BTec Introduction to IT at Work

|1 |Describe the content |All students will: |Hand out KWL sheets. |Introduction to Unit – Powerpoint|Observation |Values and behaviours |

|w/b 17th |of the unit | | |presentation (on Moodle) |Practical task | |

|Sept | |be able to give two examples of |Introduction to the unit using PowerPoint demonstration (on Moodle) – | |Q&A |Discussion of diverse nature |

|(wk 8) |P1 Demonstrate |non-verbal communication using body|include explaining what needs to be done for assignment. |Assignment One (on Moodle). | |of communication and how |

| |effective |language. | | | |culture can affect it |

| |interpersonal skills | |Explain that learners will complete first witness statement for another|Emotion flash cards (printed out | | |

| |in face to face |Reflect on peer’s communication |learner in their group assessing their communication skills. |- I have some laminated ones in a| |Inclusivity fostered |

| |communication |skills by completing a witness | |tin on my shelf). | | |

| | |statement (P1). |Use flash cards to get learners to demonstrate emotions while rest of | | |Teamwork |

| | | |class work in pairs to guess what emotion they are demonstrating (green| | | |

| | |Receive feedback from peers on |cards). Purple cards require 2 people to role play. | | | |

| |P3 Communicate |their own communication skills via | | | | |

| |IT-related information|witness statement. |Relate back to witness statements and discuss what sort of things you | | | |

| |to a non-technical | |should be doing – body language, intonation, etc. | | | |

| |audience |Understand the purpose of a blog | | | | |

| | |and set up their own blog set up on|Discuss the purpose of blogs. Explain the difference between blogs, | | | |

| | |. |vlogs and video conferencing. Discuss where and when you would use | | | |

| | | |each. Why is it good to use a blog? | | | |

| |P5 Select, set up and |Most students will be able to give | | | | |

| |use a specialist |3 examples of the way IT has |Anyone who has not yet done so should set up their own blog on | | | |

| |communication channel |affected society. |. | | | |

| |to communicate and | | | | | |

| |exchange information. |Some students will demonstrate |Display P1 witness statements on Smartboard and explain how they will | | | |

| | |their knowledge of how society has |be used by students. | | | |

| | |changed with the introduction of IT| | | | |

| | |by completing a relevant blog |KWL approach - Discuss various social effects of IT as a group. | | | |

| | |entry. | | | | |

| | | |Divide learners into groups. Each to discuss as a group then research | | | |

| |M1 Justify why a | |social effects of IT. Witness statements to be completed and submitted| | | |

| |specialist | |to tutor. | | | |

| |communication channel | | | | | |

| |is effective for a | |Learners to begin working on blog entry regarding social effects of IT.| | | |

| |given purpose. | | | | | |

| | |Assignment One available on Moodle |

|2 |P6 Explain the social |ALL students will be able to list |Learners to get out KWL sheets from last lesson. |VB6 |Observation |Cultural difference – leading|

|w/b 24th |impacts of the use of |at least three effects of IT on | |SmartBoard |Q&A |towards anti-racism sessions |

|Sept (week |IT. |society, including reference to |Spelling test |Worksheet (on Moodle) |Worksheet |(looking at South Korea and |

|9) | |international statistics. | | |Practical task |China and how internet breaks|

| |M1 Justify why a | |Two videos with worksheet (on Moodle) | | |down boundaries) |

| |specialist |MOST students will have finished |Virtual Revolution: | | | |

| |communication channel |their blog entry on Society and IT.|Benefits of IT: | | | |

| |is effective for a | | | | | |

| |given purpose. |SOME students will demonstrate a |Hand out and discuss Assignment One (on Moodle). Learners to make | | | |

| | |knowledge of the benefits of |notes. | | | |

| | |blogginig over other communication | | | | |

| | |techniques by beginning work on the|Give 20 minutes at the end for them to add to the social effects | | | |

| | |merit criteria |aspects of IT on their blog. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Those who finish early should write a report on why they think a blog | | | |

