APUSH with Mr. Johnson

Sinking of the Lusitania News Report

Hunter Arpaia as the News Reporter

Dakota Gilley as the News Anchor

Shakirah Gaines as American Mr. Nicholas Naftel

Laura Neely as German Adam

Cheyenne Robinson as British Survivor Mrs, Albert Adams

Dakota: Good evening, and welcome to Channel 8 News at 5, my name is Dakota Gilley. It is approximately 5:03 on May 7, 1915. We have breaking news report this evening off the coast of Ireland, of a sunken British ocean liner, the RMS Lusitania. We have news correspondent Hunter Arpaia on the coast of Great Britain interviewing some of the few survivors. But first here is a quick video about the Lusitania and what happened.

(Click on Lusitania ship picture for video)

Over to you Hunter!

Hunter: Thanks Dakota! The British ocean liner that ferried citizens and goods between the United States and Great Britain across the Atlantic, was reportedly torpedoed by a German U-boat this afternoon at about 1:40 pm. The ship is reported to have 1,959 people on board with 1,198 people reported dead, including 128 Americans. First joining us we have an American survivor. Hi sir can you tell me your name please?

Shakirah: Hi, my name is Nicolas Naftel

Hunter: Good evening Nicholas. How are you feeling after the tragic accident?

Shakirah: I’m just a little bit shocked but then again im not surprised.

Hunter: Why aren’t you that surprised sir?

Shakirah: Earlier this week the German embassy in the United States had placed a newspaper advertisement warning people not to sail on Lusitania. When I saw this it didn’t scare me because I was sure this would never happen to me, but what are the odds that it has happened to me.

Hunter: I do recall that earlier in the newspapers this week. Surely many Americans never though anything would ever happen. So how did you feel when the ship was hit?

Shakirah: Well at first I had heard a big boom and felt the ship move back and forth but didn’t know what it was until the ship crew ran around screaming “Sinking ship! The ship is sinking! Run to the lifeboats!” Then I panicked and did what I was asked and quickly ran aboard a lifeboat to safety.

Hunter: That’s incredible im glad you’re alright! How do you think this will impact America?

Shakirah: First off I believe that America will no longer trust the Germans. I also believe that America will now declare war and enter World War l. The United States will shift from a neutral country to join the allies.

Hunter: Thanks Nicholas for you time. Stay safe and were glad you’re okay. Next we have a British survivor here with us to share her thoughts. Hello ma’am please tell me your name.

Cheyenne: Hi Hunter thanks for having me. My name is Albert Adams

Hunter: So Mrs. Adams what are your thoughts about the whole tragic experience?

Cheyenne: The whole event was so tragic and I’d never expect me to be in the middle of the Unites States and Germany. So many people were trying to escape and there wasn’t enough lifeboats or time for everyone to get off. I’m just so lucky that I got off in time. I’m still in shock and just lost for words. So many innocent people are dead now and it’s tragic.

Hunter: Thanks for your time Mrs. Adams. I appreciate you using your time to tell us about you experience and thoughts. Now for our final guest we have a German soldier that was in the U-boat that torpedoed the Lusitania. Hi sir there are so many questions we could ask you but for time sakes were going to ask you one simple question. Why did you sink the Lusitania with over a thousand innocent?

Laura: The main reason we torpedoed the RMS Lusitania was the fact that the British ocean liner was carrying war supplies between America and Britain. We thought the ship was going to attack because it slowed down off the coast of Ireland. We needed to stop the ship because the United States was shipping weapons to Great Britain.

Hunter: Well thanks for your time Sir. Have a good day. Well you heard it first here from Channel 8 News about the tragic sinking of the Lusitania, killing 1,198 humans. Back to Dakota in the studio!

Dakota: Thanks Hunter for the wonderful interviews with the survivors and the German soldier. This is Dakota Gilley and Hunter Arpaia signing off at 5:30. Have a good evening citizens!


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