CURRICULUM VITAE - LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans




Business Address: 200 W. Esplanade, Suite 200

Kenner, Louisiana 70065

Business Telephone and Telefax: (504) 464-8500/Office; (504) 464-8525/Fax

Business Email Address:; yizarn@


Citizenship: U.S.A.




1974 -1980 B.D.S. (Equivalent to D.D.S. in U.S.)

Kaohsiung Medical College, School of Dentistry Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Rep. of China



1982 – 1986 Certificate in Oral Pathology, Oregon Health

Sciences University, Department of Pathology Graduate/Residency Program, Portland, Oregon


1986 – 1990 M.D., Oregon Health Sciences University

School of Medicine, Portland, Oregon

Internship: General Surgery, Washington University

1990 - 1991 School of Medicine/Barnes Hospital


1990 – 1994 General Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine/Barnes Hospital


Post-Doctoral Fellowships:

1982 - 1986 Oral Pathology Resident, Department of Pathology, School of Dentistry, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon


1984 -1985 General Pathology Resident

  1987 Department of Anatomic Pathology, Veteran Administration Medical Center, Portland, Oregon


Clinical Fellowships:

1980 -1981 Postgraduate Hospital Dentistry Residency

The Air Force General Hospital

Taipei, Taiwan, Rep. of China


1990 National Board of Medical Examiners of the U.S., #387741

02/14/95 Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery

Certificate #39992 - Recertified October 17, 2004



Louisiana, #10961R, 7/31/2010

Missouri, #106189 (Expired)

Academic, Professional, and Research Appointments

Academic Appointments:

1982 -1984 Teaching Assistant, Department of Pathology, School of Dentistry,

Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon


1984 Instructor, Patient Evaluation Clinic, Department of Clinical Pathology,

School of Dentistry, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon


1985 -1986 Lecturer, Sophomore General Pathology, Department of Pathology, School of Dentistry, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon


1985 -1986 Pathology Lab Instructor, Department of Pathology, School of Dentistry,

Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon


1990 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology,

School of Dentistry, Oregon Health Sciences University

Portland, Oregon

1990 -1994 Teaching Assistant, Department of Surgery

Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri

1994 -1995 Instructor of Surgery, Department of Surgery

Louisiana State University Medical Center, School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA


1995 -2001 Assistant Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA


2001 - Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery

12/2005 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA

 04/2002- Director of Surgical Education, Department of Surgery

12/2005 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA


09/2002- Chief, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery

12/2005 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA

10/2005- Visiting surgeon and teaching staff, Department of

6/2006 Surgery, VAMC/Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

07/2006- Associated Professor, Department of Surgery, Louisiana State University

Present Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine

New Orleans, LA

10/2006- Staff Surgeon, Neuroendocrine Tumor Clinic, Ochsner-Kenner Medical

Present Center, Kenner, LA

Research Appointments:

1985 -1986 Research Fellow

Department of Immunology, School of Dentistry

The Oregon Health Sciences University,

Portland, Oregon

Membership in Professional Organizations:

  American College of Surgeons, Fellow

Greater Louisiana Association of Endocrinologists

James D. Rives Surgical Society

Southeastern Surgical Congress

Southern Medical Association

Surgical Association of Louisiana

The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract

Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons


Awards and Honors:

1974 -1980 Scholarship sponsored by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation


1974 -1980 Scholarship from The Taiwan National Teacher’s Association


1980 “Award of Kaohsiung Medical College Alumina

Association in Japan”---received at my commencement from Kaohsiung Medical College, School of Dentistry

1982 -1985 Teaching Assistant Scholarship sponsored by Department of

Pathology, School of Dentistry, Oregon Health Sciences

University, Portland, Oregon

1996 Runner-up of Aesculapiaan Society Teaching Award – LSUHSC/NO


1997, 1998, Candidate for Allen Copping Teaching Award – LSUHSC/NO

1999, 2001


2001 Semi-Finalist for the Allen Copping Teaching Award – LSUHSC/NO


2003 Winner of the Allen Copping Teaching Award - LSUHSC/NO

2006 Nominee for Allen Copping Teaching Award - LSUHSC/NO

Teaching Experience/Responsibilities

Course/Clerkship/Residency or Fellowship/CME Directorships: 

I was appointed as the course director of the weekly Basic Science and Clinical Surgical Review Conferences and was in charge of weekly teaching conferences from 11/1996 to 9/2005. I reviewed different surgical topics with the residents and students every week. I was appointed Director of Surgical Education from 4/2002 until 12/2005, where I was selected to be the speaker at the weekly conferences more than 90% of the time at the request of residents. The residents’ in-service exam score averages improved from 33% before I assumed the teaching assignment, to greater than 55% after I became the course director and weekly lecturer. The in-service exam scores remained above 50% for seven years in a row and during that time; and I was nominated for teaching award every year. In addition, the residents named the weekly conference “Wang’s conference,” which was approved by Department head.


On my own time, I engaged in detailed discussion about different General Surgery/Oncologic Surgery topics to individual residents who needed reinforcement of his or her knowledge base in clinical application, in-service, and board examination preparations. Each graduating chief resident who I worked with has passed their board exam. I also helped several chief residents who had already graduated prepare for their third and last chance to pass the boards, and they all did.


Curriculum Development/Implementation:

Once I was put in charge of the weekly teaching conferences, I changed the teaching format. My method involved a group discussion format that was centered around one central topic and a set of well-organized questions I generated weekly to complement this topic. This style of teaching was different from the traditional lectures with handouts or slide presentations given by various faculty. The discussions were designed to merge the basic science concepts into clinical practice, as well as to move from the easy questions to which the students and junior residents should know the answers to those questions even chief residents would struggle with.

Weekly, with one chosen topic, we began with simple questions in the area of anatomy and normal physiology, moved on to a set of slightly more complex patho-physiology questions and then to differential diagnosis and their clinical workup. These discussions then led to questions of appropriate treatment options, surgical verses nonsurgical approaches, and onto operative intervention and its possible expected and unexpected intra-operative findings, and finally the way to handle these different observations. Conferences concluded with questions related the patients’ post–operative care including potential complications, follow-up visits, and lastly the aspect of prevention including family member screenings.

This new format was well received by the students and residents and this was clearly reflected by the unmarked evaluations that are submitted by the residents biannually.

I have led private tutoring sessions for chief residents preparing for the board exams. I am extremely flexible with my time, often reviewing on the evenings or weekends. A great majority of residents who utilized my assistance did pass the board exam on the first attempt. Furthermore, I also provided these services to past graduates who had failed the Board exam initially. I have helped several such individuals, including a few of them who were facing their third and final attempt to pass the Board.

Creation of Enduring Teaching Materials:

My lecture notes have been stored in many residents' palms or personal computers and are still being passed from residents to residents.