| | | |is the best way to communicate on a variety of subjects to young | | | |

| | | |people. | | | |

|3 |P4 Write in an |All students will be able to: |Spelling test |Youtube videos: |Observation |Black History month |

|w/b 1st Oct|effective manner. |Give 3 examples of ways you should | | of task |Anti-racism |

|(week 10) |Understand the |adapt your writing to suit your |Review last lesson. |bv5dUm2yo |Quiz and Worksheets | |

| |importance of proof |audience; | | | | |

| |reading. |Explain why it is important to |Discuss the importance of writing in the correct tone. | |Q&A | |

| |Make efficient use of |proofread your work | | | |

| |spell check and |Complete at least one proofreading |Watch youtube video on proofreading errors. |unc4oI7fE | | |

| |grammar tools. |exercise. |Discuss implications of spelling and grammar errors as a group. | | | |

| | | |Watch second youtube video. | | | |

| |P6 Explain the social | | |Printouts of Bodgit exercise | | |

| |effects of IT. | |Learners to complete Proofreading worksheet and Bodgit exercise after |(page 2 – on Moodle) and | | |

| | | |reading proofreading factsheets (on Moodle). |Proofreading for Unnecessary | | |

| | | | |Words exercise (page 1 only – on | | |

| | | |Extension exercise: Proofreading for unnecessary words exercise. |Moodle) | | |

| | | |Anyone who finishes early can do this quiz: | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Discuss results as a group. | | | |

|4 |P1 Demonstrate | |Spelling test |Email presentations to tutor who |Learners to complete witness |Black History month |

|w/b 8th Oct|effective |ALL learners will have second | |will then upload them onto Moodle|statements for group. |Anti-racism |

|(week 11) |interpersonal skills |witness statement completed for P1 |Use KWL template (on Moodle) to guide class. |for everyone to use. | |Metacognition |

| |in face to face | | |Learners to complete witness | | |

| |communication. |ALL learners will be able to give a|Discuss 3 laws relating to IT. Refer learners onto factsheets and |statements. | | |

| | |brief outline of the 3 main laws |activity (on Moodle). | | | |

| |P4 Use IT tools safely|relating to IT. | | | | |

| |to effectively | |Once done, learners can add information about 3 Acts to their blog. | | | |

| |communicate and |MOST learners will be able to | | | | |

| |exchange information. |demonstrate three ways of making |If you want to lift the class with a fun exercise, the Blockbuster game| | | |

| | |their blog more secure. |on proofreading is linked on Moodle. | | | |

| |M2 Discuss the | | | | | |

| |potential threats |SOME learners will complete the |Demonstrate and discuss how to make their blogs secure. | | | |

| |which the use of IT |blog entries for their 3 Acts. | | | | |

| |has introduced | |Learners to break into groups of 4 to discuss, research and write up | | | |

| | | |(as presentation with notes) the various threats to safety when using | | | |

| |D1 Explain how to | |IT to communicate and how they can be overcome. | | | |

| |ensure safe and secure| |Personal information | | | |

| |use of a specialist | |Viewing/uploading digital content | | | |

| |communication channel.| |Respect towards others | | | |

| | | |Data protection regulations | | | |

| | | |Securing data (eg encryption) | | | |

| | | |Firewalls | | | |

| | | |Backups | | | |

| | | |Secure sites | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Learners to assess communication skills of a “partner” during | | | |

| | | |discussion and write up witness statement accordingly. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Anyone who finishes early or who is not working on the presentation can| | | |

| | | |add their information onto our Wiki then add notes on the above to | | | |

| | | |their blog. | | | |

|5 |P6 Explain the social | |Spelling test. |Printout of KWL template and |Observation |Black History month |

|w/b 15th |impacts of the use of |ALL learners will be able to list 4|Review of where we should be now. |pencils |Q&A |Anti-racism |

|Oct (week |IT. |economic impacts of IT. | | |Practical task |Sexual Health |

|12) | | |KWL approach – economic impact and threats of IT. | | |Personal and Internet safety |

| | |ALL learners will follow another |Compare and discuss as a class. | | | |

| | |learner’s blog. | | | | |

| |M2 Discuss the | |Discuss threats and economic impacts of IT – and reinforce what needs | | | |

