INTRO: When the prophet wrote these words the people had a problem similar

to what many of God's people face today. That is, they because of

disobedience, were not experiencing God’s blessing in their lives as

they should. They had a mere 70 years earlier came out of

Babylonian captivity. The temple lay in ruins, yet they had not the

time to build the LORD'S House. But they had time to build lavish

homes of their own (vv. 3-7). God expects us who He has redeemed

with His own blood to make Him the top priority in our lives (Matthew

6:33). It is not that God's people do not want to serve God but that

they have become too busy to serve God!

When we are too busy to serve God, then we are just too busy! Self

meant more to the people than God. When self is on the throne of our

hearts, we miss God's richest blessings. But When God is on the

throne of our hearts, then God is glorified and we are blessed!

(Deuteronomy 28:2-9). If you are missing God's blessing in your life

then you can re-experience God's full blessing by renewing your

obedience to Him.

I want to speak on "Bringing Back The Blessing Of God." I want to

give you four steps this evening to seeing God’s blessing in your life:


HAGGAI 1:2-11

A. A CONSIDERATION OF THEIR WAYS. The people were self-centered!

Haggai rebuked them for selfish indifference and negligence. They had built

their own houses while neglecting the building of the LORD'S house. Twice

the people were instructed to "consider your ways” (vv. 5, 7). The Hebrew

literally reads "set your heart on your ways." They needed to reappraise

their perverted priorities and give preeminence to God! Friends, it is good

for all of us from time to time to stop and consider our ways. Are we

walking close to God? Is He first place in our lives? Is there anything in

our lives which demands and receives more attention than His will for us?

Lamentations 3:40 encourages us—“Let us search and try our ways, and

turn again to the LORD.”

B. A CHALLENGE TO THEIR WORK. The people were busy. They were

working. The problem was that they were busy with their own things. God

had taken second place in their lives. All their efforts apart from God were

deplorable and fruitless (vv. 6, 9-11). When we try to serve God in our

flesh we will experience the same results (Psalm 127:1). The simple

necessities of life were not being met. All they attempted to do availed

nothing, because God was not first! In v8 they are challenged to:

➢ Recommit Themselves to the LORD'S Purpose—“Go up to the mountains and bring wood..."

➢ Recommence the Work—“build the house…".

The reason given was that the LORD might "take pleasure in it …and be



HAGGAI 2:1-9

A. THE FOLLY OF COMPARISONS. Some could still recall the glory of

Solomon's temple-its beauty and majesty. Even in its initial stages the new

temple met with unnecessary comparisons. The people said, “it will never

be what Solomon's temple was." These apparent insidious comparisons is

another reason for the delay in the building. We should never compare

ourselves with others! God has made each of us unique and special. We

must simply be ourselves!

B. THE FRUIT OF COMPARISONS. Comparisons lead to:

➢ Discouragement.

➢ Defeatism.

We must simply be our self and rest in the LORD! Rest in:

➢ His Strength (v4a).

➢ His Presence (vv. 4b-5).

➢ His Promise (vv. 8-9).


HAGGAI 2:12-14

A. HOLINESS DEFINED. The priests, in Haggai's day, were asked if the

holiness of the garment could make what it touched holy! The answer is

No! We are saved by God's grace, but our holiness from God does not make

holy worldly things. In fact just the opposite is true. Worldly things make

us defiled!

ILLUS: In John 13:1-10, Our LORD washed the disciples feet. The

underlying image is of an Oriental returning from the public baths

to his house. His feet would contract defilement and require

cleansing, but not his whole body. We, as believers, are cleansed

before the law from all sin "once for all" (Hebrews 10:1-12), but

daily we need to bring our sins to the Father in confession that we

might remain in unbroken fellowship with the Father and His Son!

B. HOLINESS DEMANDED. If we are to be useful and acceptable before God

we must not touch the things of the dead. Holiness is not contagious, and

it is easy to become defiled by sin! 1 John 2:15 demands of us—“Love not

the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world,

the love of the Father is not in him.” We are not to seek our happiness in

visible things but in invisible things. The believer is called to “Set your

affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2). The

people were so busy with worldly pursuits, touching things of the dead, that

they had no time for God. Thus they were sinning against God! (James

4:17). “Anything that you love and do that keeps you from enjoying God's

love and doing God’s will is worldly and must be avoided." --Warren W.

Wiersbe (Albert M. Wells, Jr. Inspiring Quotations-Contemporary & Classical.

p. 219). “Worldliness is a spirit, a temperament, an attitude of the soul... it

is a gaze horizontal and never vertical" --John Henry Jowett (Albert M.

Wells, Jr. Inspiring Quotations-Contemporary & Classical. p. 219).


HAGGAI 2:15-19

A. THE REMEMBRANCE. Haggai called upon the people to remember that

their lost blessing and distress came because of their disobedience. Sin and

disobedience always have consequences (Galatians 6:7). When they were

disobedient God’s Blessing was not fully experienced. They expected much

but saw little (vv. 15-17). When we neglect to live for God and fulfill His

will for us we will experience the same!

B. THE REMEDY. V18 says—“Consider now from this day and upward, from

the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the

foundation of the LORD's temple was laid, consider it.” Notice when they

turned back to God and recommenced the building of the temple, God's

blessing came back! In the past it was touch and go; there was

considerable uncertainty whether their supplies would sustain them till the

next harvest. When they were putting themselves first, they suffered

drought and famine. But when they put the LORD first they begin to enjoy

His blessing on the fruitfulness of the soil. I want you to notice the words,

“Consider now from this day and upward..”, from what day? The day they

recommenced building God’s temple. The day they set aside their pursuits

for God’s pursuits. The day the laid aside their will to follow the will of

God! God is willing to fully bless us if we repent and turn back to Him! (1

John 1:9). He fully forgave their disobedience and fully blessed the work

of their hands. V19 says—“ Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the

vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not

brought forth: from this day will I bless you.” is there any seed in the barn?

no, it is sown; and so, is there any remaining in the granary for the support

of families until the next harvest? they knew there were none, or very little:

and yet the Lord promises to bless them, so that they should have

enough… their various fruits; this not being the time of their bearing fruit,

for it was winter time; and it could not be said what they would bring forth

in their season so long before hand; yet it is suggested by the prophet that

they would be very fruitful… with plenty of all good things, in their fields

and gardens, in their vineyards and olive yards; so that a difference

between former and present times, and those to come, would easily be

discerned, and the reasons of it. (John Gill’s Exposition of The Entire Bible.

e-Sword. Version 7.6.1. Copyright 2000-2005. Rick Meyers. All Rights

Reserved Worldwide).

CLOSING: To bring back the blessing of God: (1) God’s Interest Must Be

Above Self-interest. (2) Give Up Trying To Measure Up. (3)

Touch Not The Things Of The Dead. (4) Expect The Blessing

Today. Many times we do not hear God till He touches us where it

hurts. It seems many times it takes that to wake us up! Do you

want to bring back the blessing of God? Then, Come give God what

is rightfully His! (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).


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