Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Pledge - SportsEngine

1647190198882000Crystal Lake Raiders Cheerleading Parent and Cheerleader HandbookDear Cheerleaders and Parents:Welcome to the Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Season. Whether you’re a returning cheerleader or a first year participant, we would like to extend our greetings to you, and hope this season proves to be a fun and rewarding experience!Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer wants to promote pride, unity, and teamwork and to be the example of good behavior and sportsmanship. Our goal is to teach the sport of cheer in a way that is positive and effective while preparing youth for junior high and high school level squads. We maintain high levels of expectations for all persons involved with the Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer program in order to be successful as an organization, as squads, and as individual participants. We understand that participation in the Crystal Lake Raider Cheer program is a commitment to your children, your families, and your teammates. We strive to ensure that everyone involved has a rewarding experience. The Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer program is a volunteer organization and it’s successful because of the dedication and commitment of our volunteers and you, our parents!The Parent/Cheerleader Handbook was developed to provide parents an understanding of the Crystal Lake Football and Cheerleading standards and level of expectations for both you and your cheerleader(s). You and your daughter will be required to sign the acceptance form, which confirms your understanding of the contents of this handbook and acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct/expectations at your daughters first practice. Parents are as important to the success of the program as the cheerleaders. Team Moms, Coaches and parents must work together. Anything you can do to assist your squad throughout the season would be greatly appreciated. During the season you are certain to have many questions. Your team mom and coach will be your primary source of information throughout the season. Please feel free to contact us as you need to. Communication and cooperation are KEY to a successful program.Board MembersDawn SamplesExecutive VP Cheercheervp@Nicole ShevchenkoCheer Operationscheerpom1@Stacy CaramelaCheer Coordinatorcheerpom2@Rose BragdonVP, Sparkle Operationssparkle@Nicole ZoetmulderApparelstore@We thank you for trusting us with your most treasured “possession,” your child. A safe, enjoyable and rewarding experience for is our number one goal. We thank you for your interest and your continued support throughout the upcoming season. It is our sincere hope that this will be an exciting and rewarding cheer season. Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Pledge PAGEREF _Toc446526902 \h - 3 -Cheerleader Expectations, Code of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc446526903 \h - 3 -Parent Expectations, Code of Conduct, 24 Hour Rule PAGEREF _Toc446526904 \h - 4 -Disciplinary Action PAGEREF _Toc446526905 \h - 7 -Practices PAGEREF _Toc446526906 \h - 7 -Competition Participation & Scheduales PAGEREF _Toc446526907 \h - 8 -Game dat guidelines, Football Game Schedules PAGEREF _Toc446526908 \h - 8 -Inclement Weather PAGEREF _Toc446526909 \h - 8 -Attendance PAGEREF _Toc446526910 \h - 9 -Injury/Communicable/Contagious Illnesses PAGEREF _Toc446526911 \h - 10 -Uniform Policy PAGEREF _Toc446526912 \h - 10 -Where does my money go? PAGEREF _Toc446526913 \h - 11 -Financial Obligations PAGEREF _Toc446526914 \h - 11 -How to address concerns PAGEREF _Toc446526915 \h - 12 -Emergency Contact Information & Medical Treatment Statement PAGEREF _Toc446526916 \h - 13 -Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt PAGEREF _Toc446526917 \h - 14 -*If you would like to volunteer at any capacity this year please email cheervp@ Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Pledge“I understand that Cheerleading is a commitment of my time and energy and I will make every effort to attend every game and practice. I will notify my coach in advance of any absence that is unavoidable. I am willing to dedicate myself to this sport during the season, and do so, in a positive and appropriate manner. I will support the Crystal Lake Raiders and my team, and be kind and respectful to others at all times. I will abide by all guidelines and regulations at all Crystal Lake Raiders events. I understand if my behavior is inappropriate, or not to the standards set forth, disciplinary action will be taken.”Code of Conduct, Squad membersWill show a positive attitude at all times.Must accept the position given by the coaches with dignity, take your position seriously, know your teammates are counting on you, and do your best.Must abide by the rules and regulations of the Raiders.All Squad Members must respect safety as their highest priority.Never engage in dangerous behavior that may result in injury of yourself or others.May not conduct any stunting or tumbling activity without the strict supervision of your coaches.Must always follow the “No Fault” stunting policy. “Never blame your team mates. It takes a team to succeed and a team to falter.”Must accept victory and defeat graciously.Must respect yourself and all coaches, other participants, officials, parents, and spectators during all practices, games and competition.Strive to achieve