Australian Plant DNA Bank Ltd 3

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology 4

Avexa Limited 5

Baker Heart Research Institute 7

Benitec Australia Limited 8

BioPharmica Limited 12

Biota Holdings Limited 13

Biotron Limited 15

BresaGen Limited 17

The Burnet Institute 19

Cellulose Valley Institute 20

Clinical Network Services Pty Ltd 22

Clinical Trials Victoria 23

CollTech Australia Ltd 24

Cortical Pty Ltd 26


CSIRO Plant Industries 31

CSIRO Livestock Industries 32

Datapharm Australia Pty Ltd 33

EQiTX Limited 35

EvoGenix Pty Ltd 37

Garvan Institute of Medical Research 39

Gene Stream Pty Ltd 39

Glykoz (Glycomics Discovery) 39

Griffith University 39

Gropep Ltd 39

IMBcom Pty Ltd 39

Institute for Child Health Research 39

Invetech 39

James Cook University 39

Medical Therapies 39

Meditech Research Ltd 39

Mimetica Pty Ltd 39

MiniFAB (Australia) Pty Ltd 39

Minomic Pty Ltd 39

Neurosciences Victoria Ltd 39

Origo Biotech Pty Ltd 39

Ozgene Pty Ltd 39

Phylogica Limited 39

Queensland Brain Institute 39

Queensland Institute of Medical Research 39

Solbec Pharmaceuticals Ltd 39

Stirling Products Limited 39

The University of Adelaide 39

Australian Plant DNA Bank Ltd

[pic] Overview

The Australian Plant DNA Bank is an innovative approach to the conservation and sustainable utilization of Australia’s diverse plant genetic resources. It offers unique solutions to research, assessment and documentation of biodiversity.

The Australian Plant DNA Bank Ltd provides a range of commercial DNA extraction and sample archiving services. In addition, biobanking services, novel genetic technologies for discovery of biological active products and support for the establishment of new biobanks are available from the Australian Plant DNA Bank Ltd. The Bank curates an extensive collection of DNA from wild and domesticated plants, supporting sustainable access to and conservation of biological resources.

[pic] Technology

A wide range of expertise and facilities exists to service plant genetics research and development. The Australian Plant DNA Bank Ltd use robotic platforms, which enable high sample throughput with increased accuracy.

[pic] Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

• Centre for Plant Conservation Genetics

• Grain Foods CRC Limited

• Puragrain Pty Limited

Partnering Opportunities

The Australian Plant DNA Bank seeks new collaborative and/or contract research opportunities with other organizations interested in leading-edge plant genetics, biodiscovery, genomics and biotechnology.

|Specific focus of company |To capture the complete Australian flora and |

| |cultivated species for conservation and |

| |sustainable utilisation of these resources. |

|Core Business definition |Provide facilitated access to plant genetic |

| |material for research and development. |

Compilation © AusBiotech 2004

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology


The University of Queensland's Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) is an integrated multi-disciplinary research institute bringing together the skills of world-class researchers in the areas of bioengineering and nanotechnology.

Based in Brisbane, this integrated biotechnology-based institute merges the skills of the engineer, chemist, biologist and computational scientist who focus their efforts towards research that produces positive health and environmental outcomes, including:

• biomedical delivery;

• biodevices;

• tissue regeneration; and

• cell therapies.

Dedicated to bioengineering and nanotechnology the AIBN focuses its research efforts into four major programs:

• Nanotechnology for Energy and the Environment.

• Cell and Tissue Engineering.

• Systems Biotechnology.

• Biomolecular Nanotechnology.

Once construction is completed, the AIBN will be located in an AUD$60 million purpose built world-class research complex. The AIBN will accommodate over 300 research scientists, engineers and support personnel. Until construction of the facility is complete research groups of the AIBN will continue to work within modern and well equipped laboratories throughout UQ.

Avexa Limited


Avexa Limited is an ASX listed, Melbourne-based biotechnology company with a focus on research and development of anti-infectives.

The company is developing drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases, which have a significant unmet medical need. Avexa’s current programs focus on the areas of antiviral drugs for HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, and an antibiotic alternative for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.

Avexa announced in January 2005 that it had in-licensed a Phase II HIV drug from the global pharmaceutical company Shire Pharmaceuticals Group plc, and would take the drug into a Phase IIb trial.

Core Business definition

The discovery and development of drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases. Avexa aims to discover and develop new classes of drugs or drugs that treat infections that are resistant to current therapies.

Competitive Advantages

Avexa's most advanced project is AVX754, a Phase 2 anti-HIV drug which was licensed from Shire Pharmaceuticals Group plc. This drug is currently being developed and positioned as a first choice second regimen therapy for the treatment of drug-resistant HIV which arises during early HIV therapy.

The company has in-house and collaborative/contractual facilities and expertise to synthesise new chemical leads, rapidly screen these through in-vitro and in-vivo biological models for anti-infective activity, and undertake and manage early to late clinical development. Avexa has significant expertise and experience in the discovery and development of antiviral agents.


Avexa's antiviral drug-discovery technology is aimed at developing novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of HIV, HBV and serious antibiotic resistant bacterial infections. By using novel targets or assay systems able to identify unique leads Avexa's goal is to discover higher potency therapies which act in different ways against such diseases.

Avexa uses its expertise and know-how in computational modelling and computer assisted drug-design and -property prediction to design drugs to bind to specific biological targets. This technology has been successfully used in the discovery of a number of antiviral agents, and Avexa's own HIV-Integrase model leads itself ideally to this type of research.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

▪ Shire Pharmaceuticals on AVX754

Partnering Opportunities

One of Avexa's later projects is a novel antiviral for the treatment of HBV infections. This compound acts through a mechanism that is distinct from other anti-HBV treatments either on the market or in clinical development. As such this novel compound and those in its class could be ideal components of a combination therapy for the treatment of HBV infections. Avexa would be interested to discuss possible collaborations or partnerships that could help to accelerate this novel compound’s progress to market.

Partnering Needs

Avexa is seeking partners that would be interested in working with Avexa to accelerate its existing programs. Alternatively Avexa is also interested in exploring opportunities with companies that could benefit from Avexa’s expertise in developing drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Baker Heart Research Institute


The Baker Heart Research Institute (Baker) is the premier cardiovascular research organisation in Australia, and is a World Health Organisation (WHO) centre for research and training in cardiovascular disease.

Our mission is to reduce death and disability from cardiovascular disease, and we achieve this through activities ranging from research at the laboratory bench to clinical trials and patient care. With an international reputation for research excellence, the Baker targets the two ends of the heart disease spectrum—the prevention of heart disease and stroke, and the treatment and prevention of heart failure.

Key Research Strengths

▪ Molecular neurocardiology

▪ Molecular endocrinology

▪ Diabetes complications

▪ Clinical physiology (vascular)

▪ Proteomics

Competitive Advantages

▪ Breadth and depth of expertise in the cardiovascular arena

▪ Proven track record of performance delivery

▪ Established reputation

▪ Strong brand name

▪ Leading academic cardiovascular scientists

▪ Geographically located in the AMREP cluster

▪ Baker facilities contiguous with the Heart Centre in the adjacent Alfred Hospital.


▪ State of the art technology

▪ Brand new building and facilities, including proteomics, confocal microscopy etc.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

Partnering Opportunities

Device and drug development for cardiovascular products

Benitec Australia Limited


Benitec is a leading international biotechnology company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange with its R&D and clinical operations centered in the heart of Silicon Valley in Mountain View, California, USA.

Benitec was founded in 1997 to develop and commercialize research from Queensland's Department of Primary Industries. Benitec’s core patents are jointly owned with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, the R&D arm of the Australian government. Benitec has been a pioneer in RNA interference (RNAi) since 1994 and was the first company to trigger RNAi in human cells and in live animals.

Benitec’s goal is to be the leader in the development of RNAi therapeutics using its proprietary DNA-directed RNAi (ddRNAi) technology, using both in-house research and strategic partnerships with academic and industry. Benitec was the first company to trigger RNAi in human cells and in whole mammals, and with CSIRO, holds the only issued patent estate covering RNAi in mammalian cells.

The Company has continued to expand its proprietary platform by developing a comprehensive suite of technologies to deliver the full potential of ddRNAi. Benitec’s customers and partners are international biopharmaceutical companies and research institutes. The Company is growing through strategic alliances and licensing for high value therapeutic and biomedical applications.

Number of employees: 19

Business Opportunity Focus: Development of RNAi Therapeutics

RNA Interference

RNA interference is a natural cellular mechanism that can be exploited to selectively eliminate the effect of any disease-causing gene by destroying its messenger RNA (mRNA). Destruction of the targeted mRNA prevents protein synthesis, effectively silencing the target gene.

The RNAi process is triggered by 21 bp double-stranded RNA, where one strand is complementary to a short sequence of the target mRNA. Benitec's ddRNAi technology involves introduction of a promoter-driven DNA construct into cells to produce double-stranded RNA which is cut by the ribonuclease Dicer into the 21 bp fragments that trigger RNAi and silence the target gene.

Competitive Advantages

Benitec’s ddRNAi technology offers a number of advantages over major competing technologies for gene silencing: ribozymes, antisense DNA and siRNAs:

▪ Enables Multi-targeting: The ability to target multiple genes is mandatory for developing therapies against deadly viruses such as HIV and hepatis C virus and for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and obesity.

▪ Disease Modelling: Traditional knockouts are a viable option only in mice. Transgenic ddRNAi technology enables gene knockouts in multiple animal species quickly and cheaply.