| |potential threats |MOST learners will have 3 |to be done for Assignment. | | | |

| |which the use of IT |followers. | | | | |

| |has introduced. | |Learners to “follow” 3 other learners’ blogs and make a comment on | | | |

| | |SOME learners will complete their |each. | | | |

| | |blog entry on the economic effects | | | | |

| | |of IT. |Allow learners 30 minutes to work on blog entry in exam conditions. | | | |

| | | |(Blog with all 5 entries, proofread, is due in at the end of the next | | | |

| | |SOME learners may begin their blog |lesson). | | | |

| | |entry on IT threats. | | | | |

| | | |End lesson with anagram game (on Smartboard). | | | |

| | | |Words to use: facebook, myspace, addiction, friends, safety and msn. | | | |

|6 |P3 Communicate IT | |Spelling Test |In Workshop – need at least 5 pcs|Q&A |Black History month |

|w/b 22nd |related information to|ALL students should have |Check for any questions on Assignment. |with speakers and printers for |Assignment work |Anti-racism |

|Oct |a non-technical |assignments printed out and handed | |learners to set up (Elliot has |Peer evaluation |Breast Cancer Awareness |

|(wk 13) |audience |in for the end of the lesson. |Assignments due in at the end of the lesson. |these – or can use Bernie’s lab) | | |

|Fri, 26/10 | | | | | | |

|Curric.Man.| |MOST students will have completed |Explain that pairs of learners are required to demonstrate to each |Learners will need to complete | | |

|Day | |the third witness statement. |other how to set up a pc with a printer and speakers in order to |Witness Statements on computer | | |

| |P4 Use IT tools safely| |complete the final witness statement for this unit. Discuss health and|then print out 2 copies and sign.| | |

| |to effectively |SOME students will have the merit |safety requirements and write examples up on the board. Learners to | | | |

| |communicate and |and distinction tasks complete. |role play potential hazards. |Assignment 1 (on Moodle) | | |

| |exchange information | | |Proof Reading blockbuster game: | | |

| | | |Once finished, learners to print out two copies: one for Unit Leader | | |

| |P5 Select, set up and | |and another for Unit 3 leader to complete P5 for Unit 3 then continue |resources/quiz-busters/quiz-buste| | |

| |use a specialist | |to work on Assignment 1. |rs-game.aspx?game_id=45145 | | |

| |communication channel | | |Also on Moodle | | |

| |to communicate and | |Those who are not doing demonstrations should be working on Assignment | | | |

| |exchange information | |1, using remaining videos and assignment notes on Moodle for help. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |P6 Explain the social| |End lesson with Vortex game (on Smartboard) or BlockBuster game. | | | |

| |impacts of the use of | | | | | |

| |IT | |Set up Vortex game on Notebook Phrases to use: | | | |

| | | |Good: | | | |

| |M1 Justify why a | |able to contact friends easily | | | |

| |specialist | |Lots of activities for spare time | | | |

| |communication channel | |Bad: no need to leave the house | | | |

| |is effective for a | |May become addicted | | | |

| |given purpose | |24 hour working day | | | |

| | | |No need for face to face contact | | | |

| |M2 Discuss the | | | | | |

| |potential threats | | | | | |

| |which the use of IT | | | | | |

| |has introduced. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Unit 1 Assignment One due in at the end of this lesson |

|Study Review Week 27th Oct – 4th Nov |

|7 |Referral Work – Unit One |Children in Need (Friday 16th|

|w/b 5th Nov| |Nov) |

|(week 15) | |Diwali |

| | |(13 – 17 Nov) |

| | |Progression fair |

| | |Xmas shoe box charity event |

| | |Testicular cancer awareness |

| | |Self Esteem |

|8 |P1 Describe the |ALL students would have reflected |Starter exercise: Unit 2 worksheet 1 on Moodle. All students to |Pens, paper |Workbook tasks |Christmas shoe box charity |

