Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center

Instructor: Ms. Thomas Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center

Social Studies Department

Classroom: Room 317 Course Syllabus for United States History


Course Description:

United States History is a survey course intended to introduce the student to the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from colonial times through the 20th century. Included in the structure of the course is an integrated, comprehensive unit on the Constitution. This unit includes a study of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Constitution, the Illinois Constitution, and the Flag Code. It culminates in a Constitution test given at the end of the 1st quarter. State law (PL195) mandates passage of this test as a requirement for graduation from high school. The student will also learn to analyze and interpret maps, charts, tables, graphs and important documents in American history. Research skills and writing skills will be developed during the year through a variety of projects. As a major vehicle for learning these skills, students will create a project for entry in the Chicago Metro History Fair.

Standards/Frameworks and Goals:

(Available under H.S. Social Studies at: )

State learning goals and the ISBE learning standards are available through the above website. This syllabus will list the codes for each standard that will be taught and tested.

Course Requirements: Grades will be determined using a variety of assessment tools.

In the Social Studies Department, all students will be graded based on their work in the following categories.

Tests Projects

Quizzes Class Participation

Homework Extra Credit

Class Work Semester Final Exam

In other words, there will be work you must attend to in class every day, there will be homework you will have to complete on a regular basis, there will be discussions that you will be expected to participate in, quizzes and tests throughout the year, and there will be major projects that you will have to complete. All the while, and in addition, you will be required to respect the setting of this class and behave as a motivated student. Only by addressing all eight of these areas will you be able to earn a passing grade in this class. In U.S. History, a typical test is worth 100 points. In First Semester, the Constitution exam is equivalent to two unit tests. In Second Semester, the History Fair project is equivalent to four tests.


In addition to a regular schedule of unit tests, there will be four (4) larger standardized departmental assessments at the end of each quarter. These assessments will include maps, tables, graphs and readings. The 1st quarter exam will test whether the student has mastered the material covered in the Constitution unit. The 1st semester exam (given at the end of the second quarter) will be a cumulative test with more stress on 2nd quarter topics. The 3rd quarter assessment will consist of submission of a Chicago Metro History Fair Project (an intensive independent research project that spans several months). The 2nd semester (final) exam will cover all topics taught in the semester with special emphasis on 4th quarter topics.

Grading: The Chicago Public Schools’ grading scale is as follows:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

Below 60 F

Special Notice to Parents:

Parents are expected and highly encouraged to view and monitor their son or daughter’s progress online by way of the Parent Portal, an internet site that will show up-to-date attendance and grades for all classes. It can be accessed with a password at:

Course Topics: First Semester

First Quarter

Topics Standards

1. Political, Economic, Cultural 15.A.4a, 15.D.4a, 16.A.4a, 16.C.4a, 16.C.4b

Social Development of the 17.A.4a, 17.A.4b, 18.A.4

British North American Colonies.

2. Causes, Chronology and Impacts of 14.E.4, 14.F.4a, 16.A.4a, 16.A.4b, 16.B.4

the American Revolution 16.C.4b, 16.D.D.4b

3. Declaration of Independence, 14.A.4, 14.B. 4, 14.C.4, 14.F.4a, 16.B.4

Articles of Confederation, 18.B.4

Constitutional Convention,

Federal Constitution, Bill of

Rights, amendments,

Illinois Constitution, Flag Code

Departmental Quarter Exam: PL195 (Constitution Test)

Second Quarter

Topics Standards

1. Evolution of American Political, 14.A.4, 14.C.5, 14.F.4a, 14.E.4a, 16. A.4a

Economic and Social Institutions 16.A.4b, 16.B.4, 16.C.4a, 16.D.4b, 18.A.4

from Washington to Monroe

2. Jacksonian Era, Indian Relationships, 14.A.5, 14.F.4a, 16.A.4.a, 16.A.4b, 16.B.4

Expansionism to 1850 16.C.4b, 16.D.4b, 17.A.4c, 18.A.4, 18.C.4a

3. The Sectional Crisis, Abolitionism 16.A.4a, 16.A.4b, 16.B.4, 16.D.4a, 18.A.5

and the Civil War 14.F.4a, 15.C.4a, 16.A.4a, 16.B.4, 18.A.4

4. Reconstruction, segregation 14.F.4a,, 16.A.4a,4b, 16.B.4, 16.D.4b

and Jim Crow 18.A.4

Departmental Semester Final Exam

2nd Semester

3rd Quarter

Topics Standards

1. Indian Wars and the Western frontier. 16.A.4a, 16.A.3b, 16.C4b, 16.D.4b, 16.E.4b

2. Industrialization, Robber Barons, 15.A.4d, 15.C.4b, 15.E.4a,4b, 16.A.4a,4b

and Labor Unions 16.B.4, 16.C.4b,4c, 16.D.4b, 17.A.4b,18.B.4

3. Immigration and Urbanization 14.A.4, 16.A.4ab, 16.B4,C.4b, 16.D.4b,

16.E.4a, 17.B.4b, 17.C.4b, 17.C.4c

4. Reform Movements of the Late 14.A.4, 14.C.4, 14.Fab, 16.B.4, 16.D.4b

19th and early 20th Century. 16.E.4a

5. U.S. Imperialism, Foreign Policy 14. E.4, 16.A.4ab, 16.C.4a

through World War I.

Chicago Metro History Fair Assessment

4th Quarter

Topics Standards

1. Roaring 20s and the Great 14.C.4, 14.E.4, 14.F.4a, 15. A.4ad, 15.C4ab

Depression; New Deal 15.E.4ab, 16.A.4ab, 16.B.4, 16.C.4c, 18.B.4

2. Causes and Conflict: WWII 14.E.4, 16.A.4a, 16D.4b

3. The Cold War & the Post War Boom 14.B.4, 14. F.4a, 15.C.4b, 16.A.4a, 18.C,4b

4. Civil Rights Movements 14. F.4ab, 16.A.4a, 16.C.4c, 16.D.4b

5. Vietnam, the Counterculture 14.A.4, 14.D.4, 14.F.4ab, 15.A.4abc, 15.D.4

and the Presidential Crisis. 16.D.4ab, 18,B,4

Departmental Semester Final Exam


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