▪ High Throughput Functional Genomics: ddRNAi enables systematic knockdown of multiple genes, allowing the rapid characterization of gene function, a major initiative in the current post-genomic era.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

▪ City of Hope (COH, Los Angeles, California, USA)—Benitec and COH have developed a multi-RNA therapeutic for AIDS lymphoma, which will enter Phase I clinical trials in early 2006. A second AIDS collaboration is funded through Phase I clinical trials by a $7.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, USA. Other collaborators include the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Pennsylvania, University of Washington and Colorado State University.

▪ Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Sydney, Australia)—Benitec exclusively licensed nucleic acid based therapies for diabetes and obesity from Garvan, targeting the c-Cbl research collaboration agreement for use of ddRNAi to identify and investigate the role of candidate genes in Type II diabetes and obesity.

▪ Combimatrix Corporation (Seattle, Washington, USA): collaboration to study possible off-target effects of RNAi therapeutics using CustomArrays from Combimatrix. CombiMatrix has nonexclusively licensed to Benitec pools of siRNAs as therapeutic agents against viral diseases, including two specific sequences against HIV that CombiMatrix previously exclusively licensed from its partner irsiCaixa.

▪ Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO, Australia)—joint ownership of core ddRNAi intellectual property. Benitec has worldwide exclusive commercialization rights for applications in human cells and the development of human therapeutics, and an interest in CSIRO applications to production of animals using ddRNAi.

▪ Tranzyme Inc. (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA)—research agreement for joint development & marketing of advanced delivery of ddRNAi for biomedical applications in vitro and in vivo using Tranzyme’s proprietary lentivirus delivery system.

Technology Access

(Please contact Licensing)

▪ The ddRNAi patent estate: Benitec holds exclusive worldwide rights for the development and commercialization of ddRNAi for all human applications. Benitec offers attractive licenses for R&D and therapeutic activities to ensure broad application and technology access to ddRNAi.

▪ Minicircle DNA for gene delivery: Benitec has exclusive rights from Stanford University, with rights to sublicense, for all RNAi applications of Minicircles. Minicircles result in gene expression up to 500 times greater than that seen with traditional plasmid DNA in animal models(Chen, et al. Mol Ther 2001; 3:403-410), due to the removal of bacterial sequences in normal plasmid DNA that appear to inhibit prolonged gene expression.

Therapeutic ddRNAi Licenses

Research licenses to Benitec’s core technologies provide freedom to operate for commercial entities using ddRNAi technologies for therapeutic development. Benitec retains all rights to license, partner and collaborate with third parties wishing to use ddRNAi for therapeutic targets.

Commercial ddRNAi Licenses

For commercial entities using DNA-delivered RNAi to create genetically modified animals across a range of model organisms including mice, rats and primates, Benitec offers commercial licenses for freedom to operate.

Non-therapeutic ddRNAi Research Licenses

For commercial entities developing kits and reagents involving the use of ddRNAi technology to enable gene silencing, Benitec offers non-therapeutic research licenses for freedom to operate.

Minicircle DNA for gene delivery: For commercial entities that are interested to use minicircle DNA technology for research or therapeutic development, Benitec has exclusive rights to sublicense the technology for all RNAi applications.

Partnering opportunities

(Please contact Business Development)

Benitec also offers a number of partnering opportunities for both academia and industry for rapid adoption of RNAi for:

▪ Target validation in vitro and in vivo using siRNAs and shRNAs (ddRNAi). Leveraging its vast experience in the optimization of short hairpin RNAs for multiple targets, Benitec offers biotech/pharma companies rapid target validation and in vitro/in vivo assays to accelerate drug development. Please contact us for a comprehensive plan for target validation at highly competitive rates and with a rapid turnaround.

▪ Disease modelling in vitro and in vivo: RNAi has tremendous applications in rapidly modelling diseases by gene knockdown in both in vitro and in vivo systems, without the expense and long time lag for the creation of knockout mice. Benitec can create a customized plan for modelling diseases using user-identified target genes.

BioPharmica Limited


BioPharmica is working to commercialise a portfolio of Australian biomedical research discovered by leading Australian universities, medical institutes and hospitals targeting large global markets.

The Company has projects undergoing pre-clinical development in the areas of oncology, infectious diseases, depth of anaesthesia monitoring and fibre optic probes.

Number of employees


Business Opportunity Focus


Core Business definition

Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Therapeutics


BioPharmica works with leading Australian universities, research institutes and hospitals including the University of Western Australia, the Laboratory for Cancer Medicine at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR), Swinburne University of Technology and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University. WAIMR combines the Royal Perth Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Fremantle Hospital and UWA. In addition pre-clinical work is being conducted at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.


Diagnostic Array Systems Pty Ltd and Cortical Dynamics Pty Ltd

Partnering Opportunities

Seeking overseas partners in the areas of oncology, infectious diseases, depth of anaesthesia monitoring and fibre optic probes.

Biota Holdings Limited


Biota is a world-leading antiviral drug discovery company with its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Biota was responsible for zanamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor, subsequently launched by GlaxoSmithKline as Relenza™ for the treatment of influenza.

In partnership with Sankyo, Biota is developing second generation flu antivirals (LANI or long-acting neuraminidase inhibitors), and has discovery and development programs aimed at therapies for diseases caused by Human Rhinovirus (common cold), RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and hepatitis C. In partnership with Thermo Electron, Biota also markets the FLU OIA® diagnostics range for the rapid detection of influenza.

Number of employees


Specific focus of company

Antiviral drug discovery

Competitive Advantages

▪ World-recognised expertise in viral respiratory diseases, particularly influenza.

▪ Key management in place with outstanding industry experience and commercial partnering skills.

▪ Consolidation of corporate and research operations into new Australian facility, facilitating improved coordination of research programs and other synergies.

▪ A US base for optimal global business development activities.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships


▪ Sankyo Co. Ltd (Japan): Biota’s joint venture partner on the development and commercialisation of long-acting neuraminidase inhibitors (LANI).

▪ Thermo Electron Corporation: US manufacturer and marketing partner of the FLU OIA and FLU OIA A/B rapid flu diagnostic kits.

▪ Aerogen Inc: Partner for the development of an aerosol formulation of CS-8958 (LANI compound), suitable for use with Aerogen’s proprietary Aeroneb® Go Micropump Nebuliser. In September 2004, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) granted Biota a three-year, US$5.6 million grant designed to accelerate the development of its LANI drug in a bulk dry powder form suitable for stockpiling and administration via a nebuliser.

Partnering Opportunities

▪ LANI: Biota, in its alliance with Sankyo, is seeking a commercial partner to fund and support further clinical development and commercialisation of LANI as a single dose inhaled drug for the treatment and prevention of seasonal influenza.

FLU OIA & FLU OIA A/B: Biota and Thermo Electron are seeking partners in Asian and European markets for distribution of the FLU OIA and FLU OIA A/B diagnostic kits for the rapid detection of influenza.

Biotron Limited


Biotron Limited was incorporated in February 1999 to commercially develop products from research in a number of programs at the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) within the Australian National University (ANU).

The Company has operations in Canberra and in Sydney. The company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in January 2001. The company employs 15 staff and consultants, including PhD scientists, research technicians and administrative officers.

Biotron has two major projects in development, in addition to four earlier research-stage projects. The primary focus is on the two major projects – Virion and C-Test. Biotron has identified a new class of viral proteins as targets for potential intervention, and the Virion project is developing novel small molecule therapeutics that target these proteins. These compounds have the potential for treatment of several significant viral diseases, including HIV-1, Hepatitis C, Dengue, SARS and viruses associated with the common cold. Biotron’s anti-HIV program is in late preclinical development, and the Company is aiming to initiate Phase I/IIa clinical trial in humans in the near future.

The C-Test project is developing diagnostic tests for the early detection of cancer, exploiting specific molecules present on cancer cells. This biomarker approach is a rapid, sensitive, non-invasive assay detecting these cancer-specific molecules in the blood of cancer patients. Trials are on-going for prostate and colorectal cancer. The other four research projects are at earlier stages of development, and cover areas of research targeted to stroke, heart attack and heart failure.

Competitive Advantages

The competitive advantages of the company’s two lead products include:


▪ Novel small molecule drugs that target a new class of viral proteins in several significant viral diseases.

▪ Novel small molecule drugs targeting HIV-1 that have excellent oral bioavailability and good toxicity profiles in preclinical toxicity tests done to date.

▪ Anti-HIV drugs target a different stage of the virus life cycle compared to existing anti-HIV drugs and act on the reservoir of infection.

▪ Strong patent position.

▪ Proprietary assays for rapid screening of new compounds against the antiviral targets.


▪ Rapid, non-invasive assay for diagnosis of specific cancer types.

▪ Sensitive methodology suited to high-throughput.

▪ Strong patent position.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

Biotron is seeking an alliance with a commercial partner to facilitate development of the Virion product through clinical trials. The Company is also seeking an alliance with potential partners for further development of the C-Test anticancer diagnostic test.

Partnering Needs

The Company intends to develop compounds and diagnostics for sale or license to major pharmaceutical companies. It does not intend funding manufacture, or entering the sales and distribution process.

BresaGen Limited


BresaGen Limited (ASX:BGN) is a biotechnology company committed to commercialisation of protein pharmaceutical products and technology.

The Company is focussed on cost-effective production of proteins and peptides in bacteria and specialises in process development and supply of clinical trial material for third parties through its protEcol™ Services business unit. In addition, the Company supplies protein-based active pharmaceutical ingredients (API's) to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

The group has over 15 years experience in bacterial fermentation and the manufacture of recombinant proteins and operates a TGA approved cGMP facility, manufacturing a range of proteins including growth hormones from various species.

