Not Harsh Enough

Academic Honesty in the News

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|Read each entry below and rate the consequence given to the “cheaters” on a scale of 1 – 5. |

|1 being not harsh enough and 5 being too severe. |

|Arrests Made In UA Grade-Changing Incident |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|After a two-month investigation by the University of Arkansas Police Department in conjunction with the City of Fayetteville | | | | | |

|Prosecutor's Office, warrants were issued this week for the arrest of six individuals for unlawfully altering grades at the | | | | | |

|University of Arkansas. | | | | | |

|On Monday and Tuesday, five individuals were arrested for violations of Arkansas Code 5-37-225, "Use of false transcript, diploma, | | | | | |

|or grade report from postsecondary educational institution," a misdemeanor offense, according to the Prosecutor's office. | | | | | |

|In addition, the investigation by the University of Arkansas System's Office of Internal Audit remains ongoing at present. Designed | | | | | |

|to test the integrity of the overall grade reporting system, the Internal Audit investigation involves a random sampling of hundreds| | | | | |

|of student records over the last several years. This investigation will continue as long as necessary. | | | | | |

|As the investigations continue, University officials are considering corrective actions that may be necessary in the policies and | | | | | |

|procedures of the Office of the Registrar. | | | | | |

|"One corrective action we have already put in place is a prohibition on students or student-employees working in the Registrar's | | | | | |

|Office," said University Provost Bob Smith. | | | | | |

|In addition to criminal charges, the individuals arrested will face charges under the Student Code of Conduct, according to Brian | | | | | |

|Hemphill, associate vice chancellor and dean of students. The University Judicial Board, composed of faculty and students, will be | | | | | |

|responsible for reviewing the case. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|"Arrests Made In UA Grade-Changing Incident." University of Arkansas Daily Headlines. 26 Sep. 2001. 29 Aug. 2008 | | | | | |

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|34 Duke Business Students Face Discipline for Cheating |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Thirty-four first-year business graduate students at Duke University cheated on a take-home final exam, a judicial board has found, | | | | | |

|in what officials called the most widespread cheating episode in the business school’s history. The final was an open-book test in a| | | | | |

|required course in March, with students told to take the exam on their own. But many students collaborated, in violation of the | | | | | |

|school’s honor code, according to a ruling last week by the judicial board of the Fuqua School of Business at Duke. Nine of the | | | | | |

|students face expulsion, according to the ruling, which was distributed within the business school on Friday. Fifteen students were | | | | | |

|suspended for a year and given a failing grade in the course; nine were given a failing grade in the course, and one got a failing | | | | | |

|grade on the exam. Four students accused of cheating were exonerated. | | | | | |

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|Finder, Alan. "34 Duke Business Students Face Discipline for Cheating ." New York Times 1 May 2007. 28 Aug. 2008 | | | | | |

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|18 Air Force Cadets Exit Over Cheating |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Fifteen cadets have been expelled and three others have resigned in a cheating scandal at the United States Air Force Academy near | | | | | |

|Colorado Springs, an Air Force official said yesterday. Thirteen more cadets have been placed on probation, and there was | | | | | |

|insufficient evidence to give out any punishment to nine others who were under investigation. Johnny Whitaker, director of | | | | | |

|communications for the Air Force Academy, said the action was the result of an investigation that began in February after a group of| | | | | |

|cadets, all freshman, were accused of cheating on a weekly multiple choice test taken Jan. 31. Mr. Whitaker said fellow cadets | | | | | |

|reported the cheating, which involved the sharing of answers over the Internet. As stipulated by the Air Force honor code, cadets, | | | | | |

|supervised by military officers, undertook the inquiry of their peers. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Frosch, Dan. "18 Air Force Cadets Exit Over Cheating." New York Times 2 May 2007. 7 Aug. 1929 | | | | | |

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|Dean at M.I.T. Resigns, Ending a 28-Year Lie |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Marilee Jones, the dean of admissions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, became well known for urging stressed-out | | | | | |

|students competing for elite colleges to calm down and stop trying to be perfect. Yesterday she admitted that she had fabricated her| | | | | |

|own educational credentials, and resigned after nearly three decades at M.I.T. Officials of the institute said she did not have even| | | | | |

|an undergraduate degree. Ms. Jones, 55, originally from Albany, had on various occasions represented herself as having degrees from| | | | | |

|three upstate New York institutions: Albany Medical College, Union College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In fact, she had no| | | | | |

|degrees from any of those places, or anywhere else, M.I.T. officials said. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Lewin, Tamar . "Dean at M.I.T. Resigns, Ending a 28-Year Lie." New York Times 27 Apr. 2007. 28 Aug. 2008 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Circleville valedictorian steps down after admitting he plagiarized commencement speech |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|The Circleville High School valedictorian relinquished the honor after admitting to school officials that he plagiarized his speech | | | | | |

|for the school's graduation ceremonies. Acosta admitted to school officials that he lifted about two-thirds of his speech, “You Say| | | | | |

|Goodbye. I Say Hello,” from a YouTube video on the Internet. He gave the speech, which refers to the Beatles song of the same name, | | | | | |

|at Sunday's commencement. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Nowak, J.. "Circleville valedictorian steps down after admitting he plagiarized commencement speech." The Columbus Dispatch 5 June | | | | | |

|2008. 28 Aug. 2008 | | | | | |

|An F for Originality |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|First-time authors dream of their work flying off the shelves--but not like this. One moment, Kaavya Viswanathan was a literary | | | | | |

|marvel, a Harvard sophomore with a reported $500,000 two-book deal and a highly touted chick-lit novel, How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, | | | | | |

|Got Wild, and Got a Life. The next thing, her publisher, Little Brown, was recalling every copy of Opal from the shelves. The | | | | | |

|defect? Viswanathan, 19, had plagiarized dozens of passages from two young-adult novels by Megan McCafferty. ** Two years later her| | | | | |

|name is still smeared all over the internet. A google search on September 2nd resulted in t 38,700 for "Kaavya Viswanathan" most of| | | | | |

|which were negative in nature. ** | | | | | |

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|Poniewozik, James. "An F for Originality - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Opinions, Multimedia and Blogs - TIME. 30 Apr. 2006. 29 | | | | | |

|Aug. 2008 | | | | | |

|Twenty or more FSU players might be pulled from bowl |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|At least 20 Florida State football players will be suspended from playing against Kentucky in the Dec. 31 Gaylord Hotels Music City | | | | | |

|Bowl, as well as the first three games of the 2008 season, for their roles in an academic cheating scandal involving an | | | | | |

|Internet-based course, a source with knowledge of the situation said Tuesday morning. The school revealed in September that as | | | | | |

|many as 23 student-athletes were given answers before taking exams over the Internet. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Schlabach , Mark . "ESPN - Twenty or more FSU players might be pulled from bowl - College Football." . 19 Dec. 2007. 29 Aug.| | | | | |

|2008 | | | | | |

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