Kim D - School of Social Work - Wayne State University

Kim D. Jaffee, MSW, PhD

Wayne State University

School of Social Work, Room 262

5447 Woodward Ave.

Detroit, MI 48202

Phone: (313) 577-4418



Ph.D. (1999) University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY, School of Social Welfare

Dissertation: An Ecological Analysis of Low Birthweight in New York City: The Role of Residential Segregation: Chair: Dr. Janet D. Perloff

M.S.W. (1985) The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

School of Social Work: Research and Planning Concentration

B.S. (1983) The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

College of Human Ecology: Department of Family Relations and Human Development



Affiliated Associate Professor, Wayne State University, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program

2008- Present

Associate Professor, Wayne State University, School of Social Work


MSW Graduate Program Coordinator, Wayne State University, School of Social Work


Associate Professor, Syracuse University, School of Social Work

Affiliated Associate Professor, Syracuse University, Women and Gender Studies Program


Assistant Professor, Syracuse University, School of Social Work


Adjunct Faculty, State University of New York at Albany School of Social Work


1995 Program Research Specialist, Injury Control and Prevention Program, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY.

1993 - 1994 Associate Health Planner, Division of Planning, Policy and Resource Development, Bureau of Health Planning and Policy Development, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY.

1990 - 1993 Program Research Specialist, Division of Nutrition, Pregnancy and Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance Program, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY.

1986 - 1990 Research Associate, Health and Addictions Research, Inc., Boston, MA.


Graduate (Doctoral)

Theories for Practice and Research with Communities and Organizations

Graduate (Masters)

Advance Clinical Social Work Practice in Integrated Healthcare

Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Policy and Services

Health Care Policy

Mental Health Policy

Social Welfare Policy and Services

Advanced Social Welfare Policy Analysis

Applied Research in Social Work

Action Research in Community Practice

HBSE II: Diversity in Social Contexts

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Health and Well-Being

Field Instruction I

Field Instruction II


HBSE I: Persons in Social Context

HBSE II: Diversity in Social Contexts

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Health and Well-Being

Foundations of Social Work Research

Social Welfare Policy and Services II

Doctoral Dissertations

Reader: Erin Paige-Smith, Psychology, Wayne State University. Dissertation Title: The Impact of Acceptance on Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behavior in College Age Gay Men. 

Chair: Deirdre Shires, Social Work, Wayne State University. Dissertation Title: Primary Care Providers’ Willingness to Care for Transgender Patients: The Role of Exposure, Attitudes, Norms, and Perceived Barriers (Defended May 2016).

Reader: Jessica Camp, Social Work, Wayne State University. Dissertation Title: Mental Health and Inequality in the United States: Intersection of Race, Gender, and Disability on Employment and Income (Defended October 2013).

Reader: Jessica Lucero, Social Work, Wayne State University. Dissertation Title: Neighborhood Risk and Protective Factors for Teenage Childbearing Fathering (Defended 2012).

Reader: Cristina Tucker, Social Work, Wayne State University. Dissertation Title: The Civic Engagement of Latino Immigrants in the US (Defended 2010).

Reader: Kristenne Robinson, Social Science Program, Maxwell School of Public Affairs, Syracuse University. Dissertation Title: Recruiting and Retaining Women Police Officers (Defended 2009).

Reader: Nailya A. Almagambetova, Department of Economics, Maxwell School of Public Affairs, Syracuse University. Dissertation Title: Prenatal Care and Birth Outcome in New York City (Defended 2007).

Directed Studies/Research Practicum/Mentoring/Advising

Naheda Khan, MSW Student, Directed Study, Analysis of Cultural Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening Among Arab Women in the US and Israel (Winter 2016).

Gregory Johnson, MSW Student, Independent Study, Evidence Based Practice for Supported Housing for LGBT Youth at Risk of Homelessness (Winter 2015).