Formal Course Responsibilities:

I hosted and conducted weekly basic and clinic science conferences from 11/1996 to 1/2006. After the storm I drove back and forth between Houston, OKL and UMC to teach residents to help them learn and prepare for in-service and board exams.

Departmental/Interdisciplinary Conferences: 

Before Katrina, I routinely participated in the weekly grand rounds and M&M conferences. Often, I would be asked to make the final comments on different subjects or to answer questions from the audience that the invited speaker or presenters were not able to address or answer.


I attended the weekly multidisciplinary tumor conference and functioned as moderator in the place of Dr. Eugene Woltering when he was unavailable.


I saw patients in the Charity Oncology Clinic with the students and residents on the Surgical Oncology Services every Wednesday afternoon. At the conclusion of clinic activities, I always reviewed an interesting and important subject in detail pertaining to one or a few patients' conditions that we had encountered. Many times, I would review multiple topics in one afternoon.


Two days a week, I performed surgery on oncology patients with residents and students. I routinely conducted extensive teaching in the operating room while waiting for induction of anesthesia or while operating.


Three times a week, I conducted bedside rounds with students and residents; each round lasted about two hours to assure that we could have detailed discussion on different topics related to patient care.


Special Clinical Rounds: 

In addition to my own weekly conferences and all other teaching activities, I frequently functioned (50%) as the substitute host for Dr. J. Patrick O'Leary to conduct the weekly Professor’s Rounds. In such conferences, I would dissect and discuss the index case with students and residents.


I also served as substitute host frequently for Dr. Isidore Cohn, Jr., to run the weekly students’ “Cohn's Conference” when he had other commitments. Together, we would review three cases and discuss the presenting symptoms and signs of patients. We then generated a list of differential diagnoses and considered the potential diagnostic workups. Once the diagnosis was established, we then discussed different treatment options, which then led to the best and most logical therapeutic planning.

After Katrina, while I was furloughed and on detail at the VAMC/Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, I continued to conduct my weekly conferences in Baton Rouge and Lafayette because I wanted to continue my contribution to our residents’ and students’ education. In order to do so, I drove back and forth between Houston and New Orleans every week until the in-service exam was over in January of 2006. I felt compelled to help our students learn during this difficult time. I was very pleased to learn that residents did fairly well on the exam that year despite the distraction provided by Katrina. To show their appreciation, the residents as a group submitted a joint letter to Dr. O’Leary to nominate me for the Allen Copping teaching award for the year of 2006 and pleaded for my return to be an active teaching faculty member again.

Currently, we hold case discussion rounds at KMC biweekly to discuss patient management for difficult neuroendocrine tumor cases. I continue to teach the residents and students rotating on our service in the clinic, bedside, and operating room.

Teaching Awards:

1996 Runner-up of Aesculapian Society Teaching Award – LSUHSC/NO


1997, 1998, Candidate for Allen Copping Teaching Award – LSUHSC/NO

1999, 2001


2001 Semi-Finalist for the Allen Copping Teaching Award – LSUHSC/NO


2003 Winner of the Allen Copping Teaching Award - LSUHSC/NO

2006 Nominated by residents for the Allen Copping Teaching Award -LSUHSC/NO


I was nominated for a teaching award every year through 2006, and won the Allen Copping Teaching Award in 2003. The residents have continued to nominate me yearly though I am no longer eligible to be the award recipient since 2006.


Graduate Students Trained:

Pham, Lanminh; Medical student’s summer research 2007---Angiogenesis: Intra-patient Sensitivity to Drugs

Stalder, Mark; Medical student’s summer research 2007---The effect of Epothilone B in metronomic Anti-Angiogenic treatment of Cultured Primary Carcinoid tumors

Linholm, Erika, Medical student’s summer research 2007---Changes in carcinoid tumor markers following surgical cytoreduction

Post-Doctoral or Post-Residency Fellows Trained:

Geoffrey Flattmann, MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 1996

G. Flattmann, M.O. Meyers, R.C. Alperinlea, E.A. Woltering and Y. Wang. A Novel Human Vascular Whole Organ Modification of the Boyden Chamber. The Society of University Surgeons Resident’s Program, Tampa, FL, February 15, 1997.

Mike Meyers, MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 1997-1999

Meyers MO, Gagliardia AR, Flattmann G, Wang YZ, and Woltering EA: Suramin Analogues Inhibit Human Angiogenesis In Vitro. Journal of Surgical Research, 2000; 91(2): 130-134.

Bret Siegrist, MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2000

Jung SP, Siegrist B, Hornick CA, Wang YZ, Wade JR, Anthony CT, Woltering EA. Effect of human recombinant endostatin protein on human angiogenesis. Angiogenesis 5: 111-118, 2002.

Donna Francis, MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2000

Francis, DE, Anthony, CJ, Wang, YZ, Woltering, EA. Alpha-Interferon inhibits human angiogenesis, in vitro. Presented at the Society of University Surgeon’s Residents’ Program, Chicago, Illinois, February 8, 2001.

James Lewis, MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2000-2002

Lewis JM, Grafton LH, Maxwell IV PJ, Martin LF, Nesbit LT, Wang Y-Z, Woltering EA. Development of an Architecturally-Intact Human Skin-Based Angiogenesis Model. JACS, Suppl September 2003: 197:3, S57.

Lewis JM, P Johnstone Maxwell IV, Catherine T. Anthony, Brian M. Gebhardt, Jessica L. Thompson, John Rothermel, Paul McSheehy, Yi-Zarn Wang, Eugene A. Woltering. Epothilone B is a more potent antiangiogenic than paclitaxel in a human tumor-based angiogenesis model. JACS, Suppl Oct ,2004;199: S90.

John Maxwell MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2001

Maxwell IV PJ, Lewis JM, Anthony CT, Watson JC, Meyer5s MO, Espenan TD, Espenan GD, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. External bean radiation therapy does not inhibit the human “angiogenic switch” but decreases endothelial cell growth and angiogenic vessel development. Ann SurgOnc, Suppl to January 2003: 10:1, S49.

Shawn Stafford, MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2003

Stafford SJ, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Colchicine and 2-methoxyestradiol inhibit human angiogenesis. J Surg Res. 2005 May 1;125(1):104-8. 2005.

Stafford SJ, Wright JL, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Cundiff JD, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Espenan G, Maloney T, Camp A, Woltering EA. Development of 125I-methylene blue for sentinel lymph node biopsy. J Surg Oncol. 2006 Sep 15;94(4):293-7.

Jason Cundiff MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2004-2005

Cundiff JD, Wang YZ, Espenan G, Maloney T, Camp A, Lazarus L, Stolier A, Brooks R, Torrance B, Stafford S, O'Leary JP, Woltering EA. A phase I/II trial of 125I methylene blue for one-stage sentinel lymph node biopsy. Ann Surg. 2007 Feb;245(2):290-6.

