[Pages:12]Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016

Ida Bakke HANSEN (NOR)

200m Women national

Jeg er veldig forn?yd med l?pet. Det var ikke forventet siden jeg har slitt med hamstringen i det siste tre ukene, men jeg er i form. Jeg haaper aa ta EM-kravet, for det var ikke et optimalt l?p, jeg holdt igjen i f?rste sving.

09/06/2016 18:49


200m Men national - PB 100 meter. Ikke paa 200 meter.

Jeg er veldig forn?yd med 100-meteren. 100-meteren har ikke vaert distansen min, men i ?r har jeg l?pt aatte stykker og alle har vaert bedre enn den beste fra f?r. 30 minutter pause til 200-meteren, saa den kom litt braatt paa, saa jeg er veldig forn?yd med den.

09/06/2016 18:58


1500m Men national - PB

Det var veldig bra det, har ikke f?lt at jeg har faatt potensialet ut enda, men naa er det kort vei til EMkravet. Jeg kommer nok ikke til aa l?pe EM-senior, men har uansett som maal aa ta det il?pet av aaret.

09/06/2016 19:03

Snorre Holtan L?KEN (NOR)

1500m Men national - PB og EM-krav

Det er helt fantastisk aa ta EM-kravet. Saa bra som det har gaatt paa trening, saa hadde jeg forventet det, men ble litt usikker etter et daarlig l?p paa Jessheim sist. Det var ny personlig rekord med fire sekunder.

09/06/2016 19:10

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


1500m Men national - 15 years old

Very good race for me. Before this race I did not show my full potential, now I m not far away from Amsterdam standard but anyway I do not want to go as my priority is European Youth Championships. I still hope to run the senior standard until end of the season.

09/06/2016 19:12


1500m Men national - Winner

My aim was to win today and that worked. I was not too much following the time, interestingly it is exactly two seconds behind my PB. Im already selected for Rio in the 800 m but I also want to run the 1500 m at the Olympic Games. What must I do, just wait until July 11 to be picked as I did not run the trials. We are based in Teddington in London and having still lot of races ahead of us in Europe, next one in Stockholm.

09/06/2016 19:19


Discus Throw Women - Unbeaten this year, 3rd win in Oslo in a row

I always push myself, so it was not easy, I want everytime the best possible result. Today the 4th attempt which was not valid was maybe the best, but I did not had the right angle. Every win is good also for me, here they changed the circle so I hope when I come back next time I will be able to deliver a 70 m. Now still Stockholm, then training camp, then European Championships, again training camp before Olympic Games.

09/06/2016 19:30

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


800m Women national - Klarte EM-krav

I dag er s?nnen min fire m?neder. Jeg hadde ikke forventet det. Dette var i overkant.

09/06/2016 19:43

Yeimer L?PEZ (CUB)

800m Men national - winner 1:45.75

Everything was perfect, stadium, race, but my body not yet. I had difficulties and could not produce better time. But it will come. And my plans? I want to compete at Olympic Games under the Olympic flag. How? I do not know...

09/06/2016 19:45


800m Women national - Klarte EM-kravet

Dette var sesongdebuten min, s? dette m? man si seg forn?yd med, men jeg hadde en klar m?lsetting om ? l?pe rundt denne tiden.

09/06/2016 19:47

Lovisa LINDH (SWE)

800m Women national - PB by 1.22 s

It is amazing for me to run such a big personal best so early in the season. It is only beginning of June. 200 m to go my coach shouted on me that I just should push. And I did that. Now it looks like to run under 2 minutes is not that far away, maybe in a strong race. Definitely it would be nice to qualify into the final in Amsterdam.

09/06/2016 19:49

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


400m Hurdles Men

Det er en bra tid, men jeg m? si at jeg er mer forn?yd med plasseringen enn tiden. Femteplass i Diamond League p? 400 meter hekk er bra, det er noen hakk opp fra sjuendeplassen i fjor. OL-kravet er ikke noe jeg stresser med, men det ligger i bakhodet. Det er likevel ikke en faktor.

09/06/2016 20:09


400m Hurdles Men - Wins from lane 1

This is big for me. Winning the Diamond League and from lane 1 and in fastest time this year. I always have the second part faster. Now I live in Istanbul but my coach is in Italy, in Salerno. Next targets Amsterdam and Rio. And yes twice Copello is the winning name nearly in the same time. Very good feeling.