excellence, have the discipline to accomplish it, the attitude to accept the results with dignity and encourage others to do the same.Will never post negative or threatening commentary on any electronic means of communication, such as email, text, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc...Never use obscene or inappropriate language and/or gestures.Will not use cell phone at practice, games or competitions, except with permission of the coach. Cheerleader Expectations Will arrive and depart all practices and games on time and ready to begin. Allow time for shoe changes etc. Parents will give advance notice if child is going home with someone other than parent.Will never leave the squad without permission and an escort.Will give 100% effort at every practice and game and accept constructive criticism with a positive attitude.Cheerleaders are to participate in all aspects of practice. Practices include but are not limited to, cheer/chant review, running, stretching, strength training, stunting, tumbling and jump conditioning. Will be responsible for my own property and respect the property of the Crystal Lake Raiders organization, football fields, practice locations, and personal property of others.Will not eat and/or chew gum during practices, games or competitions.Will adhere and abide by the uniform policy.Bullying (as defined and explained at )Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying WILL NOT be tolerated. We have trained all Coaches, and Jr. Coaches to watch for bullying. Please come to us immediately if something happens.In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same peopleRepetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.Participant signature: Date:Code of Conduct, PARENTSMust abide by the rules and regulations of the Raiders.Must have your child to practices 10 minutes before and games 30 minutes before to be ready to begin on time. When not possible, agree to inform the coach or team mom in advance. Will contact a Team mom or Coach if your child will not be attending a practice or game. Notification does not necessarily excuse the absenceRequire your child to treat other participants, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with respect. Will respect your child’s coaches, other participants, officials, parents, and spectators during all practices, games and competitions.Will be a positive role model for your child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all cheerleaders, players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game. Will never post negative or threatening commentary on any electronic means of communication, such as email, text, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc…Will always keep in mind that children participate to have fun and the game is for youth, not adults. Never use obscene or inappropriate language and/or gestures.If a problem or concern is identified, will calmly seek solutions at a proper time and location, refraining from confrontations in front of the children. Please see 24 hour rule below. Will not approach officials, event organizers, or judges at IRCA cheer competitions. Approaching these individuals will jeopardize the squad participation and score. Concerns should be shared with the coach. Will not post videos of competitions online ANYWHERE!Parent ExpectationsIt is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that your participant(s) attends all practices, games, and competitions on time. Parents or guardians shall ensure that participants are present for the entire game or practice. Remember that being on time indicates that your participant(s) is inside the venue, ready to participate. Parents must have the cheerleader arrive 10 minutes early and be ready to start practice on time. Parents must return for pick up 10 minutes before practice completion.Will ensure your participant adheres and abides by the uniform policy. If your participant experiences difficulty with a routine or cheer, contact your team coach. The team coach will get your child the help needed for them to be successful.Parents should not force any child to participate in sports. Parents need to remember that children participate to have fun and that it is for the children NOT the adults.Parents will refrain from coaching their child or other cheerleaders during practice, games, or competitions unless they are one of the official coaches of the team. 24 Hour Rule The 24 hour rule applies from the start of each practice, competition, or Raiders function. It is appropriate to contact a CLR Board member, Coach or Team Mom, if you have a question on time, location your child’s position or to report an absence. It is inappropriate to contact a CLR Board member, Coach, or Team Mom or their families to complain about your child’s practice time, absence, position, or any Coach or Team Mom’s decision within the 24 hour period aforementioned. You will immediately be directed to an CLR Board member. You will be asked to file a written complaint, provide factual information, provide names, dates, location information etc. You will be asked to meet with every person that is subject, the Coaches, the Team Mom and a Board member. We will not tolerate ANY parent criticizing Cheerleaders, Board Members, Coaches, Team Moms, or Parents. We will treat all of the families in our organization with respect, and will require the same in return. Parent Signature: Date:Disciplinary ActionIt is the policy of the