Home-Start Shepway

1704975349252018 – 2019ANNUAL REVIEW002018 – 2019ANNUAL REVIEW570230107950Patron: HRH Princess Alexandra, the hon. Lady Ogilvy, K.G. GCVOLocal Patron: Lord Howard of LympneRegistered Charity No: 1109478Company Limited by Guarantee No: 520183900Patron: HRH Princess Alexandra, the hon. Lady Ogilvy, K.G. GCVOLocal Patron: Lord Howard of LympneRegistered Charity No: 1109478Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5201839HOME-START SHEPWAY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEECHAIRWendy MitchellTREASURERNicky DeaneTRUSTEE SECRETARYSam O’ConnorTRUSTEERuth RossTRUSTEEDavid EastTRUSTEEMelanie Toms-WilsonTRUSTEESally HerzogTRUSTEEPenny MarshVOLUNTEER REPRESENTATIVEKaaren GreenHOME-START SHEPWAY PROJECTSEmpowering Parents to Achieve (EPTA)Enhanced New Beginnings (ENB)Big Hopes Big Future (BHBF)Interim Support (IS)Building Bright Futures (BBF)Young Active Parents (YAPS)Butterflies Support GroupOne Stop Shop (OSS)Building Better Opportunities (BBO)HOME-START SHEPWAY STAFF TEAMSam O’ConnorManagerAmanda WalkerProject co-ordinator (ENB)Pauline Hobson-SmithProject Worker (ENB)Jo TaylorProject worker (ENB) DVIP Kate MaloneyAdministrator (ENB)Tina BeanProject Co-ordinator (EPTA), BookkeeperRachel WebsterGroup Worker (EPTA, IS, BBF)Gabby FisherProject Co-ordinator (BHBF)Stacey ConnerProject Co-ordinator (BBF)Helen GearProject Co-ordinator (BBO)Theresa MallettAdministrator (EPTA, IS, BBF, BHBF, BBO)Kaaren GreenSupport Worker (OSS)Emma RolfeGroup Worker (YAPS, Butterflies)FAMILY SUPPORT 2018 - 2019Number of new referrals received335Total number of families supported415Number of children supported:CP registeredCIN registered 7426354SOURCE OF REFERRALS Self referrals157Health Visitor29Other Health6Social Services28Early Help46Midwifery1Education22Children’s Centres1Mental health Services1Other Community6Internal Home-Start1Housing 8Other29HOW WE ARE SEEN BY OTHERSFamilies“ Thank-you so much for supporting me so carefully and thoughtfully this year. It’s been hard but knowing you have been there made me feel stronger. I will never forget what you have done”.“Thank you for all the help and support! You have really helped me”Colleagues“I can confidently explain how Home-Start can help in the community”“Home-Start is a great place”. Referrers“Give families the opportunity to continue with support after closure of cases, enable the families to gain confidence and new skills. Increasing families’ network support. Reducing isolation while getting to know others in similar situations”. (EARLY HELP WORKER)“The project can offer a longer length of support than I can. Families get good support to meet their needs”. (CHILDREN’S CENTRE)Volunteers “I have taken away so much from this course and my confidence has really grown”.“The facilitators have been approachable, friendly and kind”CHAIRMAN’S REPORTAnother year has passed – and here we are – still providing valuable services to the parents and children needing help in the community despite the many challenges we meet upon the way in whichever role we occupy. There are many reasons for our longevity. In my view our ability to keep abreast of changes in lifestyle and adjust our practices in pursuit of Home Start’s aims is a great measure of how well we are meeting them. These include supporting our clients, child and parent, to become caring and tolerant citizens together with encouraging their confidence and self-assurance.Another reason is our ability to attract funding particularly for our larger projects. Thanks to co-ordinators Gabby and Amanda – and we welcome Stacey who joined us early in the year. Particular thanks must go to Sam O’Connor our Manager and Tina Bean who has left us for pastures new but continues to provide a service of ‘keeping the books’ for us. Again the skills in presenting bids which include up to date adjustments enable us to keep to our core values in addition to operating the changes. All departments have to focus on funders conditions and this focuses the mind! This applies to bids for smaller amounts which help us to provide additional activities.One of the challenges Home Start had to face this year and is likely to continue is acknowledging the changes in the employment market. Currently we are not receiving the number of applications for vacant posts that we did in the past when we were inundated with them. Staff including the Manager, Co-ordinator and our office administrator Theresa on occasions have had to cover for these posts until we were able to appoint a suitable candidate. We thank them for their commitment and would submit that this practice is one of the reasons we are able to continue running group services. Similarly workers in the other large projects have covered for a staff member during sickness and we thank them very sincerely for their endeavours. It is noted that their own responsibilities were not untended.Finally, I know that the Manager and Coordinators will be providing