When did the Romans conquer Britain? When did they leave ...

❖ When did the Romans conquer Britain? When did they leave the country?

The Romans conquered Britain in the year 43 AD when Claudius was Roman emperor.

They left the country in 410 AD when the Germans invaded the empire and every man was needed to defend the borders.

❖ Who lived in Britain before the Roman conquest?

Before the Roman conquest Celtic tribes lived in Britain.

❖ What does Caesar say about the inhabitants of Britain? When and why did he cross the Channel?

Caesar crossed the Channel in 54 BC. He says that the Celtic tribes were badly equipped and poorly disciplined. Before and during the battle they made an awful noise.

❖ Why did they want to conquer the country?

Because of the farmland, the minerals (gold, copper), slaves and the trade.

❖ Who was Agricola? What did he do in Britain?

Agricola was a Roman general responsible for much of the Roman conquest of Britain. He was also the governor of the province of Britannia.

❖ Why did the Romans defeat the Celts?

Roman troops were well trained for a life of marching and fighting.

❖ How was a Roman soldier equipped?

He had a small dagger on his left side and a big sword on his right. He also carried a shield with which he protected himself and also served to hit the enemy. His body was covered with a lorica segmentata which allowed him to walk and to bend, while on his head he wore helmet, which was quite comfortable to wear. The entire kit weighed about 30 kilos.

❖ What is a ballista?

It was an ancient Roman weapon which fired large bolts .

❖ Which were the most important Roman towns? What are they called now?

Some of the most important Roman towns were Londinium (London), Camulodonum (Colchester), Verulamium (St. Albans), Deva (Chester), Aquae Sulis (Bath).

❖ Why did the Romans think London was important?

Because it is on the mouth of the river Thames, which is a good position for trade with the Continent.

❖ What is Hadrian's wall? Why was it built?

It is a wall which was built on the orders of Emperor Hadrian at the beginning of the II century AD. It stretches from coast to coast and it was designed to defend the borders of the Roman province Britannia from the population who lived in Scotland, Celtic tribes called Picti.

❖ Where can you now find the most important Roman remains/ruins in Britain?

There are many remains of Roman times in Britain. Hadrian's wall is, of course, the most important. There you could, for example, visit the Vindolanda fort (castrum).

But all over the country you can see Roman villas, roads, amphitheatres, baths and city walls.


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