John Lyons MD., Surgical resident in surgical research 2005-2007

Lyons JM III, Abergel Jeffrey, Thomson Jessica, Anthony CT, Wang Yi-Zarn , Anthony L. , Boudreaux JP , Strauchen James, Idrees Muhammad, Warner Richard, and Woltering EA. In Vitro Chemoresistance Testing in Well-Differentiated Carcinoid Tumors. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 16(3): 649-655, 2009

Lyons, JM III, Schwimer, JE, Anthony, CT, Thomson, JL, Cundiff, JD, Casey, DT, Maccini, C, Kucera, P, Wang, YZ, Boudreaux, JP, Woltering, EA. The Role of VEGF Pathways in Human Physiologic and Pathologic Angiogenesis. J. Surg. Res ( ): 1–14,

Lyons III, JM, Lindholm E, Anthony LB, Wang YZ, Woltering EA, Boudreaux JP. Metastatic carcinoid causing encasement of the mesenteric vasculature should not preclude cytoreduction. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

Lyons III, JM, Lindholm E, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Woltering EA, Wang YZ. Application of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Abdominal Carcinoid Tumors. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

Lyons JM, Abergel J, Wang YZ, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Warner RRP, Woltering EA: In-Vitro Analysis of Chemo-resistance in Patients with “Typical” and “Atypical” Carcinoid Tumors. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008)

Lyons, III JM, Abergel J, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Strauchen J, Idrees M, Warner RRP, Woltering EA: In vitro chemoresistance testing in well differentiated carcinoid tumors. The Society of Surgical Oncology 61st  Annual Cancer Symposium. Chicago, IL (2008).

Lyons, III JM, Lindholm E, Boudreaux JP, Anthony LB, Woltering EA, Wang YZ. Diaphragmatic Implants In Patients With Metastatic Carcinoid.  The Society of Surgical Oncology 62nd Annual Cancer Symposium. Phoenix, AZ (2009).

Grants and Contracts


1999 - 2004 Co-investigator, NSABP B-30 - A Three-Arm Randomized Trial to Compare Adjuvant Adriamycin/Cyclophosphamide Followed by Taxotere (AC-T); Adriamycin and Taxotere (AT); and Adriamycin, Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide (ATC) in Breast Cancer Patients With Positive Axillary Lymph Nodes (Trial opened to accrual 3/15/1999; closed to accrual 3/31/2004)


  2000 - 2005 Co-investigator, NSABP B-31 - A randomized trial comparing the safety and efficacy of Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide followed by Taxol (AC-T) to that of Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide followed by Taxol plus Herceptin (AC-T+H) in Node Positive Breast Cancer Patients who have Tumors that overexpress HER2 (Trial opened to accrual 2/21/2000; closed to accrual 4/29/2005)


  2000 - 2002 Co-investigator, NSABP C-07 - A Clinical Trial Comparing 5-Fluoriuracil

(5FU) Plus Leucovorin (LV) and Oxaliplatin with 5-FU plus LV for the Treatment of Patients with Stages II and III Carcinoma of the Colon (Trial opened to accrual 2/1/2000; closed to accrual 11/15/2002)


  2000 – 2004 Co-investigator, NSABP B-34 - A Clinical Trial Comparing Adjuvant

Clodronate Therapy vs Placebo In Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Systemic Chemotherapy and/or Tamoxifen or No Therapy (Trial opened to accrual 12/1/2000; closed to accrual 3/31/2004)


2001 Co-investigator of A Prospective, Multicenter, Double –Blind with In-House blinding, Randomized, Comparative Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Ertapenem Sodium Versus Piperacillin/Tazobactam in the Treatment of Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections in Hospitalized Adults


2001 Co-investigator of A Multicenter, Randomized, Double Blind, Comparative Trial of Intravenous MerremTM (meropenem, ICI 119,660) vs Primaxin® I.V. (imipenem-cilastatin) in the Treatment of Hospitalized subjects with Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections.


2001 - 2003 Co-investigator, NSABP B-33 - A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial Evaluating The Effect of Exemestane in Clinical Stage T1-3 N0-1M0 Postmenopausal breast Cancer Patients Completing At Least

Five Years of Tamoxifen Therapy -and- Bone Mineral Density, Biochemical Markers, and Lipid (BBL) Sub-Study of NSABP B-33 (Trial opened to accrual (Trial opened to accrual 5/1/2001; closed to accrual 10/9/2003)

2000 Co-investigator of A Prospective, Multicenter, Double-Blind With In-house

Blinding, Randomized, Comparative Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Ertapenem Versus Piperacillin/Tazobactam in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Infections in Adults


2001 Co-Investigator of Ertapenem vs Piperacillin/Tazobactum in Diabetic Foot



2001 Co-Investigator of J4A-MC-EZZI (a): A Phase IIb Study to Determine the

Efficacy And Safety of LY315920 in Patients With Severe Sepsis


2003 - 8/29/05

Coinvestigator, NSABP B-35 – A Clinical Trial Comparing Astrozole with

Tamoxifen in Postmenopausal Patients with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) Undergoing Lumpectomy with Radiation Therapy (Trial opened to accrual 1/6/2003)


2004 - 8/29/05

Coinvestigator. NSABP B-36 – A Clinical Trial of Adjuvant Therapy

Comparing Six Cycles of 5-Fluroouracil, Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide [FEC] to four Cycles of Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide [AC], with or without Celecoxib, in Patients with Node-Negative Breast Cancer (Trial opened to accrual 5/20/2004)


2004 - 8/29/05

Coinvestigator, NSABP B-38 – A Phase III, Adjuvant Trial Comparing Three Chemotherapy Regiments in Woman with Node-Positive Breast Cancer: Docetaxel/Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide (TAC); Dose-Dense (DD) Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide followed by DD Paclitaxel (DD AC→P); DD AC followed by DD Paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine (DD AC→PG) (Trial opened to accrual 10/1/2004)

2005 - Present

Primary/Coinvestigator, I-125-Methylen Blue for one stage Sentinel Lymph node Biopsy

Cundiff JD, Wang YZ, Espenan G, Maloney T, Camp A, Lazarus L, Stolier A, Brooks R, Torrance B, Stafford S, O'Leary JP, Woltering EA. A phase I/II trial of 125I methylene blue for one-stage sentinel lymph node biopsy. Ann Surg. 2007 Feb;245(2):290-6.

10/2006 - Present

Coinvestigator. The angiogenesis potential of different Neuroendocrine tumors. And the angiogenesis capacity difference between the primary and metastasis in different anatomic locations.

Data collected and presented as abstract

10/2006 - Present

Coinvestigator. The correlations between the level of plasma/urine tumor markers in patients with neuroendocrine tumors and the degree of their surgical debulking.

Data collected and presented at Rives Visiting Professor round 2009

10/2006 - Present

Coinvestigator. The correlations between the level of plasma/urine tumor markers in patients with neuroendocrine tumors and the usage of

Hydrogen pumps inhibitors.