Katie Lamb, MSW Student, Independent Study, Survival Sex Work Among Transgender Individuals (Winter 2014).

Deirdre Shires, Doctoral Student, Research Practicum, Predictors of Smoking Among FTM and MTF Transgender Individuals (Fall 2013).

Deirdre Shires, Doctoral Student, Directed Study, Factors Associated with Experiences of Discrimination in Healthcare Among Female-to-Male Transgender Individuals (Summer 2013).

Linsey Higgins - MSW Student Advisor for Elizabeth N. Brehler Scholars Program Competition (2013). Wayne State University, School of Social Work Award winning manuscript. Title: Embracing Men: A Feminist’s Transformational Journey (2013)

Robin Walters-Powell, Doctoral Student, Research Practicum (half semester), The Impact of Religiosity, Political Affiliation, and Race/Ethnicity on Social Work Student Attitudes Toward LGBT Individuals (2012).

Erin Comartin, Doctoral Student, Directed Study, Queer Youth and Sexual Risk Taking Behavior (2011).

Doctoral Advisor: Deirdre Shires 2012-Present

Doctoral Advisor: Christina Tucker 2008-2009


Principal Investigator, 2015-2016, Evaluation of training for child protective services (CPS) workers to “Build Safety and Affirm LGBTQ Youth and Families,” Ruth Ellis Center, Detroit, MI, $20,500

Principal Investigator, 2014-2015, Breast Cancer Screening Barriers Among Arab Women in the US and Israel, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), $2,000

Evaluator, 2001-2004, Eliminating Disparities in Perinatal Health: Syracuse Healthy Start. Onondaga County Health Department, Human Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), P.I. Lloyd Novick, M.D., MPH, Onondaga County Health Department, $150,000

Consultant, 2000-2002, Racial/Ethnic Differences in Access and Quality of Mental Health Services Among Children with Special Health Care Needs. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, #U01 HS10453. P.I. Nancy Swigonski, M.D., Indiana University, $26,564.

Principal Investigator, 1998-1999, Low Birthweight in New York City: The Role of Context and Segregation. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, NIH Grant #RO3HS 10061, $50,000.

Research Assistant, 1997-1998, Keeping in Touch: Attentive Touch for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia, Bureau of Long Term Care, New York State Department of Health, P.I. Philip McCallion.

Project Director, 1996-1997, Health Education Program for Elderly Spouse Caregivers in an HMO: Effectiveness and Efficiency, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, NIH Grant #ROIHS08641-01, P.I. Ronald Toseland.

Research Associate, 1995, Analysis for Injury Control Factbook, Bureau of Injury Control, New York State Department of Health.

Project Director, 1990-1994, Pregnancy and Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System,

Division of Nutrition, New York State Department of Health, Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, P.I. Thomas Melnick.


Principal Investigator, 2014-2015, Breast Cancer Screening Barriers Among Arab Women in the US and Israel, Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, $2,000

Principal Investigator, 2001-2003, Intimate Partner Violence Screening by Health Care Providers: An Analysis of Barriers and Needs, College of Human Services and Health Professions (HSHP) Faculty Development and Faculty Research Grant, Syracuse University, $10,000

Research Assistant, 1997-1998, Patterns of Use of Public Mental Health Services by Refugees in New York State. Category A Faculty Research Award Program, SUNY, Albany. P.I. Julian Chow.

Research Assistant, 1995-1996, Ecology of Urban Birth Outcomes. Category A Faculty Research Award Program, SUNY, Albany. P.I. Janet Perloff.


Co-Principal Investigator, 2010, Starfish Human Services' It's All About Me Program Evaluation. Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, $750,000. Submitted June 2010 (Not funded)

Principal Investigator, 2007, Environment and Neighborhood Influences on Asthma and Birth Outcome Disparities, National Institutes of Health, Institute for Nursing Research, RO3, $150,000. Submitted 2006. (Not Funded)


Faculty Co-Advisor (with Dr. Anwar Najor-Durack), 2013, Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Social Work Field Placement Project, Council on Social Work Education, National Association of Deans and Directors, $10,000.


