Westworth United Church

Annual Report


For Presentation at the Annual Meeting to be held

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Our Mission:

To be the hands and feet of Christ

within Westworth and beyond







4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE 63rd ANNUAL MEETING March 2, 2014 Pages 759-763

and Congregational Meeting of June 15, 2014 Pages 774 and Appendix 1

and Congregational Meeting of Feb. 8, 2015 Pages 793-795


a) Approval of names for the JNAC


Report: Page: Prepared by:

a) Ministers and Chair 14-15 Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd and

Mona Denton

16 Shirley Watts

b) Archives (F) 17 Diane Riordan and Bob Johnston

Christian Education 18-19 Dianne Sjoberg and Mona Denton

Communication 20 James Loewen

Fellowship 21 Judy Brown

Membership 22 Dorothy Reid

Ministry and Personnel 23 Wayne Benson

Outreach 24-25 Frank & Barbara Wynes

Pastoral Care 26 Rhea Yates

Presbytery 27 Dorcas Windsor

Property 29-30 Lorraine Moore

Trustees 31 Kent Magarrell

Worship 32 Petra Thanisch

c) UCW Report 33 Nancy Doern-White

d) Roll Clerk & Registry Notes 34 Heather Lavery

Passages & Memorial Donations 35 Heather Lavery

Children’s Fund 36 Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

Faith & Future Fund 37 Kathy Strachan and Douglas MacEwan

Special Appeals Fund 36 Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

Small Group Ministries 38 Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

Prayer Shawl Group 39 Barbara Magarrell

Westworth Walkers 39 Eunice Pratt

e) Finance and Stewardship 43 Cheryl McNabb Davis and Ron Bailey

Financial Review 42 Lynne McCarthy

f) Nominating Report for 2015 40-41 Gerald Davis


8. BUDGET FOR 2015 44-47

9. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Dedication of the new Board – March 8, 2015

b) Motion that the congregation accept the resignation of Trustee

Tim Stephenson

c) Remarks from the Chair



Alphabetical Index

Archives Committee Report and Financial Report 17

Children’s Fund………………………………………………………………………………. 36

Christian Education Committee Report 18

Christian Education Staff List 19

Communication Committee Report 20

Faith & Future Fund…………………………………………………………………………. 37

Fellowship Committee Report 21

Finance and Stewardship Committee Report…………………………………………….. 43

Financial Report for 2014 and 2015 Operating Budget……………………………… 44-47

Financial Review……………………………………………………………………………..42

Membership Committee Report 22

Memorial Donations 35

Ministers’ Messages…………………………………………………………………… 14-15

Ministry and Personnel Committee Report……………………………………………… 23

Minutes of 63rd Annual Meeting 2013…………………………………………………….. 4-8

Minutes of Congregational Meeting of Apr. 21, 2013………………………………… 9-10

Minutes of Congregational Meeting of Feb. 8, 2014………………………………… 11-13

Nominating Committee Report……………………………………………………..… 40-41

Board Report…………………….. 16

Outreach …………………………………………………………………………………. 24-25

Passages 35

Pastoral Care Committee Report 26

Prayer Shawl Group……………………………………………………………………. 39

Presbytery Representative Report 27

Property Committee Report 29-30

Roll Clerk’s Report & Registry Notes 34

Small Group Ministries …………………………………………………………..………… 38

Special Appeals Fund………………………………………………………………………. 36

Trustees’ Report 31

U.C.W. Report……………………………………………………………………………….. 33

Winnipeg Presbytery Highlights……………………………………………………………. 28

Westworth Walkers………………………………………………………………………….. 39

Worship Committee Report……………………………………………………………........ 32

Page 3


Minutes of the 63rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING


Present: Eunice Pratt, Arlene Hintsa, Jenny Jeffers, Morag Bergthorson, Ron Bailey, Rhea Yates, Wendy Moroz, Jim Menzies, Carol Galbraith, Carol Gamby, Maureen Lelond, Frank Wynes, Douglas MacEwan, Helena Haberman, Walter Oblinski, Barbara Wynes, Walter Watts, Doris Woodward, Helena Haberman, Linda Steele, Mary Toombs, Gordon Toombs, Alma Acheson, Andrea Firth, Liz Loewen, Doreen Stephenson, David Bruce, Petra Thanisch, Colleen Armstrong, Allan McKay, Barb Gwyer, Marion McKay, Shirley Watts, George Nyman, Eleanor Geib, Sharon Goertzen, Diane Riordan, Jean Doern, Kathy Wilson, Alan Wilson, Nancy Doern-White, Elaine Beavis, Laura Buchan, Nolan Ward, Lisa Cupples, David Cupples, Merle Brown, Ruth Epler, Diether Peschken, Ray McClelland, Bettina Nyman, Keith Love, Paul Peters Derry, Ingrid Peters Derry, Zachary Derry, Wendy Martin White, Dorcas Windsor, Kirk Windsor, Betty Skinner, Paul Galbraith, Bob Johnston, Dino, Allison Warrian, James Loewen, Dermot McDonald, Anne Love, Elaine Pigden, Jim Pigden, Lawrence Haberman, Paul Chard, Garth Fallis, Larry Strachan, Nancy Williamson, Lorrie Pismenny, Cathy Beynon, Paul Edwards, Mike Dobbin, Gail Dobbin, Gerald David, Mona Denton, George Gamby, Barb Magarrell, Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd.


After the congregation had adjourned worship, and reassembled in the gym, Board Chair George Gamby called the meeting to order at 11:23 a.m., and welcomed all to this 63rd Annual General Meeting of Westworth United Church.


The Rev. Mona Denton led those present in a unison prayer via PowerPoint slides.


MOTION: “That all members and adherents in attendance shall have voting privileges at this Annual General Meeting.”

MOVED: Shirley Watts SECONDED: Alma Acheson CARRIED


of the Congregational Meeting of March 3, 2013 Pages 735a-735b

and 62nd ANNUAL MEETING March 3, 2013 Pages 736-739

and Congregational Meeting of April 21, 2013 Pages 742-743

MOTION: “That the minutes of the Congregational Meeting held on March 3, 2013 immediately prior to the AGM, and the 62nd Annual General Meeting, and the Congregational Meeting of April 21, 2013 be accepted with one correction, that Windy Moroz’s name be corrected as Wendy Moroz.”

MOVED: Wendy Moroz SECONDED: Paul Galbraith CARRIED

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63rd Annual Meeting

Mar. 2, 2014


There was no business arising from the Minutes.


MOTION: “That the Agenda be approved as circulated, with the addition of item 9.c – ‘Make Poverty History’ initiative.”

MOVED: Rhea Yates SECONDED: Garth Fallis CARRIED


Reports including financial information are indicated by (F).

Report: Page: Prepared by:

a) Ministers and Chair 10-11 Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd and Mona Denton

12 George Gamby

MOTION: “That the Reports included in section a) of the printed Annual Report be approved as presented.”

MOVED: Ron Bailey SECONDED: Shirley Watts CARRIED

b) Archives (F) 13 Diane Riordan and Bob Johnston

Christian Education and 14-15 Dianne Sjoberg

Creative Spirits 15 Mona Denton

Communication 16 James Loewen

Fellowship 17-18 Alma Acheson

Membership 19 Shirley Watts

Ministry and Personnel 20 Wayne Benson

Outreach 21-22 Frank & Barbara Wynes

Pastoral Care 23 Rhea Yates

Presbytery 24 Dorcas Windsor

Property 27 Lorraine Moore

Trustees 28 Kent Magarrell

Worship 29 Eunice Pratt

MOTION: “That the Reports included in section b) of the printed Annual Reports be approved as presented.”

MOVED: Colleen Armstrong SECONDED: Eunice Pratt CARRIED

c) UCW &Rummage Report 30-31 Shirley Watts and Nancy Williamson

MOTION: “That the Reports included in section c) of the printed Annual Reports be approved as presented.”

MOVED: Nancy Doern-White SECONDED: Alma Acheson CARRIED

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63rd Annual Meeting

Mar. 2, 2014

d) Passages & Roll Clerk 32 Heather Lavery

Memorial Donations 33 Heather Lavery

Children’s Fund 34 Mona Denton

Faith & Future Fund 35 Kathy Strachan and Douglas MacEwan

Special Appeals Fund 34 Mona Denton

MOTION: “That the Reports included in section d) of the printed Annual Reports be approved as presented.”

MOVED: Doug McEwen SECONDED: Paul Galbraith CARRIED

Paul Galbraith spoke to financial concerns facing Westworth United Church, and as an incentive for how we might address these challenges, made a commitment that at the 2015 AGM, he would offer dinner-for-two at the Hotel Fort Garry for the person who has brought in the largest number of new members to Westworth United Church.

e) Finance and Stewardship 36 James Menzies and Ron Bailey

MOTION: “That the Reports included in section e) of the printed Annual Reports be approved as presented.”