|w/b 12th |characteristics valued|on their own personal skills and |assess their own soft skills and and set their personal objectives for |U-Explore link on moodle. |Observation |event |

|Nov (week |by employers in the IT|qualifications and how these may |the unit. | |Q&A |Remembrance Day 11th Nov |

|16) |industry. |help them in a job environment. | |If required, printed out | | |

| | |ALL students will have logged into |Group work to set class objectives for the unit. |personal development workbooks | | |

| | |U-Explore and added their profile | |(on U-Explore) | | |

| | |details. |Discuss results. Role play job interviews for 4 IT jobs using job | | | |

| | |SOME students will have completed |cards. Will help learners see how the skills and attributes we discuss| | | |

| | |their personal skills on U-Explore |apply in real life situations. | | | |

| | |and identified areas in which they | | | | |

| | |need to develop. |Explain concept of U-Explore. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Watch 6 minute introductory video on U-Explore. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |All students to log in and familiarise themselves with U-Explore. | | | |

| | | |Guide to complete profiles, skill sets, etc. | | | |

|9 |P1 Describe the |ALL students will be able to |Job Skills wordsearch (on Moodle) |Printouts of Job skills word |Observation |Interfaith – Faith fair |

|w/b 19th |characteristics valued|describe and give examples of hard | |search |Practical task |Xmas shoe box event |

|Nov (week |by employers in the IT|and soft skills and relate them |Video re difference between hard and soft skills. | | |Alcohol Awareness |

|17) |industry. |back to how they may help in the | |Video (on moodle) | |Self Esteem |

| | |workplace. |Discuss the difference between hard and soft skills and attitudes. | | | |

| | | | |A3 paper and whiteboard pens | | |

| | |SOME students will have an |Divide class into three groups: Industry specific skills, general |U-Explore – plts log | | |

| | |extensive list of hard and soft |skills, attitudes. Each to list as many characteristics as they can in| | | |

| | |skills which apply to them. |their topic. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Now move onto next topic for each until each group has done all 3. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Record answers on A3 sheets (different person per answer). Learners to| | | |

| | | |record any suggestions they don’t have on their group paper. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Learners to complete their skills listing on U-Explore – listing all | | | |

| | | |skills discussed then giving themselves star ratings. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Those who finish early can start recording their information in the CV | | | |

| | | |section. | | | |

|10 |P1 Describe the |ALL students will have completed |Learners to complete Worksheets on soft skills (on Moodle). |Video on Soft Skills |Q&A |Progression awareness |

|w/b 26th |characteristics valued|preparation for P1 test. | |(links on Moodle) |Practical task | |

|Nov (week |by employers in the IT|SOME students will have completed |Watch video about soft skills, discuss then show second video. Discuss| | | |

|18) |industry. |preparation for D1. |as a group. |Worksheet – Soft Skills | | |

| |D1 Justify the choice | |Learners to type up worksheet in preparation for assignment. | | | |

| |of an appropriate job | | | | | |

| |role for a given set | |Extension: complete Enterprise log on U-Explore. | | | |

| |of employee | | | | | |

| |characteristics | |Give those who finish early the Distinction Criteria worksheet. | | | |

|11 |P1 Describe the |ALL students will complete the test|Employability matching skills game (laminated cards) |Test – P1 Quiz (on Moodle) |Test |Progression awareness |

|w/b 3rd Dec|characteristics valued|for P1 criteria | |Extension: D1 (on Moodle) | | |

|(week 19) |by employers in the IT|SOME will begin the D1 criteria. |TEST: Completion of P1 Criteria | | | |

| |industry. | |Extension: D1 Criteria | | | |

| |D1 Justify the choice | | | | | |

| |of an appropriate job | | | | | |

| |role for a given set | | | | | |

| |of employee | | | | | |

| |characteristics | | | | | |

|12 |P2 Describe common IT |ALL students will be able to |Familiarity with job descriptions, videos, 360 views on U-Explore. |U-Explore |Q&A |Progression awareness |

|w/b 10th |industry job roles |indicate where they can find | |Assignment 2 (on Moodle) |Group discussion |Anger awareness |