1999 Distinguished Dissertation Award, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, State University of New York, University at Albany, School of Social Welfare for “An Ecological Analysis of Low Birthweight in New York City: The Role of Residential Segregation.”



Jaffee, K., Dessel, A. & Woodford, M. (Forthcoming, 2016). The Nature of Incoming Graduate Social Work Students’ Attitudes toward Sexual Minorities. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services.

Jaffee, K., Shires, D., Stroumsa, D. (2016). Discrimination and Delayed Health Care Among Transgender Women and Men: Implications for Improving Medical Education and Healthcare Delivery. Medical Care. DOI 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000583

Jaffee, K., Hammad, A., Hammade, H., Cohen, M. & Azaiza, F. (2015). Cultural barriers to breast cancer screening among Arab American women. ACCESS Arab Health Journal, No. 3. 19-25.

Shires, D. & Jaffee, K. (2015). Structural discrimination is associated with smoking among a national sample of transgender individuals. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntv221

Shires, D. & Jaffee, K. (2015). Factors associated with healthcare discrimination experiences among a national sample of female-to-male transgender individuals. Health and Social Work, 40(2), 134-141.

Jaffee, K., Epling, J., Grant, W., Ghandour, R., & Callender, E. (2005). Physician-identified barriers to intimate partner violence screening, Journal of Women’s Health, 14, No.8, 714-721.

Jaffee, K., Liu, G., Canty-Mitchell, J., Qi, A., Austin, J., & Swigonski, N. (2005). Race, urban community stressors, and behavioral and emotional problems among children with special health care needs. Psychiatric Services, 56, 63-69.

Canty-Mitchell, J., Austin, J., Jaffee, K., Rong, A.Q. & Swigonski, N. (2004). Behavioral and mental health problems in low-income children with special health care needs. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 18, 79-87.

Jaffee, K. & Perloff, J. (2003). Racial differences in neighborhood disadvantage among childbearing women in New York City: 1991-1992, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 7, 59-77.

Chow, J., Jaffee, K., & Snowden, L. (2003). Racial/ethnic disparities in mental health services use in poverty areas, American Journal of Public Health, 93, 792-797.

Jaffee, K. & Perloff, J. (2003). An ecological analysis of racial differences in low birthweight: Implications for maternal and child health social work, Health and Social Work, 28, 9-22.

Chow, J., Jaffee, K., & Choi, D. (1999). Use of public mental health services by Russian refugees. Psychiatric Services, 50, 936-940.

Perloff, J. & Jaffee, K. (1999). Late entry into prenatal care: The neighborhood context. Social Work, 4, 116-128.

Perloff, J. & Jaffee, K. (1997). Prenatal care utilization in New York City: A comparison of measures and an assessment of their significance for urban health. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine A Journal of Urban Health, 74, 51-64.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Jaffee, ,K., Hammad, A., Hamade, H., Cohen, M., Azaiza, F. & Thompson, H. Breast Cancer Screening Barriers and Medical Mistrust Among Arab American Women

Jaffee, K., Dessel, A., Woodford, M. & Hayes Piel, M. An Assessment of Child Protective Services Investigators LGBT Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills for Affirming the Safety of LGBTQ Youth and Families.    

Woodford, M., Dessel, A. & Jaffee, K. Religiosity and Syncretism Between Religious Teachings and Personal Religious Beliefs: Understanding Sexual Prejudice Among Religiously Affiliated Graduate Social Work Students.

Jaffee, K., Hammad, A., Hammade, H., Cohen, M. & Azaiza, F. A Comparison of breast cancer screening and cultural barriers among Arab women in Israel and the US.