MOVED: Ron Bailey SECONDED: Paul Galbraith CARRIED

f) Nominating Report for 2014 37-38 Gerald Davis

Membership: Brooke Grace is added to this committee

Finance and Stewardship: Allison Ross resigned earlier in the fall

Stewardship: Cathy Miller is not continuing

Young Adult Rep to Presbytery: Ruth Denton has concluded her term,

as is now living in Toronto

MOTION: “That the Report of the Nominating Committee be accepted as amended.”

MOVED: Jean Doern SECONDED: Elaine Pigden CARRIED

Gerald then invited nominations from the floor, putting the question the requisite 3 times. There being no further nominations, nominations were declared closed.


Lorraine introduced the report of the Visioning Task Force on a Mission Statement for Westworth United Church. Table group discussion followed on the question: “Does this Mission Statement ‘capture’ or ‘express’ the essence of how, why and where we understand God calling us as a community of faith?” Table groups then reported some key points of their discussions. The Visioning Task Force will take all of the discussion under consideration, and report back to the congregation fairly soon, so that the process can continue.

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63rd Annual Meeting

Mar. 2, 2014

10. BUDGET FOR 2014 39-42

The Budget for 2014 was presented by Jim Menzies and Walter Watts. Discussion followed.

MOTION: “That the Financial Review be accepted as amended.”

MOVED: Jim Menzies SECONDED: Walter Oblinski CARRIED


a. Dedication of the New Board

Outgoing Board Chair George Gamby reported that Dedication of the new Board will take place on Sunday, March 9th.

b. Minister Emeritus

The Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd introduced a proposal from the Board that the Rev. Dr. Eleanor Geib be appointed as Minister Emeritus of Westworth United Church. With very little discussion but much appreciation and celebration, this motion was unanimously adopted.

In gratitude and humble trust, Eleanor thanked the congregation for this opportunity in this community of faith that strives to be faithful to God’s call in this time and place.

c. Make Poverty History

George reported that Westworth will participate in the initiative currently shared by other United Church congregations to raise awareness via their church signs of the need for increasing social assistance rates.


As part of acknowledgements, Mona offered words of appreciation for individuals who are leaving the Board. For each of the following, she noted their quintessential expression:

• Gerald Davis: “I think we are getting a little OFF-TRACK in our discussions.”

• Alma Acheson: “This is going to be FUN.”

• Eunice Pratt: “That sounds WONDERFUL!”

• Colleen Armstrong: “That’s HOGWASH!”

Continuing along these lines, Lorraine noted the particular gifts shared by the following:

• Jim Menzies: wisdom, ability to think creatively… and quickly… “Clear as mud!” and the click of his pen.

• George Gamby: helping others, careful and thorough consultation, confident leadership not afraid to allow for a different course when chosen.

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63rd Annual Meeting

Mar. 2, 2014

George then welcomed Shirley Watts as incoming Board Chair, who addressed the gathering, inviting us to turn out thoughts to the future, engaging all who are deeply committed to our community of faith.


MOTION: “That this 63rd Annual General Meeting of Westworth United Church be adjourned.”

MOVED: Petra Thanisch SECONDED: Ron Bailey CARRIED

Outgoing Board Chair George Gamby then declared the Annual General Meeting adjourned at 1:18 pm.

George Gamby, Chair of the Board Paul Peters Derry, Acting Secretary

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Westworth United Church

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 15, 2014


1. Call to Order: George Gamby opened our meeting after worship.

2. Introductory prayer: Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd led us in prayer.

3. Present: George Gamby, Carol Gamby, Jim Pigden, Elaine Pigden, Lorne Bride, Carol Wilkie, Dorcas Windsor, Margaret McPherson, Audrey McClelland, Jean Doern, Dan Wiwchar, Bev Watts, Mac Watts, Bob Lindsay, Glenna Lindsay, Carol Hunter, Andrea Firth, Will Firth, Nancy Williamson, Ron Bailey, Peter Sim, Kathy Wilson, Barbara Wynes, Alan Wilson, Kirk Windsor, Lorraine Moore, Liz Loewen , Keith Love, Helena Haberman, Carole Aradi, George Aradi, Shirley Williams, Judy Brown, Mike Dobbin, Gail Dobbin, Dino Martin, Merle McTaggart, Jewel Casselman, Cynthia Wahl, Ruth Wiwchar

4. Motion 1

That all in attendance at the meeting on June 15, 2014 are eligible to vote.

Moved by Andrea Firth Seconded by Dino Martin


5. Motion 2

That the proposed Mission Statement and Values as presented in the Westworth Bulletin of June 15, 2014 plus listed on Appendix 1 be approved.

Moved by Barbara Wynes Seconded by Carol Hunter


6. Final Blessing: by Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

7. Adjournment

George Gamby, Past Chair of the Board Carol Gamby, Secretary

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Westworth United Church

Appendix 1 June 15, 2014

Westworth United Church Mission and Values

 Our Mission:

 To be the hands and feet of Christ within Westworth and beyond

Our values:

• We Celebrate Christian Faith through:

o Thoughtful and challenging worship

o Opening ourselves to spiritual growth

o Encouraging all to share their gifts

o Inspirational music

• We Build Community by :

o Inviting others to journey with us

o Extending hospitality to all

o Accepting and celebrating diversity

o Respecting and supporting each other

o Embracing the contributions of all generations

• We Reach Out by:

o Actively offering our time, talents and resources

o Advocating for social justice

o Demonstrating compassion

o Living our commitment to service in all our relationships

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Westworth United Church

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, February 8, 2015


1. Call to order: Shirley Watts called the meeting to order at 12:15

2. Present: Shirley Watts, Dianne Sjoberg, Fraser Muldrew, Marion Muldrew, Paul Peters Derry, Peters Derry, Alan Wilson, Kathy Wilson, Kirk Windsor, Shirley Williams, Morag Bergthorson, Dieter Peschken, Carol Wilkie, Andrea Wilkie, Bruce Tefft, Walter Watts, Andrea Firth, Allan McKay, Marion McKay, Dan Wiwchar, Ruth Wiwchar, Don Robertson, Barb Wynes, Frank Wynes, Anne Love, Keith Love, Arlene Hintsa, Cheryl McNabb-Davis, Gerald Davis, Allan Baker, Rochelle Baker, Betty Skinner, Neil Challis, Pat Challis, Jean Doern, Nancy Doern-White, Pat Finlayson, Mel Finlayson, Doris Woodward, Petra Thanisch, Mary Fultz, Nancy Williamson, Paul Chard, Rhea Yates, Bettina Nyman, Bonnie Gairns, June Masters, Tom Masters, Ron Bailey, Sharon Goertzen, Sandra Shaw, Wendy Moroz, Stan Moroz, Elaine Beavis, Dorothy Christie, Merle McTaggart, Marion Fedak, Diane Riordan, Earl M. Gould, Joyce A. Gould, Olwyn Lewis, David Lewis, Jewel Casselman, Jenny Jeffers, Maureen Lelond, Dino, Ashleigh Mitchell, Will Firth, Judy Brown, Carol Gamby, David Sjoberg, Carole Aradi, George Aradi, Lorrie Pismenny , Don Epp, Jane Epp, Nadia Marmach, Dorothy McLeod, Eunice Pratt, Alma Acheson, Larry Strachan, Douglas MacEwan, Alysha Buck, Andrew Buck, Rozelle Srichandra, Alessie Srichandra, Bill Gillis (Winnipeg Presbytery Representative), Mary Lynne Barnsley, Catherine Barnsley, Ruth Epler, Garry Reid, Dorothy Reid, Bob Lindsay, Glenna Lindsay, Carole Hunter, Helena Haberman, Jennifer Snyder, Lawrence Haberman, Kent Magarrell, Barb Magarrell, , Kim O’Grady, James Loewen, Lorraine Moore, Dorcas Windsor, and Reina Younka

2. Our opening prayer was led by Don Robertson.

3. Shirley Watts opened the meeting with a brief recapitulation of the activities of the congregation since the presentation to the board, in November of 2014, of the proposed budget for 2015. It had become increasingly apparent that our congregational finances are not what the board is comfortable with and that congregational input regarding our current finances was imperative. To ensure congregational input, the Finance Committee was tasked with informing the congregation of all aspects of our finances and coordinating Focus Groups regarding same. Shirley Watts thanked the Finance committee for this work.

4 Moved by Dorothy Reid Seconded by Dorothy Christie

That all members and adherents in attendance at this meeting on February 8, 2015 be eligible to vote at this meeting.


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Congregational Meeting

Feb. 8, 2015

5. Moved by Kent Magarrell Seconded by Lorraine Moore

That Westworth United Church proceed as soon as possible with calling for a fully comprehensive JNAC that would be a full assessment of the total needs of Westworth congregation and its financial and personnel resource needs.

Those speaking to the motion follow:

Don Robertson wondered whether this was simply a question of finances or if it was a question of the work of the church being hampered, and how these things are being balanced and handled successfully in other congregations.

James Loewen stated clearly that regardless of the outcome of the meeting and a possible JNAC, his wish is that our commitment to our current staffing remains consistent for the remainder of the terms of the immediate past JNAC.

Kirk Windsor requested that for clarity, the vote will be based on the motion written in the agenda.