|Dec (week |P3 Explain the |information regarding job skills |Learners to add job list as favourites. | |Assignment task | |

|20) |characteristic |and availability. | | | | |

| |required for a |MOST students will have made notes |What jobs did U-Explore suggest for their skills? | | | |

| |specific job role in |on at least half of the job roles | | | | |

| |the IT industry |for the assignment. |Learners to make notes about the job lists for their assignment. Those| | | |

| |M1 Explain why certain| |who finish early can begin Assignment 2. | | | |

| |characteristic are | | | | | |

| |important for a | | | | | |

| |specific job role | | | | | |

|13 | |Referral Work – Unit One |Test |Christmas |

|w/b 17th | | |Q&A | |

|Dec (week | |Anyone who needs to can resit Unit 2 Test One. | | |

|21) | | | | |

| |

|End of Term One |

|14 |P2 |Describe common IT industry job |Spelling Test |Whiteboard |Observation | |

|w/b 7th Jan| |roles |Discuss various types of job role available (networking, data, |Pens |Q&A | |

|13 | | |hardware, solutions, analysts, etc) |Video – Roles and |Practical task | |

|(week 24) | | |Watch video Roles and Responsibilities in IT – complete worksheet. |Responsibilities | | |

| | | |Discuss. Learners to continue working on Assignment 2. |Worksheet (on Moodle) | | |

| | | | |Assignment 2 (on Moodle) | | |

|15 |P2 Describe common IT |ALL students will be able to give a|Starter exercise: “What are my skills?” sheet (on Moodle) |What are my skills sheets – print|Task |Anti-bullying |

|w/b 14th |industry job roles |detailed description of the role, |Discuss video from previous lesson. |out for class. |Q&A | |

|Jan (week |P3 Explain the |skills and characteristics required| | |Assignment | |

|25) |characteristic |for one job role. |Learners to complete Assignment 2, which is due in at the end of the |Assignment 2 (on Moodle) | | |

| |required for a | |lesson. | | | |

| |specific job role in |SOME students will be able to | | | | |

| |the IT industry |describe a number of job roles. | | | | |

| |M1 Explain why certain| | | | | |

| |characteristic are | | | | | |

| |important for a | | | | | |

| |specific job role | | | | | |

|16 w/b 21st|Catch up week |

|Jan (week | |

|26) | |

|17 |M1 Explain why certain|ALL students will have inputted |Starter: five personal skills I should add to my CV. |Worksheet (on Moodle) |Observation |Progression awareness |

|w/b 28th |characteristic are |their CV information into U-Explore| | |Q&A | |

|Jan (week |important for a |and saved a copy of their CV. |Discuss progression as a class. Relate back to guest speaker on |U-Explore (link on Moodle) |Worksheet | |

|27) |specific job role | |apprenticeships. Tutor to make notes of who wants to do what next | |Practical task | |

| | |SOME students will have begun |year. |Job search websites | | |

| | |searching for jobs in the local | | | | |

| | |area. |Intro: learners to add their details to CV but while they are doing it| | | |

| | | |they should be thinking about the kind of job they want to do and what | | | |

| | | |kind of skills they should be developing for that job. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Those who finish early can use Monster, Reed, TotalJobs to begin | | | |

| | | |searching for suitable jobs in the local area. | | | |

|18 |P3 Explain the |ALL learners will reflect on why |Starter: my perfect job worksheet |Job Worksheet |Self-reflection |Anti-bullying |

|w/b 4th Feb|characteristics |they want a job and the kind of job|Extension: second sheet (on the back) |U-Explore |Observation |LGBT month |

|(week 28) |required for a |they would like. | |CVs in Word |Q&A |Chinese New Year (10/2) |

| |specific job role in | |Whilst completing starter, learners also to login and print out their | |Practical task |Citizenship week |

| |the IT industry |ALL learners will complete a |CVs from U-Explore. | | |Disability Awareness |

| |M1 Explain why certain|professional CV and email it to the|Discuss session objectives with class and how they lead on from | | | |

| |characteristics are |tutor. |worksheet. Also, issues which came up from last session: barriers to | | | |

