yr |360 |0 |

| |Mrs Maria Kourkoumeli |Bouboulinas 28 | | | | |

| |Ms Eva Kaliskami |GR-10682 Athens | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Haiti |Ms Jocelyne Trouillot Lévy |AYIBBY |No |12/yr |100 |2 |

| |Ms Nadine Gaspard |Delmas 29 #7 | | | | |

| |Ms Anne Eude Richardson |Port au Prince Haiti | | | | |

|Iceland |Ms Arndis Thorarinsdottir |P.O. Box 4103 |No |12/yr |127 |145 |

| |Ms Siggerður Olof Sigurdardottir |IS-124 Reykjavík | | | | |

| | |arndis.thorarinsdottir@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|India |Ms Nilima Sinha |Association of Writers and Illustrators for Children (AWIC) | 2 |10/yr |530 |1 |

| |Ms Manorama Jafa |Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg | | | | |

| |Ms Indira Bagchi |New Dehli 110 002 | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Indonesia |Ms Murti Bunanta |INABBY |No |12/yr |Yes, not specified |Yes, not specified |

| |Ms Ida Farida |ITC Permata Hijau | | | | |

| | |Rukan Diamond No. 22 & 23 | | | | |

| | |Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, | | | | |

| | |Jakarta 12210 | | | | |

| | |inabby@ | | | | |

| | |kpba- | | | | |

|Iran |Ms Noushin Ansari |Children’s Book Council (CBC) |22 |2/month |700 |0 |

| |Ms Touran Mirhady |31 Shahid Vahid Nazari, Aburayhan St. | | | | |

| | |Enghelab Avenue, Tehran | | | | |

| | |PO Box 13145-133 | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Ireland |Ms Patricia Kennon |IBBY Ireland |No |12/yr |35 |15 |

| |Ms Elaina O’Neill |c/o Children’s Books Ireland | | | | |

| | |17 North Great George's Street | | | | |

| | |IE-Dublin 1 | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Italy |Ms Emma Beseghi |IBBY Italia |No |EC and Office staff 6/yr |50 |Ordinary and supporting |

| |Ms Marcella Terrusi |c/o Biblioteca Salaborsa Ragazzi, | | | |Membership |

| | |Piazza del Nettuno, 3 | | | | |

| | |IT- 40125 Bologna | | | | |

| | |ibbyitalia@ | | | | |

|Japan |Ms Tayo Shima |JBBY |2 |Executive Board meeting: 6/yr |480 regular |55 regular members and 13 |

| |Ms Naoko Torizuka |6 Fukuro-machi, Shinjuku-ku | |General Assembly 2/yr |26 supporting |supporting members |

| | |Tokyo 162-0828 | | |members | |

| | |info@, | | | | |

|Republic of Korea |Ms Sae Hee Kim |KBBY |1 |2/yr |Not specified |Not specified |

| |Ms Young Lahn Chung |F5, Daechoen Building | | | | |

| | |1538-8, Seocho-dong | | | | |

| | |Seocho-gu, Seoul | | | | |

| | |info@, | | | | |

|Latvia |Ms Ilze Stikāne |Latvijas Bērnu un jaunatnes literatūras padome (LBJLP) |No |12/yr |82 |0 |

| |Ms Silvija Tretjakova |Terbatas iela 75, LV-1001 Riga | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Lebanon |Ms Aida Namaan |LBBY |No |Depends on the activities they are|25 |0 |

| |Ms Huda Hammoud |c/o Mrs Aida Namaan | |engaged in. | | |

| |Ms Julinda Abu Nasr |Lebanese American University | | | | |

| | |PO Box 13-5053, Beirut | | | | |

| | |, lbby- | | | | |

|Lithuania |Mr Kestutis Urba |Children’s Literature Centre of the Martynas Mazvydas National|No |Board 6/yr |97 |0 |

| |Ms Aldona Augustaitiene |Library of Lithuania | |Members 2/yr | | |

| | |Gedimino Ave 51, LT- 01504 Vilnius | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Malaysia |Ms Datin Paduka Shahaneem Hanoum |Majlis Buku Kanak-Kanak Dan Remaja Malaysia (MBBY) |No |4/yr |178 |27 |

| |Dadameah |c/o Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur Cawangan Taman Tun Dr. Ismail | | | | |

| |Mr Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin |Lot 31204 Jalan Athinahapan | | | | |

| |Ms Rosidah Ismail |Taman Tun Dr. Ismail | | | | |

| | |60000 Kuala Lumpur | | | | |

| | |, nutiacorp@ | | | | |

|Mexico |Mr Bruno Newman |A Leer / IBBY México |All the operational |12/yr |Numerous, but |0 |

| |Ms Andrea Tapia |Parque España 13-A |team | |unspecified | |

| |Ms Ana Terán |Col. Condesa, Del. Cuauhtémoc | | | | |

| | |C.P. 06140 México City | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |.mx | | | | |

|Moldova |Ms Claudia Balaban |National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă” |No |General Assembly every 2 years |15 |65 |

| |Mr Vasile Romanciuc |65 Şciusev street | |EC 4/yr | | |

| |Ms Eugenia Bejan |MD-2012 Chişinău | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Netherlands |Ms Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer |Buitenzagerij 60 |No |5/yr |275 aggregate of individuals and organizations|

| |Mr Toin Dujix |NL–1021 NR Amsterdam | | |under banner ‘Friends of IBBY’; |

| | | | | |Several international contacts (non paying |

| | |ibby/ | | |members) |

|New Zealand |Ms Rosemary Tisdall |Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust of New |No |Every six weeks |Unspecified |5 organizations members |

| |Ms Tessa Duder |Zealand | | | | |

| |Mr Wayne Mills |c/o Rosemary Tisdall | | | | |

| | |100A Coates Avenue | | | | |

| | |Orakei | | | | |

| | |Auckland 1071 | | | | |

| | |.nz | | | | |

|Pakistan |Ms Basarat Kazim |Alif Laila Book Bus Society / IBBY Pakistan |No |2/yr |45 |4 |

| |Ms Rabi Khan |3-B, Gulberg II | | | | |

| |Ms Ayesha Jabbar |Lahore | | | | |

| |Ms Humaira Manzoor |.pk | | | | |

|Palestine |Ms Jehan Helou |PBBY |No |½ week or ½ month |50 |Unspecified number |

| |Ms Mary Fasheh |c/o MA’AN Development Centre | | | | |

| | |Post Office St., Ramallah | | | | |

| | |Jehanna@; mary.fasheh@ | | | | |

|Peru |Ms Nora Ravines de Peña |Centro de Documentación e Información de Literatura Infantil –|No |Every week |25 |2 |

| |Ms Ingrid de Andrea |CEDILI | | | | |

| |Ms Lilly C. de Cueto |Francisco del Castillo No. 148 | | | | |

| | |San Antonio – Miraflores, Lima 18 | | | | |

| | |nravines@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Poland |Ms Maria Kulik |Ul. Freta 11 /8 |1 |4/yr |170 |4 |

| |Ms Ewa Swierzewska |PL-00-227 Warsaw | | | | |

| | |, | | | | |

|Romania |Mr Claudiu Istrate |The Union of Publishers from Romania |No |Whenever necessary |Unspecified, mainly|0 |

| |Ms Andreea Badiceanu |Casa Presei Libere, no.1, room 457 | | |publishers | |

| | |District 1, RO-013701 Bucharest | | | | |

| | |, | | | | |

|Rwanda |Mr Arthur Barigye Mugunga |AREL (Association Rwandaise des Editeurs et des Libraires) |No |2/yr |0 |8 |

| |Ms Agnes Gyr-Ukunda |c/o Bakame Editions, Remera | | | | |

| | |B.P. 4281, Kigali | | | | |

| | |infobakame@ or, | | | | |

|Slovak Republic |Ms Timotea Vrablova |BIBIANA, Panská 41 |1 |12/yr |98 |Just become possible |

| |Ms Viera Anoskinova |SK-815 39 Bratislava 1 | | | | |

| |Ms Eva Ciferska |, | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Slovenia |Ms Tilka Jamnik |Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana |No |2-3/yr |26 |17 |

| |Ms Irena Miš Svoljšak |Kersnikova 2 | | | | |

| | |SI-1000 Ljubljana | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Sweden |Ms Ulla Forsén |IBBY Sverige |No |7/yr |108 |47 |

| |Ms Gertrud Widerberg |c/o Svenska Barnboksinstitutet | | | | |

| |Ms Pia Cronholm |Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm | | | | |

| | |, | | | | |

|Switzerland |Mr Kurt Sallmann |Kinder- und Jugendmedien Schweiz |No |4/yr |3,200 individual and institutional members |

| |Ms Christine Tresch |c/o Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder- und Jugendmedien | | | |

| | |Zeltweg 11, CH-8032 Zürich | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Turkey |Ms Gülcin Alpöge |Çocuk ve Gençlik Yayınları Derneği |No |12/yr |140 |0 |

| |Ms Tülin Sadıkoğlu |Necatibey Caddesi | | | | |

| |Ms Serpil Ural |Başcerrah Sokağı | | | | |

| | |Çın çın Han No. 3/28 | | | | |

| | |Karaköy - Istanbul | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |info@ | | | | |

|Uganda |Ms Evangeline Ledi Barongo |Uganda Children's Writers & Illustrators Association |Yes |2-3/yr |3 |0 |

| |Ms Eva .M. Wamala |PO Box 31631 | | | | |

| |Mr Joseph Ndawula |Clock Tower, Kampala | | | | |

| | |barongo@ infocom.  or ebarongo2010@ | | | | |

|United Arab |Sheikha Bodour Bint Sultan Al |Al Qasba |2 |4/yr | |10 |

|Emirates |Qasimi |Block D – Entrance 1 – 1st Floor | | | | |

| |Mr Tamer Said |PO Box 5424 | | | | |

| |Ms Eman Sayed |Sharjah | | | | |

| |Ms Marwa Al Aqroubi |E-mail: uaebby@ | | | | |

|United States |Ms Kathy Short |USBBY Secretariat |Yes |One annual business meeting open |500 |4 |

| |Mr Ellis Vance |Center for Teaching through Children's Books | |to all members; | | |

| |Ms Junko Yokota |National Louis University | |Board meeting: 3/yr | | |

| | |5202 Old Orchard Road, Suite 300 | | | | |

| | |Skokie, IL 60077 | | | | |

| | |Secretariat@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Uruguay |Ms Adriana Mora |Ellauri 463 |No |12/yr |50 |0 |

| |Ms Susana Stern |CP 11300 Montevideo | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |adrimorasaravia@ | | | | |

|Zimbabwe |Mr Keith Kuda Munyengeterwa |K.K. Munyengeterwa |No |4/year |25 |Schools (unspecified) |

| |Ms Perpetua Chimusoro |IBBY Zimbabwe | | | | |

| | |c/o Department of Library and Information Science | | | | |

| | |Bulawayo Polytechnic | | | | |

| | |PO Box 1392 | | | | |

| | |Bulawayo | | | | |

| | |liblinkf@ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |



Not all of the NS that completed and returned their BR answered the questions about their annual budget. Those that answered are classified into 4 categories:

1) No budget: Albania, Bolivia, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Rwanda, Uruguay and Zimbabwe

2) Below $1,000: Palestine

3) From $1,000 to $5,000: Australia, Chile, Cuba, Haiti, New Zealand, Peru (decreasing).

4) From $5,000 to $10,000: Estonia, Netherlands, Romania (increasing), Slovenia and Turkey.