Paul Chard wondered about the parameters of a JNAC and the scope that it would encompass. He questioned whether Presbytery clarified that a JNAC would, indeed, cover information regarding the full complement of staff and programmes.

Mary Lynn Barnsley reiterated the necessity for clarity as to the fact that the motion is as reflected in the agenda and these minutes

Judy Brown wondered about processes with a JNAC and with staff pursuant to a JNAC. The process regarding calling for a JNAC by the congregation in concert with Presbytery was explained by Shirley Watts.

Andrea Wilkie clarified that if we voted for JNAC now we may put ourselves in the position of being unable to fulfill the three year commitment we made to the level of staffing called for pursuant to our most recent JNAC.

Alma Acheson and Dianne Sjoberg agreed that the JNAC would be an assessment of our needs but might not necessarily lead to changes in our current staffing complement.

Shirley Watts called for the question after reading the motion as it appeared in the agenda and these minutes. Congregants completed their ballots which were counted as follows:

Yay 77

Nay 23

Abstentions 2


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Congregational Meeting

Feb. 8, 2015

A question was asked as to how the names for a JNAC would be sourced.

Shirley Watts has asked the board to prayerfully consider people who might be valuable to such a committee. Shirley also asked those in attendance to submit names of potential JNAC committee members to her.

6. Shirley Watts thanked Bill Gillis for taking the time to be with us representing presbytery.

7. Paul Peters Derry led us in a prayerful benediction.

Shirley Watts, Chair of the Board Dianne Sjoberg, Secretary

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Ministers’ Messages 2014

Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ

within Westworth and beyond

The year of 2014 was filled with new beginnings. Last summer, we welcomed a new Music Director. We have also welcomed new members and adherents to our congregation. The congregation has set for itself a new direction, beginning with the development of a new Mission Statement and Values. On the basis of this Mission Statement, we sought congregational input into our outreach goals, which are elaborated in this report. The Board spent time at a fall retreat to discuss a strategic plan based on our Mission Statement and Values. The Visioning Committee has been working with this material and will help the Board develop and present a strategic plan to the congregation at its AGM March 1, 2015. In the midst of this work, it has become apparent to the Board that we need to include a careful assessment of our financial status.

We are still in the developing stages of a unified vision for Westworth as we discern how best to care for one another, for those in the wider community and for our building. It takes care-filled, Spirit-guided wisdom to arrive at this communal vision, especially when there are so many aspects that need to be considered simultaneously. The Board is aware that this process cannot be rushed, nor can it be set on the back burner. We are grateful for the congregation’s patience and assistance in this discernment process as we envision God’s call for us. This call requires spiritual sight of what is not yet a reality. As Jonathan Swift writes, “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”

Visioning is a difficult but essential task. Helen Keller reminds us that the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. We realize this and are well on our way to a unified vision, but the journey still lies largely before us. We will make mistakes and may encounter a few dead end roads; a pilgrim’s progress has never been easy. But as our vision is clarified, we will better be able to stand united and hold fast to God’s call for the future of Westworth.

Respectfully submitted

Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

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Minister’s Messages 2014

Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18)

The year 2014 has been a year of vision-seeking for Westworth. Through learning, consultation, reflection and times of retreat, many people within our congregation have been discerning the new pulse that will make the heart of the congregation beat with renewed passion.

Visioning is hard work. It calls us to places of honesty, challenge, reflection, prayer and spiritual searching. Looking for the vision God is calling the church towards asks us to take risks and to let go of our fears and uncertainties. Vision is a kind of seeing we must embrace, without fully knowing where it will lead us. A deep and abiding trust in God lies at its heart and feeds its sight.

For Westworth two realities have collided as visioning has taken place; the reality that something new is emerging in our midst, and the awareness that the financial security we have enjoyed for many years is being reshaped.

The biggest challenge I see the church facing today, both nationally and locally, is the quest to find a balance between vision and resources. How can we embrace a future where vision determines our resources and avoid one where resources determine our vision?

The paradox of our faith is that we are called to a future largely unknown and yet we are given a certainty through the spirit’s powerful vision that comes from within – within individuals, within congregations, within denominations. When the vision of a way forward captures our hearts and our souls, we commit to it with a deep and abiding joy that can only be explained by faith.

As I look back on 2014, I give thanks for Loraine, Dorcas, Stuart, Debbie, Heather, Maggie, Ken, Walter, Ray, Will, George, Shirley and all the members of our Board. My ministry is enlivened and given focus by the team model of life and leadership at Westworth and by the faithfulness of all who call Westworth their church home.

My prayer for Westworth in 2015 is that the spirit’s vision will take flight in ways yet unimaginable to us all.

Respectfully submitted,

Mona Denton

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Message From Your Board Chair 2014

The past year has been one of ups and downs as we have grappled with declining attendance and resources while embarking on some exciting ventures. It would be the easiest road to look negatively at our situation and “give up”, but I feel we must “fight” for the church we love, “fight” for the faith we love and look for ways to be better and become stronger again.

We started the year off with a new Mission Statement that challenges us to “become the hands and feet of Christ”. This is being put into practice in so many ways in the life and work of Westworth. The Visioning Group are continuing to move forward, trying to capture the essence of our new set of values with an exciting long range plan. It is still a work in progress that will come to this next AGM for approval.

The year was characterized by several social/fundraising events. We honored our new Minister Emerita, Eleanor Geib, at a High Tea that attracted many dressed in very “British tea attire” as we enjoyed dainty sandwiches and scones. The spaghetti dinner was another hit that enjoyed the entertainment of Ray McClelland’s Dixie Beats. In September, we enjoyed an evening of wonderful folk/celtic music by the Great Plains. Look for more of these types of events this year.

We have dug deep into our pockets this year to support many wonderful initiatives and with the result – we have a new organ, we continue to generously support many missions around Winnipeg and are very involved with the initiative to bring several Syrian refugee families to Winnipeg. It is my hope that as we work together to aid these people, we will all feel a sense of “being the hands and feet of Christ”.

Our music program continues to be strong under the leadership of our new Director of Music, Debbie McLeod. Every new director brings a different focus and Debbie’s enthusiasm and empathy are a delight.

The next year will be a difficult one as we sort out our finances and what that means for staffing going forward. I hope that you will join me in enthusiastically grasping change and working hard to make Westworth a strong vibrant church that we are proud to be a part of.

Shirley Watts, Chair of the Board

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Archives 2014

The Archives Committee met several times during the year as work parties. As well as sorting filing and recording items deposited with the Archives we have conducted research in response to questions posed by members of the board. This has emphasized the importance of clear and detailed record keeping.

A DVD was made for Eleanor Geib for the afternoon tea on April 13th celebrating her designation of Minister Emerita. This DVD was made from photographs on file in the Archives depicting Eleanor’s journey with Westworth from 1979. The VHS tape of Eleanor’s retirement was also converted to DVD. Both of these DVD’s were presented to Eleanor.

The Archives Committee presented two more pictorial displays in the Memorial Cabinet this year. Our first theme was “Visions Past and Present”. This was chosen to coincide with our Visioning Day and the ongoing work of the committee. Our second theme was “Gifts and Tributes”, where we showcased the Memorial Gifts and Tributes Book.

It is very important that people depositing photographs with the Archives make sure that they are properly labeled with the date, the event identified, the people on the photograph identified and also the name of the person submitting the photographs identified. This is extremely helpful to the committee.

The Archive history project is still in need of volunteers willing to help with this project.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Riordan, Chair

Jean Doern - Bob Johnston – Glenna Lindsay – Kathy Wilson

Westworth Archives Committee

Financial Statement

January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014

Balance Dec. 31, 2013 992.04

Income .00

Expenses .00

Balance Dec. 31, 2014 992.04

Petty Cash Balance Dec, 31, 2014 2.29

Respectfully submitted by Bob Johnston, Treasurer

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Christian Education (CE) Committee Report 2014

The children of Westworth congregation continue to be well served by dedicated Church School teachers. We are fortunate to have the leadership of Church School teachers who work hard to provide a warm, welcoming environment and rich programming for our children. These gifted people are listed elsewhere in this report. Maggie Barnett and Mona Denton provide leadership to and organize resources for our volunteers and members of our CE committee.

In regular Church School classes, our younger children (up to grade 5) continue to study the Spark curriculum. RE:Form, a curriculum also from Augsburg Fortress Press, continues to be used for our older students.

Jewel Casselman continues to provide fine choral and liturgical training to our very young children. It is a blessing that Debbie McLeod, our new Director of Music, deems it important to include all children in music making, and has been making inroads in reinstating music as part of our Elementary School Age Children’s congregational lives. Our young people are welcome in the Westworth Winds, and have the opportunity to play both sacred and secular repertoire with people of other ages under the direction of Ray McClelland. Thank you to Ray for continuing to offer this opportunity. Our wonderful Dorcas Windsor continues to provide accompaniment for our ensembles.

Vacation Bible School in August served 18 children from ages 3 through 7. Seven leaders- in-training offered some of their services under volunteer hour requirements from their respective public schools. Two leaders-in-training were paid. One field trip was taken. Four children were sponsored by a family in our congregation.