| |important for a | |working. Relate back to citizenship week. | | | |

| |specific job role |MOST learners will identify their | | | | |

| | |barriers to getting a job and |Demonstrate creating a CV in Word. All learners to create CVs. | | | |

| | |develop some ideas for overcoming | | | | |

| | |these barriers. |Those who finish early to job search and research companies. Start | | | |

| | | |building up list of skills and qualities required by company in | | | |

| | |SOME learners will identify at |preparation for next lesson. | | | |

| | |least one job they wish to apply | | | | |

| | |for and begin researching the | | | | |

| | |company. | | | | |

|Study Review Week |

|19 |P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 |ALL students will find a job they |Matching the skill to the description (card game) as a class. |Laminated skills matching cards |Observation |LGBT month |

|w/b18th Feb| |wish to apply for and build up a | | |Q&A |Anti-homophobia |

|(week 30) | |profile about the job and their fit|Watch 6 minute video on preparing for interviews. |Interview prep video |Completion of task | |

| | |to the job. | | | |

| | | |Discuss job searching and the sort of things you might need to find out|nXHKBiECoiw | | |

| | |SOME students will have created |before you go for an interview. | | | |

| | |profiles for at least three jobs | |U-Explore | | |

| | | |Watch video on networking to get a job. |Job Search websites | | |

| | | | |Newspaper jobs | | |

| | | |Learners to identify at least one job they wish to apply for and |IT Magazines | | |

| | | |research the company. | | | |

| | | | |Video | | |

| | | |All learners to have a folder in their personal network drive called | | |

| | | |“My Jobs” with a company profile, customised CV and job letter for each|oOd_rvU2sTM | | |

| | | |application. | | | |

|20 |P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 |ALL students will write an |Spelling test |Spelling test (on Moodle) |Test |LGBT month |

|w/b 25th | |application letter, enclosing their| | |Observation |Anti-homophobia |

|Feb (week | |CV, to apply for a job. |Students to work in groups of three to write a perfect job application |Prize |Q&A | |

|31) | | |letter. (They can do some research on the internet.) | |Peer assessment | |

| | |SOME students will apply for at | |Unit 9 letter templates |Practical task | |

| | |least three jobs |Prize for best letter – which should then be uploaded to Moodle as | | | |

| | | |example for rest of class. |Student CVs (already checked by | | |

| | | | |tutor) | | |

| | | |Learners to then write an application letter using the template they | | | |

| | | |created in Unit 9. Letters to be attached to CVs and sent out by tutor|Envelopes and stamps | | |

| | | |at end of lesson. | | | |

|21 |P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 |ALL students will practice |Starter: students to write down 5 things you should never say in an |Videos of good and bad |Self reflection |International Women’s Day |

|w/b 4th Mar| |interview skills. |interview. |interviews |Peer Assessment |(Fri 8th March) |

|(week 32) | | | |(on Moodle) |Completion of Task |Anti-Smoking Campaign |

| | |MOST students will also practice |Videos of good and bad interviews | |Q&A | |

| | |asking for feedback from |Class discussion. |7 iPads (book through Tony |Observation | |

| | |interviews. |Learners to work in 3s: one videos interview with an iPad, another is |Jewson) | | |

| | | |interviewee and third is interviewer. Interviewer to ask questions | | | |

| | |SOME students will attend |from “Tricky Interview Questions” sheet (on Moodle). |Tricky Interview Questions sheet| | |

| | |interviews. | | | | |

| | | |Watch 3 minute video – what do I ask at the end of the interview? |(on Moodle) | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |At the end, interviewee asks for feedback from others. |Video: at the end of the | | |

| | | | |interview – | | |

| | | |Once all three done, each to write a couple of paragraphs about how | | |

| | | |they thought their interview went and what they could do better. |LQayAmLz1FQ | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Discuss as a class. | | | |

|22 |P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 |ALL students to practice answers to|Starter: students to write down five questions which would be |Worksheet: More Tricky |Q&A |Anti-Smoking Campaign |