Shires, D., Stroumsa, D., Jaffee, K. & Woodford, M. Primary Care Providers' Willingness to Provide Routine Care to Transgender Individuals.

Shires, D., Stroumsa, D., Jaffee, K. & Woodford, M. Primary Care Providers' Willingness to Continue Access to Hormone Therapy for Transgender Individuals.

Book Chapters

Jaffee, K. & Perloff, J. (2004). Racial differences in neighborhood disadvantage among childbearing women in New York City: 1991-1992. In N. J. Smyth (Ed.), Women and girls in the social environment: Behavioral perspectives. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. (In print in article form).

Reports & Manuscripts (Unpublished)

Jaffee, K., Nahan, N., Brown, C. (2016). Evaluation of Training for Building Safety with Youth and Families by Recognizing and Affirming Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression. Prepared for the Ruth Ellis Center, Highland Park, Michigan.

Thomas, M., Jaffee, K. (June 2004). Syracuse Health Start Client Satisfaction. Prepared for the Syracuse Healthy Start Project. Syracuse University, School of Social Work.

Jaffee, K. (May 2004). Multicultural Competency Assessment for Organizations. Prepared for the Syracuse Healthy Start Project. Syracuse University, School of Social Work.

Jaffee, K., Thomas, M. (May, 2004). 2003 Evaluation Report: Syracuse Healthy Start Project. Syracuse University, School of Social Work

Jaffee, K., Wu, C. (April, 2003). 2002 Evaluation Report: Syracuse Healthy Start Project. Syracuse University, School of Social Work

Jaffee, K., Wu, C. (March, 2002). 2001 Evaluation Report: Syracuse Healthy Start Project. Syracuse University, School of Social Work


Jaffee, K., Hammad, A., Hamade, H., Cohen, M., Azaiza, F. & Thompson, H. Breast Cancer Screening Barriers and Medical Mistrust Among Arab American Women. Accepted Poster Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 29 - November 3, 2016.

Jaffee, K., Hammad, A., Hammade, H., Cohen, M. & Azaiza, F. Cultural barriers to breast cancer screening among Arab American women. Accepted for Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities, Muscat, Oman, March 1-5, 2015

Jaffee, K. & Shires, D. (2015). Factors associated with delayed needed health care due to discrimination of transgender individuals. Presentation at Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 14-18, 2015.

Shires, D. & Jaffee, K. (2015). Structural and interpersonal discrimination and smoking status among a National sample of transgender individuals. Presentation at Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 14-18, 2015.

Jaffee, K. (2013). Rising tide or tsunami: Hepatitis C epidemic and the role of social work.

Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 4-8, 2013.

Jaffee, K., Bartholomew, J., Lane, S. (2009). Asthma during pregnancy: Racial disparities in birth outcome. Presentation at Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 16-18, 2009.

Jaffee, K. (2006). Use of a multicultural assessment in maternal and child health organizations. Accepted for Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 7-9, 2006.

Jaffee, K. (2005). Transgender health care: Implications for social work advocacy and education. Presentation at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, New York City, February 26-March 1, 2005.

Jaffee, K., Epling, J., Ghandour, R., Callender, E., Grant, W. (2005). Barriers to intimate partner violence screening in health care settings: Implications for Social Work. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and (SSWR) Research Conference, Miami, Florida, January 13-15, 2005.

Jaffee, K., Epling, J., Ghandour, R., Callender, E., Grant, W. (2003). Barriers to intimate partner violence screening among physicians. Presentation at the North American Primary Care Research Group Meeting, Banff, Alberta, October 25-28, 2003.

Jaffee, K., Liu, G., Canty-Mitchell, J., Qi, R., Swigonski, N. (2002). Racial differences in the relationship of urban community stressors to behavioral and emotional problems among Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN). Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2002.

Jaffee, K., Liu, G., Canty-Mitchell, J., Qi, R., Swigonski, N. (2002). The relationship of socioecologic contextual stressors to behavioral and mental health problems among children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN). Presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2002.

