U9-Chapter 15 & 16 TestUnit 9Disorders and TherapyName_____________AP PsychologyPeriod____________1. Steve is a scuba diver who is concerned about sharks every time he is diving near a boat wreck. Steve is exhibitingA. a social phobia.B. a specific phobia.C. a normal reaction.D. generalized anxiety disorder.2. If your roommate acts in a way that is unusual (i.e., deviant) and it interferes with her schoolwork (i.e., dysfunctional), what would you need to know before deciding whether the behavior is abnormal?A. her attitudes about schoolB. her current stressorsC. whether or not she finds the behavior distressingD. nothing more - you have enough information to label her behavior as abnormal3. Jason is very depressed. He has trouble going to work every day and often feels that life holds few rewards. Which aspect of abnormal behavior applies to Jason?A. deviantB. maladaptiveC. personally distressfulD. All of these.4. An implication of the medical model of psychological disorders is thatA. an individual’s behavior is the cause of the abnormality.B. psychotherapy is the preferred treatment option.C. the individual should not be blamed for the disorder.D. paraprofessionals should deliver the appropriate treatment.5. Penny is a single mom who is constantly struggling to make ends meet. As a result, she is depressed a great deal of the time. Her depression most likely has a ________ basis.A. biologicalB. cognitiveC. socio-culturalD. psychological6. Which of the following disorders is associated with a particular culture?A. depressionB. anorexia nervosaC. dementiaD. intellectual disability7. A classification system for psychological disorders allows clinicians to do all of the following except make predictions aboutA. the prevalence of a disorder.B. which individuals might be susceptible to a disorder.C. how the disorder is likely to progress.D. how other people might react to the diagnosis of a disorder.8. Which axes on the DSM-IV focus on the actual classification of psychological disorders?A. Axes II and IIIB. Axes III, IV, and VC. Axes I and IID. Axes III and IV9. Which axis on the DSM-IV focuses on disruptions in various life domains?A. Axes IIB. Axes IIIC. Axes IVD. Axes V10. Which axis on the DSM-IV addresses the current level of functioning of the individual who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder?A. IB. IIC. IIID. V11. Mental retardation falls into what axis of disorders on the DSM-IV?A. Axis IB. Axis IIC. Axis IIID. Axis IV12. According to the DSM-IV, which of the following is an Axis II disorder?A. dissociative disorderB. sexual dysfunctionC. gender identity disorderD. intellectual disability13. Maria is a social worker in an urban community mental health center. She has just seen a crisis client who expressed suicidal ideation. After doing a thorough assessment to determine that he needed inpatient care, she sent him to the hospital. Her client’s depression would be coded asA. Axis I.B. Axis II.C. Axis III.D. Axis IV.14. Who wrote the book The Myth of Mental Illness?A. Tom CruiseB. Sigmund FreudC. B.F. SkinnerD. Thomas Szsaz 15. Critics of the medical model of abnormal behavior argue that ADHD reflectsA. a social construct rather than a psychological disorder.B. a psychological disorder that requires no treatment.C. an example of racial profiling of African American children.D. behavior that should be termed psychopathology. 16. Anxiety disorders involve fears that are A. uncontrollable.B. disproportionate to the actual danger.C. disruptive to ordinary life.D. All of these.17. Alex is almost always anxious at school, at home, and even when he is with his friends. Alex is most likely suffering fromA. a panic disorder.B. generalized anxiety disorder.C. social phobia.D. routine anxiety.18. A deficiency in which neurotransmitter is linked to generalized anxiety disorder?A. serotoninB. dopamineC. glutamateD. GABA19. Which neurotransmitters may play a role in panic disorders?A. GABA and norepinephrineB. dopamine and serotoninC. dopamine and norepinephrineD. serotonin and glutamate20. The etiology of social phobias includes a neural circuit that runs through all of the followingexcept theA. thalamus.B. amygdala.C. cerebral cortex.D. cerebellum.21. Which of the following is the correct term for a fear of pain?A. acrophobiaB. algophobiaC. aerophobiaD. arachnophobia22. Mood disorders can include a disturbance in all of the following areas EXCEPTA. cognition.B. behavior.C. somatic characteristics.D. cultural identity.23. For a person to have experienced a major depressive episode, he/she must have had at least five of the nine symptoms for at leastA. one month.B. two days.C. two months.D. two weeks.24. Which disorder is associated with having too few serotonin and norepinephrine receptors?A. ADHDB. schizophreniaC. chronic maniaD. major depressive disorder25. It has been over two years since the death of her husband, and although Jenelle tries to go out with her friends for dinners and sometimes a concert, she still cannot seem to find much pleasure in life. Jenelle is most likely suffering fromA. a major depressive disorder.B. dysthymic disorder.C. a social phobia.D. involuntary grief reaction.26. Which psychological approach would attribute a person’s depression to escalating negative and self-defeating thoughts?A. behavioralB. biologicalC. socioculturalD. cognitive27. Your roommate is acting very strangely. Although she has not slept much in the past few days, she says she is on top of the world. She has cleaned and re-cleaned her closets several times. She has invested in a questionable financial venture. This period of non-stop activity has lasted