Los Angeles Mission College


Parthenia Grant, Ph.D.

aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D.

How To Stop Sabotaging

Your Health and Relationships

Email: doctorparthenia@

Phone: 323-218-5344

© 2006-2011

All Rights Reserved

First Edition

This book is written for educational purposes only. The information contained herein should by no means be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical professional, who should always be consulted for any health problem or before embarking upon any health program. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for any adverse effect arising from the use or misuse or application of information contained in this book.

Cover Photo: Adrian Gonzalez




We dig our graves with our teeth –Mrs. E. E. O’Banion, my 8th grade Science Teacher


This eating program is designed to detox the blood, purify it and clear toxins out of the body. It is meant to be used in conjunction with a total body detox and cleanse of the liver, kidneys and intestines for parasites, heavy metals, Candida and mucous plaque (using bentonite clay). Over the years, due to processed foods, insufficient fiber and wrong food combining, toxic sludge builds up in the intestines, arteries and colon, creating blockages, poor circulation and ineffective assimilation and absorption of nutrition. Not to do internal cleansing would be tantamount to putting dirty sheets on a brand new mattress or putting clean, new clothing on an unbathed body. See the following chapter on weight loss for more information on detoxing.

NOTE TO CANDIDA SUFFERERS: Refer to the Candida diet listed in Chapter 9 to memorize what you can and cannot eat. You may include the foods and desserts from The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates or those found in the link to the free raw food cookbook included at the beginning of this chapter. Just remember to substitute Truvia or Stevia as your sweetener. In that we live in a toxic environment with polluted air, water and soil, it is essential to do routine detoxes at least once a year, after your Candida is under control, and changing to a lifestyle of foods alive with amino acids and vitamins to support the immune system. I will make a note if the recipe is not for Candida sufferers; otherwise it is okay.

As a Candida victim, while I do not mind the maintenance routine to keep Candida from flaring back up or out of control, I think most people are like me: they want fast relief and quick results from the symptoms of any disease, in particular Candida, which has such a long list of symptoms. Unfortunately, if a person has been suffering with Candida unknowingly for decades, there is no quick, overnight solution; it will take longer than someone who nips it in the bud in its early stage. Moreover, the younger one is, the faster one will heal, and those who did not have their appendix removed, will recover faster in that the appendix, which doctors once thought was a useless appendage, is actually designed to boost and rebuild the secondary immune system located in the gut.


A DEHYDRATOR for making breads, crackers, dried fruits and cookies.

A HEAVY DUTY BLENDER to make sauces, nut milks, nut cheeses or desserts that are smooth and creamy.

A FOOD PROCESSOR for making crusts for desserts or breads, for chopping and mixing vegetables, and for making meat substitutes.

A COFFEE GRINDER to grind nuts into fine flour for making breads, pastries and entrees.

RAW FOOD COOKBOOKS: The recipes included in this book are just a beginning. For those interested in more recipes, download the free raw food cookbook available at Raw-.au.


Kombucha is a fermented, refreshing, alkalinizing tea that can be served room temperature or refrigerated. It has live cultures (probiotics are “pro” life in that these microorganisms actually kill the bad ones like Candida. They are live foods that promote life. Kombucha is a handmade Chinese tea that is delicately cultured anywhere from one week to 30 days, depending on the temperature of the room or the weather outside. In summertime, the tea cultures faster and you can get a new batch ready anywhere from 7-10 days. In the winter it can take twice as long. During the culture phase, essential nutrients form, such as live enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants and polyphenols which help the body restore vitality and balance. Kombucha strengthens: digestion, metabolism, the immune system, appetite control, weight control, healthy liver function, body alkalinity, anti-aging, cell integrity, healthy skin and hair.

After the tea has brewed for a week, it is important to begin tasting it to see if it needs more sugar and to ensure that it does not turn to vinegar. I do not let mine brew for more than 10 days. After that I bottle it for 2-3 days so that it can carbonate, then I refrigerate to slow down the carbonation and prevent it from turning to vinegar. If it gets too tart, you can add more sugar and let it sit for a couple of days, then bottle it.



Organic, black tea (Do not use herbal teas that are decaffeinated. Why caffeine? The fermentation process converts the caffeine and sugar into live, alkaline amino acids and probiotics that are actually good for diabetics.

organic, raw cane sugar (do not use palm sugar, agave, honey, etc.; they affect the taste and fermentation)

kombucha starter culture (use a couple of bottles of kombucha, or a culture from someone else, or order online)

fresh ginger root or fresh fruit juice after the fermentation right before refrigeration.