facts and figures in their reports. I have based my report this year on what appears to me to be some of the strengths of Home-Start that have enabled us to continue since 1995 – some 24 years ! I hope we can do something special next year to celebrate our 25th birthday.So thank you everyone , staff volunteers and trustees and all supporters of Home Start for keeping our ‘show on the road ‘ !Wendy MitchellChairmanFinance Report for Annual General Meeting 2018 - 2019We have advertised for a new Treasurer this year and are pleased to announce that we may have someone to fill this role in the next financial year.Financial stability has been maintained and although we have quite tight budgets, we have remained within the allocated targets. We have two major projects which are funded by the BIG Lottery Fund. The children in Need (BHBF) project and all other projects remain on budget. We have had good support from local businesses this year.Reserves are sufficient to meet our full redundancy costs and to run for three months in the event of mitment funding is in place and allocated to support the lottery projects.I would like to thank Tina Bean for her bookkeeping and support with the finances and the committee for their ongoing understanding whilst we have been seeking a new Treasurer.Sam O’Connor (Manager) Manager’s Impact Report It is with great pleasure I can announce we were successful with our bid to the lottery for almost 500k over five years for the Building Bright Futures Project this is a continuation of our Empowering Parents to Achieve project. It provides support to develop individual pathways for parents through a range of practical and advisor services to meet the need identified by helping families to make positive changes. We said goodbye to Tina Bean as our EPTA Co-ordinator but welcomed Stacey Conner to the Building Bright Futures team. Tina remains our bookkeeper and we wish her well in her new career as a Foster Carer. We did provided an interim service through the summer for 32 families that still needed our support, as the BBF did not start until 11th September. Theresa Mallett and Rachel Webster were amazing and supportive especially as I was going through my treatment so was office based. We welcomed Gabby Fisher to the team as the Co-ordinator of our Children in Need - Big Hopes Big Futures Project. This three years funding for this school readiness programme is an exciting addition to our services. The Frank Pinnington Outstanding Volunteer Achievement Award was presented to Nicola Whitehead and Beth Barlow at the Festive Feast for their support volunteering at groups. Franks Fund provided equipment for the children in the Building Bright Futures Project to help them with their learning ready for school. We arranged a trip to Howletts Zoo with an education talk there, which was very popular. Franks wife daughter and grandchildren attended it was a special day. Julia Horton one of our long standing volunteers received the League of Mercy Award. Theresa attended the event with Julia and her daughter we are so proud of her and all the support she has given so many families over the years.Enhanced New Beginnings entered it fourth year and we have had the opportunity to have two more IDVAs trained. The project stays strong within the community and is the lead agency in Shepway for those suffering or have suffered Domestic Abuse. Additional funding was sought to continue to provide Butterflies and a One-Stop-Shop Support Worker who covers the Shepway and Rural areas.Building Better Opportunities - Working Forward Kent a partnership with Gingerbread to support Lone Parent to improve their employability, training will ends 31st March 2019. We met the targets for this project it has been a challenging piece of work, with the administration, which over shadowed the benefits of the project. Helen Gear has gained employment with Gingerbread and we wish her well.The changes in the funding meant we had a few volunteers move on but the steadfast core group of volunteers have stayed. Two preparation courses have been facilitated; we are building a new team with additional specialist training. The Annual Garden Party a Grand High Tea and Festive Feast were a success and it was lovely to have long standing volunteers socialise with the new team of volunteers. A huge thank you to the volunteers for their continued support they bring a wealth of experience and skills.The Young Parents work continues to be successful with 21 young parent registered. We are facilitating two YAPS groups per week. Additional trips outings and events have been support by local businesses families enjoyed the Teddy Bears Picnic at the Amphitheatre and the cinema. We continue to work with new initiatives and HSUK to improve our services. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff team, volunteers and committee for all their support with my health issue and the consideration shown by the team I am very grateful. Sam O’Connor – Manager Enhanced New Beginnings Domestic Abuse Project Our project has been running for 4 years, Lottery Funding for women in the area who have suffered domestic abuse, with Enhanced New Beginnings continuing to be the lead agency for Folkestone and Hythe District Council.Home Visited One to One Support Home visiting has continued to be an important aspect of our service. This support includes practical and emotional support, for women who have a child 8 and under in the family, by a IDVA/ISVA part-time and a part time support worker. The support workers empower them to make changes in their lives, look at safety planning and the risk of the relationship within the family. We are in the process of training two further IDVA’s.The Shepway Project The Shepway Project, is a variety of courses tailored to the needs of the victim to understand the effects of domestic abuse on them and their children, the courses empower to rebuild confidence and self-esteem helping them feel less isolated. These which have included Power 2 Change/Freedom/Butterflies (funded by the Lawson Fund) /DAY/and the new Phoenix Project all run during school time. One Stop Shop We co-ordinate two Domestic Abuse One Stop Shops with a multi-agency team of professionals including Home-Start, Police, Benefit Agency, Solicitors, Refuge, Health, IDVA Service, as an advice drop in Folkestone weekly and Lydd monthly.Pop Up Courses Our Pop ups are short three week courses for our families to help improve life skills and confidence to return to education, further education or work. The women enjoy these short courses Reading for Wellbeing, and Healthy Body Healthy Minds, with more to follow.Volunteers Our volunteers have continued to support victims in our Pop Up Groups and The Shepway Project, One stop shop, these empower volunteers to gain confidence and knowledge to work with victims. Training We have continue with our training programme for volunteers, staff and professionals NHS staff, Trainee social work students.Innovation We arranged Summer activity days, these run throughout the holidays for our families effected by Domestic Abuse. We held a Teddy bears picnic, had a pamper session and Scavenger Hunt and Picnic. The families had a great time, these activities may not of been accessible to parents without the support of our volunteers and staff.Local Relationships We were approached by Kent Police to work on operations with them to look at FGM and Human Trafficking at our local port. We are also working with Kent Police to pilot a project around working with Medium risk victims of domestic abuse, this is ongoing. We have worked with Home-Start UK around new ways of training of volunteers around domestic abuse. We continue to attend and be a valid member of our local CSP Safeguarding Meeting and working to write our new strategic plan.right30226000QuotesI have learnt all about unhealthy relationships. Things I didn’t know was abuse I now know! I know warning signs and what’s unacceptable. – DAY Programme attendee.-285753175000A quick note to thank you for all your help and support during my court case. You were a wonderful shoulder to lean on, for which I’m truly grateful. -Home Visited family.Amanda Walker – Enhanced New Beginnings Domestic Abuse Project Co-ordinatorButterflies Therapeutic Domestic Abuse GroupFunding to date has provided the Butterflies support group with a paid group worker offering emotional support and advice to women who have experienced domestic abuse. Signposting group members to appropriate services and other Home-Start domestic abuse programmes. Group members have been given the opportunity to make decisions on the kind of arts and craft materials wanted. Funding has provided suitable crafting materials for planned individual projects and group masterpieces.The group has taken part in a local community project called "Channel Rocks". Starting with a healthy walk to collect appropriate sized stones, each group member personalised their stones with patterns, colour and inspirational quotes. These stones have now been dropped off in various locations in and around Folkestone. Motivated by our healthy walk, each group member is now tracking their daily steps reaching an average of 6,000 steps each per day. Scrap booking has been another popular idea. With plenty of inspiration and personal choice, each group member has the opportunity to show their individuality, from creating family memory books and personal history journals to animal and pet memories. Working on our scrap books is an ongoing project that we will continue within the group.Cross stitch is a craft we are trying to master. As a whole we have found this quite challenging. However the group is determined to complete this challenge. To date we have supported seven women in a relaxed and welcoming environment, there is an opportunity to make friends with women who have similar experiences. We encourage each and every woman