MUSL 1327 Jazz to Rock - UTEP

MUSL 1327 Jazz to Rock

Mr. Ruben Gutierrez

FOX FAM #302


T.A. info TBA


Course Description: A History of American popular music focusing on the development of Jazz and Rock music.

Textbook: Jazz Basics: A Brief Overview With Historical Documents and Recordings

by James Shearer

Kendall Hunt Pub; Book & CD

ISBN: 0787295558

Goals: Expose students to history of American popular music. Students will have a general understanding on how popular culture in the United States affects the success of popular musicians and artists.

Objectives: Spawn interest, and give students an overview of music in America.

Additional Materials: Other class information will be made available through internet web address TBA. Materials will include scheduled music performances and supplements to lectures and textbook.


Class Schedule:

WEEK 1 Introduction. Basic Musical elements, Instrumentation, Formal Structures. Improvisation and Swing. Blues and other musical precursors of Jazz.

WEEK 2 American Popular music of the 1920’s. Early Jazz, New Techniques and key musicians of the era.

WEEK3 American Popular Music of the 1930’s. Swing Era, Big Band

WWII Swing Era Continues.

Quiz #1

WEEK 4 Bebop. New techniques and key musicians of the era

WEEK 5 Jazz in the 1950’s Cool, Hard Bop, Mainstream

WEEK 6 Late 1950’s Early 1960’s. Miles Davis John Coltrane

WEEK 7 New Trends outside Mainstream Free Jazz Avant-Garde

Quiz #2

WEEK 8 Rhythm and Blues. Early development of Rock and roll. Rock and Roll Era 1954-58

WEEK 9 Early 1960’s. R&B/Soul, British invasion, Folk-rock and other hybrids.

WEEK 10 Late 1960’s Protest and Politics, Woodstock, Psychedelic Rock and Blues Revival.

Quiz #3

WEEK 11 Advancement in Technology in the recording studio. Early Jazz/Rock fusion and other hybrids.

WEEK 12 Into the 1970’s Singers and Songwriters, Rock Epics, Disco and pop culture

WEEK 13 1980’s MTV, Visual Media,1990’s and beyond

WEEK 14 Pulp and Pop culture, Advertisements, philosophies of fame and fortune.

WEEK 15 Review Final Quiz

Quiz #4

(All extra credit is due on dead day)


▪ Know your UTEP I.D. number.

▪ All tests require a ‘scantron’ (green letter-size) and #2 pencil. Student is ultimately responsible for these materials and no exceptions will be made, including but not limited to, leaving the room after the test is administered. Given the volume of material covered and size of the class only under extreme situations will make-up exams be given.

▪ Attendance will be taken at random throughout the semester. Three absences will lower your final grade one letter grade. You will be dropped from the class after the sixth absence.

▪ Extra credit will be available throughout the semester at approved musical concert performances. Each performance will require proof (to be explained in class), and a one page synopsis of the experience. Each performance will count as one point towards final grade (10 Maximum).

▪ Given the nature of the course instructor asks participation should, at the very least, consist of absorbed focus during class time. Disruptions (Talking to neighbor, cell phone ringing, etc…), will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the forum.


All exams will be weighted equally to determine your final grade


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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