One 2 gallon glass, clay, or ceramic jar to brew the tea in.

A large enamel or corning ware pot to boil the tea in. Kombucha pulls heavy metals and plastic out of vital organs in the body where they get embedded and allows them to be excreted as urine. Therefore, do not use aluminum, copper, stainless steel or any type of metal or plastic to boil, steep, ferment, drink or stir the tea due to the danger of heavy metal poisoning, which can cause brain damage and kidney or liver failure. Note, most stainless steel pots have nickel in them, which is a toxic metal that will contaminate your tea. Only the very expensive stainless steel cookware that costs several thousand dollars have no nickel in them.

1 dozen canning jars or bottles with tops that seal tightly.

1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar (not distilled)

1 long wooden spoon to stir the drink. Do not use metal or plastic spoons

1 wooden soup ladle to stir or dip the drink out of the jar if the jar does not have a faucet.

1 muslin cloth or cotton kitchen towel to cover the jar

1 rubber band to put around the top of the jar to prevent insects from crawling under the muslin cloth

2 gallons of filtered water

1 one-pound bag of raw cane sugar (do not use other types of sugar such as date palm or agave)

10-20 bags of mango black tea (from Trader Joes) or your own favorite flavor of black tea

10-20 bags of Ruby Red chai black tea (from Trader Joes) or your favorite black chai tea

Or you can use 20-40 bags of either tea alone, depending on the flavor you want and how strong you want the tea.


Boil the water. Put the tea bags into the hot water and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Squeeze the tea bags into the water after they have cooled down a bit. Stir sugar into the hot tea.

Wait until the tea is warm and no longer boiling hot to put your culture in or to pour your two bottles of kombucha tea that you purchased. Leave the bottles you bought sitting out for a couple of days at room temperature to ferment more before putting into your new batch of tea. Put the apple cider vinegar in after the tea is room temperature.

Cover the tea, sugar and culture with a muslin cloth or kitchen towel, seal with a rubber band around the mouth of the jar to keep fruit flies out.

Let sit in a dark, warm place for no more than two weeks. It will begin to bubble and ferment on top, developing a fuzzy growth on top that looks cloudy, rubbery and scary. No worries, it’s friendly bacteria that will act as little soldiers to kill the bad bacteria in the body.

Start taste testing your batch after a week. Most of the sugar will be converted and the tea will not taste very sweet, but you may like it. If not, put more sugar in, stir and taste. Let it sit for 2-3 more days so that the sugar can ferment. Taste again, and adjust the amount of sugar by adding water if it is too sweet or add more sugar if it is not sweet enough. Begin bottling by the end of 10 days if the weather is warm; 14 days if the weather is cold (during cold weather, cover with a blanket to help fermentation process).

Juice fresh baby ginger or your favorite fresh juice (be sure to strain it) and put it in the tea right before you bottle and seal the tea. You can add any flavor of fresh fruit juice to your tea, but this particular combination of teas taste delightful by themselves with just fresh ginger juice. Follow your heart’s desire.

Let the sealed jars sit in a warm place for 2-3 days or so. The longer they sit with tight lids, the more bubbly and fermented the tea will become but you have to taste it every day to make sure it has not become vinegary. Refrigerate after about 3 days to prevent the vinegary taste and to slow down the fermentation process.


(Read Chapter 9 for Health Benefits of Cultured Veggies)

This dish is cleansing, aids in digestion, weight loss, and killing Candida while also re-introducing friendly microorganisms back into your digestive system to recolonize it so that you will have a stronger secondary immune system in your gut. It is also quite filling and satisfying.

Shredded cabbage is the basis for all of the cultured vegetable recipes. You may add other crunchy vegetables as long as you have cabbage mixed in with them. Do not use potatoes or starchy root vegetables other than carrots or beets. Use only organic products.

1 gallon glass jar with lid

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

shredded cabbage

shredded broccoli and cauliflower

shredded carrots

shredded collard greens or kale

fresh jalapeno peppers (optional)

dried basil

dried dill

dried parsley

dried cilantro

tumeric powder

cayenne pepper

sea salt

Directions: First, put your shredded vegetables and chopped jalapeno peppers in a double brown paper bag and sprinkle dried seasonings to taste. Shake the bag thoroughly to mix seasonings well, then put in a glass jar with a lid on it. Close the lid tightly and place in a dark, warm place or in the sun for 3-5 days to ferment. Then, open jar, stir vegetables and put in refrigerator. The veggies will have a strong, fermented smell like sauerkraut. At this point, they will still be crunchy. Leave for several days longer if you want them softer. The jar will keep for months in the refrigerator. Serve with coconut sour cream to create a coleslaw like entrée. Put sliced avocados and fresh cilantro on top. You can also eat fermented vegetables with your regular salad as a garnish.

