Fiction and Non-fiction Themes

Library – Media Resource Centre

Langstaff Secondary School

Richmond Hill, Ontario



|Novel ( Fiction) |Non-fiction |Theme and Novel Review |

|Adams, D. Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the |( Dawkins, R. The God |Godlessness, atheism, negative aspects of |

|Galaxy |Delusion 211 DAW |religions |

| |( Douthat, R. Bad Religion: How |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |We Became A Nation of | |

| |Heretics 277.3 DOU | |

| |( Harris, S. The End of Faith | |

| |200 HAR | |

| |( Hitchens, C. God Is Not Great | |

| |200 HIT | |

|Allende, I. Eva Luna |( Morrison, M. Chile 980 MOR |Class distinction, class struggle |

| |( Childress, D. |(Review: author’s website) |

| |Augusto Pinochet’s Chile | |

| |983.065 PIN CHE | |

|Allende, I. |( Morrison, M. Chile 980 MOR |Semi-autobiographical (magical realism); |

|The House of Spirits |( Childress, D. |dictatorship; class and social |

| |Augusto Pinochet’s Chile |distinction; power of women |

| |983.065 PIN CHE |(Review: SparkNotes) |

|Anderson, R. The War Orphan: The |( Beah, I. A Long Way Gone: |War’s effects on children – orphans and |

|Horrors of War Are Haunting His Dreams|Memoirs of a Boy Soldier |children as soldiers – Vietnam, Vietnam |

| |966.404 BEA |war; orphans |

| |( Child Soldiers (Global |(Review: CMIS) |

| |Viewpoints) 355.0083 MAN |Child Soldiers Initiative |

| |( Cook, K. Stolen Angels: |(Source: Partnership founded by “retired |

| |The Kidnapped Girls of Uganda |lieutenant-general and celebrated |

| |967.61 COO |humanitarian Roméo Dallaire”) |

| |( Dallaire, R. They Fight Like | |

| |Soldiers, They Die Like Children | |

| |967.57 DAL | |

| |( Haugen, D. The Vietnam War | |

| |959.704 HAU | |

| |( Oloya, O. Child to Soldier: Stories from Joseph | |

| |Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army | |

|Anonymous (Joe Klein). Primary Colors:|( Dowd, M. Bushworld: Enter |Politics, government scandal, political |

|A Novel of Politics |at your own risk 973.931 BUS |reporting (Review: The Observer) |

| |( Cameron, S. On The Take: | |

| |Crime, Corruption and Greed | |

| |in the Mulroney Years | |

| |971.0647 CAM | |

|Atwood, M. Oryx and Crake (The Man |( Gore, A. An Inconvenient |Globalization trends, environment, |

|Booker Prize, 2003) |Truth 363.738 GOR |dystopia, genetic mutation |

|(Canadian) | |(Review: The Guardian) |

|Austin, J. |( Forcese, Dennis. |Social classes, class prejudice, romance |

|Pride and Prejudice |The Canadian Class Structure |(Review: The Republic of Pemberley) |

| |305.5 | |

|Blatty, W. |( Scott Peck. Glimpses of the |Exorcism, demonic possession |

|The Exorcist |Devil 235.4 PEC |(Review: author interview, National Public|

| | |Radio) |

|Boyle, T. |( Haerens, M. |Illegal immigration (Mexico-U.S.) (Review:|

|The Tortilla Curtain |Illegal Immigration |Penguin Reading Guides) |

| |325.73 ILL | |

|Condon, R. The Manchurian Candidate |( Sixsmith, Martin. The |CIA hitmen who change the political and |

| |Litvinenko File: The life and |economic landscape of developing countries|

| |death of a Russian spy |for the benefit of the USA; spies, |

| |372.124 LIT SIX |espionage |

| |( Perkins, J. The secret history |(Review: |

| |of the American empire: |The Complete Review) |

| |economic hit men, jackals and | |

| |the truth about global | |

| |corruption 337.73 PER | |

| |( Wright, P. Spy Catcher: | |

| |Autobiography of a Senior | |

| |Intelligence Officer 327.12 WRI | |

|Conrad, J. |( Hochschild, A. King Leopold’s |Colonialism in Africa (Belgian Congo) |

|Heart of Darkness |Ghost 967.5 HOC |(Review: SparkNotes) |

|Conroy, P. |Tittle, P. Should Parents Be Licensed? 649.1 SHO |Abused children |

|Prince of Tides | |(Review: ) |

|Cook, R. |( Leung, P. Sars War 614.5 LEV |Outbreak and spread of uncontrollable |

|Outbreak |Nikiforuk, A. Pandemonium |disease |

| |614.4 NIK |(Review: ) |

| |( Preston, R. Hot Zone 614.5PRE | |

| |CBC News in Review May 2003 | |

- 2 –

|Crichton, M. |( Cooper-Johnston, R. El Nino: |Eco-thriller on eco-terrorism; function of|

|State of Fear |The Weather Phenomenon |social fears over global warming, |

| |that Changed the World |pollution, severe weather; limits of |

| |551.6 COU |knowledge |

| |( Klein, N. The Shock Doctrine: |(Review: J. Masters, Ph.D., Director of |

| |the rise of disaster capitalism |Meteorology, Weather Underground Inc.) |

| |306.342 KLE | |

| |( Reiss, B. The Coming Storm | |

| |551.55 REI | |

|Cross, D. |( Deborah Grey: Never Retreat, |Powerful women |

|Pope Joan |Never Explain, Never Apologize |(Review: |

| |971.064 GRE GRE |Random House, Inc.) |

| |( Hilary Weston: No Ordinary | |

| |Time 971.3 WES WES | |

| |( Martha Stewart 640.92 PAP | |

| |( Women In The Know | |

| |332.024 BOO | |

|Crowell, J. |( Fitzgerald, H. The Grieving |Death in the family |

|Necessary Madness |Teen 155.9 FIT |(Review: The New York Times) |

|Mosionier, B.C. |( Fournel, K. Great Women from our First Nations |Native Peoples, racism, colonialism |