Messy Church, a cross-generational activity that can take forms as diverse as writing letters for Amnesty International, and self care, is growing at Westworth. Recent events have had as many as 65 in attendance.

With the departure of Pat Van Ryssel, Emily Casselman took on the job of Youth Coordinator and continues to work with the young people in our congregation on events that encourage them to:

• explore their faith

• actively participate in the life and work of Westworth United Church, the wider community and the United Church of Canada

• foster connections between the youth of WUC and their families as well as between the youth of W.U.C. and the broader congregation beyond what is possible at Church School once a week.

Reina Younka and Kathy Wilson continue to work in our Library, managing the inventory and creating inviting, thematic displays. Thank you!

Westworth continues to be a congregation dedicated to caring for and fostering Christian Education for the youth in its midst. The CE Committee thanks the congregation for its support in the work of the committee.

Respectfully submitted,

Dianne Sjoberg, Chair

Christian Education Committee

Page 18

Leadership in the Programs for Children and Youth at Westworth

Church School Teachers for January - June 2014

Nursery Nancy Ballantine

Preschool - Grade 1 Julia Shayna & Cheryl Ennis

Grades 2-5 Danielle Cadieux

Grades 6-12 Sam Windsor

Church School Teachers for September - December 2014

Nursery Nancy Ballantine

Preschool - Grade 1 Julia Shayna & Cheryl Ennis

Grades 2-5 Danielle Cadieux

Grades 6-12 Emily Casselman

Youth Group Coordinator

January – June Pat Van Ryssel

September-December Emily Casselman

Music Leadership for Children and Youth

Cherubs Jewel Casselman & Ivan Bartel (Jan.-June), Dorcas Windsor (Sept.-Dec.)

Junior Choir Jenna Fraser & Ivan Bartel (January-June)

Church School Choir Debbie McLeod & Jewel Casselman (September-December)

Westworth Winds Ray McClelland


Church School Administrator Maggie Barnett

Librarian Reina Younka

Staff Resource Mona Denton

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Communications Committee Report 2014

Last year saw a complete overhaul of our website’s layout and design. Huge kudos to Peter Sim for all his efforts in keeping our website running and looking sharp.

Peter’s technical expertise is invaluable in the overall operation of westworth.ca.

2014 also brought other important changes that will increase efficiencies in the office and with our website. The firm ‘A+ Computers’ was brought on as our new IT service provider. They provide technical support to the staff’s computers, overall system integration and ensure all of the Westworth’s important data is secure and properly backed up.

We also changed our website host from a local provider to MTS.

One theme that constantly comes up is making the Westworth experience more up to date. One way to start on that journey is to put a TV monitor in the Narthex that runs a looped presentation of slides that informs people about the life of the church and important upcoming events.

Having a monitor in the Narthex is part of larger long-term plan for modernizing the Westworth experience, both for congregants and newcomers giving Westworth a look. The plan is to put the monitor on a dolly so it so it can viewed in the Narthex on Sunday mornings and special events, but also used in other areas of the church by other groups.

We already have the TV and the dolly; purchasing the remaining hardware and software to make this work will not be cost prohibitive. The challenge is finding someone who will take ownership of the presentations and keep them up to date. If anyone in the congregation has experience with PowerPoint or graphic design and would like to be responsible for this import project, please contact James Loewen, Peter Sim or Heather in the office.

One of the big things we’ll be working on in 2015 is incorporating video into our website. The plan is to have a “welcome” video where Mona and Loraine explain what Westworth is all about and invite people to check us out. All kinds of best practices research in the world of websites suggests having a video that is warm and inviting should be an integral part of any online presence.

As always, if people have any ideas, suggestions or concerns about the Westworth website or the work the Communications Committee is doing, please let us know.

Respectfully submitted by James Loewen

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Fellowship Committee Annual Report 2014

2014 saw Alma Acheson transition to past chair, and support Judy Brown as the new chair of Fellowship. The committee & church as a whole have appreciated Alma's dedicated leadership, & look forward to her continued contributions in new roles.

The Fellowship Committee would like to thank the congregation for their support of the events. Your contributions of food & assistance at those events helps us greatly. West Broadway always appreciates the sharing of food after the events, as well. Those who help out with the routine tasks, such as cleaning up after morning coffee deserve a special thanks.

We would also like to thank the staff at the church for their help; Heather for answering our many questions and her patience and help with our notices for bulletins, Ken Dwyer for his setup of the gym in a timely fashion prior to our events, the night staff who lock up for their patience after some of our evening events, our music staff and groups who provide such wonderful programs, Maggie for her help, and our ministers who provide advice and ideas to our committee.

In January we had the annual winter Congregational Luncheon. Singing groups Brochan Lom and Fair Warning, who were holding practices at our church, and each have a member from our choir, gave a fundraising concert immediately following the lunch in support of the Choral Scholar Program at Westworth.

On Mar.1st we joined together with members of the Westworth Winds for Samedi Swing. Our thanks go again to Jewel Casselman for coordinating this event and to all of you who contributed the lovely desserts for this fun family event. The event showed a profit of $633. Of this, $433 went to the Organ Fund and $200 went to West Broadway ministries.

On April 6, we celebrated Volunteer Appreciation Week, by providing cookies with the Sunday morning coffee hour. This was to thank the many people in our congregation who volunteer, not just within the church, but elsewhere in the community.

April 13th we put on a High Tea to celebrate the new status of Eleanor Geib as Minister Emerita. It was a memorable event for all involved, and very much appreciated by Eleanor, who received a souvenir dvd compiled by the Archives Committee. With the help of wonderful volunteers both from our congregation, and from Presbytery, approximately $1500 was raised for general funds and $270 for Mission and Service.

On June 1st, the Fellowship Committee helped the Christian Education Committee with the Jars Galore and Hotdog Lunch.

There was a good turn out for the Nov.16th Annual Fall Luncheon. This year's theme was celebrating Children's Week with balloon bouquets for the children to share. Thanks to generous contributions, there was a feast of dainties, fruit & sandwiches for West Broadway, as well.

The reception after the Lessons and Carols Service was as popular as ever, and it was great to see so many young people out.

We are blessed with a caring and supportive congregation who come out and faithfully support us at our events. We thank you all for your ongoing support and help.

Judy Brown, Chair Fellowship Committee

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Membership Committee Report 2014

The Membership Committee hosted a Newcomers' Breakfast on January 12, 2014 and a Newcomers' Brunch on September 14, 2014. Another luncheon is planned for early 2015 to welcome the new folks in our congregation.

The committee, with the much appreciated help of Eleanor Geib, reviewed the congregational roll, name by name. The intent was to contact parishioners by letter,

e-mail, or phone call if we have not seen them for awhile to ask if they wish to remain on the congregational roll. The results were that many had moved and requested that their memberships be transferred or sent to them. Some people requested being removed from the Westworth Congregational roll. The contact process is on-going and we are planning to have a calling campaign in early 2015 to continue to touch base with errant parishioners.

The Sunday morning greeters were arranged by the Membership Committee. A sign-up sheet on the narthex board has been our new way for having the congregation volunteer to welcome. Thank you to all who have greeted on a Sunday.

Our Membership aim is to identify visitors and new faces in our church. We appreciated that our congregation wore their name tags in September and encourage everyone to continue wearing them each week. Making everyone feel "at home at Westworth" is our hope. Thank you to all who extended themselves to make our spiritual home warm and friendly.

Submitted: Dorothy Reid Membership Committee Chair

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Ministry and Personnel Committee Report 2014

The Ministry and Personnel Committee, formed each year following the Annual Meeting consisted of Linda Herman, Colleen Armstrong, Jennifer Snyder, Barb Magarrell, Eunice Pratt and Wayne Benson. Unfortunately for us, Cheryl McNabb Davis transitioned from our Committee to Chair the Finance Committee. Once again we embraced the challenges of learning and serving Westworth United Church together.

The most onerous, at the same time rewarding, undertaking this past year was to complete an extensive review of our staff. It was a time to evaluate job performance in conjunction with job descriptions, the latter definitely requires further review in 2015. In brief summation, Westworth is blessed and fortunate to have such a wonderful complement of dedicated and talented staff. And speaking of our staff, we bid an adieu to Stuart Sladden, Pat Van Ryssel, and Kirk MacDonald in 2014. We also welcomed Debbie McLeod to Westworth as our new Music Director and Emily Casselman as Youth Coordinator this past year.

As a Committee we met on six separate occasions;

March 23rd, 2014

April 14th, 2014

May 4th, 2014

October 1st, 2014

November 12th, 2014

February 2nd, 2015

In addition to meetings as committee, individual members met with their designated staff member as liaisons as required. The committee also hosted a Staff Lunch on November 18th, 2014.