Crystal Lake Raiders that disciplinary action will only be invoked as a last resort. The CLR Board will make every reasonable attempt to avoid situations likely to lead to such action through squad discussion and positive encouragement to correct negative behavior. For the first incident, Head Coach or Assistant Coach will talk with the individual cheerleader about his/her misbehavior.If misbehavior continues, the Head Coach will call the parent and explain the misbehavior of the cheerleader, and the consequences of continued misbehavior.If misbehavior continues and a second phone call is required to the parent, the cheerleader will be dismissed from the Crystal Lake Raiders cheer program for the particular season.A cheerleader may be asked to sit out of practice, competitions or events for the following reasons:Unexcused absenceexcessive absence or tardiness Failure to cooperate with Team Moms and/or CoachesFailure to abide by squad rules and regulationsAny violation regarding the code of conduct policyA cheerleader may be dismissed from the program for the following reasons:Causing excessive and irreconcilable disruptive influence among team members Conduct likely to bring the squad or team reputation into disrepute As otherwise deemed necessary by the CLR Board in collaboration with the Coaches, and Team MomBullying another cheerleader.Any violation regarding the Code of Conduct PolicyExcessive absences or Tardiness (Excessive=5 or more days) Parents and cheerleaders should be aware that CLR Board Members will handle all disciplinary actions as a private matter between the Coach, the parties involved and their families. We will arrange a hearing/meeting if necessary. Serious misbehavior will be documented and may affect participation in future Crystal Lake Raiders cheer seasons. In certain cases, misbehavior that the Crystal Lake Raiders cheer program considers extreme and/or which threatens the well being of others will result in immediate suspension and/or permanent expulsion from the Crystal Lake Raider cheer program.The following infractions will result in permanent dismissal from the program:Gross insubordination or lack of respect to authority (coaches or Directors)Fighting with physical contact of any kindTheftUse/Possession of cigarettes, alcohol or drugsExcessive bullying***Participation may be terminated by action of the Board of Directors, by a majority vote, of those Directors present at the duly constituted meeting. All Board Members shall have the authority to discipline, eject, or suspend any participant on the spot when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interest of the squads and the organization.***Every Parent, Cheerleader and Coach must abide by these policies. We the Board Members of CLR, appreciate the time and effort that each member of the Association puts forth, and our only objective is to provide a safe, fun, educational and athletic experience for our children, and to unite our community through this great sport. Let’s not allow the negative actions of a few, destroy our focus and dedication to the children of this Association. Participant Signature: Date:Parent Signature: Date:PracticesPractices are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays between mid-July and end of November. Competing teams possibly practice until the first weekend of December. The times will vary by team. Practices are held outdoors at Woods Creek Park thru the end of August and move indoors during the first week of September to Sky High Volleyball.The goal of practice is to have the cheerleaders learn:Cheers (longer, does not repeat words)Chants (repeats a phrase multiple times)Stunts – Thigh stands, preps, extensions, pyramids, and partner stunts (appropriate for age and skill level)Competition/Family Performance Routine – (will incorporate a cheer, chant, dance, jumps, stunts)The participants will also work on jumps, tumbling, and sideline spirit. However, the focus of instruction is on preparing for team performances (competitions for competing squads; games and Family Performance for non-competing squads). Participants wanting to work on individual tumbling skills are strongly encouraged to take tumbling classes. We are partnered with Elite Kids to offer tumbling at a competitive price with the best Coaches! Every practice is important - a team requires every member’s participation to prepare for competition. As competition nears there may be a need to increase practice times up to 9 hours per week. This includes extra practices that may be added in the weeks prior to competition.Attendance is very important to the entire team's performance. Formations and stunts simply do not work when one or more team members are absent. In addition, habitual tardiness limits the amount of time that a squad has to master skills. Tardiness and absences will affect your childs ability to compete. Coaches arrive at practice 10 - 15 minutes before practice actually begins, and a half-hour before games begin. Adult supervision is required at all Crystal Lake Raider events.DO NOT drop off your child prior to their coach arriving. Competition Participation & Schedules (competing squads only)All competitive cheerleaders will attend 3 competitions to qualify for the State competition. The State competition is planned for the first full weekend in December, thus extending the cheer season. Additional fees for State competition may apply.Additional practices may be added the weeks prior