COCONUT SOUR CREAM: See recipe for making coconut cream below, then add kefir culture to the mixture or 2 ounces of cultured coconut milk, which can be purchased from Whole Foods. Blend, then pour in a jar with a top and let it sit in a warm place for 1-2 days, depending on how warm the weather is. If possible, put in an oven that has a pilot lit. After 1-2 days, put sour cream in refrigerator. Refrigerated, it should keep for a month. Use on top of cultured veggies, mushrooms, soups or any vegetable dish.


This is hands down the most nutritious, alkaline, Candida fighting substance around. But the best part is that, as this drink heals your digestive tract, it also tightens your abs. Thus, drinking this elixir of life will not only give you a shot of blood plasma, but will boost your immune system as well. See Chapter 9 for additional benefits of Coconut Water Kefir.

Directions: After opening the coconuts and separating the meat from the water, warm the water from a case of young coconuts to a temperature of 113 degrees Fahrenheit. If you do not have a thermometer, test the water on your wrist; it should not be hot but warm like baby’s milk.

Once the water is warm, pour it into a glass container, bowl, or yogurt maker. Stir in your culture or 2 ounces of kefir culture from cultured coconut milk that you can buy from Whole Foods.

You may add additional probiotics to the water such as a tablespoon of powdered agave inulin or chicory inulin (a probiotic) in addition to opening up 5-10 capsules of probiotics and stirring those in as well. I recommend using more probiotics if you have a Candida based condition. Pour mixture into your yogurt maker and let sit on warm for 12 hours. If you do not have a yogurt maker, use the pilot light on your gas oven. If you do not have a gas oven, sit jar in a double boiler of warm water overnight. Refrigerate, after bottling the water and letting it sit a couple of days in a warm dark place to carbonate.


Smoothies, juices, shakes, my Uncafe Mocha Latte, or Parthenia’s Plasma shake are perfect transitional breakfast choices. All of my smoothies are filling, satisfying and act as substitute blood transfusions in that the water of the young coconut was used in World War II as a substitute for plasma, when blood was not available. The two components of blood are plasma and chlorophyll, thus, adding dark, leafy greens to the shake makes it a powerful substitute blood booster.


Half cup of fresh coconut milk (make your own or buy from Whole Foods)

Warm the milk in a glass container to the temperature of baby’s milk or let sit till room temperature.

Half cup of hot water

1 teaspoon of raw cacao

1 teaspoon Roma or any coffee substitute made from chicory

Dash of cinnamon

1 Tablespoon inulin (a prebiotic dietary fiber that metabolizes sugar and protein, available at health food stores)

1 package of Truvia for Candida sufferers or 1-2 teaspoon maple syrup, agave, or date palm sugar for others.

1 pinch of baking soda.

Pour into a large coffee mug, Stir with a bamboo whisk and serve hot alone or with my raw Uncookies™ as a dessert.


1 case of “young” coconuts from an Asian market, which are white and cone shaped on the top, not brown.

2 tablespoons of pure vanilla, or

2 tablespoons of orange extract or orange blossom water (from a Middle Eastern market)

1 meat cleaver (to open coconuts)

DIRECTIONS: Open the coconuts with several whacks to the top with a meat cleaver, straight through the shell or you can use a butcher knife, but you have to shave the white fiber off the top of the cone, then tap the round, brown, bald top with the back edge of the knife. It will crack open easily.

Once the coconut is open, check to make sure that the water is clear or golden. If it is purple or has a brown tint, throw it away. Pour the good water in a separate water pitcher and set aside.

Scrape the soft, white flesh of the coconut out of the shell using a spoon turned backwards, and put into the blender, mixed with about an ounce or two of coconut water. Do not put too much or the mixture will be too watery.

Use a heavy-duty blender. The cheaper blenders will not make creamy coconut milk or cream; it will be grainy and not have the smooth texture of milk.

Take half of the cream and set aside to use for the chocolate mousse recipe that follows this one. The rest of the cream is blended with the remaining coconut water to make coconut milk.

Add 2 tablespoons of vanilla or

2 tablespoons of orange extract

2 tablespoons of Truvia if you want your milk sweeter, but it will already be sweet from the coconut water.

Truvia is a natural, zero calorie sweetener that tastes delicious.