for well over a week and is in sharp contrast to the depression and fatigue she exhibited in the previous semester. The DSM-IV diagnosis would most likely beA. bipolar disorder.B. depression.C. ADHD.D. mania.28. Who is LEAST likely to complete the act of killing themselves?A. Alice whose grandmother committed suicideB. Althea who has a boyfriend but is always depressedC. Alberta who feels no one in the world would care if she lived or diedD. Alma who has extremely low levels of serotonin in her system29. Biological support for the notion that dissociative disorders are related to problems in pulling together emotional memories is found in theA. higher volume of activity in the amygdala and hippocampus.B. increased release of the neurotransmitter glutamate.C. lower volume of activity in the cerebral cortex.D. decrease in receptors for serotonin. 30. Mrs. Johnson recently returned home after being gone for nearly five months. She has no memory associated with those five months. She most likely experienced a(n) A. manic episode.B. depressive attack.C. dissociative fugue.D. episode of schizophrenia.31. What statement best describes the relationship between dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue?A. There is no relationship between the two.B. The two always happen together.C. Dissociative amnesia is required in order to have a dissociative fugue.D. Dissociative fugue is required in order to have dissociative amnesia.32. Amy often offends other people because she does not seem to be able to read their emotions accurately. She shows little or no emotions herself, and maintains an immobile facial expression when interacting with other people. She does not plan or engage in goal-directed behaviors and jumps from one low-paying job to another. Her family thinks she is lazy. Amy is most likely A. suffering from schizophrenia.B. suffering from multiple personalities.C. severely depressed.D. on drugs.33. Jeremy, who is suffering from schizophrenia, “tastes” poison in every meal that his mom makes for him. Jeremy is experiencingA. delusions.B. a flat affect.C. hallucinations.D. referential thinking.34. What kind of thinking involves ascribing personal meaning to completely random events?A. splittingB. paranoiaC. referentialD. deductive35. Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?A. neologismsB. flat affectC. referential thinkingD. hallucinations36. If Eileen has a predisposition for developing schizophrenia, the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia states that EileenA. will develop symptoms of the disease by age 20.B. is most likely to develop the disease during periods of stress.C. has excess serotonin in her frontal lobes.D. will experience more than usual difficulty with social interactions.37. The DSM-IV lists ________ different personality disorders.A. 3B. 6C. 10D. 1438. The DSM-IV criteria for antisocial personality disorder includes all of the following EXCEPTA. a failure to conform to social norms or obey the law.B. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.C. consistent irresponsibility and inconsistent work behavior.D. recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.39. Generally, ASPD is not diagnosed unless a person has shown persistent antisocial behavior A. during their second decade of life.B. before the age of 15.C. throughout the preschool years.D. throughout early and middle adulthood.40. Marlena is suffering from borderline personality disorder. If she believes that her best friend can do no wrong, and that her next door neighbor is her hated enemy she is exhibitingA. hallucinations.B. referential thinking.C. splitting.D. delusions.41. Which of the following psychological disorders is the LEAST common in the United States?A. schizophreniaB. PTSDC. general anxiety disorderD. major depressive disorder42. In 1973, Rosenhan performed a study in which eight healthy adults were committed to a psychiatric hospital. What did this study demonstrate?A. College students are very susceptible to mental health disorders.B. People only get worse in a psychiatric hospital.C. Being labeled with a mental disorder changes the way mental health professionals deal with you.D. If you are treated for a mental illness during early adulthood, you are likely to recover fully.43. The group of drugs known as SSRIs work primarily by interfering with the reabsorption of ________ in the brain.A. monoamineB. dopamineC. norepinephrineD. serotonin 44. Elizabeth visited a psychiatrist who, after interviewing her, recommended either Paxil or Prozac. These are generally used to treatA. anxiety.B. depression.C. bipolar disorder.D. psychosis.45. Lithium is considered an effective ________ drug.A. antipsychoticB. antianxietyC. antidepressantD. mood-stabilizing 46. Ivan is very depressed and the danger of suicide is imminent. He is not responding to the drugs normally employed to treat depression. Which of the following treatments is most likely to prove helpful in rapidly reducing Ivan's depression and suicidal behavior? A. psychoanalysis B. electroconvulsive therapy C. cognitive-behavioral therapy D. rational-emotive therapy 47. Which of the following is the LEAST used biomedical intervention?A. transcranial magnetic stimulationB. deep brain stimulationC. psychosurgeryD. drug therapy48. From Freud’s psychodynamic perspective, what is the best way to gain insight into a person’s core problems?A. reinforce the client for ignoring neurotic thoughtsB. bring unconscious conflicts into conscious awarenessC. have the client transfer fears and anxieties to the therapistD. help the client to repress unpleasant memories more effectively49. According