|In Search of April Raintree |305.48 FOU |(Review: The British Columbia Quarterly) |

|(Canadian) | | |

|Danticat, E. |( Tittle, P. Should Parents Be Licensed? 649.1 TIT |Abused Children, Haiti |

|Breath, Eyes, Memory |( Child Abuse 362.76 CHI |(Review: GoodReads) |

|Dai Sijie, |( Chong, D. Egg on Mao 951.05 CHO |Life and love during Mao’s Cultural |

|Balzac and the Little Chinese |( Chung, J. Mao: The Unknown Story 951.05 MAO CHA |Revolution (China) (Review: |

|Seamstress |( Wong, J. Red China Blues 951.05 WON |Reading Group Guides) |

|Diamant, A. |( Book, J. et al. Women in the |Women – Victims |

|The Red Tent |Know: How to Build a Strategy |Traditions and turmoils of ancient |

| |To Achieve Financial Success |womanhood |

| |332.024 BOO |(Review: |

| |( Canadian Woman Studies: |GoodReads) |

| |Women in Poverty 305.4 | |

| |( Fraser, S. A Woman’s Place: | |

| |Seventy Years in the Lives of | |

| |Canadian Women 305.4 WOM | |

| |( Greer, G. The Change | |

| |612.665 GRE | |

| |( Prentice, A. Canadian Women: | |

| |A History 305.40971 CRA | |

| |( Wollstonecraft, M. | |

| |A Vindication of | |

| |the Rights of Woman | |

| |305.4 WOL | |

|Dorris, M. Yellow Raft in Blue Water |( Do All Indians Live in Tipis? |Native Peoples (Review: SparkNotes) |

| |970.004 DOA | |

|Dostoyevsky, F. |( Lyons, L. The History of |Death penalty, punishment, guilt, |

|Crime and Punishment |Punishment 364.6 LYO |redemption |

| |( Prejean, H. Dead Man |(Review: |

| |Walking 364.66 PRE |SparkNotes) |

|Doyle, A.C. |( Gerber, S. Chemistry and |Forensics, History (Review: |

|The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes |Crime: From Sherlock Holmes |Page by Page Books) |

| |to Today’s Courtroom | |

| |363.256 CHE | |

|Du Maurier, D. |( A Brief History of Crime |Crime and deception; |

|Rebecca |364.0941HIT |English upper class (Literapedia |

| | |Booknotes) |

|Dumas, A. |( Rule, A. Every Breath You |Greed, false accusations, wrongful |

|The Count |Take 364.15 |imprisonment, revenge |

|of Monte Cristo | |(Review: SparkNotes) |

|Echlin, K. |( Goodall, J. Beyond Innocence: |Animal-human Interaction |

|Elephant Winter |An Autobiography in Letters |(Review: Goodreads) |

| |590.92 GOO | |

|Edwards, K. |( Brown, I. The Boy in the Moon |Disability, Adoption, Down’s Syndrome |

|Memory |362.196 BRO (Canadian) |(Review: The Guardian) |

|Keeper’s Daughter |( Down Syndrome 616.85 MAR | |

| |( Levine, M. | |

| |A Mind at a Time 370.15 | |

| |( McElwain, J. The Game | |

| |Of My Life 616.85 MCE | |

| |( Ratto, L. Coping With Being | |

| |Physically Challenged | |

| |641.151RAT | |

|Ellison, R. |( Bauerlein, M. Negrophobia: |U.S. Black youth’s disillusionment with |

|Invisible Man |A Race Riot in Atlanta, 1906 |society, communist party, thought control |

| |975.8 BAU |(Review: |

| |( DuBois, W. The Souls of Black |The New York Times) |

| |Folk 306.896 DUB | |

| |( Griffin, J. Black Like Me | |

| |305.896 GRI | |

| |( Henry, F. The Colour of | |

| |Democracy: Racism in | |

| |Canadian Society 305.8 HEN | |

|Ernaux, A. |( Dippel, R. Caring for the |Alzheimer’s Disease (Review: |

|A Woman’s Story |Alzheimer patient: a practical |Newsday) |

| |guide 616.83103 DIP | |

|Erdrich, L. |( |U.S. Native themes; sexual assault; |

|The Round House (U.S. | |pursuit of justice |

|Native American; | |(Review: |

|New York Times Bestseller) | |The Guardian) |

|Eugenides, J. |( Fine, C. Delusions of Gender: |Gender identity, ambiguity; Greek |

|Middlesex |How Our Minds, Society, and |immigration |

|(Pulitzer Prize, 2002) |Neurosexism Create Difference |(Review: |

| |612.82 FIN |The Guardian) |

| |( Sax, L. Why Gender Matters | |

| |305.3 SAX | |

|Evans, N. |( Coren, S. How To Speak Dog |Animal-human interaction |

|The Horse Whisperer |636.7 COR |(Review: author’s website) |

|Farmer, N. The House of the Scorpion |( Roleff, T. Cloning 176 CLO |Cloning, future dystopia, war on drugs |

|(The National Book Award) |( Gray, J. Why the war on drugs |(Review: |

| |has failed and what we can do |author’s website) |

| |about it 362.29 GRA | |

|Ferguson, W. |( Glenny, M. Darkmarket: |Cyber scams; Nigerian Internet scams; |

|419 (Giller Prize, 2013) |cyberthieves, cybercops and you |Christianity-Islam |

| |364.168 GLE |(Review: |

| |Diebert, R. Black Code (review) |The Toronto Star) |

|Findley, T. Pilgrim |( McLynn, F. Carl Gustave Jung |Psychiatry; Carl Jung; mental illness; |

