Search Engines

Search Engines

Academic Research

The online version of English Teaching Forum

TESOL’s presence on the web—many resources for teachers

Two online EFL journals from Asia

An entire university online: OpenCourseWare

The Education Resource Information Center-107,000 documents

Standards of assessment in oral and writing skills in PDF format

Authentic Materials

A huge collection of resources for students and teachers

Currents in American Studies

17,000+ works of fiction, non-fiction, plays, poems, audio

Online poetry archives—5000+ poems

online newspapers

Classroom resources—free registration

Hi Magazine online and in English

Find magazine articles online.

All with live news and features


Films--the latter two have lesson plans for classes

A good resource for English song lyrics

The British Council’s website for learners

Their website for teachers with many resources

The Chicago Public Library

Folklore and Mythology collection—fantastic!

An excellent collection of British/American slang

Great Russian e-journal with American Studies content

Library of Congress—7 million documents National Capital Language Resource Center

Sites of Interest to Teachers and Students

The standard in online plagiarism prevention.

Free Hot Potatoes software

Free Course Management System software.

The original ELT website and still worth visiting.

The cool way to learn English!

Another great site for teachers and students.

Randall’s ESL/EFL cyber listening lab.

A very fun and useful site for students.

Very large selection of lessons and lesson plans.

The Discovery Channel for teachers.

Learn how things work—fascinating website.

Learn how to use the WWW!

Egypt’s Integrated English Language Program 2 The International Reading Association –resources for teachers.

A superb collection of online resources.

This is the search headquarters of the New York Times—a collection of websites used by the journalists and staff of America’s most famous newspaper. If you could only memorize one website, this is it! Information about the USA and the world, online magazines, plus much more.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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