10/2006 - Present

Coinvestigator. The Chemoresistance of different Neuroendocrine tumors. And the chemoresistance difference between the primary and different anatomic neuroendocrine tumor metastasis. Data collected and presented as abstract and has been published.

Lyons JM III, Abergel Jeffrey, Thomson Jessica, Anthony CT, Wang Yi-

Zarn , Anthony L. , Boudreaux JP , Strauchen James, Idrees

Muhammad, Warner Richard, and Woltering EA. In Vitro

Chemoresistance Testing in Well-Differentiated Carcinoid Tumors. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 16(3): 649-655, 2009

March 2006-present Sponsor: Novartis Pharmaceuticals                    

Coinvestigator. An Open Label, Stratified, Single-Arm Phase II study of RAD001 in patients with Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) After Failure of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy.

Goal: To determine the objective response rate of RAD001 10mg PO daily monotherapy in patients with advanced, unresectable pancreatic NET after failure of cytotoxic chemotherapy.


November 2006-present Sponsor: NovartisPharmaceuticals                    

Coinvestigator. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-center Phase III study in Patients with Advanced Carcinoid Tumor Receiving Sandostatin LAR and RAD001 10mg/day or Sandostatin LAR and Placebo.

Goal: To determine whether treatment with RAD001 10mg/day plus with Sandostatin LAR alone in patients with advanced carcinoid tumor.


February 2009-present Sponsor: Novartis Pharmaceuticals                    

Coinvestigator. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III study of RAD001 10mg/day Plus Best Supportive Care in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET).

Goal: To determine whether treatment with RAD001 10mg/day plus best supportive care prolongs the progression free survival compared to treatment with best supportive care alone in patients with advanced pancreatic NET.

Non-funded applications:

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The utility of Sentinel Lymph Node Identification Technology in the surgical management of patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors.

Lyons III, JM, Lindholm E, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Woltering EA, Wang YZ. Application of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Abdominal Carcinoid Tumors. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The utility of Lymphatic Mapping Technology in the surgical management of patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors.

Abstract has been accepted and presented at the 2009 annual AAES meeting. Madison WI 3-5/05/2009.

The manuscript has been accepted for publication---in press, the Journal “Surgery”


10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The application of Radioguided Surgical Technology in the surgical management of patients with advanced neuroendocrine


Yi-Zarn Wang DDS MD, J Philip Boudreaux MD, Richard Campeau MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD. Resolution of pulsatile tinnitus following an upper mediastinum lymph node resection. Accepted for publication---In press, Southern Medical Journal

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The incidence of diaphragmatic tumor implants in patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors and their treatment outcome.

Lyons, III JM, Lindholm E, Boudreaux JP, Anthony LB, Woltering EA, Wang YZ. Diaphragmatic Implants In Patients With Metastatic Carcinoid.  The Society of Surgical Oncology 62nd Annual Cancer Symposium. Phoenix, AZ (2009).

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The long-term outcome of aggressive mesenteric lymph node debluking in surgical management of patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumor.

Lyons III, JM, Lindholm E, Anthony LB, Wang YZ, Woltering EA, Boudreaux JP. Metastatic carcinoid causing encasement of the mesenteric vasculature should not preclude cyto-reduction. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The long-term outcome of aggressive liver resection and/or tumor ablation in surgical management of patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumor. Work in progress and data collection ongoing.

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. The long-term outcome of aggressive mesenteric lymphadenectomy and resection of primary carcinoid cancer in patients with massive un-resectable liver metastasis. Work in progress and preliminary data collected.

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. New innovative pre- video assist thorascopic surgery technique using combination of blue dye and TC-99 Colloid

Yi-Zarn Wang DDS., MD, J Philip Boudreaux MD, Adam Dowling MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD Percutaneous localization of pulmonary nodules prior to video assisted thoracoscopic surgery using Methylene blue and TC-99 ---A new modification of existing techniques. Accepted for publication---in press, European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. Development of a new easy technique for a staged second look laparascopy to evaluate post-op bowel ischemia following extensive mesenteric lymphadenectomy for midgut carcinoid

Yi-Zarn Wang DDS., MD., FACS.,

Staged second look laparaproscopy---A new alternative approach in dealing with ischemic bowel following extensive mesenteric lymphadenectomy for midgut carcinoid.

Submitted to Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. Radio guided surgery for carcinoid patients with low neck and superior mediastinal lymph node metastasis.

Yi-Zarn Wang DDS MD, J Philip Boudreaux MD, Richard Campeau MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD. Resolution of pulsatile tinnitus following an upper mediastinum lymph node resection. Accepted for publication ---in press, Southern Medical Journal

10/2006 - Present

Primary Investigator. Intra-operative chemotherapy for advanced carcinoid patients following liver enucleation, resection and or mesenteric lymphadenectomy. Work in progress and data collection ongoing.

Research Review Committee:

I have been invited to review two cancer related research protocols for IRB-LSUHSC since my return from Houston.


Inventions and Patents:

1). I am the first surgeon to apply lymphatic mapping to define surgical resection margins and to spare the ileocecal valve, when conditions permit, for patients with midgut carcinoid cancer. I presented my work at the 2009 American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES) annual meeting in Madison, WI, which was well received by more than three hundred surgeons from different academic institutions around the world. I have received four invitations to be a visiting speaker at various hospitals, universities and organizations. The manuscript has been accepted for publication--- in press, Surgery.

Wang, Yi-Zarn DDS, MD, Joseph, Saju MD, Lindholm, Erika BSE, Lyons, John MD, Boudreaux, J. Philip MD, Woltering, Eugene A. MD

Lymphatic mapping helps define resection margins for midgut carcinoids.

2). I also invented an easy way to conduct a staged second look laparascopy to evaluate ischemic bowel after extensive lymphadenectomy for mid gut carcinoid cancer. The manuscript has been submitted to JSLS (Journal Society Of Laparendoscopic surgeons) for publication.

Yi-Zarn Wang DDS., MD., FACS.,

Staged second look laparaproscopy---A new alternative approach in dealing with ischemic bowel following extensive mesenteric lymphadenectomy for midgut carcinoid.

3) Another invention of mine is a new technique using both blue dye and TC-99 colloid to tattoo a pulmonary nodule before video assist thoracic surgery. The manuscript has been accepted for publication and is currently in press, European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Yi-Zarn Wang DDS., MD, J Philip Boudreaux MD, Adam Dowling MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD Percutaneous localization of pulmonary nodules prior to video assisted thoracoscopic surgery using Methylene blue and TC-99 ---A new modification of existing techniques.

4) I am the first surgeon to become proficient in a technique using a radiolabeled blue dye for one stage sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer in a phase I/II trial.