|(Canadian; recipient of Governor |150.19 JUN MACL |euthanasia |

|General’s Award for Fiction, 1977) |( Euthanasia 179.7 EUT |(Review: Canadian Literature: A Quarterly|

| |( Peck, S. Denial of the Soul |of Criticism and Review) |

| |1 79.7 PEC | |

|Findley, T. |( Cohen, D. Animal Rights: A |War; concern for animal rights, |

|The Wars |Handbook for Young Adults |nationalism |

|(Canadian; recipient of Governor |179 COH |(Review: CanLit Guides, Reading and |

|General’s Award for Fiction, 1977) |( Brewster, M. The Savage War: |Writing Canada) |

| |The Untold Battles of | |

| |Afghanistan 958.1048 BRE | |

|Fitch, J. |( Howe, R. Children’s Rights in |Mother-daughter relationships; foster-home|

|White Oleander |Canada: A Question of |care; coming of age |

| |Commitment 323.3 QUE |(Review: BookBrowse) |

| |( Pipher, M. Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of | |

| |Adolescent Girls 305.235 PIP | |

| |( Adams, G. Moving Toward Positive Systems of Child | |

| |and Family Welfare 362.7 MOV | |

|Follett, K. |( Roleff, T. Cloning 176 CLO |Cloning, nature vs nurture, responsibility|

|The Third Twin |( The Ethics of Human Cloning |(Review: author’s website) |

| |176 CLO | |

|Franzen, J. |( Lane, C. Shyness: How |Overmedication in America; misuse and |

|The Corrections |Normal Behaviour Became a |abuse of psychiatry, medication |

| |Sickness; 616.89 LAN |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |( Family Circles (video) | |

| |AV VR 730 FAM | |

| |( Welch, G. Overdiagnosed: | |

| |Making People Sick in the | |

| |Pursuit of Health 616.07 WEL | |

|Franzen, J. |( Hedges, C. Days of Destruction, |Environment: Mountain Top Removal (Review:|

|Freedom |Days of Revolt 305.560973 HED |Oprah’s Book Club) |

| |( Marsden, W. Stupid to the Last | |

| |Drop 333.38. MAR | |

| |( Nikiforuk, A. | |

| |Tar Sands 333.8232 NIK | |

|Gaines, E. |( Bauerlein, M. Negrophobia: |Death row, race relations, southern USA |

|A Lesson Before Dying (Pulitzer Prize |A Race Riot in Atlanta, 1906 |(Review: SparkNotes) |

|Nomination; National Book Critics |975.8 BAU | |

|Circle Award) |( DuBois, W. The Souls of Black | |

| |Folk 306.896 DUB | |

|Gibson M. |( Dippel, R. Caring for the |Alzheimer’s Disease |

|Opium Dreams |Alzheimer patient: a practical |(Review: McClelland Publishers) |

| |guide 616.83103 DIP | |

|Govier, K. |( Lawrence, K. The World |Powerful women; WW II correspondent |

|Angel Walk |According to Oprah |(Review: author’s website) |

|(Canadian) |791.45 WIN WIN | |

|Gowdy, B. |( Goodall, J. Beyond Innocence: |Animal-human interactions |

|The White Bone (Canadian) |An autobiography in letters; |(Review: |

| |the later years 690.92 GOO |Publisher’s Weekly) |

|Grisham, John. |( Lawyers Gone Bad: Money, |Power and corruption in the legal system |

|The Firm or |Sex and Madness in Canada’s |(Review: author’s website) |

|The Associate |Legal Profession 340 SLA | |

|Gruen, S. |( Gillick, M. The Denial of Aging |Aging |

|Water for Elephants |646.7 GIL |(Review: The Guardian) |

|Guest, J. |( Ayer, E. |Death in the family |

|Ordinary People |Depression 616.852 AYE |(Review: Sparknotes) |

|Haddon, M. The Curious Incident of |( Bashe, P.R. The Parents’ Guide |Autism, prejudice; differences |

|the Dog in the Night-time |to Teaching Kids with Asperger |(Review: SparkNotes) |

| |Syndrome 618.92 | |

| |( Cohen, K. Seeing Ezra: | |

| |A Mother’s Story of Autism, | |

| |Unconditional Love, and the | |

| |Meaning of Normal | |

| |616.85 COH | |

| |( Mirror Neurons and Autism | |

| |Scientific American Nov. 2006 | |

| |( Literature Newsmaker | |

| |( Fleischmann, A. Carly’s Voice | |

| |616.85 FLE | |

| |( Grandin, T. The Autistic Brain | |

| |616.85 GRA | |

| |( Snedden, R. Explaining Autism | |

| |616.85 SNE | |

|Hamid, M. |( Hirsi Ali, A. Infidel, 949.2 HIR |Fundamentalism – East West Culture Clash |

|The Reluctant Fundamentalist |( Marcovitz, H. Religious |(Review: author’s website) |

| |Fundamentalism 200.9 MAR | |

|Hamilton, J. |( Trial of Charles Smith, child |Child abuse; false accusation; betrayal |

|A Map |pathologist, investigates his |(Review: Publishers Weekly) |

|of the World |mistaken accusations, leading to | |

| |innocent people’s being jailed | |

| |; Charles Smith Blog | |

| |( Clancy, S. | |

| |The Trauma Myth 362.76 | |

|Hanaver, C. |( Crook, M. Looking good: |Eating disorders |

|My Sister’s Bones |teenagers and eating disorders |(Review: Author’s own) |

| |616.8526CRO | |

| |( Bulimia, Anorexia 616.8526 | |

| |( Anorexia, Bulimia 616.8526 | |

| |SON | |

| |( Hornbacher, M. Wasted: A | |

| |Memoir of Anorexia and | |

| |Bulimia 616.8526 HOR | |

|Heller, J. Catch-22 |( Hughes-Wilson, J. A brief |Cold War (Korea), survival, heroism, leadership |