5) From $10,000 to $40,000: Argentina (increasing), Belgium, Canada (decreasing), Croatia, Cyprus (not fixed and decreasing), Denmark, Ecuador (increasing), Egypt (increasing), France, Greece (decreasing), Iceland, India (increasing), Iran (decreasing), Italy, Korea (decreasing), Latvia (decreasing), Lithuania (decreasing), Moldova (decreasing), Poland and Sweden (slightly increasing).

6) Over $40,000: Brazil ($494,000, increasing), Colombia ($1,801,581 stable), Germany, Japan ($510,000 decreasing), Lebanon ($ 450,000 depends on projects), Mexico ($1,065,048 increased by 42.5%), Pakistan ($45,270), Slovakia, Switzerland ($83,000, increasing), United Arab Emirates and United States ($52,000 increasing).

Due to the world economic situation, the budget for many NS has decreased or is decreasing. The main reason for the variable or non-fixed budgets is that the section is part of another institution. Another reason could be that the section has to constantly apply for grants or search for partnerships to secure funding. In many countries fundraising is not always successful.


In most NS, dues are considered as part of the overall NS budget. However, in some cases, contributions are made solely for this purpose. In 2008 and 2009 IBBY Argentina got support for their membership dues from the Foundation C&A. It is important to mention that through the twinning programme, some NS aid others financially: The Dutch Section has regularly assisted Uruguay with its dues, and in 2009 and 2010 USBBY paid the membership dues of the IBBY sections of Haiti, Lebanon, Palestine and Zambia, and has aided IBBY South Africa by paying part of their dues in 2009. In 2009 and 2010 IBBY Ireland supported IBBY Zimbabwe with its annual membership dues.


Many NS rely on membership fees as the most reliable and regular source of income for their work, although in most cases the proceeds from fees are quite small compared to their costs. In many sections, there are different categories of membership fees. IBBY Canada, patrons, who are committed sponsors pay the highest fee. USBBYapplies the same principle and its membership fees constitute a large part of their budget (85%). IBBY Palestine earns 80% of its budget from membership fees. IBBY Indonesian only has a membership fee for individual members. During the 2008-2010 period IBBY Italy had three different rates of membership fees: a) Sponsor b) Ordinary, and c) Illustrators, students and young people to the age of 18. The founding member organizations have contributed annually. All NS make an effort to maintain their fees as low as possible.


Nearly half of the NS receive grants from their governments. Usually each NS has to apply for them annually and use them for specific projects.

There are a few NS, such as Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland that receive the largest part, if not the whole, of their budget from their government.

• IBBY Cyprus gets 70% of its budget from a grant given by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

• IBBY Czech Republic receives frequent funds from the Ministry of Culture to be used for the section's Golden Ribbon annual competition.

• IBBY Iceland receives a grant from the Icelandic government of the City of Reykjavík.

• IBBY Ireland receives a modest grant from the Arts Council, which enables it to pay the IBBY dues and organize some activities.

• IBBY Latvia receives special grants from the Ministry of Culture and the State Cultural Capital Foundation (SCCF) to cover expenses generated by their international activities. They also receive assistance from the Embassies of the Netherlands and Finland, as well as the British Council, for specific activities.

• IBBY Lithuania receives grants from the government, which covers about 73% of its budget.

• IBBY Poland gets 70% of its budget from the Ministry of Culture.

• IBBY Slovenia gets 50% of its budget from the Slovenian Book Agency.

• IBBY Sweden receives 78% of its budget from the Swedish Arts Council.

• IBBY Switzerland gets 50% of its budget from the federal government and 11% from state grants.

• IBBY Netherlands gets funding from some embassies abroad.

• IBBY Albania got support for the first time in 2009 from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport specifically for the project To the LIBRARY LAND with the BOOK SHIP – discovering travel.


Some NS benefit from grants from organizations and institutions in the private and public sector. These contributions are often project-specific. For most of the NS, these grants are minor and irregular. IBBY Estonia is located at the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre (ECLC), which donates time for some board members and provides space for the website and mailbox of the Section.

IBBY Croatia gets some sponsorship from editors by printing materials and donations of prizes for their quizzes.

IBBY Haiti receives a large part of their budget from the Université Caraïbe and Editions CUC.

IBBY Japan receives about 4% of its budget from the Kodomo Yume Kikin (Child Dream Foundation).

IBBY Mexico gets 40% of its budget from institutional donations.


In general terms, donations from external individual sponsors are not the main source of income for the NS. Occasionally, as a result of a fundraising campaign or a specific or regular project, individual donations are made, but they rarely account for a significant part of the budget. However, the Iranian NS covers 95% of its annual budget by donations made by sponsors. The Dutch NS benefits from the inheritance of author Jenny Smelik by using the fund to finance an award that bears her name. KBBY receives financial assistance from Nami Island Inc., which accounts for 100% of its budget. IBBY New Zealand gets 50% of its budget from five organizations, four of which are publishing houses. IBBY UAE receives 85% of its budget from individual sponsorships.


In 2008 the Lithuanian NS covered the accommodation and other costs for the Estonian participants of the seminar “Sea and Children’s Literature” in Klaipeda. IBBY Zimbabwe received financial support from IBBY Ireland and USBBY for its website and a workshop.


Although many of the NS produce newsletters, bulletins, journals and other publications, these do not necessarily generate funds. However, IBBY Germany’s publications produce an income representing about 20% of their annual budget. IBBY Cyprus gets an income, which amounts to 12% of annual budget from the annual publication Anemi. IBBY Indonesia gets 20% of their revenue from children’s book publications. IBBY Lithuania also makes an income from publications, that amounts to 17% of its annual budget.


NS have other strategies to generate funds for their budgets and one of them is the sale of projects and services, all of them similar in nature: seminars, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, training of librarians, teachers and/or parents, assessment of libraries and development of reading-related projects.

• IBBY Brazil’s most important sources of income are its projects on reading promotion: Salão FNLIJ do Livro para Crianças e Jovens (a Book Festival), and the partnerships with: Instituto Ecofuturo - Cia. Suzano de Papel e Celulose for the Project Bibliotecas Comunitárias Ler é Preciso (creation of community libraries), the C&A Institute, the National Library Foundation and with the Rio de Janeiro Department of Education (SME). Those projects account for 55% of their budget.

• IBBY Colombia has drawn up agreements and partnerships with public and private institutions to develop events. The public and private institutions provide the funding and Fundacultura develops the programme, provides the contents, structure, staff and infrastructure, directs and manages the event.

• IBBY Cyprus holds annual social gatherings, where participants pay a fee for the drinks and raffle tickets.

• Czech IBBY has received posters donated by a graphic design studio for their Golden Ribbon competition.

• IBBY Ecuador’s main source of income is the profit made at the Story Marathon, which is organized every year in Quito.

• IBBY Iran grooms personal contact with individual donors and finds that this has been a relatively successful fundraising strategy.

• JBBY organizes a travelling exhibition of the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition at four or five museums in Japan every year. This income generates more than half of their annual budget.

IBBY Lithuania advertises its activities and the high professional level of the activities, attracts donations from persons and governmental structures.

• USBBY earns approximately $5,000 in interest from investments. This interest accounts for 18% of its annual income.


|National Section |Support for IBBY dues |Member-ship fees |Government support |Grants by other Organizations and|Individual Sponsors and |Income through |Other |

| |specifically | | |Institutions |donors, including |Publications (% of | |

| | | | | |corporative sponsors and |budget) | |

| | | | | |donors | | |

|Albania |No |No |Yes: from the Ministry of |From “Save the Children” in 2009.|No |Yes: from “Little Mermaid”| |

| | | |Tourism, Culture, Youth and | | |until the end of 2009. | |

| | | |Sport in 2009 | | | | |

|Argentina |Yes: Foundation C&A |Yes |No |No |Yes: from Foundation C&A |No | |

| | | | | |and from Gobierno Autónomo| | |

| | | | | |de la Ciudad de Buenos | | |

| | | | | |Aires | | |

|Australia |No |Yes |No |No |Occasionally |No |No |

|Austria |No |No |Yes: Austrian Ministry of |No |No |- | |

| | | |Education, | | | | |

| | | |Division of Arts | | | | |

|Belgium |No |Yes |Yes. | | | | |

|(Flemish Branch) | | |Umbrella organization, | | | | |

| | | |Stichting Lezen receives | | | | |

| | | |grants from Ministry of | | | | |

| | | |Culture and the Flemish | | | | |

| | | |Literature Fund | | | | |

|Bolivia |No |Yes |No |Yes: Global Fund for Children; |Yes: Sister Library of |Yes (2%) |Annual IBBY dinner. The |

| | | | |International PEN |North Carolina, USA | |Appalachian State |

| | | | | | | |University give books and |

| | | | | | | |some money every year. |

|Brazil |No |Yes |No |No |Yes: most of the Brazilian|No |Projects such as Reading |

| | | | | |children’s literature | |Promotion. |

| | | | | |publishers are supporting | |Salao FNLIJ do Livro para |

| | | | | |members. | |Criancas e Jovens (a Book |

| | | | | | | |Festival) and the Project |

| | | | | | | |Bibliotecas Comunitárias |

| | | | | | | |Ler é Preciso in |

| | | | | | | |collaboration with |

| | | | | | | |Instituto Ecofuturo |

|Canada |No |Yes |Grant in 2009 and 2010 from |No |Yes (4.5% of annual |No |Sale of Cleaver Picture |

| | |44% of annual budget|the Canada Council for the | |budget) | |Book Award note cards |

| | | |Arts for the international | | | | |

| | | |award submissions and the | | | | |

| | | |travel costs of President of | | | | |

| | | |the section to attend IBBY | | | | |

| | | |Congress. | | | | |

|Chile |No |Yes |No |No |No |Yes (10%) |Income through lectures |

| | | | | | | |(very little) |

|Colombia |No |No |5% |No |No |.85% |Funding members 33% |

|Croatia |No |No |Yes: Zagreb City Government, |No |No |Proceedings of conferences| |

| | | |Ministry of Culture (by | | |(5%) | |

| | | |annual application) | | | | |

|Cuba |No |No |No |No |No |No |The International Reading |

| | | | | | | |Congress to Read |

|Cyprus |No |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Education |Bank of Cyprus Cultural Centre |No |Yes: Anemi (12%) |Successful fundraising: |

| | | |and Culture (70% of budget) |sponsored Children’s Literature | | |annual social gatherings |

| | | | |Contest | | |including a participation |

| | | | | | | |fee for the drinks and |

| | | | | | | |raffle tickets |

|Czech Republic |No |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture for |Yes: Municipal Government of |Yes |No | |

| | | |annual prize |Liberec | | | |

|Denmark |No |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture |No |Yes (minor) |Yes, through | |

| | | | | | |advertisements in their | |

| | | | | | |magazine (unspecified) | |

|Ecuador |No |Yes 25% |No |No |No |No |65% Budget thru the story |

| | | | | | | |Marathon |

|Egypt |From Integrated Care |No |Yes |Yes |No |No |Co-funding specific |

| |Society, umbrella | | | | | |projects with interested |

| |organization | | | | | |partners, or sometimes |

| | | | | | | |projects solely funded by |

| | | | | | | |partners |

|Estonia |From the Ministry of |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture; |Yes: |No |No | |

| |Culture | |Estonia Cultural Endowment |Estonian Children’s Literature | | | |

| | | | |Centre (ECLC) | | | |

|Finland |No |Yes |Yes |Yes |No | | |

|France |No |No |Yes. National Library of |No |No |No | |

| | | |France covers all expenses | | | | |

|Germany |The Federal Ministry for|Yes |Yes |No |Yes |Yes | |

| |Families, Senior |4% of budget |70% of budget from The | |5% of budget |(20%) | |

