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Sunday, April 10, 2016, Sheraton Arlington Hotel, World Series Room

President Cassy Gonzalez called the meeting to order.

Vice President Ricky Cooks gave the invocation, and Parliamentarian Ronnie Sloan led the pledge to the U.S. and Texas flags. Roll call by Secretary Sadphire Lopez revealed all board members present.

Rebecca Brady and Brian Meyer from Cedar Creek High School, the 2017 TASC Annual Conference Coordinator School, attended the Board meeting as guests as did representatives of the Oregon Association of Student Councils.

President Gonzalez asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes from the November 13, 2015, TASC Board of Directors meeting. Hearing none, President Gonzalez declared the minutes approved as written.

Officer and Board Member Reports:

A. TASC Goals:

1. TASC will develop leadership skills, empower student voice, and positively impact school and community culture and climate. Vice President Advisor Susan Waldrep addressed this goal.

2. TASC will enhance the journey of leadership for students and advisors through providing professional development and a network of support. Elected Advisor Tommy Calais addressed this goal.

3. TASC will offer strategic support at the local and district level. Elected Advisor David Bowe addressed this goal.

4. TASC will build successful councils through training and advocacy. Parliamentarian Advisor Lianna Gantz reported on this goal.

B. President’s Award Report. President Gonzalez reported the number of schools receiving recognition for the state-approved projects and the number of advisors receiving service pins. Ricky Cooks reported on the State Service Project which focused on kids helping kids.

C. 2016 Annual Conference Coordinator Report. Conference Coordinator Kyle Friedman reported on the progress being made at the Convention Center with decorations and stage construction. He also informed Board members of the door prizes that will be awarded and how the $20,000 donation from TASC positively impacted Kempner’s ability to host the conference.

D. Top Ten/Five Project Competition Report. Parliamentarian Sloan reported on the committee formed to judge this contest, this year’s project contest winners and the process used to get scoring results from schools on the committee. His recommendation was to ensure that explicit instructions are provided to schools on the committee so that all projects are evaluated in the same manner.

E. Top Ten/Five Video Competition Report. Secretary Lopez reported on the committee formed to evaluate the videos as well as this year’s video contest winners. She recommended that meaningful video titles be required and that school names be included with each video.

F. Scholarship Report. Rusty Hill, Past President School Advisor, reported on the TASC Scholarships. Mr. Hill recommended that the 100 word limit per question be removed and replaced with the following: “Reponses to all 5 questions must not exceed one 8 ½ x 11 page.” The one page limit was also recommended for the student statement, the advisor recommendation and the second recommendation. Mr. Hill also reported on the TASSP Scholarships. His recommendations included forming two separate committees; one for the TASC Scholarships and one for the TASSP Scholarships and providing guidelines or a rubric for scoring the two recommendations as well as a point system for the number of projects per area (i.e., 3 or more projects earns 10 points, 2 projects earns 7 points, 1 project earns 5 points, etc.).

G. Advisor of the Year. Elected Advisor Antoinette Hernandez’s only recommendation was to require that all applicable voters vote to ensure that the selection made is that of the full committee.

H. Credentials Report. Susan Waldrep, Vice President School Advisor, reported on the schools serving on the Credentials Committee and there are 13 schools running for office this year.

I. Candidates for Elected Advisor on the Board. TASC Director Terry Hamm announced that Chad Cook from Azle HS, Ryan Golden from Mansfield HS and Rhea Young from Splendora HS are running for the elected advisor position on the Board of Directors.

J. Tabulations Report. Christi Shannon, Secretary School Advisor, reported on the Tabulations Committee. She recommends that an experienced Board Member work with the officer schools advisors who are responsible for selecting schools to serve on committees so the selection can begin early in the school year and completed by November. She also suggests that the state make a list of schools that served on committees for the 2016 Annual Conference so they are not invited to serve again in 2017. Terry Hamm explained that list is provided to chairs of committees.

