The section contains data on the volume, composition, main directions of use and the differentiation of money income of population as well as information on the structure of consumer expenditure of households. Information is published on the housing stock and the living conditions of population.

Real size of money income of population, accrued wages and salary, monthly pensions - relative indicators calculated by dividing the indices of nominal size1) of money income of population, accrued wages, monthly pensions by a consumer price index for relevant period of time.

Money income of population comprises gains of persons engaged in entrepreneurial business activity, paid remuneration of employees, social transfers (pensions, benefits, grant, insurance compensations and other transfers), property income in the form of interest on deposits, securities, dividends, and other income. Money income less compulsory payments and dues are disposable money income of population.

Average per capita money income (per month) is calculated by dividing the total sum of annual money income by 12 and by the population size.

Accrued average monthly nominal wages of employees of organizations are compiled by dividing accrued wages fund of the employees by average annual payroll number of employees and by 12. Benefits granted to the employed from the state extra-budget funds are not included in the wages and salaries fund and in average wages and salaries.


1) “Nominal” is understood as an actually gained size of income, wages and pensions

during the reporting period.

Average accrued pension determined by dividing the total sum of the accrued pensions by the number of pensioners, registered in the system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Pensioners are the persons who realized their right to get pensions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and are residents of the Russian Federation.

Monetary expenditures of population include expenditures for purchasing goods and paying for services, including payments for goods (works, services) using bank cards abroad, compulsory payments, contributions (taxes and charges, insurance payments, contributions for public and co-operative organizations, interests on credits, etc.), savings. Savings consist of increase (decrease) of citizens bank accounts, purchasing foreign currency, purchasing of securities and real estate, livestock and poultry, changes in individual entrepreneurs’ accounts, credit indebtedness, increase (decrease) of cash money in hands.

Subsistence minimum level in accordance with the Federal Law of October 24, 1997, No 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" is a value estimate of a consumer basket and compulsory payments and dues. It is determined quarterly and is set by the Government of the Russian Federation for Russia as a whole.

Since 2013 in line with the Federal Law № 233-FZ from December 3, 2012" On Amending the Federal Law" On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation " the procedure for determining the consumer basket and compiling the size of subsistence minimum for the Russian Federation as a whole and constituent entities of the Russian Federation was reviewed.

In line with the Federal Law № 227-FZ from December 3, 2012

«On consumer basket in the Russian Federation as a whole» consumer basket includes a minimum set of food (in physical terms), as well as non-food goods and services, cost of which is determined in relation to the cost of the minimum set of food products (in the volume of 50% from the cost of food products), which is necessary to safe health of people and ensure their life activities. Observation of consumer price level for food goods and consumer price indices for food, non-food products and services for the estimation of subsistence minimum level for the Russian Federation as a whole is carried out by state statistics bodies in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation using the list of representative goods that includes 42 items.

In 2000 - 2012 minimum subsistence level was determined on the basis of consumer basket specified by the Federal law and data of Rosstat on the level of consumer prices for food stuffs, non-food products and services.

In 1992-1999 the subsistence minimum level was calculated on the basis of methodological recommendations of Mintrud of Russia of November 10, 1992 according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1992 № 210 “On the system of minimal consumer budgets of population of the Russian Federation”.

Population with money income below the subsistence minimum level is determined on the basis of the data on the distribution of population according to the level of average per capita money income and is a result of their comparison with the subsistence minimum level.

The deficit of money income is determined as the sum of money necessary to raise the income of population with money income below subsistence minimum level to the subsistence minimum level.

Breakdown of population by per capita average money income characterizes the differentiation of population by level of material wealth and presents indicators of numbers (or shares) of resident population grouped in the given intervals of average per capita money income.

Calculation on breakdown of population by average per capita money income is compiled in accordance with the methodology approved on July 16, 1996 №61 of Goskomstat of Russia reconciled with concerned ministries and agencies. Data series of distribution are created using the imitation modeling method by transformation of empiric distribution, obtained from results of sample household budgets survey, into the data series of distribution, which corresponds to a value of grouping, attribute in general universe (average per capita income obtained from data on the balance of income and expenditures of population).

Breakdown of total volume of money income by different groups of population is expressed by a share of total volume of money income for each 20-percent groups of population ranged by the extent of growing average per capita money income.

The coefficient of funds (coefficient of income differentiation) characterizes the degree of social stratification and is defined as a ratio between the average levels of money income of 10 percent of the population with the highest income and 10 percent of the population with the lowest income.

Coefficient Gini (index of income inequality) characterizes the level of deviation of the actual volume of distribution of income of population from the line of their even distribution. The value of coefficient may vary from 0 to 1, and the higher the value of the indicator, the less even is the distribution of income in the society.

Actual final consumption of households includes expenditures on purchasing of consumer goods and services and also a cost of goods and services consumption in kind - produced for itself, received as remuneration and social transfers in kind, i.e. gratis and privilege individual goods and services, received from the state administration sector and non-profit institutions, serving households.

The sample household budget survey is the method of state statistical observation on living standard of population. The frame of the study and dissemination of budget survey data is defined by the following goals: to collect data on breakdown of population by levels of prosperity; to get weighting indicators to calculate a consumer price index, to get data to compile accounts of household sector for the system of national accounts.

The household budget survey is conducted in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and covers 48.5 thousand households. The results of the survey are compiled quarterly and for a year as a whole.

Starting from 1997, the two-stage random sampling built up by territorial principle has been used to form sample frame of households. A final unit of the selection is a household. Collective households consisting of persons who are for a long period in hospitals, in special retirement houses for the elders, boarding schools and

other institutional organizations are not included in the sample survey. The units of this survey are households and their members.

The consumer expenditures of households comprise a part of money expenditures that are spent for acquisition of consumer goods and services. Their composition does not include the purchase of art, antiquarian and jewelry goods acquired like capital investments, the payment for materials and work on construction and capital repairs of living quarters and subsidiary premises, which refer to investments in fixed capital.

The housing stock – the aggregate of all dwellings, situated on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Dwellings are treated as an isolated premises which is real estate and suitable for permanent living of citizens (meet established sanitarium and technical rules, norms and other legal requirements).

The housing stock does not include cottages (dachas), summer garden houses, sporting and tourist centers, motels, camping, sanatoria, health resorts, holiday hotels, visitors’ houses, hotels, barracks, monks’ cells, railway carriages and other structures.

The total floor space of the dwelling (houses) is determined as a sum of the areas of the living rooms and including auxiliary premises which are to meet everyday and other needs of citizens, excluding loggia, balconies, veranda and terrace.


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