| |Citizens, Women and | |Federal Ministry for | | | | |

| |Youth | |Families, Senior Citizens, | | | | |

| | | |Women and Youth; occasional | | | | |

| | | |support from | | | | |

| | | |German Ministry of Foreign | | | | |

| | | |Affairs | | | | |

|Greece |Yes: Ministry of Culture|Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture, |No |Yes: publishers and |No |The sale of illustrators’ |

| |(irregular) | |(irregular) | |individual sponsors for | |works of arts during the |

| | | | | |national awards | |3rd Exhibition of Books |

| | | | | | | |for Children and Young |

| | | | | | | |People in January 2010 |

|Haiti |Yes, from USBBY | | | |Children in Crisis fund by| | |

| | | | | |IBBY | | |

|Iceland |No |Yes |Yes |No |No |Yes, by selling |No |

| | | | | | |advertisement in their | |

| | | | | | |magazine (5%) | |

|India |No |Yes |No |No |No |No |Fundraising through and |

| | | | | | | |for special events |

|Indonesia |No |Yes: individual |No |No |Yes |Yes |Sponsors for seminars, |

| | |members only | | | |(20%) |workshops and festivals |

|Iran |Yes. From a donor |Yes |No |No |Yes: 95% of budget |Yes, royalties from the | |

| | | | | | |Encyclopaedia for Young | |

| | | | | | |People and CBC | |

| | | | | | |Publications | |

|Ireland |No |Yes |Yes: Arts council |No |Yes |No |The production of a |

| | | | | | | |perpetual calendar |

| | | | | | | |showcasing highlights in |

| | | | | | | |international children’s |

| | | | | | | |illustration |

|Italy |No |Yes |No |No |Yes Founding Members |Yes 7% |Participation in Bolibri |

| | | | | | | |project |

|Japan |No |Yes |No |Yes (irregular) |Yes, minor |No |Exhibitions |

|Republic of Korea |No |No |No |No |Yes: Nami Island Inc. |No | |

|Latvia |No |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture and |Yes: Latvian National Library |Yes: publishers and banks |- |Support from foreign |

| | | |State Culture Capital | |for special projects. | |embassies for specific |

| | | |Foundation (SCCF) | | | |activities |

|Lebanon |Yes: from USBBY |Yes |Usually no. But in 2009 got |Rare and only for special |Yes |No | |

| | | |grants from the Ministry of |projects | | | |

| | | |Culture | | | | |

|Lithuania |Yes: Ministry of Culture|Yes |Yes: 73% of the budget |No |Yes: from private donors |Yes (17%) | |

| | | | | |(7%) | | |

|Malaysia |No |Yes |No |No |Yes |No | |

|Mexico |No |No |Yes |Yes |Yes (11%) |Yes (minor) | |

|Moldova |No |Yes (41%) |Yes: 41% (irregular) |No. |Yes: (17%) |No |Selling advertising space |

| | | | | | | |in programme of book fair.|

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |Get the support of local |

| | | | | | | |government of different |

| | | | | | | |cities in promotion of |

| | | | | | | |the project “To Culture |

| | | | | | | |and Civilization through |

| | | | | | | |Reading”. |

|Netherlands | |Yes |No (since 2009) | |Yes: interest of from the |Yes (unspecified) | |

| | | | | |Jenny Smelik fund; | | |

| | | | | |Publishers and foundations| | |

| | | | | |support for special | | |

| | | | | |projects | | |

|New Zealand | |No |No |Yes: New Zealand Book Council |Yes: four publishing |Yes: |Annual original artwork |

| | | | | |houses, which are | |raffle |

| | | | | |organizational members | | |

|Pakistan |No |Yes |No |No |No |Yes (50-55%) |Offer consultancy services|

| | | | | | | |to other organizations. |

| | | | | | | |Offer training to teachers|

| | | | | | | |and sale educational kits |

| | | | | | | |and materials. Also |

| | | | | | | |developed posters and |

| | | | | | | |books for children |

|Palestine |Yes: from USBBY |Yes |No |No |Yes (20%) |No | |

|Peru |Yes, from Spanish |No |Yes: from Canada |No |Irregular |Yes |Seminars paid for twenty |

| |Cultural Center | | | | | |foreign teachers |

| | | | | | | |interested in Peruvian |

| | | | | | | |literature. |

|Poland |No |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture |Yes: Book Institute and Central |Yes |No |Most of publishers share |

| | | | |Library | | |cost of Honour List by |

| | | | | | | |offering their books and |

| | | | | | | |covering a fee or postage.|

|Romania |No |Yes |No |No |No |No | |

|Rwanda |Yes: The Association |Yes |No |Yes: |Yes: |No | |

| |Books for Children in | | |The Association Books for |Bakame Editions | | |

| |Rwanda | | |Children in Rwanda | | | |

|Slovakia |BIBIANA, umbrella |Yes |Yes: Ministry of Culture |Yes: regularly co-organizers; |No |No | |

| |organization | | |others less regular, | | | |

| | | | |project-based | | | |

|Slovenia |No |Yes |Yes: Slovenian Book Agency |No |No |No | |

| | | |(50%) | | | | |

|Sweden |No |Yes |Yes: Swedish Arts Council |No |Yes: publishing houses |No | |

| | | |(80%) | |contribute some money for | | |

| | | | | |the Gulliver Award. | | |

| | | | | |Göteborg Book fair | | |

| | | | | |contributes to the Peter | | |

| | | | | |Pan Prize. | | |

|Switzerland |No |Yes |Yes: Federal government |No |Not on a regular basis |Journals (minor) |Teacher training courses, |

| | | |(50%); | | | |lectures, seminars, |

| | | |Cantons (11%) | | | |services (minor). |

|Turkey |No |Yes |No |No |Yes: from members and |No | |

| | | | | |publishing companies | | |

|Uganda |No |Yes |No |No |No |Yes (unspecified) | |

|United Arab |No |Yes |Yes: Sharjah government (15%)|No |Yes (85%) |No | |

|Emirates | | | | | | | |

|United States |No |Yes |No |No |Yes |Yes (US$ 2,000 per year) |Interest from investments |

|Uruguay |Yes: support from Dutch |Yes |No |No |Yes |No | |

| |IBBY | | | | | | |

|Zimbabwe |Yes: from IBBY Ireland |No |No |No |No |No | |


Most of the NS organize national, regional or international meetings and conferences as part of their activities. A registration fee is normally charged to cover expenses, however, the purpose of these events is not the money that they generate, rather they are a platform for discussing important issues related to the field and the interaction of its members. These meetings are often the main activity of the NS.

Workshops and seminars are also important activities for the NS. Addressed to writers, illustrators, teachers, librarians, parents, as well as the general public, these activities vary in their complexity and duration. In countries where there is no academic programme for Children’s Literature, these courses and seminars are the only chance for interested people to discuss related matters.

Exhibitions and attendance of local book fairs are also important activities. JBBY regularly organizes the IBBY Honour List exhibition, the Bologna Illustrator’s exhibition and the exhibition of Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities.

Czech IBBY organizes the exhibition and competition the Golden Ribbon in cooperation with Svět knihy (Bookworld) in Prague. This is the only state-sponsored literature award for young people in the Czech Republic. IBBY Italia organized the travelling Exhibition for the Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities 2007 and 2009 and showed it throughout Italy and co-operated with Nati per Leggere to organize the bibliographic exhibition for IFLA 2009.

Prizes and competitions are regularly organized by the National Sections.

IBBY Albania established the literary national prize ORET in 2009. IBBY Colombia organizes the following awards, Premio Latinoamericano de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Norma-Fondocultura (Latin American prize for children’s and youth literature), Concurso de Ilustracion Leer en Familia (Ilustration contest reading in the family) and the Premio al mejor Proyecto de Promocion de Lectura Fundacultura-Premio Compartir al Maestro (award for reading promotion and share the teacher). IBBY Germany organizes and presents its annual award: Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (German Youth Literature Award) and IBBY Lithuania presents nine awards for authors, illustrators, translators and critics. IBBY Egypt annually presents the Suzanne Mubarak Award for children’s books, IBBY Brazil awards prizes for the best books published in Brazil in different categories and organizes contests, such as The Best Reading Incentive Programs for Children and Young People in Brazil and Leia Comigo! (Read with me). IBBY Canada hands out three awards. IBBY Cyprus organizes annual contests (for novels, fiction, poetry and stories) and awards prizes on a special ceremony usually on the International Children’s Book Day. IBBY Denmark gives the Klods-Hans Award. IBBY Moldova presents 12 prizes at the International Children and Youth Book Fair. IBBY Poland awards the Book of the Year, the DONG Award and the Medal for the Outstanding Life Achievements. IBBY Sweden established the Peter Pan Prize in 2009 for translation. IBBY Switzerland awards the biennial Schweizerische Kinder- und Jugendmedienpreis. IBBY UAE organized the Etisalat Prize for Arabic Children’s Literature 2010. USBBY’s Bridge to Understanding Award was established in 1993 to create awareness for books about other countries and cultures.

Some NS manage libraries or bookstores. These sections include IBBY Albania, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, France, Greece, Iran, Mexico and Pakistan. Under the AWIC Children’s Library Project, IBBY India has set up more than a hundred libraries all over India for underprivileged children.

We can assume that in general terms, in spite of a pervasive lack of money, the majority of NS are still able to develop and accomplish a number of activities, search for funding and work hard to maintain their status as leading organizations in the field of children’s literature.


The majority of the NS have websites or plan to develop one in the near future. Most have newsletters and or magazines with which they communicate with their members and the interested public.

National Sections that publish a catalogue with book selections include: Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Moldova, Poland, UAE and United States. IBBY Mexico also publishes books.

Most of the NS work with the national media to promote their programmes and activities.


For the full range of activities, go to the submitted report that can be downloaded from the Internet by clicking on the list of countries on page five of this summary.


Organizes writer-reader meetings, roundtables, celebrates birthdays of famous writers (not only Albanian writers). Organizes The birthday Chair – an activity dedicated to Albanian contemporary authors as their birthday celebration. The project To the Library Land with the Book Ship – a discovering travel began in 2009 and is held every two years with pupils from schools. In 2009 IBBY Albania selected three boxes of Albanian books to the JuKiBu intercultural library in Basel, Switzerland.


IBBY Argentina developed the programme Planting books and theatre. Linking literature with another artistic and cultural form, they visited schools, community homes and hospitals with a theatre group (Libertablas) and donated a bag of 32 books to the libraries in these locations. Today this programme operates in 10 different locations in several regions of the country.

The ALIJA Ushuaia Delegation organized a set of activities (especially in popular metropolitan areas) to promote reading at community level and train mediators.


The Austrian NS cooperates with every group involved with children’s literature in the country through lectures, courses for students and teachers in service training, readings, book exhibitions in schools, selected booklists and training of school librarians.


IBBY Bolivia collaborates with a Sister Library in North Caroline, USA. The students and teachers visit Bolivia frequently, bringing books and some financial support and has proven to be a valuable cooperation. The new programme: City and Literature in the bibliobus for children and adults was successfully organized.


In 2008 and 2009 the Section organized a three-day event: Christmas and Reading at the National Library with the support of Fundação Biblioteca Nacional and the C&A Institute. In 2009, three book exhibitions were organized.


The Section organizes award ceremonies for its three national awards: Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Canadian Picture Book Award; Frances E. Russell Grant; and the Claude Aubry Award. The ceremonies takes place in the winner′s city and is usually coupled to a related event in order to maximize exposure to the children’s book community. Word on the Street (WOTS) is an annual literary street festival, which is open to the public without charge and takes place in five cities across the country.