K. Meet the Candidates. Lianna Gantz, Parliamentarian School Advisor, reported on the Meet the Candidates Sessions. The processes developed for these sessions will work well, and the schools selected to serve on this committee are excited about the opportunity.

L. Audience Etiquette Committee. This committee is chaired by Elected Advisor David Bowe. Mr. Bowe reported that elected advisors to the board and their delegations will serve as crowd control for the 1st and 2nd General Sessions and will encourage schools to sit to the front of the room and to move to the center of rows to allow for late comers to the sessions. On Day 2 of the conference, these schools will also encourage students to attend breakout sessions rather than gathering in the hallways.

M. NASC Awards. Terry Hamm reported on the NASC Awards. Last year, 240 schools were recognized nationwide with 30 of those schools from Texas for a total of 15% of the schools recognized. This year’s report has not been completed by NASC but Jeff Sherrill did report that 35 Texas councils will be recognized this year. The school names will be posted on the NASC website during the National Student Leadership Week.

N. 2016 ML Conference Host School Applicants. Terry Hamm reported that Bridgeport MS and Kountze MS have completed applications to serve in 2016.

O. 2018 HS Conference Coordinator School Applicants. Ms. Hamm reported that one school has applied for the 2018 Conference Coordinator School position: Texas High School in Texarkana.

P. Plans for the 2016 Advisor Workshop. Elected Advisor Tommy Calais reported that Brene Brown will present at the Opening Session and Phil Boyte will present at the Closing Session of the 2016 Advisors Workshop. Michelle McGrath, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Association of Student Councils will also present. This workshop will take place at the San Marcos Embassy Suites and Conference Center on September 24-25.

Q. National Conference on Student Activities. Mr. Calais reported that NCSA will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, on December 4-6, 2016. The theme of the workshop is Forward: Direction with an Attitude. The Wisconsin delegation has a great program planned for this year.

R. Strategic Initiatives: District Initiative by Tommy Calais – Special thanks to Board members who visited in other districts during the fall and spring district meetings. The presence of the StuCo Board members throughout the state is powerful and positive. Middle Level Initiative by Jasmine Johnson – Ms. Johnson recommends that Middle Level advisors be surveyed to determine their specific needs. Membership Initiative by Rusty Hill. Mr. Hill recommends that the State Steering Committee meeting be the forum for district presidents and district coordinators to work together to determine strategies to increase membership in their districts. TASSP President, Charlie Jehlen, stated that the students’ presence at the TASSP Region Meetings was effective. He recommends to continue using state and district student officers in recruitment efforts at TASSP meetings.

S. Supplemental Text for the Leadership Class. Mr. Calais reported that there are not enough lesson plans to go to print in August. The committee will work together prior to the State Steering Committee to create more lesson plans.

T. Outreach to Districts. Parliamentarian Sloan recommends that the Board allocate funds for Board members to visit districts. The most valuable tool that the student officers can do to inspire other StuCo members throughout the state is to visit their districts.

U. Social Media. Secretary Lopez reported on the Facebook likes and the Twitter and Instagram followers; the numbers continue to grow. Her recommendations include providing all board members with usernames and passwords for all the TASC social media accounts and encourage them to post. Encourage all officers to post when they visit districts, share insights on cool activities happening at district meetings and share pictures of these activities.

TASC Reports Reported by TASC Director Terry Hamm

A. Budget Decisions. Dues: Ms. Hamm recommends that the dues structure remains the same at $80 per school ($60 state and $20 district). Advisors Workshop: Ms. Hamm recommends the registration fee for Advisors Workshop be increased by $5 for 2016-2017, making early bird registration $120 and onsite registration $130. Middle Level Workshop: Ms. Hamm recommends that the registration fee for the Middle Level Workshop remain the same with $55 for early bird registration and $60 for onsite registration. Officer Schools/Board Members Fees to attend ML and HS Conferences: The expectation is for Board members to attend conferences to support TASC programming and because Board of Directors Meetings are held during the conferences. Officer school advisors need to attend the entire Middle Level Conference because the student officers serve as emcees at General Sessions.