Number of employees


Business Opportunity Focus

Seeking alliances and contracts for process development with Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies.

Core Business definition

Protein Engineering.

Competitive Advantages

▪ Cost-effective processes for production of proteins and peptides in E. coli.

▪ cGMP manufacturing facility.


Using a proprietary bacterial expression system, BresaGen has established cost-effective technology to express and purify recombinant proteins and peptides on a commercial scale.

Therapeutic Products

▪ EquiGen™ Injection, a treatment for poor body condition in horses.

▪ hGH API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient), a treatment for human growth hormone deficiency.

Process Development and Contract Manufacturing

▪ protEcol Services, assists clients to develop high yield, cost effective recombinant production of proteins and peptides using E. coli.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

BresaGen has worked with a wide range of Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies, including CBio, QRx Pharma, Metabolic Pharmaceuticals and ALZA Pharmaceuticals.



Partnering Opportunities

The company has developed a robust, cost-effective and scalable process for manufacture and purification of peptides and small proteins (20-250 aa). Alliances are sought with other biotech companies who require cost effective processes for protein in this range.

A purpose built manufacturing plant has been commissioned and licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Contract projects are sought to maximise use of this manufacturing capacity.

The Burnet Institute

The Burnet Institute is Australia's largest communicable diseases research institute, investigating some of today's most serious viral infections such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and measles.

It was founded in 1986 and named in honour of the highly acclaimed Australian scientist Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet. We integrate basic and applied laboratory research in virology and other communicable diseases with field research and the design, implementation and evaluation of public health programs.

We assist socially marginalized groups by tackling tough problems: HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis, and illicit drug use. Our laboratory research is motivated and informed by the direct experience of our people on the streets and in communities in developing and developed nations.

The Burnet Institute is the only medical research institute to be accredited for funding by AusAID, an Australian Federal Government overseas funding agency, and in 1998, we were accorded Collaborating Centre status by the United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS) - one of just 12 such centres in the world.

The Burnet Institute also has an important educational role, and provides training in research and in public health at the undergraduate and postgraduate level through its associations with the University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT University, LaTrobe University and University Udayana in Indonesia.

Cellulose Valley Institute


Cellulose Valley Institute—plant science solutions—provides a complete range of services for the research and development of natural plant products, by uniting seven synergistic research groups in plant genetics, phytochemistry, health sciences, and environmental and resource science.

Competitive Advantages

Cellulose Valley Institute creates synergies by offering the collective skills of clinicians, pharmacognosists, phytochemists, plant geneticists, health/education practitioners, and environmentalists on single or multiple projects.


▪ DNA Technologies;

▪ Genomics; Plant Improvement;

▪ Bioinformatics;

▪ QA/QC of herbs and essential oils;

▪ Extraction;

▪ Chemical Profiling;

▪ Isolation and Purification of compounds;

▪ Structural elucidation, Bioassay guided fractionation and screening;

▪ Flow cytometry;

▪ Platelet aggregometry;

▪ High throughput fibrinolysis bioassay; and

▪ Radio-labelling and counting.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

Current Partners

▪ TP Health;

▪ Mayne Health;

▪ BRI Aust Ltd;

▪ Blackmores;

▪ Sanitarium;

▪ Complementary Healthcare Council;

▪ EcoFibre Industries Ltd;

▪ Tabco Ltd;

▪ EcoTechnology Australia Ltd;

▪ Puragrain Pty Ltd;

▪ Grain Foods CRC Ltd;

▪ American Botanical Council.

Partnering Opportunities

Organisations who wish to access our expertise and facilities, either through contract research or Joint Venture opportunities.

Partnering needs

Complementary organisations with commercialisation opportunities.

Clinical Network Services Pty Ltd


Clinical Network Services (CNS) is an Australian Contract Research Organisation (CRO) servicing the international healthcare community. Since its foundation in 1998, CNS continues to be the only Queensland head-quartered CRO offering clinical research management services. Based in suburban Brisbane, Queensland, CNS is well situated to take advantage of a local population of 3 million people and some of the most respected hospitals and research services in Australia.

CNS offers the following services:

•full clinical research Management Services, including:

o study design;

o project management;

o site monitoring; and

o clinical research consultancy and training.

•and in association with their local and international partner organisations, CNS is also able to offer:

o data and biostatistical management services;

o Phase I/II site services;

o Phase II – IV Investigational site management services; and

o local, national and central laboratory services.

CNS believes its services when coupled with a network of preferred local companies offer our customers all the enhanced benefits of small company service with large company diversification. In addition to familiarity with Australia’s world-class clinical services and hospitals, through their relationships with international preferred partners and networks in Europe, United States of America and New Zealand, they can also offer an international solution.

Number of employees: 7

Specific focus of company: Management of clinical trials at Australasian clinical sites on behalf of national and international drug and medical device development companies

Core Business definition: Pharmaceuticals and medical devices

Competitive Advantages: A responsive, internationally experienced staff.


o Major international pharmaceutical companies

o Small to medium USA and Canadian biopharmaceutical companies

o European (UK and German) and USA contract research organisations (CROs)

o Australian CROs and biopharmaceutical companies

o Public and private sector medical research institutes

Clinical Trials Victoria


Clinical Trials Victoria (CTV) is committed to attracting global investment in clinical trials to the state of Victoria and throughout Australia. The aim is to secure innovative, world class clinical research trials and ultimately improve patient health outcomes.

Clinical Trials Victoria serves to bridge the gap between discovery, preclinical development and clinical research and will encourage outcome-focused research through the collaborative efforts of its member organisations.

Clinical Trials Victoria can make a difference to your projects!

|[pic|Central clinical trial support and facilitation: administrative management, education and training, regulatory affairs and |

|] |quality assurance, marketing, finance and IT infrastructure for clinical trials. |

|[pic|Significant improvement processes for standardised documentation: finance and legal, clinical trial ethics submission and |

|] |operating procedures. |

|[pic|Trial design support. |

|] | |

|[pic|Management of communication networks, database design and development for clinical research tools and registries of |

|] |investigators and trial participants. |

|[pic|Achieving critical mass of investigators and trial participants for clinical trials. |

|] | |

|[pic|Investment into technological advances in diagnostic, monitoring and bioanalytical assessment for clinical product |

|] |development. |

Services to Biotech and Pharma Sponsors

|[pic|Links to Member expertise and services. |

|] | |

|[pic|Facilitator of preferred provider agreements between Members and Industry. |

|] | |

|[pic|Forums for investigators and clinical trial sponsors to facilitate infrastructure improvements related to the conduct of |

|] |clinical trials. |

|[pic|Access to a network of clinical trial sites. |

|] | |

CollTech Australia Ltd

|Overview |

CollTech Australia Ltd [ASX: CAU] is an Australian Stock Exchange listed bio-industrial company involved in the extraction and purification of biomaterials from animal sources. CollTech's ISO and cGMP compliant plant uses patented manufacturing technology to extract and purify collagen from sheep for the global food, cosmetic and medical markets. The sheepskins are sourced from EU and US accredited export abattoirs in Australia and the sheep are veterinary controlled and certified Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) free under Australia’s internationally recognised National TSE Surveillance Program. Australia has been declared Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Scrapie FREE by the Office International des Epizooities (OIE) Terrestrial Animal Health Code.

Collagen is a natural biomaterial used in the manufacture of food, cosmetic and medical end-products. It is the major structural protein found in the connective tissue of mammals, particularly in skin, tendon, bone and cartilage. Traditionally collagen has been extracted from bovine (cow) and porcine (pig) sources, which have been affected by disease outbreaks (BSE), religious acceptance and supply issues. Ovine (sheep) collagen is a novel source of collagen with similar properties to bovine and porcine collagen. The biodegradable, hypoallergenic and cell adhesive properties of collagen make it a versatile biomaterial suitable for a wide range of commercial applications.

CollTech’s OviColl™ range of ovine collagen biomaterials include:

|[pic] |Food-grade native insoluble collagen (type I/III) from sheepskin, 10% solids in dilute acid |

|[pic] |Cosmetic-grade native soluble collagen (type I/III) from sheepskin, opaque solution, 10mg/mL |

| |protein in 0.1M acetic acid |

|[pic] |Research-grade native soluble collagen (type I/III) from sheepskin, clear solution, 5mg/mL |

| |protein in 0.1M acetic acid |

|[pic] |Medical-grade available 2006 |

Number of employees: 11.

Specific focus of company: (eg seeking investment or seeking partner);

Commercialising bio-industrial products and seeking collaboration partners to develop medical end-products.

Core Business definition (medical devices, pharmaceuticals, agriculture etc)

Bio-industrial company involved in the extraction and purification of biomaterials from animal sources.

Competitive Advantages

▪ Patented technology provides global monopoly for supply of collagen from sheepskins

▪ Internationally certified TSE-free source of collagen

▪ Lower production costs with higher yields and purity than traditional collagen sources

▪ Product acceptance in global religious markets


Patented manufacturing process for the extraction and purification of collagen from sheep (ovine) skin.

Corporate Alliances / Partnerships

▪ CollTech Asia appointed as distributor for North Asia.

Partnering Opportunities

▪ Strategic partner for the development of novel medical end-products from ovine collagen.

Partnering Needs

▪ Distribution of OviColl™ range of collagen biomaterials.