The Section's main activity is organizing national, regional meetings, conferences and congresses to promote reading and writing as well as the importance of libraries. The participation in international events is a very important activity for Fundalectura.

Workshops were held at a local level for teachers, parents and other professionals and focussed on promoting reading, writing, children’s and youth literature, inclusion, reading aloud, the tradition of storytelling and keeping written records. It has a successful library programme and readings take place in unfamiliar surroundings, which have become very popular.

They also provide a consultancy service for libraries and established a committee that meets regularly to evaluate and recommend new books submitted by publishing houses.


IBBY Croatia listed its national conferences as its most successful activities and publishes the proceedings. These activities include the Croatian Biennial of Illustration 2008 and a national quiz for reading promotion.


Members of IBBY Cuba participate in various book and reading promotion activities and give guidance to institutions and publishers.


In January each year IBBY Cyprus organizes a New Year meeting with members and friends. In March 2010 they organized a literary afternoon tea, to honour four contemporary Cypriot children’s book authors. On the occasion of ICBD they held Literary Contests Awards in April 2009 and May 2010

Czech Republic:

In June 2010 the Czech Section of IBBY in cooperation with the Meander publishing house and The Museum of Czech Literature, organized a fair Deti ctete (Children have to read!)


The most important activity of the Section is the annual Story Marathon that has been held for the past five years in Quito. During this event the Section organizes congresses, seminars, a book fair, illustrator exhibitions, story-telling events, conferences and workshops, as well as awarding three prizes


2008-2010 IBBY Egypt continued to develop their project Read to your child, which is now part of the Reading for All national campaign.


Greek IBBY annually celebrates the ICBD with author meetings, and an official celebration in cooperation with the national media. The Section donated books to the International Youth Library in Munich to be included in their yearly publication White Ravens.


Carried out two IBBY Children in Crisis projects, one in 2009 after the hurricanes, and one in 2010 after the devastating January earthquake.


Each year IBBY Iceland tries to draw the attention of Icelandic children to a single writer. In 2009 they distributed a poster to invite children to their website, where they can take part in an online game based on the author’s work.


AWIC Children’s Library Project and its related activities is very successful. One of these is a story-telling event where authormembers, who are members of AWIC perform and interact with the children in the AWIC children’s Libraries. Activities are also organized for children, book therapy workshops and others are held for teachers and librarians, at the libraries.

UNESCO has made IBBY India a partner in their project Donate a Book in which AWIC members conduct sessions on storytelling, workshops for librarians and teachers, creative writing, craft and also donate books to underprivileged children.


All the activities related to books conducted by IBBY Indonesia have been successful due to their originality. Recently they have collaborated with two NGO’s to work with victims of the earthquake that struck Padang in Sumartra, by giving a workshop for teachers and holding story-telling events for children.


IBBY Iran has been especially successful in its promotion activities through the establishment of small libraries in poor areas. They now run about 50 centres scattered all over the country. The mobile form (book bag) has been particularity successful among poor urban families and communities.


In 2009 IBBY Italia was one of the promoters of Pagine in Gioco (Pages at Stake - For Abruzzo Project) a project whose goal was to collect children's books from all over the country in order to help the region affected by the earthquake that hit Abruzzo that year. The project is continuing and has been a success.

Until now more than 5,000 books have been collected and 15 libraries have reopened. IBBY Italia contributed to the programme Bolibrì which included events related to the Bologna Children's Book Fair and was aimed to the families.


In August 2009 KBBY held an exhibition of the International Children’s Book Day Posters Collection 1969-2009. They also held an exhibition of 15 Korean illustrators’ original paintings and books, which was displayed at BIB'09.


Latvian IBBY organizes the annual national reading promotion programme Children’s Jury, in cooperation with the Children’s Literature Centre of the National Library of Latvia. In 2006 Latvian IBBY developed the White Wolf’s Books programme, which includes different activities and awards for children's literature. The programme is carried out in cooperation with the Children’s Literature Centre of the National Library, the State Culture Capital Foundation, banks and other sponsors.


Seven years ago IBBY Lebanon started to successfully conduct a reading competition for fourth graders in 65 schools. Prizes are given to the first three readers from each participating school in an impressive ceremony, which is attended by the Minister of Culture.

Two year’s ago they started setting up reading corners in public school libraries, which were welcomed by the children and their schools.

The section introduced the National Week to Promote Reading to the Ministry of Culture, a programme that has taken the country by storm. The Ministry chooses one week in April for this event. In 2010, 7,000 activities were carried out during this week in public and private schools, public libraries, parks, city, village councils and theatres.


During the reporting period six more Bunkos were opened in cooperation with other institutions. IBBY Mexico promotes professional training, with seminars, workshops, and courses for those who assist and support readers to develop their experience with the writing culture. The Section also organizes workshops for teenagers to link literature with another artistic and cultural expression and include them in their programmes. In November 2009 IBBY Mexico organized the first Latin American and Caribbean IBBY meeting; it was attended by many members of different NS.


The Section's project To Culture and Civilization through Reading offers a number of activities, such as meetings with writers, illustrators, translators, publishers, book donations to public and school libraries, opening of bookstores and mini book fairs in different cities of Moldova.


The section runs meetings, lectures, symposiums, workshops and conferences throughout the year. In 2008 IBBY Netherlands supported international activities, including donating wordless picture books to a children’s home in India and donating books to an asylum seekers' centre in the Netherlands.


IBBY Pakistan brought different organizations together to launch a campaign to promote reading for children and different events were organized. They have also started a therapy session where a mobile library goes to children’s hospitals and carries out storytelling and puppet shows for children. They also lead art and play activities with the children. This programme has been extremely successful. Their team is also holding workshops for teachers on storytelling and reading, promotes awareness to the importance of reading and trains them on various activities to make children avid readers and better learners. They are also encouraging children from madrassas (religious schools) to come in to the library.


In addition to book talks, book reviews, workshops, discussions of experiences and chosen topics, the IBBY Children in Crisis Project in Gaza is very successful.


IBB Rwanda continues the project rucksack-library Bana dusome with a reading animator. Celebrates the children’s reading day in autumn, distributes children’s books in Kigali city and province, supports the SOS Children’s Village and a centre for street children with reading promotion programmes.


For the past 20 years IBBY Slovakia has been very successful in their project Days of Children’s Books as part of ICBD activities. The programme includes meetings with writers and illustrators in schools and libraries, professional seminars for teachers and librarians. Each year the project takes place in a different region of Slovakia.


Swiss IBBY has been successful with their reading promotion projects such as Schweizerische Erzählnacht (Swiss story-telling night), Bücherraupe (Book caterpillar), Lesebazillus (The reading bug), Ton ab, Buch auf (Switch off, book out), Family literacy, and Leseanimation für den Vorschulbereich (Reading animation for pre-schoolers).

United States:

USBBY continued to publish their Outstanding International Booklist in 2009 and 2010, which helps build bridges between the US and the rest of the world by introducing American readers to outstanding international artists and writers. Thus helping children see the world from other points of view through literature.

The 8th IBBY Regional Conference was held in St. Charles, Illinois on October 2-4, 2009. The theme was Children's Books: Where Worlds Meet, and was attended by approximately 250 people from across the USA as well as international.


|National Section |Publications and website |Organization of meetings|Organization of seminars, |Exhibitions and fairs |Awards, prizes and contests |Cooperation with government, |Other |

| | |and conferences |courses and workshops | | |private and/or public orgs. | |

|Albania |The Little Mermaid (Magazine); |No |No |Organized exhibitions with |Yes: established the literary | | |

| |Invites the media for special | | |drawings and paintings made by |national prize “ORET” | | |

| |events | | |children, with topics concerning | | | |

| | | | |the subjects of their favourite | | | |

| | | | |books, children’s rights or free | | | |

| | | | |topics. | | | |

|Argentina |.ar |Yes. |Yes |Participate in the Buenos Aires |AlijA Outstanding Books of the |Yes | |

| | |ALIJA delegations and | |International Book Fair. |Year Award | | |

| | |subsidiaries organize | | | | | |

| | |fair and conferences in | | | | | |

| | |the cities of Ushuaia, | | | | | |

| | |Mar del Plata and Santa | | | | | |

| | |Fe. | | | | | |

|Australia |Newsletter |No |No |No |Ena Noel Award |Yes |No |

| | | | | | | |

| |om/ | | | | | | |

|Austria |1000 und 1 Buch, professional |Yes |Yes |Literature for Young Readers: |Dixi Kinderliteraturpreis; |Yes |Organizes lectures, |

| |quarterly. | | |week of events, book exhibition. |Romulus Candea Prize | |guidance for students and |

| | | | |Co-organizes Reading in the Park | | |teachers in in-service |

| | | | | | | |training, readings and |

| | | | | | | |book exhibitions in |

| | | | | | | |schools, compilation of |

| | | | | | | |booklists and training of |

| | | | | | | |school librarians. |

|Belgium (Flemish |Newsletter: 3/yr |Yes |Yes | | |Yes | |

|Branch) | | | | | | | |

|Bolivia |IBBY Bulletin in Spanish: 2/yr |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes. |Yes |Receives support from |

| |Work with media frequently for | | | |Annual contest of Oral Tales | |“Sister Library ” in North|

| |different programmes | | | | | |Carolina, USA; |

| | | | | | | |Organizes a new programme |

| | | | | | | |“City and Literature” |

|Brazil |Notícias, monthly newsletter. |Yes |Yes |Organized 11th Salão FNLIJ do |1) Award: The best books |Yes. | |

| |.br | | |Livro para Crianças e Jovens in |published in Brazil in | | |

| | | | |2009 |different categories | | |

| | | | | |2) Contest: The Best Reading | | |

| | | | |Large stand at the Bologna |Incentive Programs for Children| | |

| | | | |Children’s Book Fair 2009 and |and Young People (based on the | | |

| | | | |2010 |IBBY Asahi Reading Promotion | | |

| | | | | |Award) | | |

| | | | | |3) Contest: Concurso: Leia | | |

| | | | | |Comigo!” (Read with me) | | |

|Canada |E-newsletter: 2/yr |Yes |No | |Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver |Yes |Award ceremonies and Word |

| |ibby- | | | |Canadian Picture Book Award. | |on the Street (WOTS): |

| | | | | |Frances E. Russell Grant. | |annual literary street |

| | | | | |Claude Aubry Award | |festival |

|Chile |Information on Facebook site. |Yes |Yes |Participate the Children’s Book |No |Yes |Recommended Books Literary|

| | | | |Fair in Santiago | | |selection |

|Colombia |, |Yes |Yes |No |Yes |Yes |Holds meetings, regional |

| | | | | | | |conferences, local |

| | | | | | | |workshops. Gives and |

| |Altamente Recomendados, | | | | | |promotes awards and |

| |Nuevas hojas de lectura | | | | | |participates in |

| |Cómo reconocer los buenos libros| | | | | |international |

| |para niños y jóvenes | | | | | |meetings and seminars. |

|Croatia |Promote its activities through |Yes |No |Co-organized exhibitions and |Co-organized quizzes for |Yes, with institutions on | |

| |national media: journals and | | |stands at Bologna Children’s Book|promotion of reading 2008 and |national level. | |

| |newspapers, radio and | | |Fair 2009, 2010; |2009 | | |

| |television. | | |Co-organized The Croatian | | | |

| | | | |Biennial of Illustration | | | |

| | | | |2008&2010 | | | |

|Cuba |Working on website |Yes |Yes |Collaborates every year with the |Co-organize the Best Reading |Yes | |

