John Arnold, History: A Very Short ... - University of Bristol

Approaches to History

John Arnold, History: A Very Short Introduction (2000).

Gabrielle M. Spiegel, 'The Task of the Historian', American Historical Review (February 2009).

Richard J. Evans, In Defence of History (1997)

Joan Scott, 'History in crisis? The others' side of the story', American Historical Review 94 (3) (1989), 680-92.

J. Appleby, L. Hunt & M. Jacob, Telling the Truth about History (1994)

Peter Burke (ed.), New Perspectives on Historical Writing (1991)

Peter Burke, History and Social Theory (1992)

Anna Green and Kathleen Troup (eds.), The houses of history. A critical reader in twentieth-century history and theory (1999)

Mary Fulbrook, Historical Theory (2002)

Eric Hobsbawm, On History (1997)

Georg G. Iggers, Historiography in the Twentieth Century (1997)

John Tosh, The Pursuit of History (1999)

Ludmilla Jordana, History in Practice (2000)


Public History in Theory and Practice

Jennifer Evans, `What is Public History?’ and Debra DeRuyver, `The History of Public History’ both at

Rethinking History, Vol 15, Issue 2, 2011 – Special Issue on Public and Popular History

S. Benson et al, Presenting the Past: Essays on History and the Public(1986)

A. Brinkley, `Historians and their Publics,’ Journal of American History, 81/3 (1994): 1027-30   

J. De Groot, Consuming History(2008)

M. Frisch, A Shared Authority: Essays on the Craft and Meaning of Oral and Public History(1990)

R. Grele, `Whose Public? Whose History?,’ Public Historian (1981): 40-48  

E. Linenthal, `Committing History in Public,’ Journal of American History, 81/3 (1994): 986-91  

S. Recken, `Doing Public History: A Look at the How, But Especially the Why,’ American Quarterly, 45/1 (1993): 187-94  

A. Shapiro, `Whose (Which) History is it Anyway?,’ History and Theory, 36/4 (1997): 1-3  

Themes in Contemporary History

P. Catterall, ‘What (if anything) is Distinctive about Contemporary History?’, Journal of ContemporaryHistory 32:4 (1997)

J Palmowski and K Spohr Readman, 'Speaking Truth to Power: Contemporary History in the Twenty-first Century'

Journal of Contemporary History July 2011 46: 485-505, 

P.J. Corfield, `Review Article: The State of History’, Journal of Contemporary History 36:1 (2001)

Walter Laqueur & George L. Mosse, `Preface’ to 20th Anniversary Issue, Journal of Contemporary History 21:2 (1986)

G. Barraclough, An Introduction to Contemporary History (1964): esp. Ch.1

B. Brivati, J. Buxton & A. Seldon (eds.), The Contemporary History Handbook (1996)

R. P. Dutt, Problems of Contemporary History (1962): esp. Preface & Ch.1

A. Seldon (ed.), Contemporary History: Practice and Method (199

Themes in Cultural and Intellectual History

P. Burke, What is cultural history? (2008)

G. Eley, A crooked line: from cultural history to the history of society (2005)

L. Hunt ed., The new cultural history (1989)

D. La Capra, Rethinking intellectual history: texts, contexts, language (1983)

James Tully ed., Meaning and context: Quentin Skinner and his critics (1988)

M. Bevir, The logic of the history of ideas (1999)

Themes in the History of Colonialism

Antoinette Burton (ed.) After the imperial turn: thinking with and through the nation (Durham, N.C., 2003).

Leela Gandhi, Postcolonial theory: a critical introduction (Edinburgh, 1998).

Catherine Hall (ed.) Cultures of Empire: colonizers in Britain and the Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: a reader (Manchester, 2000).

Bart Moore-Gilbert, Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics (London, 1997).

Anthony Pagden, Lords of all the World: Ideologies of Empire in Spain, Britain and France, c. 1500-1800 (London, 1995).

Robert Young, Postcolonialism: an historical introduction (Oxford, 2001).

- A useful site providing introductions on various theorists and writers as well as selections of extracts from many key texts.


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