Cortical Pty Ltd

[pic] Overview

Cortical is a Melbourne based drug discovery company, which was founded in 2003 by Associate Professor Eric Morand and Dr Magdy Iskander of Monash University. Cortical’s mission is to develop small-molecule solutions to therapeutic targets in inflammation. Diseases as diverse as arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, multiple sclerosis and colitis are characterised by inflammation and may be targeted with drugs from Cortical’s R&D repertoire. Based in Australia’s capital of biomedical research and biotechnology commercialisation, Cortical operates its R&D in fully complemented laboratories within the Monash research precincts.

Cortical’s mission is to discover novel therapeutics for the treatment of human diseases and commercialise these via research and development, and where appropriate via strategic partnership with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

The main focus of the research involves Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor, or MIF, as an emerging therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases. MIF plays an essential role in the initiation and perpetuation of the immune and inflammatory responses. Blockade of MIF has been shown to be effective in experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, sepsis, and other inflammatory conditions

[pic] Competitive Advantages

The development of small molecule MIF antagonists would represent a major advantage in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, via their direct effects, and indirectly via augmentation of the actions of corticosteroids. Cortical’s research team is headed by Eric Morand, recognised as a world leader in MIF research, and also a clinical rheumatologist. Teamed with the drug design and medicinal chemistry expertise at the Victorian College of Pharmacy, Cortical has generated active small molecule inhibitors. The compounds have generated much interest and Cortical’s alliance with Genzyme, announced in December 2003 (see below), validates the path taken.

The Collaboration and License deal with Genzyme provides great competitive advantage for a small company to be able to tap into the experience and expertise of a major successful US biotechnology company.

The Board and Cortical management team has considerable experience in drug development and commercialization.

[pic] Technology/Services

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor, or MIF, is an emerging therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases. Work from laboratories including that of Dr Morand have determined that MIF plays an essential role in the initiation and perpetuation of the immune and inflammatory responses. Blockade of MIF by antibodies has been shown to be effective in experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, sepsis, and other inflammatory conditions.

MIF and corticosteroids

MIF also has a unique relationship with corticosteroids which are often used to treat inflammatory diseases. Unlike other pro-inflammatory cytokines, the levels of MIF are actually increased by corticosteroids. The increased levels of MIF act to antagonise or limit the effects of corticosteroids. The presence of increased MIF following corticosteroid treatment means that corticosteroids work less efficiently.

Therefore, antagonising MIF might provide a means to increase the effectiveness of corticosteroids, thus reducing the dose required to achieve a required effect. This is known as a “steroid-sparing” effect. As steroid side effects are dose dependent, steroid-sparing would be of immense value to patients.

[pic] Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

Cortical is backed by $AUD 2 million from GBS Venture Partners and Start-Up Australia Ventures, through the Federal Government’s Pre-Seed and Innovation Investment Funds respectively. Cortical was a recipient of a $AUD 250,000 AusIndustry Biotechnology Innovation Fund grant in the June 2003 round, and followed this with a $3.03m R & D Start Grant in July 2004 to advance it’s MIF antagonism program into Phase I clinical trials.

In December 2003, Cortical announced an agreement to develop and commercialise products for Inflammatory Diseases with US top ten biotech company Genzyme Corporation.

Cortical and Genzyme scientists are working together to develop new investigational oral drugs to fight inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis and colitis. Under the agreements, the two companies will collaborate on the research and development efforts through Phase 2 clinical trials. Genzyme will complete the development, and commercialize any products that arise from the collaboration.

In exchange for an exclusive worldwide license to products that arise from the collaboration, Genzyme will also make certain payments upon the completion of development milestones and pay royalties on sales. Under the terms of the agreements, Cortical retains rights to develop MIF antagonist products for localized uses. Genzyme has also made an equity investment in Cortical of $AUD1m.

Partnering opportunities

Cortical’s expertise in cytokine biology, coupled with drug design and medical chemistry expertise and access to patients and in vivo disease models provides an excellent basis to partner with other biotech and pharma companies. Cortical is also interested in partnering with companies to develop MIF antagonist therapies for local application to inflammatory conditions of the skin, respiratory system, eyes, peripheral and cardiovascular systems and veterinary applications.

|Number of employees |15 |

|Specific focus of company |Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases |

|Core Business definition |Inflammation drug discovery and development |

compilation © AusBiotech 2004


[pic] Overview

CSIRO (the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) is a statutory research agency of the Government of Australia. We are one of the world’s largest and most diverse scientific research institutions employing some 6,500 staff in more than 65 sites around Australia and overseas. Our research collaborations stretch across more than 70 countries. We conduct world-class research for many industry sectors spanning

Human Health, Agribusiness, Energy and Transport, Information, Communication and Services, Manufacturing, Mineral Resources and the environment. CSIRO is Australia’s largest single provider of Biotechnology research.

We are actively pursuing commercialisation ventures and alliances to enhance the adoption of our research.

CSIRO invests some A$140m annually in biotechnology research, being a substantial part of the overall investment into biotechnology research in Australia. The total revenue for CSIRO is in the order of A$900m, including more than A$560m from the Australian Government (Annual Reports can be found at

[pic] Competitive Advantages

“Innovation at the interface of scientific disciplines”

• Multidisciplinary capability deriving from expert scientific teams located in Australia and overseas

• Extensive networks and close ties with private industry, government organizations, universities and research institutions in Australia and internationally

• Flexibility and experience in establishing successful relationships through a range of business models including start-up companies, incubator companies, joint ventures, strategic alliances, licensing and collaborative research linkages.

• Extensive intellectual property portfolio providing opportunities for investments and collaborations in emerging technologies

[pic] Technology

CSIRO diverse capabilities in biotechnology covers all fields of human health, agricultural, environmental and industrial biotechnologies, which allows us to build cross disciplinary teams to deliver solutions in areas like:

• Biodiscovery

• Bioinformatics

• Biomarkers

• Biomaterials

• Bioprocessing

• Bioprospecting

• Bioremediation

• Biotherapeutics

• Biotransformation

• Ecological Impacts of Transgenes

• Functional Genomics

• Molecular Engineering

• Nanotechnology

• Proteomics

• Structural Biology

[pic] Partnering Opportunities

CSIRO conducts R&D in many areas, including:

• Gene Silencing - Powerful new RNAi methods to develop gene-based therapies, and drive advances in plant and animal breeding

• Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering - Cartilage repair, biomedical adhesives, collagen technologies, polymer and surface design.

• Bioprocessing and functional foods - Biological processes for food, pharmaceutical and industrial applications

• Drug Discovery & Development - Cutting edge structural biology, rational drug design, protein engineering and chemistry to accelerate lead generation and optimization

• Therapeutic Delivery - Site specific and/or controlled release of drug molecules and the delivery of genetic material via novel viral vectors

• Diagnostics - New approaches to infectious agent identification, disease investigation and prevention using molecular biology, novel PCR technologies and monoclonal and recombinant antibody technology.

• Bioinformatics - Sophisticated statistical analysis of array-based data sets with applications in diagnostics, toxicogenomics and pharmacogenomics

CSIRO Plant Industries

CSIRO (the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) is a statutory research agency of the Government of Australia. We are one of the world’s largest and most diverse scientific research institutions employing some 6,500 staff in Australia and overseas. Our research collaborations stretch across more than 70 countries.

CSIRO invests some US$100m annually in biotechnology research, making it a major provider of biotechnology R&D in Australia. CSIRO conducts R&D in many areas, including:

• Gene Silencing - New RNAi methods to advance plant and animal science and develop gene-based therapies;

• Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering cartlidge repair, biomedical adhesives, collagen technologies, polymer and surface design;

• Drug Discovery & Development – Advanced structural biology, rational drug design, protein engineering and chemistry to accelerate lead generation and optimization;

• Therapeutic Delivery – Site-specific/controlled release of drug molecules and the delivery of genetic material via novel viral vectors;

• Diagnostics - New approaches to infectious agent identification, disease investigation and prevention using molecular biology, novel PCR technologies and recombinant antibody technology;

• Bioinformatics – Statistical analysis of array-based data sets with applications in diagnostics, toxicogenomics and pharmacogenomics;

• Bioprocessing and functional foods - Biological processes for food, pharmaceutical and industrial applications.

Plant Industry Technology Overview

CSIRO discovered the role of double stranded RNA as the trigger for RNA interference (RNAi) or gene silencing.

CSIRO hairpin-intron technology has proven very effective in plants and has been adopted worldwide. This break through technology is a powerful tool to determine gene function and is being used to develop a range of traits in crop and horticultural plants. The technology is also being used to protect livestock against pathogens and to explore gene function around valuable traits in animals.

CSIRO's hairpin RNAi technology provides methods for making gene constructs that target the gene of interest. It also delivers important information about gene function.

Hairpin RNAi is precise, fast, flexible and stable with nil off target effects, and can be used to completely turn off or turn down the function of a gene.

CSIRO Livestock Industries

Technology Overview

CSIRO discovered the role of double stranded RNA as the trigger for RNA interference (RNAi) or gene silencing.

CSIRO hairpin-intron technology has proven very effective in plants and has been adopted worldwide.  This break through technology is a powerful tool to determine gene function and is being used to develop a range of traits in crop and horticultural plants.  The technology is also being used to protect livestock against pathogens and to explore gene function around valuable traits in animals.

CSIRO's hairpin RNAi technology provides methods for making gene constructs that target the gene of interest.  It also delivers important information about gene function.

Hairpin RNAi is precise, fast, flexible and stable with nil off target effects, and can be used to completely turn off or turn down the function of a gene.

Dr Tim Doran is a researcher with the Gene Technologies sub-program of CSIRO Livestock Industries, and is based at the Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in Geelong. He is project leader of RNA interference (RNAi) technologies and is working to develop RNAi as a therapeutic for livestock diseases.