Cundiff JD, Wang YZ, Espenan G, Maloney T, Camp A, Lazarus L, Stolier A, Brooks R, Torrance B, Stafford S, O'Leary JP, Woltering EA. A phase I/II trial of 125I methylene blue for one-stage sentinel lymph node biopsy. Ann Surg. 2007 Feb;245(2):290-6.

5). I am the first surgeon to use radio-guided minimally invasive surgery to address carcinoid metastasis in the lower neck and upper mediastinum. Data has been collected and the paper is in the process of being written.

6) I am the first surgeon to make link between pulsatile tinnitus and external tumor compression on extra-cranial vessels and be able to resolve it with minimally invasive surgical procedure. Manuscript has been accepted for publication---in press, Southern Medical Journal.

Yi-Zarn Wang DDS MD, J Philip Boudreaux MD, Richard Campeau MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD. Resolution of pulsatile tinnitus following an upper mediastinum lymph node resection.

7). I have designed a new technique using Neoprobe and TC-99 to define proximal surgical margins for rectal malignancy. Data collection is ongoing and soon I should have the first several patients to report. This will be the first report of this nature and it might revolutionize the conventional surgical resection of rectal cancer.

8) I am the first surgeon who uses intra-operative chemotherapy for patients with advanced carcinoid cancer whose resection margin in the liver or mesentery vessels might be inadequate. Soon, I should have the first serial patients to report and this will be the first report in this nature and it might revolutionize the conventional surgical approach to advanced carcinoid cancer or cancer in general.

9) I am the first physician to make and report the observation that diaphragmatic implants from midgut carcinoid are always located on the right side and its clinical implication. Poster presented at 2009 SSO meeting.

Lyons, III JM, Lindholm E, Boudreaux JP, Anthony LB, Woltering EA, Wang YZ. Diaphragmatic Implants In Patients With Metastatic Carcinoid.  The Society of Surgical Oncology 62nd Annual Cancer Symposium. Phoenix, AZ (2009).

10) I first recognized that lymph node metastasis of midgut carcinoid patients who presented with neck and upper mediastinal lymph node metastasis are always on the left, the clinical implication and established the treatment option. Paper writing is in progress.

Papers Presented:

Wang, Yi-Zarn DDS, MD, Joseph, Saju MD, Lindholm, Erika BSE, Lyons, John MD,

Boudreaux, J. Philip MD, Woltering, Eugene A. MD

Lymphatic mapping helps define resection margins for midgut carcinoids.

I presented the paper at 2009 AAES (American Association of Endocrine Surgeons) annual meeting, Madison WI, May 3-5, 2009.


Seminars and Invited Presentations

CME lectures: multiple grand round presentations


University/Institutional Service

LSUHSC (campus) committees:

  Prior to Katrina-

Cancer Education Committee

  The Moses Maimonides Award for Ethics in Medicine Committee

  Women Veterans Advisory Committee (Surgical Services)

  Careers in Medicine Course

  Committee in Residents’ Education - LSUHSC


Clinical Service

In-patient service activities:

Before Katrina, I ran the Surgical Oncology Service for almost 10 years and performed major oncology procedures with chief residents, junior residents, and students on the service. I am also involved in patient care at University’s General Surgery Service. I also provide assistance to other surgeons at Charity Hospital or VAMC in performing complex oncological procedures.

Since October 2006, I have joined the physician group serving neuroendocrine tumor patients at Ochsner-Kenner Medical Center. I have teamed up with Dr. Phil Boudreaux to establish a unique surgical team, a transplant surgeon and a surgical oncologist, performing highly complex surgical procedures for patients who suffer from advanced neuroendocrine tumors. Our team has been well respected and loved by patients and their family members throughout the country and abroad as well. We have been named by patients on the internet as a dream team for carcinoid cancer patients. With the promotion from our patients in cyber space, we have seen an increasing number of patients from different states and even other countries.

For a few months in 2006, in addition to my clinic service at Ochsner-Kenner, I continued to take trauma calls so I would have the chance to work with residents and students more closely. Furthermore, I have continued to see indigent patients every Friday morning at the surgical oncology clinic located at Romans Street downtown New Orleans.

We have established a well-known neuroendocrine tumor treatment center. On average, Phil and I conduct 3-4 major cyto-reductive surgeries (lymphatic mapping guided resection of small bowel primary, extensive mesenteric lymphadenectomy to open the encased major mesenteric vessels, liver resection, retroperitoneal aorto-caval lymph node dissection, pancreatic or colorectal resection) for our patients who come from all over the country. In less than three years together we have performed more than 230 major surgeries for patients with neuroendocrine tumors. At this point, our surgical team has become one of the most experienced teams around the world in dealing with such a rare and unique disease. While providing the best surgical care to our patients, I also have initiated many clinical research activities and implemented and/or invented many new surgical approaches or modifications in the last three years (see new intervention section).

Clinic coverage:

(Before Katrina)

Weekly Surgical Oncology Clinic for 10 years

(Since July 2006)

Weekly Neuroendocrine tumor clinic at Ochsner-Kenner

Weekly Surgical Oncology Clinic at UH (Began July 1, 2007)


I took trauma call at Charity Hospital regularly from Jaunary 1995 until October 2003. I also took calls for VAMC, University/General, and Kenner Regional ER/Surgery calls (until 2003). I have taken all after-hour calls for surgical oncology patients year-round from 1999 through Katrina. I did take some additional trauma calls in mid 2006.

Currently, I share calls with Dr. Phil Boudreaux in taking care of our patients at Kenner Medical center and calls for emergency room of Ochsner- Kenner medical center.

Administrative Responsibilities

Departmental: Director of Surgical Education until 12/2005, Resident advisor

School of Medicine: Student Preceptor

Hospital: Member of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics/Infection

Control Committee, Ochsner-Kenner medical center

Book Chapters:


1. Seza A. Gulec, Yi-Zarn Wang, Randolph B. Reinhold, Frederick J. Doherty and Frank M. Mele. Chapter 26. Selected Technologies in General Surgery. In O’Leary (ed)’s The Physiologic Basic of Surgery, Third edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.


2. Kennan J Buechter, Yi-Zarn Wang, John P. Hunt, Sharon Weintraub. Chapter 9. Kinematic of Trauma. In Moore, Mattox, Feliciano (eds) Trauma, Fifth edition, McGrawHill, 2004.

3. Sharon L Weintraub, Yi-Zarn Wang, John P Hunt, J. Patrick O’Leary. Chapter 10. Principles of Preoperative and Operative Surgery.  Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th edition, Elsevier Saunders 2004.


 Videos and Multimedia

(Broadcasting on National TV):


1. “Rite of Passage” Trauma care documentary series---“Code Blue”, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, The Learning Channel, 2001.


2. “Close calls” Trauma care documentary series---“Code Blue”, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, The Learning Channel, 2002.


3. “Critical Hour” Trauma care documentary series, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, The Discovery Health Channel, 2004.