to competition.Ample notice is being given for competition dates so competitions can be committed to and vacations are not planned during the competition season. Dates will be posted in June. 3 excused or unexcused absences from practice and games will impact the participant's eligibility for competition. The coach has the right to withhold any participant from competition for repeated tardiness and/or absences. Competitions run approximately eight hours (we strongly suggest that you schedule the entire day for competition). Game Day GuidelinesGames are mandatory! You must give ample notice when needing to miss or being tardy. Missing/Tardiness to games affects your attendance record as well and may result in being removed from a competition. All Cheer Squads are to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the game start time. Arrival time will be determined by the coach. This time is used to warm-up, practice and take attendance. Sometimes the games begin early and/or run late based on how the day is running.If a squad member is deemed to be unfit to perform by a Coach or Board Member whether due to injury, inadequate knowledge of cheers or dance, or any other issue, the member may not perform at the discretion of the Coach or Board Member.All participants MUST remain on the sidelines for the entire game. No sitting in stands or grass area during your assigned game.All participants MUST assist in the cleanup effort after their games. NO LITTERING – Dispose of your trash properly! During games, cheerleaders are to stay in formation and in ready position at all times. Games are not a time to socialize with team mates. Cheerleaders must always be focused on the game and the coach in order to be prepared to lead the fans to cheer for the players. Participants may not run around, stunt, cartwheel, etc. while in line. Parents please re-enforce this rule with your child, especially the younger children and help us keep and look organized and safe during the game.Cheerleaders must ask permission of the coach to leave the cheer area, if necessary. This includes going to a parent. Each child must have their own water bottle to keep in front of the cheer area. Cheerleaders will not be allowed to leave the cheer area during water breaks.Parents must inform the coach when taking/picking up their child during and after a game.Cheerleaders must be in full uniform at games to participate. Sometimes the uniform changes due to Breast Cancer awareness month etc. Please read the whole email to watch for uniform changes.Football Game SchedulesGames are mandatory! You must give ample notice when needing to miss or being tardy. Missing/Tardiness to games affects your attendance record as well and may result in being removed from a competition. Your football game schedule will be provided as soon as we receive it from the football organization, approximately the last part of August. We will not receive the entire schedule at once. As a result you may not know your football game schedule until a week prior to the game. Regular season football games start the weekend before Labor Day and continue into October. Football game playoffs take place during the month of November. Please note that if a Raider football team advances to their super bowl, the age appropriate cheer squad will be required to attend and cheer at the game thru November.Games will be on either Saturday or Sunday. Some travel to nearby cities may be required. Home games are held at Lippold Park.Inclement WeatherIf the weather is questionable, the rule of thumb is to arrive at your scheduled time, unless you hear otherwise from your coach.Wear proper cold or rainy weather attire when needed. We will cheer in the rain unless conditions make it unsafe for the squad members.Due to excessive heat, rain or cold, practices or games will be canceled. You will be notified if practice/game has been cancelled.If practice is canceled, a make-up practice session may be held, in addition to regular practice, on a non-scheduled practice day.Attendance Cheerleading is a team sport and therefore, attendance at practice and games is very important. Each and every cheerleader is important to their team and it is expected that participants attend all practices and games. We all recognize and certainly understand unexpected situations arise, such as illness, and that a cheerleader may have to miss an occasional practice or game, but it is unacceptable for a cheerleader to not attend practice without good reason. Excessive absences or tardiness may place a child at a disadvantage in learning their routines or stunts and may result in having to sit out during the game, competition and/or dismissal from the squad due to safety concerns. Your team relies on you! Please make an effort to attend all practices and games. Once indoor practices begin in early September, preparation for competitions begins in earnest. ?All absences, even excused, impact the athlete's and the team's ability to learn and perfect the competition routine.Any one time illness, injury, family emergency, school related function (music programs, etc.) or church obligation will be considered an excused absence. At the discretion of the CLR Cheer Board, Coach and/or designated Team Mom, proof of validity may be requested. Mandatory school functions are not counted towards an athlete’s absence total. Your child may be placed as an alternate if the mandatory school functions inhibit regular attendance to cheer practice. All practices are mandatory the week of competitions unless previously approved by the board during registration. Tardiness/AbsenceConsequenceLate to Game At the coaches discretion.Excessive TardinessCoach will have a discussion with parents about commitment to the team and possible removal from competition or becoming an alternateAbsence from a practice1/2 game suspension, at the next scheduled gameAbsence from a gameTalk with parent and daughter about importance of games. 