Veterans Affairs

Statement of WorkDepartment of Veterans AffairsVeterans Health AdministrationHIG SST Back File eJournal Subscription for VA Library NetworkJuly 3, 2017A.Introduction: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA) requires a subscription for existing, commercial off-the-shelf, web-based back file journals for the VA Library Network (VALNET) Office, as listed in paragraph G below.B.Performance Period: One year from date of award: 9/15/2017-9/14/2018; One-time purchase of perpetual access privileges. C.Type of Contract: Firm Fixed Price.D.Place of Performance: Contractor’s Facility.E.Scope of Work: The contractor shall provide all sites on the VHA network with access to a single online, web-based subscription to the journal titles shown below. Authentication shall be through IP address validation on an enterprise basis, eliminating the need for users to enter identification, username and/or password. The contractor shall provide an unrestricted number of simultaneous with immediate access from any web-enabled computer within VHA. It is required that all authorized remote users with VPN access have access to the product.The contractor shall assure the requirements listed in paragraph F, Access, Content, and Support are addressed. F.Access, Content, and Support: The contractor shall assure: Product is 508 compliant (). If product is not 508 compliant, the contractor shall describe measures being taken to bring product into compliance and date, within 12 months of contract award, that product will be 508 compliant. Or, if product is not 508 compliant, the contractor shall describe why no work is being done to make it 508 compliant.The product is compatible with Internet Explorer and with most other standard web browsers, which have cookies enabled. To insure privacy, the product uses session cookies rather than persistent cookies.Full text articles are available in PDF format.All site content and support of the web site is the responsibility of the contractor. This includes tech support to VHA users nationwide.System downtime is minimal and VA project manager is notified when such occurs.Articles are easily printed. Questions are responded to within two business days.Usage statistics are available to the system administrator on an enterprise level. The product shall be accessible via a variety of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) platforms.Articles can be emailed among VHA colleagues.G.Journal Titles/Price Schedule:Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToActa Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine19972006Acta Odontologica Scandinavia19972006Acta Oto-Laryngologica19972006Acute Cardiac Care19982006Amyloid: Journal of Protein Folding Disorders19972006Annals of Human Biology19972006Annals of Medicine19972006Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToArchives of Physiology & Biochemistry 19972006Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology 19972006Augmentative & Alternative Communication19972006Autoimmunity19972006Behavioral Sleep Medicine20032006Biomarkers19972006Blood Pressure19972006Brain Injury19972006British Journal of Biomedical Science20022006Cancer Investigation19972006Children's Health Care19972006Climacteric19982006Clinical & Experimental Hypertension19972006Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics19972006Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs19972006Cochlear Implants International (An International Journal)20002006Contemporary Nurse19972006COPD:Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease20042006CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice19972006Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences19972006Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToCurrent Eye Research19972006Current Medical Research & Opinion19972006Education for Primary Care 20052006Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine19972006Endocrine Research19972006European Journal of General Practice19972006Experimental Lung Research19972006Fetal & Pediatric Pathology19972006Gynecological Endocrinology19972006Hearing Balance and Communication 20032006Hematology Online19972006Hemoglobin19972006HIV Clinical Trials20002006Home Health Care Services Quarterly19972006Hospital Practice19972006Hospital Topics19972006Human Fertility19982006Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics20052006Hypertension in Pregnancy19972006Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToImmunological Investigations19972006Infectious Diseases19972006International Diabetes Nursing20042006International Journal of Hyperthermia19972006International Journal of Radiation Biology19972006International Journal Of Sexual Health (New Title)19972006International Journal of Speech & Language Pathology19992006International Journal Of Transgenderism20052006International Musculoskeletal Medicine19972006International Reviews of Immunology19972006Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing19972006Journal Of Addictive Diseases19972006Journal of American College Health19972006Journal of Asthma19972006Journal of Chemotherapy19972006Journal of Community Health Nursing19972006Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy19992006Journal of Dermatological Treatment19972006Journal Of Dual Diagnosis20052006Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToJournal of Enzyme Inhibition & Medicinal Chemistry19972006Journal Of Hiv/Aids & Social Services20022006Journal of Interprofessional Care19972006Journal of Investigative Surgery19972006Journal of Liposome Research19972006Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine19972006Journal of Medical Economics19982006Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology19972006Journal of Microencapsulation19972006Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain19972006Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology19972006Journal of Orthodontics19972006Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy20022006Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery19972006Journal of Psychoactive Drugs19972006Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology19972006Journal of Receptors & Signal Transduction19972006Journal of Substance Use19972006Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine19972006Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToLeukemia & Lymphoma19972006Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology19972006Medical Teacher19972006Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied technologies19972006Modern Rheumatology19972006Network: Computation in Neural Systems19972006Neuro-Ophthalmology19972006Ocular Immunology & Inflammation19972006Ophthalmic Epidemiology19972006Ophthalmic Genetics19972006Orbit19972006Paediatrics and International Child Health19972006Pathogens and Global Health19972006Pediatric Hematology & Oncology19972006Pharmaceutical Biology19972006Platelets19972006Postgraduate Medicine19972006Prehospital Emergency Care19972006Renal Failure19972006Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToScandinavian Cardiovascular Journal19972006Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation19972006Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology19972006Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology19972006Scandinavian Journal of Urology19972006Seminars in Ophthalmology19972006Speech, Language and Hearing19972004Strabismus19972006Substance