BBC- Why did the Industrial revolution happen here?

In general, how did most people live before Industrial Revolution?

According to the author, what is the key that helps us to explain this revolution?

Until then, what was the main source of energy in Britain?

Why, at one point, did Britain need a new source of energy?

Was it difficult to access the coal in Britain? Why?

What caused the profit-seeking?

For what purpose was the first steam engine employed?

How was the situation of the scientific ideas in Britain in XVIII century?

Why is this period of time known as the Age of Reason?

How was the relationship between Matthew Boulton and James Watt?

What was the new space of work that Boulton and Watt created in Soho, Birmingham like?

Describe the British political system in the XVIII century.

And what relation did this fact have with the scientific and economic development of the country?

Why did scientific innovations in France have more difficulties to be successful?

Unlike the French and Spanish governments, British government spent most of his revenues on...

As the result of it, …


Thanks to the Royal Navy, Britain played a vital role in expanding the trade of the empire. This trade will bring goods from …

But in West Indians, all the wealth was created with a terrible human cost, which was this?

How were their living conditions ?

How many slaves were transported by the British across the Atlantic during the XVIII century?

As the wealth of the country increased, the middle class spread. What new custom will arrive from the East, and what it reveals about the new style of life (Josiah Wedgwood contributions)?


Who were responsible for maintaining the road system in the XVI and XVII centuries?

Parliament had to legislate to support trade, how did it do?

The next great advance in transport was..........................., the “…...................” of the XVIII Century.

About Harecastle tunnel, how long is it? how long did its construction take?, when was it finished?

In the year......... , the Great Exhibition shows, what kind of things did they bring from other countries?

And finally, what “special combination” made this huge transformation called Industrial Revolution be possible?

Could you link each one of these images with the film?

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