Pour contents into the blender and blend for a minute or until the coconut milk is creamy and smooth. This juice can also be used to make coconut ice cubes for refreshing popsicles.

Pour coconut milk in a glass jar and refrigerate. It will last 5-7 days in the refrigerator.


2 tablespoons of pure vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of orange blossom water or orange extract

4 packages of Truvia (a natural, zero calorie sweetener that tastes delicious) or Sweet Fiber, which is also natural and has zero calories.

2-3 cups of thick coconut cream

2 tablespoons raw cacao powder

2 tablespoons of inulin (agave or chicory) to make the mousse creamy and smooth

Take the coconut cream you set aside from the coconut milk and put it back in the blender after you have made the milk and stored it. There is no need to rinse the blender. Add all of the other ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth. Refrigerate and serve cold or freeze and let thaw for a half hour before serving.


This smoothie suppresses the appetite, has a refreshing taste, and provides amazing energy for workouts or throughout the day.

two young coconuts (water and meat),

one bunch of cilantro,

one scoop of super greens powder,

½ teaspoon of cayenne,

1 tablespoon of raw cacao,

1-2 tablespoons of agave inulin,

2 packages of Truvia,

1 cap of orange extract,

dash of cinnamon,

several fresh mint leaves,

6 ice cubes

dash of powdered cloves

Be sure to separate the coconut meat from the water and blend the meat first with only an ounce of the coconut water and the other ingredients so that it blends into a smooth cream. Pour in the rest of remaining coconut water after the cream is smooth. Blend again until smooth. Pour in a glass thermos to keep cold throughout the day and take to work or your workout.


Jackfruit is found in Hawaii and Thailand. It looks like a large watermelon with raised cones on the outside. The fruit inside is yellow and has the flavor and aroma of Juicy Fruit Gum.( This wonderful fruit is high in vitamins and minerals yet low in calories.

two young coconuts (water and meat)

½ one bunch of cilantro

4 small limes or 2 large limes

1 tablespoon of super green powder

2 tablespoons of agave inulin

2 packages of Truvia

1 tablespoon of orange extract

1 piece of fresh young ginger to taste, peeled and chopped

6 ice cubes

1 cup of jackfruit

Be sure to separate the coconut meat from the water and blend the meat first with only an ounce of the coconut water and the other ingredients first so that it will blend smoothly. Pour in the rest of the water after the cream is smooth and blend again till smooth. Blend in blender until smooth. Pour in a glass thermos to keep cold throughout the day. This smoothie suppresses the appetite, has a refreshing taste, and provides amazing energy.


I kept it simple and rotate between the following three choices with variations of ingredients, depending on the season and availability:

1) A Five Senses Salad (See Recipe Section of this book)

2) Sour Cream Coconut Kefir with one of the following: fresh pomegranates or fresh berries

3) Oyster or Portobello Mushroom Tacos. First, sauté mushrooms in olive oil, onions and jalapenos, over medium low heat. Drain mushrooms on napkins, sprinkle generously with sea salt and cayenne pepper. Serve in a cabbage or kale leaf or over a bed of lamb’s lettuce or mixed greens with chopped fresh basil, rosemary, cilantro, kalamata olives, sun dried tomatoes and avocado.


• 1 - 2 of Parthenia’s Un-Cookies™ by Pretty People Products.

• flax seed crackers (see recipe) with almond butter, kalamata olives and sun dried tomatoes. If you do not have Candida you can serve with hummus or tahnini vs. almond butter.

• yam chips sliced with a mandolin slicer, marinated in lime juice and sea salt, then drained and massaged in warm coconut oil before dehydrating for 24 hours or longer, depending on how crunchy you want them. I sprinkle cayenne on top of my chips for the most amazingly delicious and nutritious snack ever. They are rich in fiber and beta carotene.

• fresh, cole slaw with my creamy avocado, lime and rosemary dressing

• homemade pickled vegetables (use apple cider vinegar)



• provides more substance than the Master Cleanse

• gives your digestive system a break, allowing the body to use the energy spent on digesting food for healing the body or giving it a tune up

• is satisfying to the taste buds,

• feels like a real meal on the stomach

• provides enough energy for workouts

• one cannot workout or do strenuous work on the Master Cleanse

• one will lose 5-7 pounds per week

• one does not feel tired, bored or food deprived

• one can substitute any combination of fresh fruits and vegetables


• bananas are a dense carb that are high in calories with a tendency to constipate

• potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and beans are carbs that convert into sugar.