Journal Publications


1. Bullock, W.W., Wang, Y.Z., Gabler, W.L., and Creamer, H.R.: Aggregate human colostral sIgA stimulates delayed, non-complement-dependent NBTreduction by

human neutrophils. Inflammation 1989; 13(1):67-78.

2. Wang Y, Wang S: Automation of clinical and patient records. Southern Medical Journal 1999; 92(1): 16-22.

3. Meyers MO, Gagliardia AR, Flattmann JG, Wang YZ, and Woltering EA: Suramin Analogues Inhibit Human Angiogenesis In Vitro. Journal of Surgical Research, 2000; 91(2):130-134.

4. Steeb G, Wang YZ, Siegrist B, O’Leary JP: Infections within the peritoneal cavity: a historical perspective. Am Surg 2000, Feb; 66(2):98-104.

5. Hunt JP, Wright MJ, Steeb G., Wang YZ, Buechter KJ, Meyer AA, Baker CC. Accuracy of administrative data in trauma: splenic injuries as an example. J. Trauma 2000; 49(4):679-686.

6. Wynn A., Wise M, Wright MJ, Rafaat A, Wang Y, Steeb G, McSwain N, Buechter KJ, Hunt JP. Accuracy of Administrative & Trauma Registry databases. J Trauma 2001:51;464-8.

7. Wang YZ, and Wang S. The digital signature technology for health care applications. Southern Medical Journal, 2001.Mar;94(3): 281-6.

8. Phelan H, Hunt J, and Wang YZ: Management of retrohepatic caval injury. Southern Medical Journal, 2001; Jul; 94(7); 728-31.

9. Jung SP, Siegrist B, Hornick CA, Wang YZ, Wade JR, Anthony CT, Woltering EA. Effect of human Recombinant Endostatin protein on Human Angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis 5: 111-118, 2002.

10. Duchesne JC, Wang YZ, Weintraub SL, Boyle M, Hunt JP. Stoma complications: a multivariate analysis. Am Surg. 2002 Nov, 68(11)961-6; discussion 966.

11. Maxwell IV PJ, Lewis JM, Anthony CT, Watson JC, Meyer5s MO, Espenan TD, Espenan GD, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. External Bean Radiation Therapy Does Not Inhibit the Human “Angiogenic Switch” But Decreases Endothelial Cell Growth and Angiogenic Vessel Development. Ann SurgOnc, Suppl to January 2003: 10:1, S49.

12. Woltering EA, Lewis JM, Maxwell PJ, Frey DJ, Wang YZ, Rothermel J, Anthony CT, Balster DA, O’Leary JP, Harrison LH. Development of a Novel in Vitro Human Tissue-Based Angiogenesis Assay to Evaluate The Effect of Antiangiogenic Drugs. Annals of Surgery, 2003, 237(6);790-800.

13. Lewis JM, Grafton LH, Maxwell IV PJ, Martin LF, Nesbit LT, Wang Y-Z, Woltering EA. Development of an Architecturally-Intact Human Skin-Based Angiogenesis Model. JACS, Suppl September 2003: 197:3, S57.

14. Cooke HJ, Wang YZ, Wray D, O’Dorisio MS, Woltering EA, Coy DH, Murphy WA, Christofi FL, Gosh P, O’Dorisio TM. A multi-tyrosinated sst1/2 receptor preferring somatostatin agonist inhibits reflex and immune-mediated secretion in the guinea pig colon. Regulatory Peptides, 2003 Jun 15, 114(1); 51-60.

15. Siegrist B, Anthony CT, Hornick C, Wade MR, Jung SP, Wang YZ and Woltering EA. Effect of human Angiostatin protein on human angiogenesis in vitro. Angiogenesis, 2004; 6(3): 233-40.

16. Ghanami R, Obeid L, Buchert B, Beech S, Wang YZ, Lopez FA. Clinical case of the month. Expanding abdominal mass in a 41-year-old patient with a history of alcohol abuse. J La State Med Soc. 2004 Jul - Aug;156(4):181-5.

17. Lewis JM, P Johnstone Maxwell IV, Catherine T. Anthony, Brian M. Gebhardt, Jessica L. Thompson, John Rothermel, Paul McSheehy, Yi-Zarn Wang, Eugene A. Woltering. Epothilone B is a More Potent Antiangiogenic than Paclitaxel in a Human Tumor-Based Angiogenesis Model. JACS, Suppl Oct, 2004;199: S90.

18. Gulec SA, Weintraub S, Wang YZ, Cundiff J, Albarado R, Moulder P, O'Leary JP, Hunt JP. Gamma-guided diagnostic peritoneal lavage for detection of bowel perforation. Arch Surg. 2004 Oct, 139(10):1075-8.

19. Stafford SJ, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Colchicine and 2-methoxyestradiol Inhibit Human Angiogenesis. J Surg Res. 125(1):104-8. 2005.

20. Stafford SJ, Wright JL, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Cundiff JD, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Espenan G, Maloney T, Camp A, Woltering EA. Development of 125I-methylene blue for sentinel lymph node biopsy. J Surg Oncol. 2006 Sep 15;94(4):293-7.

21. Cundiff JD, Wang YZ, Espenan G, Maloney T, Camp A, Lazarus L, Stolier A, Brooks R, Torrance B, Stafford S, O'Leary JP, Woltering EA. A phase I/II trial of 125I methylene blue for one-stage sentinel lymph node biopsy. Ann Surg. 2007 Feb;245(2):290-6.

22. Duchesne JC, Hunt JP, Wahl G, Marr AB, Wang YZ, Weintraub SE, Wright MJ, McSwain NE Jr. Review of current blood transfusions strategies in a mature level I trauma center: were we wrong for the last 60 years? J. Trauma. 2008 Aug;65(2):272-6; discussion 276-8.

23. Lyons JM III, Abergel Jeffrey, Thomson Jessica, Anthony CT, Wang Yi-Zarn  Anthony L. , Boudreaux JP , Strauchen James, Idrees Muhammad, Warner Richard, and Woltering EA. In Vitro Chemoresistance Testing in Well-Differentiated Carcinoid Tumors. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 16(3): 649-655, 2009.

24. Lyons, JM III, Schwimer, JE, Anthony, CT, Thomson, JL, Cundiff, JD, Casey, DT,

Maccini, C, Kucera, P, Wang, YZ, Boudreaux, JP, Woltering, EA. The Role of VEGF Pathways in Human Physiologic and Pathologic Angiogenesis. J. Surg. Res: (Epublished, doi 10.1016/ 1–14, 2009.

Papers accepted for publication (refereed):

25. Wang, Yi-Zarn DDS, MD, Joseph, Saju MD, Lindholm, Erika BSE, Lyons, John MD, Boudreaux, J. Philip MD, Woltering, Eugene A. MD. Lymphatic mapping helps define resection margins for midgut carcinoids. Presented at 2009 AAES annual meeting. In press, Surgery.