to input their own flair, imagination and personality in all current and future art projects.With raised self-esteem one of our group members now has the confidence to seek a lifelong dream to become a forest school instructor. This qualification will allow her to work in an area she is passionate about encouraging outside crafts and activities while working with natural materials. One of her ideas is to create an outdoor tree encyclopedia for children. The group loved this idea, and will be using this as inspiration for Christmas crafts. Emma our Group Worker has moved on and we wish her well. Jess Martin is our new worker and has come into the post with great enthusiasm. ONE STOP SHOPShepway One Stop Shop has been successfully promoted and supported this year at the Folkestone Early Years Centre and continues to run on Wednesdays 12:30pm– 2:30 pm. It is attended each week by Home-Start, Rising Sun, local solicitors who are on a tri-weekly rota, Police, DWP and Refuge. Early Help attend fortnightly, East Kent Housing and NHS health visitor attend monthly. Three hundred and twenty two families were assisted in this multi-agency network and reciprocal training between the agencies has proved very successful. In May a rural One Stop Shop was launched in Lydd at the Sure Start Centre on the last Thursday of each month and is attended by Home-Start, Police, Refuge and East Kent Housing. We also have a phone service from a local solicitor and assisted twenty-eight families.Kaaren Green – One Stop Shop Support WorkerEmpowering Parents to Achieve (EPTA) This Lottery funded project came to an end in July 2018 with families continuing to be supported right up to the last day.The EPTA groups continued to provide families with a good variety of support sessions and family activities. Number continued to grow at our Shorncliffe Parent and Toddler group for the Nepalese community in Cheriton whilst our pop in service offering Crafty Behaviour and First Aid sessions were held at Children’s Centres and Primary schools.We focussed on providing more effective groups for our families to support their mental health and wellbeing, running weekly swimming sessions at Folkestone Sports Centre and Ready, Steady, Go which encourages families to attend a weekly walk within the local community. These both proved very popular with our families and supported their engagement with local facilities.Families attended a private screening of Peter Rabbit at Folkestone Silver Screen Cinema and a day trip to Howletts zoo was enjoyed by all. Activities over the summer holidays included a scavenger hunt at the Coastal Park, beach activities at Sunny Sands and pebble painting on the beach.Rachel Webster (Group Worker)Whilst we awaited the outcome of our bid for continuation funding an Interim project was set up to provide a programme of events that 34 families could attend plus home visiting support for 7 of these families. The activities included:Shorncliffe Toddler group5 x sessions with an activity, healthy snack and singing each week.Scavenger hunt Families met at the Coastal park with a picnic, hats, sun cream and drinksReady Steady Go 5 x sessions meeting at the Leas lift and walking along the beach front, ending up with refreshments at the Mermaid café Swimming 3 x sessions at the local pool followed by a light lunch. If weather permitted, play time at Radnor Park.Pebble painting Met at the seaside with hats, sun cream and drinks, followed by refreshments at the Mermaid cafeTeddy Bear’s PicnicA day of fun the Amphitheatre, disco, dancing, competitions, face painting. Open event attended by more than 400 peopleFrom 19th July 2018 – 10th September 2018 a total of 230 adults and children came along to the events (excluding Teddy Bear’s Picnic). Many of them expressed this support had “kept them going through the holidays”.The staff team all had to “mix and match” their roles during this time but it worked very well and we were able to deliver a good service to the families.After a long, tense wait we finally heard our bid for continuation funding had been successful. We were so pleased that our support was able to continue and we could launch the Building Bright Futures (BBF) project on 11th September 2018.Theresa Mallett (Admin)Impact Report for Building Bright FuturesIt’s been a busy start to the year for the BBF team! I started my new role in January as BBF Co-ordinator and we have registered 24 new families (078/19 most recent) under the project, referrals have been coming in mainly from Early Help, health visitors and nurseries. In these first three months we have been busy promoting the project, we’ve spent lots of time meeting other professionals and introducing BBF to them. Our BBF Groups have carried on from last year and they all continue to offer lots of exciting activities and experiences for the families! “Make and Shake” focused on making musical instruments and signing nursery rhymesSnow Angels provided