Jaffee, K., Perloff, J. (2001). Residential segregation and low birthweight in New York City. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research, Atlanta, Georgia, January 19-21, 2001.

Jaffee, K., Perloff, J. (2000). An ecological analysis of low birthweight in New York City: The role of residential segregation. Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2000.

Jaffee, K., Chow, J., Perloff, J. (1999). The effect of neighborhood context on public mental health service use among children in New York City. Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 1999.

Chow, J., Jaffee, K., Choi, D. (1998). Patterns of geographic access and utilization of

public mental health services by ethnic minority populations. Presentation at the Annual

American Public Health Association Meeting, Washington DC, November 1998.

Jaffee, K. (1998). A Contextual Analysis of Low Birthweight Among African American

Women in New York Ciiy: The Role of Residential Segregation. Invited Presentation at the

Second International Conference on Women in Africa and the African Diaspora: Health and

Human Rights, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 1998.

Chow, J., Jaffee, K., Choi, D. (1997). Patterns of Use of Public Mental Health Services by

Refugees in New York State. Presentation at the Annual American Public Health

Association Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 1997.

Perloff, J., Fossett, J. Jaffee, K., (1996). Inadequate Use of Prenatal Care in New York City:

Individual and Community Risk Factors. Invited Speaker Session of the Improved Pregnancy

Outcome Session at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, New York

City, November 1996.

Perloff, J., Jaffee, K., (1996). Measuring Prenatal Care Use in New York City: Implications of Shifting from the Kessner Index to the APNCU. Presentation at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, New York City, November 1996.

Workshops/Lectures/INVITED Presentations

Jaffee, Kim D. (2015, September). Cultural Competence in Healthcare. Presented at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University. Lecture to Physician Assistant Students.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2013, October). Cultural Competence in Healthcare. Presented at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University. Lecture to Physician Assistant Students.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2013, March). Panelist - Annual Diversity Lecture: Cultural Competence with LGBTI Populations.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2013, March). Research Brown Bag. The Impact of Religiosity, Political Affiliation, and Race on Social Work Students Attitudes Toward LGBTQ Individuals.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2013, April). Presented at Curriculum and Instruction Day: 1) Getting to Know the MSW Curriculum; and 2) Assessing Student Competencies: Preparing for CSWE Reaccreditation.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2013, April). Cultural Competence in Healthcare. Presented at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University. Lecture to Physician Assistant Students.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2013, February). Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault, Presented at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University. Lecture to Physician Assistant Students.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2012, April). Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault. Presented at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University. Lecture to Physician Assistant Students.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2011, March). Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault. Presented at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University. Lecture to Physician Assistant Students.

Jaffee, Kim D. (2010, October). Race and Neighborhood Effects on Health. Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.


■ External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, University of Haifa, Maya Shaapira (2016)

■ Guest Reviewer, Journal of Community Practice (2016)

■ Guest Reviewer, Psychiatric Rehabilitation (2014)

■ Guest Reviewer, Trauma, Violence, and Abuse (2014)

■ Consulting Editor, NASW Press, Health & Social Work (2009-Present)

■ Consulting Editor, Maternal and Child Health Journal, (2012-Present)

■ Guest Reviewer, Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2012-2013)

■ Grant Reviewer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Special Emphasis Panel (Disease, Disability, and Injury Prevention), Public Health Program Office (2007, 2008)

■ Member of the Society for Social Work Research (1999-Present)

■ Member of the National Association of Social Workers (1998-Present)

■ Member of the American Public Health Association (1985-Present)

▪ Elected as Social Work Section Council Member of the American Public Health Association (2003-2005, 2013- 2015)

▪ Program Planning Chair (2007, 2014)

▪ Membership Chair (2008,2009)

▪ APHA Conference Abstract Reviewer: (2001-2010, 2012-2015)

■ Reviewer for textbook: Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Micro Level by Katherine van Wormer (2005)

■ Reviewer for textbook: Human Behavior in the Social Environment by Ashford, LeCroy & Lortie (2004)

■ Guest Reviewer, Social Science and Medicine (2003).

