
February 18, 2021 History NotesELECTION OF 1800 Thomas Jefferson-Dem/Reb ran against John Adams-Federalist In 1800 there was no distinction made between candidates for President and Vice President The Electoral College vote was a tie between Jefferson and his intended VP Aaron Burr The House of Representatives broke the tie on the 35th ballot with Jefferson named President Burr was named Vice President The 12th Amendment to the Constitution was added to keep this situation from being repeatedWESTERN EXPANSIONColonists had continually moved west as the land near the Atlantic Coast became crowded.Once the Revolutionary War ended, the lure of moving west got even stronger.By 1800 thousands of people had moved to the land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi R.THE AMERICAN DREAM was to own land. With hard work, pioneers believed they could make their lives better as they built their homes and worked land that belonged to them! Because good land was readily available to the west, the slogan became GO WEST YOUNG MAN, GO WEST! DANIEL BOONEDaniel Boone spent much of his young life with Indians.From them he learned skills like hunting, fishing, and tracking which made him the ideal pioneer. Boone explored KY and TN in the mid-1770sBoone found Cumberland Gap, a passageway through the mountainsHe established the early KY settlement of Boonesborough near some natural salt deposits—land was good and hunting was very good He blazed a 300 mile trail from NC to present day Louisville called the Wilderness RoadSettlers began to pour into these western lands that Boone had pioneered KENTUCKY and TENNESSEE became states in the 1790’sADDING NEW STATESAmericans favored growing their country and adding new states.One lasting contribution of the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION was the passage of 2 laws that paved the way for the admission of new states.1. Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for surveyed tracts of land into townships (sort of like counties) set aside land for EDUCATION in each township2. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 this ordinance was a very simple, 2-step process for statehood: 1. A governor would be appointed when a frontier area reached a population of 5000 males 2. When the population of the area reached 60,000 people, they could elect their own legislature and apply for statehoodNORTHWEST TERRITORY Page 2So many frontiersmen began moving into the territory north of Kentucky that the entire area from the Great Lakes to the Ohio River became known as the Northwest Territory.Eventually the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota would be admitted to the Union from the area known as the Northwest Territory.INDIAN TROUBLEIndians were not happy with these new settlers and their plans to create new states.For several years small battles were fought between small bands of Indians and soldiers.In 1793 President George Washington ordered General MAD ANTHONY WAYNE to make the territory safe for families.An Indian army made up of warriors from several tribes met an army of militia under the command of General Wayne near present day Toledo, Ohio in THE BATTLE OF FALLEN TIMBERS. General Wayne’s army prevailed so the Indians agreed to a treaty of peace. Treaty of Greenville opened the Northwest Territory for peaceful settlement by pioneers LOUISIANA PURCHASEFrance at this time in history still claimed ownership of the land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains.The French had called this land LOUISIANA for decades.NAPOLEON, the French leader, dreamed of a great French empire in N. AmericaNew Orleans was to be its capitalNapoleon closed the Mississippi River to Americans as a first step in implementing his plan for building an American empire.Napoleon’s decision to close the river was harmful to pioneer farmers who depended on the river to get their crops to market. PRESIDENT JEFFERSON and the American people were very unhappy with Napoleon.Jefferson decided to attempt a purchase of the port of New Orleans from the French. Jefferson sent ROBERT LIVINGSTONE and JAMES MONROE to negotiate this purchase. Because Napoleon was involved in a war in Europe, France was in need of cash.French Minister Talleyrand offered to sell ALL of Louisiana for $15,000,000In one of the greatest (or worst) real estate deals in history, Jefferson doubled the size of the U.S.This was only $.04 per acre for land of incredible value…full of natural resources and great beauty Page 3LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION Jefferson did NOT know what he had bought, so he commissioned Lewis and Clark to explore Louisiana.Jefferson wanted to know all he could about the land purchased from France: natural features, plants, wildlife, Indian Tribes, locations for future forts…he wanted to know everything. Therefore… Lewis and Clark was commissioned to 1. Find the NORTHWEST PASSAGE water route to the western (Pacific) ocean if it existed2. Map as much of the geography of Louisiana as they could3. Meet and make peace with the indigenous peoples they would encounter4. Take notes about the wildlife native to this region5. Take notes about the plant life of this regionIn May, 1804 Lewis and Clark’s Expedition set out from St. Louis and followed the Missouri River They spent the first winter in an Indian village in N. Dakota (too cold to travel in winter)While there a French fur trader and his wife were hired to help guide the expedition westSACAGAWEA, the wife, proved to be extraordinarily valuable as a guide and a peace keeper—Tribes that might have seen the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a threat were generally willing to be peaceful… they couldn’t be a threat, a woman with her BABY surely meant that the group meant no harm The explorers traveled 8,000 miles in 2+ years…all the way to the mouth of the Columbia River/Pacific Coast and then back to St. Louis.The expedition was a spectacular success. At the conclusion of this successful expedition, Lewis reported back to Pres. JeffersonLewis was able to provide an abundance of information on: Indian TribesWildlife (including grizzly bears, bison, prairie dogs, and salmon)Plants of the regionDescriptions of the natural features of the landMaps of the regionTHE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION may have been America’s greatest achievement in our early history. Lewis and Clark has explored the northern section of LouisianaPresident Jefferson also wanted to know about the southern portion of LouisianaZEBULON PIKEIn 1806, Pres. Jefferson commissioned Pike to explore the southern portion of LouisianaPike’s group traveled up the Arkansas River and into the Rocky Mts.Pike’s Peak in central Colorado was one of their discoveriesPike’s group was later captured and jailed by Spanish soldiers when they ventured into Spanish territoryEventually Pike’s men were released and returned to report to Jefferson on their adventure Page 4With the Louisiana Territory having been explored by LEWIS and CLARK (northern part) and PIKE (southern part), President Jefferson now knew what he had purchased—a great, beautiful, and rich land that doubled the size of our country.In a surprisingly short amount of time, American pioneers would venture across the Mississippi River and begin settling in the Louisiana Territory.JEFFERSON’S FOREIGN AFFAIRSBARBARY PIRATESMuslim pirates living along the coast near Tripoli, Libya, in N. Africa preyed on American shippingIn order to allow American commerce in the Mediterranean, we were forced to pay them ‘tribute’In 1805, during Jefferson’s administration, these pirates increased the rate of tributeThus, Jefferson dispatched the American navy to N. Africa where the pirates were defeated STEPHEN DECATUR was the individual hero in this war with these Muslim pirates. His fame lives on in navy history even today because of the daring raid he led to rescue* the U.S.S. Philadelphia, a war ship that had been captured by the pirates. Using trickery and bravery of the first order, his men were unable to sail the Philadelphia out of Tripoli harbor, so they burned the ship instead to keep the enemy from using our own ship against us. WAR IN EUROPEMeanwhile, war raged in EuropePresident Jefferson wanted to remain neutral, but neutrality was difficultOff the VA coast in 1807, the English navy brought the U.S. to the brink of warThe Leopard, an English naval ship, stopped the Chesapeake, an American ship to search for English sailors who might have deserted the British military for work on an American merchant ship Chesapeake refused to allow officials from Leopard to conduct a searchLeopard sailors who had boarded the Chesapeake opened fire3 Americans were killed and 4 were impressed into service of the British navyEMBARGORather that declaring war, Pres. Jefferson asked Congress to declare an embargo against EnglandThis embargo ended trade between England and the U.S.American merchants hated the embargo because it cost them profitsOur entire economy was damaged by the EMBARGO, but we didn’t go to war ................

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