Development & Operations Round 1 2020/21 - CBF

Grant GuidelinesPlease read these grant guidelines before you apply. The grant guidelines include important information about this grant category, including what you can and can’t use the grant funds for.1. What is the objective of the Development & Operations grant program?Development & Operations grants support community media organisations to be healthy, resilient, and robust, and in turn help create a stronger society based on greater participation, engagement and cohesion.?This year, as we recover from the impacts of a pandemic, we will support community media organisations to engage with their communities through this difficult time.?2. Who is eligible to apply?You can apply for a Development & Operations grant if you are a:?community radio station?community television station?non-pro?t community media sector organisation*?Remote Indigenous Media Organisation or Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service?* Community media sector organisations provide services and resources for the sector.?A station with a temporary licence must have been on air for at least two cumulative years prior to applying.?3. How much can you apply for?You can submit one Development & Operations grants application. There is no limit to how much you can apply for. The more funding you request, the greater detail assessors will expect in your responses.?Applications may be funded in full, in part or not at all based on the merits of the application and the demand for funding in any given grant round. Where appropriate we will fully fund an application that is highly ranked.?The funds available for allocation in the financial year 2021/22 can support the following broadcast services and activities up to the following amounts:???Round 1?Round 2?Support for transmission operating and/or equipment costs??$?$Support for Ethnic broadcasting??$?$Support for Indigenous broadcasting??$?$Support for RPH broadcasting??$$-?Accredited or Pathways training delivery??$$-?Business skills training??$$-?Other purposes??$?$Total available??$$ Please note: available funds are approximate and are subject to change.?FAQ Link: How is Ethnic, Indigenous and RPH funding allocated??Applications requesting $25,000 or more must demonstrate financial contributions from other funding sources such as other funding partners, sponsors, crowdfunding or financial contributions from your organisation’s own resources (which cannot include other CBF funding). The proportion of the co-contribution may be considered in assessment.? Such contributions are in addition to any in-kind or volunteer support.?Due to the highly competitive nature of this grant program, if your organisation has an average annual income over the past three years greater than $700,000 and you intend to seek support for core operations in your application, you will need to make an exceptional business case in order to be successful. Applicants with this level of income are discouraged from seeking support for core operations except where your organisation supports high levels of specialist programming content or where there are extenuating circumstances.?We would like to offer more multi-year funding to provide longer-term security and reduce the administrative burden for applicants who we fund regularly. You should apply for multi-year funding if you have been regularly supported for similar activities by the CBF in previous years. New activities are less likely to be supported with multi-year funding.?FAQ Link: How does multi-year funding support work??4. What can you apply for?You can apply for any combination of the following organisational costs in your application:?Activities – including strategic planning, updating policies and processes, training, business development, marketing, events?Infrastructure – including production/transmission/administration equipment, website/ software development, solar panels, capital works?Operations – including salaries, utilities, administration, professional development?Administration for the grant up to $1,000?We recognise community media is doing an amazing job creating opportunities for greater participation, engagement, and cohesion, and we strongly encourage applications to showcase this within their applications. We will continue to focus our support so applicants can continue to do this through activities such as:?Strategic planning in consultation with your community and key stakeholders. We have published this Strategic Planning Resources article to explain what we would like to see in your strategic planning process.?Maintaining strong relationships and collaboration with like-minded community media organisations and other community partners.?Creating and supporting social change movements to help create a stronger society, such as empowering First Nations Australians, gender equity, promoting multiculturalism, and informing our communities so they can make better decisions.Showcasing new ideas through inclusive engagement with Indigenous people, culturally and linguistically diverse people and LGBTI+ people, people with disability, and people living in poverty in your community.?Providing leadership, business, media, accredited and pathways training opportunities for your community.??For inspiration and examples of impactful D&O grant ideas, please visit Inspiration for your Development & Operations grant application.?5. What can't you use the grant for?For organisations receiving Sector Investment funding, activities that address agreed outcomes as per a current Sector Investment grant agreement, or address proposed outcomes in a current Sector Investment funding application.?Content production, which can be applied for as part of a Content grant application?Overseas travel?Costs that could be met by an organisation’s in-kind contribution, such as studio hire fees?Contingency costs?Payment of membership fees?Financial distress – costs and debt already incurred?Costs incurred prior to 1 July 2021 or any equipment you have already purchased?FAQ Link: What is meant by membership fees??6. How will this application be assessed?All applications will be competitively assessed on their merits (including requests to support transmission expenses).?Your grant application will take the following journey:Application prepared and submittedApplication processed by Grants Support Team to ensure eligibilityApplication assessed against the following assessment criteria by at least five assessors, including at least three members of our Grant Assessor Team and two members of the Development & Operations Grants Advisory Committee (DOGAC)DOGAC will consider priority weightings applied to average score, scores and comments, and make funding recommendations to our Board of DirectorsFunding allocations ?nalised by our Board of DirectorsGrants Support Team advises applicants of funding decisions?FAQ: How will the application be assessed??At least half of the assessors of applications for and by Indigenous people, groups and organisations will be Indigenous. You may also recommend that assessors with particular skills or perspectives that would be the most appropriate to read and score your application (e.g. technicians to assess transmission equipment and women to assess a women’s training project).?Due to the volume of applications received, applications are assessed based on the documentation provided at the time of submission. The CBF will not follow up missing documentation after applications have been submitted.?This proposal will be assessed on the following basis:??Weighting?Criteria?Example application form questions?20%?Ideas?