■ Guest Reviewer, Journal of Health and Social Behavior (2003,2011)

■ Conference Abstract Reviewer: Annual Program Meeting for Council on Social Work Education (2000)

■ Michigan Social Work Board – Ethical Violations Committee (2010-2012)


Wayne State University

■ Serve on MSW Program Committee (2015-Present)

■ Serve on BSW Program Committee (2015-Present)

■ Serve on Budget Committee (2015-Present)

■ Lead Teacher: Policy Curriculum (Fall 2015-Present)

■ Lead Teacher: Macro Foundation Curriculum (2012-2013)

■ Co-Lead Teacher: Human Behavior and the Social Environment ( 2013)

■ Served on University-wide Tenure and Promotion Committee (2012-2013, 2015-2016)

■ Served on School of Social Work Dean Search Advisory Committee (2011-2012)

■ WSU- MSW Program Coordinator – Chair MSW Committee (2010-2014)

■ Serve on Advisory Board for Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program (2011-Present)

■ Served on SSW Promotion and Tenure Committee (2010-present)

■ Served on SSW Retention Committee (2010-present)

■ Served on SSW Faculty Search Advisory Committee (2010-present)

■ Served on Curriculum and Instruction Committee (2010-Present)

■ Chaired Faculty Award Committee (2008, 2010)

■ Serve on SSW Student Reinstatement Committees (2010 –present).

■ Serve on Admissions Advisory Committee (2012-present)

■ Serve on the Academic Services Team (2012-present)

Syracuse University

■ Faculty Advisor to LGBT Learning Community (2007-2008)

■ Development of LGBTQ Studies Minor for Undergraduate Students (2006-2007)

■ Dissertation Defense Representative for Syracuse University Graduate School (2003-2007)

■ Member of the University Senate Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns (2002-2005)

■ Member of Grievance Committee (2007-2008)

Founder of SU/SUNY Upstate Medical Women’s Health Interest Group (1999-2002)

■ Member of Poverty Simulation Committee (2001-2003)

■ Served on the Recruitment Committee for Child and Family Studies (2001-2003)

■ Member of the HSHP Futures Committee (2000-2001)

■ Chair HBSE Committee (2000-2007)

■ Served on Promotion and Tenure Committee (2001-2004, 2007)

■ Served on Policy Committee (1999-2007)

■ Served on Community Organizing, Policy, Planning, and Administration (COPPA) Committee (2000-2007)

■ Served on Recruitment Committee (2002-2005)

■ Served as reviewer for Virginia Insley Award Scholarship (2002-2005)

■ Served on Research Committee (1999-2004)

■ Served as reviewer for the Zurenda Scholarship Fund (2000-2001)

■ Served on the Health Concentration Committee (1998-2000)

■ Served as Committee Chair for the Jennifer Corn Carter Multiple Sclerosis Symposium (1998-1999)


■ Board Member: Ruth Ellis Center, Detroit, MI (2015-Present)

■ Serve on the Health Equity Committee, Detroit, MI (2014-Present)

■ Served on the Health Care Committee (2001-2005) and the LGBT Committee (2006-2007) of the Syracuse Area Family and Sexual Violence Coalition

■ Community Presentation to the Syracuse Healthy Start Consortium SHS: “Expanding Linkages: Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Infant Mortality.” The Atrium, City Hall Commons, April 24, 2003.

■ Presentation at the Racial Health Disparities Summit: “Infant Mortality.” Drumlins Country Club, April 16, 2002.

■ Analyzed data and produced Community Report on Child Care Needs for the Madison County Community Action Program (2001)

■ Onondaga County Health Department - ACT for Youth Grant (1998-1999)


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