The contrarian income report reviews


The contrarian income report reviews

Contrarian Income Outlook is a monthly stock investing newsletter that aims to help you take advantage of market misperceptions. It uncovers secure, high-yielding investments for thousands of investors, and delivers an "8% Monthly Payer Portfolio" that lets you live on dividends alone, without selling a single share to generate extra cash. These high-yielders are a must if you want to safeguard your retirement through the market calamity. More about Contrarian Income Report "A must-read for any investor looking to find safe ways to get meaningful yields with principal protection. If you're looking for a way to construct an income portfolio that consistently churns out 6-8%, this book is for you." How about dividend-paying stocks? Well, the blue chips don't pay much more than 2% or 3%. On a $1 million portfolio, that's less than $30,000 in annual income! Not enough. There's a better way. Income investing experts Brett Owens and Tom Jacobs will show you how to safely double, triple and even quadruple these yields. Turn the 2% that stocks pay into 6%, 7% and even 8% (for $80,000 on that million bucks) without doing anything risky. In this book, Brett and Tom will take you beyond Wall Street's "blue chip BS" and create a portfolio that can actually generate meaningful income. It's a "no withdrawal portfolio" that relies entirely on dividend income and leaves your principal 100% intact. As you build this perfect retirement portfolio, you'll trade in your overrated exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for higher paying and undervalued closed-end funds (CEFs). They are a better vehicle for buying stocks and bonds and for securing higher yields. You'll also buy under-the-radar stocks that pay big dividends, such as recessionproof REITs (real estate investment trusts). Recession-proof real estate via REITs Commercial landlord stocks with timeless tenants Secure "boring" bonds with tax breaks Infrastructure-powered dividends, and Bank 8% income without worrying about interest rates, the Fed, or the economy at large. Learn how to retire on dividends alone and keep your capital 100% intact.Brett Owens is the Chief Investment Strategist for Contrarian Outlook, a publishing service dedicated to safe, meaningful dividends. Brett's flagship newsletter, the Contrarian Income Report, has generated 10.6% annualized returns since inception. His subscribers have enjoyed most of these gains as cash dividends. Tom Jacobs employs the strategy in this book as a partner with Huckleberry Capital Management, a boutique investment advisory serving clients in 25 states and three foreign countries. He is the author and editor of numerous investment books. Our latest stock market outlook and commentary, Updated income ideas featuring the high yielding plays outlined in our book Additional resources to make sure dividends power your retirement portfolio.Time and money well spent. "I have been following Brett's dividend driven financial advice for the past few years through his subscription newsletter so I decided to give this a read. This book was a great primer, with a lot of specific insights interspersed, outlining his sound advice. The great thing about the methods and strategies he and Tom outline is that they are sound for any market - eliminate as much risk as possible without shooting yourself in your foot. No complaints at all about investing $10 and a few hours into this read. Well worth it. Thanks for the sane and manageable advice." - Doug AGreat book even for someone new to investing "As a scientist I've always been more concerned with my work than investing money.The stock market seems random and insane. Turns out that it is if you don't buy dividends. This book shows how to turn savings into income and cash flow that grows every year without losing sleep like I did during my PhD. I actually know how to retire without gambling with my life's savings when the time comes." - Amazon CustomerExcellent playbook ! "This is the best investing advice about dividends in one book. I've read Brett's investing analysis for years. Excellent playbook for serious dividend investors looking for actual yields!" - Amazon Customer Loading... Contrarian Outlook's Opinion & Analysis. Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Contrarian Outlook, including current material. 