Datapharm Australia Pty Ltd

[pic] Overview

Datapharm Australia has completed over 300 studies in over 40 therapeutic areas with over 50 clients. A variety of study designs have been used including crossovers, randomized parallel-group/comparative, pharmacokinetic, Phase I to IV, multi-centre GP, and some including health economic data.

Datapharm Australia’s enviable team culture is characterized by infectious enthusiasm and energy, many years of experience and training, attention to detail and quality. Datapharm Australia always supports their clients and makes their projects successful.

[pic] Competitive advantages

Our strong in-house statistical team is unique in Australia for an independent local CRO. In addition to a regional monitoring service, Datapharm provides a full data management service from initial advice on study design to the final clinical study report. We have been recognized for the quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness of our services. Validated systems are in place to produce quality data to ICH GCP and FDA requirements, as is vigilance to ensure maintenance of client security and confidentiality.

Advances in technology have become a driver of many of the processes we use in collecting patient data and tracking trial status. Datapharm prides itself on staying on the wave of these advances by developing new systems to streamline our monitoring resources and tracking (SMART), data collection (eCRF), pharmacovigiliance, and closedown (e-archive) operations. We now have secure online CRA administration, communications and archiving ideal for connectivity of our Australia wide regional CRAs and sites (Global Monitoring Effice).

[pic] Technology/Services

The following services are offered within the required regulated environment;

• Strategic Planning & Project Management

• Study Design; Investigator Selection; Set-up & Start-up

• Ethics Submissions; GTRAP; CTN; CTX

• Clinical Trial Setup (Protocol, CRF design)

• Clinical Trial Management

• Monitoring (experienced regional monitors in major centres)

• Data Management (including eCRF)

• Data coding

• Statistical Analysis

• Medical Writing, including Full Study Reports

• Project Management

• Pharmacovigilance

• Contract recruitment

Datapharm Australia is constantly developing the application of computer technology in an appropriate manner to provide optimum services to the client. We have developed computer based project resourcing, project and business management reporting tools to ensure a smooth and efficient organisation. Additional IT applications we have developed for clinical research include an eCRF and monitoring tools for regional CRAs.

[pic] Partnering opportunities for

• Small to medium size CRO not present in Australia.

• A Japanese CRO.

• European CROs

• North American CROs

Partnering needs

• Alliance with other CROs to support their services in Australia.

• Alliance with other CROs to allow us to extend our services overseas.

• Biotech and Pharma sponsors in North America, Japan & Europe wishing to conduct clinical trials in Australia

|Number of employees |>35 |

|Specific focus of company |Clinical Research- Monitoring, Data Management and Statistics. |

|Core Business definition |Full Service CRO |

compilation © AusBiotech 2004

EQiTX Limited


EQiTX Limited (ASX Code – EQX) is a publicly listed Australian biotechnology company with interests in the areas of chronic diseases and age-related conditions. EQX is developing a portfolio of technologies to a stage where they will be of commercial interest to multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

The company's two main programs are the ZingoTX project to develop pharmacologically active compounds for pain management, and the VacTX project to develop and commercialise novel synthetic vaccines to prevent or treat a range of human conditions, including infectious diseases, cancer, allergies, inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

Competitive Advantages

Each of the technologies selected by EQiTX has demonstrated potential sustainable competitive advantages over existing therapeutics in large markets. EQiTX’s approach is outcome-focused, with each new product planned, from the outset, to display a range of unique selling propositions to ensure its success in the market.

EQiTX itself offers clear competitive advantages to both investors and owners of intellectual property with what is perhaps a unique model. It retains sufficient scientific, technical and commercial skill in-house (supplemented by an eminent and active Advisory Panel) to add significant value at every step of the product development and commercialisation process.


ZingoTX was established to undertake R & D activities leading to the commercialisation of potential new drug candidates discovered and patented by the University of Sydney. The objective of ZingoTX is to value-add to the technology through a R & D program focusing on the selection of drug candidates for clinical trials in patients suffering from chronic pain and in particular, neuropathic pain. In early 2005, 'in vivo' pain and inflammation studies are being completed to select a lead candidate for preclinical toxicology and pharmacokinetic studies. EQiTX now holds 44.6% of ZingoTX, and has the option to increase its shareholding to 58%.

VacTX was established to exploit the CRC for Vaccine Technology's synthetic lipopeptide vaccine platform technology for human applications. Novel safe and highly effective vaccines for the prevention or treatment of a range of infectious diseases and to treat cancers and allergies, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are being developed using this unique and patented technology. The pure lipopeptide vaccines are readily and reliably synthesised at a competitive cost to traditional vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. They induce highly specific immune responses and are soluble, enabling them to be administered without using needles. EQiTX may invest up to $3.5M to earn up to 50.5% of this Project.

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships


Through its key executives and members of its Advisory Panel, EQiTX has strong links into a number of international pharmaceutical companies. Importantly, these will provide avenues to progress the technologies through the latter stages of the drug discovery pathway, and in particular clinical trials.

EQiTX is positioning itself as a commercialisation agent of choice for research institutions in Australia. In the ZingoTX project, EQiTX has partnered with the University of Sydney and TP Health Pty Ltd. In the VacTX project, EQiTX has partnered with the CRC-VT.

Partnering Opportunities

Commercialisation partnering opportunities will be identified as each technology development is advanced. Partnerships with owners of intellectual property are being sought (see below).

Partnering Needs

EQiTX is actively looking for new opportunities for potential acquisition that strategically fit with the investment model and satisfy the requirements of our key criteria.

Key criteria to be met include:

▪ Supportive in vivo studies utilising relevant models and methods of administration

▪ Large therapeutic markets associated with chronic diseases and the aging population

▪ Research outcomes supporting competitive advantages that address unmet needs and product improvements

Researchers with high quality results in the areas of interest are encouraged to approach the company for confidential discussions.

EvoGenix Pty Ltd


The strategy of EvoGenix is to develop new therapeutic products in the rapidly expanding antibody sector.

EvoGenix builds from a powerful and integrated technology platform, providing the key value-creating step in identifying new antibody therapeutics both;

▪ to support the development of an internal pipeline of valuable antibody therapeutics for world markets and,

▪ to assist our partners through collaboration and out-licensing to biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

The EvoGenix technology platform occupies a highly competitive position in the pathway to creating new antibody products, offering the only fully integrated approach to moving from a non-human antibody (the common product of drug discovery) to a potent product ready for administration to patients.

Competitive Advantages

To reduce the incidence of immune reactions in patients, antibody products are 'humanised' so as to minimise the amount of foreign sequence presented to the patients immune system. In conventional humanisation the starting antibody is matched on the basis of sequence homology to a human framework.

With the EvoGenix approach to humanisation—SuperhumanisationTM, the frameworks are chosen on the basis of function resulting in products that are less immunogenic and yet retain the high binding affinity of the starting product. The approach is covered by granted patents and offers an easy, effective, and inexpensive way of transforming conventional mouse monoclonal antibodies into high-quality therapeutic products.

EvoGenix’s technology for protein optimisation—EvoGene™ offers a unique approach to fine tuning protein products. The truly random approach enables access to the highest level of diversity whilst requiring a fraction of the resources of approaches such as saturation mutagenesis. It is not only more efficient, but also more effective for protein fine-tuning when compared with gene shuffling, since changes to the targeted protein are minimised and can readily be restricted to those contributing directly to the improvement in properties (controlled mutation levels).

EvoGene™ is protected by granted patents, and offers Freedom to Operate to our collaborators.


EvoGeneTM protein optimisation technology, for test tube evolution of proteins – provides products with higher value as drugs including greater activity and potency, greater specificity (reducing side effects) and greater stability or expression (reducing production costs). The EvoGene approach can be applied to any protein including therapeutics, diagnostics, industrial enzymes or agribiotech products.

SuperhumanisationTM—a novel method for converting a mouse antibody, which would cause an immune reaction if administered to humans, into a 'humanized' form, which is can be administered safely to patients over an extended time frame.

Superhumanisation and EvoGene have been combined into an integrated package called EvoMAb technology—the only approach available which combines these two steps in antibody development into a single efficient process. This is a high value adding step in moving from the research phase of drug discovery, which yields an active mouse antibody, through to a potent optimised product candidate ready to enter preclinical/clinical development.

ApoptoMabTM technology—an approach for further increasing the potency of anti-cancer antibodies by arming them with a powerful toxin. Antibodies act as the 'magic bullets' that home in on cancer cells, delivering the toxin into the cells which die as a result.

Taken together, the EvoGenix technology platform provides key capabilities, both for developing internal products, and for deriving shorter term income through partnerships and licensing:

▪ Humanised antibodies—suitable for long term administration to patients

▪ New versions of antibodies and other proteins which are optimised for success in the clinic and the market place

▪ A solution to the gap between research tool ( a mouse antibody) and antibody therapeutic ready for development

▪ Further enhancement of the potency of anticancer antibodies through toxin linkage

Corporate Alliances/Partnerships


EvoGenix has relationships with a number of well recognised international companies to deliver highly optimised versions of protein product candidates supplied by our partners.

Partnering Opportunities

EvoGenix welcomes discussions with companies interesting in improving properties of proteins in development for use in the therapeutic, diagnostic, agricultural or industrial fields. Our technology is particularly well suited to rapid improvements in the affinity, specificity and humanisation of antibody product.

Partnering Needs

Our preferred arrangement with partners involves sharing both the risks and benefits of future product returns, as well as payments to cover R&D costs.