Abuse20022006Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine19972006The Aging Male19982006The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care19972006The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine19972006The Linacre Quarterly19972006The Physician and Sportsmedicine19972006Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation19972006Ultrastructural Pathology199720062017 Outright Purchase Price Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and Dentistry$2017 One-Time Maintenance Fee$Taylor & Francis Medical: General Medicine and DentistryTaylor & Francis Psychology2017 Modern (Shallow) Archive FromToAging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition19972006Anxiety, Stress & Coping19972006Aphasiology19972006Applied Developmental Science19972006Applied Neuropsychology Adult 19972006Archives of Suicide Research19972006Attachment & Human Development19992006Basic and Applied Social Psychology19972006Bereavement Care19972006Child Neuropsychology19972006Cognition & Emotion19972006Cognitive Neuropsychiatry19972006Cognitive Neuropsychology19972006Cultura y Educacion: Culture and Education19972006Death Studies19972006Developmental Neuropsychology19972006Discourse Processes19972006Taylor & Francis Psychology2017 Modern (Shallow) ArchiveFromToEating Disorders19972006Ecological Psychology19972006Estudios de Psicologia: Studies in Psychology19972006Ethics & Behavior19972006European Journal of Behavior Analysis20002006European Journal of Developmental Psychology20042006European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling19982006European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology19972006European Review of Social Psychology19972006Human Performance19972006Identity20012006Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and Development19972006International Gambling Studies20012006International Journal of Aviation Psychology19972006International Journal of Forensic Mental Health20022006International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology20032006International Journal of Testing20012006Journal of Applied Sport Psychology19972006Journal Of Bisexuality20002006Taylor & Francis Psychology2017 Modern (Shallow) ArchiveFromToJournal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health19972006Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology19972006Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology19972006Journal of Cognition and Development20002006Journal of Cognitive Psychology19972006Journal of Constructivist Psychology19972006Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology19972006Journal Of Forensic Psychology Practice20002006Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health19972006Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social Services19972006Journal Of Glbt Family Studies20052006Journal Of Homosexuality19972006Journal Of Lesbian Studies19972006Journal Of Lgbt Youth20032006Journal of Motor Behavior19972006Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management19972006Journal of Personality Assessment19972006Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology19972006Journal of Russian & East European Psychology19972006Taylor & Francis Psychology2017 Modern (Shallow) ArchiveFromToJournal of the History of the Neurosciences19972006Journal Of Workplace Behavioral Health19972006Language Acquisition19972006Language Cognition and Neuroscience 19972006Language Learning and Development20052006Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition19972006Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective20032006Memory19972006Metaphor and Symbol19972006Mortality19972006Multivariate Behavioral Research19972006Neurocase19972006Neuropsychological Rehabilitation19972006Nordic Psychology19972006Parenting20012006Psychiatry, Psychology and Law19972006Psychological Inquiry19972006Psychology & Health 19972006Psychology, Crime & Law19972006Taylor & Francis Psychology2017 Modern (Shallow) ArchiveFromToQualitative Reseacrh in Psychology20042006Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology19972006Research in Human Development20042006Revista de Psicologia Social: International Journal of Social Psychology19972006Self & Society19972006Self and Identity20022006Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal19972006The Clinical Neuropsychologist19972006The Journal of General Psychology19972006The Journal of Genetic Psychology19972006The Journal of Psychology19972006The Journal of Social Psychology19972006Thinking & Reasoning19972006Visual Cognition19972006Work & Stress199720062017 Outright Purchase Price Taylor & Francis Psychology$2017 One-Time Maintenance Fee Taylor & FrancisPsychology$Taylor & Francis Medical: Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience 2017 Modern (Shallow) ArchiveFromToAmyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration20002006British Journal of Neurosurgery19972006International Journal of Neuroscience19972006International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice19972006International Review of Psychiatry19972006Issues in Mental Health Nursing19972006Journal of Neurogenetics19972006Neurological Research (A Journal of Progress in Neurosurgery, Neurology and Neuro Sciences)19972006Nordic Journal of Psychiatry19972006Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes19972006Somatosensory & Motor Research19972006Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress19972006World Journal of Biological Psychiatry200020062017 Outright Purchase Price Taylor & Francis Medical: Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience$2017 One-Time Maintenance Fee Taylor & FrancisMedical: Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience Psychology$Thieme Back FilesFromToClinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery20012017Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction20082017Digestive Disease Interventions20172017Endoscopy20132017European Journal of Ultrasound* /Ultraschall in der Medizin19802017Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes20132017Facial Plastic Surgery20132017Hormone and Metabolic Research20132017International Journal of Angiology 20132017International Journal of Sports Medicine 20132017Journal of Hand and Microsurgery 20092017Journal of Hip Surgery 20172017Journal of Knee Surgery20042017Journal of Neurological Surgery 20132017Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 20132017Journal of Wrist Surgery 20122017Pharmacopsychiatry 20132017Seminars in Hearing 20132017Seminars in Interventional Radiology 20132017Thieme Back FilesFromToSeminars in Liver Disease 20132017Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 20132017Seminars in Neurology 20132017Seminars in Plastic Surgery 20132017Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 20132017Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 20132017Seminars in Speech and Language 20132017Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 20132017The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 201320172017 Outright Purchase PriceThieme Back Files$STAT!RefFromToAnatomyTV Upgrade: Anatomy & Physiology Platform 20172017AAFP Conditions A to Z20172017EBMcalc20172017Stedman's Medical Dictionary201720172017 Outright Purchase PriceSTAT!Ref$Subtotal (from pages 8, 13, 14, and 16)$BOA Service Fee$Grand Total$ ................

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