For your information purposes, The Manual 2013 of the United Church of Canada states; “All congregations or pastoral charges must have a committee, which may be called the Ministry and Personnel Committee or a different name, with the following responsibilities;

a) being available for consultation and support for matters involving the pastoral charge staff;

b) overseeing the relationship of the pastoral charge staff to each other and to the people in the congregation;

c) regularly reviewing the working conditions, responsibilities, and compensation of all pastoral charge staff;

d) making any recommendations needed as a result of these reviews to the governing body;

e) revising position descriptions of pastoral charge staff as needed;

f) conducting annual performance reviews of the pastoral charge staff;

g) ensuring pastoral charge staff make use of opportunities for continuing education that they have been given, and;

h) maintaining close contact with the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee.”

Sincere Regards, on behalf of the Committee,

Wayne Benson (Chair)

Page 23

Outreach Committee 2014

The mandate of the Westworth Outreach Committee is to raise awareness and understanding of issues related to social justice and environmental stewardship from the perspective and values of a faith community. The Committee acts as a liaison between the Westworth congregation and the larger community to respond to the needs and struggles of people locally, nationally and around the world by identifying and providing opportunities to put our faith into action in ways that make a positive difference.

In 2014 the Outreach Committee continued to engage the congregation in justice, social, and environmental issues and opportunities with a particular focus on “Partnerships”.

West Broadway Community Ministry: Over the 2014 year, Westworth provided approximately 1,800 servings of meatball sandwiches, fruit and cookies,180-200 servings each lunch. In addition funds were provided to assist with emergency food and lunches over the summer months. Funds ($200) for emergency food were provided to West Broadway to supplement supplies over the summer months. In addition, on-going support was provided through volunteers, gifts for Christmas, regular food donations, and financial support ($75) for the telephone and fax line. The West Broadway Emergency food basket continues to be displayed weekly in the narthex to enable the congregation to donate food at any time.

On May 4, 2014, the Outreach Committee hosted a congregation lunch. Approximately 40 attendees discussed thoughts on what they had heard in the presentations; groups that Outreach should meet with to explore relationships; and where they believe God is calling Westworth to engage in outreach ministry. Reports/presentations included: a summary report from student interns Mary Rutaquio & Melissa Ramharakh with support from Marion McKay; suggestions from conversations/visits to Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre; Rossbrook House; Tuxedo Family Resource Centres; and a request to partner with other groups to co-sponsor a refugee family from Syria.

A Year of Learning: As follow-up to the May 4th congregational lunch and discussion about future directions for outreach activity at Westworth, the Outreach Committee identified its theme for the church year, beginning Nov. 30, as ‘A Year of Learning’. On the first Sunday of Advent, members of the West Broadway Community Ministry participated in our church service, sharing their stories and their view of our partnership with them. They also provided us with an opportunities to view and purchase their artworks and crafts. The Outreach Committee also planned learning events for the first 6 months of 2015.

Syrian Refugee Initiative: In July, The Board unanimously passed a motion to co-sponsor, with the Refuge group, three Syrian refugee families under the United Church of Canada Sponsorship Agreement Holder program, and to be the local church co-constituent group through which the application documents flow to the National United Church. The Syrian refugee families are close relatives (3 brothers and their families) of a Canadian citizen who lives in Winnipeg.

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The Outreach Committee continued to support Westworth’s involvement in immigrant issues, social justice initiatives and partnerships with local organizations and agencies such as West Broadway, Agape Table, Rossbrook House and Partners in Mission.

• Backpacks and school supplies were provided to the Rossbrook House for WiWabagoni School. A number of cooked/sliced turkeys (17), gravy and cookies were delivered to Rossbrook House for use over the Christmas holidays.

• Fair trade goods from Ten Thousand Villages were available after church on March 16 and November 30. Proceeds totaling $1,452 were gratefully received by MCC. MCC expressed appreciation for the ongoing support shown by the Westworth congregation.

• Also in March, the Outreach and Fellowship Committees challenged the congregation to provide fair trade coffee for coffee hour needs on Sundays, lunches and for hospitality to visitors/guests at the church. The congregation donated 13 lbs. of medium dark, ground fair trade coffee, as well as $225.00 for future fair trade coffee purchases.

• On September 20, 2014 seven members of Westworth attended a Feast for Friends event at Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Center. See . Included in the event were Sharing circles, teachings, games, crafts, Workshops on Treaties, Aboriginal/Settler relations, and (for two of our members) a Sweat Lodge experience.

• Westworth is a member of the Partner’s in Mission ‘Upstream Cluster’ group of United Churches. Fraser Muldrew and Helena Haberman have represented Westworth at the Partners in Mission twice annual meetings.

• Fraser Muldrew has been one of Westworth’s representatives to Upstream

Cluster for many years. At the last Partners in Mission meeting on October 25, 2014, Fraser resigned. We thank Fraser for his service to this mission ministry and welcome Ruth Wiwchar as Westworth’s new representative.

• The Rainbow Ministry is one of the mission partners paired with Upstream Cluster. To support their October 19 Fall Dinner, we provided 2 turkeys (cooked and cut) and dessert for 24 people.

• The United Church of Canada “Gifts with Vision” catalogue was distributed to our congregation with an enclosure that provided instructions for directing payments through Westworth.

• Support (stew, salad and set-up) was provided for the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at West Broadway. The dinner is organized by the ‘Upstream Cluster’ of United Churches to acknowledge the volunteers at WBCM

• On behalf of Westworth, the Committee sent funds ($100) to our partner church, la Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada, in Luyanó, Cuba for the Epiphany celebration for the children and families.

The Committee received correspondence on a range of issues and educational opportunities as well as requests for support, including petitions on social and environmental justice issues sponsored by Kairos, Amnesty International, and the United Church of Canada. Much of this was posted on the bulletin board, with some items highlighted in the church bulletin.

Respectfully submitted by

Barbara and Frank Wynes (co-chairs) on behalf of the Outreach Committee

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Pastoral Care Committee 2014

The Pastoral Care Committee held three workshops since the last annual meeting.

▪ In January 2015, ministers Eleanor Geib and Pat Wotton led a workshop on assisted living, supported living and personal care homes. Approximately 30 people attended this Saturday morning workshop. Workshop participants learned about a useful resource by Age & Opportunity, which lists independent living and other housing options for older adults in Winnipeg. The resource can be found online at:

▪ Dr. Paul Henteleff led a two-part workshop related to hospice and palliative care. At the first workshop in May, Dr. Henteleff spoke to about 30 participants about approaches to treatment and dying. At the second workshop in October, Dr. Henteleff provided his reflections on assisted dying to a group of about 80 people.

In September, Loraine Mackenzie Shepherd held an orientation session for those interested in becoming involved in the one-on-one visitor program. This program matches members of the congregation with people who are unable to attend Westworth services. In December, the visitors take shortbread provided by UCW members to the people they visit. Thank you to everyone who baked shortbread in support of this program in 2014.

Prayer shawls continue to be gratefully received by those who are ill or as gifts to those in a ministry partnership with Westworth Thank you to everyone involved in the Prayer Shawl Ministry for knitting these shawls.

Committee member Cathy Ferguson continues to write notes on behalf of Westworth to members of the congregation who suffered illness or loss. The committee appreciates Cathy’s dedication to this volunteer role.

Pastoral Care Committee members in 2014 included Cathy Ferguson, Pat and Mel Finlayson, Barb Gwyer, Bob Johnston, Merle McTaggart, Nancy Williamson, Nancy Doern-White and Rhea Yates, with guidance from Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to chair this committee for the past six years. In 2015, the committee will be welcoming a new chair.


Rhea Yates

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Winnipeg Presbytery Report 2014

Westworth’s delegates to Winnipeg Presbytery experienced another busy year participating in the work of this court of the United Church. The usual mandated tasks were carried out which included overseeing candidates for ministry, making recommendations regarding Mission Support Grants, and approving changes and supporting calls to pastoral charges and outreach ministries.

Irene Greenwood, ministry personnel at Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, served as Chair of Presbytery until June when Deborah Murray, ministry personnel at Sturgeon Creek United Church, began her term as Chair. Presbytery staff at the Presbytery and Conference Offices at 1622-B St. Mary’s Road included Richard Manley-Tannis, Minister for Evangelism, Mission and Church Development; Patrick Woodbeck, Rainbow Ministry staff person; Cole Grambo, Minister of New Church Development (Spirit Path), and Maggie Zoske, Administrative Assistant.

Eight meetings throughout the year featured worship, a variety of presentations and matters of business. A major portion of the March meeting was devoted to a discussion paper entitled “Fishing on the Other Side” pertaining to the Comprehensive Review taking place across the United Church from coast to coast to look at future directions for our denomination. In June, the court approved the sale of the Hungarian United Church to the Ethiopian Orthodox Holy Saviour Church. The Hungarian congregation now worships in the chapel at St. Andrew’s River Heights U.C. In September, Tessa Blaikie was introduced to the Presbytery as the new 1Hope Winnipeg Fund Developer.