| |Support the publication of the | | |Children Pavilion in the |Promoter Teacher | | |

| |magazine En Julio como en enero | | |International Fair Book in | | | |

| | | | |Havana. | | | |

|Cyprus |Newsletter; |Yes |Yes |Participated in the Annual |4 annual contests with awards |Yes | |

| |Annual magazine: | | |Exhibition of Cypriot writers | | | |

| |Anemi; | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Czech Republic |Newletter, |Yes |No |Yes |Golden Ribbon Award |Yes | |

| |Zlatá stuha (Golden Ribbon) and | | |Exhibition competition Golden | | | |

| |others; | | |Ribbon in cooperation with Svět | | | |

| | | | |knihy (Bookworld) in Prague in | | | |

| | | | |2009 and 2010 | | | |

|Denmark |Klods Hans: quarterly magazine. |Yes |Yes |No |Klods Hans Award |Represented in two nominating| |

| | | | | | |committees of the Ministry of| |

| | | | | | |Culture; Cooperation with | |

| | | | | | |organizations not in an | |

| | | | | | |organized way. | |

|Ecuador | |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |No |

|Egypt |Adwaa ala al-magles el-masry |Yes |Yes |Participated in the Nami Island |The Suzanne Mubarak Awards |Yes |Campaign Read to Your |

| |lkotob al atfaa (Lights on | | |International Children Book | | |Child. |

| |EBBY): yearly newsletter; | | |Festival | | | |

| |.eg | | | | | | |

|Estonia | |No |No |Co-organized Tallinn |Yes |Yes | |

| |Work extensively with the | | |Illustrations Triennial Pildi |Tower of Babel Honour Diploma | | |

| |national media through | | |jõud (The Power of Pictures) | | | |

| |interviews, announcements and | | | | | | |

| |reports in newspapers, radio and| | | | | | |

| |TV | | | | | | |

|Finland |Virikkeitä, quarterly magazine |Yes, Nordic meeting |Yes |Yes, exhibitions |Yes |Yes | |

| |Finnish Children’s and youth | | | | | | |

| |Books, biennial | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|France |Publish a series: Lire en V.O. |Yes |Yes |Hosted the Tour of Europe in 27 |No |Yes, with many NGOs for | |

| |(Read in Original Version) | | |picture books exhibition; | |children’s reading. | |

| | | | | | | |

|Germany |Newsletters and the quarterly | |Yes |Stands at Leipzig Book Fair and |Organizes and Presents annual |Yes, on large scale with |Provides guidance |

| |journal JuLit. | | |Frankfurt Book Fair |award: Deutscher |government and organizations.|information and selection |

| |Various other publications and | | | |Jugendliteraturpreis (German | |and evaluation aids for |

| |topical book catalogues; | | | |Youth Literature Award). | |children's and youth |

| | | | | | | |literature. |

|Greece |Annual bulletin. |Yes |Yes |Exhibition of Mr. Kang Woo Hyon’s|Annual awards to children’s |Yes, with other |Nominate for ALMA 2010, |

| |Publication of volume containing| | |illustrations |books, illustrations, |organizations. |2011. Donate books |

| |the lectures; | | |2nd and 3rd Exhibition of Books |children’s literature | | |

| | | | |for Children and Young People, |personalities, teachers, | | |

| | | | |Athens |children’s libraries and | | |

| | | | | |reading programmes. | | |

|Haiti |Receive support from Radio | |Yes |Participated in four regional | |Yes |Carried out two Children |

| |Educative. | | |children’s book fairs of and one | | |in Crisis project, one in |

| | | |national book fair in 2009. | | |2009 after the hurricanes,|

| |eibby/index2.htm | | | | | |the other in 2010 after |

| | | | | | | |the earthquake |

|Iceland |Newsletter (in the form of |No |Yes |Yes |3 annual awards given for | | |

| |magazine) | | | |outstanding contributions to | | |

| | | | | |the development of children’s | | |

| |Good relation with the local | | | |literature and culture in | | |

| |media | | | |Iceland. | | |

|India |Quarterly journal Writer and |Yes |Yes |Yes |Annual Library Award; |Yes |Reviving the AWIC Gift a |

| |Illustrator | | | |AWIC Honours 2009; | |Book scheme launched in |

| | | | | |Competitions for writers and | |1995 |

| | | | | |illustrators | | |

|Indonesia |kpba- |Yes |Yes |No |No |Yes | |

|Iran |Monthly Newsletter; |No |Yes |Yes |Administer annual awards to |Yes, collaborates with NGOs | |

| |An annual descriptive- | | | |authors, illustrators, | | |

| |analytical bibliography of | | | |translators and personalities | | |

| |children’s literature in Iran | | | |who have contributed to the | | |

| |(2009) | | | |development of children’s | | |

| | | | | |literature. | | |

| | | | | |Organized contests. | | |

|Ireland |E-newsletters 6/yr |Yes |No |No |No |Yes |Published two annotated |

| | | | | | | |guides to children’s books|

| | | | | | | |and distributed free-of |

| | | | | | | |–charge to schools |

| | | | | | | |throughout Ireland. |

|Italy ||No |No |IBBY Italia organized a tour ot |No |Yes |In 2009 promotoed the |

| |zi/ibby/ | | |the Outstanding Books for Young | | |project Pagine in Gioco. |

| |Newsletter 4/yr | | |People on Disabilities 2007 and | | |Contributed to the |

| | | | |2009 exhibitions | | |programme of Bolibrì, |

|Japan |Monthly email newsletter; |No |Yes. Quite a lot. |IBBY HL Books Exhibition; |Yes. |Yes | |

| |Quarterly Journal Book & Bread | | |Bologna Illustrators Exhibition; |JBBY Award in 2009 | | |

| | | | |Exhibition of Outstanding Books | | | |

| | | | |for Disabilities; Hello, Dear | | | |

| | | | |Enemy! (from IYL) | | | |

|Republic of Korea | |No |Only by members |BIB Korea 2007 Illustration |No |Yes, with public | |

| | | |individually. |Exhibition (2008) and others | |organizations | |

|Latvia | |Yes | |Participation in international |Yes: |Yes. |Co-organized Programme |

| | | | |book fairs |Janis Baltvilks’ Prize for |Wide range of government |Children’s Jury and the |

| | | | | |children’s literature; |department and public |programme White Wolf’s |

| | | | | |Broad Outlook competition for |organizations |Books |

| | | | | |young readers; | | |

| | | | | |Competition of manuscripts in | | |

| | | | | |one of children’s literature | | |

| | | | | |genre. | | |

|Lebanon | |No |Yes |No |Two prizes, one for an author |Yes | |

| | | | | |and the other for a translator.| | |

| | | | | |A reading competition for the | | |

| | | | | |fourth graders in 65 schools | | |

|Lithuania |Rubinaitis: quarterly magazine; |Yes |Yes |Yes: co-organized exhibitions. |Administers 9 awards for |Yes | |

| | | | | |authors, illustrators, | | |

| | | | | |translators and critics. | | |

| | | | | |Organizes Contests for | | |

| | | | | |schoolchildren of writings | | |

| | | | | |about books | | |

|Malaysia |Online MBBY Bulletin |Yes |Yes | |Bitara Award; |Yes |International Conference |

| | | | | |Drawing and colouring contest | |on Children’s Book 2010 |

| | | | | |for children; | | |

| | | | | |Novel writing competition | | |

|Mexico |The virtual magazine L de |Yes |Courses and workshops |Collaborated the Children and |Co-organized two contests about|Yes |Bunkos (community |

| |Lectura available online. | | |Youth Fair book in Franz Mayer |children and youth literature. | |library); Noscotros entre |

| |.mx/ | | |Museum. Organized exhibition |Publishes the list of A leer/ | |libros (Us among books) |

| | | | |about Hans Christian Andersen and|IBBY Mexico favourites, | | |

| | | | |posters to celebrate ICBD |honouring the best titles for | | |

| | | | | |children and youth in the | | |

| | | | | |national market. | | |

|Moldova | |Yes |No |International Children’s Book |12 prizes at International |Yes. | |

| | | | |Fair in Chisinau 2009 and 2010; |Children’s Book Fair in | | |

| | | | |2 mini book fairs in different |Chisinau 2009 and 2010; | | |

| | | | |cities. |2009: Books in Manuscript | | |

| | | | | |National Contest for children; | | |

| | | | | |2010: Discover the fairytale by| | |

| | | | | |theatre National Contest for | | |

| | | | | |children | | |

|Netherlands |Newsletter 2/yr; |Yes |Yes |No |The Jenny Smelik IBBY Prize: |Answering queries from | |

| |Literatuur zonder Leeftijd | | | |biennial |individuals and | |

| |(Literature without age) 3/year | | | | |organizations. | |

| | | | | | | | |

|New Zealand |IBBY news in the on-line |No |No | |No |Collaboration with | |

| |newsletter, What’s the Story? | | | | |institutions | |

| |.nz | | | | | | |

|Pakistan |No. |No |In planning |No |In planning |Yes | |

|Palestine | |No |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Peru | |No |Yes |Yes |No |Yes | |

|Poland | | |Yes |Book of the Year; |Annual Book of the Year prize; |Yes |Cooperation with Book |

| | | | |Polish IBBY Awards; BIB |DONG Award; | |Institute in their action,|

| | | | |illustrations 2009. |Medal for the Outstanding | |discussion panels at the |

| | | | | |Lifetime Achievements. | |International Book Fair; |

| | | | | | | |project of catalogue Books|

| | | | | | | |Rescue Brigade with the |

| | | | | | | |Polish Writers’ |

| | | | | | | |Association. |

|Romania |Monthly newsletter within the |Yes |No | |Yes |Yes |Organized National |

| |publications of the Union of | | | | | |competition The Joy of |

| |Publishers from Romania. | | | | | |Reading. |

| | | | | | | |Organized the book fair |

| | | | | | | |for children Ion Creanga |

|Rwanda | |No |Yes |Book exhibitions in Kigali |No |Yes | |

|Slovakia |BIBIANA revue o umení pre deti a|Yes |Yes |Annual exhibition The Finest and |Cena Trojruza (Prize of the |Cooperates with a wide circle|Days of Children’s Books, |

| |mládez, quarterly. | | |Best Children’s Books during Days|Three Roses); |of experts from the field of |within ICBD celebrations. |

| | | | |of Children’s Books and at the |Cena Ludovíta Fullu (L’udovíta |artistic production for | |

| | | | |international book fair |Fulla Prize); |children and young people. | |

| | | | |Bibliotheca and others. |The Best and Most Beautiful | | |

| | | | | |Books of Spring, Summer, Autumn| | |

| | | | | |and Winter in Slovakia. | | |

|Slovenia | |No |No |Yes |Awards: co-organizes |Yes. | |

| | | | | |My favourite book, chosen by | | |

| | | | | |children; | | |

| | | | | |Levstik Award (by Mladinska | | |

| | | | | |knjiga publishing house). | | |

| | | | | |Verernica, (national award for | | |

| | | | | |children’s literature). | | |

|Sweden |IBBY bladet, quarterly |Yes |Yes |No. |Peter Pan Prize |Close working relationship | |

| |newsletter. | | | |Gulliver Award in cooperation |with the Swedish Institute | |

| | | | | |with the Swedish institute and |for Children’s Books. | |

| | | | | |other organizations. | | |

|Switzerland |Journals: Buch & Maus (German), |Yes |Yes |No |Schweizerische Kinder- und | |Reading promotion projects|

| |Parole (French), Folletto | | | |Jugendmedienpreis | | |

| |(Italian). | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Turkey | |Yes |Yes |Organizes exhibitions of |The best book of the year |Collaboration with NGOs. | |

| | | | |illustrators during book fair | | | |

|Uganda | |No |No |Participate in exhibitions and |No |Yes |Children’s Reading Tents |

| | | | |fairs | | | |

|United Arab Emirates|.ae |Planning |Planning |No |Etisalat Prize for Arabic |Yes | |

| |Twitter and Facebook accounts | | | |Children’s Literature 2010 | | |

|United States |USBBY Newsletter, 2/yr. |Yes |No |Yes, in connection with USBBY |Bridge to Understanding Award. |Yes. With 4 patron |2009-2010 Outstanding |

| | | | |IBBY Regional Conference. | |organizations |International Booklist |

|Uruguay | |No |Yes |No |No |Work with some NGOs | |

|Zimbabwe |Newsletter |No |Yes |Participates in the Zimbabwe |No | | |

| | | | |International Book Fair | | | |


Most of the National Sections are proud to belong to IBBY and try to participate in at least one of IBBY’s international activities.


