Teacher Candidate: Kaela Raku

Teacher Candidate: Kaela Raku

Date and Time of lesson plan submission:

School: Salem High School

Coop Teacher: Ellen Bosch

Date the lesson is to be taught: 9/17/10

Grade Level: 10-12

Enrollment: 7

Time and length of the Lesson: 7:30-9 (1 ½ hours)

Lesson #: if it is part of a unit comprised of multiple lessons


|#1 Singing alone and with others, a |#2 Performing on instruments |#3 Improvising melodies, variations |#4 Composing and arranging music |#5 Reading and notating music |

|varied repertoire | |and accompaniments | | |

| | | | | |


|sing with expression and technical |perform with expression and technical |improvise stylistically appropriate |compose music in several distinct |demonstrate the ability to read an |

|accuracy a large and varied repertoire|accuracy A large and varied repertoire|harmonizing parts; |styles, demonstrating creativity in |instrumental or vocal score of up to |

|of vocal literature with a level of |of instrumental literature with a |improvise rhythmic and melodic |using the elements of music for |four staves by describing how the |

|difficulty of 4, on a scale of 1 to 6,|level of difficulty of 4, on a scale |variations on given pentatonic |expressive effect; |elements of music are used; |

|including some songs performed from |of 1 to 6; |melodies and melodies in major and |arrange pieces for voices or |Those who participate in a choral or |

|memory; |perform an appropriate part in an |minor keys; |instruments other than those for which|instrumental ensemble or class should |

|sing music written in four parts, with|ensemble, demonstrating well-developed|improvise original melodies over given|the pieces were written in ways that |sightread, accurately and |

|and without accompaniment |ensemble skills |chord progressions, each in a |preserve or enhance the expressive |expressively, music with a level of |

|demonstrate well-developed ensemble |perform in small ensembles with one |consistent style, meter, and tonality |effect of the music; |difficulty of 3, on a scale of 1 to 6;|

|skills |student on a part |ADVANCED |compose and arrange music for voices |ADVANCED |

|ADVANCED |ADVANCED |improvise stylistically appropriate |and various acoustic and electronic |Demonstrate the ability to read a full|

|a. sing with expression and technical |d. perform with expression and |harmonizing parts in a variety of |instruments, demonstrating knowledge |instrumental or vocal score by |

|accuracy a large and varied repertoire|technical accuracy a large and varied |styles |of the ranges and traditional usages |describing how the elements of music |

|of vocal literature with a level of |repertoire of instrumental literature |improvise original melodies in a |of the sound sources |are used and explaining all |

|difficulty of 5, on a scale of 1 to 6,|with a difficulty level of 5, on a |variety of styles, over given chord |___________________ |transpositions and clefs; |

|including some songs performed from |scale of 1 to 6 |progressions, each in a consistent |ADVANCED |Interpret nonstandard notation symbols|

|memory; | |style, meter, and tonality |d. compose music, demonstrating |used by some 20th-Century composers |

|sing music written in more than four | | |imagination and technical skill in |Those who participate in a choral or |

|parts; | | |applying the principles of composition|instrumental ensemble or class should |

|sing in small ensembles with one | | | |sightread, accurately and |

|student on a part | | | |expressively, music with a level of |

| | | | |difficulty of 4, on a scale of 1 to 6 |

| | | | |____________________ |

|#6 Listening, analyzing & describing |#7 Evaluating music and performances |#8 Understanding relationships |#9 Understanding music in relation to |#10 Identify the range of careers in |

| | |between music and other arts and |history and culture |music |

| | |disciplines | | |


|Analyze aural examples of a varied |Evolve specific criteria for making |explain how elements, artistic |classify by genre or style and by |a. identify occupations; |

|repertoire of music, representing |informed, critical evaluations of the |processes (such as imagination or |historical period or culture |b. identify local resources where |

|diverse genres and cultures, by |quality and effectiveness of |craftsmanship), and organizational |unfamiliar but representative aural |people can take part; |

|describing the uses of elements of |performances, compositions, |principles (such as unity and variety |examples of music and explain the |c. identify professions where |

|music and expressive devices; |arrangements, and improvisations and |or repetition and contrast) are used |reasoning behind their |arranging and composing skills are |

|Demonstrate extensive knowledge of the|apply the criteria in their personal |in similar and distinctive ways in the|classifications; |used;; |

|technical vocabulary of music; |participation in music; |various arts and cite examples; |identify sources of American music |d. recognize that people evaluate |

|Identify and explain compositional |Evaluate a performance, composition, |compare characteristics of two or more|genres (swing, Broadway musical, |music and performances |

|devices and techniques used to provide|arrangement, or improvisation by |arts within a particular historical |blues), trace the evolution of those | |

|unity and variety and tension and |comparing it to similar or exemplary |period or style and cite examples from|genres, and cite well-known musicians | |

