Matravers History SoW

History Department - SCHEME OF WORK

|Unit |Food and Migration |

|Key question |What is the most important food to be brought to the British Isles in the last 1000 years? |

|Type of unit |Chronological |Number of lessons: 10 (+ optional) |

|Learning objectives |Knowledge: |Key words: |

| |Migration to Britain |Famine |

| |Life in England in 1000 |Crusaders |

| |The Crusades |Tuber |

| |Tudor explorers |Clippers |

| |The early British Empire |Transatlantic slave trade |

| |The slave trade | |

| |(Ted Heath and 1970s Britain) | |

| | | |

| |Skills: | |

| |Drawing an accurate timeline | |

| |Source skills – cross-referencing | |

| |Source skills – tackling difficult readings | |

| |Source skills – using sources to support an argument | |

| |Second order concepts – chronology of British history | |

| |Second order concepts – change and continuity | |

| |Second order concepts – evaluating significance | |

|Suggested activities |Skills |Resources |

| | | |

|Lesson 1 - What do we eat today? |Drawing a timeline |Geog1 textbooks |

|Starter: | | |

|Your diet | | |

|Identify where your food comes from | | |

|Most popular/common dishes | | |

| | | |

|Timeline of when different people arrived in Europe – Geog1 p54 | | |

| | | |

|Lesson 2: What did we eat in the year 1000? |Higher level reading |“The Year 1000” by |

|Starter: What is your favourite meal/food and what did you have for dinner last night? Now cross out | |Lacey/Danziger |

|anything containing any of these foods (list on slide). These were not available in 1000. |Making inferences from| |

| |sources | |

|Year 1000 Book. Pp.133-139 or see STH for photocopies. Read text and compile lists of what was eaten and | | |

|what is missing compared with today. Good small group activity – opportunity for training on reading |Change/ continuity | |

|difficult text. | | |

| |Group work | |

|How did people in Medieval Britain compensate for what they didn’t have? | | |

| | | |

|What are the advantages and disadvantages of the year 1000 diet? | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Lesson 3 - Crusades |Map skills |Past into Present 1 |

|Starter: Which of these foods came to Britain thanks to the Crusades? (Organise words, using lists made | | |

|last lesson to pick out the ones that were already here) | | |

|Key learning is that all these foods came from HOT countries. | | |

| | | |

|Use maps in Past Into Present 1, p102, and in planners to identify the countries that Crusaders travelled | | |

|to. | | |

| | | |

|Find out where the Crusaders went and why – work from Past Into Present 1. | | |

| | | |

|Lesson 4/5 – How did Tudor Explorers change the world? |Tackling difficult |Potato article |

| |readings | |

|Starter: Reading about tobacco. | |Paragraph descriptors |

| |Mid-term assessment: | |

|One second picture challenge – students identify 5 things that came back from the Americas (potatoes, |Writing to explain |Questions |

|tomatoes, chocolate, sweetcorn, turkey) – pictures on slide, flash up for one second, see what they can get.|Analysing impact | |

| | | |

|Potato reading – Very difficult potato article. Begin by matching paragraph descriptors to the article. Then| | |

|answer questions. | | |

| | | |

|Mini-assessment: Describe/explain/analyse how the potato changed Europe (short answer: it got rid of | | |

|famine). | | |

| | | |

|Lesson 6 - What impact did tea have on Britain? |Grammar (starter) |Tea articles |

| | | |

|Starter: There/their/they’re sentences |Cross-referencing | |

| |sources | |

|Students read an article about tea in Britain. Feed back five key facts from that article. Cross-reference | | |

|the facts that appear in all three readings. |Using sources to | |

| |support explanation | |

|Write an answer to the lesson question, with support from the sources. | | |

| | | |

|Lesson 7 – How did sugar change Britain? |Grammar (starter) |Sugar reading |

| | | |

|Starter: Its/it’s sentences |Tackling difficult | |

| |readings | |

|Recap from Y7 study of the slave trade – make link between increasing demand for sugar and the Transatlantic| | |

|slave trade. | | |

| | | |

|Read article about sugar and apply skills developed during potato reading to it – summarise each paragraph, | | |

|then use information to write an answer to the lesson question, using feedback from mid-term assessment. | | |

|(Optional) | | |

|Rationing in WW2 | | |

|(Optional) | | |

|Where did fast/convenience food come from? | | |

| | | |

|Starter: | | |

| | | |

|Pasta, pizza, mcDonalds, supermarkets (Ted Heath) | | |

| | | |

|Assessment task: What was the most important food to be brought to the British Isles since 1000? |Drawing a timeline. |Assessment instruction|

| | |sheet. |

|Starter: Recap on foodstuffs studied |Evaluating change and | |

| |continuity. | |

|Assessment task is to create an annotated timeline. | | |

| |Assessing | |

| |significance. | |

|Literacy |Grammar starters |

| |Reading skills |

| |Writing with support from sources |

|ICT | |

|Independent learning | |


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