1 Game suspension, multiple missed games possible removal from competition or becoming an alternate2 absencesPosition change due to safety concerns. At the coaches discretion. 3 absences Position change, become an alternate, or removal from competition. At the coaches discretion.4+ absences Removal from competition!REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORTING AN ABSENCE:MISSING A GAME OR PRACTICE - Your Coach or Team Mom must be notified within a minimum of 1 hour prior to the beginning of a game or practice. If this is not done, the absence will automatically be considered unexcused. Only parents/guardians are allowed to contact the coach or team mom to report an absence. Girls are not allowed to call and/or have their friends tell the coach that they will not be at practice. All cheerleaders will be given at their first practice specific contact means for reporting absenteeism relative to their individual squads. If a cheerleader is serving a suspension, he/she must attend the game and sit with their Coach or Jr. Coach, in uniform to support the squad, until the suspension is complete. Injury/Communicable/Contagious IllnessesIf at any time during our season your child should contract an infectious/contagious illness, head lice, or become injured we will require that the child not participate until we have received a note from the doctor or school nurse. The note must state that the child has been cleared and is able to attend school and normal activities. If your child is injured they will not compete until cleared but still needs to attend all practices and games to continue to grow and learn the routine. Uniform PolicyPractice Attire:All participants will dress as athletes. Clothing should be fitted – loose clothing is a safety hazard.A sports bra is highly recommended for all age groups. No jewelry including belly rings, ankle bracelets, earrings, rings, etc… This includes new piercings. It is best to wait until the off-season to get a new piercing.No bare midriff or low cut topsNo spaghetti straps, two finger tanks are acceptableNo denim shorts or pants Athletic shoes required at all practices and games (new cheer shoes required for competitions)Nails must be kept at a sports length. Nails are to be cut so that with your palm up facing you, no nails should be visible. No nail polish is allowed for competition.No hard headbands at practice, games or competitionsAll cheerleaders must wear gym shoes to practices and white gym shoes and no show white socks to games. Competition shoes will be used for indoor practices in order to break them in. Please keep competition shoes in box until they are to be used. Cheerleaders should carry their competition shoes into practice and be changed into them by the scheduled practice start time.uniform:NOT TO BE WORN AS A COSTUME!The uniform (vest, liner & skirt) is the property of the Crystal Lake Raider for use at games and competitions. Uniform accessories such as, spankies, warm up jacket and pants, shoes and hair bows are yours to keep. If any item is lost, you will need to purchase another to keep the uniform complete. The uniforms will be distributed in June and need to be returned at the end of the season. There will be a $35.00 inconvenience fee if you are unable to attend the uniform hand out. Should the uniform become damaged in your care a fee will be imposed. Damage of: Vest, Liner & Skirt = $200.00; Vest = $75.00; Skirt = $75.00; Liner $50.00; Mascot dress= $100.00; Removal of tags = $20.00 (If one piece is damaged you will be charged by the piece, not the full amount) Please note that these amounts are approximate and are subject to change per provider.The uniform (vest, liner & skirt) are to be turned in at the end of the season party. There will be a $35.00 inconvenience fee if you are unable to attend the uniform hand in date. Please clean your uniform before returning it. If the uniform is not cleaned prior to turn in a $20.00 cleaning fee will be imposed.All uniform pieces must be clean at games and competitions.Where does my money go?The Crystal Lake Raiders is a non-profit organization. ?This means that all funds must be spent each year according to IRS non-profit guidelines. ?All expenditures must be approved by a majority vote during the board meetings.Each year, our expenses include:InsuranceField and facility maintenanceFacility rental (for indoor practices, Family Performance, Cheer Dads)IRCA dueschoreography and consultationCompetition musicCoaches training and certificationCompetition fees (3 competitions per season)Participation gifts TrophiesUniform maintenance and replacementAdministrative costs (printing, marketing, etc.)In addition, funds are set aside each year for major periodic expenses, such as for new uniforms, mats, renovations, etc. If you have any questions regarding the use of funds, please contact a board member.Financial ObligationsWhat I am expected to pay for:Registration FeesGame BowCompetitive Bow (competing