Charity No. 1089481 March 2014 No. 209

The March Meeting

For a change we held a quiz which comprised of four rounds each of ten questions, namely Soaps, Language (cockney slang), Food and Drink and General Knowledge with the option to play a joker. In addition there was a marathon round of nineteen questions. Six teams competed and the winning team was Chukka with 44 points closely followed by We Haven’t Got a Clue (43) and Rita, Derek and John (42). The other teams, in order, were Famous Four, Sylvia’s Team and Watch. A Chukka is, of course, a period into which a game of polo is divided or a bad tempered horse! It was good fun and thanks to you all for taking part.

The April Meeting

This will take place on Thursday 10th April from about 7.30pm at The British Legion, Western Road, Romford. Our own Kes Cole will be guest speaker. His talk will be one from the following subjects: Fun with Words, Lives of Gypsies, Beekeeping, Tales from the Monastery, History of Flour and Mills, Smugglers, Pirates and Highwaymen, Dagenham Dock. Knowing Kes he might do all seven!


Many thanks to Janyce Rogers for stamps which are always welcome as postage is one of our largest outgoings. A book of stamps covers postage of newsletters for a full year. We also send out about ninety newsletters by email

Bethnal Green Tube Shelter Disaster

Those of you present at the meeting last November will remember the presentation relating to the above by Alf Morris, a survivor now aged 82. On Sunday 2nd March Jackie and I attended the 71st Anniversary Memorial Service at St John on Bethnal Green. The church was full to capacity and the service, which included the reading of the 173 souls who lost their lives, was very emotional. Some of those attending, including Alf, were survivors. Also present were fifteen Pearly Kings and Queens. After the church service we crossed the road where in the park is the Stairway to Heaven Memorial and a further short service was held. Due to lack of funds the memorial is not yet completed. Thereafter refreshments were provided. A very sobering event.

National Institute for Health Research

NIHR Cardiovascular Healthcare Technology Co-operative is funded by the above and hosted by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King’s College London. It has been set up to identify, encourage and facilitate the development of new medical devices and technology driven solutions that will improve the diagnosis, treatment and well-being of patients with cardiovascular disease. I went with Jackie as patient representatives to an open day at St Thomas’ Hospital on 5th March where there were presentations, some of a highly technical nature which were difficult to grasp, by several eminent consultants one of whom came over from Toronto University. The primary objects are to provide support to fund projects developing novel technologies, organise meetings to facilitate joint working and signpost clinicians and researchers to appropriate funding sources. NIHR has four strategic areas; atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure and structural heart disease. Kes Cole and Chris and Bob Maynard also attended. We were invited because of the importance of patient and public involvement and access to patient and community groups. A finger buffet lunch laid on was very welcome.

A Helping Hand

Two female teachers took a group of students from grades 1, 2 and 3 for a field trip to the Flemington Racecourse. When it was time to take the children to the 'bathroom', it was decided that the girls would go with one teacher and the boys would go with the other. The teacher assigned to the boys was waiting outside the men's toilet when one of the boys came out and told her that none of them could reach the urinal. Having no choice, she went inside, helped the little boys with their pants, and began hoisting them up one by one, holding on to their 'wee-wees' to direct the flow away from their clothes and shake them dry. As she lifted one boy up, she couldn't help but notice that he was unusually well endowed. Trying not to show that she was staring at his equipment the teacher said, 'You must be in Grade 3? 'No ma'am', he replied. 'I'm riding Black Caviar in the next race, but I really appreciate your help.'

Contact Information If you need or wish to contact us our telephone number is 01708 472697. Our email addresses are: ken.richmond@, j.richmond47@ Ken Richmond


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