Unit 13: Imperialism and WW1 - Weebly

1. The most important of England’s colonies during the era of new Imperialism was

2. A major commodity in Britain’s exports to China was

3. The event which caused the British government to take direct control of India was

4. The formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 demonstrates 791

5. One of the most perceptive critics of imperialism was 793

6. All of the following are explanations for the New Imperialism EXCEPT

7. Which of the following was NOT a possible cause of the New Imperialism?

8. 7.The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857

9. Throughout the 1900s, an increased need for both raw materials and new markets for manufactured goods led various European nations to pursue policies of

10. At the end of the 1800s, colonies were generally seen as a

11. Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” seemed to indicate that

12. The 19th century term "white man's burden" means

13. The Berlin Conference of 1885 was called to address the status of 805

14. The most direct cause of the Berlin Conference of 1885 was

15. 19th century British imperialism was centered in which area of Africa?798

16. What was the geopolitical importance of Egypt to the British?

17. The Suez Canal is significant in the history of the New Imperialism because

18. The Suez Canal episode in the early 1880s illustrates which of the following aspects of the “New Imperilaism”798

19. In the late nineteenth century, the British commonly referred to the Suez Canal in Egypt as the “Lifeline of the Empire” because it

20. Both, the French and the British were interested in controlling Egypt in the mid 19th century because Egypt had

21. The Mahdi rebellion in the Sudan succeed for a while because the

22. In mid 20th century France, the colony whose liberation stirred the most controversy was

23. The two crises over Morocco in the early 20th century almost brought war between

24. H.M. Stanley originally went to Africa to

25. Who was the person who provided the catalyst for the “scramble for Africa”?

26. The “Scramble of Africa” was precipitated by which of the following events

27. The initial German reaction to French colonialism in Africa was

28. Until 1890, who was the arbiter of European diplomacy?

29. What country’s entry into the colonial race in southern Africa threatened Britain’s dominance over the 805Boer republics?805

30. International reaction to British policy during the Boer War is best characterized as

31. In South Africa around the turn of the 20th century, descendants of Dutch settlers

32. The Kruger telegram was evidence of

33. The Fashoda Crisis in Africa resulted from tension between the

34. Which of the following African countries is incorrectly matched with the European country that dominated it in the late 19th century

35. European imperialism in Asia differed from that in Asia differed from that in Africa in which of the following ways?

36. Which was not a justification for the 19th century land grab in Africa and Asia

37. Which of the following regions was NOT part of the US imperial network?

38. In 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to an uprising known as the

39. The Taiping Rebellion I connected to European history because

40. Prior to Matthew Perry’s visit in 1853, Japan’s main source of knowledge of the West since the early 1600s had been through809

41. Which of the following regions was NOT part of the US imperial network?809

42. The Boxers of China favored the

43. The long term result of Western imperialism in China was

44. The Boxer Rebellion was fought to

45. The term “informal empire” best describe the situation in


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