
Gorbachev's GlasnostGlasnost was a policy that called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union. Introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the second half of the 1980s, Glasnost is often paired with Perestroika (literally: Restructuring), another reform instituted by Gorbachev at the same time. The word "glasnost" has been used in Russian at least since the end of the 18th century. The word was frequently used by Gorbachev to specify the policies he believed might help reduce the corruption at the top of the Communist Party and the Soviet government and moderate the abuse of administrative power in the Central Committee. Russian human rights activist and dissident Lyudmila Alexeyeva explained "glasnost" as a word that "had been in the Russian language for centuries. It was in the dictionaries and lawbooks as long as there had been dictionaries and lawbooks. It was an ordinary, hardworking, nondescript word that was used to refer to a process, any process of justice of governance, being conducted in the open." Glasnost can also refer to the specific period in the history of the USSR during the 1980s when there was less censorship and greater freedom of information.Oil Crisis-OPECThe 1973 oil crisis started in October 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries or the OAPEC (consisting of the Arab members of OPEC, plus Egypt, Syria and Tunisia) proclaimed an oil embargo.In the Yom Kippur War of that year, Egypt and Syria, with the support of other Arab nations, launched a military campaign against Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar in order to regain Arab territories lost to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War. [1] The United States chose to re-supply Israel with arms and in response, OAPEC decided to retaliate against the United States, announcing an oil embargo.[2] It lasted until March 1974.[3]With the Arab nations' actions seen as initiating the oil embargo and the long-term possibility of high oil prices, disrupted supply, and recession, a strong rift was created within NATO. Additionally, some European nations and Japan sought to disassociate themselves from the U.S. policy in the Middle East. Arab oil producers had also linked the end of the embargo with successful U.S.?efforts to create peace in the Middle East, which complicated the situation. To address these developments, the Nixon Administration began parallel negotiations with both Arab oil producers to end the embargo, and with Egypt, Syria, and Israel to arrange an Israeli pull back from the Sinai and the Golan Heights . By January 18, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from parts of the Sinai. The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was sufficient to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974.[3]Perestroika was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s (1986), widely associated with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost (meaning "openness") policy reform. The literal meaning of perestroika is "restructuring", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system.Perestroika is often argued to be the cause of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe, and the end of the Cold War.[2]Perestroika allowed more independent actions from various ministries and introduced some market-like reforms. The goal of the perestroika, however, was not to end the command economy but rather to make socialism work more efficiently to better meet the needs of Soviet consumers.[3] The process of implementing perestroika arguably exacerbated already existing political, social and economic tensions within the Soviet Union and no doubt helped to further nationalism in the constituent republics. Perestroika and resistance to it are often cited as major catalysts leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev changed the meaning of freedom for the people of the USSR. Previously, freedom had meant recognition of the Marxist–Leninist regime. Now, however, freedom meant escaping all constraints. He also ceased the persecution of religion under perestroika and allowed the publishing of previously banned books, such as Nineteen Eighty-Four, Animal Farm, and Doctor Zhivago. Although Gorbachev's attempts at perestroika ultimately failed, he drastically changed the perceptions of the outside world towards Russia.[4]Policy of Détente "Détente," a French word meaning "release of tensions." It was hoped that the new relationship would herald a permanent improvement in relations between the U.S. and Soviet Union, but differences in outlook led to an increasing number of conflicts. Such early successes as the SALT I treatyDomestic opposition to Détente grew in 1973. Consideration of "most favored nation" status for the Soviet Union was stalled in Congress over the issue of Soviet treatment of its Jewish population and political dissidents. Following Nixon's resignation in 1974, his successor, Gerald Ford, made it clear to the Soviets that his new administration was still committed to Détente. SALT II produced an accord in June 1979. President Jimmy Carter presented it to the Senate for approval, but opposition delayed ratification. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan suspended work on ratification.The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 effectively ended the policy of Détente and began a new military buildup.Nixon in China The US and mainland China had not had formal relations since 1949, when the People Republic of China was created. The US instead considered “China” the Republic of China based in Taiwan. In the early 70s a rift formed between China and the Soviet Union. Nixon and his administration saw this an opportunity to exploit this split in the communist world.After negotiations Nixon arrived for a formal state visit to China in 1972. The goals were to solve the tension between China and Taiwan, to help bring Chinese influence into a treaty ending the Vietnam War and drive a division in the Communist Bloc, as well as open up trade negotiations. This trip was also a major public relations boost for Nixon in the 1972 election.The resulting opening of relations led to the strong economic ties we have with China today.The Iran Hostage CrisisThe Iranian Hostage Crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States. The Islamic Revolution overthrew the US backed Shaw of Iran. The new Islamic government was heavily anti-Western. During this incident, fifty-three United States diplomats were taken hostage by members of the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line. The reason that the Americans were being held hostage was that they perceived Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the former Shah of Iran, to be a war criminal and demanded that the United States return him to Iran for trial. The Shaw was in the United States to receive medical treatment. The Americans were held hostage by the Iranians, who would not release them until their demands were met. The US attempted a rescue mission, but it failed resulting