Garvan Institute of Medical Research


The Garvan Institute of Medical Research is the largest medical research institute in NSW and a cornerstone of the St Vincent’s Biotechnology Precinct. Garvan has a demonstrated track record in forging links with the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and finance industries.

Commercial activities include international research collaborations, intellectual property (IP) licences and when appropriate, the formation of spin-out companies.

Selective protection of Garvan’s IP has generated a patent portfolio containing potential prognostic and diagnostic markers, therapeutic targets, technology platforms and screening models in therapeutically-focussed areas. Garvan seeks strategic partners within these areas for collaborative research projects and licensing. Opportunities include:

Diabetes and Obesity

Type II diabetes and insulin resistance; glucose transport; clinical studies.

IP: PKC isoforms and modulation of insulin acitivity; Diabetes drug screening assay; novel therapeutic targets for diabetes and obesity; extensive animal models.


Genetics of mental illness; the Neuropeptide Y system, weight loss and energy homeostasis; neural stem cell research and hearing.

IP: NPY receptors and ligands; genetic markers for mental illness; extensive range of knockout and transgenic models.

Bone and Mineral

Clinical and molecular epidemiology; molecular biology of vitamin D receptor.

IP: Gene prognostics for bone density; mouse models for osteoporosis; novel isoforms of vitamin D receptor.

Arthritis and Inflammation

Effect of BAFF on B and T cell function; molecular basis of type I diabetes; expression profiling of B and T cell sub-sets; emphasis on auto-immune diseases.

IP: Pre-diagnostic screens for patients undergoing auto-immune therapy; therapeutic targets for modulation of auto-immune responses; generation of monoclonal antibodies against GPCRs.


Extensive gene profiling studies in breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancer; gene methylation and cancer development; mammary gland development; cell cycle regulation; characterisation of EGFR signalling; mechanisms of resistance to anti-estrogen therapies.

IP: prognositic, diagnostic and therapeutic targets; extensive collections of tissue banks with detailed clinicopathological data; knockout and transgenic models of disease.

Pituitary Disease

Regulation of growth hormone secretion; clinical research program on mechanisms of therapeutic hormone action.

IP: hormone assays.

Gene Stream Pty Ltd

[pic] Overview

GeneStream Pty Ltd is a privately owned biotechnology company that has developed improved DNA-based tools for medical research and in particular, drug screening. GeneStream currently has two major projects, each relating to a separate family of patents. Project 1, the RapidReporter® system, is available for licensing and relates to a patented modification to standard reporter vectors, that provides vastly improved performance in applications such as cell-based high throughput drug screening (HTS). Project 2, MetaboMouse®, will be ready for licensing in 2005 and relates to patented transgenic mice with a more human-like drug metabolism for use in animal-based drug testing, where they provide a more accurate prediction of drug effects in humans.

[pic] Competitive Advantages

GeneStream’s RapidReporter® system provides much faster and more pronounced responses to drug effects. The system requires no changes to standard detection methods or equipment and is thus easily incorporated into existing methodologies. In drug screening, the RapidReporter® system dramatically improves the separation between active vs. inactive compounds (or toxic vs. non-toxic compounds). Benefits include lower variance, fewer false positives and an improved ability to detect weakly active or transiently acting compounds. The possibility of overlooking potentially beneficial and lucrative compounds in HTS is substantially reduced with the RapidReporter® system. Other advantages include more accurate kinetic assays and dose-response studies and the ability to shorten assay times.

[pic] Technology

1. The RapidReporter® system involves the patented incorporation of both mRNA- and protein-destabilising elements into a reporter vector, thus dramatically reducing the time lag and dilution of effect that normally occurs between a drug’s true effect (altered transcription) and the resultant measurable effect (altered reporter protein activity). Further modifications improve expression levels and reduce promoter interference.

2. The MetaboMouse® technology involves the patented humanisation of genes involved in drug binding or drug metabolism to provide transgenic mice that more accurately predict the likely effect of drugs in humans.

Partnering Opportunities

GeneStream is seeking pharmaceutical companies or HTS service providers willing to test the RapidReporter® system in their own applications. A worldwide distributor for the academic and small biotech markets is also being sought.

compilation © AusBiotech 2004

Glykoz (Glycomics Discovery)

Company Overview

Glykoz is a company committed to the discovery and commercialisation of novel carbohydrate-based drugs for a range of clinically significant therapeutic applications.

The Company, located in the emerging Life Sciences corridor of South East Queensland in Australia, leverages world-leading expertise in carbohydrate-based drug discovery to develop new drug candidates for licensing to international biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Immediate focus is on a novel class of drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Carbohydrates have been proven to play an important role in a vast array of biological processes. It is now apparent that they provide the biological system with a very versatile language, a code that is in the process of being broken. There is a growing focus within the pharmaceutical industry on the emerging study of carbohydrates called 'Glycomics' in which Glykoz has proven world-leading expertise.

An immediate public health concern is drug-resistant bacteria. A number of important infections including tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis and childhood ear infections are just a few of the diseases that have become more difficult to treat due to the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens. Antimicrobial resistance is becoming a factor in virtually all hospital-acquired infections. In addition to its adverse effect on public health, antimicrobial resistance contributes to escalating health care costs.

Compounds currently under development by Glykoz exhibit activity against a range of bacteria including many common, clinically important, drug-resistant varieties. The chemistry used to create these compounds is novel and the structures of the Glykoz compounds do not resemble existing antibiotics. The base chemistry provides opportunities to create compounds with novel shapes and modes of action that will be applicable to a number of different clinical situations.

Glykoz has strategic research relationships with Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics and Monash University’s Department of Microbiology. Co-founding scientists, Federation Fellow, Professor Mark von Itzstein from Griffith University’s Institute of Glycomics, and Howard Hughes Scholar, Professor Ross Coppel from Monash University lead Glykoz’s anti-infectives research program. Partners with complementary expertise and resources capable of accelerating product development and marketing will benefit from Glykoz’s strength in carbohydrate-based drug discovery and development.

Partnering Opportunities

Glykoz is seeking strategic partners to advance the discovery and development of novel carbohydrate-based drugs for a range of therapeutic uses. Alliance opportunities exist for industry partners capable of adding value to the development of its existing anti-infective technologies and the advancement of new therapeutic discovery programs.

Alliances for new product development would suit partners seeking to:

1. • Deliver novel therapeutics to market for specific targets or clinically significant indications.

2. • Improve performance of new drug candidates through carbohydrate modification.

Glycomics, being the science of carbohydrates and their role in biological processes, is gaining increasing pharmaceutical industry recognition as the next key code to be broken. Carbohydrates have been proven to play an important role in a vast array of biological processes. It is now apparent that carbohydrates provide the biological system with a very versatile language, one that Glykoz will utilize to discover and develop new proprietary therapeutics.

The Company’s most advanced novel compounds represent a new class of antibiotics applicable to a number of different clinical situations. The compounds, undergoing optimisation, show activity against a range of clinically significant bacteria including drug resistant varieties.

Partners with complementary expertise and resources capable of accelerating product development and marketing will benefit from Glykoz’s strength in carbohydrate-based drug discovery and development.

Areas of particular interest for partnering include:

1. • Infectious Diseases

2. • Cancer

3. • Cardiovascular/Metabolism

Griffith University

[pic] Overview

Griffith University is based in South East Queensland with headquarters in Brisbane. Griffith University is internationally recognised for its biotech capability. AstraZeneca has provided $100M in funding to the Natural Product Discovery Group (1993-2007). Griffith's Biotech Research Institutes and Centres include: the Institute for Glycomics, the Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies, the Genomics Research Centre and the Heart Foundation Research Centre.

[pic] Competitive Advantages

Griffith University’s competitive advantages in biotech include:

• The advancement of novel cancer immunogenics and identified target molecules implicated in various cancers

• The discovery and development of novel anti-microbials to combat multiple drug resistant micro-organisms

• Microbial Diversity as a source of biologics - Culture collections of microbes obtained from a variety of unique and varied environments constitute a valuable resource for screening for novel biologics

• The identification of markers or genes for genetically inherited complex diseases including obesity, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis

• Development of autologous cell based therapies. These include autologous therapies for neural repair, which are showing promise as agents for repairing nerve damage, including damage to spinal nerves - the cause of quadriplegia and paraplegia. Further research includes the development of broader scale autologous therapies for a range of diseases and medical conditions.

[pic] Technology/Services

Institute for Glycomics

The Institute for Glycomics was established in February 2000 on Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus and is headed up by Federation Fellow and Australia Prize winner, Professor Mark von Itzstein.

The Institute’s research is directed towards the discovery of novel carbohydrate-based entities (glycopharmaceuticals) to interfere in the carbohydrate related biological process of a disease. This promises a new avenue for the control of a variety of metabolic disorders such as cancer and diabetic complications; viral and bacterial induced diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis; food poisoning infections, age-related diseases such as arthritis and illnesses resulting from immune system dysfunction such as multiple sclerosis.

The Institute has expertise in the discovery of important carbohydrate recognising proteins, evaluation of protein structures, the design, synthesis and development of new pharmaceuticals placing the Institute at the cutting edge of Glycomic based medicines.

Professor von Itzstein’s most ambitious target - for which he won the 1996 Australia Prize for Excellence in the field of Pharmaceutical Design - was designing and synthesising drugs to combat ‘flu’. One of these anti-influenza drugs has been commercialised by international pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline and is now marketed worldwide as Relenza.

The Institute is seeking partnerships with biotech companies developing carbohydrate-based therapies

The Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies.

The Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies was established in 2003, under the Queensland Government’s Smart State Research Facilities Fund (SSRFF). The Institute is situated at the Nathan Campus of Griffith University, with additional state of the art facilities planned on site in 2005.

The Institute focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of human disorders and the development of new drug and cellular therapies. Disorders affecting our aging population including neuro-degeneration, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disease and cancer are the major focus of the institute.

The Institute comprises four complementary programs: Chemical Biology, Cell Biology, Natural Product Discovery and Neurobiology.

1) The Chemical Biology group uses small molecules to explore biological function. Approaches in the Chemical Biology group include dynamic combinatorial chemistry and affinity mass spectrometry as a tool to investigate protein ligand as well as protein confirmation. A microbial gene resource facility will allow research into microbial modulators of protein function.

2) The major focus of the Cell Biology Program is the interplay between genotype and phenotype and the molecular mechanisms involved in cell growth, differentiation and death. The studies are broad ranging from basic genetic regulation and cellular differentiation in cells through to studies on the primary cause of specific human diseases.

3) A collaboration between Natural Product Discovery (NPD), Griffith University and AstraZeneca was established in 1993. NPD undertakes high throughput screening of extracts of plants and marine organisms collected from Queensland’s rainforests and Great Barrier Reef. The unique substances that occur in Australian forests and waters are potential new drugs. Extracts displaying activity in the high throughput screen are examined to identify the structure of the active components.

The scope of the project was expanded in 2000 with the addition of a Medicinal Chemistry section. This addition has resulted in the development of local expertise in yet another link in the drug discovery chain.

4) The goal of the Neurobiology project is to develop new treatments and diagnoses of human brain diseases through an understanding of the cellular and molecular regulation of nervous system development and regeneration. Current research includes autologous cell transplantation therapy for spinal cord repair, the developmental aetiology of schizophrenia, and term cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease.

The Institute has a number of patented technologies available for license, and is keen to develop strategic linkages with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies.

Genomics Research Centre

Based at Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus, the Centre undertakes research into the molecular genetic basis of human disorders; complex disease gene mapping; gene isolation and characterisation; gene sequence analysis and bioinformatics; diagnostic applications and therapeutics development.

The Centre has unique capability in:

• Migraine Molecular Genetics - studies aimed at identifying the genes involved in this common debilitating disorder;

• Cardiovascular Genomics - investigating cardiovascular risk factors in a well-characterised, homogeneous population from Norfolk Island;

• Multiple Sclerosis - aims to identify the genes involved in multiple sclerosis and eventually explore therapeutic possibilities;

• Skin Cancer - identification of the genes involved in the formation of non-melanoma skin cancer and the premalignant skin lesions known as solar keratoses;

• Breast Cancer Genes - studies directed at investigating the genes involved in the development of sporadic human breast cancer and breast cancer invasiveness; and

• Migraine Therapeutics - development of bioassays to detect human platelet and neuronal Ca2+ dependent serotonin release. These involve screening plant extracts to identify those affecting the human serotonergic system as potential new migraine treatments.

• Obesity – studies directed at understanding the underlying genetic basis of this common metabolic condition

• Osteoporosis – Targeted program aimed at identifying genetic pathways and potential drug targets

The Centre is seeking strategic research partnerships with pharmaceutical companies seeking solutions to complex genetic conditions.

Heart Foundation Research Centre

Located at the University’s Gold Campus, this Centre has a major focus in understanding cardiac and vascular responses to injury that might lead to novel therapies. The Centre enjoys a strong national and international reputation with over 40 academic and research staff from the fields of science, health, nutrition, and physiotherapy and exercise science.

Research themes include cell signalling, free radicals, energy metabolism, apoptosis, gene expression, and natural protective mechanisms in a variety of injury models. The Centre receives substantial funding support from the National Heart Foundation of Australia.

The Centre's research activities focus on the basic principles of cardiovascular science that have broad relevance and application with the impact of aging on heart and lung disease the priority research area.

The Centre is pre-eminent in its examination of natural compounds and receptors that enable heart cells to resist cardiovascular damage. Research has shown that the latest candidate - known as the A3 adenosine receptor - may be activated within the body to make the heart resistant to attack.

It is hoped that it may be possible to pre-empt damage by injecting a gene into heart cells to enhance the production of the life-saving A3 receptor protein. The research has attracted five-year funding from the National Institutes of Health of the USA and the National Heart Foundation of Australia.

The Centre is seeking commercial partnership to advance core areas of activity into cardiac protection therapies.

[pic] Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

AstraZeneca, Sequenom, Progen Industries, Glykoz, Meditech, SciVentures.

Partnerships Required

Griffith University is focussing on partners in the following areas:

1) Cancer vaccine companies with interest in autologous and heterologous vaccines;

2) Agbiotech and Agri-chemical companies interested in high throughput screening of extracts of plants and marine organisms collected from Queensland’s rainforests and Great Barrier Reef. The unique substances that occur in Australian forests and waters are potential new herbicides and insecticides;

3) Companies with an interest in carbohydrate technologies, whether for use in infectious diseases, cancer or other purposes.

Gropep Ltd


GroPep Limited is a biopharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and commercialises products that bring significant benefits to human health. GroPep listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2000. Our 85 staff are based at modern, purpose built facilities in Adelaide, South Australia. The Company is a globally orientated business with exports contributing 95% of sales revenue and 72% of total revenue. GroPep operates two related business activities: Biopharmaceutical Drug Development and Biological Products

GroPep posted a $227, 000 profit for the half year ended December 2003, built on a 60% growth in total revenues to AUD$6.5 million. The company expects to be profitable for the full 2003/2004 fiscal year. Furthermore GroPep has now been cash flow positive for the past 4 quarters. Recently GroPep announced a AUD$3 million facility upgrade to support the growing cell culture products business and permit biopharmaceutical production to FDA/TGA standards.

[pic]  Competitive Advantages

Our core technical competencies are:

• Development of processes for GMP implementation

• GMP manufacturing

• Clinical trials design and management

We have extensive know how, capabilities and experience in these areas which are critical to successful biopharmaceutical drug development

[pic]  Technology/Services

Biopharmaceutical Drug Development

GroPep’s strategy is to in-license preclinical products from universities, research institutions, and start up companies with proof of concept in animal models. Managing development through phase 2 trials, and utilising their experience in GMP process development, pharmaceutical industry manufacturing and clinical trial design, GroPep then partners with branded pharmaceutical companies for late stage development and marketing. Currently GroPep is seeking new in-licensing opportunities to maintain its pipeline.

At present, GroPep has 3 products in clinical development, which are available for out-licensing:

• PV903- a self administered vaginally delivered recombinant protein for the treatment of recurrent miscarriage, resulting from an intolerant immune response to the developing foetus, (Pre-clinical).

• PP0102- a topical, peptide formulation for the treatment of psoriasis (Pre-clinical)

• PV701-a topical growth factor composition for the treatment of oral mucositis (completed phase I)

Biological Products

GroPep develops, manufactures and markets growth factors for use in cell culture. Our leading product, LongTMR3IGF-I, a replacement for insulin in serum free culture medium, is marketed and distributed by JRH Biosciences Inc, a subsidiary of CSL Limited. Four US FDA approved pharmaceuticals are manufactured using GroPep growth factors. GroPep also sells growth factors and associated reagents to university, institutional and industrial researchers.

[pic]  Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

• CSL Limited/JRH Biosciences Inc.-a distribution agreement underpinning the marketing and sale of GroPep’s cell culture products

• Campina BV- a license agreement for multinational Campina, to manufacture and sell non-pharmaceutical products utilising GroPep’s WGFE technology

• ImmunoDiagnostic Systems Ltd (IDS)- a collaborative agreement for the joint development and marketing of immunoassay (ELISA) kits for use in the research and diagnostic markets

• OSI Pharmaceuticals- an agreement for worldwide exclusive rights to infertility applications for the PV903 drug substance

• University of Adelaide- a license agreement to develop and commercialise a treatment (PV903), for recurrent miscarriage

• TGR BioSciences Pty Ltd- license agreement to use GroPep technology by commercilaising gastro-intestinal and skin applications of milk derived growth factors. GroPep is also a founding shareholder of TGR Biosciences

• Primegro Limited- are commercialising agricultural and veterinary uses of GroPep developed growth factor technology. GroPep is also a shareholder of Primegro Limited

Partnership Opportunities

At present, GroPep has 3 products in clinical development which are available for out-licensing as discussed above.

Partnerships Required

Currently GroPep is seeking new in-licensing opportunities to maintain its pipeline. We are looking to in-license preclinical products from universities, research institutions, and start up companies with proof of concept in animal models.

IMBcom Pty Ltd

[pic] Overview

IMBcom Pty Ltd occupies a leading position in the business of commercialising Australian biotechnology, drawing on the research base of one of the largest biotechnology research institutes in the country - the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) at The University of Queensland. In the investigation of human and animal biology, the Institute for Molecular Bioscience generates a fund of ideas, many of which lend themselves to innovation and commercialization. This process can lead to new medical treatments, highly valuable health diagnostic products and novel biomedical and other technologies.

IMBcom is the value-adding innovation carrier for these ideas. The company protects the discoveries of the IMB researchers, builds alliances with organizations to promote them, and draws up partnerships with investors who help to grow them into platforms for new enterprises.

IMBcom facilitates commercialisation within the Institute, training its postgraduates and supporting its scientists to capitalise on a culture that recognises the value of commercialisation as a benefit both for the community and for the industry linkages that are created. IMBcom is actively involved in establishing and developing new enterprises and has played a leading role in creating eleven start-up companies in the past four years, as well as forging collaborative alliances with major international companies.