3 Cheap CEFs Yielding Up To 8.4% By Michael Foster - Jul 15, 2021 As I write this, the 14 funds in our CEF Insider portfolio yield a tidy 6.7%, on average. And while that's down from the 7.5% average (and above) we've seen in the past, there's a... The Dividends Most Likely To Double By December By Contrarian Outlook - Jul 14, 2021 Collecting dividends is fun. Doubling our money is even better. From time to time, Mr. and Ms. Market will present us with a deal that includes payouts plus price upside. I'm talking about 50%... This 1 Stock Is Set To Bounce With Rates By Contrarian Outlook - Jul 13, 2021 Let's give ourselves a double shot of dividend and share-price growth by diving into a group of stocks I guarantee your friends are missing out on. I'm talking about financial... This Bond-Buying 'Hack' Converts A 5% Dividends To Massive 8.3% Payouts By Michael Foster - Jul 12, 2021 Let's break out of today's zero-rate wasteland and help ourselves to huge, safe payouts yielding all the way up to 8.3%. And these massive payouts are tax-free too! And, no, we won't... A 5-Stock Dividend Portfolio That Yields 12.3% By Contrarian Outlook - Jul 09, 2021 Believe it or not, in today's "no yield" world, there are still 845 stocks that boast dividend yields of 3%. And 34 that pay more than 10%!You Still Have OptionsNote: US-listed... A Safe Dividend And A Yield Trap By Michael Foster - Jul 08, 2021 Imagine two closed-end funds (CEFs) that both yield upwards of 7%. Sounds great, right? Buy a bit of both and get $58.33 per month for every $10,000 you invest. Put in $500K and you've got a... 4 "Pick And Shovel" Infrastructure Dividends Up To 6.5% By Contrarian Outlook - Jul 07, 2021 We individual investors have many edges on the Wall Street suits. Betting on the next government handout, however, is not one of them. Megatrends, on the other hand, are our wheelhouse. Professionals... A 2-Step Plan For Safe 7.8% Dividends In Retirement By Contrarian Outlook - Jul 06, 2021 The retirement-income battle never ends! Last summer, we watched cautiously for the next dividend cut. This summer, we're tracking inflation. No matter the worry, we can apply my "2-step... 3 "12% Dividend Secret" CEFs That Could Let You Retire Now (On Just $300K) By Michael Foster - Jul 05, 2021 Imagine getting $100 per month in passive income for every $10,000 you invest. That amounts to a $35,000 annual dividend stream with less than $300,000 saved. It's not impossible. In fact,... 4 Dividend Raisers Yielding Up To 8.8% By Contrarian Outlook - Jul 02, 2021 For the past few weeks, I've been drawing up a roadmap of how income investors like us can fend off inflation's impending march. Utility stocks. small banks. Heck, small businesses. But... Avoid This Mistake For 447% Returns And 5.2% Dividends By Michael Foster - Jul 01, 2021 Once folks get a taste of closed-end funds (CEFs), they typically rave about one thing: the dividends! Yields of 7% and up are common with CEFs, and they often come your way monthly. We also love the... REIT Inflation Hedge: 3 Dividends To Buy Now By Contrarian Outlook - Jun 30, 2021 Unlike the broader market, REITs (real estate investment trusts) haven't been messing around this year. The Vanguard Real Estate ETF (NYSE:VNQ) has convincingly broken out to new highs. For us... 3 Huge Monthly Dividends Set To Soar (One Yields An Incredible 7.6%) By Contrarian Outlook - Jun 29, 2021 When it comes right down to it, we dividend investors really only need three things:Bargain stocks with ... High current yields and ideally ... Monthly payouts--so we can line up our... Can These Utilities Weather 'Transitory' Inflation? By Contrarian Outlook - Jun 25, 2021 The Federal Reserve is finally beginning to admit that it's here and, at the moment, it's spectacular. Chairman Jay Powell is still sticking with his "it's only... A CEF That Pays 6.6% And Trade At A 9% Discounts By Contrarian Outlook - Jun 23, 2021 Let's take advantage of this pullback! In a moment, I'm going to outline two generous CEFs (closed-end funds) that pay 6.6%. Thanks to last week's market action, each fund trades at... An Ingenious 'Hack' That Turns A 1% Dividend Into 6.8% By Contrarian Outlook - Jun 22, 2021 Our man Jay Powell is talking a little more about raising rates. Right on cue, stocks have dropped, and dividend yields have popped! Our contrarian buying opportunity is here. But wait. Even with the... A Fund With 6.5% Dividend But You Must Sell Before 2033 By Michael Foster - Jun 21, 2021 I get plenty of questions about specific closed-end funds from members of my CEF Insider