| |history of the Cold War: the |(Review: Vanity Fair) |

| |hidden truth about how close | |

| |we came to nuclear conflict | |

| |909.82 HUG | |

|Hiassen, C. | |Power, corruption, greed, social commentary in |

| | |Florida |

|Hill, L. |( Dubinsky, K. Babies Without |Slavery, racism, survival, adaptation, |

|The Book |Borders (Ni se compra, ni se |colonialism, immigration |

|of Negroes (Canadian; recipient|vende) 362.734 DUB |(Teacher’s Guide, Harper Collins) |

|of the Commonwealth Writer’s |( Mackey, F. Done With Slavery: | |

|Prize for Overall Best Book, |The Black Fact in Montreal | |

|2008) |971.4 MACK | |

| |( Meyler, P. A Stolen Life: | |

| |Searching for Richard Pierpoint | |

| |971.3 PIE MEY | |

| |( Pitt, S. To Stand and Fight | |

| |Together: Richard Pierpoint | |

| |and the Coloured Corps of | |

| |Upper Canada 971.3 PIT | |

| |( Tracey, L. A Scattering of | |

| |Seeds: The Creation of Canada | |

| |971 TRA; plus video: The Story | |

| |of Mary Ann Shadd AV971 SCA | |

|Hoag, T. |( Snedden, R. Explaining Autism |Racism, autism, stalking, syndicate criminals |

|A Thin, Dark Line |616.85 SNE |(Review: The Mystery Reader) |

|Hosseini, K. |( Hirsi Ali, A. Nomad 305.42 HIR |Family disruption; human connection, |

|And The Mountains Echoed |( Hirsi Ali, A. Infidel 949.2 HIR |disconnection; gender divide |

| |( Marcovitz, H. Religious |(Review: The Hindustan Times) |

| |Fundamentalism 200.9 MAR | |

| |( Pigott, P. Canada in | |

| |Afghanistan 958.104 PIG | |

|Hosseini, K. |( Pigott, P. Canada in |Afghanistan, discrimination (Review: Author’s |

|The Kite Runner |Afghanistan 958.104 PIG |website) |

|Hosseini, K. |( Hirsi Ali, A. Nomad 305.42 HIR |Women oppressed by religion; fundamentalism; |

|A Thousand Splendid Suns |( Hirsi Ali, A. Infidel 949.2 HIR |fanaticism (Review: Author’s website) |

| |( Marcovitz, H. Religious | |

| |Fundamentalism 200.9 MAR | |

| |( Pigott, P. Canada in | |

| |Afghanistan 958.104 PIG | |

|Ignatieff, M. Charlie Johnson |( Ignatieff, M. Virtual War |Meditation on war and guilt (Review: The |

|in the Flames |949.7103 |Observer) |

|Irving, J. |( Haugen, D. Adoption |Abortion, adoption, relationships |

|The Cider House Rules |362.734 ADO |(Review: The BestNotes) |

| |( Tittle, P. Should Parents Be | |

| |Licensed? Debating the Issues | |

| |649.1 SHO | |

| |( Dubinsky, K. Babies Without | |

| |Borders: Adoption and | |

| |Migration Across the Americas | |

| |362.734 DUB | |

| |( Wine, J. The Canadian | |

| |Adoption Guide 362.734 WIN | |

|James, P.D. Pemberley |( A Brief History of Crime |Murder, social classes |

| |364.0941HIT |(Review: The New York Times) |

|Johnston, W. |( McCourt, F. Angela’s Ashes |Catholic boyhood |

|The Story of | |(Review: Author’s website) |

|Bobby O’Malley (Canadian) | | |

|Kalman, J. |( Ten Marks and a Train Ticket |Holocaust, displacement, immigration |

|The County | |(Review: Author’s website) |

|of Birches | | |

|Kesey, K. |( Murphy-Paul, A. The cult of |Mental illness; abuses of psychiatric profession |

|One Flew Over |personality: how personality |and institutions |

|The Cuckoo’s Nest |tests are leading us to |(Review: GoodReads) |

| |miseducate our children… | |

| |155.28 PAU | |

|Kindl, P. |( Lane, C. Shyness: How |Overcoming personality quirks, extreme shyness |

|The Woman in the Wall |Normal Behaviour Became a |(Review: |

| |Sickness |The Toronto Public Library) |

| |616.89 LAN | |

|King, T. |( McMillan, A. Native Peoples |Native people; divided loyalties |

|Medicine River (Canadian) |and Cultures of Canada |(Review: |

| |971.00497 MACM |Penguin Books) |

| |( Aboriginal Peoples in Canada | |

| |971.00497 REE | |

|Kingsolver, B. |( Hedges, C. Days of Destruction, |Climate change effects on rural Appalachian |

|Flight Behaviour |Days of Revolt 305.560973 HED |farmers; difficulties of motherhood |

|(Shortlisted: Women’s Prize for| |Review: |

|fiction) | |The Guardian/The Observer |

|Kingsolver, B. |( Robbins, K. All Indians do not |Native people, native child adopted by |

|Pigs in Heaven |live in Teepees 970.004 ROB |non-natives (cross-cultural adoption) |

| |( Dubinsky, K. Babies Without |(Review: ) |

| |Borders: Adoption and | |

| |Migration Across the Americas | |

| |362.734 DUB | |

| |( Wine, J. The Canadian | |

| |Adoption Guide 362.734 WIN | |

|Kingsolver, B. The Poisonwood |( Hochschild, A. King Leopold’s |Colonialism, bullying evangelism, fundamentalism |