To illustrate the range of IBBY International, all NS are included in the following table (4). Sections that submitted their reports are marked with an asterisk (*).

The 2008 IBBY General Assembly was held during the 31st IBBY Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. 59 NS were represented: 55 directly and 4 by proxy.

The 2010 IBBY General Assembly was held during the 32nd IBBY Congress in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 62 NS were represented: 56 directly and by 6 by proxy.

The IBBY congress is the main international IBBY activity to which all NS are invited to participate. Regretfully some NS do not have the necessary funding to do so.


Although not all the NS celebrate ICBD, there are many that hold a big event or a series of events around the 2nd of April. Among these are IBBY Australia, Cuba, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, and Palestine. Slovakia and Slovenia are very active. The sections of Thailand, Egypt and Spain sponsored the ICBD in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively.

Activities often take place in schools and libraries, and include meetings with authors, illustrators, contests, readings, storytelling events, exhibitions, conferences and lectures. Most of them use the message and poster designed by the sponsoring National Section.

IBBY Greece is always successful with their activities for the ICBD. On the NS’s request, the Ministry of Education sends a circular to all Greek schools recommending the celebration of ICBD with activities such as book-fairs, meet-the-author events, animations, etc. Inquiries from schools and libraries are answered with information about types of activities that can be organized. The ICBD materials are distributed to schools, children’s libraries and bookstores. Furthermore, through its members the NS participates in lectures to parents and students, as well as radio/TV programmes.

The NS of Lebanon and Moldova each organize a National Reading Week in April.


|National Section |IBBY 31st Congress and |IBBY 32nd Congress and |Bookbird |International Children’s Book Day (ICBD) |

| |General Assembly 2008, |General Assembly 2010, |Corres-pondents |Celebrations |

| |Copenhagen |Santiago de Compostela | | |

|Albania* |Yes |No |Yes |Promoting activities, with the participation of |

| | | | |children, writers, representatives of |

| | | | |institutions, illustrators, actors, teachers and|

| | | | |parents, etc. |

|Argentina* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Disseminates the poster and the message of ICBD |

| | | | |through its website. |

|Australia* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Three International Children’s Book Day dinners.|

| | | | |ICBD posters were sold and distributed to |

| | | | |schools and libraries and individuals in |

| | | | |different states. |

|Austria* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Disseminates information about the ICBD by mail.|

|Belgium* |Yes |Yes |No |Announces ICBD via website. |

|Bolivia* |Yes |Yes |No |Organizes workshops and publicizes the message |

| | | | |and poster in bulletin, through Annual Dinner of|

| | | | |IBBY. Exhibits the posters in book fair |

|Brazil* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Publicizes the translated ICBD message and |

| | | | |poster in newsletter and proposes activities for|

| | | | |2 April. |

|Canada* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Executive members distribute ICBD posters. They |

| | | | |also and organized or facilitated ICBD displays |

| | | | |at libraries and bookstores in Edmonton and |

| | | | |Halifax. |

|Chile* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Organizes a celebration that includes |

| | | | |story-telling and other activities for parents |

| | | | |and children. Designs their own poster. |

|China |Yes |Yes |No | |

|Colombia* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Promoted the poster and message through it’s |

| | | | |website and libraries. |

|Croatia* |Yes |Yes |No |Conference about children’s books and reading |

|Cuba* |By proxy |Yes |Yes |Children and young people offer flowers to the |

| | | | |Hans Christian Andersen bust. A prestigious |

| | | | |writer writes a message The winners of the |

| | | | |National Contest Sabe más quien lee más are |

| | | | |announced in different media on this day. |

|Cyprus* |Yes |By proxy |Yes |Organizes some activities each year, in |

| | | | |cooperation with the Cultural Services of the |

| | | | |Bank of Cyprus, announcing the results of their |

| | | | |contests and awarding the prizes. Also organizes|

| | | | |some activities for children and for writers |

| | | | |(storytelling events, presentation of new |

| | | | |writers and new books, books exhibitions etc.). |

|Czech Republic* |No |Yes |Yes |Member libraries organize activities, such as |

| | | | |Noc s Andersenem (Night with Andersen) |

|Denmark* |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Ecuador* |No |By proxy |No |No |

|Egypt* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Sponsored ICBD 2009. Wide range of activities: |

| | | | |discussions, meetings with writers and |

| | | | |publishers in schools, libraries and cultural |

| | | | |institutions, and sent message to the public |

| | | | |through the media. |

|Estonia* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Sends the message and an electronic copy of the |

| | | | |poster to 15 county libraries: They promote the |

| | | | |ICBD, disseminate the information and organize |

| | | | |events for children on the local level. |

| | | | |Organized a national children’s literature quiz |

| | | | |to celebrate the ICBD in 2008. |

|Finland* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Translates and publishes the message in its |

| | | | |magazine, and makes a presentation of the author|

| | | | |and the artist. |

|France* |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Germany* |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Ghana |No |By proxy |Yes | |

|Greece* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Wide range of activities: official celebration |

| | | | |of ICBD, during which the NS annual prizes are |

| | | | |awarded; meeting-the-author events and lots of |

| | | | |others. |

|Guatemala |Yes |Yes |No | |

|Haïti* |Yes |Yes |No |Invited schools to display books, organized |

| | | | |reading activities and invited two authors and |

| | | | |illustrators In 2009. Used the schools network |

| | | | |to disseminate information about ICBD |

|Hungary |Yes |No |Yes |Sends out copies of ICBD poster and message via |

| | | | |Internet. Organize an exhibition. |

|Iceland* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Celebrated by giving new Sögusteinn children’s |

| | | | |book prize in 2008 and 2009 |

|India* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Reading promotion and book promotion. Lectures, |

| | | | |storytelling |

|Indonesia* |Yes |Yes |No |Children’s programme |

|Iran* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Translates the message; promote its publication |

| | | | |and use in the media; publishes 5000 bookmark |

| | | | |calendars with ICBD poster and motto; publishes |

| | | | |poster, message and motto in the CBC Diary (500 |

| | | | |copies); laminates collection of ICBD posters to|

| | | | |facilitate lending and use; organizes extensive |

| | | | |activities at House of Librarians and Promotion |

| | | | |of Reading (HLPR) for Children, Young People and|

| | | | |promoters. |

|Ireland* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Disseminates information about the ICBD by |

| | | | |electronic newsletter and the website. |

|Israel |No |No |No | |

|Italy |Yes |Yes |No |Some members organized single events, especially|

| | | | |in |

| | | | |schools. |

|Japan* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Lectures for adults; workshops and puppet shows |

| | | | |and storytelling for children; sale and exhibit.|

| | | | |Produced the Japanese translated edition of the |

| | | | |ICBD poster & message, and print and deliver to |

| | | | |all local public libraries (approx. 6,000). |

|Rep. of Korea* |Yes |Yes |No |Held an exhibition of the International |

| | | | |Children’s Book Day Posters Collection 1969-2009|

| | | | |in August 2009 on Nami Island. |

|Latvia* |Yes |Yes |No |Annual conferences in May about children’s books|

| | | | |published in Latvia. |

|Lebanon* |Yes |By proxy |Yes |National Week for the Promotion of Reading in |

| | | | |April. |

|Lithuania* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Invites children and their teachers as well as |

| | | | |librarian to awards ceremony, small concert of |

| | | | |children, professional performance. Small book |

| | | | |fair. Meeting with authors. |

|Malaysia* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Wide-range of activities. Designs its own poster|

| | | | |and distributes to schools, universities, |

| | | | |government departments, national and state |

| | | | |libraries through out the country. |

| | | | |An exhibition on Children’s books illustration |

| | | | |was held throughout the month of April 2010 at |

| | | | |Kuala Lumpur Library |

|Mexico* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Special readings, the visit of children |

| | | | |literature authors in schools. Books are given |

| | | | |to children as gifts. |

| | | | |Disseminates information about ICBD and poster |

| | | | |to libraries and schools. |

|Moldova* |Yes |Yes |No |Week of Children’s Book and Reading in April. |

| | | | |Publishes articles in newspapers, magazines, |

| | | | |publications of Ion Creangă National Children’s |

| | | | |Library; gives interviews for radio and TV |

| | | | |programmes. |

|Mongolia |Yes |No |Yes | |

|Nepal |Yes |Yes |No | |

|Netherlands* |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|New Zealand* |Yes |No |Yes |Regularly disseminates the ICBD Posters via the |

| | | | |website and post activities on the website. |

|Norway |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Pakistan* |No |Yes |No |Invited Ali Moeen Nawazish to talk to students |

| | | | |from a public school about the importance of |

| | | | |reading. Reading experts conducted reading |

| | | | |sessions with children and conducted different |

| | | | |activities in the library. |

|Palestine* |Yes |Yes |No |Participates in annual National Reading Week in |

| | | | |April, with wide range of activities: reading, |

| | | | |book reviews, storytelling, art, drama, |

| | | | |drawings. |

|Peru* |No |Yes |No |Posters exhibition in different elementary |

| | | | |schools and a special ceremony. |

|Poland* |By proxy |Yes |Yes |Sends information about ICBD celebration |

| | | | |worldwide to libraries that celebrate ICBD. |

| | | | |Storytelling, small program on TV. |

|Romania* |Yes |Yes |No |Organises The joy of reading, debates and |

| | | | |reading contests. |

|Russia |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Rwanda* |Yes |Yes |No |Spreads the message by radio and television. |

|Slovakia* |Yes |By Proxy |Yes |The Days of Children’s Book programme includes |

| | | | |meetings of writers and illustrators with |

| | | | |children in schools and libraries, professional |

| | | | |seminars, workshops for teachers and juvenile |

| | | | |departments of library staff, and other |

| | | | |activities regarding juvenile books. |

|Slovenia* |No |Yes |Yes |An exhibition and symposium are organized at the|

| | | | |the Centre for Children’s and Young Adult’s |

| | | | |Literature and Librarianship in the Public |

| | | | |Library of Ljubljana, followed by an evening |

| | | | |ceremony at the Slovene Writers' Association. |

|South Africa |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Spain |Yes |Yes |No | |

|Sweden* |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Switzerland* |By proxy |Yes |Yes |Co-operation with Swiss Buchlobby and |

| | | | |Bibliomedia |

|Thailand |No |By proxy |Yes | |

|Turkey* |Yes |Yes |Yes |Plans activities in schools and on TV. |

|Uganda* |Yes |Yes |No |Visited one school, read and told stories to |

| | | | |children. |

|Ukraine |No |No |Yes | |

|United Arab Emirates*|(Joined in 2010) |Yes |No |Organizes various activities, including book |

| | | | |reading events, a mobile library, book |

| | | | |promotions, puppet shows, reading competitions, |

| | | | |the distribution of free books, and shows about |

| | | | |reading. |

| | | | |Disseminates information about the ICBD Via |

| | | | |press conferences, newspaper press releases, |

| | | | |television and radio interviews, newspaper |

| | | | |advertisements and posters inside all local |

| | | | |bookstores, schools and children’s cultural |

| | | | |centres. |

|United Kingdom |Yes |Yes |No | |

|United States* |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Uruguay* |Yes |Yes |No |Celebrated the ICBD with a play adaptation of |

| | | | |Hans Christian Andersen’s story: The Emperor’s |

| | | | |New Suit and invited children from public |

| | | | |schools to participate. Tells stories and other |

| | | | |activities in schools and libraries. |

|Venezuela |Yes |Yes |Yes |Annual exhibition and award titled: The Best |

| | | | |Books for Children within the month of April, |

| | | | |specifically during the Book Day week. Designs |

| | | | |own poster. |

|Zambia |No |No |No | |

|Zimbabwe* |Yes |No |No | |


The following table (5) gives an overview of all National Section nominations to the IBBY awards or honours. The table includes those countries that did not submit their individual biennial reports, but nonetheless made nominations during the reporting period. NS that submitted their report are marked with an *.