|w/b 11th | |tricky interview questions. |difficult to answer in a job interview. |Interview Questions (on Moodle) |Observation | |

|March (week| | | | |Completion of Task | |

|33) | |SOME students to demonstrate |Discussion of last week’s lesson: What could be improved with |Video: |Peer evaluation | |

| | |knowledge of skills to others in |interview techniques? | Play | |

| | |class. | |7axi78kLejg | | |

| | | |Video on answering “What are your weaknesses?” in a job interview (3 | | | |

| | | |mins) | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |All students to complete worksheet (on Moodle): Answers to tricky | | | |

| | | |interview questions. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |For last half hour, role play and discuss interview questions. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|23 |P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 |ALL students to have an |Guest speaker: Recruitment consultant (Mark Blomley arranging) |Powerpoint presentation |Q&A |Progression |

|w/b 18th | |understanding of the role a | | |Completion of Worksheet | |

|March (week| |recruitment consultant can have in | |Worksheet: what does a |Observation | |

|34) | |helping them get a job. | |recruitment consultant do? | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |SOME students to practice interview| |All students to have a copy of | | |

| | |skills with consultant. | |their CV | | |

|24 w/b 25th|P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 |ALL students to apply for at least |Students to spend this lesson sourcing and applying for either summer |Job search websites |Q&A |Progression |

|March (week| |2 summer jobs. |jobs or full time ICT jobs, depending on their progression prospects |Student CVs and cover letters |Completion of applications | |

|35) | | |for next year. |Stamps and envelopes if |Observation | |

| | |SOME students (i.e. those who are | |required. | | |

| | |leaving at the end of the year) to | | | | |

| | |apply for at least 2 full-time ICT | | | | |

| | |jobs. | | | | |

|End of Term 2 |

|(Thursday = teacher only day, Friday Bank Holiday) |

|Easter Holidays: Thursday 28th March – 14th April |

|25 |Workshop | |

|w/b 15th | | |

|April (week| | |

|38) | | |

|26 w/b 22nd|All |Connexions visit |Connexions visit. Ask for feedback from learners (link to |Connexions website |Q&A |Self harm and eating |

|April (week| | |questionnaire on Moodle). | |Observation |disorders awareness |

|39) | | |All learners to complete job skills questionnaire to determine the | |Practical Task |St Georges Day |

| | | |range of jobs they might like to do in future. This will take most of | |Questionnaire |(Tues 23rd April) |

| | | |the lesson. | | |Holocaust Day |

| | | |Those who finish early can work on searching for summer holiday | | |(Sat 27th April) |

| | | |jobs/full time jobs depending on what they are intending to do next | | | |

| | | |year. | | | |

| |Job expectations |All students will have some idea of|Starter activity: students to head up a piece of paper with “How will | | |

| |Soft Skills |what to expect when they start at a|I fit in at my new job?” then write 5 things they could do to fit in. |s/article?channel_id=career_mana|Observation | |

| |(P3 and M1) |new job and how to “fit in”. | |gement&source_page=office_life&a|Practical task | |

| | | |Ask students to read the article on how to get along with people at |rticle_id=article_1126286323693 |Group work | |

| | | |work and pick out 5 key points. | | | |

| | | | |Powerpoint | | |

| | | |Discuss as a group. |Headphones with microphones | | |

| | | |Students to work in small groups to create a multimedia presentation | | | |

| | | |for use with next year’s students on skills you need to get along with | | | |

| | | |others at work. | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|27 |All |Assignment Referral workshop – All units |Q&A |Self Harm and eating disorder|

|w/b 29th | | |Assignment |awareness |

|April (week| | | | |

|40) | | | | |

|Closed - | | | | |

|Sat 4th May| | | | |

|28 |All |Follow up to Connexions visit |Begin with Notebook anagram game |Interview skills | | |

|w/b 7th May| | |Discuss apprenticeships with learners |Apprenticeships video. | | |

|(week 41) | | |“Take a look at Apprenticeships” video | | | |

|Monday 6th | | |All learners to find 3 apprenticeships to apply for and write an | | | |