|Bible |Ghost 967.5 HOC |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |(Congo-Zaire) | |

| | | |

|Kleinbaum, N. Dead Poet’s |( Peck, S. Denial of the Soul |Poetry, beauty, philosophy, suicide |

|Society |179.7 PEC |(Review: ) |

|Lam, V. |( Cross, M. Vietnam: Spirits of |Chinese immigration; Vietnam War; Chinese |

|The Headmaster’s Wager |the Earth. 959.7 |Cultural Revolution |

| | |(Review: Author’s website) |

|Lamb, W. | |Obsession, suicide |

|She’s Come Undone | |(Review: Oprah’s Book Club) |

|Lamb, W. |( Markowitz, A. Bipolar Disease 616.895 |Dysfunctional families; mental illness |

|I Know This | |(Review: Oprah’s Book Club) |

|Much Is True | | |

|Lanchester, J. |Deneault, A. Offshore: Tax Havens and the Rule of |Bank failure, financial meltdown, terrorism, |

|Capital |Global Crime 336.24 |relationships |

| |Kirtzman, A. Betrayal: The Life and Lies of Bernie |(Review: The Globe and Mail) |

| |Madoff 364.16 MAD | |

| |Reynolds, J. Free Rider 364.16 REY (Canadian – | |

| |excellent read) | |

|LeCarré, J. |( Gifford, Clive: Espionage and |Espionage-CIA, KGB, MI5, Russian Criminality |

|Our Kind |Disinformation: the unseen |under Putin |

|of Traitor |world 327.112 GIF |(Review: The Globe and Mail) |

| |( Glenny, M. Darkmarket: | |

| |cyberthieves, cybercops and you | |

| |364.168 GLE | |

| |( Sixsmith, M. | |

| |The Litvinenko File 327.124 LIT | |

|LeCarré, J. |( Gifford, Clive: Espionage and |Espionage-CIA, KGB, MI5, Perestroika |

|The Russia House |Disinformation: the unseen |(Review: Author’s website) |

| |world 327.112 GIF | |

|Lessing, D. |( Freedman, E. The Essential |Male-female rivalry; female superiority; |

|The Cleft |Feminist Reader 305.422 ESS |creation myth rewritten |

| |( Sax, L. Why Gender Matters: |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |what parents and teachers | |

| |need to know... 305.3 SAX | |

| |( Phillips, M. The Ascent of | |

| |Woman 324.6 PHI | |

|Lessing, D. |( Snyder, C. Euthanasia |Euthanasia; parental responsibility; family|

|Fifth Child and |179.7 EUT |relationships |

|Ben in the World |( Harris, N. The Ethics of |(Review: Author’s website) |

| |Euthanasia 179.7 ETH | |

| |( Jackson Euthanasia 179.7 JAC | |

| |( Peck, S. Denial of the Soul | |

| |179.7 PEC | |

| |( Williams, M. Terminal Illness | |

| |364.15 TER | |

|Lessing, D. |( Stewart, G. America Under |IRA terrorism in England; |

|The Good Terrorist |Attack: September 11, 2001 |Terrorists’ causes, ethics |

| |973.931 STE |(Review: Author’s website) |

| |( Dershowitz Why Terrorism | |

| |Works: understanding the | |

| |threat, responding to the | |

| |challenge 303.625 | |

| |( Hoge, J. How did this | |

| |Happen? 973.931 HOG | |

| |( Lee, N. A Nation Challenged | |

| |973.931NAT | |

|Lessing, D. |( Ellis, E. Our stories, our |AIDS in Africa; inefficiency of NGOs; |

|The Sweetest Dream |songs: African children talk |long-lasting effects of war on people |

| |about AIDS 362.7 ELL; |(Review: Author’s website) |

| |( Nolen, S. Stories of AIDS in | |

| |Africa 362.196 NOL; | |

|Levin, I. |( Genetic Engineering |A Nazi-hunter’s pursuit of Joseph Mengele; |

|The Boys from Brazil |660.65 GEN |cloning |

| | |(Review: The Guardian) |

|MacIntyre, L. |( Cameron, G. Moving Toward |Exploitation and sexual abuse of children |

|The Bishop’s Man (Canadian; Giller |Positive Systems of Child and |by the Catholic Church |

|Prize Winner: “with the page-turning |Family Welfare 352.7 MOV |(Review: |

|energy of a thriller” – see |( Driver, E. Child Sexual Abuse: |The Globe and Mail) |

|The Globe and Mail Review, 3rd |Feminist Perspectives | |

|column→ |362.76 CHI | |

| |( Gerdes, L. Child Abuse | |

| |362.76 CHI | |

|Meyer, D. | |Ethical treatment of wildlife (poaching), |

|Blood Safari | |racism, govern-ment corruption, falsely |

|(award-winning | |accused, money, poverty, greed |

|thriller-mystery-suspense novelist) | |(Review: The Guardian) |

|Meyer, D. |( Rosenbaum, T. Pay Back: |Revenge, redemption |

|Dead Before Dying |The Case for Revenge 364.601 |(Review: Complete Review) |

|Meyer, D. |( Cameron, G. Moving Toward |Death penalty, vigilantism, drug trade, |

|Devil’s Peak |Positive Systems of Child and |corrupt legal system, child abuse (to “cure|

|(award-winning |Family Welfare 352.7 MOV |AIDS”), alcoholism |

|thriller-mystery-suspense novelist) |( Claypool, J. Alcohol and You |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |362.292 CLA | |