• broccoli and cauliflower create gas and increase weight gain

Remember to drink your minimum daily requirement of water while on a liquid fast, take a laxative tea or magnesium before going to bed, drink a cup of apple cider vinegar tea first thing in the morning and be sure to administer enemas, if you are not having three bowel movements a day.


For a Liquid Fast Choose any of the Following Juices or Smoothies

• 8-12 ounces of Parthenia’s Plasma Shake, or

Not for those on a Candida Cleanse:

• 6-8 ounces of any of the following fresh squeezed juices:

• orange juice (squeezed and blended in blender)

• pineapple juice (made in the blender)

• pink grapefruit (juiced and blended in the blender)

• apple juice (made in the juicer)

• grape juice (made in juicer)

Young coconuts are a staple item. They are white and shaved to a peak at the top. The water from young coconuts is identical to blood plasma. Thus, a shake with the water and tender meat from a young coconut thrown into a blender with spinach and arugula become a blood transfusion because the chlorophyll from the green plants make up the other component of blood (Eating For Beauty, David Wolfe)


Makes enough for four people

Drink this every day, whether fasting or not, since it curbs the appetite, speeds up or regulates the metabolism, and the ingredients build the blood. Remember, water from a young coconut has the same ingredients as plasma, minus the chlorophyll. That is the reason for adding green spinach and arugula. The chlorophyll in them creates a green blood transfusion. Blood in our bodies is actually blue green and only turns red when exposed to oxygen. Use your favorite fruits. The following are the fruits and vegetables I prefer:



1 young coconut (water and flesh)

1 mango (very high in antioxidants and beta carotene)

1 cup of pineapple (contains digestive enzymes)

1 cup of papaya (contains digestive enzymes)

1 handful of spinach (anti-aging, prevents cancer and macular degeneration of the eye) and arugula (contains vitamin C, E and beta carotene)

or cilantro (cilantro kills parasites and cleanses heavy metals). Note: Both arugula and cilantro are pungent so mixing them together can create a really strong taste, so use one or the other.

ice or water to create the coldness and consistency desired

1 tablespoon of raw cacao (a super food full of magnesium)

1 tablespoon of maca (for energy or male potency)

1 tablespoon of hemp (powerful protein)

1 teaspoon Super Greens powder (choose your favorite but include spirulina)

1 teaspoon of orange, vanilla, or lemon extract

dash of cinnamon, allspice, cloves (to kill parasites) and nutmeg

¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (blood purifier that cleanses the arteries and raises metabolism)

Pour the remaining plasma in a cold thermos, chill in the freezer to drink during the day.


(makes one large glass)

1 large, young coconut

1 tablespoon of orange extract

ice cubes

2 pitted dates or

two packages of Truvia for Candida sufferers

2 Tablespoons of raw carob or raw cacao

Set the water from the young coconut aside for later. Scrape the meat from the young coconut and put into blender along with the orange extract, dates and ice. Blend, then add the water from the young coconut.


Use as many dark, leafy green vegetables as possible because of their high content of B vitamins and calcium, especially kale, chard, water cress, bok choi, mustard, turnip, collars, cilantro, arugula, and cabbage.

Cabbage and cilantro are known to kill intestinal worms, while cilantro is a blood purifier and heavy metal cleanser. Combine leafy greens with carrots, beets, apples, carrots or pineapple to sweeten. Pineapples contain digestive enzymes.

Fresh, vegetable juice provides the best source of antioxidants and blood purifiers available to reverse the aging clock and induce weight loss for those who need it or to increase weight for those who are under weight. Drink a glass of vegetable juice a day whether fasting or not.


(Not for those on a Candida diet)

3 large beets

3 bunches of Kale

3 large or six small Fuji or Gala apples

This should make a quart. Drink within two days. It is very filling.

The following soups will suffice for dinner with flax seed crackers sprinkled on top (available at Whole Foods or you can make your own. See Recipe Section). Alternatively, the juice and meat of a young coconut will suffice for dinner or a filling snack.


(Those on a Candida diet, eliminate the carrots)

Choice of vegetables can be varied according to individual taste.

Do not leave out the avocado, basil, cilantro or dill.

1 large avocado or 2 small avocadoes

½ cup of chopped leeks

1 small turnip or daikon radish

1 handful of spinach, or bok choi, or watercress

1 handful of arugula

1 half bunch of cilantro

1 sprig of fresh basil

1 sprig of fresh rosemary (1/2 length of index finger)

1 small sprig of fresh dill

2 cubes of low sodium vegetable bullion (from Whole Foods)

1 fresh lemon (squeezed)

1 cup of baby carrots

1 jalapeno pepper (take out seeds)

1 slice of onion

½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

1 lime

1 lemon

2 cups of hot water

Lay out vegetables so that they are room temperature, before placing into the blender. If they are fresh out of the fridge, run hot water over them so that they are not cold.

