INTERVENTION NAMEINTERVENTION CODEAcross AgesIPN001Alcohol Literacy Challenge (ALC)IPN079AlcoholEdu for High SchoolIPN002All StarsIPN003American Indian Life Skills Development/Zuni Life Skills DevelopmentIPN063AMIGASIPN100Assisting in Rehabilitating Kids (ARK)IPN101Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART)IPN077Be Proud! Be Responsible!IPN102Border Binge Drinking Reduction (environmental)IPN004Brief Alcohol Screening and Interventions for College Students (BASICS)IPN005Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)IPN064Building Assets—Reducing Risks (BARR)IPN006CASA Striving Together to Achieve Rewarding Tomorrows (CASASTART) IPN007CAST (Coping and Support Training)IPN008Challenging College Alcohol Abuse (environmental)IPN009CHAT InterventionIPN103Class ActionIPN010Choosing Life: Empowerment, Action, Results! (CLEAR)IPN036Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (environmental)IPN011Community Trials Intervention To Reduce High Risk Drinking (environmental)IPN012Comparative Risk Counseling Services (CRCS)IPN072ConnectIPN037Connect 2IPN104Connect – CouplesIPN117Connect – Woman AloneIPN118Coping with Work and Family StressIPN013Creating Lasting Family Connections/Creating Lasting ConnectionsIPN014?Cuídate!IPN105d-up: Defend Yourself!IPN038Familias UnidasIPN073Families and Schools Together (FAST)IPN074Family MattersIPN015Focus on Youth + ImPACTIPN039Guiding Good ChoicesIPN016Healer Women Fighting Disease (HFWD)IPN106Healthy RelationshipsIPN040Healthy WorkplaceIPN017Hip Hop 2 Prevent Substance Abuse and HIV (H2P)IPN065Holistic health Recovery Program (HHRP)IPN041Keep a Clear Mind (KACM)IPN066Keepin’ It REALIPN018Life Skills TrainingIPN019Lions Quest Skills for AdolescenceIPN020Living in BalanceIPN107Many Men, Many VoicesIPN042Modelo de Intervencion Program (MIP)IPN043Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)IPN108Motivational Interviewing-based HIV Risk ReductionIPN067MpowermentIPN044NiaIPN045NIDA Community Outreach ModelIPN075Parenting WiselyIPN021Partnership for HealthIPN046Popular Opinion LeaderIPN047Positive ActionIPN022PRIME for LifeIPN068Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS)IPN109Project AIMIPN110Project ALERTIPN023Project ImageIPN111Project NorthlandIPN024Project STARTIPN048Project SUCCESSIPN025Project Towards No Drug AbuseIPN026Project VentureIPN027Peers Reaching Out and Modeling Intervention Strategies (PROMISE)IPN049Protecting You/Protecting MeIPN028Protocol-Based HIV Counseling and Testing (PBC)IPN076Rapid HIV TestingIPN078Real AIDS Prevention Project (RAPP)IPN050Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills (RY)IPN069RESPECTIPN051Right Decisions, Right Now: Be Tobacco Free (RDRN)IPN070Safe DatesIPN112Safe in the CityIPN052Safety CountsIPN053Salud, Educacion, Prevencion y Autocuidado (SEPA)IPN081Say It Straight (SIS)IPN113Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)IPN114Seeking SafetyIPN115Self-Help in Eliminating Life-Threatening Diseases (SHIELD)IPN054Sisters Informing Healing Living and Empowering (SIHLE)IPN055Sisters Informing Sisters about Topics on AIDS (SISTA)IPN056Sister to SisterIPN057SPORTIPN029Stars For FamiliesIPN030Storytelling for EmpowermentIPN031Street SmartIPN058Strengthening Families ProgramIPN032Team AwarenessIPN033Teen Health ProjectIPN071The Future is OursIPN080Together Leaning ChoicesIPN059Too Good for DrugsIPN034Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS)IPN116Video Opportunities for Innovative Condom Education and Safer Sex (VOICES/VOCES)IPN060Wellness Outreach at WorkIPN035Women Involved in Life Learning from Other Women (WILLOW)IPN061Other (Specify)*IPN062*Please note: If the intervention you are implementing is not listed, please write the full name of the intervention within the Youth and Adult Questionnaire “Intervention Name” field. ................

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