B. Support for the Conference. Ms. Hamm expressed her appreciation to Herff Jones for their support of the High School Annual Conference. They assist in designing the conference logo, provide a ring to the ML and HS Advisors of the Year, provide the keynote speaker for the closing general session, provide a speaker for an advisor session and contribute $3500 toward the advisors hospitality room.

C. Summer Leadership Workshops. Ms. Hamm included a spreadsheet of the 2016 Summer Leadership Workshops in the board binders. There will be six 5-day high school workshops, two 5-day middle level workshops and one 1-day middle level workshop. The theme for this summer is “GRIT.”

D. 2016 Advanced Leadership Workshops. Lakeview Workshop had 170 participants and Mo-Ranch Workshop had 286 participants.

E. Investigation of non-dues revenue sources. Ms. Hamm continues to search for non-dues revenue. She is thankful to Herff Jones for their support of the HS Annual Conference (approximately $10,000 in funds and services). She has applied and received a few grants but she will continue to try to develop one or two more sources of revenue to enable us to maintain our level of programming and keep registration costs reasonable for our students and advisors.

F. AMS System and Summer Leadership Workshop Registration. Ms. Hamm expressed optimism over the new Association Management System which is MemberClicks. This AMS system is supposed to be more responsive and simpler to navigate than our previous system and will include an opportunity for social engagement of members. MemberClicks developed an online Summer Leadership Workshop registration form that can be accessed via a link on the TASC website.

G. Participation Report. Membership: Membership for 2015-2016 is currently 1,176 (40 fewer than last year). Conference Pre-registration/Registration: Pre-registration for this year’s HS Annual Conference is 4,551 (478 more than attended last year’s conference).

Action Items

A. Approve ML Conference Host (2016): Motion by David Bowe to accept Bridgeport Middle School as the ML Conference Host. Second by Lianna Gantz. Motion passed.

B. Approve HS Conference Host (2018): Motion by Antoinette Hernandez to accept Texas High School as the HS Conference Host. Second by Christi Shannon. Motion passed.

C. Approve TASC Dues for 2016-2017. Motion by Lianna Gantz that dues for 2016-2017 remain at $80 ($60 state and $20 district). Second by Ronnie Sloan. Motion passed.

D. Approve Registration Fee for 2016 Advisors Workshop. Motion by Rusty Hill to increase the registration for Advisors Workshop by $5 with $120 early bird registration and $125 onsite registration. Second by Charlie Jehlen. Motion passed.

E. Approve Registration Fee for the 2016 ML Annual Conference. Motion by Christi Shannon to maintain the registration fee for the ML Conference with $55 early bird registration and $60 onsite registration. Second by Elected Advisor Lisa Gilbert. Motion passed.

F. Approve Registration for Officer Schools/Board members for ML and HS Annual Conference. Motion by Ricky Cooks that the registration fee for one student and one advisor from the Middle Level Conference Coordinator School attend the ML Conference at no cost. Second Christi Shannon. Motion passed. Motion by Christi Shannon that student officers and their advisors attend the TASC Annual Conference at no cost exclusive of the cost of Six Flags tickets. Second by Ronnie Sloan. Motion passed. Motion by David Bowe that student officers and their advisors attend the ML Conference at no cost, and that ML Elected Board members are not required to pay registration for HS Annual Conference. Second by Charlie Jehlen. Motion passed.

G. Approve Plans for the Supplemental Text. Motion by Krysta Reed to include in the budget expenses for travel, lodging and a stipend of $150 for each of the four advisors to continue their work on the supplemental text. Second by Rusty Hill. A friendly motion was made by Krysta Reed and seconded by Rusty Hill to amend the stipend from $150 to $200. Motion passed.

President Gonzalez announced the upcoming 2016-2017 TASC meeting and conference dates and locations.

Ms. Hamm thanked Board members for a very successful year and thanked Kempner High School for hosting this year’s conference.

Motion by Ronnie Sloan and second by Sadphire Lopez to adjourn the TASC Board of Directors meeting. Motion passed.


Archie E. McAfee, Executive Director


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