The 89th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario was held in Swan River, Manitoba, May 22-25. The theme was “Forward in Faith…Now for Something Completely (somewhat) Different!” The theme speaker was Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). President Cheryl Kinney Matheson, ministry personnel from Knox United Church, Kenora, Ontario, presided over the business proceedings. Four retiring ministers, Scott Gale, Leslie-Elizabeth King, Beverly Simpson and Laurie Simpson were recognized and honoured as well, as was Diane Haglund, Conference Archivist. Joey Dearborn, a lay person from Agassiz Presbytery was voted in as President-Elect. At the Sunday morning Celebration of Ministries Service, Laurie Howard and Sheryl Johnson were ordained and Jamie Bradshaw and Kristin Wood were commissioned as Diaconal Ministers. Barbara Jardine, ministry personnel from the Rolling River Pastoral Charge in Brookdale, Manitoba, was installed as the new President of Conference.

Westworth’s Presbytery lay representatives are Nancy Williamson, Dorcas Windsor and Kirk Windsor. Dorcas is a Member-at-Large on the Presbytery Executive and chairs the Conference Education, Students and Church Vocations Committee. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd is a member of the Education and Students Committee, an educational supervisor for a student minister, a member of the General Council Theology and Interchurch Interfaith Committee; and she is on a planning committee for a Presbytery stewardship workshop; Mona Denton is a member of the Mission Support Grant Ad-Hoc Committee, the Conference Settlement Commission, the Human Resources Committee at the Centre for Christian Studies; and she chaired the Conference Annual Meeting 2014 Planning Team. Other members of Westworth serve the Presbytery as follows: Barbara Magarrell is a member of the Spirit Path United Advisory Group and Kent Magarrell is a member of Church Development Inc.

Respectfully submitted,

Dorcas Windsor

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Winnipeg Presbytery – Highlights of 2014

February – Our General Meeting was an all-day meeting that was held at The United Church in Meadowood. The co-hosts of the meeting were Trinity United Church, Charleswood United Church, Westminster United Church, McClure United Church and Oak Table Community Ministry. A presentation was made on social media and how the church needs to become involved in this technology. Caryn Douglas gave a presentation on an apology to Disjoined Deaconesses and Married Ordained Women. Group table discussion regarding the theology of the church – exploring the differences and similarities in our hope for the Presbytery took place.

March – The General Meeting was held at Atlantic-Garden City United Church with co-hosts of the meeting being Sparling United Church, Kildonan United Church and Fred Douglas Lodge. The discussion paper ‘Fishing on the Other Side’ from General Council was discussed. The Presbytery was divided into four discussion groups to discuss the four topics of the document (connectional space, property, oversight of communities of faith and oversight of ministers). Everyone gathered afterward to discuss the overall opinion of the discussion paper. The results were then forwarded to General Council.

April – Our General Meeting was held at Windsor Park United Church with co-hosts of the meeting being Transcona Memorial United Church, Grey Street United Church and Rainbow Ministry. Patrick Woodbeck, the Rainbow Minister, led everyone in an exercise using non-gendered language. Winnipeg Presbytery approved the hiring of a Fund Developer for 1Hope Winnipeg. The following were approved as Commissioners to General Council 42 in August, 2015: Tim Crouch with Jeff Cook and Bill Millar as alternates (Ordered Ministry); Patrick Woodbeck with Ruth Denton as alternate (Lay Commissioner).

May – The General Meeting was held at Crestview United Church with co-hosts of the meeting being Kirkfield Park United Church, Sturgeon Creek United Church, Silver Heights United Church and St. Charles United/Headingley United Church. As proposed by CDI, Winnipeg Presbytery approved the establishment of the Winnipeg Presbytery Christian Service Fund (for projects and programs that are intended to improve quality of life for disadvantaged persons in Winnipeg) and the Pastoral Charge Development/Redevelopment Fund (to provide grants and loans for activities intended directly or indirectly to create new pastoral changes or increase membership of existing pastoral charges in Winnipeg). These two funds were created by combining other funds into a single fund.

June – Our General Meeting was held at St. Mary’s Road United Church with co-hosts of the meeting being Churchill Park United Church, Korean United Church, Hungarian United Church and St. Matthew’s-Maryland Community Ministry. Deborah Murray was installed as the new Chair of the Presbytery. The opening worship included a covenanting service for the incoming Executive. The Presbytery approved the Policy for Grants from the newly established Pastoral Charge Development/Redevelopment Fund. Approval was also given for the Policy for Loans from funds administered by CDI. The Nominating Committee Report for 2014-2015 was presented and approved. Richard Manley-Tannis gave an update on the progress of 1Hope Winnipeg.

September – The General Meeting was held at Broadway Disciples United Church with co-hosts Knox United Church, Young United Church, Chinese United Church, Augustine United Church and West Broadway Community Ministry. Members of Knox United Church led the opening worship. Ha Na Park, the new teammate in ministry with Gordon Taylor at The United Church in Meadowood and Min-Goo Kang, the new minister from Fort Garry United Church, were introduced. Patrick Woodbeck presented a short video presentation on a transgender child and the genderbread person which highlighted gender identity, gender expression, biological sex and sexual orientation. Tessa Blaikie, the new 1Hope Winnipeg Fund Developer, was introduced and welcomed.

October – Our General Meeting was held at Westworth United Church with co-hosts Harrow United Church, Fort Garry United Church and Crescent Fort Rouge United Church. EMinistries highlighted the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) workshop that was being planned and encouraged everyone to attend. Mary Best gave an overview of the New Compensation Model that will be implemented July 1, 2015. The 2015 Mission Support Grants were approved.

November – The General Meeting was held at Windsor Park United Church with co-hosts Transcona Memorial United Church, Grey Street United Church, Westminster United Church and Rainbow Ministry. The 2015 Draft Budget was approved. Cole Grambo gave a report on the work and initiatives of Spirit Path United.

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Property Committee 2014

The ongoing responsibilities of the Property Committee at Westworth United Church are to care for and maintain our church building and surrounding property in a safe and secure manner. We strive to work within our allotted budget to meet these requirements. Meetings are held monthly September through June.

The Property Committee also oversees the work of the Rentals Committee, with the assistance of the Church Office Administrator. The Rentals Committee members are part of the Property Committee.

The most exciting accomplishment of our committee this year was the construction of a new Barrier Free Access Ramp at the front entrance of the church. With the help of a Community Incentive Grant from the City of Winnipeg, we were able to build the ramp at a cost to our Building Fund of approximately $15,800.00. We are very grateful to Councillor John Orlikow for his approval of the Grant, to Larry Moore for his design and oversight of the construction, and to Don Charleson for his reviewing and stamping of the drawings. We plan to have an official opening and celebration in the spring when the weather allows.

We have now completed replacing all the windows at the rear South side of the church building.

A new interlocking sidewalk has been built at the front emergency exit door by our custodian, Ken Dwyer and committee members.

Wall heaters have been installed in the Church Administration Office and in the West Entrance landing.

The maintenance on the boiler continues monthly, as well as work on new thermostats, upgraded electrical and lighting, and various fans and motors. Through the capable work of Ken Dwyer, we have saved a considerable amount of money on projects we would otherwise have had to contract out.

The Community Places Grant Program has completed an assessment of the physical needs of our building. There are several areas of concern, including both the flat and pitch roofs, the lack of insulation in the gym which is causing some deterioration to the brick on the outer walls along the roof line, as well as to our parking lots.

The Property committee began work looking for grants through the Community Places Grant Program. We thank Dr. Paul Galbraith for his considerable work on this. Unfortunately, we have had to put this work on hold due to the financial conditions at Westworth at this time. We are looking to the Board and the congregation for guidance as to how we can proceed with the continued needs of our aging building with the financial constraints which we are facing.

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We would like to thank Betty Skinner for the very generous donation which allowed the purchase of a new snow blower.

The Rentals at Westworth remain fairly consistent with revenue of 30-31K this past year. The Property Committee work with the Rentals Committee to set the rental rates for the upcoming year. This year the rates will in increase by 2 %.

Mr. Kirk McDonald, our relief custodian has resigned in order to take on full time work at another congregation. We thank him for his work here at Westworth.

We also thank Jim Pigden, a long time member of the Property Committee for his committed service to the work of our committee. Jim has decided to leave the committee this year.

I personally am very thankful for the faithful work of the members of this committee and the support they have given me. I thank each of them for their commitment to Westworth. Thanks also to Ken Dwyer for his excellent, knowledge and service to the care of our church facility and to Heather Lavery for her generous assistance to our committee.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lorraine Moore

Chair of Property

Westworth United Church

Page 30

Trustees Annual Report 2014

Congregational property is held by the Trustees; they hold the title and are responsible for the physical property of the church. Trustees hold the property for the use and benefit of the congregation as part of the United Church. Included in this responsibility is ensuring adequate property and liability insurance are in place. This is usually done in consultation with the Property Committee. We believe the insurance coverage is adequate to protect the congregational property as well as the congregation.

The Trustees met twice in 2014 to complete the review of the duties and responsibilities of the Trustees. From this review, there is now clarity about Trustee responsibility for over-sight of investments and general risk management.

The current Visioning review that the Board is undertaking potentially has an impact upon the use and purpose of all Westworth reserve accounts; accordingly the Trustees have re-confirmed the current policy of placing investments into GICs of no longer than a 3-year maturity. This policy will be revisited once the Board has completed their review.

