Chapter 22-Enlightenment and Revolution-Guided Notes

Chapter 29-The Great War-Guided Notes

Section 3-A Global Conflict

War Affects the World (pg. 851-853)

|The Gallipoli Campaign |American’s Join the Fight |

|The Gallipoli Campaign- |Unrestricted Submarine Warfare- |

|The campaign to capture the Dardanelles Sea straight and than take the city of | |

|______________. | |

|This would allow them to establish a _____________ ______________________ | |

|British, ____________, _____________ and New Zealand troops began the campaign in | |

|________ 1915 |After the cruise ship ________________ was sunk by a German U-boat leaving 1,198 |

|In December the allies gave up the campaign after suffering ___________ losses |passengers (128 of them American) dead the U.S. threatened action if the Germans |

| |continued to _______________________ |

| | |

• Americans Join the Fight-

– Germany returned to ___________________________ __________________ in 1917

– The Zimmerman Note- In February, 1917 the U.S. intercepted ___________________________________

• ___________ wanted Mexico to join their fight and in return they would help Mexico “____________” the lands they lost to the U.S.

• This led President Wilson to ask for a declaration of war against ____________ on April 2nd, 1917

War Affects the Home Front (pg. 853-854)

|Governments Wage Total War |

| Total War- | Rationing- |Propaganda- |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Governments would take control of the economy and tell the | | |

|factories what to produce | | |

Allies Win the War (pg. 854-855)

|A Shot Rings Throughout Europe |

| Russia Withdraws- | The Central Powers Collapse- |

|__________________ stepped down to due to civil unrest in March 1917 |July 1918 the _____________ forces and _________ clashed in the _____ |

|By mid 1917, ___________ Russian soldiers had been ______________, killed or |_____________________________ |

|_____________________. |_______ tanks rolled through the German line |

|As a result the Russian Army refused to ________________ ________________________ |Nearly 2 million new ________________ arrived to help advance towards Germany |

|_________________ came to power and desired to end Russia’s involvement in the war. |_____________, _______________ and the Ottomans surrendered 1st |

|Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk establishing a truce between ____________ and |______________, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down and Germany officially became a |

|___________. |_____________. |

Allies Win the War (pg. 854-855) Continued…

• Armistice-

– WWI officially ended on _______________________.

The Legacy of the War (pg. 854-855)

• The Effects of WWI on Europe

– ____________________ were used and for the 1st time the world was engaged in a global conflict

– _________ soldiers died, and another _____ million soldiers were wounded

– Europe’s economy was in ruins

• War damage was estimated around ___________ billion

Chapter 29-The Great War-Guided Notes

Section 3-A Global Conflict

War Affects the World (pg. 851-853)

|The Gallipoli Campaign |American’s Join the Fight |

|The Gallipoli Campaign- |Unrestricted Submarine Warfare- Germany announced that their submarines would sink|

|The campaign to capture the Dardanelles Sea straight and than take the city of |any ships in the water surrounding Britain without warning |

|Constantinople. |After the cruise ship Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat leaving 1,198 |

|This would allow them to establish a supply line to Russia |passengers (128 of them American) dead the U.S. threatened action if the Germans |

|British, French, Australian and New Zealand troops began the campaign in February 1915 |continued to sink neutral ships |

|In December the allies gave up the campaign after suffering 250,000 losses | |

| | |

• Americans Join the Fight-

– Germany returned to unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917

– The Zimmerman Note- In February, 1917 the U.S. intercepted a German telegram headed to Mexico

• Germany wanted Mexico to join their fight and in return they would help Mexico “reconquer” the lands they lost to the U.S.

• This led President Wilson to ask for a declaration of war against Germany on April 2nd, 1917

War Affects the Home Front (pg. 853-854)

|Governments Wage Total War |

| Total War-All available resources of a nation are dedicated | Rationing-System where the amount of goods one could |Propaganda- Policy where all available resources nation|

|to war |purchase were limited during war time |possesses are dedicated to war |

|Governments would take control of the economy and tell the | | |

|factories what to produce | | |

| | | |

Allies Win the War (pg. 854-855)

|A Shot Rings Throughout Europe |

| Russia Withdraws- | The Central Powers Collapse- |

|Czar Nicholas stepped down to due to civil unrest in March 1917 |July 1918 the Allied forces and Germany clashed in the Second Battle of the Marne |

|Mid 1917, 5.5 million Russian soldiers had been wounded, killed or taken prisoner. |350 tanks rolled through the German line |

|As a result the Russian Army refused to fight any longer |Nearly 2 million new American troops arrived to help advance towards Germany |

|Vladimir Lenin came to power and desired to end Russia’s involvement in the war. |Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans surrendered 1st |

|Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk establishing a truce between Russia and Germany |November 9th, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down and Germany officially became a |

| |republic. |

Allies Win the War (pg. 854-855) Continued…

• Armistice-A signed agreement to stop fighting

– WWI officially ended on November 11th, 1918

The Legacy of the War (pg. 854-855)

• The Effects of WWI on Europe

– New technologies were used and for the 1st time the world was engaged in a global conflict

– 8.5 million soldiers died, and another 21 million soldiers were wounded

– Europe’s economy was in ruins

• War damage was estimated around $338 billion


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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