09/06/2016 20:14


Shot Put Men

Det er bra, men jeg hadde h?pet p? ? ta den norske rekorden i kule p? 17,89 og kanskje ? ha kommet over 18 meter. Det var litt irriterende at det var en lang pause mellom andre og tredje kast p? grunn av talen og Ezienne-l?pet, men s?nt m? man vel bare bli vane med.

09/06/2016 20:25

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


Shot Put Men - World junior all-time best

I like to compete, my schedule is very busy. Every 3rd day a competition. So I will go for all top events, Amsterdam, Bydgoszcz and Rio. But most important is to defend my junior title at home in Bydgoszcz. I felt awesome today. All valid throws over 20 m that is very good. I knew I can throw that far.

09/06/2016 20:25


Triple Jump Men - First career DL win

For me this win is very important, although I wanted to achieve a better result. But the win counts. Yes you are asking about my plans, Im not sure, I want to be at the Games in Rio but I know it is not possible for Cuba. Lets see what the next weeks will bring.

09/06/2016 20:30


Shot Put Men - First 22 in Europe

You know Andreas (Thorkildsen) is a good friend and when they stopped us because his farewell I said to myself I must do something special also for him. Last two throws were excellent. Also I did not want to lost to a young guy. I had big warm-ups but it took me through the full competition to achieve the right throws. Now heading to LA and train, maybe I will do one small meet in US. All towards our Olympic Trials.

09/06/2016 20:35

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


3000m Steeplechase Women - First win in Oslo

This is exactly what I needed now, an easy race. No pressure, clear win. All according to my plan. Fast times will be on my mind after Olympic Games, not now. If my body will be ok and we will have good pacemakers I think we can attack the World record after Rio.

09/06/2016 20:42


400m Women

Jeg fikk veldig vondt i hodet etter l?pet. Tiden var langt bak det jeg forventet. Jeg vet jeg er i god form, men det g?r ikke i l?p. All trening tilsier at jeg skal l?pe fortere. Det er kjipt. Men jeg m? bare h?pe det l?sner p? 400 meter f?r fristen for ? rekke EM-kravet g?r ut.

09/06/2016 20:45

Stephenie Ann McPHERSON (JAM)

400m Women - First this year win in DL

I already won a Diamond League race before but this year is the first. I must admit I expected a bit faster time, but executed well in last 100 m. It was good race, the right preparation before our Trials. We are there a strong group close to each other so it will be about exectution in Kingston. Of course my goal is to qualify for the Games.

09/06/2016 20:48

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


5000m Men

Jeg f?r det ikke til p? 5000 meter enda. Jeg f?ler meg bra og lett p? oppvarming, men det er ikke bra nok i l?pet. Jeg m? ta en pust i bakken og se hva jeg m? endre p?.

09/06/2016 20:54


5000m Men - Last lap in 54 s

I was injured, so coming later to shape. Shanghai was not good, now better. I beat all other candidates for Olympics in our team today but time was not good. I must try in next racet in Stockholm to confirm my Olympic selection. You know in Ethiopia we do not have trials but go by times.

09/06/2016 21:09


100m Hurdles Women

Jeg kommer naermere, men jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal si. Jeg vet ikke om jeg er skuffet, jeg vet ikke hva jeg hadde forventet, jeg har ikke peiling.

09/06/2016 21:14


100m Hurdles Women - First career win in DL

It was great and smooth. I just came and wanted to have fun. I ran the same time as in Birminhgham so the consistency is there. At Olympic Trials just to execute well is the plan. Nothing more.

09/06/2016 21:23

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32

Flash Quotes


Oslo (NOR) 9 June 2016


High Jump Women

Jeg er kjempeforn?yd, fordi jeg f?r svaret jeg vil ha; jeg har mer inne. Det er mitt f?rste stevne p? en stund, men jeg kjenner i hoppet at det er bra. Jeg g?r lett over 1.85, liksom. Jeg regner med ? ta kravene, men jeg m? jobbe p? for ? klare det.

09/06/2016 21:27

Andre de GRASSE (CAN)

100m Men - First career DL win

Pretty happy with the race, I ran my season best as I wanted. In next races I hope for more improvements. Next should be definitely a sub 10 seconds.

09/06/2016 21:34


High Jump Women

It was very tough today, wind, cold, wet conditions. I used my experience to win, but the result is horrible. I want to jump high very soon, this is not my result. And you know I love competition, not training, so Im ready to compete as often as possible. Amsterdam and everything else. My last Europeans and last Olympics, most probably, but you never know.

09/06/2016 21:38

INTERNET Service: oslo.

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printed at 09/06/2016 22:32


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