Dump all of the ingredients into your blender except for the lemon juice. Pour two cups of boiling water into the blender until the blender is almost half full of water. This hot water will not destroy the enzymes in the vegetables because the vegetables themselves are not boiled.

Blend until smooth in the blender. Squeeze the lemon/lime juice into the blender after ingredients are smooth, and then blend again. Serve immediately. Soup best served warm.


(serves two and good for Candida Diet)

2 large Heirloom tomatoes, chopped

½ cup basil

1 small sprig of rosemary (half the size of index finger)

1 cup of chopped cilantro leaves

2 limes

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons Nana Shoyu Soy Sauce or balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons of herbed white wine vinegar

1 large jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped

1 small bottle of seedless Kalamata olives cut in half for garnish

½ to one cup of hot water (depending on thickness of soup)

½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

dash of Himalayan sea salt to taste

Dump vegetables into blender with seasonings and hot water. Blend until smooth. Garnish with kalamata olives along with a little of their juice and a few leaves of basil or chopped basil.


Choose from the following:

• lots of fresh water (preferably structured, alkaline)

• leafy green juices mixed with apple, beet or carrot juices (not for Candida diet)

• plain carrot, apple, or beet juice (Not for Candida diet)

• 2-4 ounces of apple butter, peach butter, fig butter or other fruit butter (not for Candida diet)

• 8 ounces of plain or chocolate coconut milk mixed in the blender (made with Truvia for Candida)


• eating small portions more frequently

• ceasing to eat once the hunger signal is gone

• leaving food on the plate

• savor each mouthful by chewing it slowly and thoroughly

• drink Parthenia’s Coconut Plasma everyday whether fasting or not


Start off each day with a glass of Parthenia’s Plasma or a glass of your favorite fresh squeezed juice or smoothie listed under breakfast smoothies. Those who are not fasting will enjoy the following filling and satisfying breakfast cereal:


(Candida dieters substitute berries for the apple)

Note: I am gluten intolerant as is about 70% of the population, who are unaware that many of their aches and pains, especially fibromyalgia is associated with food allergies. The number one culprit is wheat. Even though buckwheat has the word “wheat” in it, buckwheat is alkaline and gluten free.

2 cups sprouted buckwheat soaked for 2-4 hours and drained or you can soak overnight if you want it softer.

1 large Fuji apple, chopped with skin on it

½ cup raisins

½ cup coconut cream (see recipe below)

2 tablespoons of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of orange extract

2 packages of Truvia or Sweet Fiber

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg

2 tablespoons of raw cacao

Place all ingredients into a bowl, except the coconut cream, then mix. Put one half of the coconut cream into the cereal and use the other half to dollop on top when serving. Or you can use coconut milk and eat it like a regular cereal. Has a nutty taste. With the cacao, it is mindful of coco puffs cereal.

Serves four people and will last one person 5 days in the refrigerator.


Scrape the meat/flesh from inside of the young coconut and put into blender with one half cup of the coconut water, save the rest of the water to drink later. Blend until smooth and creamy. Add one teaspoon of orange extract to the coconut cream, 2 packages of Truvia and 1 teaspoon of vanilla and blend.



I often hear from family members, friends and clients who are moving toward life sustaining eating habits that they simply “have to have meat.” So, I came up with a transitional flesh food. I decided upon fish because it is the most alkaline of all meats and fresh caught salmon does not have heavy metals like mercury and is rich in omega oils. The following recipe is ideal for carnivores trying to cut down or move away from consuming flesh.

I actually created this recipe for my diehard meat-eating relatives in Texas whose culinary palates are hard to please. It turned out to be a big hit with all of them. Avoid canned salmon to prevent heavy metal poisoning which damages the brain, liver and other organs. The cilantro in the recipe is good for cleaning the liver of heavy metal toxicity. The apple cider vinegar is NOT optional. It alkalizes the acid in the fish, kills bacteria, and aids in digestion of meat protein.


(I threw in one recipe for carnivores trying to break the dead meat addiction)


Serves two people

1 package of cold smoked salmon, organic, wild caught

½ purple onion, sliced

1 large jalapeno pepper thinly sliced

½ cup chopped cilantro

1 tomato, chopped

1 avocado, chopped

¼ cup olive oil

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons Nama Shoyu soy sauce

½ teaspoon Himalayan sea salt

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 limes (squeezed)

Mix in bowl and serve room temperature.


