Miami Lakes Middle School

A VERY BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THREE MAJOR ASIAN RELIGIONSHinduism: one of the world’s oldest religions. It is also one of the largest—only Christianity and Islam have more followers.It began in ancient IndiaThey are polytheisticThey believe that there is one universal spirit/Creator God called Brahma, and the goal is for your spirit to rejoin it.How do you achieve this? You follow your duty (DHARMA). Your dharma is different depending on what class you’re born into, and your KARMA (how you behaved in a past life) determines that. If you follow your dharma, you will be reborn into a better class next time, and if you’re already in a top class AND you follow your dharma, you could finally end the cycle of reincarnation and join Brahma.Remember the “Untouchables” from last week’s notes (the lowest of Indian society)? Hindu beliefs would dictate that these people are at the bottom of society because of their behavior in a past life—hence, their poverty is a punishment they must live through. Buddhism: started in the late 500sBC by a guy named Siddhartha Gautama. It’s associated by many with China, but that is NOT where it began. The Buddha was from Nepal, in ancient India.He had everything going for him—wealth, power, and good looks, but when he saw the suffering and poverty that others experienced, he gave up everything and became a monk. He taught that spiritual truth could be reached through meditation, and that with enough of that, you could reach NIRVANA (enlightenment, absolute spiritual truth). It’s a spiritual condition, not a place you go to when you die. Also, the Buddha taught that ANYONE could achieve it—social class was not important. He gave hope to India’s “Untouchables,” by seeing them as equally deserving of spiritual enlightenment.Buddhists also believe in reincarnation, but each life is a chance to reach Nirvana not a chance to rejoin the Brahma.How to achieve Nirvana?Accept the Four Noble Truths:The First Noble Truth is often translated as "life is suffering."The Second Noble Truth teaches that the cause of suffering is greed or desire.The Buddha's teachings on the Four Noble Truths are sometimes compared to a physician diagnosing an illness and prescribing a treatment.The Buddha spent the last 45 or so years of his life preaching on aspects of the Four Noble Truths.Follow the Eightfold Path:Right understanding:?Understanding that the Four Noble Truths are noble and true.Right thought:?Determining and resolving to practice Buddhist faith.Right speech:?Avoiding slander, gossip, lying, and all forms of untrue and abusive speech.Right conduct:?Adhering to the idea of nonviolence (ahimsa), as well as refraining from any form of stealing or sexual impropriety.Right means of making a living:?Not slaughtering animals or working at jobs that force you to violate others.Right mental attitude or effort:?Avoiding negative thoughts and emotions, such as anger and jealousy.Right mindfulness:?Having a clear sense of one’s mental state and bodily health and feelings.Right concentration:?Using meditation to reach the highest level of enlightenment.There are two major divisions within Buddhism Theravada Buddhism (they think of the Buddha as the greatest teacher). Mahayana Buddhism (they think of the Buddha as a god)Jainism : established by Mahavira, who had a life of wealth similar to that of Siddhartha and left it all behind to be a monk.It’s very similar to Buddhism.They teach strict adherence to non-violence. This belief would play an important part in India’s history in the 20th century when Mohandes Gandhi followed this non-violent approach to lead India’s independence from Great Britain.Islam: Started by Muhammad in A.D. 570 in the Middle East/Arab world. In 610, he had a vision from Allah (the Arabic name for God)It is monotheistic and shares many beliefs with Judaism and Christianity. To them, the greatest prophet is Muhammad.Their holy book is the Qu’ran. The major beliefs are called the Five Pillars of IslamBelief: Allah is the one true GodPrayer: at appointed times, facing in the direction of MeccaCharity: must give to those in needFasting: especially during RamadanPilgrimage: must make at least one trip to MeccaFollowers of Islam are called MuslimsQUESTIONS:In your own words, what does a Hindu have to do to rejoin Brahma?In what way did Hindu beliefs reinforce the poor treatment of the Untouchables?Siddhartha Gautama is better known as ____.Where did Buddhism originate?How is the Buddhist concept of achieving Nirvana different from the Hindu belief of rejoining Brahma and the Christin belief of heaven?To reach Nirvana, a Buddhist must accept _____ and follow ______.What role did Jainist belief play in India’s Independence?Who is the founder of Islam?What is the name for followers of Islam?The most important beliefs of the Islamic faith are summarized in the _______________. ................

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