to the psychoanalytic approach to psychotherapy, which of the following is an essential part of the job of a psychotherapist?A. point out inconsistencies in the client’s thoughts and behaviorsB. encourage the client to transfer negative feelings to the therapistC. free the client from conscious influencesD. interpret the disguised revelations of the unconscious mind 50. Your psychotherapist asks you to use free association. You are being asked toA. concentrate on relaxing as your therapist presents you with anxiety-provoking stimuli.B. completely empty your mind of all thoughts.C. just talk in an undirected manner without reflecting on what you are about to say.D. recall everything you can about traumatic childhood events.51. Catharsis is a term used to describe A. a client’s resistance to the therapist’s suggestions.B. a client’s transfer of parental conflicts onto the therapist.C. a release of emotional tension.D. the process of redirecting unacceptable motives into a socially acceptable form.52. James dreamed that he went to his neighbor’s house at midnight and made himself a sandwich. His psychoanalyst interpreted the dream to mean that James really wanted to go to bed with his neighbor’s wife. Making the sandwich was the ________ content of the dream.A. symbolic B. manifest C. latent D. explicit 53. According to Freudian dream interpretation, the obvious content of a person’s dream hides the ________ content.A. hiddenB. subliminalC. latentD. manifest54. In psychoanalytic theory, transference is used to describeA. the gradual shifting of erogenous desires from the mouth to the genitals.B. how the client comes to relate to the therapist in ways that resemble his or her other relationships.C. efforts to redirect anxiety-provoking desires into socially acceptable actions.D. the cathartic release of painful memories from unconscious awareness.55. Sherice started seeing a psychotherapist because of marital problems. She is unhappy because she feels her husband does not give her enough attention. After several sessions, she is quite taken with her male therapist because he gives her undivided attention. This growing affection for her therapist is called A. resistance. B. latency. C. reflection. D. transference. 56. Dr. Judd is a psychodynamic therapist who is working with Tyler. Tyler suffers from extreme mood instability and anxiety. When asked to talk about his problems, Tyler refuses and quickly changes the subject. Dr. Judd would probably say that Tyler’s behavior is an example ofA. resistance.B. transference.C. blocked associations.D. catharsis.57. Which of the following is NOT one of the methods used in traditional psychoanalysis?A. analysis of transferenceB. free associationC. dream analysisD. reflective listening58. When compared to psychoanalysts from the past, contemporary psychoanalysts place less emphasis onA. conscious thoughts. B. current relationships.C. sex.D. early childhood experiences.59. If you wanted to mimic the humanistic approach to therapy, you would talk to A. a parent.B. a friend.C. a sibling.D. yourself.60. Dr. Patterson engages in reflective listening with her depressed client. She waits for him to express his feelings and for him to decide what he wants to do about his problems. Dr. Patterson is practicing ________ psychotherapy.A. client-centeredB. cognitive-behavioral C. interpersonal D. gestalt 61. Which of the following is NOT an element recognized by Rogers as one that is essential for human growth?A. unconditional positive regardB. intelligenceC. empathyD. genuineness62. Which of the following persons is engaging in reflective speech?A. Mary - after listening to Joel describe his anxiety, she tells him not to worryB. Tabitha - after listening to Gus talk about his frustration with his boss, she tells him that it sounds like he is facing obstacles at work.C. Horace - after listening to his mother complain about a rude customer at work, he tells her to quit her job.D. All of these.63. Alice is trying to decide on a type of therapy. Her counselor recommends that she choose between Kohut’s contemporary psychodynamic therapy and humanistic psychotherapy. Which of the following statements best describes how these two types of therapies are most similar?A. A healthy relationship with the therapist replaces the patient’s unhealthy childhood relationships.B. Therapeutic sessions focus on the past rather than the present.C. Empathy and understanding play a key role in therapeutic interactions.D. Repressed sexual motives are uncovered in order to determine the extent of emotional disturbance.64. Two key assumptions of the ________ approach to therapy are that psychological disorders are learned in exactly the same way as normal behaviors are and that they can be treated by applying the basic principles of learning.A. biologicalB. interpersonalC. humanisticD. behavioral 65. “First, I would like you to get in a comfortable position and begin the breathing techniques which we have been practicing. When you sense that you have arrived at complete relaxation, we will proceed.” This therapist is initiating A. operant conditioning. B. systematic desensitization. C. aversion therapy. D. contingency training. 66. Jan is afraid of crowds. If her therapist uses the flooding technique, which of the following will Jan most likely be asked to do? A. imagine being in a crowded elevatorB. expose her fear during group therapyC. attend a sold-out rock concert with no way home until after the concertD. learn how to relax67. If a therapist gives Henry, who is suffering from alcoholism, a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that he will become ill after drinking the alcohol, the therapist is using A. systematic desensitization. B. aversive conditioning. C. flooding. D. implosion therapy. 