|May = BH | | |application letter. | | | |

|29 w/b 13th|All |Assignment Referral workshop – All Units |Q&A | |

|May (week | | |Assignment | |

|42) | | | | |

|30 w/b 20th|All |Visit from Derngate Theatre – using IT in the Entertainment Industry. |Q&A | |

|May (week | | |Assignment | |

|43) | | | | |

|Closed - | | | | |

|Sat 25th | | | | |

|May | | | | |

| |All |Assignment Referral workshop – All Units |Q&A | |

| | | |Assignment | |

|w/b 27th May |

|Study Review Week |

| |Specific considerations in your |

| |area: |

|Health and safety |A risk assessment is held for all practical sessions and can be accessed easily. Health and safety procedures are monitored constantly and followed by students. General classroom | |

|of students |checks e.g. clear access to equipment and furniture, will be made prior to the start of every session. | |

| |Edureg will be used at the beginning of every session and non-attendance followed up promptly at the end. | |

| |Student behaviour is monitored closely to ensure the health and well-being of all students in the group. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and anti-social behaviour will not be | |

| |tolerated. | |

| |Students will be supervised at all times in sessions. | |

| |Physical (e.g. Diet, exercise), mental, emotional and sexual health will be promoted wherever possible. | |

| |The self-esteem of students will be promoted through praise, encouragement and constructive feedback. | |

|Targets and |All students will have a long term target e.g. to pass the course or to obtain a particular grade, based on their qualifications and skills on entry and their progress to date. Full | |

|individual |time students will also have SMART targets set in their eILP which will allow them ultimately to meet their long term target. | |

|objectives |Differentiated objectives using ‘All’, ‘Most’ and ‘Some will be able to’ statements should be used, where appropriate, when setting session objectives. Separate personal objectives | |

| |for each student in a session will be used, if appropriate | |

| |Individual students’ progress will be assessed and recorded and each session will focus on students making further progress. Learning objectives will be shared with students at the | |

| |beginning of every session and students’ awareness of their individual objectives will be checked. Students will measure the achievement of their set objectives through supported | |

| |self-assessment. | |

| |Teaching and learning strategies and resources will engage, challenge and inspire all students and allow all students to make progress. | |

|Equality, |Diversity in this group of students and individual support strategies will be identified in the group profile and carried forward to the accommodation of individual needs in the |See scheme of work and group |

|diversity and |session so that equality of opportunity is provided (differentiation). |profile |

|student support |An inclusive and respectful environment will be fostered within the sessions and learning strategies will reflect the diverse nature of the world and our society, without prejudice or| |

| |stereotyping. | |

| |Links to College themes will be made, if naturally-occurring. Diversity, in terms of protected characteristics, | |

| |i.e. disability, race, religion & belief, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity will be considered when | |

| |appropriate and treated without discrimination. | |

| |Resources and teaching and learning strategies will reflect the diverse nature of modern society and avoid prejudice and stereotyping. | |

| |Students’ own experiences and interests will be used where appropriate, stereotypes will be challenged, materials will use accessible language, font and layout, students will have | |

| |equal access to resources, students’ responses will be treated with respect and students expected to respect the views of others and inappropriate language, comment and behaviour will| |

| |be challenged. | |

| |A variety of teaching and learning strategies, with appropriate adjustments made to ensure the needs and preferences of all students are met, will be delivered. | |

| |Every opportunity will be taken to develop students’ Maths, English and ICT skills. | |

|Employability and |Regular links will be made to the workplace, progression opportunities and career aspirations. Skills and knowledge taught will meet the current agreed standards of industry. |See scheme of work and group |

|achieving economic|Self-confidence, autonomous learning and a positive work ethic will be promoted. Problem-solving, leadership, citizenship, team working, enterprise and personal finance skills will be|profile |

|well-being |developed where appropriate. Professional values and standards are modelled by the tutor. | |

[i] Relevant links to E&D protected characteristics, College themes or events (the current themes or events have been inserted for you), healthy living, employability skills and choices, enrichment activity, current national or global issues and development of Maths, English and ICT skills



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