|release in a musical work and give |models |various cultures |associated with them; | |

|examples of other works that make |ADVANCED |explain ways in which the principles |identify various roles (entertainer, | |

|similar uses of these devices and |evaluate a given musical work in terms|and subject matter of various |teacher, transmitter of cultural | |

|techniques; |of its aesthetic qualities and explain|disciplines outside the arts are |tradition) that musicians perform, | |

|____________________ |the musical means it uses to evoke |interrelated with those of music |cite representative individuals who | |

|ADVANCED |feelings and emotions |(language arts: compare the ability of|have functioned in each role, and | |

|Demonstrate the ability to perceive | |music and literature to convey images,|describe their activities and | |

|and remember music events by | |feelings, and meanings; physics: |achievements | |

|describing gin detail significant | |describe the physical basis of tone |______________ | |

|events (fugual entrances, chromatic | |production in string, wind, |ADVANCED | |

|modulations, developmental devices) | |percussion, and electronic instruments|identify and explain the stylistic | |

|occurring in a given aural example | |and the human voice and of the |features of a given musical work that | |

|Compare ways in which musical | |transmission and perception of sound) |serve to define its aesthetic | |

|materials are used in a given example | |__________________ |tradition and its historical or | |

|relative to ways in which they are | |ADVANCED |cultural context; | |

|used in other works of the same genre | |compare the uses of characteristic |identify and describe music genres or | |

|or style | |elements, artistic processes, and |styles that show the influence of two | |

|Analyze and describe uses of the | |organizational principles among the |or more cultural traditions, identify | |

|elements of music in a given work that| |arts in different historical periods |the cultural source of each influence,| |

|make it unique, interesting, and | |and different cultures; |and trace the historical conditions | |

|expressive | |explain how the roles of creators, |that produced the synthesis of | |

| | |performers, and others involved in the|influences | |

| | |production and presentation of the | | |

| | |arts are similar to and different from| | |

| | |one another in the various arts | | |

| | |(creators: painters, composers, | | |

| | |choreographers, playwrights; | | |

| | |performers: instrumentalists, singers,| | |

| | |dancers, actors, others: conductors, | | |

| | |costumers, directors, lighting | | |

| | |designers) | | |

Focus: Introduce proper breathing technique for singing as well as moving further along with the performance of the students pieces.

Student Objectives:

- Demonstrate the knowledge of physical and vocal warm-ups by performing them

- Perform their songs for the class

- Critique their fellow classmates

- Practice the breathing through exercises given in class


- Observe the students following along with the warm-ups

- Observe the students performing

- Listen to the students critiques of their classmates

- Observe the students practicing the breathing exercises

Pre-requisite knowledge:

- Knowledge of how to sing their song

- Be able to sing


- External and Internal Oblique Muscles

- External and Internal Intercostal Muscles

- Transverse and Rectus Abdominus

- Diaphragm

- Vicera

- Lungs

- Sternum

- Muscle Antagonism

- Opposing Pressure


- Posters

- Handouts

- Grey Belt

- Balloons

- Rubber Bands





- “Alright everyone let’s get up and get moving!”

Share objectives.

Students will demonstrate their knowledge of physical and vocal warm-ups by performing them. They will practice the breathing exercises given to them during class. They will sing for their classmates and will critique their classmates performances.

The Lesson:

- Greet class

- Do physical and vocal warm-ups

- Give lesson on breathing and the breathing muscles

- Give students handout on breathing

- Have students perform breathing exercises

Have class feel what back breathing feels like on me, then have them do it with partners and feel their expansion

Breath in and slowly breath out on your pointer finger like it’s a candle, just make the flame flicker

Breath in exhale counting from 1-5 using all air, then again 1-8 and once more 1-12, stretching the rubber band the

whole time

Have students blow up balloons with one breath, so how big they can get their balloons, then have them do it


- Work with the four students who are performing. Work with them on making their performances better.

Summary/Expectations for next class:

“Today we learned about breathing and the correct and best way to breath for singing. Since we’ve now covered this I want to see you all using this breathing technique whenever you’re singing. Keep working at it and the more you do it the easier it will become.”


“Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday! Great jobs today!”


This lesson went really well for me! The only thing that wasn’t so great was the beginning when I was giving the lecture on breathing. I think I needed to practice a little more. I had my notes there and I knew that I knew what I was talking about and understood the concepts, it was just speaking in a way to make it understandable. The more I went on though the better it got. I felt more comfortable and like I was actually making sense, which is always a good thing. I thought that the breathing exercises went really well and gave me a chance to reinforce what I had just taught about breathing and the muscles. It seemed that they all were using better breathing the rest of the way through the day, which was awesome to see! They knew what it should be like so they had something to get back to. Then working with the students was great. I felt like I really honed in on what they needed to work on to help them fix the piece. I think we all came away feeling like it was a good lesson.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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