68. All of the following are examples of therapy procedures derived directly from the principles of classical conditioning EXCEPTA. exposure therapies.B. token economies.C. systematic desensitization.D. aversion therapy.69. The therapy that is based on the assumption that abnormal behavior is due to self-defeating and irrational beliefs is A. humanistic psychotherapy. B. cognitive therapy. C. operant conditioning. D. psychoanalysis. 70. Pete’s therapist says, “Don’t say you will never fall in love again, say it will be difficult to learn to trust someone again.” The therapist is utilizing ________ in his efforts to help Pete.A. floodingB. cognitive restructuringC. systematic desensitizationD. introspection71. A therapist challenges her client during a therapy session by saying, “So what if your fiancée left you and married your roommate instead? Why does that mean that you are not a good person?” The therapist is working from which perspective?A. behavioralB. psychodynamicC. rational-emotive D. biological 72. One difference between the therapeutic approaches of Ellis and Beck is A. how they view self-defeating beliefs.B. how they communicate with the client.C. the extent to which they strive to change the client’s cognitions.D. the extent to which they emphasize overt symptoms.73. Kendall’s therapist has asked her to imagine a large “X” when she begins to think about things that make her anxious. This is an example of the ________ technique.A. scalingB. decatastrophizingC. thought stoppingD. questioning the evidence74. Brian’s therapist has asked him to count backwards from 100 when he starts to feel anxious. This is an example of the ________ technique.A. reattributionB. distractionC. guided associationD. decatastrophizing75. Cognitive-behavior therapy attempts to produce change byA. bringing the unconscious to consciousness.B. helping clients to eliminate self-defeating thoughts.C. helping clients to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance.D. having clients re-experience unhealthy relationships.76. Carlos is being asked to perform a series of problem solving activities that involve working memory, planning, and flexibility. Carlos is engaging inA. rational-emotive behavior therapy.B. free association.C. self-instructional methods.D. cognitive-remediation therapy.77. A remarkable finding from research on cognitive-remediation therapy is that this therapy produces changes in the A. person’s appearance.B. therapist’s perceptions.C. person’s brain functioning.D. person’s hormone levels.78. Your therapist, Dr. Schmitt, tells you that he practices integrative therapy. This means that heA. treats the whole person not just the behavioral symptoms.B. uses techniques from a variety of therapeutic models.C. uses guided association to help the client see connections between different thoughts and ideas.D. believes in the individual’s self-healing capacities.79. Which of the following is a feature of group therapy that makes it an attractive treatment format?A. floodingB. altruismC. self-efficacyD. applied behavior analysis80. In family therapy, getting the family to acknowledge that the problem is a family problem and not just the problem of one individual is calledA. validation.B. reframing.C. structural change.D. detriangulation.81. One aspect of family therapy is the idea that a family member’s symptoms are a function of the family relationships. If, for example, a teenage son is the parent’s scapegoat, which family therapy technique would be the most appropriate to use?A. validationB. reframingC. structural changeD. detriangulation82. Based on a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of psychotherapy, what percentage of clients report improvement?A. 50 percentB. 70 percentC. 30 percentD. less than 10 percent83. Max is a psychotherapist who has been asked to comment on which form of psychotherapy is the most effective. He responds by alluding to the Dodo bird hypothesis. What does this tell you about his opinion on the different forms of psychotherapy?A. He thinks psychoanalysis is most effective.B. He thinks that biological therapies are more effective than other types of therapy.C. He is a proponent of cognitive therapies.D. He thinks all therapies have merit.84. Which of the following is the most important determinant of whether or not therapy is successful?A. therapist’s approachB. quality of the client’s participationC. therapy techniques usedD. number of therapy sessions85. Which statement best reflects the impact that psychotherapy for depression may have on heart disease?A. Psychological disorders are not related to physical disorders, thus psychotherapy would have no impact on the development or progression of heart disease.B. Depression causes heart disease, so if psychotherapy cures the depression, then the heart disease will be cured as well.C. Depression and heart disease are correlated and the risk of heart disease can be reduced by treating depression.D. Heart disease can cause depression and in such cases psychotherapy for depression is ineffective.86. Which of the following statements accurately describes well-being therapy?A. WBT has adopted many of the techniques evident in psychodynamic therapies.B. WBT is about learning to notice and savor positive experiences.C. WBT is a long-term therapy that monitors behavior over years rather than months.D. WBT requires clients to monitor their own depression levels. ................

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