crafting activities for pre-school children with a winter theme and children also got the opportunity to explore the soft play equipment!Reading Raccoons held at Folkestone Library and focused on the early stages of literacy for children.Numbers have continued to grow at our Shorncliffe parent and toddler group for the Nepalese community.Play and Learn group (PALs) at The Village Children’s Centre returned to provide families with opportunities to make and create something with their children. Each week there were healthy snacks and full access to a range of toys that they can explore.Pop-In Parenting gave parents sessions on “Effective Routines”, “Healthy Diets”, “Positive Behaviour” and “Linking Learning between School & Home”.Swimming sessions at Folkestone Sports Centre with a light lunch provided.Ready, Steady, Go walking group.Two Christmas parties, one with a disco, buffet and a visit from Santa. The second party was held for the Nepalese families that attend Shorncliffe and focused on a sharing theme.We continued to provide two YAPs groups - one for young parents and the second one for parents to be, as well as driving lessons. Kent Crèches provided facilities but unfortunately circumstances beyond our control arose to put an end to this and we needed to an alternative education provider for the parents. Sadly the driving lessons stopped but we were able to carry on with the two groups, one with Youth Central Education and the other for a “Stay and Play” session. The latter was greatly supported by our volunteers and would not have continued without them. The support for these young parents is invaluable and we look forward, with confidence, to enabling young parents to access our services.Throughout March we held our first Preparation Course of the year! We were lucky enough to have five new volunteers join us and we really look forward to having them on the team, we were pleased to read on their evaluations that they all really enjoyed the course and felt it was very informative.We have started to work on developing our ‘Focus Group’ for families that we are currently supporting, We aim to offer open discussions about what we can do at Home-Start and how we can begin to move families forward in a positive way.Alongside our groups, we have matched several volunteers with families and we are really looking forward to introducing our new volunteers to the home visiting experience!We have provided ASD training to volunteers and staff and we have plans for first aid, food hygiene, group worker training and an employment workshop available to support parents on their path back to employment.Sam, Theresa and Rachel have been an amazing support as I have been settling in to my new role, huge thank you to all three of them!STACEY CONNER, BBF CO-ORDINATORImpact Report Big Hopes Big Future (BHBF)This is a new three year project funded by BBC Children in Need and is an evidence based school readiness programme that actively engages parents in their children’s early learning and supports them to create a positive home learning environment.I was appointed as the Project Co-ordinator in June 2018 and I, along with team of specially trained parent volunteers, provide one to one support to families in home/group settings, supporting children in the years prior to nursery and primary school and targeting the most disadvantaged families including those who do not readily engage with their children’s early learning.The BHBF programme focuses on the following areas:Home readinessAvailability of stimulating materials in the homeEstablishing routinesParental readiness Able to engage with their child’s development Able to cope with their child being away from them Able to access appropriate services from children’s centres, schools, nurseries and childcare professionals.Child readinessArrive at school fed and on timePlay and share with other childrenUse the toilet and understand simple hygieneDress and put on shoesEat and drink unaidedCope away from their parent(s)Recognise own nameI spent the first two months actively promoting the new scheme, meeting with all the Nurseries, Pre-Schools , Shepway Social and Children Services, Early Help, Health and Specialist and Teaching Services across Shepway. Once a referral is received the family have an initial visit and are then matched with either myself or a volunteer and work alongside the parent and specific child for 8 visits. The referrer is kept up to date and link in with Nursery’s etc. where applicable. In addition to home visits, Getting ready for School Group runs in August for children starting school in September. To help manage the amount of referrals, Parent Training sessions have been developed to run as a group and then followed up with some home visits to help parents implement what they have learned with their child in the home environment. These sessions will start by the end of Year 1 (June 2019)The first Big Hopes Big Future Training for Volunteers