Process Recording #1

SW 4010Process Recording #1Christy Girvan-BierlGroup #110/20/2012[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]DIAGRAM 1Group 1Session #12247900135254Christy-Leader00Christy-LeaderAlicia M5238751449705Alaina00Alaina22479001897380Cheri00Cheri4305300201930Alicia P00Alicia P276225125730Alicia M00Alicia M41052751449705Cukeyra00Cukeyra Key:Christy: LeaderAlaina: Divorced mother of 2 minor childrenAlicia M. : 28 year old single femaleCheri: 42 year old mother of 3 childrenCukeyra: 18 year old single teen who left homeAlicia P: Could not get into Wimba session due to technical difficultiesPROCESS RECORDING SW4010CONTENT#2 What did you see?Social Workers Gut-levelFeelingsLogical Interpretation of Client Interaction#3Introduction-all introduced themselves and gave general background of how they ended up in the “safe house”Cheri is very unsure, not able to communicate well. The others are open but reserved.Cheri has no self-esteem or confidence and is afraid and lost.Introduction to purpose statement and goals for the groupParticipants agree with purpose and goals, however Cheri is not buying into the groupCheri is so unsure and it’s all so new she doesn’t yet see a way that the situation can be improvedChange one of the goals to include defining a healthy, happy self and relationshipAlaina is a couple years from leaving her abuser so she is a good example for the othersAlaina is positive and hopefulGoing over goals we named 5 but will keep the list open and fluidEveryone agrees with goals but I am not sure if it’s they believe in them or if they are unsure of what personal goals they want to attainWe need to work on group and individual goals within the groupIce-breaker, experiences of members in group workCukeyra is very sure of herself, is concerned group will not be fulfilling in helping her with direct issues, doesn’t want to stray from goals and topics of supporting membersStay on topic of supporting women in the group for staying healthy and learning to be healthy in relationships that aren’t based on control & violenceDiscussed experience and importance of seeing those who have been in their shoes and that they made changesCheri is concerned the changes won’t happen, she needs to learn confidence and trust againWe will have to work very hard on trusting each other in the group and helping Cheri and the others to be able to live independently and establish positive relationships“Homework” for next session define domestic abuse and find one personal goal the individuals want to get out of the groupAlicia is confident and supportiveAlicia is a good asset and support for the “newer” members who have just left a bad relationship. Good for them to see someone who has survived and that it’s possibleDIAGRAM #2Diagram #2Group #1Session #22400300381000Cukeyra-LeaderCukeyra-Leader9906001355090ChristyChristy923925193040Alicia MAlicia M24003001783715AlainaAlaina41052751450340CheriCheri3924300116840Alicia PAlicia P Key:Cukeyra: LeaderAlicia P: 18 year old teen still in abusive relationshipAlicia M: 28 year old single femaleCheri: 42 year old single mom with 3 childrenAlaina: Divorced single mother of 2 childrenChristy: 42 year old divorced single mother of one child PROCESS RECORDING SW4010CONTENT#2 What did you see?Social Workers Gut-levelFeelingsLogical Interpretation of Client Interaction#3Ice-breaker, leader asked for us to go around and tell our favorite color & TV showI like the ice breakers it helps us to learn about each other Ice breaker helps us to get talking without getting into anything too difficultPersonal goals, we each chose a personal goal for ourselves that we want to achieve in groupIt seems everyone was honest and open, Cheri is a downer she has no hope to achieve anythingCheri is going to need more support than others in the group her self-esteem is very low. Also have to watch so that she doesn’t “bring down” the othersLeader asked for us to define domestic violence, what is it from our perspective so we see the signsAlicia P is in trouble, she is only here because her parents forced her, she doesn’t think its violence if her boyfriend apologizes for it afterAlicia is in denial regarding her abuse, she constantly makes excuses for her boyfriend’s control and physical abuse. First step for her is to realize that she is being abused and that it isn’t normal in a relationshipCoping mechanisms to help us get throughLeader emphasizes group support, community support and Cheri refuses to believe anyone will help. Unless Cheri learns to lean on and accept the support from the group as a start she might go back to her abuser. She doesn’t believe she can do it alone.We are trying to find positive things and what to look forward to, realizing we deserve something betterCheri needs to see not getting physically hit and walking on eggshells every day IS a positive stepWe have to acknowledge in the group that leaving was the first step and not living in fear is a positiveEach session the members seem to open up and trust a little moreIt seems to get easier each session for the members to communicate and open upThe more the members talk and share, the stronger the bond and the more they feel safe in the group ................

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