– the application puts forward a reasonable proposal or concept for which there is a demonstrated need.?How will you engage with your communities??Why do you need CBF support now??20%?Capacity–?the application demonstrates that your organisation has the capacity to deliver on its goals.?Who will be involved??How well are you achieving the goals of your strategic plan??40%?Impacts?– the application will have a demonstrable, positive outcome for the station / community / sector.?How will you measure?the?success of your activities??How will your activities address gender inequity??20%?Planning –?the application demonstrates clear planning and good value for money.?How will the proposal be carried out??Details of the grant Budget.??? Your Development & Operations grant application will be considered by DOGAC based on:?aggregated assessment scores, including priority weightings to be applied on regionally-based organisations (+ 5%) and organisations with an average annual income (over the past 3 years) less than $100,000 (+5%) (concurrent loadings may apply)?the level of Specialist Radio Programming produced?the total amount of CBF funding to the organisation in previous rounds?the overall ?nancial position of your organisation?the total funding available in each round?a balance of regional, remote, suburban and metropolitan stations?a balance across all states and territories?a balance between stations and sector organisations?a balance across all communities of interest?stations significantly affected by drought, fire, and other disasters?7. How will you report on the grant if the application is successful?You will be required to report on the progress of your grant via a progress report and a final report. ?For total grants paid over $45,000 in a financial year, you will need to provide an Auditor’s Financial Certificate (AFC) declaring that grant funds have been expended in accordance with the terms of your grant agreement. Read more about our reporting requirements.?All grantees will be required to complete a subsequent form prior to processing payments, providing information for the CBF to track trends and good governance practices in the sector and to assist the CBF in reporting on funding outcomes to the Australian Government.?Activity and Organisation DetailsActivity DetailsGrant title * Grant description * What are the primary areas of focus for this project/program? * Organisation DetailsWhat type of organisation are you? *Organisation website *What is the total number of financial contributors to your organisation? *What is your organisation’s current cash balance? *How many paid staff do you have at your organisation? *IdeasHow will you engage with your communities? * Why do you need CBF support now? * What supporting documents do you need to provide?Accredited or Pathways trainingMarketingReplacing old equipmentSalariesBusiness or Leadership trainingTransmission equipmentCapital worksTransmission operational costsAccredited or Pathways trainingAttach an agreement and quote from your selected RTO *Attach a ?le: Number of Accredited training hours to be delivered * Number of Pathways days of training to be delivered * Business or Leadership trainingAttach an agreement or evidence of costs with your training partner *Attach a ?le:MarketingAttach a marketing plan *Attach a ?le:Transmission equipmentBlock diagram of transmission chain *Attach a ?le: ACMA Client Number(s) * Replacing old equipmentEvidence of the need to replace equipment *Attach a ?le:Capital worksDesigns, plans or layouts *Attach a ?le:SalariesPosition description(s) *Attach a ?le:Transmission operational costsEvidence of expected costs *Attach a ?le:Supporting documentsAttach a ?le:CapacityWho will be responsible for the activities identi?ed in this application and what relevant experience/expertise do they have? * How well is your organisation tracking against its strategic plan? * Strategic plan Annual report with ?nancial statements Financial statement comments Organisational chart *Attach a ?le:Supporting documentsAttach a ?le:ImpactsOutcomesMeasures of successLong term outcomesPeopleBoard/CommitteeCurrent number of Board/Committee members *How many identify as women? *How many identify as gender diverse? *Does Your Chair/President identify as a woman? *Yes/NoVolunteersTotal number of volunteers involved in your organisation over the past 12 months *How many identify as women? *How many identify as gender diverse? *Who are the expected primary bene?ciaries of this project/program? * Gender inclusion and equityHow do you plan to address any gender imbalances at your organisation? * How will you engage people of di?erent genders in your activities? * How will you measure the success of your gender inclusion and equity strategies? * Supporting documentsAttach a ?le: PlanningAnticipated start date *Anticipated end date * TimelinesTime frameDescribe the actions and activities you expect to take placeWho is responsible?Multi-year fundingWould you like any of the activities described in this application to be considered for multi-year funding? *Yes, all/Yes, some/NoAmount Requested Year 1*Amount Requested Year 2*Amount Requested Year 3*Total Amount Requested *BudgetIncome*$*CBF grant$Organisation financial contributionOther fundersExpenditure*$*$Income Description*2021/22*2022/23*2023/24*CBF grantOrganisation financial contributionOther fundersExpenditure Description*2021/22*2022/23*2023/24*Budget and quote comments Quotes and other planning documentsAttach a ?le:Contact DetailsContact personContact person *First NameLast NameContact person position * Contact person phone number *Contact person email address * Applicant organisationOrganisation trading name *Organisation Australian Business Number * Organisation phone number Organisation email address Organisation postal address Organisation physical address Assessment and DeclarationIf you feel your application should be assessed by assessors with a particular skills or perspectives, please list your preference here DeclarationName *First NameLast NamePosition *Date * ................

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