| |( Driver, E. Child Sexual Abuse: | |

| |Feminist Perspectives | |

| |362.76 CHI | |

| |( Gerdes, L. Child Abuse | |

| |362.76 CHI | |

| |( Peacock, N. Drowning Our | |

| |Sorrows 362.292 PEA | |

| |( Turow, S. Ultimate Punishment | |

| |(death penalty) 345.73 TUR | |

|Meyer, D. | |Government corruption, racism |

|Thirteen Hours | |(Review: author’s website) |

|(award-winning | | |

|thriller-mystery-suspense novelist) | | |

|Meyer, D. | |Ethical treatment of wildlife; smuggling, |

|Trackers | |poaching; duplicity; espionage |

|(award-winning | |(Review: The Independent) |

|thriller-mystery-suspense novelist) | | |

|Michaels, A. |( Lawliss, C. And God Cried: |Holocaust victims and survivors |

|Fugitive Pieces (Canadian; Orange |The Holocaust Remembered |(Review: The Guardian) |

|Prize Winner) |940.5318 LAW | |

| |( Lawton, C. The Story of the | |

| |Holocaust 940.5318 LAW | |

| |( Levi, P. Auschwitz Report | |

| |940.5318 LEV | |

|Mistry, R. |( Jarman, M. |Poverty in India; gap between rich and |

|A Fine Balance |Rich World Poor World 339.46 |poor; horrors of the caste system |

| | |(Mistry talks about his book, CBC Digital |

| | |Archives) |

|Mitchard, J. |( Didion, . The Year of Magical |Kidnapping, loss, |

|Deep End of the Ocean |Thinking 155.9 DID |depression |

| |( Ehrenberg, A. The Weariness |(Review: |

| |of the Self: Diagnosing the |Kirkus Book Reviews and Recommendations) |

| |History of Depression | |

| |616.65 EHR | |

| |( Empfield, M. Understanding | |

| |Teenage Depression | |

| |616.8527 EMP | |

| |( Grollman, E. Living When a | |

| |Young Friend Commits | |

| |Suicide, Or Even Starts | |

| |Talking About it 155.937 GRO | |

|Mitchell, M. |( Donovan, T. The American |American Civil War; war’s effects on |

|Gone With The Wind |Civil War 973.73 AME |individuals; women and war |

| | |(Review: Book Addiction blog) |

|Morrison, T. |( Mackey, F. Done With |Slavery, racism |

|Beloved |Slavery: The Black Fact in |(Review: The Guardian) |

|(Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993) |Montreal 971.4 MACK | |

| |( Meyler, P. A Stolen Life: | |

| |Searching for Richard | |

| |Pierpoint 971.3 PIE MEY | |

|Morrison, T. |( Mackey, F. Done With Slavery: |American South, Racism |

|The Bluest Eye |The Black Fact in Montreal |(Review: ) |

|(Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993) |971.4 MACK | |

| |( Meyler, P. A Stolen Life: | |

| |Searching for Richard Pierpoint | |

| |971.3 PIE MEY | |

| |( Pitt, S. To Stand and Fight | |

| |Together: Richard Pierpoint | |

| |and the Coloured Corps of | |

| |Upper Canada 971.3 PIT | |

| |( Tracey, L. A Scattering of | |

| |Seeds: The Creation of Canada | |

| |971 TRA; plus video: The Story | |

| |of Mary Ann Shadd | |

| |AV971 SCA | |

|Morrison, T. |( Bauerlein, M. |Women, Mass Violence, Victims |

|Paradise |Negrophobia : A Race Riot |(Review: GoodReads) |

|(Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993) |in Atlanta, 1906 975.8 BAU | |

| |( Boyko, J. Last Steps to | |

| |Freedom: The Evolution of | |

| |Canadian Racism 305.8 BOY | |

| |( Griffin, J. Black Like Me | |

| |305.896 GRI | |

| |( Henry, F. The Colour of | |

| |Democracy: Racism in | |

| |Canadian Society 305.8 HEN | |

| |( Kinsella, W. Web of Hate: | |

| |Inside Canada’s Far Right | |

| |Network 305.8 KIN | |

| |( McKague, O. Racism in | |

| |Canada 305.8 RAC | |

|Morrison, T. |( Bauerlein, M. |Black-White relations; Women – Victims |

|Tar Baby |Negrophobia : A Race Riot |(Review: The New York Times) |

|(Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993) |in Atlanta, 1906 975.8 BAU | |

| |( Boyko, J. Last Steps to | |

| |Freedom: The Evolution of | |

| |Canadian Racism 305.8 BOY | |

| |( Griffin, J. Black Like Me | |

| |305.896 GRI | |

| |( Henry, F. The Colour of | |

| |Democracy: Racism in | |

| |Canadian Society 305.8 HEN | |

| |( Kinsella, W. Web of Hate: | |

| |Inside Canada’s Far Right | |

| |Network 305.8 KIN | |

| |( Mackey, F. Done With Slavery: | |

| |The Black Fact in Montreal | |

| |971.4 MACK | |

| |( McKague, O. Racism in | |

| |Canada 305.8 RAC | |

|Naipaul, V. |( Hochschild, A. King Leopold’s |African neo-colonialism; dictatorship; |

|A Bend in the River |Ghost 967.5 HOC |slavery (Review: The New York Times) |

| |( Mackey, F. Done With Slavery: | |

| |The Black Fact in Montreal | |

| |971.4 MACK | |

|Norden, N. |( Bauerlein, M. |American South, Racism |

|Wolf Whistle |Negrophobia : A Race Riot |(Review: Indie Book Spot) |

| |in Atlanta, 1906 975.8 BAU | |

| |( Boyko, J. Last Steps to | |

| |Freedom: The Evolution of | |

| |Canadian Racism 305.8 BOY | |

| |( Griffin, J. Black Like Me | |

| |305.896 GRI | |

| |( Henry, F. The Colour of | |

| |Democracy: Racism in | |

| |Canadian Society 305.8 HEN | |

| |( Kinsella, W. Web of Hate: | |

| |Inside Canada’s Far Right | |

| |Network 305.8 KIN | |

| |( Mackey, F. Done With Slavery: | |

| |The Black Fact in Montreal | |

| |971.4 MACK | |

| |( McKague, O. Racism in | |

| |Canada 305.8 RAC | |

|Ondaaje, M. |( Hoo, G. World War II |Horrors of war (Review: The Independent) |

|The English Patient |940.53 HOO | |

|Pasternak, B. |( Floyd, D. Russia in Revolt |People caught in the chaos of war and the |