teams only)Pink Bow –During the month of October we wear Pink bows to show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness. Spankies/boy shortsCompetition shoes (competing teams only)Raiders Jacket – wind jacket for younger teams and warm up jacket for older teams.Black pants – to be worn under uniform during cold weather. Team Fund – $25.00 for all teams. This fund is to be used by the Team Mom for gifts for the girls homecoming, competitions, etc... State competition (competing teams only) Fundraising ActivitiesAll cheerleaders are encouraged to participate in ALL CLR arranged fundraising projects however. The money raised will be used to fund additional agreed expenses during the year on behalf of the Crystal Lake Raiders Association. How to address concernsWe need your feedback to improve, but please be respectful of all volunteers.Remember that every person is a non-paid volunteer helping for the sake of the kids in the program, so before criticizing, ask if you can help. If you see something that isn’t going well, let us know, but offer your help to improve it. The Raiders program is always looking to improve. Usually, the best way to resolve a concern is to address it after 24 hours, calmly, privately and directly with the volunteer involved. (Exception: Please do not approach our Junior Coaches directly with concerns. Instead, discuss with the team’s head coach or a board member.) Since our volunteer coaches and board members all have other obligations, including full-time jobs, families and other commitments, allow adequate time for the situation to be researched and addressed.While it is important that concerns be addressed before they become major issues, it may be best to wait until you are able to discuss them calmly. ?It is also important that the discussion does not take place in front of the children.Speak up if you are unhappy, or are unfamiliar with things going on around you, but please be courteous of the volunteers you see who are devoting a great deal of their time to your child’s program. Parent comments and concerns are inevitable with a program of our size. We only ask that you…Please abide by the “24 hour rule” as defined on page 4. Sometimes words are spoken in the heat of the moment and they cannot be retracted once they’re out there. Please follow the chain of commands with your concerns.Team MomCoachBoard MemberIf you do have what you would consider a complaint, please contact a board member via email. We will get back with you as soon as possible and set up a time to discuss if needed. Comments are welcome too! Emergency Contact Information & Medical Treatment Statement Cheerleading is a vigorous, physical activity involving motion, rotation and height in a unique environment and as such carries with it a higher than ordinary risk of injury. Be advised that serious injury could occur particularly if the participant were to land on his/her head, neck or back. As a parent and/or legal guardian of _______________________________________________ I do herewith authorize the treatment by a qualified and licensed medical physician in case of an emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is ONLY after a reasonable effort has been made to contact me. This release from is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances in my absence.Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________________ Date___________ Printed Name of Parent or Guardian: __________________________________________________________Telephone: (home) _____________________________________ (cell) __________________________________ (work) ______________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT _________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to Child _______________________________ (Phone) ___________________________________ Special Instructions, Medical issues or Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt Both parents and cheerleader must sign agreementI, __________________________________________________________________________ , parent or legal guardian of ____________________________________________________________________________ , hereby acknowledge receipt and understanding of the Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Handbook, the rules, regulations and expectations contained therein. I will help my child follow all the rules in the handbook and I understand my child’s active participation in the cheerleading program is contingent upon our (parent and cheerleader) adherence to the aforementioned policies noted above. I am aware that without my signature below, my child will be unable to participate in the Crystal Lake Raiders Cheer Program.952513970000361950013906500Print Parent/Guardian NamePrint Child’s Name-2222512954000361950013017500Parent/Guardian SignatureDate361950010668000-2222510604500Cheerleader SignatureDateFor Competing Teams only:I have read and understand the following:All competitive cheerleaders will attend 3 qualifying competitions. State competition is planned for the first full weekend in December, thus extending the cheer season. Supplementary fees for State competition may apply. Additional practices may be added the weeks prior to competition. The coach has the right to withhold any participant from competition for repeated tardiness and/or absences. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian SignatureDate ................

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