26. Yi-Zarn Wang DDS MD, J Phillip Boudreaux MD, Richard Campeau MD and

Eugene A. Woltering MD. Resolution of pulsatile tinnitus following an upper mediastinum lymph node resection. In Press. Southern Medical Journal.

27. Yi-Zarn Wang DDS, MD, J Philip Boudreaux MD, Adam Dowling MD and

Eugene A. Woltering MD Percutaneous localization of pulmonary nodules prior to video assisted thoracoscopic surgery using Methylene blue and TC-99 ---A new modification of existing techniques. Accepted for publication---in press, European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

28. Thomas M. O’Dorisio, Siegfried R. Krutzik, Eugene A. Woltering, Erika Lindholm, Saju Joseph, Yi- Zarn Wang, J. P. Boudreaux, Aaron I. Vinik, V.L.W. Go, James R. Howe, Thor Halfdanarson, M. Sue O’Dorisio, Gregg Mamikunian

Development of a Highly Sensitive and Specific Carboxy-terminal Human Pancreastatin Assay to Monitor Neuroendocrine Tumor Behavior. Accepted for publication, Pancreas.

Papers submitted for publication (refereed):

29. Yi-Zarn Wang DDS, MD, FACS, Staged second look laparaproscopy---A new alternative approach in dealing with ischemic bowel following extensive mesenteric lymphadenctomy for midgut carcinoid. Submitted to Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons.

30. Patrick Greiffenstein, MD and Yi-Zarn Wang, DDS, MD, FACS, Carcinoid Tumor and Foreign Body Ingestion as a Cause of Small Bowel Obstruction--- A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Submitted to Resident Forum Arch Surg.

31. John M. Lyons, III, Erica Lindholm, Jessica L. Thomson, Lowell B. Anthony, Eugene A. Woltering, Daniel J. Frey J. Philip Boudreaux and Yi-Zarn Wang

Extensive retroperitoneal carcinoid involving the mesenteric vasculature does not preclude effective cytoreduction. Submitted for publication, Cancer.


32. Wang, YZ: Surgical intervention for hyperparathyroidism: preoperative localization with/without intraoperative localization/biological PTH assay versus surgeon’s brain and hands. Current Surgery 1995; 52(1):15-20.

33. Wang, Y.Z., Flattman, G., Steeb, G., O’Leary, J.P.: Surgical management of perforated duodenal ulcer. Surgical Rounds 1998; Supplement (11):4-11.

34. Steeb, G., Wang, Y.Z., O’Leary, J.P.: Management of perforated peptic Peptic ulcers. Hospital Practice special report. Sept. 1998.


1. G. Flattmann, M.O. Meyers, R.C. Alperinlea, E.A. Woltering and Y. Wang. A Novel Human Vascular Whole Organ Modification of the Boyden Chamber. The Society of University Surgeons Resident’s Program, Tampa, FL, February 15, 1997.

2. Wang Y-Z, O’Dorisio TM, O’Dorisio MS, Woltering EA, Coy DH, Murphy WA, Gosh P, Cooke HF: Multi-Tyrosinated Somatostatin Analog, WOC–3B, Inhibits Histamine H2 Receptor-Mediated Cyclical Chloride Secretion in the Guinea Pig Colon. AGA (1997).

3. Wang Y-Z, Alferes L, O’Dorisio TM, O’Dorisio MS, Woltering EA, Coy DH, Murphy WA, Gosh P, Cooke HJ: Role of Somatostatin Receptors in Discriminating Between Mechanosensitive Release of 5-HT and PGE2 in the Initiation of Secretory Reflexes in the Guinea Pig Colon (1997).

4. Cooke HJ, Wang YZ, Alferes L, O’Dorisio TM, O’Dorisio MS, Woltering EA, Coy DH, Murphy WA, Ghosh P: Release of Paracrine Mediators Initiating Secretory Reflexes is Differentially Regulated by a Somatostatin Analog in the Guinea Pig Colon. International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides (1998).

5. J. Hunt, K. J. Buechter, Y. Wang. Solid Organ Injuries: Liver, Spleen & Kidney. 1998 Pediatric Trauma Conference (Statewide). Medical Center of LA, Trauma Center, New Orleans, LA , February 28, 1998.

6. Meyers MO, Gagliardia AR, Flattman GJ, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Suramin Analogues Inhibit Human Angiogenesis In Vitro. Association for Academic Surgery Annual Meeting (1999).

7. J.P. Hunt, M.J. Wright, Y. Wang, G. Steeb, K. J. Buechter, A. Meyer and C.C. Baker.The Accuracy of Administrative Data in Trauma Splenic Injuries as an Example. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Boston, MA, September 16 – 18, 1999.

8. M.O. Meyers, A.R. Gagliardia, G.J. Flattmann, Y.Z. Wang, and E.A. Woltering. Suramin Analogues Inhibit Human Angiogenesis in Vitro. Association for Academic Surgery, 33rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 18–20, 1999.

9. Wynn, a., Wise, MW, Wright, MJ, Rafaat, A., Wang YZ, Steeb, G. McSwain, N., Buechter, KJ, Hunt, J. The Accuracy of Administrative and Trauma Registry Databases. East Association for Surgery of Trauma, January, 2001.

10. Lazarus L., Wynn, S., Gordon, JM, Steeb, G., Wang, YZ, Buechter, JK, O’Leary, JP, Hunt, JP. Risk Factors for Abdominal Wound Dehiscence. The Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 20-22, 2001.

11. Lazarus, L., Wynn, A., Gordon, JM, Steeb, G., Wang, YZ, Buechter, KJ, O’Leary, JP, Hunt, JP. Risk Factors for Abdominal Wound Dehiscence. The Society of University Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. Feburary 8, 2001.

12. Francis, DE, Anthony, CJ, Wang, YZ, Woltering, EA. Alpha-Interferon Inhibits Human Angiogenesis, in Vitro. Presented at the Society of University Surgeon’s Residents’ Program, Chicago, Illinois, February 8, 2001.

13. Masse, PA, Anthony, CJ, Wang, YZ, Woltering, EA. Bi-directional Chemoattraction: The role of vessels and tumors. Presented at the Society of University Surgeon’s Residents’ Program, Chicago, Illinois, February 8, 2001.

14. Duchesne JC, Wang YZ, Weintraub SL, Boyle M, Hunt JP Stoma Complications: A Multi-Variate Analysis. Presented at the Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 13, 2002.

15. Woltering, EA, Maxwell, PJ. Lewis, JM, Harrison, LH, Frey, DJ, Wang, YZ, Rothermel, J, Anthony, CT, O’Leary, JP: Development of a novel in Vitro human tumor-based angiogenesis assay to evaluate the effect of Antiangiogenic drugs on individual patient tumors. Presented at the Southern Surgical Association (2002).