Risk management is more than ensuring adequate insurance coverage for property and liability; risk management covers every aspect of any organization’s activities. Westworth has implemented a number of risk management policies through various Board initiatives over past years. The Trustees are continuing to work with the various committees of Westworth on liability issues. The daily night closing process, the Working Alone Policy, police checks of volunteers working with children, the appropriate vetting of volunteers making visits to shut-ins and the counting of Sunday collections either have or are still being reviewed.

Respectfully submitted,

The Trustees

Kent Magarrell (Chair), Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd, Tim Stephenson, Larry Strachan, Dan Wiwchar

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Worship Committee Report 2014

2014 was an exciting year in the worship life of Westworth as we welcomed our new Music Director, Deborah McLeod and celebrated the installation of a new Allen Organ. We would like to thank Dorcas Windsor and the various organ committees for selecting the organ, fundraising for the organ, as well as ensuring the installation and renovations to the sanctuary were completed. The Worship committee would like to thank Stuart Sladden for his energy and enthusiasm as Music Director for the last three years.

Lead by our Ministers, Music Directors, and Organist, the Worship committee ensured that worship continues to be meaningful and relevant.

Worship service highlights of 2014 include:

• Worship service and communion on March 2 were integrated with the Annual General Meeting.

• Lent began with an Ash Wednesday meditation service.

• Holy Week included a meal and prayer service on Maundy Thursday, a service and Hadyn’s Sabat Mater on Good Friday and baptism and confirmation on Easter Sunday.

• In June a reception was held to say good bye to the Music Director, Stuart Sladden, as well as wish him luck with his doctoral studies in Edmonton.

• Summer Services (adjusted to 10:30) were held in July and August with music provided by a variety of congregants.

• In September, Deborah McLeod was welcomed as our new Music Director.

• Worship in the gym was held one last time to accommodate renovations in the sanctuary.

• In October we were treated to the beautiful sound of the new organ.

• The Advent season included a Taizé service on Wednesday, December 3, Lessons and Carols as well as two services on Christmas Eve. The late Christmas Eve service was made special with everyone holding a lit candle during the singing of Silent Night.

• Communion was served twice in the pews, twice during worship in the gym and four times by intinction.

We would like to thank Loraine and Mona for their spiritual guidance during the year. The committee would like to thank the many people who ensure our services run smoothly: those who look after securing ushers, lay readers, and communion servers as well as preparing the communion elements.

Petra Thanisch, Chair, on behalf of the Worship Committee

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UCW Annual Report 2014

Throughout the year, approximately 65 Westworth women have met in 5 unique units to share Christian witness, study, fellowship and service.

Our fundraising efforts included 2 Rummage Sales on April 26 and September 27, coordinated by Dorothy Reid, Nancy Williamson, Andrea Firth and Arlene Hintsa. Our Fall Bazaar was organized by Wendy Moroz, Elaine Beavis and Rochelle Baker. The many volunteers (both men and women, young and not so young) who contributed to the success of these three events deserve our thanks. Together, these 3 events raised $14,900.00 towards general church revenues, while providing opportunities for fun and fellowship.

Nancy Williamson represented Westworth in the planning of this year’s World Day of Prayer event which took place in March at Harrow United Church.

Approximately 45 women attended our May 26 Dessert Party and Thankoffering to hear Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd speak about her McGeechy Scholarship research on “Transformational Missions”. Several women from Harrow UCW also joined us at this event. During the worship service we remembered long time UCW members, Jean Young who passed away in Winnipeg on November 17, 2013 at the age of 99 and Bonnie Bruce who passed away in White Rock, BC on Dec. 20, 2013 at the age of 96. Donations to the Memorial Fund have been made in their honour. We also thanked Shirley Watts for being our UCW coordinator from 2011 till the end of 2013. An offering of $455.00 was donated for Mission and Service.

In December, shortbread was prepared by several UCW members and trays were again assembled by Jennifer Snyder. These trays are delivered by volunteers who do one-on-one visiting on behalf of Westworth.

The members of Unit 7 continue to prepare layettes for new Moms at West Broadway Community Ministry.

The UCW continues to support the Special Appeals Committee, by directing $1800.00 of the money raised each year towards the projects that the committee deems appropriate.

In November, the 6 members of Unit 5 felt they should disband. The rest of the UCW encouraged them to remain as “Westworth Unit 5”, and continue to meet socially without any stressful duties or obligations.

The UCW Purpose is to unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service.

The women in Units 5, 7, 46, 77 and 94 will continue to meet and aspire towards these worthwhile goals.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Doern-White,

UCW Coordinator

Page 33

Roll Clerk’s Report 2014



By Transfer 0

By Reaffirmation 0

By Confirmation 1

Adjustment 0

1 +1


By Death 6

By Transfer 6

Removed by Membership 49

61 -61


Inactive members 9

Non-Resident members 7




Registry Notes

Marriages – 3

Baptisms – 4

Ashleigh Mitchell and Kyle Cymbaluk’s son Evan

Mike and Ashley Hozempa‘s daughter Paige and son Noah

Randy and Jennifer Senior’s daughter Lilianna

Page 34


Roderick Reynolds Bonnie Bruce Sheila Lugtig

*Richard Robson *Bunny Anderson Constance Smith

*Cliff Fryers Judith Wainwright Theodore Kiesman

Evan Everett William Acheson *Gladys Hunter

Lois Yeung *Bernice Ingram *Lindsay Ingram

* Members of the Congregation

Memorial Donations

Donations made to the Memorial Fund in Memory of:

Bonnie Bruce Jean Young

Donations made to the Organ Fund

In Memory of:

Bonnie Bruce Dan Pismenny Borge Gade

Lois Fedak Christie McDiarmid

Donations made to Mission and Service Over and Above In Memory of:

Minnie Carter

Page 35

Children’s Fund Report, 2014

The Children’s Fund Committee (Nancy Doern-White, David Bruce, Allan McKay and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd) reviewed the terms of the fund. It originated with a donation of $15,000 from the late Mr. Lloyd Cooke to support children and youth in need. It has usually been distributed twice a year in the amount of $750 per distribution. After searching archival records, files, the Westworth Manual and emailing Clark Saunders, the committee determined that this pattern of giving is not required according to the terms of the fund. For this reason, future distributions will be made according to need. Grants of less than $750 will be considered and distributions may only happen once a year, as needs are presented to the committee. Grants will not go to operating expenses, but will offer one-time support for projects.

One grant of $750 was given in June, 2014, to support youth scholarships to attend the national United Church Rendez-Vous 2014 youth event. Another grant of $750 was given in December, 2014, to Days for Girls. This grant assisted with the local volunteer production of washable, reusable feminine hygiene kits for girls all over the world, which would enable them to attend school on every day of the school year.

The Children’s Fund balance at the end of December, 2014 is $7437 and is open to receiving further donations.

Respectfully submitted,

Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

The Special Appeals Fund Report, 2014

The Special Appeals Fund Committee (Nancy Doern-White, Allan McKay, David Bruce and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd) distributes small grants to a number of partner organizations. The amount distributed is determined by the annual donation of the UCW ($1800 for 2014) and congregational donations to special appeals ($1128 was given for the Thanksgiving Special Appeal). The donations listed below that include an asterisk (*) indicate the agencies that have received donations directly from the UCW in the past. Due to financial management issues, the Executive Director of Osborne House indicated that material donations in 2014 would be better than financial. For this reason, we donated towels and $193.10 of paper products.

*Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Bursary Fund 200.00

*North End Stella Community Ministry 200.00

*Alpha House 275.00

*Osborne House (see note above) 193.10

*West Broadway Community Ministry 700.00

West Broadway Community Ministry kitchen manager (1 time grant) 700.00

St. Andrew’s College 200.00

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre 250.00

Centre for Christian Studies 200.00

North Point Douglas Women’s Centre (new grant) 200.00

Total $3,118.10

Respectfully submitted,

Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

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Faith and Future Committee Report 2014

Members served in 2014 are: Kathy Strachan and Douglas MacEwan (Co-Chairs), Dan Wiwchar (Trustee Representative), Betty Skinner, and David Lewis.

The Faith and Future Fund supports projects within Westworth United Church (W.U.C.), as well as projects from the larger community that have a connection to the Westworth congregation. The Fund provides a continuing resource for the Spiritual and Financial well being of the W.U.C. congregation as it fulfills its Christian ministry in the church and the community that W.U.C. serves.

Each year, the Committee accepts proposals until March 31st and meets in April to make decisions regarding what recommendations are made to the Westworth United Church Board at the May Board meeting. An online application form was developed and is available from the church office. The Committee has a mandate of reviewing applications and making recommendations to the Board for up to $20,000 per year.

Guidelines for consideration are:

- Special appeals, projects or programs within or outside Westworth United Church consistent with the values established by the congregation.

- Special applications to maintain the integrity of the church building or major Westworth capital expenditures.

There is no restriction on what portion may go to community projects vs. Westworth projects; each application is judged on its own merit. The Committee received three applications for funding in 2014. In 2014 the Board approved two grants for a total of $13,000 and one special appeal for up to $30,000 for a total of $43,000.00 :

Proposal #1 Finance Committee, W.U.C.

