What was the nature of Nationalism in Southeast Asia by 1945

What were the effects of the Japanese Occupation on Southeast Asia

|What were the Stregths & Limitations of Southeast Asian nationalism before World War Two? |

| |

|Everything was a plus point for nationalism. |

|The limitations lay in: |

| |

|Ethnic tensions (eg. in Malaya) |

|Starvation & hardship of World War 2 which limited the appeal of mass movements. |

|Area |Vietnam |Malaya / Indonesia |

|Psychological effects |Gave in to all kinds of pressures to stay in power |Use of British soldiers for public works & |

|(strengths/ plus points) |between 1940 to 1944. This weakened the view of |surrender march through town to Changi prison |

| |French superiority. |weakened the view of British superiority. |

|Myth of White Man’s | | |

|superiority is shattered |Vichy France & Japan sign 1940 Agreement. Allowed |Fall of Singapore, supposedly impregnable fortress |

| |to use French military bases & airstrips. |on Feb 15 1941 weakened the view of British |

|General hardships suffered | |superiority |

|in World War Two – Black |Imprisonment of all French troops and civilians in | |

|market, corruption, |March 1945 | |

|inflation, starvation. | | |

| |Hardships. French are directly blamed. (forced | |

| |export of rice to Japan at low prices) | |

| | | |

| |Famine in Tongkin at end, 1944. 100s of thousands | |

| |killed | |

|Political advantage: | | |

|(strengths/ plus points |The war raised Vietnamese sense of nationalism |The war raised Chinese, Malay, Indian sense of |

| | |nationalism |

|Free from colonial control |Vietnamese administrators promoted to high admin | |

|& experiences in |positions because Vietnamese colony was isolated | |

|administration |from France. Too far away. Eg. Governnor General |Malay & Indian nationalistic leaders given higher |

| |Decoux experimented with ‘federal Indochinese |administrative post. This encouraged their |

| |nation & a Conseil Federal Indochinoise – 23 |political awareness to grow. With this new taste |

| |Frenchmen, 24 Vietnamese, 4 Cambodians, 2 Laotians.|for authority, they wanted changes in the way the |

| | |British ruled Malaya. They also began to SLOWLY |

| | |think about independence. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |The ICP was given the chance to mix simple | |

| |patriotism of resisting French/ Japanese oppression| |

|Put in positions of power |with complex ideas of communism | |

|(not true for Vietnam) | |Eg. Kesatuan Melayu Muda leaders, Ibrahim Yaacob |

| |Creation of Viet Minh – Unietd Front organization |(positions of power & authority) |

| |designed to include anyone who was anti-colonial. |eg. Heiho (auxiliary) units; KRIS / Union of |

| | |Peninsular Indonesia) |

| |In March 1945, Japanese replaced Vichy French | |

| |government with an ‘independent’ government led by |During the Japanese occupation, the brutal |

| |Nguyen emperor Bao Dai but it was the Viet Minh |treatment of the Chinese also encouraged Chinese |

| |which were able to make the most of Japan’s |political awareness. The MPAJA believed that once |

| |weakening grip on Japan. They controlled rural |the Japanese left, British rule would be replaced |

| |areas & towns in the North. Hanoi controlled by |by a Malayan Communist government. |

| |August 1945. | |

| | |MCP were also given an opportunity to help spread |

| | |communist propaganda. (In the past MCP was |

| | |considered illegal by the British. During WW2, |

| | |the British recognised the existence/ legitimacy |

| | |of MCP ) |

| | |Sino(Chinese)-Malay relationships were worsened by |

| | |the war. |

| | | |

| | |During the Japanese Occupation, the Japanese |

|Political disadvantage | |treated the Malays leniently in contrast to other |

| | |races because of the policy of divide and rule. |

| | |. |

| | |The Japanese used the Malay Police to hunt down |

| | |resistance fighters. |

| | | |

| | |In contrast, the Chinese were brutally treated. An|

| | |estimated 50,000 Chinese males were murdered during|

| | |the Sook Ching campaign. (Young males were |

| | |screened (examined) and ear-marked for systematic |

| | |massacre if they |

| | |were found to be healthy or showed anti-Japanese |

| | |sentiments (feelings). |

| | | |

| | |This led to social tensions between the 2 races |

| | |after the war. |

|Area |Vietnam |Malaya / Indonesia |

|Military advantage: | | |

| | | |

|Armed by Japanese forces | | |

|and formed into local |Japanese arming and support of the of the Cao Dai |Indian National Army (INA) |

|military units. |and Hoa Hao nationalistic religious movements to |Subhas Chandra Bose |

| |counter the Viet Minh. |Independence struggle for British India. |

| | |Made many Indians think about independence |

| | | |

| | |KRIS - Kekuatan Rakyat Istimewar (Special Strength |

| | |of the People) but it does not have mass appeal.. |

| | | |

| | |Indonesia – Heiho’ (auxiliary soldiers). |

| | |PETA (Pembela Tanah Air, or Defenders of the |

| | |Motherland) under Indonesian nationalist leaders. |

| | |Mutiny in East Java. |

| | |Called themselves Pemuda. Independence call |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Anti-Japanese movements were led by the Malayan |

| | |Communist Party (MCP). |

|Armed by Allied forces and | |MPAJA (Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army) |

|gained reputation as local |The Viet Minh able to set up its own army. |Chin Peng |

|heroes |The Liberation Army |Experiment with guerilla tactics (hit & run) |

| |Vo Nguyen Giap. |They were given supplies and weapons by the Allies |

|Free from colonial police |Experiment with guerilla tactics (hit & run) |to help fight the Japanese. |

|and military oppression |US weapons and training of technicians from US |- After the war, before British military forces |

| |Office of Strategic Services (OSS) |could arrive to re-occupy Malaya, the MPAJA |

| |Immed after the war, before Allied forces forces |conducted campaigns of terror against Japanese |

| |could arrive in Vietnam, the Viet Minh conducted |collaborators. They had hit lists for people who |

| |campaigns of terror against Japanese collaborators.|co-operated with the Japanese. |

| |(People who helped the Japanese). They had | |

| |hit (wanted) lists for collaborators | |

| | | |

|Area |Vietnam |Malaya / Indonesia |

|Cultural factors: | | |

| | | |

|Limited restriction on |Promotion of education and indochinese culture – |1944/1945. Eg. in Indonesia: Allow for use of the |

|propaganda activities. |new schools. Funds set aside to improve the |Indonesian flag. Singing of the Indonesia Raya. |

|Encouraged to think of |University of Hanoi. Sports movements & rallies to |Maching of Heiho and PETA units in the streets |

|themselves as indigenous |enthuse the youths. | |

|people with rights to the | | |

|land. | | |

| | | |

|Promotion of Japanese | | |

|languages and local | | |

|languages. | | |

|Everything was a plus point for nationalism. |

| |

|The limitations lay in: |

| |

|Ethnic tensions (eg. in Malaya) |

|Starvation & hardship of World War 2 which limited the appeal of mass movements. |


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