(Safe for Candida Diet if you omit soy sauce)

This salad is rich in fiber and B vitamins. It is really good for cleansing and soothing the intestinal tract. Each mouthful feels divinely satisfying. The limes cook the okra.

2 cups of sliced okra

2 cups of sliced mushrooms

1 chopped avocado (firm, not too ripe)

1 cup of chopped cilantro

2 chopped jalapeno peppers (seeded)

3 large limes (roll before squeezing and scraping)

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

½ to ¾ cup of Nama Shoyu soy sauce

2 tablespoons dried parsley

½ cup kalamata olive oil

Mix ingredients in a bowl, stir together, let sit for 10 minutes to marinade, serve.


Serves four people and is safe for Candida Diet

This salad satisfies the body’s cravings for bitter, sweet, sour, pungent, and spicy foods:

Omit or substitute items, according to taste buds. Just make sure you have all five flavors.



Purple onions

Fresh jalapeno pepper or chili pepper

Cayenne pepper to taste (a blood purifier)

Red, yellow and green bell peppers

Half a bunch of chopped cilantro (this is a blood purifier and parasite killer)

Baby spinach

Romaine lettuce

Purple cabbage (rich in vitamin C)


Dried cranberries, dried raisins, or fresh pomegranate seeds

Almonds that have been soaked for 12 hours and drained or raw walnuts

Flax seed crackers crumbled on top,

2 tbl of whole flax seeds, raw hemp seeds or raw sesame seeds

Green olives stuffed with jalapenos or Kalamata olives

Rawmesan (a substitute for parmesan cheese).

Use fresh feta for those trying to break the addiction to cheese

Chop up ingredients, toss with dressing, and sprinkle Rawmesan or feta cheese, cayenne pepper, sea salt, and nut seeds on top.

Blanched Kale, Cranberry, Ginger Salad

2 bags of chopped kale

4 limes (if you want to marinade the kale) or

4 lemons if you do not want the kale marinaded

1 cup cranberries (rinse them in warm water)

1 cup of shredded fresh baby ginger

¼ cup of Nama Shoyu soy sauce

1 teaspoon of sea salt

cayenne pepper to taste

1 teaspoon turmeric

Boil a pot of water. Let the water get to the point where it is hot, not boiling any longer. Put kale in a strainer and hold over a bowl. Pour the hot water over the kale only once, then quickly dump this kale into a separate mixing bowl. Kale should be bright green and still crunchy, not dark green. Fill the strainer again and pour the hot water that drained in the other bowl over the remaining kale.

Mix in remaining ingredients and combine well. Serve with coconut sour cream on top and garnish with avocados.

Creamy Rosemary, Basil, Avocado Dressing

Safe for Candida Diet

1 large avocado

1 cup chopped rosemary leaves

½ cup chopped basil leaves

½ cup fresh lemon juice

½ cup virgin olive oil

½ tsp sea salt

½ tsp cayenne

¼ cup water

½ bunch cilantro

1 tbl apple cider vinegar

Peel avocado, place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. Add more or less water, depending on the consistency you would like.

Balsamic Sesame Dressing:

(Candida Dieters Omit Sesame)

Equal amounts of:

Fresh lemon juice

Olive oil

Sesame seed oil (raw)

Balsamic vinegar


Safe for Candida Diet. You may substitute sea salt water for Nama Shoyu soy sauce (2 tablespoons of salt dissolved in one cup of water)

Onion Bread Recipe:

3 onions

¾ cup of Raw Flax Seeds

¾ cup Raw Pumpkin Seeds

1/3 cup of olive oil or coconut oil

1/3 cup of Nama Shoyu soy sauce (it’s raw)

Grind the flax and pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder to make the flour.

Pour flour into a bowl, and then use your food processor or a knife to cut the onions into round slices. Put them in the bowl with the flour. Pour olive oil and soy sauce or sea salt water on top then mix with a spatula until it is blended.

Spread dough onto your dehydrator sheet to a thickness of no more than a fourth or a half of an inch; otherwise it will be difficult to dry. It can take 24 to 48 hours to dehydrate at 118 degrees, depending on the thickness of your loaf. You may need to turn the bread over to dry both sides evenly.



Marinade Portobello mushrooms for 2-4 hours in lots of olive oil, fresh lemon juice, onions, sea salt, powdered dill, cayenne, and parsley. Put mushrooms on top of salad, using the marinade as a drizzling sauce for pizza.