Assistance in fulfilling budget commitments - $5000 APPROVED IN FULL

The Board approved this application for the purposes of fulfilling committee work for the 2014 budget year.

Proposal #2 Rossbrook House

Healthy Kitchen Project - $8000 APPROVED IN FULL

This request was made to cover a portion of the project’s $35,000 food costs. It is a program run out of Rossbrook House that both feeds their clientele as well as teaching them how to cook healthy food and be trained in Food Handling Certification and Hospitality courses. It is a program started to reflect the needs of their growing Aboriginal participants with diabetes.

Proposal #3 Organ Committee W.U.C

Special Appeal for coverage of 50% of a new organ - up to $30,000 APPROVED IN FULL

Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Strachan & Doug MacEwan

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Small Group Ministry 2014

We are exploring the ministry of small groups and have held a few groups last year. Small groups bring together approximately 6-10 people around a common interest. They include prayer and check-in with each other, as well as some kind of project or activity that extends beyond the group. This past year, the prayer shawl knitting group, facilitated by Barb Magarrell, continued its ministry of care. A walking group was formed in the spring, co-facilitated by Eunice Pratt and Barb Magarrell. Loraine concluded a Faith Exploration group early in the year and began another in the fall. She also led a Lenten study of the World Council of Churches “Together Towards Life” Mission document, as well as a book study on Brené Brown’s Gifts of Imperfection.

The first Faith Exploration group consisted of about 12 people who were willing to engage in challenging faith questions. The second group consisted of only two people, but still engaged in lively conversation and faith development. These groups studied the origins of the Bible, the history of the United Church and of Westworth, the evolution of faith statements throughout Judaeo-Christian history, the theology of the United Church as expressed in the Song of Faith, the development of personal statements of faith, the discernment of spiritual gifts and the practice of a variety of types of prayer. One member of the first group was confirmed in his faith at Easter. Two members of the second group will be confirmed in 2015.

The Lenten Study of the WCC’s “Together Towards Life” consisted of about 6 people. We struggled through some challenging material that asked us to consider a transformative approach to missions. Instead of trying to change the other, we were being asked to be open to our own transformation. The Brené Brown study group consisted of about 12 people. We considered how we might welcome our own imperfection, even as we try to enhance our ability to love.

Respectfully submitted by

Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

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Prayer Shawl Group 2014

We are thankful to be able to offer this ministry and comfort and support to many who come into touch with our congregation. The notes we have received have described the value of these hugs to those who are in need of support. To our knitters, we offer our sincere appreciation. In 2014, 22 shawls were delivered to congregants, 9 were delivered to family and friends of congregants, and 9 were gifts offered to people from partner ministries for a total of 40 beautiful shawls.

Westworth Walkers 2014

The Westworth Walkers met to walk, talk and share our faith for two six week sessions both this spring and fall. We began our walks with a short contemplation of a scripture reading, a prayer, or a brief discussion of ways to enrich our walks through the use of a mantra, walking meditation, and intentional appreciation. We even tried our hand at leaving positive messages for others. We walked in our neighbourhood, and tried out local parks and trails rain or shine. Walking together has provided companionship, deepened awareness of our shared faith, and positive energy for all who participated. We will resume our walks this spring, and encourage all to come and give it a try!

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The Nominating Committee submits for congregational approval the following slate of congregational representatives. Thank you to all who have agreed to serve. Congregants will note vacancies in three key positions: Vice-Chair of the Board, Trustee and Presbytery rep.

Ministers are ex-officio members of all committees except the Ministry and Personnel committee.

Official Board Officers Chair: Shirley Watts

Past Chair: open

Vice-Chair: open

Secretary: Alma Acheson* Member at Large: Norm Snyder Member at Large: open

Member at Large: open

Treasurer: Walter Watts


Chair: Diane Riordan

Jean Doern

Bob Johnston

Glenna Lindsay

Kathy Wilson

Christian Education

Chair: Dianne Sjoberg Nancy Ballantine Maggie Barnett (ex-officio) Danielle Cadieux Andrea Firth James Loewen

Dermot McDonald

Julia Shayna

Library: Reina Younka

Kathy Wilson

Communication Chair: James Loewen Glenn Allenby Bill Boris Peter Sim

Faith and Future Fund

Co-Chairs: Doug MacEwan/

Kathy Strachan

David Lewis

Betty Skinner

Trustee Representative

(Dan Wiwchar)


Chair: Judy Brown

Cathy Beynon

Jenny Jeffers

Nadia Marmach

Dorothy McLeod

Finance and Stewardship

Chair: Cheryl McNabb Davis

Ron Bailey

Neil Arnason

David Bruce

Bob Johnston

Wendy Moroz

Walter Oblinski

Treasure: Walter Watts

Stewardship Sub Committee

Chair: Ron Bailey

Mel Finlayson

Barb Magarrell

Eleanor Geib


Chair: Dorothy Reid

Rochelle Baker

Carol Gamby

Florence Kemkaran

Elaine Pigden

Betty Skinner

Heather Tessier

Ministry and Personnel

Chair: Wayne Benson

Linda Herman

Eunice Pratt

Barb Magarrell

Jennifer Snyder


Chair: Gerald Davis

Dianne Sjoberg

Dan Wiwchar

Eleanor Geib

Nancy Ballantine*


Co-Chairs: Frank & Barbara Wynes

Elaine Boris

Helena Haberman

Amanda Younka*

Allan McKay

Marion McKay

Fraser Muldrew

Kathy Wilson

Ruth Wiwchar

Pastoral Care

Chair: Nancy Williamson*

Rhea Yates

Nancy Doern-White

Catharine Ferguson

Barb Gwyer

Presbytery Representatives

Dorcas Windsor

Kirk Windsor


Youth rep - open


Chair: Lorraine Moore

Ken Dwyer (ex-officio)

Garry Reid

Alan Wilson

Kyle Cymbaluk*

Paul Chard (Rental sub-committee)

Erik Sjoberg (Rental sub-committee)

Refurbishing: Property Sub-Committee

Lorraine Moore

Betty Skinner


Chair: Kent Magarrell

Larry Strachan

Dan Wiwchar

Open +


Chair: Petra Thanisch

Dale Beynon (young adult)

Secretary: Alma Acheson

Merle McTaggart

Marion Muldrew

Shirley Williams

Debbie McLeod (ex-officio)

Dorcas Windsor (ex-officio)

Respectfully Submitted:

Gerald Davis, Dianne Sjoberg, Dan Wiwchar and Eleanor Geib.

* Indicates a new member or position

+ To be voted on by separate motion

Financial Review

I have reviewed and evaluated the financial report, records and internal controls of Westworth for the year 2014. This review included examination of the records of deposits, recording, filing and payment of invoices, all matters related to the payroll and bank reconciliations.

The review also included an assessment of the separation of duties for all individuals who deal with monies. The handling of financial records was also evaluated with respect to privacy and security.

Based on this review it is my opinion that the financial records of Westworth United Church are handled in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the guidelines of the United Church of Canada (Section 4.4, The Manual). In addition, it is my opinion that the financial statements adequately reflect the financial activity of Westworth for the past year.

Lynne McCarthy

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Finance and Stewardship Committee 2014

We are presenting the financial documents for 2014 and the proposed budget for 2015. We thank everyone for all of our continued financial support of the programs and building operations of our church.

The 2015 budget is based on the pledges we have made to support Westworth. As seen on the budget spreadsheets, we have a projected deficit of $43,620 for 2015. A budget is a working document with some educated guessing involved. Finances continue to change with changes in pledges, allocations, and movement in and out of the congregation. Optimistically, we have sufficient funds in our savings to cover any shortcomings in our expenses that occur in 2015.

The Stewardship subcommittee conducted the annual stewardship campaign in October and November. There were presentations on four Sundays about the annual campaign. The campaign continued to seek volunteers and financial support for Westworth.

This year all those who had donated in the past were contacted to seek support and advise them of the move to have pledges designed separately for Mission and Service and church operations. The calling campaign engaged 24 volunteers to make calls and over 250 members were reached.

From the campaign, 23 members indicated that they were interested in new volunteer activities and pledges were received from 213 members.

Results summary:

| |2015 |2014 |2013 |

|Members to be asked |279 |277 |281 |

|Pledges received and continuing (to date) |213 |229 |238 |

|Total amount pledged during Stewardship Campaign |$282,332 |$285,740 |$287,308 |

|Amount for Church Operations |$247,605 |$266,490 |$268,156 |

|Amount for Mission and Service |$34,727 |$19,250* |$19,152* |

The average pledge in 2015 is $1,325 as compared to $1,247 in 2014 and $1,207 in 2013.

* The M+S amount was based on a % of pledges approved at the annual meeting.

The Committee wishes to thank Walter Watts, our Treasurer, for the many hours that he provides to the fiscal operations of Westworth United Church.

Respectively submitted by:

Cheryl McNabb Davis Ron Bailey

Chair, Finance and Stewardship Chair, Stewardship Sub-Committee.

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