American Revolution WebQuest

American Revolution WebQuest

1. Open up the Internet application. Type the following website into the address bar.

2. Click on Chronicle of the Revolution at the top of the page. Then select Boston 1774. Read the article and answer the following questions.

What is the headline of the newspaper?

What is the name of Massachusetts’s agent to the British government?

3. Now, click on Philadelphia 1776 on the left side of the page. Read the article and answer the following questions.

What is the headline of the newspaper?

Name the 5 people who helped author the Declaration of Independence.

What does the article quote King George as saying after hearing about the colonists’ entreaty for peace?

4. Now, click on Trenton 1776 on the left side of the page. Read the article and answer the following questions.

What is the headline of the newspaper?

When was the article published?

Where were Washington and his army staying according to the article?

5. Click on the final 3 articles on the left side of the webpage: Saratoga, Yorktown, and Philadelphia 1791. Make sure you read the articles carefully so you are prepared for the game coming up…

What is the headline for the Saratoga newspaper?

What is the headline for the Yorktown newspaper?

What is the headline for the Philadelphia 1791 newspaper?

6. At the top of the page select The Road to Revolution Game. Play the game to test your knowledge of the Revolutionary War.

At the end of the game there is a quote displayed at the bottom of the screen. Write that quote below.

7. When you are finished you may select Perspectives on Liberty at the top of the page. Explore any of the activities there until class ends.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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