took place in October and there are currently two active Volunteers successfully matched with families. I would like to thank Theresa for all her help and advice in helping me get the scheme up and running.Gabby Fisher – Big Hopes Big Future Co-ordinatorBBO/Working Forward (Kent) Project Funded through Big Lottery and European Social Fund (ESF) to Gingerbread who has commissioned us through Working Forward Kent to provide our Building Better Opportunities project to single parent families. We offer one to one intensive support for single parents of any age who are not in employment or education. In addition to this we worked in the Job Centre to facilitate employment workshops and groups.Our co-ordinator, Helen, left us in as she had gained alternative employment with Gingerbread and that gave us a very good working link. Stacey took on the role of co-ordinator for a short time.Gingerbread were pleased with our progress and we agreed to take on a third cohort of six families, at our request Gingerbread agreed to increase the administrator hours to cope with the increasing workload. However there were many changes in the paperwork and processes of submitting monthly records to Gingerbread causing this project to be heavily weighted with paperwork, so much so we took the decision to bring it to an end in March 2019.As they will still need to contact us for clarification of our work Gingerbread has agreed to pay separately for this work that is additional to the project. Gingerbread have taken on the families that remain open to the project and we have set up an Employment Support Group for families that have been with us under the BBO project so that they can continue to receive support from Home-Start. Theresa Mallett (Administrator)Website and Social MediaThroughout the year, the Home-Start Shepway website continued to be hosted free of charge by Painting Pixels, for which we are very grateful. However, a much-needed upgrade of the system would have entailed a new package costing a minimum of ?54 per month and so we began to investigate alternatives. In the meantime, we continued to keep the content of the site up to date with news of all of our activities and projects.The year also saw a steady growth in our use of social media, with our followers increasing from 441 to 546 on Facebook and from 165 to 216 on Twitter. In addition to the main (public) Facebook and Twitter pages, we also have two closed (private) Facebook Groups – one for the families that attend the various BBF groups, and one for the YAPs families – which, during the year in question, were very efficiently managed by Rachel and Emma respectively. Kate Maloney – ENB AdministratorWe think the picture below shows just how we feel about our volunteers.Without them, there would be no Home-Start Shepway. left228600Home-Start Shepway would like to say thank you to all those who have generously given their help and support over the past year. 00Home-Start Shepway would like to say thank you to all those who have generously given their help and support over the past year. Big Lottery FundFolkestone Town CouncilCanterbury Christchurch UniversityGingerbreadChildren’s CentresHythe & Romney Marsh Lions ClubCommunity Safety PartnershipIn Kind Direct Co-op Local Community FundKent Community FoundationCrime & Safety UnitKent CrèchesCruickshank FoundationLawson Endowment for KentDonations with a DifferencePolice Crime Commissioning FundDover SMart ProjectRainbow Centre – foodbankEmbrace Child Victims of CrimeSainsbury’s/ArgosFamily Holiday AssociationSalvation Army - food parcelsFareShareTesco Bags of HelpFolkestone & Hythe District Council12668253618230Home-Start Shepway24 Cheriton GardensFolkestone, Kent CT20 2ASTel: 01303 244836shepwayoffice@.ukhomestart.shepway Princess Alexandra, the hon. Lady Ogilvy, K.G. GCVOLocal Patron: Lord Howard of LympneReg’d Charity No: 1109478Company Limited by Guarantee No: 520183900Home-Start Shepway24 Cheriton GardensFolkestone, Kent CT20 2ASTel: 01303 244836shepwayoffice@.ukhomestart.shepway Princess Alexandra, the hon. Lady Ogilvy, K.G. GCVOLocal Patron: Lord Howard of LympneReg’d Charity No: 1109478Company Limited by Guarantee No: 52018396191251609725We always welcome new volunteers to Home-Start Shepway. If you have parenting experience and are willing to give two - three hours a week to befriend and support a family in the local community or would like to join our Board of Trustees, please call the office on 01303 244836.Your help and support could make a big difference to a local family!00We always welcome new volunteers to Home-Start Shepway. If you have parenting experience and are willing to give two - three hours a week to befriend and support a family in the local community or would like to join our Board of Trustees, please call the office on 01303 244836.Your help and support could make a big difference to a local family! ................

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