The Hans Christian Andersen Awards are presented biennially to an author and an illustrator whose complete works have made an important contribution to children’s literature. This is the highest international distinction given to an author and an illustrator of children’s books. They are acknowledged as the most widely known of IBBY’s activity. Between 1992 and 2008 the Awards were sponsored by the Nissan Motor Co. Japan. Since 2009 Nami Island Inc., from the Republic of Korea has been the sponsor of the Award.

In 2008, the winners were author Jürg Schubiger from Switzerland, and illustrator Roberto Innocenti from Italy. The winners in 2010 were author David Almond from the United Kingdom, and illustrator Jutta Bauer from Germany.

Many NS are not able to participate in the Andersen Awards because of a lack of funding and human resources to prepare the nominations, other reasons, such as the unlikelihood of winning the award, difficulty to provide adequate translation the literary works, low level of literature, and the relative immaturity of the country’s children’s and youth book industry, also contribute to non-participation.

(Full details of the winners and nominees can be found in the special issues of Bookbird: volume 46, issue 2 and 4, 2008; and volume 48, issues 2 and 4, 2010, and at )


The IBBY Honour List is a selection of outstanding recently published books. The Honour List distinguishes authors, illustrators and translators whose work is particularly representative of their country and encourages their publication in other countries or languages.

In 2008, the IBBY Honour List included 169 titles (69 authors, 54 illustrators and 46 translators): a record number of 169 entries from 59 countries in 48 different languages In 2010, 64 authors, 52 illustrators and 48 translators were chosen from 54 countries, in 44 different languages.

(The HL catalogues is available from the IBBY Secretariat and online at )


The IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award was established in 1986 during the IBBY Congress in Tokyo and is sponsored by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper company of Japan. Until 2004 the Award was given annually to a group or institution whose outstanding activities were judged to be making a lasting contribution to reading promotion programmes for children and young people. Starting from the year 2006 the Award has been given biennially to two groups or institutions.

The nominations are submitted by the National Sections of IBBY and may include projects from any part of the world. The jury consists of members of the IBBY Executive Committee. The prize of US$ 10,000 and a diploma are presented to each of the winners at the biennial IBBY Congress

In 2008, the projects The Reading Promotion Project by Action with Lao Children, proposed by IBBY Japan, and Editions Bakame, Books for Children in Rwanda proposed by IBBY Switzerland, supported by IBBY Germany and IBBY Netherlands won the Award.

In 2010, the project The Osu Children´s Library Fund (OCLF) in Ghana, proposed by IBBY Canada, and the Convenio de Cooperación al Plan de Lectura de Medellín, Colombia proposed by IBBY Spain were the two recipients of the Award.

(Detailed information about the award can be found on IBBY’s website: )


In 1985, IBBY established the Documentation Centre of Books for Disabled Young People in Oslo. The Centre’s collection includes books and materials specifically created for young readers with special needs. These include donations and recommendations from National Sections, publishers and individuals. In 2002, the Centre moved and was established at the Haug School and Resource Centre for Young People with Disabilities, in Baerum/Oslo under the leadership of Heidi Cortner Boiesen.

The Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities Selections can be found in annotated catalogues, available from the IBBY Secretariat, and can be downloaded from the IBBY website: .


|National Sections |Hans Christian Andersen Award |IBBY Honour List |IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award |Books for Young People with |

| |(winners in bold, finalist §) |(number of nominees) |(winners in bold) |Disabilities Selection, 2009 |

| |A––Author nominee | | |(number of titles nominated) |

| |I––Illustrator nominee |2008 2010 |2008 and 2010 | |

| |2008 2010 | | | |

|Albania* |- | |- | |- |- |

|Argentina* |Beatriz María Ana Ferro (A) |Liliana Bodoc (A) |3 |2 |- |- |

| |Isol Misenta (I) § |Luis Scafati (I) | | | | |

|Australia* |Jackie French (A) | |- |2 |SLAV / KwaZulu Natal Support Project, South |- |

| |Shaun Tan (I) | | | |Africa (2008) | |

| | | | | |Alola Literacy & Reading Programme, Dili, | |

| | | | | |Timor-Leste (2010) | |

|Austria* |Lene Mayer-Skumanz (A) |Heinz Janisch (A) |3 |3 |- |1 |

| |Linda Wolfsgruber (I) |Linda Wolfsgruber (I) | | | | |

|Belgium* |Anne Provoost |Pierre Coran (A) |4 |3 |- |- |

| |Kitty Crowther  |Carll Cneut (I) § | | | | |

|Bolivia* |- | |1 | |- |- |

|Brazil* |Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós (A) § |Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós (A) § |3 |3 |Indigenous Children's Literature Writers' |- |

| |Rui de Oliveira (I) |Roger Mello (I) § | | |Meeting (2010) | |

|Canada* |Brian Doyle (A) § |Brian Doyle (A) |5 |6 |Biblionef, Cape Town, South Africa (2008) |4 |

| |Pierre Pratt (I) |Marie-Louise Gay (I) | | |Osu Children's Library Fund, Ghana (2010) | |

|Chile* |- | |3 |3 |- |- |

|China |Qin Wenjun (A) |Liu Xianping (A) |3 |- |- |- |

|Colombia* |- | | |3 |Visible Readings for Invisible Children, |1 |

| | | | | |Medellín (2010) | |

|Croatia* |Svjetlan Junakóvić (I) § |Svjetlan Junakóvić (I) § |3 |3 |- |- |

|Cuba* |- | |- |- |- |- |

|Cyprus* |Kika Pulcheriou (A) |Maria Pyliotou (A) |2 |2 |- |- |

|Czech Republic* |Iva Procházková (A) |Pavel Šrut (A) |3 |3 |Bedrich Benes Buchlovan Library: The Night |- |

| |Adolf Born (I) § |Jiří Šalamoun (I) | | |with Andersen (2008) | |

|Denmark* |Bjarne Reuter (A) |Louis Jensen (A) § |3 |2 | |- |

| |Lilian Brøgger (I) |Lilian Brøgger (I) | | | | |

|Ecuador* |- |- |2 |2 |- |- |

|Egypt* |Fatima El Maadoul (A) |- |2 |2 |- |1 |

|Estonia* |- |- |3 |3 |- |- |

|Finland* |Irmelin Sandman Lilius (A) |Hannu Mäkelä (A) |6 |5 |- |1 |

| |Virpi Talvitie (I) |Salla Savolainen (I) | | | | |

|France* |Marie Desplechin (A) |Jean-Claude Mourlevat (A) |3 |3 |- |3 |

| |Claude Ponti (I) |Grégoire Solotareff (I) | | | | |

|Germany* |Peter Härtling (A) |Peter Härtling (A) |3 |3 |Supported Swiss nomination: Editions Bakame,|- |

| |Jutta Bauer (I) |Jutta Bauer (I) | | |Books for Children in Rwanda (2008) | |

| | | | | |Room to Read, international, based in USA | |

| | | | | |(2010) | |

|Ghana |- |- |- | |- |- |

|Greece* |Voula Mastori (A) |Loty Petrovits-Andrutsopulou (A) |3 |3 |- |- |

| |Vassilis Papatsarouchas (I) |Diatsenta Parissi (I) | | | | |

|Guatemala |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Haïti* |- |- |3 |5 |- |- |

|Hungary |- |- |2 |3 |- |- |

|Iceland* |Gudrun Helgadottir (A) |- |3 |3 |- |- |

|India* |- |- |2 |2 |Society for All Round Development (SARD): |2 |

| | | | | |Village Library Project, New Delhi (2008) | |

|Indonesia* |- |- |2 |- |- |1 |

| | | | | | |Hosted exhibition in 2008 |

|Iran* |- |Ahmad Reza Ahmadi (A) § |3 |3 |- |5 |

| | | | | | |Host exhibition 2009 |

|Ireland* |Kate Thompson (A) |Eoin Colfer (A) |3 |4 |- |- |

| |Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick (I) |P.J. Lynch (I) | | | | |

|Israel |- |- |3 |3 |- |- |

|Italy |Mino Milani (A) |- |3 |3 |- |3 |

| |Roberto Innocenti (I) | | | | |Host exhibition 2009 |

|Japan* |Shuntaro Tanikawa (A) |Shuntaro Tanikawa (A) |3 |3 |Action with Lao Children, Japan / Laos |3 |

| |Akiko Hayashi (I) |Akiko Hayashi (I) | | |(2008) |Host exhibition during |

| | | | | |Kamishibai – To build a culture of peace in |2008-2010 |

| | | | | |the world (2010) | |

|Korea, Republic of* |- |- |3 |3 |- |- |

|Latvia* |- |- |2 |3 |- |- |

|Lebanon* |- |- |- |3 |- |- |

|Lithuania* |Kęstutis Kasparavičius (I) |Kęstutis Kasparavičius (I) |2 |3 |- |- |

|Malaysia* |- |- |2 |2 |- |- |

|Mexico* |Mauricio Gómez Morín (A) |Alberto Blanco (A) |3 |2 |Justita Arenas Reading Room, México City |2 |

| | |Fabricio Vanden Broeck (I) | | |(2010) | |

|Moldova* |- |- |2 |3 |- |- |

|Mongolia |- |Dashdondog Jamba (A) |- |2 |- |- |

|Nepal |- |- |- |- |Supported Indian nomination: Society for All|- |

| | | | | |Round Development (SARD): Village Library | |

| | | | | |Project, New Delhi (2008) | |

|Netherlands* |Guus Kuijer (A) § |Peter van Gestel (A) |4 |4 |Grupo Cerra Largo de Promoción de la |2 |

| |The Tjong-Khing (I) |Harrie Geelen (I) | | |Lectura, Uruguay (2008) | |

| | | | | |Supported Swiss nomination: Editions Bakame,| |

| | | | | |Books for Children in Rwanda (2008) | |

|New Zealand* |- |- |3 |3 |- |- |

|Norway |- |Bjørn Sortland (A) |3 |3 |- |3 |

| | |Thore Hansen (B) | | | | |

|Pakistan* |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Palestine* |- |- |3 |3 |Tamer Institute for Community Education: |- |