|Doctor Zhivago |947.08FLO |Russian Revolution (Review: The Guardian) |

| |( Lewin, M. Russia USSR 947.08 | |

| |( Pitcher, H. Witnesses of the | |

| |Russian Revolution | |

| |947.0841 PIT | |

- 5 –

|Patchett, A. Bell Canto |( Haugen, D. Terrorism |Terrorism |

| |303.626 TER |(Review: The Guardian) |

|Patterson, J. 3rd Degree |( Townsend, J. Organized Crime |Organized crime |

| |364.1 TOW | |

|Phillips, C. Crossing the River |( Bauerlein, M. |Slavery; abandonment; betrayal |

| |Negrophobia : A Race Riot |(Review: The New York Times) |

| |in Atlanta, 1906 975.8 BAU | |

| |( Boyko, J. Last Steps to | |

| |Freedom: The Evolution of | |

| |Canadian Racism 305.8 BOY | |

| |( Griffin, J. Black Like Me | |

| |305.896 GRI | |

| |( Henry, F. The Colour of | |

| |Democracy: Racism in | |

| |Canadian Society 305.8 HEN | |

| |( Kinsella, W. Web of Hate: | |

| |Inside Canada’s Far Right | |

| |Network 305.8 KIN | |

| |( Mackey, F. Done With Slavery: | |

| |The Black Fact in Montreal | |

| |971.4 MACK | |

| |( McKague, O. Racism in | |

| |Canada 305.8 RAC | |

|Power, S. |( Smithsonian. Do All Indians |U.S. Native people’s culture, mythology; |

|The Grass Dancer |Live in Tipis? Questions and |murder |

| |Answers from the National |(Review: Penguin Books) |

| |Museum of the American Indian | |

| |970.004 DOA | |

|Puzo, M. |( Townsend, J. Organized Crime |Mafia; organized crime |

|The Godfather |364.1TOW |(Review: Goodreads) |

| |( Sher, J. The Road to Hell: How | |

| |the biker gangs are conquering | |

| |Canada 364.106 SHE | |

|Pyper, A. | |Kidnapping; mortality |

|The Guardians | |(Review: Official website) |

|Pyper, A. |( Scott Peck. Glimpses of the |Demonic possession |

|The Demonologist |Devil 235.4 PEC |(Review: Official website) |

|Quindlin, A. |( Haugen, D. Domestic Violence |Family violence (Review: Author’s |

|Black and Blue |362.82 DOM |website) |

|Rand, A. The Fountainhead |( French, H. Architecture: A |Creative non-conformism; architecture |

| |Crash Course 720.9 FRE |(Review: Sparknotes) |

| |( Howarth, E. Crash Course in | |

| |Architecture 720.9 HOW | |

| |( Lind, Carla. Lost Wright: Frank | |

| |Lloyd Wright’s Vanished | |

| |Masterpieces 720 WRI.LIN | |

|Reichs, K. Death Du Jour |( Wingate, A. Scene of the Crime |Forensic Science (Review: |

| |363.2502 WIN |Author’s website) |

|Reynolds, J. Beach Strip |( Slayton, P. Lawyers Gone Bad: |Police corruption; infidelity (Review: |

|(Canadian; Arthur Ellis Award Winnter)|Money, Sex and Madness in |Quill and Quire Magazine) |

| |Canada’s Legal Profession | |

| |340 SLA | |

| |( Townsend, J. Organized Crime | |

| |364.1 TOW | |

|Ricci, N. |( Howe, B. A Question of |Untimely pregnancy; birth by unknown |

|Lives of the Saints |Commitment 323.3 QUE |father in small Italian village |

| |( Tittle, P. Should Parents |(Review: Goodreads) |

| |be Licensed? 649.1 TIT | |

|Roy, G. The Tin Flute |( Capponi, P. Dispatches from |Poverty, untimely pregnancy |

|(Canadian: Governor General’s Prize |the Poverty Line 362.5 CAP |(Review: |

|for Literature) |( McCourt, F. Angela’s Ashes |Can Lit Canon) |

| |941.608 MCC | |

|Russo, R. Empire Falls |( Brown, Ian. Freewheeling: The |Family business dynasty’s rise and fall |

|(Pulitzer Prize) |Feuds, Broods and Outrageous |and the people it destroys (Review: |

| |Fortunes of the Billes family (Canadian Tire) 338.76 |Literary Corner Café) |

| |BIL BRO | |

|Saramago, J. Blindness |( Leung, P. Sars War 614.5 LEV |Epidemics; social values; |

|(Nobel Prize for Literature) |Nikiforuk, A. Pandemonium |treatment of marginalized; moral blindness|

| |614.4 NIK |(Review: Bookloons) |

| |( Preston, R. Hot Zone 614.5PRE | |

| |CBC News in Review May 2003 | |

| | | |

|Schwartz, J.B. Reservation Road |( Claypool, J. Alcohol and You |Drunk Driving; Alcoholism (Review: |

| |362.292 CLA |Goodreads) |

| |( Peacock, N. Drowning Our | |

| |Sorrows 362.292 PEA | |

|Sebold, A. Lovely Bones |( Lassiter, R. Supernatural |Murder, afterlife, revenge (Review: author|

