Recommendation Questionnaire

Research Assistant Application

Pulvers Lab

CSU San Marcos





Overall GPA _____ Psychology GPA _____

Academic Background

1. Major(s):

2. Minor(s):

3. Coursework List all quantitative such as math, statistics, and computer science, and psychology courses that you’ve taken -- when/where taken and grade received).

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4. Briefly describe any internships, independent studies, or research projects in Psychology that you’ve done (include your supervisor’s name, when/where taken and grade received)

5. Have you received any academic honors or awards (including honorary society memberships and scholarships)? Note when/where received, and what the award was for.

Additional Experience

1. List extracurricular activities including name and description of group and your level of participation (For example, Debate club, member; Psychology Student Organization, treasurer).

2. Have you had any work-related experience? Please describe.

3. Please describe your experience conducting literature searches for papers. How do you feel about writing? What kinds of grades do you usually get on papers?

4. Please describe your experience using SPSS.

Type of Position Sought

1. What is your career objective?

2. How do you see research experience helping you achieve this goal?

3. Why are you interested in the Pulvers Lab?

4. How many hours per week would you be committing to the project and until what date (month/year)?

5. Please provide your general schedule of availability

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Personal Characteristics

1. What aspects of your background do you feel qualify you for a research position?

2. Please comment on your personal characteristics such as your dependability, initiative, maturity, and communication skills (both verbal and written). How would you rate yourself in these areas?

3. Please add anything else you would like to share that you feel qualifies you for a research position, but hasn’t been asked about.


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