in several deaths. Iran and the United States eventually worked out a deal, releasing the hostages four hundred forty-four days after they were captured. This release was only 2 hours after Ronald Reagan was sworn in a president.This crisis was seen at home and abroad as an example of the weakness of the Carter administration and contributed heavily to the Carter losing reelection.Soviets in Afghanistan In December 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to aid the communist government in power since an earlier 1978 coup overthrew the monarchy.The Soviet forces fought against a guerrilla threat from the mujahedeen fighters. The mujahedeen were fighting a jihad for Islam (the Soviet Union was officially atheist). These fighters were made up of both native Afghans and foreign fighters primarily Arabs. One of these Arabs was a young Osama Bin Laden. The network and training created in 1980s Afghanistan is the origin of Al-Qaeda. The fight against the Soviets was financed by both oil rich Arab countries and the United States. The US CIA particularly providing funds and stinger missiles to shoot down Soviet planes and helicopters. The US was happy to aid to produce a “Vietnam for the Soviets”. The Soviet occupation in the 1980s resulted in nearly 50,000 causalities and aided the collapse of the Soviet Union. Other long term results are the creation of Al-Qaeda and thousands of trained jihadist’s. A continued civil war and instability in Afghanistan that allowed Al-Qaeda to be sheltered.Iran Contra ScandalThe Iran-Contra Scandal was announced to the American public on November 3, 1986. It was a political scandal in which the Reagan administration announced that it had been selling weaponry to Iran against an embargo placed on Iran due to the 1979 hostage crisis, as well as the known fact we were also supporting Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War currently underway.In addition, the profits that were being made from the sale of weapons to the Iranians were being used to fund the Contra rebels who were revolting against the Sandanista government of Nicaragua. The civil war in Nicaragua was horrific and violent with US public support against being involved. Both actions were opposed to stated U.S. policy. President Reagan tried to calm the situation. An investigation occurred with Lt. Colonel Oliver North USMC taking the primary fall in this scandal. It is still not totally known how much President Reagan was actively involved in the actions. Many administration officials and Reagan stated he was not directly involved. Even Vice President George Bush who will run for President and win in 1988 said he was “out of the loop”. One current view coming to light after Reagan announced he had Alzheimers Disease; is that he may have genuinely not have remembered or been in the right state of mind during points of his presidency.Autumn 1989Soviet reforms (Perestroika & Glasnot) and its eventual state of bankruptcy allowed the eastern part of Europe to rise up against the communist governments. On November 9, 1989, the border that had been dividing East and West Germany was finally opened. This occurred after weeks of civil unrest within the country. Upon hearing this decree, a swarm of East Germans rushed the wall, with the guards at the wall caught off guard by the massive amounts of people who were coming. The East Germans were able to climb onto the wall and cross it, meeting up with friends and family that had been in West Germany. Over the new few weeks, parts of the wall were taken by those wanting a piece of history. It was later torn down with traditional construction equipment. By 1990 Germany was reunified for the first time since 1945. Similar events also happened in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary. While most of this “Velvet Revolution” was peaceful the President of Romania, Nicolai Chochescku responded with force, but was eventually overthrown. Breakup of the Soviet Union After the presidents of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus formed the Commonwealth of Independent States on December 8, 1991, it meant the Soviet Union came to an end. Gorbachev did not want to, but he eventually agreed with Russian President Boris Yeltsin to end the Soviet Union on December 17.On Christmas Day, Gorbachev resigned as the leader of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union formally ended the next day. Upon hearing the news, Yeltsin called United States President George H.W. Bush to alert him. That night, Bush spoke with the American public on television, stating that the Cold War had officially ended.By 1992 communism had collapsed in the world. The Soviet Union had collapsed into multiple states, and the former communist countries of eastern Europe were moving into democracy & free markets.Today the only countries that are based on a communist system are China, North Korea and Cuba, with only North Korea truly embracing a fully command economy.Cold War Quest For Knowledge Part IIOPEC- Oil CrisisWhat does OPEC or OAPEC stand for?2) What was it?3) How did it begin?4) How did/does it impact America?Perestroika5) Was a reformation of what political party?6) When was it during (decade)? . 7) Who initiated this reform? .8) It translates as .9) If its goal was not to end communism what did it want to do with their socialist system?10) What is considered a major effect of Perestroika?11) Was Perestroika considered a success in the Soviet Union?Glasnot13) This policy called for… 14) Introduced by 15) What was Gorbachev’s goal of Glasnot in regard to the Communist Party & Soviet Administration?Policy of Détente16) What is the translation of Detente?17) Which presidents embraced this policy?18) What was an early success of this policy?19) What factor led to opposition in Congress to this policy?20) What event stalled the SALT II treaty?21) What president ends this policy?Nixon in China22) When did the US cut ties with mainland China? Why?23) Who had the US considered the “China”?24) What were the goals Nixon had on his visit to China?Iran Hostage Crisis25) Why were the hostages taken?26) When were the hostages released?27) What was the result of this crisis for President Carter?Soviets in Afghanistan28) Why did the Soviets invaded in 1979?29) Who fought the Soviets during the 1980’s?30) Who aided these guerrilla fighters?31) What was the US hoping to recreate for the Soviets?32) What is a long term effect of supporting the Mujahedeen in the 1980’s?Iran Contra Scandal33) Who was the US found to have been selling weapons to illegally?34) Where were the profits from this action going?35) Who became the fall guy in this scandal?36) What did VP Bush say about his involvement during the 1988 election?37) Why might Reagan have not been aware of these policies?Autumn 198938) What Soviet policies allowed for the rising to occur?39) What are some other countries that throw out communism in 1989?Breakup of the Soviet Union40) Why does this seem to be the end of the Cold War? ................

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