16. Maxwell IV PJ, Lewis JM, Anthony CT, Watson JC, Meyers MO, Espenan TD, Espenan GD, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. External beam radiation therapy does not inhibit the human “angiogenic switch” but decreases endothelial cell growth and angiogenic vessel development. Society of Surgical Oncology. Published in: Ann Surg Onc, Suppl to January 2003: 10:1, S49.

17. Lewis JM, Grafton LH, Maxwell IV PJ, Martin LF, Nesbitt LT, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Development of an architecturally-intact human skin-based angiogenesis model. Accepted for presentation: American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum, ACS Chicago, 2003. Published: JACS, Suppl September 2003: 197:3, S57.

18. JL Kaplan, H Bronaugh, W Ortiz, A Gonzalez, J Lopera, JP Hunt, Y-Z Wang, S Weintraub. Treatment of portal vein thrombosis with direct thrombolyticinfusion via an operatively placed mesenteric catheter. Program of the annual Meeting of The Southeastern Surgical Congress, 2004, Pg 92.

19. Lewis JM, P Johnstone Maxwell IV, Catherine T. Anthony, Brian M. Gebhardt, Jessica L. Thompson, John Rothermel, Paul McSheehy, Yi-Zarn Wang, Eugene A. Woltering. Epothilone B is a More Potent Antiangiogenic than Paclitaxel in a Human Tumor-Based Angiogenesis Model. Surgical Forum. JACS, Suppl Oct 2004;199: S90.

20. Allain BW Jr, Stafford SJ, Lewis JM, Schwimer JE, Anthony CT, Kucera PR, Maccini CA, Boudreaux JP, Frey DJ, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. In vitro analysis of the efficacy of 2-Methoxyestradiol on human tumor derived angiogenesis. LAAXS New Orleans, January 2005.

21. Stafford SJ, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Colchicine and 2-methoxyestradiol Inhibit Human Angiogenesis. Presented at the Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Convention. January 2005.

22. Schwimer J, Allain B, Rosedale B, Torrance B, Frey D, Boudreaux P, Anthony CT, Anthony L, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Effects of PTK787 on Angiogenesis in two ex-vivo models of angiogenesis. Presented at the Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Convention. January 2005.

23. Stafford SJ, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Effect of Two Anti-VEGF Directed Therapies on Human Angiogenesis In Vitro Awarded 1st Place at the Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Convention. January 05.

24. Stafford SJ, Schwimer J, Anthony CT, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Woltering EA. Not All Angiogenic Vessels Are the Same: Effect of Two Somatostatin Analogs on Human Angiogenesis In Vitro. Presented at the Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Convention. January 2005.

25. Lyons III, JM, Lindholm E, Anthony LB, Wang YZ, Woltering EA, Boudreaux JP.

Metastatic carcinoid causing encasement of the mesenteric vasculature should not preclude cytoreduction. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

26. Lyons III, JM, Lindholm E, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Woltering EA, Wang YZ.

Application of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Abdominal Carcinoid Tumors. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

27. Lyons JM, Abergel J, Wang YZ, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Warner RRP, Woltering EA: In-Vitro Analysis of Chemo-resistance in Patients with “Typical” and “Atypical” Carcinoid Tumors. North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) Annual Meeting (2008).

28. Lyons, III JM, Abergel J, Thomson JL, Wang YZ, Anthony LB, Boudreaux JP, Strauchen J, Idrees M, Warner RRP, Woltering EA: In vitro chemoresistance testing in well differentiated carcinoid tumors. The Society of Surgical Oncology 61st  Annual Cancer Symposium. Chicago, IL (2008).

29. Lyons, III JM, Lindholm E, Boudreaux JP, Anthony LB, Woltering EA, Wang YZ. Diaphragmatic Implants In Patients With Metastatic Carcinoid.  The Society of Surgical Oncology 62nd Annual Cancer Symposium. Phoenix, AZ (2009).

30. Wang, Yi-Zarn DDS, MD, Joseph, Saju MD, Lindholm, Erika BSE, Lyons, John MD, Boudreaux, J. Philip MD, Woltering, Eugene A. MD Lymphatic mapping helps define resection margins for midgut carcinoids. AAES (American Association of Endocrine Surgeons) annual Meeting 3-5/May 2009, Madison WI.

31. Wang, Yi-Zarn DDS, MD, Joseph, Saju MD, Lindholm, Erika BSE, Lyons, John MD, Boudreaux, J. Philip MD, Woltering, Eugene A. MD Lymphatic mapping helps define resection margins for midgut carcinoids. Neuroendocrine Patient Conference, New Orleans LA, September 24-26, 2009.

32. Wang, Yi-Zarn DDS, MD, Joseph, Saju MD, Lindholm, Erika BSE, Lyons, John MD, Boudreaux, J. Philip MD, Woltering, Eugene A. MD Lymphatic mapping helps define resection margins for midgut carcinoids. NANETS annual Meeting 10.2-4 2009.

33. Extensive retroperitoneal carcinoid involving the mesenteric vasculature does not preclude effective cytoreduction John M. Lyons, III, Erica Lindholm, Yi-Zarn Wang, Jessica L. Thomson, Lowell B. Anthony, Eugene A. Woltering, Daniel J. Frey, Saju Joseph, Thiagarajan Ramacharan and J. Philip Boudreaux. NANETS annual Meeting 10.2-4 2009.

34. Jarret Brashear BS, Pamela Ryan BSN RN, Yi-Zarn Wang MD, Lowell B. Anthony MD, J. Phillip Boudreaux MD, Saju Joseph MD, Richard Campeau MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD. Initial evaluation of patients with NETS: A prospective evaluation of intensive pre-visit counseling. NANETS annual Meeting 10.2-4 2009.

35. John M. Lyons, III, Erica Lindholm, Jessica L. Thomson, Lowell B. Anthony, Eugene A. Woltering, Daniel J. Frey, Saju Joseph, Thiagarajan Ramcharan, Yi-Zarn Wang and J. Philip Boudreaux. Extensive retroperitoneal carcinoid involving the mesenteric vasculature does not preclude effective cytoreduction. LA Chapter of American College of Surgeons, January 2010.

36. Jarret Brashear BS, Pamela Ryan BSN RN, Yi-Zarn Wang MD, Lowell B. Anthony MD, J. Phillip Boudreaux MD, Saju Joseph MD, Richard Campeau MD and Eugene A. Woltering MD. Initial evaluation of patients with NETS: A prospective evaluation of intensive pre-visit counseling. LA Chapter of American College of Surgeons, January 2010.

37. Yi-Zarn Wang DDS, MD, Abby E Gandolfi, MS, Lowell B. Anthony MD, Richard Campeau MD, Eugene Woltering MD, and J. Philip Boudreaux MD. Radio-guided exploration facilitates surgical cytoreduction of neuroendocrine tumors. LA Chapter of American College of Surgeons, January 2010. Accepted as an oral presentation.


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