| |133 LAS |interview in The Guardian) |

| |( Roach, M. Spook 129 ROA | |

|Selvadurai, S. |( Solomon, A. Far From |Sri Lanka-Canada culture; sexuality; past |

|The Hungry Ghosts |The Tree 362.4083 |influences on present; dealing with past) |

| |( |(Review: Toronto Star) |

|Shriver, L. We Need to Talk About |( Teens at Risk 362.74 TEE |Troubled teens; sociopath; school shooting|

|Kevin | |(Review: Reading Group Guides, Author |

| | |Interview) |

|Shute, N. |( Minneus, S. |Nuclear disaster and aftermath; end of |

|On the Beach |Nukes: The Spread |world |

| |of Nuclear Weapons |(Review: Random House Publishers) |

| |327.1 MIN | |

|Skibsrud, J. |( |Vietnam war; past influences on present |

|The Sentimentalists | |(Review: The Globe/Mail) |

|(Giller Prize, 2010) | | |

|Smith, Z. White Teeth |( The Color of Water: A Black |Mixed marriages |

| |Man’s Tribute to his White |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |Mother 974.7 MCB MCB | |

| |( Different Worlds: Interracial | |

| |and Cross-Cultural Dating | |

| |306.73 BOD | |

|Solzhenitsyn, A. August 1914 (Nobel |( Clay, C. King, Kaiser, Tsar: |World War I; challenging the former Soviet|

|Prize Winner) |Three Royal Cousins Who Led |Union’s version of history, class... |

| |The World To War 940.3 CLA |(Review: The New York Times) |

|Styron, W. Sophie’s Choice |( Saunders, N. The Life of Anne |Holocaust; World War II |

| |Frank 940.53FRA |(Review: The Garfield Book Review) |

| |( Gruda, M. Tricks of Fate | |

| |940.5318GRU | |

| |( Goldstein, S. Ten Marks and a | |

| |Train Ticket: Benno’s Escape | |

| |to Freedom 940.53 GOL | |

|Thomas, M. Man Gone Down |( McBride, J. The Color of Water: |Mixed marriages/ the “American Dream” |

| |A Black Man’s Tribute to his |(Review: Sunday Book Review from The New |

| |White Mother 974.7 MCB MCB |York Times) |

| |( Different Worlds: Interracial | |

| |and Cross-Cultural Dating | |

| |306.73 BOD | |

|Townsend, S. Adrian Mole and the |( Laqueur, W. The New |Ethics behind Tony Blair’s warning about |

|Weapons of Mass Destruction |Terrorism: Fanaticism and the |Hussein’s WMD; effect on average British |

| |Arms of Mass Destruction |citizen |

| |303.625 LAQ |(Review: author’s website) |

|Turow, S. Presumed Innocent |( Canada’s Courts (Canadian |Crime, guilt, innocence |

| |judicial system) 347.71 MCC |(Review: Goodreads) |

| |( Siggins, M. A Canadian | |

| |Tragedy 346.7102623 SIG | |

| |( Townsend, J. Crime Scenes | |

| |363.25 TOW | |

| |( Turow, S. Ultimate Punishment | |

| |(death penalty) 345.73 TUR | |

- 6 -

|Walker, A. The Color Purple |( Livesey, R. Black Heritage |Race, God, concepts of beauty, |

| |971 LIV (and others); |independence |

| |( Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of |Author interview, |

| |Black Folk 305.896 DUB |The Guardian, 2007 |

| | |Author interview, |

| | |The Guardian, 2013 |

|Wiesel, E. The Gates of the Forest |( Abrams, J. Tenuous Threads |Holocaust, survival, scapegoat |

| |940.53 ABR |(Review: The New York Review of Books) |

| |( Sheehan, S. Auschwitz | |

| |940.5318 SHE | |

|Winter, K. Annabel |( Fine, C. Delusions of Gender |Gender identity, sexuality |

|(Canadian) |612.82 FIN |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |( Sax, L. Why Gender Matters |(Review: The Globe and Mail) |

| |305.3 SAX | |

|Withers, P. Peak Survival |( Krakauer, J. Into Thin Air |Everest climb tragedy; |

| |796.52 KRA |extreme sports |

|Wolfe, T. Bonfires of the Vanities |( Chettleburgh, M. Young Thugs: |Teenage Crime |

| |Inside the Dangerous World of |Corruption of society at all levels |

| |Canadian Street Gangs |Corruption of the legal system |

| |364.106 CHE |Marital infidelity |

| |( Tanner, J. Teenage Troubles: |(Review: The Guardian) |

| |Youth and Deviance in Canada | |

| |364.360971 TAN | |

| |( Lawyers Gone Bad: Money, Sex and Madness in | |

| |Canada’s Legal Profession 340 SLA | |

|Wyveen, T. Angel Falls | |Dysfunctional family |

|Ye, T. Throwaway Daughter |( Chong, Denise. Concubine’s |Immigration and adoption |

| |Children 305.8951 0711 CHO |China’s one child policy |

| | |(Review: Author’s website) |

|Zamyatin, Y. We |( Rady, M. Causes and |“Dystopia” (The most influential |

| |Consequences of the Collapse |science-fiction novel of the 20th |

| |of Communism in Eastern |century). |

| |Europe 940.09717 RAD |(Review: George Orwell) |

|Zusak, M. The Book Thief |( Filipovic, Z. Stolen Voices: |German children in World War II (YouTube |

| |Young People’s War Diaries |Interview with the author) |

| |303.6 STO | |

Roach, K. Essentials of Canadian Law 345.71 ROA

Carrigan, D. Juvenile Delinquency in Canada: A History 364.30971 CAR

Tanner, J. Teenage Troubles: Youth and Deviance in Canada 364.360971 TAN

Inner-City Poverty 362.5 INN


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