The IMB evolved in 2000 from the merging of a number of Centres of The University of Queensland including the Centre for Drug Design and Development and the Centre for Molecular and Cellular Biology and the ARC Special Research Centre for Functional and Applied Genomics. It is committed to becoming a leading research centre in the molecular biosciences and to the facilitation of commercialisation of its internationally competitive research.

The University recognised the need for a focused approach to the technology and innovation which results from research conducted at the IMB. It was in support of these aims that the IMB and The University of Queensland established IMBcom, which uses the IMB's unique pipeline from genomics through to pharmaceuticals with key commercial activities involving:

• Development of emerging technologies through the establishment of spin-off companies

• Building of partnerships and alliances with major Australian and international biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies

• Sourcing of development funds to assist in proof of concept

• Nurturing of spin-off companies through incubation

IMBcom’s people have backgrounds in science and medical research, law and intellectual property management, which they apply to assist in the commercialisation process of innovative science from the IMB.

The IMB is building a culture of entrepreneurship and technological enterprise where scientists will have opportunities to develop the research and managerial skills to enable them to actively participate in the biotechnology revolution. IMBcom closes the gap between fundamental research and commercialisation. The IMBcom team, co-located with IMB scientists, is actively involved in identifying and developing IMB technologies with them. This close collaboration between business and science facilitates the achievement of milestones that recognise partner needs - both scientific and commercial.

Technology development can be achieved through alliances and licensing arrangements with industry which bridge the gap between the needs of the industry partner and the scientific development process.

[pic] Technology/Services

IMBcom staff work closely with the research scientists to develop an intimate knowledge of their research directions and commercial potential. The close collaboration between business and science enables scientific and commercial goals to be achieved collectively and coherently. IMBcom is dedicated to developing and managing a portfolio of collaborations with industry, government, and other research organisations. We also provide IMB staff and students with education and training in the management of intellectual property and its commercialisation.

IMBcom is not just a technology transfer company. IMBcom has a unique structure consisting of experienced staff work with scientists to identify and develop opportunities for commercialisation through licenses, alliances and start up formation. At IMBcom we provide a commercialisation pipeline through:

• Identification of early stage technologies

• Patent protection of commercial technologies

• Linkage of early stage technologies with seed funding for proof of concept development

• Nurture and project management development projects in association with commercial partners in order to achieve scientific and commercial milestones

• Linkage of market needs to technical capabilities of the IMB

IMBcom provides expertise in the following areas:

• Intellectual property development

• Commercial development

• Corporate Alliances

• Government liaison

• Preparation of business plans and commercially focused grants

• Capital raising and negotiation for venture capital

• Market analysis

• Technology licensing

Spin-Off Companies

Xenome Ltd (with UniQuest Pty Ltd)

Drug discovery and development harnessing the unique variety of Australian venomous species by evaluating their venoms as potential therapeutics.

Promics Pty Ltd (with UniQuest Pty Ltd)

Drug discovery and development focussing on the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

Protagonist Pty Ltd

Expertise in the discovery of small molecules that mimic or inhibit protein-protein interactions. .au

Mimetica Pty Ltd

Development of a chemical technology for creating drug candidates directly from the known structures of natural peptides.

Nanomics Biosystems Pty Ltd

Revolutionary “colloidal barcoding” approach to create massive libraries of identifiable chemical entities that can be effectively utilised.

Start-Up companies

Kalthera Pty Ltd

Exploring the potential of a validated novel protein framework technology that can be applied in a diverse range of pharmaceutical applications.

Cyclagen Pty Ltd

Development of a new technology that relates to new insecticidal peptides for crop protection.

Nephrogenix Pty Ltd (joint venture with Monash University)

Employing expertise in cell and tissue-based therapeutics and growth factors to develop technologies that will facilitate the regeneration of diseased kidneys.

ElaCor Pty Ltd (joint venture with Baker Medical Research Institute)

A new enterprise built on the development of peptide-based therapeutics for the treatment of heart disease.

Developing Projects

IMBcom utilises a unique pipeline of research activities from genomics to pharmaceuticals to build relationships and alliances with industry and the investment community. At present we are developing projects around:

Inflammation: Excess secretion of Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFa) by activated macrophages is a cause of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases. IMB scientists are targeting a novel group of critical trafficking molecules that control the secretion of TNFa. This research is expected to lead to novel, effective and safe treatments of inflammatory diseases.

Anti-Tumour drugs: IMB scientists are investigating differentiating agents that

transform cancer cells to either a non-proliferating or normal phenotype. A novel series of compounds has been developed that display selective cytotoxicity at nanomolar concentrations in a range of human cancer cell lines. Initial animal data indicate that these compounds are orally bioavailable.

BioEnergy: Researchers at the IMB have developed a genetically modified green algal system that uses solar energy to split water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). This new algae produces several times more hydrogen than

the wild-type and has the potential for economical large scale H2 production.

Computational Biology: IMB scientists are utilising super computer facilities and advanced database methodologies to investigate comparisons in genomes and the proteins they encode. They are developing software tools to analyse complex data systems such as pattern discovery methods for relating structure, sequence function and annotation among large data sets.

For more information on these and other developing projects, please contact us.

[pic] Corporate Alliances/Partnerships

Major opportunities exist for alliances and collaborative research with organisations in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector as well as international and local biotechnology companies and government agencies. IMBcom continues to build and develop partnerships with Australian and international companies to assist in the commercialisation of the innovative research programs that arise from the IMB.

Institute for Child Health Research

[pic] Overview

Telethon Institute for Child Health Research improves the health of children through the development and application of research into the causes and prevention of ill-health and the maintenance of health.

Aims of the Institute

• to conduct high quality research

• to apply research findings to improve the health of children, adolescents and families

• to teach the next generation of health researchers

• to be an advocate for research and for children

[pic]  Technology/Services

The Institute's research programs are contained within seven research divisions and the major research programs within those divisions are summarised below.

Cell Biology

Asthma and Allergies

The principal research theme is the aetiology and pathogenesis of immunoinflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, with particular emphasis on atopic asthma. The second major research stream focuses upon postnatal development of T-cell immunity to environmental antigens in humans, in particular airborne allergens relevant to asthma pathogenesis.

Asthma is found in up to 20% of the population and costs the nation up to $700 million per year in therapeutics and lost productivity. It is therefore a significant aspect of the Institute's activities which involves both collaboration within the Institute as well as with co-investigators in Sweden and the UK. The outcomes of this research are likely to be new drugs for asthma therapy but far more importantly a vaccine to prevent asthma in high-risk children. As asthma is now increasing in all developed countries, novel approaches such as these are vital. The Institute is now acknowledged as a world leader in this research. In addition, this program has attracted over $1 million in research support from the international pharmaceutical industry, a testimony of the excellence of the research.

Molecular Biology

House Dust Mite Allergens

This division focuses primarily on the study of house dust mite allergens, the triggers of mite allergy and asthma and experimental immunotherapy.

Clinical Sciences

This division conducts high quality, clinically orientated research that focuses on paediatric respiratory diseases, especially asthma, cystic fibrosis and vaccine preventable disease. There are six primary areas to the research program:

The study of normal growth and development of the lung and how the lung responds to adverse influences,

Researching the mechanisms underlying the host inflammatory response in cystic fibrosis as well as issues related to diet, growth and nutritional requirements,

Performing Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials with new vaccines, conducting trials into non-vaccine treatments of vaccine-preventable diseases and researching the development of immunity to vaccines,

Investigation into the mechanisms of atopic sensitisation, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma,

Analysing the mechanisms underlying the development of asthma and better methods for managing, monitoring and treating asthma, and

The development and application of new techniques for measuring lung function in infants up to the age of two years.

Children's Leukaemia and Cancer

The research program of this division comprises four areas:

• Gene expression profiles in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia,

• Detecting the presence or absence of specific tumour suppressor genes,

• Paediatric brain tumours, and

• Identifying new approaches to find anti-cancer drugs through the development of a platform technology for isolating specific peptide inhibitors of oncoprotein interactions.

This division works closely with the Oncology unit at the Princess Margaret Hospital and is the only collaboration outside the USA that is a member of the Children's Oncology Group (COG); the largest study group for childhood cancers in the world.

The Hospital's bone marrow transplant program depends upon the work of the scientists at the Institute. Cure rates from T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T-ALL) have improved over the last 40 years to 70%. We hope that the outcomes of children with T-ALL will improve further as the research team works to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this disease by investigating the cause.

Population Sciences

• Aboriginal Health and SIDS Research

The Institute has established a culturally appropriate program in Aboriginal health research and is integrally linked to translation of research outcomes into the community. This is ground breaking research and the benefits are both real and long term.

In addition, our research examines the rate of occurrence of SIDS, which remains high in the Aboriginal population, despite a reduction in the population as a whole. This observation has led to another very important and unique study looking at infant care practices in the Aboriginal population.

• Birth Defects

Institute researchers, with other international groups, have been involved in the research into spina bifida and other related severe neural tube defects. We now know that increasing the vitamin folate before and during early pregnancy prevents most neural tube defects in babies and, in collaboration with the Health Department of Western Australia, the Institute implemented the world's first preventative programme. The rate of births with spina bifida began falling in 1996 and is nearly half the rate before the health promotion project was undertaken.

• Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities

Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children and affects one in 500 children born in this country. A child born with CP may suffer from partial paralysis, lack of limb co-ordination, posture and speech defects and even epilepsy. Research at the Institute has identified that only a small percentage of these cases ( ................

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