| | | | | |National Reading Campaign Ramallah (2008) | |

|Peru* |- |- |1 |- |- |1 |

|Poland* |- |- |3 |1 |Mama, Tata & … Myself Campaign, Nowa Iwiczna|1 |

| | | | | |(2010) | |

|Romania* |Iuliu Ratiu (A) |- |3 |2 |- |- |

| |Stan Done (I) | | | | | |

|Russia |Nickolay Popov (I) |Nickolay Popov (I) |3 |4 |- |- |

|Rwanda* |- |- |3 |- |- |- |

|Slovakia* |Ján Navrátil (A) |Ján Uličiansky (A) |3 |3 |- |Host exhibition 2009 |

| |Olga Bajusová (I) |Peter Uchnár (I) | | | | |

|Slovenia* |Lila Prap (I) |Tone Pavček (A) |3 |3 |Roma People, invited to the library, Metlika|1 |

| | |Ančka Gošnik Godec (I) | | |(2010) | |

|South Africa |Beverley Naidoo (A) |- |5 |4 |- |- |

| |Piet Grobler (I) | | | | | |

|Spain |María Asun Landa (A) |Jordi Sierra i Fabra (A) |7 |9 |Fundación Taller de Letras Jordi Sierra i |2 |

| |Ulises Wensell (I) |Xan López Domínguez (I) | | |Fabra, Medellín, Colombia (2008) |Host exhibition 2009 |

| | | | | |Convenio de Cooperación al Plan de Lectura, | |

| | | | | |Mendellín, Colombia (2010) | |

|Sweden* |Barbro Lindgren (A) |Lennart Hellsing (A) § |3 |3 |Supported Palestinian nomination: Tamer |4 |

| |Eva Eriksson (I) |Anna-Clara Tidholm (I) | | |Institute for Community Education: National | |

| | | | | |Reading Campaign Ramallah (2008) | |

| | | | | |White Elephant / Domrei Sor, Phnom Penh, | |

| | | | | |Cambodia (2010) | |

|Switzerland* |Jürg Schubiger (A) |Etienne Delessert (I) § |4 |4 |Editions Bakame, Books for Children in |- |

| |Hannes Binder (I) | | | |Rwanda (2008) | |

|Thailand |- |- |3 |3 |- |- |

|Turkey* |Ayla Çinaroglu (A) |Muzaffer İzgü (A) |2 |2 |- |- |

| |Nazan Erkmen (I) |Can Göknil (I) | | | | |

|Uganda* |- |Evangeline Ledi Barongo (A) |2 | |- |- |

|Ukraine |- |- |1 |1 |- |- |

|United Arab Emirates* |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|United Kingdom |David Almond (A) § |David Almond (A) |3 |3 |The Akili Trust Reading Development Project,|1 |

| |Jan Pienkowski (I) |Michael Foreman (I) | | |UK / Kenya (2008) | |

| | | | | |Akili Trust, Kenya (2010) | |

|United States* |Lloyd Alexander (A) |Walter Dean Myers (A) |3 |3 |Lubuto Library Project, USA / Zambia (2008) |8 |

| |David Wiesner (I) § |Eric Carle (I) | | | |Hosted exhibition 2009 |

|Uruguay* |- |- |- |- |- |- |

|Venezuela |- |- |2 |- |- |- |

|Zambia |- |- |-- |- |- |- |

|Zimbabwe* |- |- |-- |- |- |- |


The National Sections that cooperated with other NS reported the following activities for the period 2008-2010:

Belgium (Flemish branch): Cooperated with Dutch IBBY with the participation in the jury of the Jenny Smelik/IBBY prize awarded by the Dutch IBBY. This cooperation also raised funds for the IBBY Haiti Appeal.

Bolivia: Cooperated with IBBY Chile, IBBY Mexico and IBBY Peru in nomination for ALMA.

Brazil: Cooperated with IBBY Cuba for the Congress - Reading the 21st Century

Canada: Twinning with and fundraising for IBBY Cuba. Sent a selection of French and English books to Italy for the display of 100 books, organized by Born to Read National Committee and IBBY Italy. Send an e-newsletter to all IBBY NS.

Colombia: Cooperates with other IBBY National Sections in the region, they cooperated with IBBY Mexico in the regional meeting of 2009 and participate in the editorial committee of the Magazine L for Reading which is headed by the Mexican Section. They also have a bilateral cooperation with the Cuban Section whom they assist with the organization of their Congress and with an Internet Site.

Croatia: Cooperated with IBBY Slovenia through the organization of conferences about children’s book and reading.

Cuba: Cooperated with Latin American and the Caribbean NS exchanging information and coordinating activities. Cooperates regularly with the Brazilian and Colombian Sections of IBBY, which support its traditional International Reading Congress To Read the SXXI. Executive Secretaries of IBBY Brazil and the General Directors of IBBY Mexico went to the Congress.

Cyprus: Traditionally cooperates with the Greek NS. During these two years they organized seminars and other activities with the participation of Greek authors and illustrators.

Czech: Cooperated with the National Sections of Germany, Slovakia and Serbia.

Denmark: Cooperated with the Nordic Sections. They exchanged Magazines with other Nordic Sections.

Ecuador: Is in a constant information and event participation with the sections of Venezuela and Chile. They have invited members of the IBBY section of Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, and Brazil to the academic events of the Story Marathon.

Egypt: Cooperated with IBBY sections in Korea, Lebanon and Kuwait and exchanged Newsletters and information with other NS.

Estonia: Exchanged information on children’s literature with Lithuanian, Latvian and the Finnish Section. Participated in meetings and conferences of the IBBY Baltic sections and IBBY Poland. Contributed a selection of books for NAMBOOK 008. Networks with NS participating in the Tallinn Illustration Triennial: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Germany and Russia, as well as Latvia and Lithuania.

Finland: Nordic cooperation, excursion to Tallin and contact with IBBY Estonia, and visitors from IBBY Latvia.

France: Worked with the European sections to prepare the exhibition Tour d’Europe en 27 livres d’images and to organize the seminar “European Encounters on Children’s Literature”. In March 19, 2009 IBBY France cooperated with IBBY Mexico and IBBY Brazil to organize a seminar with the theme “Children’s books and reading in Mexico”, published a special issue of “La Revue des livres pour enfants” and a selection of Mexican children’s books. In June 2009 IBBY Brazil and the French Embassy cooperated with IBBY France to organize the seminar, «As cores e as Letras da Literatura infantil e juvenil na França e no Brazil» and an exhibition of French illustrators

Germany: Collaborated with the IBBY sections of Austria, Switzerland, France and the Netherlands and exchanged newsletters, journals and other information.

Greece: Invited the President of IBBY Korea and CEO of Nami Island Mr Kang Woo Hyon for a three-day visit to Greece and organized an exhibition of his illustrations in Athens. Mr Kang also offered a lecture and a workshop for Greek illustrators at the Athens Book Gallery. In February 2010 IBBY Greece and IBBY Cyprus participated in the celebrations for the 35 years’ anniversary of IBBY Cyprus and also cooperated exchanging information, participating in seminars and other meetings or festivities.

Iceland: Exchanged newsletters with other Nordic Sections.

India: Participated in the Korean IBBY’s Picture Book Exhibition in April 2008. The President of the NS, Nilima Sinha, visited the Alif Laila organization in Pakistan (IBBY Pakistan).

Iran: Sent books and attended the NAMBOOK FESTIVAL. Participated in Peace Story Project of Nami Island Inc. as member of the International Committee. The present political situation in Iran does not permit bilateral activities.

Ireland: Attended the European regional meetings and has twinned with IBBY Zimbabwe since 2008. Has a close relationship with IBBY UK.

Korea: Send Korean children’s books to Brazil’s Children’s Book Fair hosted by IBBY Brazil. A KBBY board member participated in the Book Fair and gave a presentation in the Seminar. It also cooperated with other NS when they asked for help, such as IBBY Italy and CBBY.

Latvia: Participated in conferences organized by Lithuanian IBBYand networked with Estonia to hold conferences. Held an exhibition of Latvian Illustrators in Tallinn, Estonia. Good cooperation with the Dutch IBBY, celebrated 15 years of friendship with the Dutch IBBY in Riga. International cooperation continues with the IBBY Sections of the Netherlands, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Germany.

Lithuania: Cooperated with the Estonian and Latvian IBBY sections. The main events being meetings in Klaipeda, as well as other events and exchanged information about children books. As a result of this cooperation some books in Estonian and Latvian were translated into Lithuanian.

Malaysia: Invited other National Sections to the International Conference on Children’s Books and Literature held in 2008 and 2010.

Mexico: IBBY Mexico has created a platform in the Internet to have direct communication with the other NS in Latin America. It’s used to put up information about the programmes and to promote children’s and youth literature in their countries.

Moldova: Cooperated with the Romanian and Lithuanian Sections of IBBY; they participated jointly in book fairs, symposiums, conferences, debates which were organized by the NS.

Netherlands: A strong bond of friendship with Latvia, Uruguay and Indonesia exists. With the Flemish Branch of Belgian IBBY the section raised money for Haiti’s Children in Crisis project. The exhibition of Dutch Illustrators was shown and workshops in Lithuania were organized.

New Zealand: the NS is in contact with IBBY Australia.

Pakistan: Participated in a discussion on strategies to promote children’s literature in Afghanistan held in Biga Turkey, organized by central IBBY. Have coordinated activities and ideas with the IBBY sections in Iran and India.

Palestine: Cooperated with USBBY and IBBY UAE. Exchanged information with other NS through emails whenever there was a need.

Peru: Frequent exchange of information with the NS of Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Brazil.

Romania: Cooperated and exchanged newsletters with IBBY Moldova.

Slovakia: Participated at the European Regional meeting of IBBY National Sections in 2008. Collaborated with the Czech Section of IBBY. Organized the nomination and actual participation of illustrations at the BIB in cooperation with other national IBBY sections and participated on a magazine exchange.

Slovenia: Exchanged data and requested information with other NS.

Sweden: Exchanged newsletters and information, as well as sharing experiences with Nordic Sections.

Uganda: Invited a member of IBBY Rwanda to its workshop.

United Arab Emirates: Arranged a meeting during the Sharjah International Book Fair 2010 with Arab NS to discuss future cooperation. Sent the ICBD Arabic Poster design to all Arab NS and continued to translate and design all of IBBY’s relevant documents into Arabic, which will be shared with all Arab NS.

United States: USBBY has twinning partnerships with the NS of Haiti, Lebanon, Palestine, South Africa and Zambia that includes paying their annual IBBY dues, exchange of information, newsletters, and supporting projects. Articles and photos are regularly featured in the USBBY Newsletter and on the USBBY website. USBBY also contributes to the IBBY Solidarity Fund and the Hands Across the Sea Fund to support under-funded National Sections.

Uruguay: Monthly exchange of newsletters with IBBY Argentina. Frequent information exchange with IBBY Venezuela and IBBY Mexico. IBBY Uruguay

has a strong bond of friendship with Dutch IBBY.

Zimbabwe: Has a regular exchange of newsletters and information with IBBY Ireland.

Most members of the NS work on a voluntary basis and this added to limited funding, scarce material and human resources, often results in difficulty in maintaining constant communication and participation from it’s members to other sections of IBBY. In some cases language barriers, visa problems, restrictions on travel, geographical distance, and a volatile or oppressive political situation add to these difficulties. IBBY members need the opportunity to meet each other at congresses, regional conferences, seminars, exhibitions, etc. The exchange of knowledge and experiences would result in an exciting, constant, successful and meaningful, cooperation and understanding between members.


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