service, which focuses on quick-moving smaller CEFs (here I mean those with sub-$1-billion market caps). We... Brett Owens How to Retire on Dividends: Earn a Safe 8%, Leave Your Principal Intact Skip Wall Street's low-yielding, blue-chip, "dividend aristocrat" BS and learn how from Brett and Tom. Are you above average?It's been said 9 out of 10 investors believe they are above average stock pickers. I can't back this statistic up with a reference to a rigorous scientific study, but I have often seen it quoted, and believe that it is true. Most people I know also believe they are good drivers, and having driven with many of them, trust me, they are not. It's also the same thing as a person who claims to have perfect vision, as they squint profusely to read something at arm's length, yet they refuse to make their life easier by getting their eyesight tested. I can only conclude that this statistic is true, and we, the investors, wear rose colored glasses when it comes to our abilities.I write this post after having a discussion this past weekend with a friend of mine who works on Wall Street. He has been involved in many aspects of finance, from investment banking and IPO's to currency exchange and arbitrage. What I came away with from our conversation is that I know roughly nothing about stocks.If anyone read my recently posted article on Seeking Alpha, 2 Dividend Plays for the Adventurous Investor, you would find mention of two risky dividend plays, FLY and AYR. These companies purchase commercial jets, then lease them to operators. It's a complicated situation, and the success of the company relies on many factors, but of central importance is the structure of their debt versus the income of their leases, with a heavy dose of securitization, depreciation, and various other financial wizardry that was explained to me, but most of which went over my head.I found his depth of knowledge on these companies incredibly interesting (especially FLY, which he had worked with extensively and done their IPO). He knew which debt came due when, and the interest rate. He knew how much they could subtract in depreciation, and where that would place their tax burden. He knew that the CEO loved scotch and has a wife named (insert name here ? it took a few drinks to loosen him up). He also knew that at $3 a share back in 2008, FLY was way undervalued, and Wall Street was panicking their debtors would call in the loans, when he knew for a fact they wouldn't. So he bought in, comforted by the 26% yield, and watched the stock appreciate 360% to $14.10, its current price.This of course got me thinking. We all try to be contrarian investors, and many of us believe that we are. There's no doubt that if you are intelligent, disciplined, and patient, (which I believe many of the wonderful bloggers I read are) you can buy companies at fair prices. But are we really contrarians? Did you buy Citigroup when it was trading at $1? That's a contrarian investment. What about SuperValu, when it hit $7? Or Paychex at $21?There's nothing wrong with being safe and conservative when you invest. As Warren Buffet has famously said, "Rule #1 ? Never Lose Money. Rule #2 ? See Rule #1". It's how most of us dividend growth investors feel comfortable. And while we may never be the people who buy an ailing company with the hope it will return to previous heights, it wouldn't hurt for us to evaluate our purchases with this criteria in mind.So now that we know our competition has knowledge far greater than ourselves, and makes his moves long before we can, does this mean we should all just stop investing? I don't think so. It was sobering to speak with someone who had so much knowledge, and so much advantage, over me. It made me realize there is so much more I could know about a company than I currently deem acceptable. Most Wall Street analysts focus on one industry, and generally 6-8 companies within that industry. They know these businesses inside and out. Do you know all of your holdings that well?So the next time you think about purchasing a new stock, or even a little more of an older holding, take an honest look at how much you know about the company. Maybe hold off your purchase for a week or two, and re-read their annual and quarterly reports, plus analysts ratings, media articles, and even their news feed. Try to know as much about them as possible. Then, maybe one day, you'll find a true contrarian investment.

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