Over a bowl of fresh arugula, slice avocados, chop up cilantro and chives, sprinkle with your favorite olives and sun dried tomatoes aged in olive oil and sliced. Spread over the onion bread crust.


2 cups of raw flax seeds

2 cups water (use only enough to cover the tops of the flax seeds)

¼ cup dried or fresh parsley

½ cup fresh cilantro or dried

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

½ teaspoon of sea salt

½ cup Nama Shoyu soy sauce

1 tablespoon of garlic powder

Mix ingredients then cover in filtered water that is twice the amount of ingredients. Let soak for 2-4 hours until the mixture is thick and gooey. Spread thinly but evenly on dehydrator trays. Let dry over night at 118 degrees.

SNACK SUGGESTIONS (* Good For Candida Dieters)

• Almonds soaked over night and drained (keep refrigerated) *

• Raw flax, hemp, pumpkin, or sunflower seeds *

• A smoothie with cultured coconut milk, fresh raspberries or blueberries *

• The juice and meat of a young coconut *

• Flax seed crackers,* guacamole,*

• Hommus or tapenade Dip



(Serves 8) Not for Candida Dieters


3 small baskets of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.

OR 3 Cups of Ripe White Peaches, sliced or diced

2 large mangos, diced (for custard)

3 young coconuts (the meat or flesh scraped from inside)

¾-1 cup of raw, dried coconut powder (aka dried coconut milk) for creaminess

vanilla extract or vanilla beans (for custard and crust)

orange extract (for custard and syrup)

almond extract (for crust)

1 cup of dates (pitted)

A dash of nutmeg, allspice or cinnamon in crust and in fruit syrup

2 cups of walnuts, almonds OR pecans (or your favorite nut)

2 heaping tablespoons of raw cacao powder (crust)

1 fresh orange (for syrup)

½ cup of dried cranberries

½ cup of dried raisins

½ cup of dried white peaches or apricots

½ cup dried mixed berries

2 tablespoons of agar agar in ½ cup of boiling water, stirring constantly over boiling water until dissolved.

CREAM: Drain water from young coconuts, scrape the flesh out, pat dry with a clean paper towel and put in blender along with flesh from the two mangos. Pour in the dried coconut powder, a half cup of agave syrup, a tablespoon of vanilla, and 1 tablespoon of orange extract. Blend in food processor or blender until creamy and smooth. Add a dash of allspice. Put in freezer for a half hour to an hour to thicken.

CRUST: In food processor put 2 tablespoons of cacao powder, 1/2 cup of agave syrup, 1 cup of dates, walnuts, soaked and drained almonds, OR whatever nuts you choose, a tablespoon of almond extract, a tablespoon of vanilla, a tablespoon of orange extract, a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon and dried fruits in the food processor and blend until doughy, but still crunchy. Set aside a half a cup to distribute on top for banana pudding.

FRUIT SYRUP: Blend one cup of your favorite berries or peaches with the juice of one orange, two tablespoons of agave nectar sweetener and 1 teaspoon of orange extract.

Spread crust on bottom of pan, pour coconut mango cream on top put in freezer until solid then arrange fresh berries on top of cream before serving. Drizzle fruit syrup on top of fruit.


Substitute Truvia for Candida Dieters

2 cups of soft meat from young coconuts

½ cup of raw carob powder (if you like milk chocolate) or

½ cup of raw chocolate if you like dark chocolate

½ cup of agave syrup

1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

1 tablespoon of banana extract (omit for chocolate pudding)

1 tablespoon of orange extract

1 dash of nutmeg or cinnamon (optional)

Blend ingredients until smooth. Chill in the fridge. Serve cold.

FOR BANANA PUDDING add a banana rubbed with lemon juice, omit the raw chocolate or carob. Thinly slice two bananas, drizzle with lemon juice to keep their color, and place on top of the pudding. Set aside a half cup of the crust from the fruit cobble to pinch into cookie crumbs and sprinkle them on top of pie.


Not for Candida Dieters

(Use this same recipe for any fruit butter you like, fig, peach, plum, berries, etc.)

4 Fuji or gala apples (peeled, cored and juiced). Use the pulp to make the butter

2 dates (pitted)

2 tablespoons agave nectar

1 tablespoon vanilla

1 tablespoon orange extract

1 dash of cinnamon

Take pulp from the juicer, put into blender and mix with other ingredients until smooth. Serve chilled.

Use the same recipe to make peach or fig butter but use almond extract or coconut extract in the butter.


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